NT Essay: The level your mind is functioning at will determine your quality of life


Deleted member 16501

Dec 11, 2021
Up till very recently, I was in mental hell for about 9 years. I lost all vision and hope for my life, felt totally distrustful and resentful of people and therefore closed myself off from them, and was terrified of the world. I didn’t want to kill myself, but I didn’t want to live- I just wanted to exist.

As such, the state of my mind plummeted to just about as low as a human’s could go- at least for 3-4 years.

It was weird, because I was a reasonably happy person for the first 20 years of my life. I laughed a lot back then, was very much in the moment, jumped at opportunities no matter how scary they were, and literally everything seemed to work for me. Everything seemed to go right for me. Opportunities would just fall into my lap, people would just automatically like me. I had it all and I was happy.

Over the 9 years of hell, I lost all touch with this person that I was- I almost forgot he even existed, completely forgot what it felt like to be him. Now, I’m starting to become aware.

I’m gonna do an analogy with money and income, because it’s easy to compare. But this applies to every area of life, and generally your health, success and happiness. Let’s say there are levels to achievement:

Top/High level: Someone making $1 million plus a year

Medium to High level: Someone making $200k a year or slightly over

Average level: Someone making $70-110k a year or slightly over (at least this is average in Australia for my age)

Low to average level: Someone making $40-60k a year. They can juuuust pay their bills, but their life is pretty shit.

Low level: Someone just scraping by, dead end job, has constant money problems, really struggling, close to the bottom rung. $35k a year or less. May be on some benefits etc

Dreg level to low level: Someone almost in the underclass of society- “ghetto trash, trailer trash”, may have drug problems, may roll with a total deadbeat crowd, may be involved in some occasional crime (theft etc), but they’re not total vegetables. Can put in a shift every now and then, get a couple hundred dollars a week to scrape by.

Dreg level: Homeless person, junkie prostitute, beggar on the street, someone who sleeps on the street, someone in a psych ward permanently, someone in jail for life, or in and out of jail constantly. This person is a non-person. This person has failed completely at life. They have been totally unsuccessful.

Let’s compare the Average level to the dreg level. Both people are faced with stress from the world. Both people have to deal with the trials and tribulations of life.

But the average person has been able to eek out at least some life for himself, while the dreg has totally folded and been defeated by life.

What’s the difference? The difference is almost entirely on the level of thinking, the level of reacting to whatever situation that came. One person chose to deal with it as an adult, to keep in mind their ideal goal, be honest about the problem, listen to their deeper wisdom, take responsibility, and get through it.

The other person (Dreg) likely chose to escape with some form of addiction, to want to blank themselves out to it, to not have to deal with it- to blame others, live in a dream world…to stay a child. Do this for enough years, and you will end up in a situation that is so fucked you’re almost finished.

For 8-9 years, I spent the majority of my time in the Dreg situation or the Dreg-Low level one.

What that means is I gave up on my ideal dream and I ran from the issues facing me. I didn’t want to feel the pain, I didn’t want to be ‘uncomfortable’.

If it wasn’t for my rich parents’ money, I would have been homeless, in jail or at best working a dead end job making $25k a year most of the past 9 years, such was my level of thinking.

This is why when people say “being a normie is no better”, they are bullshitting. Those guys have mental discipline and ‘adulting’ skills that rotters on here haven’t even broached in their mind. They are far more equipped for the toughness of the world than a rotter is.

What to do now:

It’s interesting that on this site, we use the term ‘ascension’. Ascension has always been a term that men identify with. Ascension of the soul is what they speak about in religions- getting closer to God as you get older.

But in this chaotic, cut-throat, materialistic world, I’m not going to bullshit you with outer-worldly sermons.

We can’t all ascend to chad…and, no matter how high we get, the ageing process will eventually start descending us. This reality must be faced too.

So, what should be the point of your existence? At least one of its major themes?

To ascend up the ladder of how your mind and behaviour works.

To react to situations with greater proactiveness- never losing sight of your greater, compelling vison.

To not be overwhelmed by something bad that happens to you- even by something bad that SOMEONE does to you. The more masculine you get, the less anything- even the most dark, decrepit and evil things humans are capable of- should surprise you. Just deal with it in the best way you can, and dismiss it with a laugh.

To cut out the distraction and escapisms more and more; to face the reality of your life more and more, and do what needs to be done.

I have known what hell looks like, what the dreg level looks like. I’m genuinely excited by what my personality looks like when my mind and behaviour is functioning at a medium level and a high level.
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I agree. It mostly because of your brain. THe brain can fuck you up.
2018 was 8 years ago. Let that sink in
  • JFL
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, jeremyy and Deleted member 28610
I agree. It mostly because of your brain. THe brain can fuck you up.
NGL it was a really painful journey. I tried to get out of it for years, but couldn't do anything. I was deeply wounded at a deep subconscious level. Had to start dealing with that
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Good read. Please make more i appreciate ur work bhai
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False because looks more important than iq
Nice post, it surprises me some people here actually believe looks are everything.

Humans are 1.Interior and 2.exterior. In your 10s and 20s the exterior will be very important. Its all about appearance and how you act outside, how people perceive you. How you feel with yourself isn that valued because people dont understand themselves, everyone is confused. After that you NEED to have your interior well worked. You need to be able to handle situations, be happy and controlled. Its maturity. This equilibrium between the interior and the exterior is hard to achieve but its essential to life, even a disrupted life like nowadays.

In my particular case since im a kid i always looked very youngish and kinda feminine you can say. But in your theory i was very mature. Althought i played all the time and was very immature in a simplistic point of view, it was very hard to make me sad. I remember i would see people being sad with so little and ask to myself if something was wrong with me, to the point i started to try to feel bad about little things that i could easily not care to, simply to be normal. I still do that and theres pros and cons. The pros are there you have more to talk to people. People like to complain. The con is you are more unhappy.

The only problem i have with your text is the "Just deal with it in the best way you can". And thats the thing thats hard. Whats the best way to deal with a problem? Its to not care about? Or is it oto care a lot, make the person pay for what they have done and make sure this person dont keep doing this in society?

To give examples: in my case a doctor perfomed surgery wrong in me, as an adult, just to win money. He cut a piece of my body when it was not necessary. Should i just ignore it and keep with life since i cannot recover this piece? Or should i take him into court and spend money and time to make sure he doesnt do that to other people, or at least that he doesnt get away with it?
Other thing that happened with me was: A dentist places braces in me knowing that i didnt need to, just to win money. He recessed my maxilla. Made my teenagers years the worst possible. Made my teeth worst. Just to make money. Its the same question as the first.

Other example is: You are walking on the street with your girlfriend and a man touches her butt in your front. What do you do? Just ignores and keep walking, since you cannot go back on time, or try to fight him and put both you and your girlfriend in danger?

Those are not easy choices. If it was easy to know whats "the best you can you deal with something", everyone would do it.

But i like the idea of the text: Have a goal in life and act proactive to it. Cut out useless stuff that will bring no reward. Its a good overall tip.
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Reactions: autistic_tendencies, ellisadrian and Deleted member 16501
Another thing: The "goal of life" is something that we humans need but most of people goal nowadays are superficial. For our entire evolution our goal was to eat, survive and procreate other human being. Nowadays the goal of someone is to "win money". Its not natural. I dont know if this bring true happiness, and not only that: If its fair. As your own post said there are 5 levels before "high level" and "top level". 99% of people will have the average or worst lifes than our ancestrals, so 1% can have these 2 better lifes than our ancestrals. Its not fair, for me the goal of making this system more fair would be way more "heroic" and a really useful use of time. But it comes with a cost: A hard life, where you have no clear goal. WHere you will have tons of enemies. A world where people will hate you for trying to help them.

Have the goal of making money is the most simple. But i dont know if its the ideal.
Nice post, it surprises me some people here actually believe looks are everything.

Humans are 1.Interior and 2.exterior. In your 10s and 20s the exterior will be very important. Its all about appearance and how you act outside, how people perceive you. How you feel with yourself isn that valued because people dont understand themselves, everyone is confused. After that you NEED to have your interior well worked. You need to be able to handle situations, be happy and controlled. Its maturity. This equilibrium between the interior and the exterior is hard to achieve but its essential to life, even a disrupted life like nowadays.

In my particular case since im a kid i always looked very youngish and kinda feminine you can say. But in your theory i was very mature. Althought i played all the time and was very immature in a simplistic point of view, it was very hard to make me sad. I remember i would see people being sad with so little and ask to myself if something was wrong with me, to the point i started to try to feel bad about little things that i could easily not care to, simply to be normal. I still do that and theres pros and cons. The pros are there you have more to talk to people. People like to complain. The con is you are more unhappy.

Most mature thing I've read from anyone on the forum. I can tell you as a 34 year old man, THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT IS. You are not your external. It's very clear the older you get that you are your internal voice- whether you succeeded in making your voice a reality in the real world, determines your success

The only problem i have with your text is the "Just deal with it in the best way you can". And thats the thing thats hard. Whats the best way to deal with a problem? Its to not care about? Or is it oto care a lot, make the person pay for what they have done and make sure this person dont keep doing this in society?

To give examples: in my case a doctor perfomed surgery wrong in me, as an adult, just to win money. He cut a piece of my body when it was not necessary. Should i just ignore it and keep with life since i cannot recover this piece? Or should i take him into court and spend money and time to make sure he doesnt do that to other people, or at least that he doesnt get away with it?
Other thing that happened with me was: A dentist places braces in me knowing that i didnt need to, just to win money. He recessed my maxilla. Made my teenagers years the worst possible. Made my teeth worst. Just to make money. Its the same question as the first.

Ahhh, now here we get into the real existential questions of life, of masculinity. This is what really matters, rather than what most guys talk about here.

As you grow older, you not only have to become a better man....but you have to accept your dark side, accept that you are not some angel in this world, accept what you are REALLY feeling. Accept where you're at.

You have to defer to your own inner authority more and more, without apology. This will not make everyone happy, but you shouldn't give a fuck. You should first make yourself and your close people happy.

If you truly feel like you have to sue him, or both of them, then do it. Don't dishonour yourself and just let it slide, if you deep down want to take him to court. Whatever decision you make, have no apology for it, and go full speed ahead- ie if you don't want to sue him, just move on and deal with your surgery aftermath as well as you can.

Other example is: You are walking on the street with your girlfriend and a man touches her butt in your front. What do you do? Just ignores and keep walking, since you cannot go back on time, or try to fight him and put both you and your girlfriend in danger?

Another question that depends on who you are. In my case, I can't fight but I can intimidate. I'd probably walk towards him with a mean, violent look, but be ready to call the cops if anything happens.

What you want to do as you grow older, is kill the filter in your mind. Start reacting with insinct rather than analysis. A man who is in his body, his instinct is a threat to other men. Other men tend to pick up on this and leave him alone.

Too many men overanalyze small situations these days.
Another thing: The "goal of life" is something that we humans need but most of people goal nowadays are superficial. For our entire evolution our goal was to eat, survive and procreate other human being. Nowadays the goal of someone is to "win money". Its not natural. I dont know if this bring true happiness, and not only that: If its fair. As your own post said there are 5 levels before "high level" and "top level". 99% of people will have the average or worst lifes than our ancestrals, so 1% can have these 2 better lifes than our ancestrals. Its not fair, for me the goal of making this system more fair would be way more "heroic" and a really useful use of time. But it comes with a cost: A hard life, where you have no clear goal. WHere you will have tons of enemies. A world where people will hate you for trying to help them.

Have the goal of making money is the most simple. But i dont know if its the ideal.

All higher men have been unsatisfied with goals in the physical world

every culture in history had a worship of Gods, a spiritual element

there is even evidence that the ancient Neanderthals believed in a higher being- they buried their dead with religious trinkets

Goal is ascension of the soul, of the mind. That usually naturally produces better results in the physical world

But I just used money as an example
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False because looks more important than iq
Its your mind. I seen dosen of ethnics mtn or ltn with white mtn ot HTB. If you have great social skills. You will success. Good looking guys does not get any pussy if they suffer from shit social skills.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16501
Its your mind. I seen dosen of ethnics mtn or ltn with white mtn ot HTB. If you have great social skills. You will success. Good looking guys does not get any pussy if they suffer from shit social skills.
Anecdotal evidence Bluepill fuck off back to Reddit
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This is a good essay.
Up till very recently, I was in mental hell for about 9 years. I lost all vision and hope for my life, felt totally distrustful and resentful of people and therefore closed myself off from them, and was terrified of the world. I didn’t want to kill myself, but I didn’t want to live- I just wanted to exist.

As such, the state of my mind plummeted to just about as low as a human’s could go- at least for 3-4 years.

It was weird, because I was a reasonably happy person for the first 20 years of my life. I laughed a lot back then, was very much in the moment, jumped at opportunities no matter how scary they were, and literally everything seemed to work for me. Everything seemed to go right for me. Opportunities would just fall into my lap, people would just automatically like me. I had it all and I was happy.

Over the 9 years of hell, I lost all touch with this person that I was- I almost forgot he even existed, completely forgot what it felt like to be him. Now, I’m starting to become aware.

I’m gonna do an analogy with money and income, because it’s easy to compare. But this applies to every area of life, and generally your health, success and happiness. Let’s say there are levels to achievement:

Top/High level: Someone making $1 million plus a year

Medium to High level: Someone making $200k a year or slightly over

Average level: Someone making $70-110k a year or slightly over (at least this is average in Australia for my age)

Low to average level: Someone making $40-60k a year. They can juuuust pay their bills, but their life is pretty shit.

Low level: Someone just scraping by, dead end job, has constant money problems, really struggling, close to the bottom rung. $35k a year or less. May be on some benefits etc

Dreg level to low level: Someone almost in the underclass of society- “ghetto trash, trailer trash”, may have drug problems, may roll with a total deadbeat crowd, may be involved in some occasional crime (theft etc), but they’re not total vegetables. Can put in a shift every now and then, get a couple hundred dollars a week to scrape by.

Dreg level: Homeless person, junkie prostitute, beggar on the street, someone who sleeps on the street, someone in a psych ward permanently, someone in jail for life, or in and out of jail constantly. This person is a non-person. This person has failed completely at life. They have been totally unsuccessful.

Let’s compare the Average level to the dreg level. Both people are faced with stress from the world. Both people have to deal with the trials and tribulations of life.

But the average person has been able to eek out at least some life for himself, while the dreg has totally folded and been defeated by life.

What’s the difference? The difference is almost entirely on the level of thinking, the level of reacting to whatever situation that came. One person chose to deal with it as an adult, to keep in mind their ideal goal, be honest about the problem, listen to their deeper wisdom, take responsibility, and get through it.

The other person (Dreg) likely chose to escape with some form of addiction, to want to blank themselves out to it, to not have to deal with it- to blame others, live in a dream world…to stay a child. Do this for enough years, and you will end up in a situation that is so fucked you’re almost finished.

For 8-9 years, I spent the majority of my time in the Dreg situation or the Dreg-Low level one.

What that means is I gave up on my ideal dream and I ran from the issues facing me. I didn’t want to feel the pain, I didn’t want to be ‘uncomfortable’.

If it wasn’t for my rich parents’ money, I would have been homeless, in jail or at best working a dead end job making $25k a year most of the past 9 years, such was my level of thinking.

This is why when people say “being a normie is no better”, they are bullshitting. Those guys have mental discipline and ‘adulting’ skills that rotters on here haven’t even broached in their mind. They are far more equipped for the toughness of the world than a rotter is.

What to do now:

It’s interesting that on this site, we use the term ‘ascension’. Ascension has always been a term that men identify with. Ascension of the soul is what they speak about in religions- getting closer to God as you get older.

But in this chaotic, cut-throat, materialistic world, I’m not going to bullshit you with outer-worldly sermons.

We can’t all ascend to chad…and, no matter how high we get, the ageing process will eventually start descending us. This reality must be faced too.

So, what should be the point of your existence? At least one of its major themes?

To ascend up the ladder of how your mind and behaviour works.

To react to situations with greater proactiveness- never losing sight of your greater, compelling vison.

To not be overwhelmed by something bad that happens to you- even by something bad that SOMEONE does to you. The more masculine you get, the less anything- even the most dark, decrepit and evil things humans are capable of- should surprise you. Just deal with it in the best way you can, and dismiss it with a laugh.

To cut out the distraction and escapisms more and more; to face the reality of your life more and more, and do what needs to be done.

I have known what hell looks like, what the dreg level looks like. I’m genuinely excited by what my personality looks like when my mind and behaviour is functioning at a medium level and a high level.
Cool thread, what is your life like now?
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Cool thread, what is your life like now?
Huge improvements made mentally the past few months- A lot of happiness and positivity that I didn't feel for 9 years

Interactions with people more positive- better conversations etc

Look decent, career still the same (working for parents)

Still not sure what to do with the future- I want to be location independent and travel, but haven't pinpointed anything yet
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