NT pill deniers = foid worshippers



biggest rotter on the internet
Aug 5, 2023
Nt pill denial just all ends up being a cope about muh ur ugly and not attractive to women. Yea bro totally the definition of things like autism, schizophrenia, adhd, OCD, etc all boil down to u supposedly being ugly & not getting pussy.

Yea I was diagnosed (ASD + adhd) at 8 because I wasn’t muh getting pussy at 8 according to retard NTfags who make this point.

I don’t base NT around women I base it around life. No muh non NT isn’t just bad social skills it’s also sensory issues, hyperfixations, shit executive skills which is needed for everything in life, hyperactivity, etc.

I don’t deny looks mattering the most for stuff like sex or attracting women. But absolute CAGE if you think basement rotting aspie NEETs are going to be able to LTR a foid. The Muh chad autist hypothetical is also stupid because I don’t know any HTNs+ who were autistic or let alone people who had what I had. Nor do I know any Chad or slayer who fucking rotted lmfwo. Lol they were all giga athletic, academic or gaming nerds, active social life & or multi skilled JFL.

But absolute cage at NTFAGS who use this example to debunk the nt pill

Lol if you think this doesn’t prove it. Literal Sean O Pry lookalike who’s retarded so instead of slaying he rots in his couch and probably doesn’t have the mental capacity to have sex because he’s legit retarded :lul:

Anyways I’m a rotter so my focus is not on ascension as I don’t care. Inceldom isn’t an uncommon issue I knew plenty irl and never out of my place for my case. I was around plenty of Normie KHV/KV Incels Irl but I did feel like an outsider because I was non NT. My issues are far greater than a muh gf.

Deluded cope to think fucking some girls will make u happy if you’re a loser with no accomplishments. The goal is to be a talented skilled high achiever mogger with bragging rights to his name. My issues will not be solved with a foid and the only people who rot on these forums are those who are non NT or have giga shit lives.

Average incel does not rot here (especially pre tiktok era) they all have social lives, studycel, play sports or do something with their lives.


Autistic and ugly = incel but will rot as a neet and not have a social life
NT and ugly = incel but will not rot on incel forums and career maxx/have social life/etc

Multi skilled + successful mogs whether incel or not incel

@Pikabro @Xtra @douche
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Reactions: greycel, Immolati, denthegodking and 31 others
read every molecule also shoot niggers
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Good thread, NT deniers need to be buried alive and left to die
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  • JFL
Reactions: denthegodking, Aero, 6′2 still over and 12 others
Nt pill denial just all ends up being a cope about muh ur ugly and not attractive to women. Yea bro totally the definition of things like autism, schizophrenia, adhd, OCD, etc all boil down to u supposedly being ugly & not getting pussy.

Yea I was diagnosed (ASD + adhd) at 8 because I wasn’t muh getting pussy at 8 according to retard NTfags who make this point.

I don’t base NT around women I base it around life. No muh non NT isn’t just bad social skills it’s also sensory issues, hyperfixations, shit executive skills which is needed for everything in life, hyperactivity, etc.

I don’t deny looks mattering the most for stuff like sex or attracting women. But absolute CAGE if you think basement rotting aspie NEETs are going to be able to LTR a foid. The Muh chad autist hypothetical is also stupid because I don’t know any HTNs+ who were autistic or let alone people who had what I had. Nor do I know any Chad or slayer who fucking rotted lmfwo. Lol they were all giga athletic, academic or gaming nerds, active social life & or multi skilled JFL.

But absolute cage at NTFAGS who use this example to debunk the nt pill

Lol if you think this doesn’t prove it. Literal Sean O Pry lookalike who’s retarded so instead of slaying he rots in his couch and probably doesn’t have the mental capacity to have sex because he’s legit retarded :lul:

Anyways I’m a rotter so my focus is not on ascension as I don’t care. Inceldom isn’t an uncommon issue I knew plenty irl and never out of my place for my case. I was around plenty of Normie KHV/KV Incels Irl but I did feel like an outsider because I was non NT. My issues are far greater than a muh gf.

Deluded cope to think fucking some girls will make u happy if you’re a loser with no accomplishments. The goal is to be a talented skilled high achiever mogger with bragging rights to his name. My issues will not be solved with a foid and the only people who rot on these forums are those who are non NT or have giga shit lives.

Average incel does not rot here (especially pre tiktok era) they all have social lives, studycel, play sports or do something with their lives.


Autistic and ugly = incel but will rot as a neet and not have a social life
NT and ugly = incel but will not rot on incel forums and career maxx/have social life/etc

Multi skilled + successful mogs whether incel or not incel

@Pikabro @Xtra @douche

Alot people look down on nt and status when its litterally half of your smv
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I don't have a social circle, I can't approach people and be accepted they won't care about my presence. I see pretty girls around other groups of girls and guys and I cannot approach, even if I get close to the girl how I'm supposed to be involved in her social circle? I cannot live as a mysterious guy, men who call themselves sygma males are stupid. Is not in my power to get pussy, can I do something about it?
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Reactions: denthegodking, Lebron_James, hopecel and 3 others
Denying the NTpill is likely just a cope non nt basement dwellers in denial tell themselves in hope they can 'ascend' by inserting several pieces of silicone dildo implants under their skin.

You can just tell they have absolutely no irl life experience because they keep repeating muh blackpilled dogma, but their entire outlook is so foreseeable and pure denial of their absolute dire situation.
  • +1
Reactions: ElTruecel and Xtra
No one here has legit autism or schizophrenia

NT here, meaning not socially awkward, not actually neurotypical, is important but not as important as not having autism
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Nt pill denial just all ends up being a cope about muh ur ugly and not attractive to women. Yea bro totally the definition of things like autism, schizophrenia, adhd, OCD, etc all boil down to u supposedly being ugly & not getting pussy.

Yea I was diagnosed (ASD + adhd) at 8 because I wasn’t muh getting pussy at 8 according to retard NTfags who make this point.

I don’t base NT around women I base it around life. No muh non NT isn’t just bad social skills it’s also sensory issues, hyperfixations, shit executive skills which is needed for everything in life, hyperactivity, etc.

I don’t deny looks mattering the most for stuff like sex or attracting women. But absolute CAGE if you think basement rotting aspie NEETs are going to be able to LTR a foid. The Muh chad autist hypothetical is also stupid because I don’t know any HTNs+ who were autistic or let alone people who had what I had. Nor do I know any Chad or slayer who fucking rotted lmfwo. Lol they were all giga athletic, academic or gaming nerds, active social life & or multi skilled JFL.

But absolute cage at NTFAGS who use this example to debunk the nt pill

Lol if you think this doesn’t prove it. Literal Sean O Pry lookalike who’s retarded so instead of slaying he rots in his couch and probably doesn’t have the mental capacity to have sex because he’s legit retarded :lul:

Anyways I’m a rotter so my focus is not on ascension as I don’t care. Inceldom isn’t an uncommon issue I knew plenty irl and never out of my place for my case. I was around plenty of Normie KHV/KV Incels Irl but I did feel like an outsider because I was non NT. My issues are far greater than a muh gf.

Deluded cope to think fucking some girls will make u happy if you’re a loser with no accomplishments. The goal is to be a talented skilled high achiever mogger with bragging rights to his name. My issues will not be solved with a foid and the only people who rot on these forums are those who are non NT or have giga shit lives.

Average incel does not rot here (especially pre tiktok era) they all have social lives, studycel, play sports or do something with their lives.


Autistic and ugly = incel but will rot as a neet and not have a social life
NT and ugly = incel but will not rot on incel forums and career maxx/have social life/etc

Multi skilled + successful mogs whether incel or not incel

@Pikabro @Xtra @douche

high iq post
NTpill deniers should be shot in the back of the head and kicked into a ditch
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Reactions: denthegodking, ElTruecel and Xtra
High iq post
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Reactions: denthegodking, ElTruecel and HitAndRun
Nt pill denial just all ends up being a cope about muh ur ugly and not attractive to women. Yea bro totally the definition of things like autism, schizophrenia, adhd, OCD, etc all boil down to u supposedly being ugly & not getting pussy.

Yea I was diagnosed (ASD + adhd) at 8 because I wasn’t muh getting pussy at 8 according to retard NTfags who make this point.

I don’t base NT around women I base it around life. No muh non NT isn’t just bad social skills it’s also sensory issues, hyperfixations, shit executive skills which is needed for everything in life, hyperactivity, etc.

I don’t deny looks mattering the most for stuff like sex or attracting women. But absolute CAGE if you think basement rotting aspie NEETs are going to be able to LTR a foid. The Muh chad autist hypothetical is also stupid because I don’t know any HTNs+ who were autistic or let alone people who had what I had. Nor do I know any Chad or slayer who fucking rotted lmfwo. Lol they were all giga athletic, academic or gaming nerds, active social life & or multi skilled JFL.

But absolute cage at NTFAGS who use this example to debunk the nt pill

Lol if you think this doesn’t prove it. Literal Sean O Pry lookalike who’s retarded so instead of slaying he rots in his couch and probably doesn’t have the mental capacity to have sex because he’s legit retarded :lul:

Anyways I’m a rotter so my focus is not on ascension as I don’t care. Inceldom isn’t an uncommon issue I knew plenty irl and never out of my place for my case. I was around plenty of Normie KHV/KV Incels Irl but I did feel like an outsider because I was non NT. My issues are far greater than a muh gf.

Deluded cope to think fucking some girls will make u happy if you’re a loser with no accomplishments. The goal is to be a talented skilled high achiever mogger with bragging rights to his name. My issues will not be solved with a foid and the only people who rot on these forums are those who are non NT or have giga shit lives.

Average incel does not rot here (especially pre tiktok era) they all have social lives, studycel, play sports or do something with their lives.


Autistic and ugly = incel but will rot as a neet and not have a social life
NT and ugly = incel but will not rot on incel forums and career maxx/have social life/etc

Multi skilled + successful mogs whether incel or not incel

@Pikabro @Xtra @douche

Good thread, NT deniers need to be buried alive and left to die
Denying the NTpill is likely just a cope non nt basement dwellers in denial tell themselves in hope they can 'ascend' by inserting several pieces of silicone dildo implants under their skin.

You can just tell they have absolutely no irl life experience because they keep repeating muh blackpilled dogma, but their entire outlook is so foreseeable and pure denial of their absolute dire situation.
high iq post
NTpill deniers should be shot in the back of the head and kicked into a ditch
what NT deniers don't understand is that it's all about probability. the probability of an ugly NT guy getting girls is 1000x higher than any non NT male, same goes for the probability of not being fucked in the head, or having a decent social life, or having any hobbies besides games and rotting on forums, or just simply not being demotivated/depressed

as you said NT denial is straight up foid worship, it's like saying "you are ugly and all women see you as disgusting and you blame that on non NT" meanwhile i know plenty of retards who are uglier than this whole site but managed to find partners just because they weren't non NTs, a few of them i posted on this website
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No one here has legit autism or schizophrenia

3986876 meds
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NT is a normie thing. Chads and sub5s are unaffected by how NT they are. Non NT ness is mostly a mental and internal self limitation caused by past trauma or it’s a genetic disorder. There’s a lot of self sabotage involved.
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I improved my body - it didn't work.

I improved my looks - it didn't work.

I tried to "NTmax" - it didn't work.

I tried to learn "game" - it didn't work.

I careermaxxed and earned money - it didn't work.

I tried to darktriadmaxx - it didn't work.

I tried to confidencemaxx - it didn't work.

Nothing that I tried worked.

It's over.
  • JFL
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Reactions: itsherlossNVM, denthegodking, copemaxxeer and 1 other person
NT is Coooooooooope
what NT deniers don't understand is that it's all about probability. the probability of an ugly NT guy getting girls is 1000x higher than any non NT male,
and the probability of an ugly NT getting foids is 1000x lower than a chad (NT OR NOT COPE HARDER FAG)
muh if youre a ltn just be nt brah
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NT is Coooooooooope

and the probability of an ugly NT getting foids is 1000x lower than a chad (NT OR NOT COPE HARDER FAG)
muh if youre a ltn just be nt brah
its not 1000x lower seeing as a chad tier man is very rare, even a chadlite is rarer than this forum makes it out to be. an ugly NT man is not rare, there are plenty of them outside just like there are plenty of average looking guys
fucking finally someone understands NT and dosent automatically included some off-chance outlier, similar to a whitepill thread I wrote.
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that's amnesia in the vid
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Big cope

NT and Adhd do not exist in this way you think these do

Autism is legit like 1% of society and they rot in clinics not post on org

Adhd does not exist also. You have wrong dopamine pathways due to goyslop, social media, gaming, music etc + forcing yourself to being a slave. If you use dopamine as a neurotransmitter of motivation and you start to enjoy with your work instead of pushing yourself into wageslaving and thinking dopamine is a reward you will cure your adhd
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anybody who says NT is cope is literally too dumb to argue with.
  • +1
Reactions: denthegodking
Yea bro totally the definition of things like autism, schizophrenia, adhd, OCD, etc all boil down to u supposedly being ugly & not getting pussy.
noone here has any autism. we are just miserable cuz girls dont want us
Just ignore the NT pill deniers. Everyone knows it matters to some degree. It can be debated by how much but those who say it’s irrelevant are just shitposting.
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Reactions: ElTruecel and Deleted member 23558
Big cope

NT and Adhd do not exist in this way you think these do

Autism is legit like 1% of society and they rot in clinics not post on org

Adhd does not exist also. You have wrong dopamine pathways due to goyslop, social media, gaming, music etc + forcing yourself to being a slave. If you use dopamine as a neurotransmitter of motivation and you start to enjoy with your work instead of pushing yourself into wageslaving and thinking dopamine is a reward you will cure your adhd
Very few people here have legit autism, and you can recognize them from their posts.
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No one here has legit autism or schizophrenia

NT here, meaning not socially awkward, not actually neurotypical, is important but not as important as not having autism
Lol? I legit made a thread on how many legit schizos were on this forum.
noone here has any autism. we are just miserable cuz girls dont want us
You clearly didn’t read the post at all and u proved my point on being a foid worshipper.

I’m not saying looks don’t matter bud but an increase autist will be a rotting NEET while an incel ntfag will have a career & social life. I know plenty of Incels irl it’s not uncommon yet they all didn’t care because they were ntfags.

Also ok lol how the fuck would I get diagnosed with ASD at 8? Yea bro the doctors diagnosed me with autism at 8 years old because I didn’t get pussy :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh: I got re tested multiple times each couple years after btw.

Also no gf will fix serious issues i have or automatically make me happy that’s cope
Very few people here have legit autism, and you can recognize them from their posts.
That’s because this forum is filled with Zoomer ntfags.
Big cope

NT and Adhd do not exist in this way you think these do

Autism is legit like 1% of society and they rot in clinics not post on org

Adhd does not exist also. You have wrong dopamine pathways due to goyslop, social media, gaming, music etc + forcing yourself to being a slave. If you use dopamine as a neurotransmitter of motivation and you start to enjoy with your work instead of pushing yourself into wageslaving and thinking dopamine is a reward you will cure your adhd
I was diagnosed with these issues at 8 years old. Also no I was legit hyperactive like far more than any other child and used to be a giga spastic in terms of behavior compared to other kids. AND NO I WAS NOT CHRONICALLY ONLINE AT 8! I went outside more than anybody on this forum

I was obsessed with grabbing literal small animals / insects and used to bring some to my house

I got diagnosed at 8 years old I definitely have both of these. But not severe enough to put me in special Ed but I was a non NT sperg who went to an academic school full of high achieving NTfags.

Plenty of those ntfags were Incels but did not care since they had an active social life or study celled / gaming maxxed hard.
Lol? I legit made a thread on how many legit schizos were on this forum.

You clearly didn’t read the post at all and u proved my point on being a foid worshipper.

I’m not saying looks don’t matter bud but an increase autist will be a rotting NEET while an incel ntfag will have a career & social life. I know plenty of Incels irl it’s not uncommon yet they all didn’t care because they were ntfags.

Also ok lol how the fuck would I get diagnosed with ASD at 8? Yea bro the doctors diagnosed me with autism at 8 years old because I didn’t get pussy :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh: I got re tested multiple times each couple years after btw.

Also no gf will fix serious issues i have or automatically make me happy that’s cope

That’s because this forum is filled with Zoomer ntfags.

I was diagnosed with these issues at 8 years old. Also no I was legit hyperactive like far more than any other child and used to be a giga spastic in terms of behavior compared to other kids. AND NO I WAS NOT CHRONICALLY ONLINE AT 8! I went outside more than anybody on this forum

I was obsessed with grabbing literal small animals / insects and used to bring some to my house

I got diagnosed at 8 years old I definitely have both of these. But not severe enough to put me in special Ed but I was a non NT sperg who went to an academic school full of high achieving NTfags.

Plenty of those ntfags were Incels but did not care since they had an active social life or study celled / gaming maxxed hard.
Did you finish uni degree?
Did you have a social circle when growing up and during teenage years/high school? Ever went to a club?
Why are you mentioning video games, did you play them? What does autism got to do with video games?
Could you describe your issues more in detail, if you don't mind?
Did you finish uni degree?
I turned 19 a few months ago. I don’t do anything and yea I have some shit for disability but it barely does anything especially with how shit my time management, work ethic, etc is.
Did you have a social circle when growing up and during teenage years/high school?
Sure ig
Ever went to a club?
? Wdym
Why are you mentioning video games, did you play them? What does autism got to do with video games?
I’m one of the few guys on the planet who doesn’t play vidya
Could you describe your issues more in detail, if you don't mind?
Outside of bad social skills. I have bad sensory issues aka I gag a lot and have had this issue for years (it’s why I’m underweight), hyperfixations, shit organizational skills like the worst possible, maladaptive daydreaming, extremely low attention span, etc.
  • +1
Reactions: XtrovertNTnormalfag
Denying the NTpill is likely just a cope non nt basement dwellers in denial tell themselves in hope they can 'ascend' by inserting several pieces of silicone dildo implants under their skin.

You can just tell they have absolutely no irl life experience because they keep repeating muh blackpilled dogma, but their entire outlook is so foreseeable and pure denial of their absolute dire situation.
you are a fucking retard, maybe if you actually experienced the change of your looks instead of being a faggot to make urself think doing something wont matter anyway because u are "muh non nt" u would realize how ridicously worthless this is, being nt is only a compensating mechanism for sub chads. i can guarantee you u could do whatever the fuck you wanted, the most non nt stupid shit ever and still slay because it does not matter.
but i guess you cant possibly know this because you are living in a completly different world to someone who actually looks good
you are a fucking retard, maybe if you actually experienced the change of your looks instead of being a faggot to make urself think doing something wont matter anyway because u are "muh non nt" u would realize how ridicously worthless this is, being nt is only a compensating mechanism for sub chads. i can guarantee you u could do whatever the fuck you wanted, the most non nt stupid shit ever and still slay because it does not matter.
but i guess you cant possibly know this because you are living in a completly different world to someone who actually looks good
you reek of autism

im also guessing you have 0 life or dating experience lmao and youre talking about slaying kys

hahah dumb faggots when someone denies their coping mechanism, what a bluepilled cuck forum
you sound super non nt and weird welcome to ignore also
you sound super non nt and weird welcome to ignore also
hahahah shouldnt i be the one coping with nt then u utter fucking moron? hahahah what a fucking idiot
you are a fucking retard, maybe if you actually experienced the change of your looks instead of being a faggot to make urself think doing something wont matter anyway because u are "muh non nt" u would realize how ridicously worthless this is, being nt is only a compensating mechanism for sub chads. i can guarantee you u could do whatever the fuck you wanted, the most non nt stupid shit ever and still slay because it does not matter.
but i guess you cant possibly know this because you are living in a completly different world to someone who actually looks good
you say “sub chad” as if chads are common, an actual chad tier man is rare. maybe it doesn’t matter as much for chads, but for subhumans, avg looking guys, somewhat above average guys, nt level will determine how their life goes
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean
you say “sub chad” as if chads are common, an actual chad tier man is rare. maybe it doesn’t matter as much for chads, but for subhumans, avg looking guys, somewhat above average guys, nt level will determine how their life goes
as i said its a compensating mechanism for looks
you are a fucking retard, maybe if you actually experienced the change of your looks instead of being a faggot to make urself think doing something wont matter anyway because u are "muh non nt" u would realize how ridicously worthless this is, being nt is only a compensating mechanism for sub chads. i can guarantee you u could do whatever the fuck you wanted, the most non nt stupid shit ever and still slay because it does not matter.
but i guess you cant possibly know this because you are living in a completly different world to someone who actually looks good
'Chad slays pussy and he doesn't have x therefore x is cope!' (he can't btw and even if he somehow managed to, it'd diminish his dating prospects massively). This forum lol
'Chad slays pussy and he doesn't have x therefore x is cope!' (he can't btw and even if he somehow managed to, it'd diminish his dating prospects massively). This forum lol
4 mm of bone matters more than any fucking group talking skill your tiny brain could possibly think of. does nt matter? yes but its so unhumanly insanely ridicously insignificant compared to looks its fucking laughable how anyone could ever cope with that
People who say it usually are the same ones who thinks autism is because of mercury poisoning.

If I was NT I could've slayed lots of pretty girls they use to approach me in Elementary, Jr. Highs School and forth. And if I was GigaNT maybe I could celebmaxx before 16 and living a real meaningful life.

And sub-8 law only applies if not NT enough but the same as sub-2 law. NT is law.
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Reactions: HTN_When_Lean and ElTruecel
Nt pill denial just all ends up being a cope about muh ur ugly and not attractive to women. Yea bro totally the definition of things like autism, schizophrenia, adhd, OCD, etc all boil down to u supposedly being ugly & not getting pussy.

Yea I was diagnosed (ASD + adhd) at 8 because I wasn’t muh getting pussy at 8 according to retard NTfags who make this point.

I don’t base NT around women I base it around life. No muh non NT isn’t just bad social skills it’s also sensory issues, hyperfixations, shit executive skills which is needed for everything in life, hyperactivity, etc.

I don’t deny looks mattering the most for stuff like sex or attracting women. But absolute CAGE if you think basement rotting aspie NEETs are going to be able to LTR a foid. The Muh chad autist hypothetical is also stupid because I don’t know any HTNs+ who were autistic or let alone people who had what I had. Nor do I know any Chad or slayer who fucking rotted lmfwo. Lol they were all giga athletic, academic or gaming nerds, active social life & or multi skilled JFL.

But absolute cage at NTFAGS who use this example to debunk the nt pill

Lol if you think this doesn’t prove it. Literal Sean O Pry lookalike who’s retarded so instead of slaying he rots in his couch and probably doesn’t have the mental capacity to have sex because he’s legit retarded :lul:

Anyways I’m a rotter so my focus is not on ascension as I don’t care. Inceldom isn’t an uncommon issue I knew plenty irl and never out of my place for my case. I was around plenty of Normie KHV/KV Incels Irl but I did feel like an outsider because I was non NT. My issues are far greater than a muh gf.

Deluded cope to think fucking some girls will make u happy if you’re a loser with no accomplishments. The goal is to be a talented skilled high achiever mogger with bragging rights to his name. My issues will not be solved with a foid and the only people who rot on these forums are those who are non NT or have giga shit lives.

Average incel does not rot here (especially pre tiktok era) they all have social lives, studycel, play sports or do something with their lives.


Autistic and ugly = incel but will rot as a neet and not have a social life
NT and ugly = incel but will not rot on incel forums and career maxx/have social life/etc

Multi skilled + successful mogs whether incel or not incel

@Pikabro @Xtra @douche

Sperg ramblings
Retarded thread, no one here is remotely close to be as autistic as that, looksmax version of autism is more like:

Death to NTpill deniers
dude in the video mogs me NT wise
Retarded thread, no one here is remotely close to be as autistic as that, looksmax version of autism is more like:

I was diagnosed at 8 not like self diagnosed larper like these guys. I was legit suspected to have it prior. Most people who get diagnosed at my age with both my disorders are legit in special Ed
I was diagnosed at 8 not like self diagnosed larper like these guys. I was legit suspected to have it prior. Most people who get diagnosed at my age with both my disorders are legit in special Ed
So are you almost at the level of that guy from your video? then good lord yeah that would instantly ban your from the sexual market
  • +1
Reactions: ElTruecel
Nt pill denial just all ends up being a cope about muh ur ugly and not attractive to women. Yea bro totally the definition of things like autism, schizophrenia, adhd, OCD, etc all boil down to u supposedly being ugly & not getting pussy.

Yea I was diagnosed (ASD + adhd) at 8 because I wasn’t muh getting pussy at 8 according to retard NTfags who make this point.

I don’t base NT around women I base it around life. No muh non NT isn’t just bad social skills it’s also sensory issues, hyperfixations, shit executive skills which is needed for everything in life, hyperactivity, etc.

I don’t deny looks mattering the most for stuff like sex or attracting women. But absolute CAGE if you think basement rotting aspie NEETs are going to be able to LTR a foid. The Muh chad autist hypothetical is also stupid because I don’t know any HTNs+ who were autistic or let alone people who had what I had. Nor do I know any Chad or slayer who fucking rotted lmfwo. Lol they were all giga athletic, academic or gaming nerds, active social life & or multi skilled JFL.

But absolute cage at NTFAGS who use this example to debunk the nt pill

Lol if you think this doesn’t prove it. Literal Sean O Pry lookalike who’s retarded so instead of slaying he rots in his couch and probably doesn’t have the mental capacity to have sex because he’s legit retarded :lul:

Anyways I’m a rotter so my focus is not on ascension as I don’t care. Inceldom isn’t an uncommon issue I knew plenty irl and never out of my place for my case. I was around plenty of Normie KHV/KV Incels Irl but I did feel like an outsider because I was non NT. My issues are far greater than a muh gf.

Deluded cope to think fucking some girls will make u happy if you’re a loser with no accomplishments. The goal is to be a talented skilled high achiever mogger with bragging rights to his name. My issues will not be solved with a foid and the only people who rot on these forums are those who are non NT or have giga shit lives.

Average incel does not rot here (especially pre tiktok era) they all have social lives, studycel, play sports or do something with their lives.


Autistic and ugly = incel but will rot as a neet and not have a social life
NT and ugly = incel but will not rot on incel forums and career maxx/have social life/etc

Multi skilled + successful mogs whether incel or not incel

@Pikabro @Xtra @douche

NTpill is legit but I didn't get it how deniers of it are women worshippers?
NTpill is legit but I didn't get it how deniers of it are women worshippers?
Because they deny it due to equating it with the dating market. They think no even if u were diagnosed autistic it’s only because you weren’t desirable to women.

It’s really fucking stupid lol their only response to having a mental disorder/mental illness is that it has to do with not getting women
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Because they deny it due to equating it with the dating market. They think no even if u were diagnosed autistic it’s only because you weren’t desirable to women.

It’s really fucking stupid lol their only response to having a mental disorder/mental illness is that it has to do with not getting women
I've been approached by beautiful girls when I was younger and still now (no bragging) but I loose any chance just because of Non-NT.
Retarded thread, no one here is remotely close to be as autistic as that, looksmax version of autism is more like:

off topic but i hate how people sensationalize AI.
>muh SINGULARITY it's gonna be like those heckin terminator movies! :soy:
stop watching pop-science garbage.
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stop watching pop-science garbage

It is not maybe if you only use chat gpt you have not realized Gemini 1.5 has 1 millón token context window with excellent accuracy, unreal inference speed and the only true multimodal model out there, and that's pretty handy when you need to analyze audio for example

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