Observations from my posh UK uni.

Slaying is easy in uni. I had a different female in my room every night. I was missing lectures too cause they’d stay over and then I’d fuck them in the morning
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Also, I can't believe I forgot to mention hispanics, considering they were like 40% of the school. But they always did their own thing. A lot didn't even speak english. I noticed a few dated out but it was like a cheat code for guys who couldn't run JBW or were too short etc for other girls. I would see a few 5'5" guys, and if they had a gf she was always hispanic.
  • +1
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Also, I can't believe I forgot to mention hispanics, considering they were like 40% of the school. But they always did their own thing. A lot didn't even speak english. I noticed a few dated out but it was like a cheat code for guys who couldn't run JBW or were too short etc for other girls. I would see a few 5'5" guys, and if they had a gf she was always hispanic.
Yh I've heard they stick together pretty tight in the US, hence the whole "latinos are immune to the blackpill" thing
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Mostly matches my experiences except for with curry guys.
I remember back at my school (keep in mind this was a very diverse low income high school school), there was a lot of out race dating. I think the only female group I didn't really see dating out was black girls, who just stuck to black guys. I remember being surprised at the time, because a lot of the gl tall black guys were with unappealing black girls. Still, I saw a lot of black guys with white girls.
The weird thing I noticed, was there were basically no curry/curry relationships. Most curry girls were with white guys, and curry guys with white and asian girls. Asian girls were the group that dated out the most (outside of curries) I think.
As for whites, it was a mixed bag. You saw some JBWing of tall, nerdy, white guys dating curry or asian girls, but the athletic/NT/gl ones were usually with white girls. And yeah the white girls were all across the board. It puzzled me in senior year, shortly after I got blackpilled. I saw the few cute white girls with short guys, fat guys, normies, ethnics, a lot of these things mixed.

Uni was a little different for me. My school was almost entirely white. Never been in an environment like that. The racial dynamics didn't really seem to matter. Again, it was overwhelmingly white, like there was only one other ethnic in my section of maybe 20-30 people. So I can't really speak for it there. The most I remember is this one cute white girl I wanted to approach being with a short gymmaxxed MTN Asian.
I'm returning to school now though, in a somewhat different environment, but basically a top 10 STEM school as well. I'll report what I see there after sometime.
Straight up list, I won't waste time.

- Huge East Asian population here. I'd say 70% of Asian guys have Asian girlfriends, judging by the number of them I see holding hands with someone and the number of them I see alone. Plenty of LTNs do (albeit LTB girlfriends).

- Closer to 80 - 85% of Asian girls have boyfriends; the difference interval of 10 -15% with regards to the Asian men is made up of wmaf couples.

- Getting a girlfriend is pretty easy, provided you are neurotypical and have a social circle who actually do things. Only South Asian men struggle here; LTN black, white or east asian can get their looksmatch provided they're willing to date in race (I didn't include latinos because there are very, very few here).

- I rarely ever see South Asian guys with a woman. In fact, I see more South Asian women with White men than South Asian man/woman couples. I know only ONE Indian (one of my closest friends) who does well with women:
View attachment 2101376
^^ HTN, Hyper NT and only goes for white girls, I guess these are the requirements for you SAs out there.

- I'm MTN and get mogged hard pretty much everywhere other than my mathematics tutorials/seminars which is just full of nerd phenos. Getting mogged by this on a daily basis:
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View attachment 2101389

^^ much higher density than usual of guys who look like the above. Those looks aren't even rare here. It is a posh university after all.

- Club scene is like anywhere else in the UK; tough. I've literally seen girls in my social circle kiss other men infront of their boyfriends as well as blacking out after drinking and waking up naked in some random chadlites bed (this girl also had a boyfriend). I get decent attention but mainly from chubby girls; I am 6ft and gymcelled tbf.

- Most white girls here are MTB but I can't stand to be around them. Addicted to their phones and they think they're quirky because they are vegan, have a nose ring and listen to indie and not mainstream rap.

- Fashionmaxxing is a weird game here. I originally live in a big city where "fashionmaxxing" means nike tech tracksuits and jordan 4s. No one wears that here. To fashionmaxx you'd have to go higher class but still show some edge, like a leather bomber or something.

Overall the takeaway is "just don't be curry". Jokes aside, if you are South Asian, go to Manchester or Birmingham for uni and I can guarantee you'll do much better.
Seems like location is more important than some would like to admit, right? Considering some browns do badly in an area while do pretty well in others @nav_w1

I'd like to mention something on my mind. I think this is because the "posh" kids tend to be (in general btw) overwhelmingly Indian. From what I've seen outside this forum, in Britain, Bangladeshi and Pakis tend to be not as well off as the Indians. They also tend to be more low-inhib and have better grooming and style from tiktok vids at least. Could this be where the discrepancy lies as well? In my opinion, I think is definitely a part of it. The "lower-class" Banglas and Pakis too I suppose seem to do quite decently and maybe that's why they do better in Manchester or Birmingham etc
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20996 and Deleted member 21661
Straight up list, I won't waste time.

- Huge East Asian population here. I'd say 70% of Asian guys have Asian girlfriends, judging by the number of them I see holding hands with someone and the number of them I see alone. Plenty of LTNs do (albeit LTB girlfriends).

- Closer to 80 - 85% of Asian girls have boyfriends; the difference interval of 10 -15% with regards to the Asian men is made up of wmaf couples.

- Getting a girlfriend is pretty easy, provided you are neurotypical and have a social circle who actually do things. Only South Asian men struggle here; LTN black, white or east asian can get their looksmatch provided they're willing to date in race (I didn't include latinos because there are very, very few here).

- I rarely ever see South Asian guys with a woman. In fact, I see more South Asian women with White men than South Asian man/woman couples. I know only ONE Indian (one of my closest friends) who does well with women:
View attachment 2101376
^^ HTN, Hyper NT and only goes for white girls, I guess these are the requirements for you SAs out there.

- I'm MTN and get mogged hard pretty much everywhere other than my mathematics tutorials/seminars which is just full of nerd phenos. Getting mogged by this on a daily basis:
View attachment 2101355
View attachment 2101367
View attachment 2101389

^^ much higher density than usual of guys who look like the above. Those looks aren't even rare here. It is a posh university after all.

- Club scene is like anywhere else in the UK; tough. I've literally seen girls in my social circle kiss other men infront of their boyfriends as well as blacking out after drinking and waking up naked in some random chadlites bed (this girl also had a boyfriend). I get decent attention but mainly from chubby girls; I am 6ft and gymcelled tbf.

- Most white girls here are MTB but I can't stand to be around them. Addicted to their phones and they think they're quirky because they are vegan, have a nose ring and listen to indie and not mainstream rap.

- Fashionmaxxing is a weird game here. I originally live in a big city where "fashionmaxxing" means nike tech tracksuits and jordan 4s. No one wears that here. To fashionmaxx you'd have to go higher class but still show some edge, like a leather bomber or something.

Overall the takeaway is "just don't be curry". Jokes aside, if you are South Asian, go to Manchester or Birmingham for uni and I can guarantee you'll do much better.
Not that brutal tbh

Any Balkan People there?
  • +1
Reactions: nav_w1
Seems like location is more important than some would like to admit, right? Considering some browns do badly in an area while do pretty well in others @nav_w1

I'd like to mention something on my mind. I think this is because the "posh" kids tend to be (in general btw) overwhelmingly Indian. From what I've seen outside this forum, in Britain, Bangladeshi and Pakis tend to be not as well off as the Indians. They also tend to be more low-inhib and have better grooming and style from tiktok vids at least. Could this be where the discrepancy lies as well? In my opinion, I think is definitely a part of it. The "lower-class" Banglas and Pakis too I suppose seem to do quite decently and maybe that's why they do better in Manchester or Birmingham etc
Absolutely brother. Location is definitely more important than it is given credit for. I'd say non white UK posh kids are overwhelmingly Indian for sure, likely because many Indians settled in the UK in the mid 20th century (so earlier than most ethnics).
Not that brutal tbh

Any Balkan People there?
I personally know a Serbian girl and a Bulgarian guy. I remember when I checked out my university's Catholic Chaplaincy in the first week (I am Catholic) and there were quite a few Balkans there.
Absolutely brother. Location is definitely more important than it is given credit for. I'd say non white UK posh kids are overwhelmingly Indian for sure, likely because many Indians settled in the UK in the mid 20th century (so earlier than most ethnics).
Wow, well that seems to line up with the 2nd part of my comment. Predicted that. thx
Yh I've heard they stick together pretty tight in the US, hence the whole "latinos are immune to the blackpill" thing
Definitely, but there's also more to it. Could be media maybe, but the average latino I see is fat, short and smelly, but there seems to be no race based SMV tank for them.

Seems like location is more important than some would like to admit, right? Considering some browns do badly in an area while do pretty well in others @nav_w1

I'd like to mention something on my mind. I think this is because the "posh" kids tend to be (in general btw) overwhelmingly Indian. From what I've seen outside this forum, in Britain, Bangladeshi and Pakis tend to be not as well off as the Indians. They also tend to be more low-inhib and have better grooming and style from tiktok vids at least. Could this be where the discrepancy lies as well? In my opinion, I think is definitely a part of it.
For me, racepill essentially translates to two things:
1. Whites are generally the only group that has appeal everywhere
2. As an ethnic, half the game for you is beating stereotype

When it comes to the first case, I definitely agree that location is extremely important for ethnics. I don't know how it is in the UK, but in the US, the way you will be viewed as a South Asian is entirely dependent upon location. I've noticed that on extreme ends of the spectrum, ones with a proportionally large amount of Indians, and those with almost none, the SMV tax is almost non existent (assume that the Indian is westernized too). Indians are probably the least integrated group to the American racial zeitgeist, even if hispanics don't speak english much, they're a huge part of the population and have been here for longer. Even in games with customization for example, the race options you see are always blacks, whites, asians, and hispanics (to be fair many Indians look similar to hispanics, but you see my point). Indians just aren't brought up in racial discussions here or thought of much, they're a pretty infrequent group. The only mention of Indians comes up (positively) with tech and high income here, and negatively with scamming, mistreatment of women, curry smelling, all the bad stereotypes you know of Indians. Though again, most of these are fairly distant. If there are many Indians in an area, the bad stereotypes sort of wear off, especially since at schools they tend to be kids of immigrants, and therefore Americanized. If there are no Indians in an area? People don't even recognize Indians as Indians at first, you could easily get mistaken for Hispanic, even if you look very stereotypically Indian. I guess accents or a very Indian meme name would signal you as Indian though.
But if there are some amount of Indians, not too many, and they're mostly FOBs, yeah. That's where 99% of the bad Indian SMV happens IME. Because then every Indian gets associated with the other bad stereotypes of Indians around them.
I also agree when it comes to posh kids and whatnot. I remember there was this video in UK of some guy asking girls what race of guys they liked, and a lot said "Asian" (and as far as I'm aware there, Asian basically means South instead of East like the US). The less nerdy and more NT stereotypes probably helped them, and a similar reason to why blacks slay. Although the inverse was true in our case, I'm sure SA SMV is way higher in the UK. My school was low income, but it was really big, so it had a lot of different kinds of kids.
I think to an extent rule 1 is being broken as time passes. Asian SMV is skyrocketing with kpop, and I see black male popularity spreading to Asia too. Too bad Indians don't have anything like that yet.

As for beating stereotypes, I wanted to make a post about this at some point earlier. The thing about being anything non-white in a white country, is that, naturally as a minority there are more stereotypes about it. For ex, Asians being nerdy and feminine, Indians being nerdy and unhygienic, blacks being stupid and violent, so on.
So, as a white guy, you could probably get away being somewhat slobby. If you're slobby as an Indian, you're often associated with street shitters and so on. If you're black and want a HQNP girl and not to just slay hood rats, you have to take every effort to look at high class as possible, or you're associated with criminals, while every other race can afford to be a bit low class
Though location will play a role in this, if you are Indian, you need to be clean, somewhat gymmaxxed, westernized, and NT as a basis. If not, things will be a lot more difficult. It sucks that it's a lot more than what a lot of other races need, but it is what it is. You cannot have the accent failio 100%, and you have to stay away from the rapist/smelly/nerdy stereotypes as far as you can. The same applies to any other race and whatever stereotypes inhibit them.
But as it does with everything looks play a role. A good looking guy when ethnic will be exotic and have a cool culture. An ugly guy will almost always face the bad stereotypes of the race. It's just about what you can max out as a normie
  • +1
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I personally know a Serbian girl and a Bulgarian guy. I remember when I checked out my university's Catholic Chaplaincy in the first week (I am Catholic) and there were quite a few Balkans there.
Are their women 5'10+
A friend in an Oxbridge reject uni says there aren’t any clear cut chads and rizzmaxxed normies get all the attention there but that maybe cause he’s in the north
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posh unis are hell on earth. too many well nutritioned tall white chads.

protip: if you are applying for university and see rugby is there dominant sport, STAY CLEAR. ethnics especially. the concentration of rich, white, tall slayers is mind blowing.

I've heard Loughborough is the worst for this, literal chad central.
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Mostly matches my experiences except for with curry guys.
I remember back at my school (keep in mind this was a very diverse low income high school school), there was a lot of out race dating. I think the only female group I didn't really see dating out was black girls, who just stuck to black guys. I remember being surprised at the time, because a lot of the gl tall black guys were with unappealing black girls. Still, I saw a lot of black guys with white girls.
The weird thing I noticed, was there were basically no curry/curry relationships. Most curry girls were with white guys, and curry guys with white and asian girls. Asian girls were the group that dated out the most (outside of curries) I think.
As for whites, it was a mixed bag. You saw some JBWing of tall, nerdy, white guys dating curry or asian girls, but the athletic/NT/gl ones were usually with white girls. And yeah the white girls were all across the board. It puzzled me in senior year, shortly after I got blackpilled. I saw the few cute white girls with short guys, fat guys, normies, ethnics, a lot of these things mixed.

Uni was a little different for me. My school was almost entirely white. Never been in an environment like that. The racial dynamics didn't really seem to matter. Again, it was overwhelmingly white, like there was only one other ethnic in my section of maybe 20-30 people. So I can't really speak for it there. The most I remember is this one cute white girl I wanted to approach being with a short gymmaxxed MTN Asian.
I'm returning to school now though, in a somewhat different environment, but basically a top 10 STEM school as well. I'll report what I see there after sometime.
whwre Ur from
Yeah ethnics treated me well at uni, black bros were the nicest to me. My disdain towards whites at uni grew tbh, back in sixth form everyone was nice. But race became so obvious for me while at uni. Being black is tough for you tbh, because I can imagine most black girls are probs JBW and most whites probs think you are a monkey or some shit tbh.

I feel like a big part of this is just the number of foreign students this country gets, especially the better unis.

These kids come here and form ethnic centric friendship groups which has an influence on everyone born within the UK as well.

White UK kids born outside of a big city also behave in this way.

These people wouldn't have been around in an inner city sixth form.
Also, I can't believe I forgot to mention hispanics, considering they were like 40% of the school. But they always did their own thing. A lot didn't even speak english. I noticed a few dated out but it was like a cheat code for guys who couldn't run JBW or were too short etc for other girls. I would see a few 5'5" guys, and if they had a gf she was always hispanic.
How big of a failo is being non nt and wierd/nerdy as a curry. I’m tallish and gymaxxing rn, I am light brown with a perm
How big of a failo is being non nt and wierd/nerdy as a curry. I’m tallish and gymaxxing rn, I am light brown with a perm
Height is pretty important I'd say NT is important too
idk the biggest curry slayer I knew was dark skinned af but tall and giga NT
You need to beat the curry stereotypes though, and being awkward is one of them
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