NT is the biggest cope ever

6’3 MTN Cutecel

6’3 MTN Cutecel

Hardcore blackpilled
Jul 20, 2024
Not sure if people talk about it here anymore but when i was lurking people always said it’s ‘law’
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  • JFL
Reactions: Kazey, pprimus43, watah and 12 others
When did you last leave your basement?
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  • JFL
Reactions: bakpaokukus, Aviddegree40571, InanimatePragmatist and 8 others
NT or death law
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Reactions: bakpaokukus, Kazey, Tusseleif and 5 others
When did you last leave your basement?
I leave the house every day to go shopping. If you’re attractive you get away with acting however you like
Being weird sometimes doesn't hurt, being outcasts does.
In the short term especially, some weird traits are even positive, and in general, females appreciate some diversity when socially supported
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  • JFL
Reactions: nonntfreak, AllahIsSaviour and 6’3 MTN Cutecel
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  • JFL
Reactions: bakpaokukus, They_are_all_whores and 6’3 MTN Cutecel
I leave the house every day to go shopping. If you’re attractive you get away with acting however you like
exactly, another outcasted loser. When was the last time you were invited to a party?
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Reactions: darkpiller40, nonntfreak and They_are_all_whores
it is law simply due to the fact that most people are already NT, so if you have mental problems you are part of a small minority and this hinders you in every area of life
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NTness is important
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looks forever
exactly, another outcasted loser. When was the last time you were invited to a party?
i hardly go outside but i look better than most the slaves of today. To answer your question, i got invited clubbing 2 weeks ago but made an excuse not to go, and partying was new years
another shitskin basement dweller cope
I think you’d be quite surprised if you saw my face im white and look bearable frauded. I will not listen to anything you say since you’re bluepilled and somehow deny nature
NT or death lmao
  • +1
Reactions: nonntfreak
I think you’d be quite surprised if you saw my face im white and look bearable frauded. I will not listen to anything you say since you’re bluepilled and somehow deny nature
"Nature" is not some faggot who calls himself a "cutecel" getting down on his knees for Chad while most women are getting fucked by subhumans.
If women were half as gay for le Chadderino as the average pajeet on these forums we'd be totally fucked. Luckily it's not the case. It's almost insulting seeing what kind of genetic trash they actually fuck.
  • JFL
Reactions: watah and 6’3 MTN Cutecel
i hardly go outside but i look better than most the slaves of today. To answer your question, i got invited clubbing 2 weeks ago but made an excuse not to go, and partying was new years
exactly, faggot rotter writing fanfics about Chad's cock on incel forums. Average NT denier lmao
  • JFL
Reactions: 6’3 MTN Cutecel
I leave the house every day to go shopping. If you’re attractive you get away with acting however you like
If you are below chadlite, you need a good social circle. You can’t afford acting like an autist introvert. Below 18, not having social relationships = mentally undeveloped. Also no one is going to approach u.
  • +1
Reactions: nonntfreak
If you are below chadlite, you need a good social circle. You can’t afford acting like an autist introvert. Below 18, not having social relationships = mentally undeveloped. Also no one is going to approach u.
I got approached by a girl and recently and i don’t look good. she looked bad but my point is that if a guy actually looks good it doesn’t matter how he acts, he’ll get approached by many or at least IOI
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exactly, faggot rotter writing fanfics about Chad's cock on incel forums. Average NT denier lmao
Why are you here if you’re NT? Haha Gotcha buddy
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Wexilarious, JackSmith07 and They_are_all_whores
Why are you here if you’re NT? Haha Gotcha buddy
I'm clearly not, you dumb fucking nigger.
How are people here so fucking stupid?
end yourself
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: William Anderson, They_are_all_whores and 6’3 MTN Cutecel
I'm clearly not, you dumb fucking nigger.
How are people here so fucking stupid?
end yourself
I mog you to death keep coping. You seem infuriated due to the tough life experiences you’ve faced. Fun fact, all of them are due to your unattractive face

Have a good one :)
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Wexilarious and They_are_all_whores
I mog you to death keep coping. You seem infuriated due to the tough life experiences you’ve faced. Fun fact, all of them are due to your unattractive face

Have a good one :)
you don't mog shit lol, keep coping. If you really were a 6'3 MTN like you say you'd be slaying. You're an autistic ugly faggot and you should do your parents a favour and off yourself.
  • +1
Reactions: William Anderson
you don't mog shit lol, keep coping. If you really were a 6'3 MTN like you say you'd be slaying. You're an autistic ugly faggot and you should do your parents a favour and off yourself.
“slaying” haha you detached retard

I mog you hard and would bet on it

Your pathetic comments highlight how unhealthy and hideous you are

I believe you are projecting hard, you are the ugly one and it is very unfortunate

I hope that no woman ends up with you trash
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“slaying” haha you detached retard

I mog you hard and would bet on it

Your pathetic comments highlight how unhealthy and hideous you are

I believe you are projecting hard, you are the ugly one and it is very unfortunate

I hope that no woman ends up with you trash
keep coping subhuman, anyone getting down on their knees for le Chadderino is a subhuman. You're no exception. End yourself.
  • +1
Reactions: William Anderson and They_are_all_whores
keep coping subhuman, anyone getting down on their knees for le Chadderino is a subhuman. You're no exception. End yourself.
Oh am i not an exception? That is unfortunate

No one is doing that lol, it’s easy to recognise that attractive people live a better life, are healthier, and have literally everything on their side. Not to mention, they reproduce with an attractive partner (their looksmatch) and create good looking healthy children. They can only be affected by trauma (rare outlier case)

You are a subhuman coper. I don’t expect you to ever wake up brainwashed slave
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Reactions: They_are_all_whores
Oh am i not an exception? That is unfortunate

No one is doing that lol, it’s easy to recognise that attractive people live a better life, are healthier, and have literally everything on their side. Not to mention, they reproduce with an attractive partner (their looksmatch) and create good looking healthy children. They can only be affected by trauma (rare outlier case)

You are a subhuman coper. I don’t expect you to ever wake up brainwashed slave

Outside of autism forums most people live normal lives. Normal people date normal people. No one goes around measuring gonial angles like autistic pajeet kids on incel forums do. You're an unlikeable autist. That's why you're here. If you were normal you wouldn't be glazing so hard when in reality foids fuck subhumans like this
  • JFL
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Reactions: William Anderson and They_are_all_whores
  • JFL
Reactions: AllahIsSaviour
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Reactions: 6’3 MTN Cutecel and They_are_all_whores
true, NT-ness doesnt matter jack shit if PSL6.5+.
6psl is a solid Chad. You can probably count on one hand the amount of 6+ psl guys you've seen in the past year. Another assburger thinking in extremes lol.

It's always the biggest autistic basement dwelling faggots who are NT deniers
  • +1
Reactions: nonntfreak and William Anderson
I mog you to death keep coping. You seem infuriated due to the tough life experiences you’ve faced. Fun fact, all of them are due to your unattractive face

Have a good one :)
Then why is there plenty of much uglier men than us who fuck hot girls while you type schizo babble on an incel forum? If it’s all due to le face
  • +1
Reactions: nonntfreak and AllahIsSaviour
6psl is a solid Chad.
7psl is chad, 6 is CL.
You can probably count on one hand the amount of 6+ psl guys you've seen in the past year.
Another assburger thinking in extremes lol.
what does assburger even mean?
It's always the biggest autistic basement dwelling faggots who are NT deniers
NT is not law and you know nothing about me. @Volksstaffel @Jonas2k7 respectloos man.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Jonas2k7 and Volksstaffel
7psl is chad, 6 is CL.


what does assburger even mean?

NT is not law and you know nothing about me. @Volksstaffel @Jonas2k7 respectloos man.
this fucking dumb nigger has rotted 10,000 posts here and he still doesn't know how to rate kek

6psl = Chad. It always has been.
Fucking mong.
  • +1
Reactions: William Anderson
this fucking dumb nigger has rotted 10,000 posts here and he still doesn't know how to rate kek

6psl = Chad. It always has been.
Fucking mong.
what would you know about it jfl. is 6PSL CL or C @lestoa @motiascension @Numb The Pain @Orc @not__cel ?
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain and not__cel
Being weird sometimes doesn't hurt, being outcasts does.
In the short term especially, some weird traits are even positive, and in general, females appreciate some diversity when socially supported
Many girls like “weird”, makes you less boring than the average person.
  • +1
Reactions: Darkeningstar
what would you know about it jfl. is 6PSL CL or C @lestoa @motiascension @Numb The Pain @Orc @not__cel ?
6psl = Chad. It has been this way since Lookism days.
10,000 posts and you don't know this. The IQ levels from newgens are just unbelievable.
anyone who denies nt isnt law just lacks lookism in general.
Looks only get you so far, they get you in the door. If your personality is shit nothing will lead anywhere long term.
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  • +1
Reactions: William Anderson, AllahIsSaviour and PsychoH
Looks only get you so far, they get you in the door, if your personality is shit nothing will lead anywhere long term.
still need the key to be able to proceed.
  • JFL
Reactions: AllahIsSaviour
You’re born in 2010. Nothing else has to be said you fucking spastic
View attachment 3523794

@AllahIsSaviour we’re getting hindupillers born after we hit puberty now

topkek. Foids fuck anything but this is especially true in their teen years. This lil nigger's oneitis is getting fucked by some boneless twink while he writes cope posts about bones on incel forums
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Reactions: William Anderson

Then why is there plenty of much uglier men than us who fuck hot girls while you type schizo babble on an incel forum? If it’s all due to le face
having sex just for the sake of it doesn’t mean anything though, it has no value

reproducing is what matters, and to be with an attractive woman and have children with her you have to look good yourself.
Im HTN mentalcel
topkek. Foids fuck anything but this is especially true in their teen years. This lil nigger's oneitis is getting fucked by some boneless twink while he writes cope posts about bones on incel forums
They can argue that foids fuck htns when they’re 25+, seeing as the most looks matched couples are mid to late 20s, but teen couples are the exact opposite

Seeing as he’s 14 his crush is prob getting railed by a 50kg deformed banana skull mutant
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having sex just for the sake of it doesn’t mean anything though, it has no value

reproducing is what matters, and to be with an attractive woman and have children with her you have to look good yourself.
One look at my own parents says the opposite lol
Why wanna reproduce so much anyway?
Breeders are a cult
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