Official LooksMax.Me public opinion vote on the split ratio between BlackPill:RedPill & how much each matters (VOTING POLL INSIDE)

What split Blackpill:Redpill do you believe in? (How much matters side by side)

  • 95:5

  • 80:20

  • 60:40

  • 50:50

  • 40:60

  • 20:80

  • 5:95

Results are only viewable after voting.


Fire burning inside
Dec 4, 2021
What split Blackpill:Redpill do you believe in?

For those autistic I want you to imagine the Red Pill means 'NT' (Neurotypical)

Vote objectively and not caring what the idiots that preach in bible-bashing fashion their shit to you all the time on here have to say. This is what you REALLY believe. Forgetting your OWN looks level.

How much matters side by side. If you think for example it's 95:5 (95% looks and 5% Game/Status/Social Value) vote 95:5

Remember Black Pill is on the left and Red Pill is on the right. I am very interested in the general consensus of this website. Everyone is entitled to their opinion so no belittling niggas
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
Dnr. I am subhuman
Require some votes

no bluepill option :confused:
  • +1
Reactions: one job away
Hmm idk bro you seem pretty autistic no offence ofc
  • JFL
Reactions: .👽. and Deleted member 15099
Hmm idk bro you seem pretty autistic no offence ofc

What that has to do with the thread itself I do not know, but once again with Zoomers it's emotion over debate and reason. Another classic female trait. Pussies.
no bluepill option :confused:
the prevailing attitudes are the most accurate

normal people know things like looks/body/attitude/behaviour matter

red and black pill just take these to autistic extremes
In terms of percentage how much does looks vs character/personality/identity matter

If it's 60/40 in favour of looks, vote that
Can't give a straight answer to that.

It depends on the person. A HTN or chadlite could benefit from improving their personality. Obviously for a trucel and a chad their looks define them for entirely different reasons.

For a normie it's probably 80/20 in favour of looks
For a chad or incel it's 90/10 in favour of looks
For a trucel it's nearly 100/0 because no one will be able to overlook the truecels subhumanity - no matter what their character is.
In terms of percentage how much does looks vs character/personality/identity matter

If it's 60/40 in favour of looks, vote that
I would say I’m 50/50 I also believe in the bluepill a bit, having hope
  • JFL
Reactions: MakinItHappenReturn
I would say I’m 50/50 I also believe in the bluepill a bit, having hope

As in believing in the Walt Disney movies you watched from childhood and how women want you to be that sweet kind caring gentleman? That Blue Pill?
As in believing in the Walt Disney movies you watched from childhood and how women want you to be that sweet kind caring gentleman? That Blue Pill?
No, as in having hope and not roping if your not 6’6 chad. You should look at my tinder experiment with a medium ugly who did very good
  • JFL
Reactions: MakinItHappenReturn
Can't give a straight answer to that.

It depends on the person. A HTN or chadlite could benefit from improving their personality. Obviously for a trucel and a chad their looks define them for entirely different reasons.

For a normie it's probably 80/20 in favour of looks
For a chad or incel it's 90/10 in favour of looks
For a trucel it's nearly 100/0 because no one will be able to overlook the truecels subhumanity - no matter what their character is.

Well if a Chad can get away with 95/5 and it mean the relationship lasts a very long time, then vote 95/5

This is what the poll is asking
No, as in having hope and not roping if your not 6’6 chad. You should look at my tinder experiment with a medium ugly who did very good

  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 16215
Op is a hateful incel who blames others for his lack of success. What else did you expect

I see you're still mad for me putting you in your place a couple of days back. Stick to the topic now.

I see you're still mad for me putting you in your place a couple of days back. Stick to the topic now.

nigga are you dumb? Why would I care for you? When did you even put me in any place ? Fckin mash potatoe brain wanna be psychology student womanizer. You rot on here and have no clue about shit
Op is a hateful incel who blames others for his lack success. What e

nigga are you dumb? Why would I care for you? When did you even put me in any place ? Fckin mash potatoe brain wanna be psychology student

Move on cunt
Read agin faggot I added more

You need me to read it because you care what I think don't you? At the same time claiming you don't. 'Why would I care for you?'

Want to link up in London? Where you based uptight faggot? Any time. We'll talk about this in person face on face.
You need me to read it because you care what I think don't you? At the same time claiming you don't. 'Why would I care for you?'

Want to link up in London? Where you based uptight faggot? Any time. We'll talk about this in person face on face.
You’re a fckin Indian midget. Don’t make me laugh
You’re a fckin Indian midget. Don’t make me laugh

Unconscious racism at work again. Nothing wrong in it. That's why we must meet so I can greet it with love.

Let's meet this Sunday? Are you down or are you not?
You need me to read it because you care what I think don't you? At the same time claiming you don't. 'Why would I care for you?'

Want to link up in London? Where you based uptight faggot? Any time. We'll talk about this in person face on face.
And jfl at threatening someone over the internet. Clown. Made you feel powerful for a second huh? Jfl
what is redpill and blackpill?
Unconscious racism at work again. Nothing wrong in it. That's why we must meet so I can greet it with love.

Let's meet this Sunday? Are you down or are you not?
Yeah for sure I’m traveling through Europe to meet some random faggot of the internet.
And jfl at threatening someone over the internet. Clown. Made you feel powerful for a second huh? Jfl

Jfl at insulting someone who can't touch you over the internet. Clown. Made you feel powerful for a second huh? Jfl
Jfl at insulting someone who can't touch you over the internet. Clown. Made you feel powerful for a second huh? Jfl
I wouldn’t even fckin meet you if you came from my city.
Jfl at insulting someone who can't touch you over the internet. Clown. Made you feel powerful for a second huh? Jfl
You couldn’t touch me anyways. Lol. Who do you think you are ???? Stop living in your dream world
Yeah for sure I’m traveling through Europe to meet some random faggot of the internet.

You prove that looks/appearance are everything as I am guaranteeing it's my avatar that has you triggered.

Same thread by a non-face avatar and you'd not have said a word.

I want you to inform me on when you're in London so we can debate this in person. I want to see you hold frame the same way you are doing here, now. Your ego is threatened by mine. So let's clash egos in the physical world and we'll see who the better man is.

Put up, or shut up. Remember, otherwise you are no different to the average nerd on here that loves to shit-post bullcrap and be the non-player character.
Jfl at insulting someone who can't touch you over the internet. Clown. Made you feel powerful for a second huh? Jfl
Man i feel like a fckin. Loser or triggered by some internet fag.

Well nothing changed
You couldn’t touch me anyways. Lol. Who do you think you are ???? Stop living in your dream world

You immediately smack off as the kind of guy that would never say 90% of the shit he says to people online, irl, but convinces himself he would.
Man i feel like a fckin. Loser or triggered by some internet fag.

Well nothing changed

Ok Eastern European keyboard warrior pussy


1. I have solid success, but want better
2. Where have I blamed anyone for not being a slayer? This can only be projection, nothing else, as I've never done that.

Hit me with some substance.
Ok Eastern European keyboard warrior pussy

View attachment 1433296

1. I have solid success, but want better
2. Where have I blamed anyone for not being a slayer? This can only be projection, nothing else, as I've never done that.

Hit me with some substance.
You just didn’t catch the joke. And then went on how you could beat me up. Which is hilarious. 1) it’s pathetic threatening someone over the internet 2) I know how you look like and i know how i look like which makes it even more hilarious.

And don’t turn this on me for not following through. I’m not the nerd who goes around threatening people online. I just reacted on how retarded that claim was

Maybe very childish but cuz everyone has their phases
You just didn’t catch the joke. And then went on how you could beat me up. Which is hilarious. 1) it’s pathetic threatening someone over the internet 2) I know how you look like and i know how i look like which makes it even more hilarious.

And don’t turn this on me for not following through. I’m not the nerd who goes around threatening people online. I just reacted on how retarded that claim was

Maybe very childish but cuz everyone has their phases

So now you want to style it out as a joke.

I think this discussion is over.
So now you want to style it out as a joke.

I think this discussion is over.
How can you be so retarded and not catch the joke. Someone asked for why you don’t have an option for bluepill. You legit are delusional af thinking you got everyone figured out
'Which makes it even more hilarious'

2021 12 09 013036

How can you be so retarded and not catch the joke. Someone asked for why you don’t have an option for bluepill. You legit are delusional af thinking you got everyone figured out

I pick up humour when it's good

Congrats on completely derailing the entire thread with your shit sense of humour
So far:


Pls vote
It's telling for those who got no experience with women voting 95:5
  • +1
Reactions: MakinItHappenReturn
It's telling for those who got no experience with women voting 95:5

Isn't it a beautiful coincidence that the guy that voted 40:60 looks like this though?

2633898 270e2be238271f0725d226a472aef567
E0e22fb39064278add97a3f9a6ac87c2 1

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