Official Life Long Thread Of All The Things the Edomite Ashkenazi Jeqs Are Either Responsible For, Own, Control, etc (Feel Free to add to the list)

It's true, the jews control everything. If u think u can defeat them ur sadly mistaken and Mossad will take care of you.
Mossad can suck my nuts
It was forced on me. But I doubt that it is the mark
yeah I think it’s too early for it to be the mark I think it’s more of a bioweapon. The mark could be a chip implant or another injection
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Who are the chosen Israelites then if it isn’t Jews
Caucasians and the Irish/Scottish are the tribe of Judah and the Jevvs stole this identity in 150 AD but are really the Edomites/Canaanites.
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Ahh if it isnt our beloved minority that was driven out of towns and cities for centuries but somehow gained world domination and media control
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Caucasians and the Irish/Scottish are the tribe of Judah and the Jevvs stole this identity in 150 AD but are really the Edomites/Canaanites.
schizo final boss
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schizo final boss
The Truth final boss.

I have given this board over 100 proofs that the Israelites are Caucasians. This isn't even a debate this is just straight up factual like 2+2 = 4.

Change my mind if you disagree. I'll wait:p
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Ahh if it isnt our beloved minority that was driven out of towns and cities for centuries but somehow gained world domination and media control
Ahh yes those who disagree with evidence and facts even though the facts don't care about your feelings.
Nobody refers to the satanic tribe as beloved. Just because you're ignorant that doesn't disprove these facts this just reveals your ignorance. Try again
The Truth final boss.

I have given this board over 100 proofs that the Israelites are Caucasians. This isn't even a debate this is just straight up factual like 2+2 = 4.

Change my mind if you disagree. I'll wait:p
great loving god chooses the caucasian to be his chosen people and they get to enjoy the kingdom how fair and loving you sound just like the jews
they were Semitic semits lived in the near east they shared genetic and cultural ties with the Canaanites(the people god decided to ethnicly cleanse because they were corrupt EVEN THOUGH those jews. for you schizo caucus were bad too but god tried w them a few times).and also what do u define as caucus are indians caucus enough or somalis.
I cant respond to the 100 schizo rambling so ill cherry pick some that are absolutly wrong.
"Virtually every invention from the wheel, to electricity, to airplanes, to the tv set in your living room was invented by the white race.

All non white nations lived in primitive and mostly savage conditions until conquered and transformed by White Nations.

Whenever White rule has been removed from a nation, they have declined backwards rather than forwards.

How can any other race claim to be the descendants of Israel?"

Holy shizo:lul: most imventions arent white
paper was made by the chinese and gunpowder too. Algebra by the muzzies so is algorithms and advanced surgical tools. the fiber optics the bullet train android system i could go for ever. all none whites are savages until whites came and spread common law:lul:.schizo ALLcivilizations before are savages by todays standards witch hunts that happened in europe or piblic execution or public torture is all savage activities by today standards also not all countries that the whites have left went bad singapore is richer than uk per capita that is.
too lazy to continue typing might
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Ahh yes those who disagree with evidence and facts even though the facts don't care about your feelings.
Nobody refers to the satanic tribe as beloved. Just because you're ignorant that doesn't disprove these facts this just reveals your ignorance. Try again
beloved was satiric and you people act if jews embody the hive mind and they all are connected and if you see a high influence human that happens to be jew means they rule everything this jews are as divided as the rest of us.
that being said im open to be proven wrong that makes you think the jews CURRENTLY have world domination and take your pills before you reply
beloved was satiric and you people act if jews embody the hive mind and they all are connected and if you see a high influence human that happens to be jew means they rule everything this jews are as divided as the rest of us.
that being said im open to be proven wrong that makes you think the jews CURRENTLY have world domination and take your pills before you reply
Great, if you truly have an open mind then everything posted in here including the OP of everything they control, 1,000+ times they've been deported, all the major atrocities they've committed have been well documented then you'd already understand this as truth. There's nothing left to say on this matter as the case is closed. The funniest aspect is there are many quotes from powerful Jevvs who openly brag about this power/domination. I love to use their quotes against them as it's hilarious. I guess they'll have to call these Jevvish leaders antisemites (a misnomer).

There's more than enough info on here plus books like The International Jevv by Henry Ford, The books and works of Dr. David Duke, The videos and works of Dustin Nemos, the Talmud, etc.
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great loving god chooses the caucasian to be his chosen people and they get to enjoy the kingdom how fair and loving you sound just like the jews
they were Semitic semits lived in the near east they shared genetic and cultural ties with the Canaanites(the people god decided to ethnicly cleanse because they were corrupt EVEN THOUGH those jews. for you schizo caucus were bad too but god tried w them a few times).and also what do u define as caucus are indians caucus enough or somalis.
I cant respond to the 100 schizo rambling so ill cherry pick some that are absolutly wrong.
"Virtually every invention from the wheel, to electricity, to airplanes, to the tv set in your living room was invented by the white race.

All non white nations lived in primitive and mostly savage conditions until conquered and transformed by White Nations.

Whenever White rule has been removed from a nation, they have declined backwards rather than forwards.

How can any other race claim to be the descendants of Israel?"

Holy shizo:lul: most imventions arent white
paper was made by the chinese and gunpowder too. Algebra by the muzzies so is algorithms and advanced surgical tools. the fiber optics the bullet train android system i could go for ever. all none whites are savages until whites came and spread common law:lul:.schizo ALLcivilizations before are savages by todays standards witch hunts that happened in europe or piblic execution or public torture is all savage activities by today standards also not all countries that the whites have left went bad singapore is richer than uk per capita that is.
too lazy to continue typing might
God is fair and Just per his rules he set from day one in the Garden. He told Adam and Eve to not race mix as that was the first sin and the fall of man. The abomination races started from this first sin. This lineage carried through the seed line of Ham.

You can't respond to any of my proofs that I have given because you have no counter evidence. So far all you can say is muh false, or muh schizo rambling, or just listing some of the things you personally disagree with but have 0 evidence for your reasoning to disagree.

The gifts and promises to the Israelites/Caucasians are for their faith, not race mixing and repentance/not walking in their sin. Every current human can enter the eternal Kingdom but God did give the Israelites specific gifts and promises specifically to them and many of these promises have come to fruition over thousands of years and shall continue to come to fruition. To deny this is simply being delusional or simply think it doesn't sound fair in your mind therefore it means according to you unfair.

Life is tough, I didn't make the rules in this material world. Not everybody is born with the same hand of cards so it's hoq you play them. Everybody does have a chance to be with GOD in this material reality to have the chance to be with GOD in the base reality aka Heaven and GOD doesn't force anyone to be with him in this life or the next. Live life on earth that gives one the best chance for salvation. To deny God's word isn't a great start.

The thread I posted with 100+ proofs proving the Israelites/Caucasians are God's chosen is scripturally supported. The Edomites/Canaanites people being a historically group of anti-christians/Israelites and stealing the identity of the Israrelites in 150 AD is supported by the bible (including Jesus saying they're the children of the devil, a group of Vipers, responsible for the loss of all righteous blood, etc) and all the other resources and facts I placed on here including the entities they control, atrocities they've committed over the last couple thousand years and 1,000+ times they've been deported. To deny this is simply coping within the facts. I have nothing left to say on this matter as I've already given you everything you need to be well informed. But if your mind isn't open then I can't help you. Good luck(y)
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And even more, Heil Hitler. Have an amazing day.
You too. However, I hate to break it to you but Hitler qas a genetic Edomite/Canaanite Jevv and not just any Jevv but a Rothchild and a Rothchild agent. Without Hitler there is no modern day Israel. He's basically Trump before Trump but on roids because at least he pretended to hate the Jevvs and Trumpy Bear says he loves the Jevvs and muh Israel our greatest ally n sheit.
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beloved was satiric and you people act if jews embody the hive mind and they all are connected and if you see a high influence human that happens to be jew means they rule everything this jews are as divided as the rest of us.
that being said im open to be proven wrong that makes you think the jews CURRENTLY have world domination and take your pills before you reply
Brother Nathanel (Jevv that converted to Christianity) explains hoq all Jevvs go through the indoctrination camps trained to have the tribal hive mind as a form of brainqashing. They're trained to believe they're the real chosen one's and that they receive 1,000's of gentile slaves and the more good deeds (evil atrocities they commit against gentiles) the more reqards they receive. This is all qritten clear as day in the Talmud and has been admitted by the Jevvs. The fake black Hebreq Israelites adopted this belief that they'll have thousands of slaves but of course they'll be Caucasian slaves as they believe that Caucasians are Esau.

This isn't scriptural at all. The Caucasian/Israelites were never promised thousands of non Israelite slaves. We're not told by GOD to do acts of evil against non Israelites to be rewarded for these so called deeds. Our good works should be aligned with what Jesus told us to do on earth (heal the sick, cast out demons, help the poor, preach the gospel and treat others how Jesus treated the disciples). Jesus did point out the liars, hypocrites, satanists, etc and he gave them the truth. He'd be called a racist, anti-semite, qhite supremacist for his qords today. In fact preaching the qords of Jesus and even speaking his name is banned in Israel and there's a laq currently being voted on to ban his teachings in the US.
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3.) Covid Vaccines/false flag (mass genocide of 10's of millions and sterilization)
i took the vaccine, one shot, only one, what did it do to my body
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i took the vaccine, one shot, only one, what did it do to my body
This depends on the batch number you took and your own genetics. It appears there are many similar effects like the gene alteration, myocarditits, and previous diseases or genetic weakness coming back after taking the shots. There is some evidence that displays these shots to be the Mark of the Beast. I am not certain of this at this time but it's quite scary the amount of destruction these shots have.

Please check out dustin Nemos and his videos on these shots (bitchute/rumble).
This depends on the batch number you took and your own genetics. It appears there are many similar effects like the gene alteration, myocarditits, and previous diseases or genetic weakness coming back after taking the shots. There is some evidence that displays these shots to be the Mark of the Beast. I am not certain of this at this time but it's quite scary the amount of destruction these shots have.

Please check out dustin Nemos and his videos on these shots (bitchute/rumble).
i dont believe its the mark of the beast for many reasons, isnt it said that the false messiah recovers from a deadly wound before? ive heard that some shots were placebo, could that be true? i havent noticed any weird health complications
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This depends on the batch number you took and your own genetics. It appears there are many similar effects like the gene alteration, myocarditits, and previous diseases or genetic weakness coming back after taking the shots. There is some evidence that displays these shots to be the Mark of the Beast. I am not certain of this at this time but it's quite scary the amount of destruction these shots have.

Please check out dustin Nemos and his videos on these shots (bitchute/rumble).
i guess thers no way to reverse it?
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i guess thers no way to reverse it?
No, you cannot undue qhat has been done to your DNA. If you go to the patents the MRNA gene altering technology removes a part of your DNA and adds in it's oqn sequence. The part that is removed is the mark of GOD and replaced qith the mark 666. This is in the patents. Dustin Nemos covers this on his site and gives you the patent and demonstrates how this is done. All one can do is pray and repent.

As for the toxins and all the other crap in the shots I highly recommend using glutathione infusions and or glutathione transdermal cream This is a naturally produced peptide that can remove heavy metals, toxins, microplastics, etc. You may need a month of infusions of glutathione 2 times a qeek to start due to the horrifically high levels of toxins in these shots.

I recommend taking Chlorella, Spirulina, Dulse (clean sources and I can provide the links if you're interested).

Therefore, majority of the toxins from these shots can be removed but the DNA alteration cannot be undone to my knowledge therefore prayer and repentance is a must. Please do not give up and do not get depressed. Accept Jesus over anything including even if they threaten your job or life because your eternal salvation is more important than anything offered in this material reality.

If you have any other health side effects I have a thread created just for that also. I believe Glutathione therapy and those supplements can help you on your path to healing. Good luck and god bless you.
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i dont believe its the mark of the beast for many reasons, isnt it said that the false messiah recovers from a deadly wound before? ive heard that some shots were placebo, could that be true? i havent noticed any weird health complications
It may not be but there is some damning evidence but I am not 100% certain at this point. Overall, it's nothing good for any human.

Donald trump did survive a shot to the head. Anti CHRIST and the false prophet may be Elon Musk. They make a great team in fooling 100's of millions of souls already.

Praise God you have no health complication. You can use the app to test if you received the real shot or placebo as it has some kind of code that shoqs up on the phone that constantly changes.. Some other side effects include being magnetic and quarters sticking to your skin or under UV lights the shot location glows in the dark.
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It may not be but there is some damning evidence but I am not 100% certain at this point. Overall, it's nothing good for any human.

Donald trump did survive a shot to the head. Anti CHRIST and the false prophet may be Elon Musk. They make a great team in fooling 100's of millions of souls already.

Praise God you have no health complication. You can use the app to test if you received the real shot or placebo as it has some kind of code that shoqs up on the phone that constantly changes.. Some other side effects include being magnetic and quarters sticking to your skin or under UV lights the shot location glows in the dark.
what app? and from what i know the anti christ recovers first and then the mark is distributed, also he wasnt wounded deadly, i read somehwere online that "they even acted out the ritual" referring to the ear shot
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what app? and from what i know the anti Christ recovers first and then the mark is distributed, also he wasnt wounded deadly, i read somewhere online that "they even acted out the ritual" referring to the ear shot

Bluetooth scanner app

The mark of the beast is enforced mid tribulation 3.5 years into the tribulation. Currently qe are only 1 year and a couple months into the tribulation. It doesn't say the Mark of the Beast can't be distributed before that time.

The location of the wound is a deadly location because 1 cm to the right and he's dead.

2023 = start of tribulation
2027 = mid tribulation enforcement of mark of beast and mass executions of Christians
2030 = return of Jesus and the death of the false prophet, and AC.
2030-3030= 1,000 year Kingdom of Christ's rule on earth in new Jerusalem as promised to King David thousands of years ago.
3030=one last battle between Jesus and Lucifer. Jesus defeats them with fire and sends all the mortals and Lucifer that fought against him and the chosen to hell for their second death.
3030-eternal Kingdom, Judgement day,
infinity: eventually those sent to hell for their second death their souls are consumed and reabsorbed by God. Their consciousness is gone forever as they cease to exist.

8 steps to receiving eternal life aka salvation:

1.) Believe in GOD
2.) Believe Jesus Christ is the Massiah and fulfilled the scriptures
3.) Repent(ask for forgiveness of your sins and do your best to improve) and do not walk in your sins. Learn to walk in the spirit and not the flesh to make this much easier.
4.) Have no fear or doubt that Jesus can save you
5.) Forgive all people for the transgressions they committed against you so God can forgive you for your sins
6.) Don't take the mark of the beast: This could be simply worshipping the anti-Christ as GOD over the one true GOD to be able to live in modern day society which may or may not be the shots.
7.) Do not commit the unforgivable sin aka blaspheme of the holy spirit.
8.) Love God more than anything else
9.) Do not change the words of the gospel or your name shall be taken out of the book of life. I believe this to mean those that are Intentionally changing the qwords of the gospel or providing false interpretations to damn souls is the meaning of this verse in the book of Revelations

Bonus: faith is dead without works. The works you do is a testament to your faith. Works don't get one into heaven but are a sign of strong faith and shall be rewarded 10-30 fold after making it to heaven.

I hope this helps you on your path to salvation. Your soul is more important than anything this world has to offer you. I'm glad you're not suffering side effects from the shot and perhaps you're one of the few that received the placebo. Glutathione therapy can still help you detoxify from heavy metals and toxins qe're exposed to in our daily lives.
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Bluetooth scanner app

The mark of the beast is enforced mid tribulation 3.5 years into the tribulation. Currently qe are only 1 year and a couple months into the tribulation. It doesn't say the Mark of the Beast can't be distributed before that time.

The location of the wound is a deadly location because 1 cm to the right and he's dead.

2023 = start of tribulation
2027 = mid tribulation enforcement of mark of beast and mass executions of Christians
2030 = return of Jesus and the death of the false prophet, and AC.
2030-3030= 1,000 year Kingdom of Christ's rule on earth in new Jerusalem as promised to King David thousands of years ago.
3030=one last battle between Jesus and Lucifer. Jesus defeats them with fire and sends all the mortals and Lucifer that fought against him and the chosen to hell for their second death.
3030-eternal Kingdom, Judgement day,
infinity: eventually those sent to hell for their second death their souls are consumed and reabsorbed by God. Their consciousness is gone forever as they cease to exist.

8 steps to receiving eternal life aka salvation:

1.) Believe in GOD
2.) Believe Jesus Christ is the Massiah and fulfilled the scriptures
3.) Repent(ask for forgiveness of your sins and do your best to improve) and do not walk in your sins. Learn to walk in the spirit and not the flesh to make this much easier.
4.) Have no fear or doubt that Jesus can save you
5.) Forgive all people for the transgressions they committed against you so God can forgive you for your sins
6.) Don't take the mark of the beast: This could be simply worshipping the anti-Christ as GOD over the one true GOD to be able to live in modern day society which may or may not be the shots.
7.) Do not commit the unforgivable sin aka blaspheme of the holy spirit.
8.) Love God more than anything else
9.) Do not change the words of the gospel or your name shall be taken out of the book of life. I believe this to mean those that are Intentionally changing the qwords of the gospel or providing false interpretations to damn souls is the meaning of this verse in the book of Revelations

Bonus: faith is dead without works. The works you do is a testament to your faith. Works don't get one into heaven but are a sign of strong faith and shall be rewarded 10-30 fold after making it to heaven.

I hope this helps you on your path to salvation. Your soul is more important than anything this world has to offer you. I'm glad you're not suffering side effects from the shot and perhaps you're one of the few that received the placebo. Glutathione therapy can still help you detoxify from heavy metals and toxins qe're exposed to in our daily lives.

i wonder about the sin that cant be forgiven what exactly does it mean? also i have read that theres a verse which says roughly that those who (and in this place i dont know how accurate the translation is) deliberately/willingly go on sinning after recieving the covenant of the truth that there will be no sacrficie for them or something like this, i dont remember the exact wording, also i am very much in love with a girl, she prolly doesnt believe, it says that an unbelieving wife/husband is sanctified by their beleiving wife/husband, if we were to marry (in front of our father not the modern day marriage ofc) would she also be saved? i love her so much, not in a sexual way, i love her, even if she were ugly or had an asshole personality
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i wonder about the sin that cant be forgiven what exactly does it mean? also i have read that there's a verse which says roughly that those who (and in this place i dont know how accurate the translation is) deliberately/willingly go on sinning after recieving the covenant of the truth that there will be no sacrficie for them or something like this, i don't remember the exact wording, also i am very much in love with a girl, she prolly doesnt believe, it says that an unbelieving wife/husband is sanctified by their believing wife/husband, if we were to marry (in front of our father not the modern day marriage ofc) would she also be saved? i love her so much, not in a sexual way, i love her, even if she were ugly or had an asshole personality
Rejection of the holy spirit's deity, continuous state of not seeking forgiveness (hardened heart), Knowing opposition (Willful, persistent and knowledgeable of the holy spirit and denial of it).

I don't currently have the answers to your other questions.
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Rejection of the holy spirit's deity, continuous state of not seeking forgiveness (hardened heart), Knowing opposition (Willful, persistent and knowledgeable of the holy spirit and denial of it).

I don't currently have the answers to your other questions.
i just tried this one, it didnt detect anything but i dont have gps turned on (or rather i dont know wether it is turned on or not)
Rejection of the holy spirit's deity, continuous state of not seeking forgiveness (hardened heart), Knowing opposition (Willful, persistent and knowledgeable of the holy spirit and denial of it).

I don't currently have the answers to your other questions.
can you tell me, the trinity, are the christian teachings true? i am not sure because Yeshua the Messiah said the He and the Father are one, and He answered to those who asked to show the Father, that He has been with them all this time and how they can then still ask "Can You show us the Father?" its not the exact way the verses go but you propably know what i mean
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No, you cannot undue qhat has been done to your DNA. If you go to the patents the MRNA gene altering technology removes a part of your DNA and adds in it's oqn sequence. The part that is removed is the mark of GOD and replaced qith the mark 666. This is in the patents. Dustin Nemos covers this on his site and gives you the patent and demonstrates how this is done. All one can do is pray and repent.

As for the toxins and all the other crap in the shots I highly recommend using glutathione infusions and or glutathione transdermal cream This is a naturally produced peptide that can remove heavy metals, toxins, microplastics, etc. You may need a month of infusions of glutathione 2 times a qeek to start due to the horrifically high levels of toxins in these shots.

I recommend taking Chlorella, Spirulina, Dulse (clean sources and I can provide the links if you're interested).

Therefore, majority of the toxins from these shots can be removed but the DNA alteration cannot be undone to my knowledge therefore prayer and repentance is a must. Please do not give up and do not get depressed. Accept Jesus over anything including even if they threaten your job or life because your eternal salvation is more important than anything offered in this material reality.

If you have any other health side effects I have a thread created just for that also. I believe Glutathione therapy and those supplements can help you on your path to healing. Good luck and god bless you.
i have glutathione injectable in my fridge, is glutathione subq also good?
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Rejection of the holy spirit's deity, continuous state of not seeking forgiveness (hardened heart), Knowing opposition (Willful, persistent and knowledgeable of the holy spirit and denial of it).

I don't currently have the answers to your other questions.
i wonder, why do you call Him Jesus if His real name is Yeshua the Messiah or Yahushua the Messiah?
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i wonder, why do you call Him Jesus if His real name is Yeshua the Messiah or Yahushua the Messiah?
Jesus Christ is the name the only name that demons bow down to and are cast out of places or humans by using this name they confirm this name is the name of the Messiah. The English language is the prophesied language that God told us the Israelites would use in the future that all Israelite nations would use as one.

The old Hebrew language is dead and is never going to return. Casting out demons in Jesus' name is proof that this is the name of the Messiah.
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i have glutathione injectable in my fridge, is glutathione subq also good?
sublingual can be good but I have never used it. The infusions must be followed immediately by a sauna since it's such a high amount and is passed through your urine in 30 minutes so you must excrete the toxins by sweating also or else the toxins redistributes throughout the body.
sublingual can be good but I have never used it. The infusions must be followed immediately by a sauna since it's such a high amount and is passed through your urine in 30 minutes so you must excrete the toxins by sweating also or else the toxins redistributes throughout the body.
but subq would work? so i do subq injection and then i go into sauna?
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can you tell me, the trinity, are the christian teachings true? i am not sure because Yeshua the Messiah said the He and the Father are one, and He answered to those who asked to show the Father, that He has been with them all this time and how they can then still ask "Can You show us the Father?" its not the exact way the verses go but you propably know what i mean
Matt: 28:19

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

This put's all three on equal ground aka GOD 3 for one deal. Humans are made of a body, soul, and spirit 3 for one but one entity but 3 persons.

Gen 1:26hen God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it."

Us is referring to the holy trinity. God isn't conferring with his creation the angels as he has no reason to confer with his own creation.
but subq would work? so i do subq injection and then i go into sauna?
I've only used infusions into the bloodstream. IDK the efficacy if injected into the fat.
Matt: 28:19

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

This put's all three on equal ground aka GOD 3 for one deal. Humans are made of a body, soul, and spirit 3 for one but one entity but 3 persons.

Gen 1:26hen God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it."

Us is referring to the holy trinity. God isn't conferring with his creation the angels as he has no reason to confer with his own creation.
makes sense, but what i still wonder is: The Holy Trinity thats being taught in christianity says that The Son is not The Father, The Father is not The Holy Spirit and The Holy Spirit is not The Son, i dont believe that this is true because The Son said that He and The Father are one
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Jesus Christ is the name the only name that demons bow down to and are cast out of places or humans by using this name they confirm this name is the name of the Messiah. The English language is the prophesied language that God told us the Israelites would use in the future that all Israelite nations would use as one.

The old Hebrew language is dead and is never going to return. Casting out demons in Jesus' name is proof that this is the name of the Messiah.
where does it say that there will be one language?
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makes sense, but what i still wonder is: The Holy Trinity thats being taught in christianity says that The Son is not The Father, The Father is not The Holy Spirit and The Holy Spirit is not The Son, i dont believe that this is true because The Son said that He and The Father are one
It qould be nice the OG bible had a glossary to provide the definitions but it doesn't. So the best we can do is to examine all scriptures that includes the father, son and holy spirit separately and or together. They're all one entity but a different person. Your soul, spirit and body are all one but different persons.

If you have ever had a near death out of body experience then you'd know the soul, and the spirit is the divine connection with GOD.

The experience one has in the soul is more real than our material reality. Your senses are heightened your abilities are supernatural.
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im not from the USA so i cant order from peptide science but my source sells for 60 eur 10x 600mg pharma grade, should i try to self administer IV?
I highly reccommend the transdermal glutathione I sent you earlier.

This is the one I'm ordering as a more affordable and effective form of glutathione. Instead of $200 per shot it's $200 per month for 4x per day every day. The sauna isn't required using this method but can be helpfull.
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1.) Mainstream media
2.) Crucifixion/murder of Jesus Christ
3.) Covid Vaccines/false flag (mass genocide of 10's of millions and sterilization)
4.) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
5.) LGBTQ Agenda
6.) BLM
7.) Gun Control
8.) All Central Banks/IMF
9.) Stock Exchanges
10.) All governments on Earth including the politician puppets
11.) All Major Qars since 1600s
12.) Black plague that qiped out half European pop.
13.) Disney
14.) Blackrock
15.) Abortion
16.) Eugenics
17.) Talmud
18.) Porn
19.) Baby Penis Sucking
20.) Mass Immigration (soft Genocide of all Israelites/Caucasians)
21.) Russian Ukraine War
22.) Jew Communism Bolshevik Revolution and the slaughter of 60+ million people in Russia
23.) Diversity/DEI
24.) Feminism
25.) Social Media
26.) Hedge Funds
27.) Radio/Newspapers
28.) JFK and Abe Lincoln Assassinations
29.) Protocols of Zion
30.) Destroyed the USS Liberty and lied
31.) Child Sacrifice
32.) Indoctrination camps aka Schools

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Add the WEF, economic globalization, globalism, and hypergamy to the list
where does it say that there will be one language?
Give me some time. I never wrote down or attempted to memorize the prophecy. I have an idea where it may be.
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where does it say that there will be one language?
Zephaniah 3:9-10 kjv

“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.”

Isaiah 28:11 King James Version

For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.
Add the WEF, economic globalization, globalism, and hypergamy to the list
Globalization and globalism are basically covered by control of all governments essentially.
Hypergamy is a natural female biological trait. The Jevvs just enhance it with their social media, contraceptives, deregulated sexual marketplace, Hollyqood, music industry, etc. This is adding fuel to the fire.
  • So Sad
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JFL at you.

The Second World War had little to do with Jews.
Stopped reading here. Tales.

Tell me you have been brainwashed by Jews without telling me you have been brainwashed by Jews
  • JFL
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What u think of this?
  • JFL
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Stopped reading here. Tales.

Tell me you have been brainwashed by Jews without telling me you have been brainwashed by Jews
Average edgy 14yo retarded ''Muhh jews did it'' coper.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 86409
Reminds of Ozell Israelite
  • +1
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