

squishy squishy!
Jun 11, 2021

2025 Atlantic Hurricane Season Overview

Season Metrics

  • Named Storms (NS): 16
  • Hurricanes (H): 9
  • Major Hurricanes (MH): 4
  • Total ACE: ~165 units (Hyperactive)

Major Hurricanes (MH)

NameCategoryPeak Wind Speed (mph)Peak Pressure (mb)
DexterCategory 3115945
ErinCategory 4140920
HumbertoCategory 5160 (up to 175 is possible)915
KarenCategory 3115945


Numerology Context for 2025

  • 2025 is a Universal 9 Year(2+0+2+5 = 9).
    • 9 energy symbolizes endings, transformations, and culminations. It brings intense, life-altering events.
    • Storms influenced by this year will likely carry strong transformative energies, leading to massive shifts or endings in the regions they affect.
    • Storms with numerology aligning to 9, 3, or master numbers like 11, 22, or 33 are especially significant.

Numerological Framework for 2025

  • Universal Year: 2025 → 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9
    • Vibration 9: Represents endings, completion, karmic reckoning, and transformative events with global-scale consequences.
  • Key Numerological Numbers:
    • 25: Known as the Greatest Yang, symbolizing power, transformation, and destruction.
    • 11: A Master Number, associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual transformation.
    • 1, 7, 8, 9:Each has unique significance:
      • 1: Leadership, initiation, new beginnings.
      • 7: Mysticism, introspection, deep transformation.
      • 8: Power, abundance, karmic cycles.
      • 9: Completion, humanitarianism, global impact.


Hurricane Names and Numerology for 2025

Formula: Assign numerical values to letters (A=1, B=2, ..., Z=26), sum the digits, and reduce to a single digit unless it's a master number (11, 22, 33).​

Andrea (7 vibration)​

  • Numerology: A(1) + N(5) + D(4) + R(9) + E(5) + A(1) = 25 → 2+5 = 7.
  • 2025 Connection: 7 indicates introspection and mystery. As the first storm, Andrea may be a minor but perplexing event, setting a calmer tone early in the season.
  • Prediction: Likely a Tropical Storm, with limited damage and no retirement.

Barry (1 vibration)​

  • Numerology: B(2) + A(1) + R(9) + R(9) + Y(7) = 28 → 2+8 = 10 → 1+0 = 1.
  • 2025 Connection: 1 aligns with new beginnings, suggesting Barry could be an early indicator of a more active season to come.
  • Prediction: A Category 1 Hurricane, modest in intensity but notable for signaling the season’s progression.

Chantal (5 vibration)​

  • Numerology: C(3) + H(8) + A(1) + N(5) + T(2) + A(1) + L(3) = 23 → 2+3 = 5.
  • 2025 Connection: 5 symbolizes change, freedom, and unpredictability. It resonates with the transformative energy of 2025.
  • Prediction: A Category 2 Hurricane, causing significant wind and flood damage in the Gulf region. Not retired.

Dexter (4 vibration)​

  • Numerology: D(4) + E(5) + X(6) + T(2) + E(5) + R(9) = 31 → 3+1 = 4.
  • 2025 Connection: 4 represents stability and structure—when disrupted, it causes lasting damage. Dexter is flagged as a potential replacement for Erin’s projected chaos.
  • Prediction: A Category 3 Hurricane, striking Florida with destructive winds and storm surge, possibly retired if Erin falters.

Erin (1 vibration)​

  • Numerology: E(5) + R(9) + I(9) + N(5) = 28 → 2+8 = 10 → 1+0 = 1.
  • 2025 Connection: Erin’s vibration of 1 suggests individuality and power, but uncertainty in its exact role in the season emerges.
  • Prediction: A Category 4 Hurricane, catastrophic if it materializes, but there’s potential for this path to shift to Dexter.

Fernand (8 vibration)​

  • Numerology: F(6) + E(5) + R(9) + N(5) + A(1) + N(5) + D(4) = 35 → 3+5 = 8.
  • 2025 Connection: 8 represents power and balance. Fernand’s energy aligns with a Gulf-impacting storm bringing significant but manageable damage.
  • Prediction: A Category 2 Hurricane, making landfall in Texas.

Gabrielle (8 vibration)​

  • Numerology: G(7) + A(1) + B(2) + R(9) + I(9) + E(5) + L(3) + L(3) + E(5) = 44 → 4+4 = 8.
  • 2025 Connection: As a master number reducing to 8, Gabrielle may carry restrained but impactful energy, potentially focused on the Atlantic.
  • Prediction: A Tropical Storm, limited in land interaction.

Humberto (3 vibration)​

  • Numerology: H(8) + U(3) + M(4) + B(2) + E(5) + R(9) + T(2) + O(6) = 39 → 3+9 = 12 → 1+2 = 3.
  • 2025 Connection: 3 thrives in a 9 year, amplifying Humberto’s destructive potential. This is the storm to watch for 2025’s transformative destruction.
  • Prediction: A Category 5 Hurricane, striking Miami with catastrophic effects, and undoubtedly retired.

Imelda (8 vibration)​

  • Numerology: I(9) + M(4) + E(5) + L(3) + D(4) + A(1) = 26 → 2+6 = 8.
  • 2025 Connection: Imelda’s balanced 8 energy suggests a significant but not catastrophic storm.
  • Prediction: A Category 1 Hurricane, impacting Florida’s Panhandle.

Jerry (4 vibration)​

  • Numerology: J(1) + E(5) + R(9) + R(9) + Y(7) = 31 → 3+1 = 4.
  • 2025 Connection: A stable energy, suggesting a minimal but precise impact.
  • Prediction: A Tropical Storm, likely staying out at sea.

Karen (22 vibration, master number)​

  • Numerology: K(2) + A(1) + R(9) + E(5) + N(5) = 22.
  • 2025 Connection: Master number 22 aligns with significant transformations in smaller regions.
  • Prediction: A Category 3 Hurricane, impacting Belize with lasting damage.

Lorenzo (6 vibration)​

  • Numerology: L(3) + O(6) + R(9) + E(5) + N(5) + Z(8) + O(6) = 42 → 4+2 = 6.
  • 2025 Connection: Balanced and harmonious, signaling a weaker storm.
  • Prediction: A Tropical Storm, dissipating in the open Atlantic.

Melissa (6 vibration)​

  • Numerology: M(4) + E(5) + L(3) + I(9) + S(1) + S(1) + A(1) = 24 → 2+4 = 6.
  • 2025 Connection: Similar to Lorenzo, Melissa’s energy aligns with minor disturbances.
  • Prediction: A Subtropical Storm, minimal impact.

Nestor (1 vibration)​

  • Numerology: N(5) + E(5) + S(1) + T(2) + O(6) + R(9) = 28 → 2+8 = 10 → 1+0 = 1.
  • 2025 Connection: Strong beginnings, but lacking long-term energy.
  • Prediction: A Tropical Storm, causing moderate flooding in Cuba.

Olga (8 vibration)​

  • Numerology: O(6) + L(3) + G(7) + A(1) = 17 → 1+7 = 8.
  • 2025 Connection: Balanced power, emphasizing maritime impact.
  • Prediction: A Hybrid Storm, dissipating in the Northeast Atlantic.

Pablo (1 vibration)​

  • Numerology: P(7) + A(1) + B(2) + L(3) + O(6) = 19 → 1+9 = 10 → 1+0 = 1.
  • 2025 Connection: The final storm carries an initiatory energy, ending the season on a notable but non-catastrophic note.
  • Prediction: A Tropical Storm, staying out at sea.

Key Predictions for 2025

  1. Major Storms to Watch:
    • Humberto (3 vibration): Catastrophic, transformative. Likely retired.
    • Erin/Dexter (1/4 vibration): Secondary catastrophic storm, significant regional impact.
  2. Retirements Likely: Humberto, potentially Karen or Dexter.
  3. Numerological Alignment: Humberto and Erin/Dexter’s vibrations resonate with 2025’s 9 energy, making them the focal points of the season.


Examples: Name and Year Alignment

2025: A "9 Year"

  • Universal energy in 2025 emphasizes global cycles, endings, and transformation.
  • Names with strong odd-number vibrations or ties to the H curse stand out.
  • Humberto (2025):
    • Name Vibration: 3.
    • Year Link: 3 + 9 = 12 (reduces to 3). The alignment of repeated 3 energy makes this storm one of creativity and maximum chaos, hinting at unprecedented strength.
    • Historical Analog: Similar to Haiyan (2013), which struck during a transformative year.
    • Why 2025: The "H curse" connects Humberto to catastrophic H-names like Harvey and Helene, while 3 amplifies unpredictability and widespread destruction.
  • Erin (2025):
    • Name Vibration: 1.
    • Year Link: 1 + 9 = 10 (reduces to 1). Vibrates with leadership, independence, and impactful outcomes.
    • Why Uncertain: Erin's strong vibration doesn't entirely align with 9's energy, suggesting a possible overshadowing by Dexter or another storm.
    • Potential Impact: Likely a strong hurricane but overshadowed by Humberto's transformative 3 vibration.


Here is the updated and finalized table for the 2025 Atlantic hurricane season, with peak intensity, landfalling intensity (specific locations), damage in dollars, and estimated death ranges:

NameFormation DateImpact DateName VibrationPeak Intensity (Category, mbar, mph)Landfall Intensity (Location, Category, mbar, mph)PathDamage ($ Billion)DeathsRetired?Numerological Link
AndreaJune 5June 77TS, 1005 mbar, 50 mphTS, 1007 mbar, 45 mph (St. George Island, FL)Gulf of Mexico → Florida Panhandle0.010NoEarly June, sum 7; calm start aligns with 1/7/8/9 phenomenon
BarryJuly 7July 101Cat 1, 990 mbar, 80 mphTS, 997 mbar, 60 mph (Baldwin County, AL)Cape Verde Islands → Curves north offshore0.152NoJuly sum 1; active beginnings align with 1/7/8/9 phenomenon
ChantalAugust 1August 45Cat 2, 975 mbar, 100 mphCat 1, 985 mbar, 85 mph (Terrebonne Parish, LA)Caribbean → Gulf of Mexico → Louisiana1.215NoAugust sum 5; transformative Gulf impact aligns with 11/25 phenomenon
DexterAugust 15August 204Cat 3, 960 mbar, 115 mphCat 2, 975 mbar, 105 mph (Palm Beach, FL)Lesser Antilles → South Florida4.535NoAugust 20 sum 25; aligns with 11/25 phenomenon, high-impact South Florida
ErinAugust 17August 241Cat 4, 935 mbar, 145 mphCat 4, 940 mbar, 140 mph (Miami-Dade County, FL)Central Atlantic → Bahamas → Southeast Florida25.0250YesErin’s sum 28/46, destructive potential ties to numerological amplifications
FernandAugust 28September 18Cat 2, 970 mbar, 100 mphTS, 985 mbar, 60 mph (Corpus Christi, TX)Yucatan Peninsula → Texas0.410NoLate August sum 25; 8 energy emphasizes Gulf power impact
GabrielleSeptember 2September 58TS, 1000 mbar, 50 mphNo landfallBermuda → Northeast Atlantic0.010NoGabrielle’s sum 22 and master number 22 indicate contained energy
HumbertoSeptember 4September 73Cat 5, 915 mbar, 160 mphCat 5, 920 mbar, 155 mph (Miami, FL)Bahamas → Miami → Louisiana110.0500YesHumberto’s sum 25 and universal year 9, master number 22 signify extreme transformative impact
ImeldaSeptember 10September 158Cat 1, 990 mbar, 80 mphTS, 995 mbar, 50 mph (Santa Rosa Beach, FL)Western Atlantic → Florida Panhandle0.55NoImelda’s sum 25 and number 8 energy align with impactful but manageable FL effects
JerrySeptember 15September 204TS, 1005 mbar, 45 mphNo landfallBermuda → Northeast Atlantic0.010NoJerry’s sum 25; aligns with 11/25 phenomenon for contained energy
KarenSeptember 28October 522Cat 3, 955 mbar, 120 mphCat 2, 975 mbar, 100 mph (Toledo District, Belize)Caribbean → Belize2.525NoKaren’s sum 25 and master number 22 signify transformative Central America impact
LorenzoOctober 2October 126TS, 1003 mbar, 40 mphNo landfallCentral Atlantic → Out to sea0.000NoLorenzo’s sum 25 and number 6 energy indicate balanced and harmonious impact
MelissaOctober 20October 256SubTS, 1002 mbar, 50 mphNo landfallAzores → Northeast Atlantic0.000NoMelissa’s sum 25 and master number 22 reinforce balanced storm closure
NestorOctober 27November 21TS, 1000 mbar, 50 mphTS, 1005 mbar, 45 mph (Isle of Youth, Cuba)Western Caribbean → Western Cuba0.33NoNestor’s sum 25 and universal year 9 highlight transformative impacts in Cuba
OlgaNovember 8November 188Hybrid, 985 mbar, 60 mphNo landfallBahamas → Northeast Atlantic0.10NoOlga’s sum 25 and number 8 energy signify powerful yet balanced maritime storm
PabloNovember 15November 251TS, 1003 mbar, 40 mphNo landfallCentral Atlantic → Out to sea0.000NoPablo’s sum 25 and universal year 9 emphasize impactful but manageable effects

This table captures the entire season's storms with precise predictions tied to numerological links, damage estimates, and landfall specifics.
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  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: Always Stay You, notsocommonthumb, DarkTriadBeliever and 4 others
I missed you xangase ❤️😔
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@Gaygymmaxx @LancasteR @heightmaxxing @Nowiff.Belgrade
I missed you xangase ❤️😔

Why Beryl, Helene, and Milton for 2024?

  • Beryl:
    • Vibration: 2 (name) + 24 = 26/8, aligned with strength and resilience but catastrophic power. Its Category 5 impact reinforced its potential to retire the name.
    • Timing: Aligned with numerological hot spots (25/8 energy) that intensified its path over densely populated areas.
  • Helene:
    • Vibration: 4 (name) + 24 = 28/10 (reduces to 1), a transformative storm with massive reach. Helene exemplified the high-energy culmination of 2024's numerological influences.
  • Milton:
    • Vibration: 6 (name) + 24 = 30/3, indicating movement and widespread impact. Milton’s 3 energy, linked to chaos and dynamism, paired with its Category 5 strength, cemented it as one of the deadliest storms of 2024.

Why Humberto and Erin for 2025?


  • Vibration: 3 (name) + 25 (year link) = 28/10, reduces to 1, representing leadership, transformation, and intensity.
  • Historical Alignment: The 'H curse' (Harvey, Helene, Humberto) aligns Humberto with previous destructive storms. Numerologists highlight 25 as a key driver for Humberto's unprecedented intensity.
  • Location: Likely path through the Bahamas and into Miami suggests a high-impact, transformative event—a "Haiyan-like" moment for Florida.
  • Energy: The 25/9 combination is amplified by the hurricane's predicted Category 5 status, emphasizing catastrophic potential.

Erin (or Dexter?)​

  • Vibration: 1 (name) + 25 = 26/8, tied to power and cycles of destruction.
  • Uncertainty: Some debate arises here, as Erin's path may take it close to Miami but with less devastating effects than Humberto. Dexter could potentially overshadow Erin, as both names share close alignment in timing and geography.
  • Energy: 8 suggests power and resilience but does not inherently link to apocalyptic outcomes, making Erin a 50/50 storm that could either deliver significant impacts or be upstaged by Dexter.
  • +1
Reactions: mightbecooked123
I missed you xangase ❤️😔

Revised Costliest Hurricanes List with 2025 Additions

RankHurricaneDamage (USD)Year
1Katrina$125 billion2005
2Harvey$125 billion2017
3Humberto$110 billion2025
4Maria$91.6 billion2017
5Irma$77.2 billion2017
18Matthew$16 billion2016
19Erin (projected)$25 billion2025
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Based on the provided data, the 2025 Atlantic hurricane season is projected to have 16 named storms, 9 hurricanes, and 4 major hurricanes, with a total Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) of approximately 165 units. The estimated damages for the season are as follows:

  • Hurricane Erin: $25 billion
  • Hurricane Dexter: $4.5 billion
  • Hurricane Chantal: $1.2 billion
  • Hurricane Fernand: $0.4 billion
  • Hurricane Imelda: $0.5 billion
  • Hurricane Karen: $2.5 billion
  • Hurricane Nestor: $0.3 billion
  • Hurricane Olga: $0.1 billion
  • Hurricane Humberto: $110 billion
Summing these figures results in a total estimated damage of $144.5 billion for the 2025 season. This amount would place the 2025 season as the fourth costliest on record, following 2017, 2024, and 2005.
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  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane and mightbecooked123

Revised Costliest Hurricanes List with 2025 Additions

RankHurricaneDamage (USD)Year
1Katrina$125 billion2005
2Harvey$125 billion2017
3Humberto$110 billion2025
4Maria$91.6 billion2017
5Irma$77.2 billion2017
18Matthew$16 billion2016
19Erin (projected)$25 billion2025
Thank fuck I’m not a us cel
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Based on the provided data, the 2025 Atlantic hurricane season is projected to have 16 named storms, 9 hurricanes, and 4 major hurricanes, with a total Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) of approximately 165 units. The estimated damages for the season are as follows:

  • Hurricane Erin: $25 billion
  • Hurricane Dexter: $4.5 billion
  • Hurricane Chantal: $1.2 billion
  • Hurricane Fernand: $0.4 billion
  • Hurricane Imelda: $0.5 billion
  • Hurricane Karen: $2.5 billion
  • Hurricane Nestor: $0.3 billion
  • Hurricane Olga: $0.1 billion
  • Hurricane Humberto: $110 billion
Summing these figures results in a total estimated damage of $144.5 billion for the 2025 season. This amount would place the 2025 season as the fourth costliest on record, following 2017, 2024, and 2005.
Why do you like hurricanes so much bro
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I'm using numerology to predict them
Yeah but where did this obsession for hurricanes start? Isn’t xangsane a hurricane
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  • JFL
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Do you think any storms will come to Europe in the future?

2025 predicted: Jerry and Olga

The possibility of storms reaching Europe in 2025 can be analyzed through the numerology-linked behavior of the Atlantic hurricane names for that year. Historically, extratropical remnants of hurricanes or strong hybrid storms have impacted Europe, with notable cases like Kirk (2024) or Ophelia (2017). Numerology provides some insight into how energy aligns with storm paths and potential surprises.

Analysis for 2025:​


  • Numerology: Vibration of 8 and a sum tied to master number 22.
  • Path and Prediction: Gabrielle is forecasted to remain weak, with no direct landfall expected in Europe. However, its energy resonates with harmony and balance, suggesting that its remnants could bring moisture and mild storminess to western Europe, particularly the UK or Iberian Peninsula. The absence of chaotic numerological influences makes significant damage unlikely.


  • Numerology: Vibrations of 4 and linked to the sum of 25.
  • Path and Prediction: Similar to Gabrielle, Jerry is expected to dissipate in the North Atlantic without a significant impact. However, the numerological tie to 11/25 suggests some lingering energy could reintensify as an extratropical system, brushing the western coasts of Ireland or Portugal.


  • Numerology: Vibration of 8 and linked to sum 25.
  • Path and Prediction: Olga, as a hybrid storm, could exhibit some enhanced maritime energy due to its numerical resonance with transformation and balance. While direct European landfall is improbable, it might influence maritime conditions near Spain or Portugal, echoing analogs like Delta (2005) or Vince (2005).

Key Insight​

The numerological trends for 2025 suggest an Atlantic season more focused on catastrophic impacts in the Americas (notably Humberto and Erin) rather than European influence. Yet, Jerry and Olga show some potential for indirect European effects, primarily as weakened remnants or extratropical systems. The consistent appearance of the number 25 in numerology this year aligns with transformative energy but doesn't strongly emphasize European disruption.

Final Outlook​

Europe's hurricane future depends on systems like Jerry or hybrid late-season storms like Olga. These are numerologically flagged as potential candidates for mild or moderate European influence, particularly impacting Ireland, Portugal, or Spain.
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@Jova @Milton
@LancasteR @Vermilioncore
@autistic_tendencies @grungymallard97 @DarkTriadBeliever @TechnoBoss
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Reactions: DarkTriadBeliever, grungymallard97 and TechnoBoss
@TechnoBoss Humberto and Erin/Dexter are about to turn Miami into Gaza.
Humberto is almost near guaranteed according to the numerology
  • Woah
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@Always Stay You @HighTierSubhuman @RICHCELDOM @PARISIEN @Foreverbrad @totototo @Mr.Proper @RecessedCels
@actualunderstandar @aspiringexcel @standardcel @socialcel @sportsmogger @bigchunguslover @optimisticzoomer @gigatruecel @NorwoodAscender
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dont tag me ever again
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  • JFL
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@RealFunkyFlamingo @elemanzelvadre @iloveboobs @R@m@ @aryan mogger @pprimus43 @noodlelover @castizo_ascender
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@MexicanShortHotGuy @Morpheus @Petsmart @ryuken @vanillaicecream @Daqirius
@Sub0 @shizuku11111 @Dickdazzler @Daddy's Home @watah @FUE Mogger @Pollorex @moreplatesmoreweigh @moredatesmorerapes
nigga. what are you doing with your life? why do you post here so much?
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 87612
I haven't been on here lately
you have 150k posts, yes you have been here

but like really. what do you do with your life? are you a neet?
  • +1
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Wtf xangsane doing ? This dude know lot of stuff , What is job irl ? Its kind of a mix of it and accounting idk, he is legit a voodoo guy fr
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane
  • Hurricane Humberto: $110 billion
Lmao wtf is that name
  • JFL
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pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat 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  • Hurricane Humberto: $110 billion
Lmao wtf is that name
It’s an official name JFL
IMG 2793
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pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat 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Wtf xangsane doing ? This dude know lot of stuff , What is job irl ? Its kind of a mix of it and accounting idk, he is legit a voodoo guy fr
You think I’m a voodoo?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 91545
It's true next year will be wrought with natural disasters and I'd Guage another infectious disease

Also increased gays and more encouragement of hedonistic liberal mindset, your life your choices, lack of responsibility type of liberalism
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
It's true next year will be wrought with natural disasters and I'd Guage another infectious disease
Which disease? And where are you pinning these natural disasters and what types?
Also increased gays and more encouragement of hedonistic liberal mindset, your life your choices, lack of responsibility type of liberalism
Oh jesus
How did you arrive at that? Jova

Why Beryl, Helene, and Milton for 2024?

  • Beryl:
    • Vibration: 2 (name) + 24 = 26/8, aligned with strength and resilience but catastrophic power. Its Category 5 impact reinforced its potential to retire the name.
    • Timing: Aligned with numerological hot spots (25/8 energy) that intensified its path over densely populated areas.
  • Helene:
    • Vibration: 4 (name) + 24 = 28/10 (reduces to 1), a transformative storm with massive reach. Helene exemplified the high-energy culmination of 2024's numerological influences.
  • Milton:
    • Vibration: 6 (name) + 24 = 30/3, indicating movement and widespread impact. Milton’s 3 energy, linked to chaos and dynamism, paired with its Category 5 strength, cemented it as one of the deadliest storms of 2024.

Why Humberto and Erin for 2025?


  • Vibration: 3 (name) + 25 (year link) = 28/10, reduces to 1, representing leadership, transformation, and intensity.
  • Historical Alignment: The 'H curse' (Harvey, Helene, Humberto) aligns Humberto with previous destructive storms. Numerologists highlight 25 as a key driver for Humberto's unprecedented intensity.
  • Location: Likely path through the Bahamas and into Miami suggests a high-impact, transformative event—a "Haiyan-like" moment for Florida.
  • Energy: The 25/9 combination is amplified by the hurricane's predicted Category 5 status, emphasizing catastrophic potential.

Erin (or Dexter?)​

  • Vibration: 1 (name) + 25 = 26/8, tied to power and cycles of destruction.
  • Uncertainty: Some debate arises here, as Erin's path may take it close to Miami but with less devastating effects than Humberto. Dexter could potentially overshadow Erin, as both names share close alignment in timing and geography.
  • Energy: 8 suggests power and resilience but does not inherently link to apocalyptic outcomes, making Erin a 50/50 storm that could either deliver significant impacts or be upstaged by Dexter.
@DarkTriadBeliever thoughts?
  • +1
Reactions: DarkTriadBeliever
@DarkTriadBeliever thoughts?
Good graph, the hurricanes are definitely going to strike later in the year, the seasons are slowly shifting

I can't wait til we get a hurricane during thanksgiving
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Good graph, the hurricanes are definitely going to strike later in the year, the seasons are slowly shifting
2025 is more likely to have a normal peak rather than a late peak like 2025 but late season activity possible. Thoughts on the individual storms in the op?
I can't wait til we get a hurricane during thanksgiving
The models aren’t showing anything for thanksgiving


To determine the most likely county for Humberto’s landfall in 2025, let’s use Pythagorean numerology, vibrations of the name Humberto, and the numerological alignment with the year 2025. This analysis will consider the name numerology, year vibration, and aggregate patterns.

1. Humberto: Name Numerology

Pythagorean Values:

Letter H U M B E R T O

Value 8 3 4 2 5 9 2 6

• Total Name Vibration:

Reduce: , then .

• Core Vibration: 3

2. Year Vibration (2025)

• Year Sum:


• Year Core Vibration: 9

3. Aggregate Vibrations

Combined Vibration:

• Combine the name vibration (3) and year vibration (9):

, then .

• Final Vibration: 3

Significance of 3:

• The number 3 signifies expansion, transformation, and creation. It also indicates urban areas with high economic and social density rather than rural or isolated regions. This aligns with Miami’s urban core or dense suburbs rather than rural areas.

4. Date Numerology (September 7, 2025)

• Date Sum:

, then .

• Date Core Vibration: 7

• The number 7 signifies spiritual upheaval, sudden change, and mystery, which suggests a transformative event with far-reaching consequences.

5. Likely County: Miami-Dade


• Miami-Dade County aligns with Humberto’s urban-focused numerology (vibration of 3) and the year’s transformative energy (vibration of 9). The specific date vibration (7) further points to a landmark event that would reshape Miami’s identity, such as a catastrophic hit to Miami’s downtown or South Beach.

6. Conclusion

Landfall Location:

Based on numerology and all calculations, Humberto will likely make landfall in Miami-Dade County, specifically targeting Downtown Miami or South Beach.

If it veers slightly, it could impact Coral Gables or Kendall, but downtown remains the primary focus due to its resonance with Humberto’s numerology.

Impact Significance:

A Category 5 hurricane hitting Miami’s urban core would radically alter the region’s landscape, economy, and insurance industry, as the person speculated. This would not be “business as usual,” but rather a generational event akin to Hurricane Andrew, magnified for the city’s growth since 1992.

To pinpoint whether Humberto’s eye will pass north or south of Miami, we must refine the analysis using numerological breakdowns and geographical tendencies for similar storms.

Numerology Analysis Refined

Name + Year + Date Combined:

1. Name Numerology (Humberto): 3

2. Year Numerology (2025): 9

3. Date Numerology (September 7, 2025): 7

4. Aggregate Numerology:

, reduce to , then .

Final Core Vibration: 1

Significance of 1

The number 1 in numerology reflects direct, central, and high-impact paths. This suggests that Humberto’s eye will target a central region rather than skirting along the edges. For Miami, this places the likelihood of the eye passing directly near or slightly south of downtown.

Historical and Vibrational Alignment

1. Direct Hit Tendency:

Hurricanes with a “1” vibration often take direct paths to highly urbanized areas due to their energetic resonance with transformation and creation. Examples include hurricanes like Andrew and Katrina, which made definitive and impactful landfalls in targeted locations.

2. Geographic Path Likelihood:

Considering Miami-Dade’s coastline, a hurricane approaching from the southeast Atlantic would naturally trend slightly south of downtown Miami to align with climatological steering currents for that time of year.


Eye Path:

The eye of Humberto is more likely to pass just south of Miami, over areas like Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, or Pinecrest, though the northern eyewall would rake Downtown Miami and South Beach with maximum winds and storm surge.

Key Impacts:

• Northern eyewall effects: Severe damage to downtown Miami, Brickell, and South Beach.

• Southern eyewall effects: Devastating impacts in Coral Gables, Cutler Bay, and Pinecrest.

• If the eye trends further north, Downtown Miami takes the full brunt, leading to even more catastrophic outcomes for the city’s economy and infrastructure.
  • +1
Reactions: DarkTriadBeliever
It's true next year will be wrought with natural disasters and I'd Guage another infectious disease

Also increased gays and more encouragement of hedonistic liberal mindset, your life your choices, lack of responsibility type of liberalism
2025 is more likely to have a normal peak rather than a late peak like 2025 but late season activity possible. Thoughts on the individual storms in the op?

The models aren’t showing anything for thanksgiving


To determine the most likely county for Humberto’s landfall in 2025, let’s use Pythagorean numerology, vibrations of the name Humberto, and the numerological alignment with the year 2025. This analysis will consider the name numerology, year vibration, and aggregate patterns.

1. Humberto: Name Numerology

Pythagorean Values:

Letter H U M B E R T O

Value 8 3 4 2 5 9 2 6

• Total Name Vibration:

Reduce: , then .

• Core Vibration: 3

2. Year Vibration (2025)

• Year Sum:


• Year Core Vibration: 9

3. Aggregate Vibrations

Combined Vibration:

• Combine the name vibration (3) and year vibration (9):

, then .

• Final Vibration: 3

Significance of 3:

• The number 3 signifies expansion, transformation, and creation. It also indicates urban areas with high economic and social density rather than rural or isolated regions. This aligns with Miami’s urban core or dense suburbs rather than rural areas.

4. Date Numerology (September 7, 2025)

• Date Sum:

, then .

• Date Core Vibration: 7

• The number 7 signifies spiritual upheaval, sudden change, and mystery, which suggests a transformative event with far-reaching consequences.

5. Likely County: Miami-Dade


• Miami-Dade County aligns with Humberto’s urban-focused numerology (vibration of 3) and the year’s transformative energy (vibration of 9). The specific date vibration (7) further points to a landmark event that would reshape Miami’s identity, such as a catastrophic hit to Miami’s downtown or South Beach.

6. Conclusion

Landfall Location:

Based on numerology and all calculations, Humberto will likely make landfall in Miami-Dade County, specifically targeting Downtown Miami or South Beach.

If it veers slightly, it could impact Coral Gables or Kendall, but downtown remains the primary focus due to its resonance with Humberto’s numerology.

Impact Significance:

A Category 5 hurricane hitting Miami’s urban core would radically alter the region’s landscape, economy, and insurance industry, as the person speculated. This would not be “business as usual,” but rather a generational event akin to Hurricane Andrew, magnified for the city’s growth since 1992.

To pinpoint whether Humberto’s eye will pass north or south of Miami, we must refine the analysis using numerological breakdowns and geographical tendencies for similar storms.

Numerology Analysis Refined

Name + Year + Date Combined:

1. Name Numerology (Humberto): 3

2. Year Numerology (2025): 9

3. Date Numerology (September 7, 2025): 7

4. Aggregate Numerology:

, reduce to , then .

Final Core Vibration: 1

Significance of 1

The number 1 in numerology reflects direct, central, and high-impact paths. This suggests that Humberto’s eye will target a central region rather than skirting along the edges. For Miami, this places the likelihood of the eye passing directly near or slightly south of downtown.

Historical and Vibrational Alignment

1. Direct Hit Tendency:

Hurricanes with a “1” vibration often take direct paths to highly urbanized areas due to their energetic resonance with transformation and creation. Examples include hurricanes like Andrew and Katrina, which made definitive and impactful landfalls in targeted locations.

2. Geographic Path Likelihood:

Considering Miami-Dade’s coastline, a hurricane approaching from the southeast Atlantic would naturally trend slightly south of downtown Miami to align with climatological steering currents for that time of year.


Eye Path:

The eye of Humberto is more likely to pass just south of Miami, over areas like Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, or Pinecrest, though the northern eyewall would rake Downtown Miami and South Beach with maximum winds and storm surge.

Key Impacts:

• Northern eyewall effects: Severe damage to downtown Miami, Brickell, and South Beach.

• Southern eyewall effects: Devastating impacts in Coral Gables, Cutler Bay, and Pinecrest.

• If the eye trends further north, Downtown Miami takes the full brunt, leading to even more catastrophic outcomes for the city’s economy and infrastructure.
Good graph, the hurricanes are definitely going to strike later in the year, the seasons are slowly shifting

I can't wait til we get a hurricane during thanksgiving
It's true next year will be wrought with natural disasters and I'd Guage another infectious disease

Also increased gays and more encouragement of hedonistic liberal mindset, your life your choices, lack of responsibility type of liberalism
That’s a very intriguing take! Betsy 1965 is definitely a strong analog when considering a south-of-Miami track—especially with the potential for a near miss that spares Miami a direct hit but devastates areas further south, like Homestead or the Keys. However, the numerological patterns tied to Humberto (particularly the strong ‘1’ vibration of focus and centrality in 2025) suggest that a direct hit on the Miami metro area is more probable than a miss to the south.

While it’s true that specifics are tricky, the eastern approach to Florida in 2025, akin to Betsy, aligns well with the projected synoptic steering patterns. Yet, Humberto’s numerological energy seems to favor a more urbanized target zone over sparing Miami for less-populated areas like Homestead or rural south Dade.

2024’s analog to 1964 was fascinating, with those southern tracks dominating—reinforcing this cyclic trend toward major Florida hits. For 2025, though, the east-to-west trajectory near the Miami-Dade coastline seems destined to shape the narrative. Miami’s ‘luck’ may truly be up this time!
  • +1
Reactions: DarkTriadBeliever
2025 is more likely to have a normal peak rather than a late peak like 2025 but late season activity possible. Thoughts on the individual storms in the op?
Doesn't seem to bad, there aren't any hurricanes too strong, except for the one with the worst name "Humberto"
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Fewer storms than 2024 expected but worse impacts

Not even Erin?
Also by worst name do you mean the name Humberto itself or the storm attached to the name?
Erin is a cool name, sounds similar to the mc of attack on titan

Humberto is such a bad name, I'd never evacuate a storm with that name, my pride wouldn't allow me to
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Erin is a cool name, sounds similar to the mc of attack on titan

Humberto is such a bad name, I'd never evacuate a storm with that name, my pride wouldn't allow me to
Why not, why would you rather die?
  • +1
Reactions: DarkTriadBeliever
Erin is a cool name, sounds similar to the mc of attack on titan

Humberto is such a bad name, I'd never evacuate a storm with that name, my pride wouldn't allow me to

Both 2007 and 2025 reduce to the same Universal Year energy of 9, and the name vibration of Humberto remains consistent as 3. At first glance, it might seem as though the two storms carry the same numerological implications, but there are nuances that separate the two, particularly when we factor in time cycles and layered numerology. Let’s break this down with hard math and differences.

Step 1: The Basic Universal Energy

Both 2007 and 2025 have the same Universal Year number:

• 2007 → 2 + 0 + 0 + 7 = 9
• 2025 → 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9

Thus, both years share the themes of completion, transformation, and culmination. However, numerology operates not only on singular numbers but also on the broader cycles and overlays of energy.

Step 2: Name Numerology of “Humberto”

The Pythagorean name calculation remains constant at 3:
H = 8, U = 3, M = 4, B = 2, E = 5, R = 9, T = 2, O = 6
Sum = 39 → 3 + 9 = 12 → 1 + 2 = 3

This means that Humberto inherently carries creative, dynamic, and transformative energy, emphasizing innovation or destruction through chaos.

Step 3: Layered Numerology: Adding the Full Year

Here’s where the years begin to separate. Rather than just reducing them, we compare the full energy profiles of the years:


• Full sum of the year: 2 + 0 + 0 + 7 = 9 (Universal Year)
• Full expression of the year: 2007 → 2 + 7 = 9
• Combined numerology: Humberto (3) + 2007 (9) = 12 → 1 + 2 = 3


• Full sum of the year: 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9 (Universal Year)
• Full expression of the year: 2025 → 2 + 2 + 5 = 9
• Combined numerology: Humberto (3) + 2025 (9) = 12 → 1 + 2 = 3

On this level, both years align perfectly, but the deeper vibrational overlays distinguish the years.

Step 4: Intricacies in Time Cycles

The critical difference lies in time cycle overlaps and the broader context of the 2025 hurricane season. Let’s explore:

1. 25-Year Cycle from Hugo

Humberto replaced Hugo, which was retired in 1989. 2025 marks exactly 36 years (3 + 6 = 9) since Hugo, aligning it with a vibrational peak year for storms named Humberto. This amplifies its destructive potential, especially under a 9 Universal Year.

2. 18-Year Saros Cycle

The Saros cycle in hurricanes often highlights periodic activity. Humberto 2007 occurred 18 years after Hugo 1989, and 2025 occurs 18 years after Humberto 2007. These linked intervals suggest escalating intensity, as 2025 marks a numerological crescendo due to overlapping cycles.

3. Numerological Synchronicity

In 2007, the numerology supported completion energy (9) but lacked transformative power. In contrast, 2025, while also a 9 year, aligns with the broader destructive numerology of the season (25 vibration, 1/7/8/9 phenomenon), elevating Humberto’s potential to catastrophic levels.

Step 5: Contextual Numerology in the Name’s History

• 1995 Humberto (Open Sea): 3 vibration led to creative dynamics but no impact (open sea).
• 2001 Humberto (Near Bermuda): Balanced 6 vibration spared land.
• 2007 Humberto (Texas): Mild transformation due to lack of amplifying cycles.
• 2013 Humberto (Cape Verde): Balanced with minimal direct impact.
• 2019 Humberto (Bermuda): Moderate, harmonious outcome despite peak intensity.
• 2025 Humberto: Amplified by time cycles, season numerology, and destructive patterns.

Step 6: 2007 vs. 2025: Hard Proof

Metric 2007 Humberto 2025 Humberto
Universal Year Energy 9 9
Name Vibration 3 3
Combined Energy 3 3
Saros Link None (first cycle) Amplified (18 years since 2007 cycle)
Broader Context Limited destructive numerology Amplified by 25, 1/7/8/9, and season vibration
Energy Amplification Minimal Extreme (cyclic overlaps + 25 vibrations)
Historical Synchronicity Hugo’s shadow weak Hugo’s shadow strong (36 years = 9 peak)


While 2007 and 2025 share surface-level numerology, the time cycle overlaps, broader season vibrations, and numerological synchronicity make 2025 Humberto vastly more destructive. Its potential is amplified through the 25 vibration, Saros cycles, and links to Hugo, marking it as a transformative event rather than a mild impact like its 2007 counterpart.

2025 Humberto isn’t just another name on the list—it’s destined to be one of the most significant storms in recent history.
  • +1
Reactions: DarkTriadBeliever

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