(observation) Life is simple. Hate your high IQ; aim to be a dumb fuck.

For relationships. Check this graph, and see the correlation (causation?) between iq or smarts and sex. A Forrest Gump iq70 dude; has a bigger chance of getting laid then a dude with 120 iq.

For becomin mega-succesfull; as in multi millionaire.There is not strong proof of causation between IQ and Extreme wealth. Although there seems to be correlation (I suspect that IQ are higher among richer people, because they are forced to learn and read more to keep up, but that the starting point of iq was not a factor.)
* https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070424204519.htm
"A nationwide study found that people of below average intelligence were, overall, just about as wealthy as those in similar circumstances but with higher scores on an IQ test. "
"“Your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth."

For having a above average income, a nicer salary; as in making 1000 extra per month then your dumber neighbour. I don't have alot of proof to share. But dfor that, high IQ serves the biggest function. Having a bit better job and income.
Like instead of having a factory job with net salary of 2250 per month; one can have an accountant salary of like net 3250 per month.
This is cope

IQ correlates with job status and income. It is a causation as well not just a correlation. A high IQ allows people to understand and do work better. It allows individuals to do jobs other cant. Without the high IQ the people wouldnt be able to do the job.

IQ is a gift, stop coping.
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This is cope

IQ correlates with job status and income. It is a causation as well not just a correlation. A high IQ allows people to understand and do work better. It allows individuals to do jobs other cant. Without the high IQ the people wouldnt be able to do the job.

IQ is a gift, stop coping.
I agreed with what what you say.
As I said, in relationship to jobs, job-status, and income from jobs:
"For having a above average income, a nicer salary; as in making 1000 extra per month then your dumber neighbour. I don't have alot of proof to share. But dfor that, high IQ serves the biggest function. Having a bit better job and income.
Like instead of having a factory job with net salary of 2250 per month; one can have an accountant salary of like net 3250 per month."

In my opinon. Having a good job, with good job-status, and income from job. One is doeing well. But imo, it's not being hyper-succesfull.
Being hyper-succesfull; 99.9% of people won't gain massive wealth thorugh being a employee/job worker.
For becoming hyper succesfull, one needs to start with be able/daring to take the risky gamble of becoming a businessmann/musiness owner/entrepreneaur. And then it's more about being able/daring to take that risks, and have the balls; then about iq. Although iq might help plenty, with guys that dare to take the plunge; it's also often (i've seen) a reason that their high IQ is a reason to over-analyze the possible risks and obstacles, leading them into getting more scared and thus doing nothing (paralysis by analysis).

All articles in news. Will 99% likely, be about. How high IQ peiople are so succesffull. because they see being an accountant job with 1000 extra per month to spend; as being succesfull already. I find that a bit low enterance level, of being called succesfull. Having Jobs or carreer, for a lifetime, kinda sucks 90+% of the time.

For attracting sex. I really think high IQ is a fucking burden.

This guy is example of, being to much thinking. And this causing a whole chain of bad things. Fucks it up.
Which somehow mostly smart, high IQ dudes do (starts at 26:00):
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JFL if you think overthinking = high IQ
it's just the result of negative reinforcement during developmental years (being bullied, being a social outcast)
all these "what if ?" thought patterns are just hardwired in your brain if you went through these things
if you've always been chad, then your confidence and impulsivity is through the roof, you've always done whatever the hell you wanted and people always clapped at you
chad brain and incel brain are on a whole other level
high IQ has barely anything to do with this, it's a correlation and not a causation, and most times it's not even a correlation JFL

sadly OP didnt answer to this. But this is the correct answer and i think he knowingly ignores it for his coping mechanisms to make sense
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im right in that death tier iq where im smart enough to be self aware but not smart enough to be successful
sadly OP didnt answer to this. But this is the correct answer and i think he knowingly ignores it for his coping mechanisms to make sense
At post #18 I could show that man, that he was over thinking already. So i did, semi answer it, how I see it.

So lets go:
QUOTE: "JFL if you think overthinking = high IQ"
* I don't think, overthinking = high IQ. I think: High IQ people have (way) more tendency to fall into the pittfall of: overthinking (and that leading to ination).
* I also think. Most high IQ people. Have a way to high treshold, for when they start to consider overthinking is taking place. Imo, overthinking it's happening way more early then most high IQ people consider it.
For example: high IQ dude at mall seeing a beautifull woman stand next to him in the idle. He starts to think about something to say to say, and then what could go wrong or how he could reject him or if his hair is sitting good enough etc.. In this previous sentence, everything past the word say = overthinking already imo. While mr dumb or low iq, will just shout out what he thought about to say.

Quote: "it's just the result of negative reinforcement during developmental years (being bullied, being a social outcast)
all these "what if ?" thought patterns are just hardwired in your brain if you went through these things
if you've always been chad, then your confidence and impulsivity is through the roof, you've always done whatever the hell you wanted and people always clapped at you
chad brain and incel brain are on a whole other level
high IQ has barely anything to do with this, it's a correlation and not a causation, and most times it's not even a correlation JFL"

Imo, this is an overthinking exmaple already. Just fucking push through fears. That's what dumb people do. Some poster here, takes 2 vokas and breaks through his fears that way. Dumb people, just do shit inspite of fear. Just push through. Al; that above quote, although true. A motherfucking high IQ cop-out also. Better be a fucking dombo, and just do the shit in utter fear, like a meat head.
Hold my beer, attitude:
Why not just write risktakeing is more important then iq . Because high iq person that can take risk > low iq that cant. Because low iq dosent neccarly be risk taker or arrgont just more likly.

And sorry i acted disrespecrfull to you yesterday
Why not just write risktakeing is more important then iq . Because high iq person that can take risk > low iq that cant. Because low iq dosent neccarly be risk taker or arrgont just more likly.
I didn't think about it in those terms yet, yesterday when I made OP.
I agree, this is a good way to say it.
What I liked about my way of going about it though. Is that it included the imo most common reason or style that most high IQ people fall into. The habit and cause for inaction of being: thinking to much, or paralysis because of analysis.
And sorry i acted disrespecrfull to you yesterday
i don't even remember, but that's okay. Some people have disagreeable personality trait by nature a but. That's an okay personality trait to have, nothing wrong with that overall. It has up and downsides.
I'm by default mostly agreeable somehow. That also has plenty downsides and upsides.
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Some quick observations.

1/ financial success is often more about who you know than what you know. I know people with PhD's who get paid shit. I know people with no University qualifications who get paid shit loads. To progress in modern companies you usually need to impress and get on with the correct members of management. This often means being agreeable (mega cuck) and just doing whatever the fuck you're told, even if you know it's wrong, and getting 'results'. i.e. social intelligence is often way more important than technical intelligence.

2/ I don't think it's quite as simple as high IQ= unhappy and low IQ= happy. It depends on what makes you happy. For many of us on this forum, happiness is relative to our success with hot girls. By success, I don't just mean sex, you could get that from an escort. I mean sweet, sweet validation for girls we are actually attracted to. This is 80%-90% determined by how you look, not your IQ.
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this is why you're one of my fav posters, thanks for this beautiful thread sir.
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I wonder why high IQ people tend to care less about looks and financial wealth than low IQ people. It's always low IQ people that I see getting tans, the latest fashion, working out, making sure their hair is on point, etc. They also don't seem to give a fuck about getting some filler injections for example. Meanwhile the average high IQ person at this university tends to be ugly and afraid to wear anything that could draw any type of attention.

Same with financial wealth. I am surrounded by high IQ stemcels and none of them give a fuck at all about investing or coming up with any sort of plan to become wealthy. Instead they work for 10 euro/hour in a grocery store in the weekends. 10 years from now they will be working at a decent company for a decent pay with a deadbedroom betabux wife. Good for them I guess, but sounds pointless to me.

Like, if you are high IQ, at least fucking use it to improve your life by getting rich, getting as good-looking as you can, and so on. But no, all they got is nerdy interests and hour-long discussions about politics, science and all kinds of random bs. The kind of person that watches 2 hours of fitness videos for every hour they actually spend in the gym ffs.
I wonder why high IQ people tend to care less about looks and financial wealth than low IQ people. It's always low IQ people that I see getting tans, the latest fashion, working out, making sure their hair is on point, etc. They also don't seem to give a fuck about getting some filler injections for example. Meanwhile the average high IQ person at this university tends to be ugly and afraid to wear anything that could draw any type of attention.

Same with financial wealth. I am surrounded by high IQ stemcels and none of them give a fuck at all about investing or coming up with any sort of plan to become wealthy. Instead they work for 10 euro/hour in a grocery store in the weekends. 10 years from now they will be working at a decent company for a decent pay with a deadbedroom betabux wife. Good for them I guess, but sounds pointless to me.

Like, if you are high IQ, at least fucking use it to improve your life by getting rich, getting as good-looking as you can, and so on. But no, all they got is nerdy interests and hour-long discussions about politics, science and all kinds of random bs. The kind of person that watches 2 hours of fitness videos for every hour they actually spend in the gym ffs.
This a guestimation answer from me.

There exists this concept in evoluion psychology.
Of why the fuck some dudes/animals behave as so "co-operative" or as helpers (the ‘skills hypothesis’) in a society. While they have no or little breeding succes themselfes? Because initially one would think, they shoudl get apeshit angry, at failling to reproduce.
1. there is the concept; that they are content with being a society-helper "beta" while haveing zero reporductive success; because this way they still help the shared genes (with others) to survive. For example, this way the children of his brothers/sisters/nephews/etc..benifit from his helping/efforts/skills/etc..; whith whom he still shares xx% of similar genes.
2. there is the concept. that these men believe their "co-operative"/helper (the ‘skills hypothesis’) in a society. While in the future cause or give him a better chance; to rise to the top/a good position. Thinking or hoping they will go from beta to aplha through skills and stuff. Among monkeys, this strategy mostly fails. For humans, it might fail less (i dunno).

To me it seems.

These type of high iq men; have decided they are not good enough for reproduction. And they have taken themselfes out of the mating market and competition with males for females. At least at that stage. And decided to take the helper/skills route. Either to just help family or society life on better and longer, or to rise to higher mating value by being skilled.

These dumb/low iq dudes you describe. They have not taken themselfes out of the mating market and competition with males at all. Contrairy, they are in full competition with dudes. And try to mogg dudes, with their better or stronger body, better clothes, better looks, bigger mouth, etc..

Obviously I read. You are the type, whom won't accpt being a "co-operative" helper. Whom will help other men and women, aka society, to raise their kids and have a better life by your effort. (i know you life in the neterlands. and if you remain a childless workslafe for the rest of your life. You will have paid alot of tax money here. Which is to alarge extend also given to single moms and child related welfares. Aka, to will have been a helper for others to raise their offsrping).
But I read, you want to compete. So now you have to do the shit, that helps in the competition for attracting/getting good females.
I tried both things so far in my life. I was pua in mid 20's untill early 30's and fully immerged into comepeting for females. And I was playing the helper role in teens due to upbringing, and by religuous beleives choice in eraly 30's to mid 30's. Both lifestyles have pluses and downsides. But at the moment, I don't like the helper role at all, and would want to go full rage if forced into helper/workbee mode for others/soceity. And prefer the selfish, competitive mode; of aiming to claim or attract what other men also want; and "battle/compete/fight" it out.

Not competing = loserish (genetically speaking). Unless that non competing period is used, to groom and prepare oneself for future competing.
We all have to be ahppy there exists dudes, that will be helpers for society for their whole lifes, and basically never compete. For exmaple, a dude like Nicola Tesla, a workaholic witha lot of benifit to society whom died a vrigin likely.

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This a guestimation answer from me.

There exists this concept in evoluion psychology.
Of why the fuck some dudes/animals behave as so "co-operative" or as helpers (the ‘skills hypothesis’) in a society. While they have no or little breeding succes themselfes? Because initially one would think, they shoudl get apeshit angry, at failling to reproduce.
1. there is the concept; that they are content with being a society-helper "beta" while haveing zero reporductive success; because this way they still help the shared genes (with others) to survive. For example, this way the children of his brothers/sisters/nephews/etc..benifit from his helping/efforts/skills/etc..; whith whom he still shares xx% of similar genes.
2. there is the concept. that these men believe their "co-operative"/helper (the ‘skills hypothesis’) in a society. While in the future cause or give him a better chance; to rise to the top/a good position. Thinking or hoping they will go from beta to aplha through skills and stuff. Among monkeys, this strategy mostly fails. For humans, it might fail less (i dunno).

To me it seems.

These type of high iq men; have decided they are not good enough for reproduction. And they have taken themselfes out of the mating market and competition with males for females. At least at that stage. And decided to take the helper/skills route. Either to just help family or society life on better and longer, or to rise to higher mating value by being skilled.

These dumb/low iq dudes you describe. They have not taken themselfes out of the mating market and competition with males at all. Contrairy, they are in full competition with dudes. And try to mogg dudes, with their better or stronger body, better clothes, better looks, bigger mouth, etc..

Obviously I read. You are the type, whom won't accpt being a "co-operative" helper. Whom will help other men and women, aka society, to raise their kids and have a better life by your effort. (i know you life in the neterlands. and if you remain a childless workslafe for the rest of your life. You will have paid alot of tax money here. Which is to alarge extend also given to single moms and child related welfares. Aka, to will have been a helper for others to raise their offsrping).
But I read, you want to compete. So now you have to do the shit, that helps in the competition for attracting/getting good females.
I tried both things so far in my life. I was pua in mid 20's untill early 30's and fully immerged into comepeting for females. And I was playing the helper role in teens due to upbringing, and by religuous beleives choice in eraly 30's to mid 30's. Both lifestyles have pluses and downsides. But at the moment, I don't like the helper role at all, and would want to go full rage if forced into helper/workbee mode for others/soceity. And prefer the selfish, competitive mode; of aiming to claim or attract what other men also want; and "battle/compete/fight" it out.

Not competing = loserish (genetically speaking). Unless that non competing period is used, to groom and prepare oneself for future competing.
We all have to be ahppy there exists dudes, that will be helpers for society for their whole lifes, and basically never compete. For exmaple, a dude like Nicola Tesla, a workaholic witha lot of benifit to society whom died a vrigin likely.

The mind seems to be full of coping mechanisms indeed that helps you deal with, for example, being seen as genetically unfit to breed for society.
Your brain unable to cope with such a life will lead to either depression (most common, literally taking yourself out of society and not being a burden to it basically) or rage/anger.

I used to accept being the co-operative helper as a child growing up and in my early adult years, because I was wrongly told that I would be rewarded for this behavior in the end.

My parents and teachers, society in general, always telling me shit like:

'nah not having a girlfriend or sex isn't that bad, it's over-rated. Just be nice and you will have a nice wife in the end'.
'money doesnt buy happiness, just be happy with what you have and dont focus on it'
'those popular and generally liked kids are actually unhappy and only have shallow relationships'
'being good-looking doesn't matter at all, it's on the inside what counts'.

all that shit to makes you accept your shitty position in the hiearchy of life and indeed accept that role as a 'helper'. You don't even need to actually help people, just working full-time as a childless single male in the netherlands, indeed as you say, makes you pay ridiculous amounts of tax money over your life which you will benefit the absolute least from.

I guess in the end though the question remains. Do beta's that have accepted this destiny and cope with life have it good? You would assume they do because they are not complaining.

In the end it's people like us, blackpillers, incels, alt-righters, etc. that are unwilling to accept their current position in the hierachy of society and want change. But at what cost, especially to our own lives and mental health.
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I guess in the end though the question remains. Do beta's that have accepted this destiny and cope with life have it good? You would assume they do because they are not complaining.
Most will do semi fine. Look for example at the MGTOW (group). They will talk among themselfes, how happy they are how they don't have the stresses and downsides that guys with women and/or children have. They even see themselfes as superior, or alpha, for not competing. because they have strong will, or transcended their lust or some shit like that. (although the irony is, that look at for example MGTOW subreddit, and 80% of posts wil be about women, sex, and relationships (aka, that which they transcended))

Some, probably most, are even oblivious to this process. And will say, it was their choice.

Being a Beta-helper does have the benifit. That usually they have less stress or more comfortable (boring?) lifestyle , I assume. Since they ahev less direct responsibilities

The mind seems to be full of coping mechanisms indeed that helps you deal with, for example, being seen as genetically unfit to breed for society.
Your brain unable to cope with such a life will lead to either depression (most common, literally taking yourself out of society and not being a burden to it basically) or rage/anger.
Yes. it's also pretty genetically innate "copes". Because in essence the genes are concerned with passing on and gene survival. Thise way, a helper does help the genes to pass on and survive. Because mr. helper has shared genes (percenate I dunno) with the people and children that benifit from his helping.

I used to accept being the co-operative helper as a child growing up and in my early adult years, because I was wrongly told that I would be rewarded for this behavior in the end.

My parents and teachers, society in general, always telling me shit like:

'nah not having a girlfriend or sex isn't that bad, it's over-rated. Just be nice and you will have a nice wife in the end'.
'money doesnt buy happiness, just be happy with what you have and dont focus on it'
'those popular and generally liked kids are actually unhappy and only have shallow relationships'
'being good-looking doesn't matter at all, it's on the inside what counts'.

all that shit to makes you accept your shitty position in the hiearchy of life and indeed accept that role as a 'helper'. You don't even need to actually help people, just working full-time as a childless single male in the netherlands, indeed as you say, makes you pay ridiculous amounts of tax money over your life which you will benefit the absolute least from.
these people. Most likely wanted you to stay or be a helper in the future also. Because, that would benifit these men: another helper for their offspring and 1 less competitor. So most men, have invested interest in you being a helper beta cuck. And women also to an extend, because that way you will help them with their future offspring also if mr. "alpha" leaves her for another women. At least she has helpers to fall back on, to help raise her child also

Basically. Most people you come across, are out tobring you down into believing you are a beta helper cuck, and that that is a good thing. And these people will present the rewards of "acceptance" into their group, and that you matter and that they would help you also. Which to an extend is true, bt often quit limited and not in balance.
Men who don't accept that, have to go into competition mode. They should not fear "rejection or disapproval" from the group, they should not have trouble offering no or little help, they should not for fear being selfish, they should not fear needing to compete alone. Otherwise, "winning" is difficult.
In essence. Set aside enough time and resources, to maxx what is needed for some success with females. And saying fuck it, when others their wants might get in the way of you scoring with a lady/ladies.
In the end it's people like us, blackpillers, incels, alt-righters, etc. that are unwilling to accept their current position in the hierachy of society and want change. But at what cost, especially to our own lives and mental health.
The cost is up to the person itself.
The most hardcore competers, rather die then accept.
A hardcore competer is often also prepared to go much further then the average person. that including stuff like working their ass of to safe wealth money, and then fucking immigrating from their comfortable country to shithole Russia (locationmaxxing) and having a chance of breeding with a Stacy because Russian men are in short supply (or alot of them severe alcohol addicts).
example case (fat ugly-ish Chili dude, whom is breeding with a pretty hot Stacy-ish 20-something year old in shithole Ukraine). (His reasoning, is imo to a significant extend flaud, but his conclusion is legit imo) :
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Most will do semi fine. Look for example at the MGTOW (group). They will talk among themselfes, how happy they are how they don't have the stresses and downsides that guys with women and/or children have. They even see themselfes as superior, or alpha, for not competing. because they have strong will, or transcended their lust or some shit like that. (although the irony is, that look at for example MGTOW subreddit, and 80% of posts wil be about women, sex, and relationships (aka, that which they transcended))

Some, probably most, are even oblivious to this process. And will say, it was their choice.

Being a Beta-helper does have the benifit. That usually they have less stress or more comfortable (boring?) lifestyle , I assume. Since they ahev less direct responsibilities

Yeah saying you choose to go your own way instead of being sent is also a cope. I find myself getting into that mindset aswell sometimes. Just wanting to say fuck all of this and live on my own and not give women or society another chance anymore.

Yes. it's also pretty genetically innate "copes". Because in essence the genes are concerned with passing on and gene survival. Thise way, a helper does help the genes to pass on and survive. Because mr. helper has shared genes (percenate I dunno) with the people and children that benifit from his helping.
Could also be behavior designed to help humans survive as a species, where it doesn't even matter if the kid is related to you at all anymore. But just because it is human, you want it to survive.

these people. Most likely wanted you to stay or be a helper in the future also. Because, that would benifit these men: another helper for their offspring and 1 less competitor. So most men, have invested interest in you being a helper beta cuck. And women also to an extend, because that way you will help them with their future offspring also if mr. "alpha" leaves her for another women. At least she has helpers to fall back on, to help raise her child also

Basically. Most people you come across, are out tobring you down into believing you are a beta helper cuck, and that that is a good thing. And these people will present the rewards of "acceptance" into their group, and that you matter and that they would help you also. Which to an extend is true, bt often quit limited and not in balance.
Men who don't accept that, have to go into competition mode. They should not fear "rejection or disapproval" from the group, they should not have trouble offering no or little help, they should not for fear being selfish, they should not fear needing to compete alone. Otherwise, "winning" is difficult.
In essence. Set aside enough time and resources, to maxx what is needed for some success with females. And saying fuck it, when others their wants might get in the way of you scoring with a lady/ladies.
Yes, in most cases it's better to seem liek a beta helper cuck than an alpha because then you are seen as a threat. Only in romantic/sexual situations or in situations where men might be violent and tend to pick weaker looking men to potentially start fights with or to disrespect.

The cost is up to the person itself.
The most hardcore competers, rather die then accept.
A hardcore competer is often also prepared to go much further then the average person. that including stuff like working their ass of to safe wealth money, and then fucking immigrating from their comfortable country to shithole Russia (locationmaxxing) and having a chance of breeding with a Stacy because Russian men are in short supply (or alot of them severe alcohol addicts).
example case (fat ugly-ish Chili dude, whom is breeding with a pretty hot Stacy-ish 20-something year old in shithole Ukraine). (His reasoning, is imo to a significant extend flaud, but his conclusion is legit imo) :

Reminds me of my father. He was a helper as a kid growing up, also got into STEM and studied hard. Eventually dropped out because he was unmotivated and depressed by life. Didn't do shit but rot and do shitty jobs here and there for 10 years, basically modern NEET. Then went to East Europe when the wall had just fallen, got a young wife, brought her back to the netherlands, and went completely back into beta-mode again for my mom and the kids. He got fat, wife got fat (not sure who was first lol), -> deadbedroom, wife started resenting him and he got divorceraped after 12 years of garbage level marriage.

I can see sadness in his eyes and I spoke with him about this. He said he wouldn't have married my mom and had us as kids if he could do it again, but he just wanted to 'do what was right, get a wife, get kids, etc. what society says you need to do'. He seems to have stabilized a lot in terms of mood and enjoys little things in life though. He is definitely happier now living an almost poverty level life but without wife, than back during the shit relationship.

Definitely not the same path I want to take in life at all though.
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Yeah saying you choose to go your own way instead of being sent is also a cope. I find myself getting into that mindset aswell sometimes. Just wanting to say fuck all of this and live on my own and not give women or society another chance anymore.
I think generally speaking. A man has to decide:
- 0: I'm NOT going to compete in the sexual marketplace;
- 1: I'm going to compete in the sexual marketplace.
AND on TOP of that:
- 0: I'm NOT going to be a (Beta) Helper in society. I'm going first and foremost for my own benifits/selfishness/wants and not for group validation/acceptance;
- 1: I'm going to be a (Beta) Helper in society, a pleaser. I'm going for trying to get group validation/acceptance/support and sticking to group norms.

This can change of a dude his lifetime.

For being competitive in getting romantic relationships. The approach of 1.0 works best.

MGTOW, and what you feel like when thinking above mentioned thought. Seem mostly like 0.0 .

Could also be behavior designed to help humans survive as a species, where it doesn't even matter if the kid is related to you at all anymore. But just because it is human, you want it to survive.
I agree.

Yes, in most cases it's better to seem liek a beta helper cuck than an alpha because then you are seen as a threat. Only in romantic/sexual situations or in situations where men might be violent and tend to pick weaker looking men to potentially start fights with or to disrespect.
"Better", I dunno. It all depends, on if one is competative and if one wants to be competative.
A dude that wants to be competative, would dislike not being seen as a threat. When being competative and wanting to be successfull at it, you have to embrace signalings of competitiveness/violence/threat/etc... That's why competative dudes, often work at being that also.

I have been in both places. I can't say, 1 is better then the other.
Biggest downside of not being competative and avoidant: caused my self esteem to drop.
Biggest downside of not being competative and avoidant: more dangerous and violent or potentially violent situations, more stressfull situations.

Reminds me of my father. He was a helper as a kid growing up, also got into STEM and studied hard. Eventually dropped out because he was unmotivated and depressed by life. Didn't do shit but rot and do shitty jobs here and there for 10 years, basically modern NEET. Then went to East Europe when the wall had just fallen, got a young wife, brought her back to the netherlands, and went completely back into beta-mode again for my mom and the kids. He got fat, wife got fat (not sure who was first lol), -> deadbedroom, wife started resenting him and he got divorceraped after 12 years of garbage level marriage.
He sounds like he was first, a 0.1 type of dude.
And then found a cheat code to go LocationMaxxing, and changed temporairely into 1.1 type of dude. These type of dudes, are often at high risk of being taken advantage off alot by a woman/women. Because they are pleasers, helpers; looking to be accpeted. So they give verything away to her or just put themselfes at that risk/postion fo weakness that she could do it she wanted to.
I can see sadness in his eyes and I spoke with him about this. He said he wouldn't have married my mom and had us as kids if he could do it again, but he just wanted to 'do what was right, get a wife, get kids, etc. what society says you need to do'. He seems to have stabilized a lot in terms of mood and enjoys little things in life though. He is definitely happier now living an almost poverty level life but without wife, than back during the shit relationship.
You father lacks a bit of self awareness, when it comes to saying/thinking he would had been happier if he wouldn't had your mom and kids. The real answer is, we and he don't know. But then he would had lived an incel validationless life from 20 untill now. And that takes it's toll too.

Definitely not the same path I want to take in life at all though.
Seems better not. Imo, the biggest risk for a dude is being a 1.1 type of guy. If a dude decides to compete, he better be savage-ish.

Usually very competative and succesfull dudes; that give advice or try to coach/teach/help dudes. Often try to beat the "beta helper/pleaser" tendency out of these dudes and become more selfish and savage.
Some examples:
Patrice O'Neal:

Dan Pena:

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itshigh iq to not want to be a high iq
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
Very interesting thread.

Though, the numbers on high IQ might be obfostucated by having a higher percentage of neurodivergents (autists, ADHD's, schizoids, etc.) than the lower IQ, which obviously leads to lower happiness and SMV.
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
Very interesting thread.

Though, the numbers on high IQ might be obfostucated by having a higher percentage of neurodivergents (autists, ADHD's, schizoids, etc.) than the lower IQ, which obviously leads to lower happiness and SMV.
I think this is also 1 factor yeah
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard
Dnr all of it but worrying about rejection is not a smart thing

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