
No avi halo
Apr 9, 2020
Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start

If you have time to read, read if not leave..
I' m a 18 year old, like 5 psl.
So, i had luck and get a gf, we have 9 months together.. she was a virgin .
The thing is, if i remember i never in my life had erections , if i had in the morning they where so weak.. like 60 % hard.. and once a week/month maybe.. Never feel aroused.. i have low libido.. i m not gay lol ... With my gf same.. i need to jerk myself off to get a 60% erection and if i penetrate i can t last 10 sec and it's over.. i was taking her virginity with a soft dick lol.. i tried Viagra, i m on testosterone cycle , i tried.. I want someone smart to respond to tell me if nofap would help ?
I'm thinking about suicide.. maybe i'm desensitized? I'm watching porn from like 11 years old, i watched all , at 13 i was watching zoophilia lol.. maybe i was fucked up my brain ? Would no porn/nofap help?
Someone smart help please, or tag someone smart .
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Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start
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Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start

Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start

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Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start
Hehe hoho ha
And i thought my jokes were bad
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4psl. RIght. Cool. First user I'll happily throw on block.

I can tell you're a NIGGER too. Your race is black and so is your soul. Stare into a black cup of coffee and there's your mind.


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Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start

Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start


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Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start

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4psl. RIght. Cool. First user I'll happily throw on block.

I can tell you're a NIGGER too. Your race is black and so is your soul. Stare into a black cup of coffee and there's your mind.


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That's only more proof that God hates niggers. If he didn't hate them he wouldn't have made them so black, so ugly and so stupid.
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Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start


Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start



@Face is everything
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My sister found my Chico folder

I went into the shower and left my laptop with my Chico folder open. It's just some random folder I use when posting on this site with Chico pictures and gifs and other PSL pictures and memes inside.

When I came back from the shower I noticed she is using my laptop and I started to rage at her and she told me she borrowed it because she ”needed it to print some documents for school”. SHE PROCEEDED TO ASK ME WHY I HAVE PICTURES OF GUYS ON MY LAPTOP.
I just grabbed my laptop and walked away in shame.

She probably thinks I'm gay now JFL.
  • JFL
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, MXY3N, Good_Little_Goy and 4 others
Send copypastas of the most retarded shit you seen on this site posted by users. Better yet, even tag them after. Ill start




@Face is everything
Any of the @copingvolcel essays tbh
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lol keep coping subhuman my first rape victim was u alarico can u forget that night ....when i whooped ur tiny fucked up ass 5 times simultaneously and u were crying like a whore bitch help help help i am getting raped oh. My ass is hurting how am i going to take a shit now pex plz stop oh but still i for some unknown reasons i am like this to get rapped by a chad ....and i think u saw some one else i dont rape animals
  • JFL
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I Feel Bad for Attacking BlkPilPres After Learning He is Black

I seriously feel bad for going after BlkPilPres now that I realize he is of African descent. It does not make too much difference when you're incel of whether you're white or black but the fact that he managed to push beyond thug culture, rap music, and unintelligent violent decadence which have plagued black communities around the globe for hundreds of years is honorable. I do not blame blacks for their misfortune, lookism has been the primary cause of hatred towards the people of African descent. Blacks naturally developed a culture around criminality because they were EXCLUDED from most professions. I know many amazing Africans and there was one person of African descent I went to school with growing up who was quite sympathetic for me. When other kids called him a racist I stood up for him and was bullied for it, it was honestly the most alpha moment of my life and I still look back and feel a spark of pride. I didn't even feel bad being called a freak by those racist kids because I was defending a great man being victimized by racial lookism (racism).

I think when we find people of African descent like BlkPilPres manages to push back against the sterotypes that lookists would place on him and puts effort to write long, well structured, and well-thought out posts. I think we need MORE blacks like that, not less. BlkPilPres is showing this forum that black people are just as smart and just as capable of writing high-IQ posts as white people. When I attacked one of his posts when I first made my account, I can easily see now how it could be seen as an attack on black intellectualism. Black writers and intellectuals were often the victim of significantly more scorn than their white counterparts, and often the victim of physical violence as well. BlkPilPres is currently standing as an example of what blacks can aspire to and demonstrates their potential as a people.
  • JFL
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, TITUS, Deleted member 9699 and 1 other person

4psl. RIght. Cool. First user I'll happily throw on block.

I can tell you're a NIGGER too. Your race is black and so is your soul. Stare into a black cup of coffee and there's your mind.


BC9F60B5 B377 4B41 8C8F 9FD229AD0A41

Bruv. Let's just say man was ballin' when he touched Uni and all I did was flex like I always do in-front of the mirror, but instead it was the cam.

It's great. BEAUTIFUL. Never say the industry is unfair and bitches have it easy. So do we. We just gotta have the minerals. I got the minerals wigga.

  • JFL
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, Copeful and TheEndHasNoEnd
That's only more proof that God hates niggers. If he didn't hate them he wouldn't have made them so black, so ugly and so stupid.
A 16cm dick measured with a tape, not "bonepressed" (some people here have carved indentations in their bones so they can measure an inch longer), already will hurt girls, people obsessed with dicks here are just faggets. Faggets love big dicks so they can break each other anuses easily.
If you are short, ugly and mentally ill, dick is the least of your problems, stop coping and start looksmaxing.
And you nigger copers don't even have big dicks, that's just propaganda and your inability to understand how to measure with a ruler or a measuring tape, or count to 10.

  • JFL
Reactions: TITUS, TheEndHasNoEnd and WadlowMaxxing
5'8" here and let me tell you some thing you piece of fucking shit.

I'm handsome as fuck and have a babyface that allows me to pull easy teen pussy because of it. You should see some of the tight little bodies I've fucked. I have a 7.5in dick and not a single girl I have ever banged has failed to text/call me for a bootycall late at night. I embrace any challenge I get from someone who tries to stand in my face and intimidate me with their height, because it's pathetic. Low center of gravity, fast reflexes, and ridiculous core strength will allow me to either 1) quickly take you to the ground where I will stomp your fat face or 2) out last you with endurance because your shitty, overweight frame required to ground that extra height made you more tired. I make 85k a year as an mid-level engineering manager at Ford (I'm 23 btw, they will most likely promote me to upper management within the next 2-3 years). I fuck shit up in every single sport and would destroy any of you (minus basketball where skill/talent is substituted out for height). I've been compared to Messi in my soccer style. Quick dribbling and cutting in between every opponent in front of me. I scored 95 goals throughout my high school varsity soccer career. I made the varsity football team freshman year as starting runningback but soccer and football were the same season so I couldn't dominate both.

Sports I would destroy you at in order
Endurance running
Ping Pong

I know you. Ugly is a given. Probably curly hair. Tried to grow a beard but it was patchy and you were sad for awhile about that. Struggling to find a way to validate yourself you took to reminding everyone how you're "Over 6 feet tall!", as if that was some sort of cutoff for being a man. When in reality you're just as pathetic as every other self-hating wannabe piece of shit out there, yet you have somehow convinced yourself you've won the genetic lottery.
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  • JFL
Reactions: TITUS, WadlowMaxxing, TheEndHasNoEnd and 1 other person
I cage when I read ur shit posts man

It's funny because u think ur a gangster but ur an un nt niglet subhuman rotting in a incel forum

Keep larping tho it's entertaining
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Reactions: xefo, Deleted member 8576, Britishlooksmaxxer and 2 others
In this specific rare context of the pandemic, I am basically an incel because I can't get laid on Tinder or Badoo because I can't get matches since I am not able to stand out in my pictures. So I am involuntarily celibate right now because the pandemic is preventing me from getting laid because I look more appealing to women in real life than in photos.

However, in a normal real life situation where women can see me next to them, I am at a far great advantage, so much so that I could get laid and I could find a girlfriend easily. I explained it a few months earlier but the reason why I chose the name copingvolcel is because ever since I have done my double jaw surgery I could have gotten laid, some women even created opportunities for me to talk to them and ask them out but I never had the guts to do it.

I was always constantly unable to decide what I wanted out of life, and people thought that I was a volcel, because I was able to get laid but the thing is that deep down I wanted a girlfriend, I wanted to get laid but I could never admit it to myself because I was too insecure and had low self esteem and I was afraid of being rejected, so I never tried, women would check me out and I acted like I wasn't even interested, and that turned them off very quickly, some were even wondering why I was ignoring them.

So basically, I was acting like a volcel because I had opportunities to get laid but in reality I was in denial about what I really wanted, so I was a copingvolcel. I chose that username to remind myself of the mistake that I have done, and to never make that same mistake again. The black pill has helped me a lot with self esteem though because now I know that if I actually tried, I would succeed.

Looksmaxxing (specifically gymmaxxing) will give me far greater success in real life and on tinder though so even if there was no pandemic, I would still be gymmaxxing.
  • JFL
Reactions: Good_Little_Goy, TITUS, Deleted member 6723 and 1 other person
I cage when I read ur shit posts man

It's funny because u think ur a gangster but ur an un nt niglet subhuman rotting in a incel forum

Keep larping tho it's entertaining
i mog you to the next realm you low Iq absolute subhuman stormfront cuck

fucking helmet head and remember u sent me ur pics so be careful who u make angry you fucking absolute cuck

most retarded user on this forum, muh im gonna roid meanwhile you will never touch roids in ur life cuz your all talk U wont do shit

and why u tagging the rest of the stormfront cucks ? muh ethnics are pussies meanwhile u brought ur gang cuz u know i would rape every single one of you irl bring whoever the fuck you want i will rape U all
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14262, Good_Little_Goy, TITUS and 1 other person
Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.
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Reactions: Deleted member 5189 and alligatordude
Look at you fools sitting there waiting, waiting on old @Tony to save your bacon once again! I seen more inspiring corpses than you lot. LIFE IS FOR THE LIVING, and if you dont want to live let someone else have the privilege AND GET OUT OF THE WAY! You're pathetic, every last one of you aside from @Tony and the only thing pathetic about him is the fact that he associates with you fools. Must make him feel good taking care of the simple minded , the desperate and the needy. Well my daddy said sympathy is for the weak! , you get what you deserve. You got to kill to eat thats what this country is. Every man equal, every man for himself. But you lot , you lot aint got no real fight in you. Old @Tony has made a fool of himself trying to save you an thats the truth
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Good_Little_Goy, TITUS, Deleted member 6723 and 1 other person
Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6723
i mog you to the next realm you low Iq absolute subhuman stormfront cuck

fucking helmet head and remember u sent me ur pics so be careful who u make angry you fucking absolute cuck

most retarded user on this forum, muh im gonna roid meanwhile you will never touch roids in ur life cuz your all talk U wont do shit

and why u tagging the rest of the stormfront cucks ? muh ethnics are pussies meanwhile u brought ur gang cuz u know i would rape every single one of you irl bring whoever the fuck you want i will rape U all
damn the memories

@Lev Peshkov
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The only way ill fall out of my love for my oneitis is if I removed myself from this spell of limerence she herself put me under

Not too long ago I started dreaming of her overpowering me, beating me, physically harming me and the weird thing was that I enjoyed it

There would be nothing more appealing to me than my oneitis drugging me with an anticholinergic for me to lose my free will

Then following after to beat me to bruises with her bare fists, leaving visible, painful marks on my extremities

Subsequently, she would tie my hands with a rope, duct tape my mouth so I wouldn't be able to escape

Afterward she would take me to an abandoned forest and tie me to a pole with the same rope

She would wake me up, free of the drug's powers to where I am now conscious

I would be unable to move, strangled by the rope's grip to the pole, she would resume her beatings

Next she would proceed to use her long nails, and cut my skin, my flesh open, causing me to bleed a slow, painful death

I wouldn't ask for mercy, rather for immediate death, she would refuse and instead continue her fists and beatings

Then, when I lose conscious, my head becomes dizzy, she would use her hands and deprive me of my last breaths, I would be dead

Nothing is more pleasing to me than being physically beaten in the most seductive manner by a hot brunette girl for which I've been in deep, deep love with
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You haven't been "blackpilled." You've been brainwashed. For someone who claims to have a high IQ, you're saying some of the dumbest shit. You joined a few online communities that resonated with your self-pity and you let that build a brick wall around any actual logic or reason you're otherwise capable of.

There are practically an equal amount of both men and women who are vain and attracted to physical traits before anything else. You clearly think this is a woman thing, but you're the one directly guilty of it here, caring first and foremost about women "in their physical prime" as if that has any bearing on who that person is as an individual or a partner. Being physically attracted to your partner isn't a bad thing, but it shouldn't be the foundation of a relationship.

Do you think a relationship is all about how physically attracted you are to each other? That it's just about having sex with each other? Surely you wouldn't think that because of how high your IQ is and how much of a feminist ally you are, but being in "their physical prime" is legitmately the only thing you mentioned in your post as if that was the priority. Your expressions here are the stereotype behavior of the dude who gets an attractive girlfriend, argues about anything she wants to do outside of sex and video games, then acts betrayed when she leaves your ass for someone who actually wants to be a partner. Do you really think dating a dude would be any different?

Get away from the idea that displaying the number of your IQ or announcing that it's high is actually going to get you anywhere or means anything significant to your bearing as a person. It doesn't, and only the worst kind of people pin it to their conversations as a badge of honor. Glad you're so smart but how about now start acting like you have a high IQ and know better than to think anyone worth your time gives a shit about what your high score is.

Get a physical hobby or learn an actual skill. I'm saying this as a dude who used to abuse prescription amphetamines for YEARS to stay awake longer to play StarCraft, DotA, League, and a variety of FPS games competitively. I was in far deeper mentally and emotionally than I think even you can imagine: I'm not saying get off your computer permanently, to stop browsing reddit and stop playing games at all, but get offline more often and develop a personality away from trying to sculpt one to bait a relationship. Get on YouTube and learn how to build a cabinet, or how to fix a sink, or how to carve a live branch into a wooden trinket. Learn to draw, learn a new language, how to fix holes in drywall, fucking anything useful. Make a hobby out of something that doesn't involve trying to impress someone, from crossstitch, gardening, and learning how to make bread.. to smoking meat or peppers, building a makeshift forge, and using it to hammer homemade knives. Learn to actually work for something so that when you're expected to put in some work for a relationship your response isn't "this is bullshit."

Having a relationship in your 30s isn't a bad thing. Dating anyone over 30 isn't some dedicated marked hill of decline for physical wellness. Not every woman "experiments" in her 20s and more guys do so than you're acknowledging.

Once you fully and actually dedicate yourself to your own health and hobby(ies), having joined a community where the goal is to share or learn something about your hobby or skill from each other and make friends, that's when you'll find yourself in a relationship. When you break the habit of focusing on how "in their prime" a person is and more on the traits that make a person a good friend especially in the ways that you also reciprocate as a good friend... That's when you'll find yourself being in a relationship. When your expectations are most importantly about how a person looks instead of how they treat others around them, you're setting yourself up for failure. Learn to be a good friend before pretending you'll ever be a good partner.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8576
If you have time to read, read if not leave..
I' m a 18 year old, like 5 psl.
So, i had luck and get a gf, we have 9 months together.. she was a virgin .
The thing is, if i remember i never in my life had erections , if i had in the morning they where so weak.. like 60 % hard.. and once a week/month maybe.. Never feel aroused.. i have low libido.. i m not gay lol ... With my gf same.. i need to jerk myself off to get a 60% erection and if i penetrate i can t last 10 sec and it's over.. i was taking her virginity with a soft dick lol.. i tried Viagra, i m on testosterone cycle , i tried.. I want someone smart to respond to tell me if nofap would help ?
I'm thinking about suicide.. maybe i'm desensitized? I'm watching porn from like 11 years old, i watched all , at 13 i was watching zoophilia lol.. maybe i was fucked up my brain ? Would no porn/nofap help?
Someone smart help please, or tag someone smart .
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Reactions: TheEndHasNoEnd and Deleted member 6723
Goodness me. You professional full time rotters are so obsessed with me from just the energy and charisma in the things text that you gotta fucking make up things I've said. Lol sad.

These incel circle jerk offs are truly quite remarkable
  • JFL
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I live in the American Gardens Building on West 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is @FastBananaCEO I’m 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a @FastBananaCEO Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.
  • JFL
Reactions: Good_Little_Goy, TITUS and Deleted member 5189
I live in the American Gardens Building on West 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is @FastBananaCEO I’m 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a @FastBananaCEO Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.
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Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, Good_Little_Goy and Deleted member 8576
@Sergeant @Master we cant tolerate this kind of behaviour from this community. Pls introduce some a rule where the disrespect of indians will give a 3 day ban from the forum.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Bromose, Good_Little_Goy, TITUS and 1 other person
I had too much energy, that's why my posts were so long, now I just play games of Call of Duty Cold War and I don't feel like writing essays anymore, I finally found my cure.
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I Feel Bad for Attacking BlkPilPres After Learning He is Black

I seriously feel bad for going after BlkPilPres now that I realize he is of African descent. It does not make too much difference when you're incel of whether you're white or black but the fact that he managed to push beyond thug culture, rap music, and unintelligent violent decadence which have plagued black communities around the globe for hundreds of years is honorable. I do not blame blacks for their misfortune, lookism has been the primary cause of hatred towards the people of African descent. Blacks naturally developed a culture around criminality because they were EXCLUDED from most professions. I know many amazing Africans and there was one person of African descent I went to school with growing up who was quite sympathetic for me. When other kids called him a racist I stood up for him and was bullied for it, it was honestly the most alpha moment of my life and I still look back and feel a spark of pride. I didn't even feel bad being called a freak by those racist kids because I was defending a great man being victimized by racial lookism (racism).

I think when we find people of African descent like BlkPilPres manages to push back against the sterotypes that lookists would place on him and puts effort to write long, well structured, and well-thought out posts. I think we need MORE blacks like that, not less. BlkPilPres is showing this forum that black people are just as smart and just as capable of writing high-IQ posts as white people. When I attacked one of his posts when I first made my account, I can easily see now how it could be seen as an attack on black intellectualism. Black writers and intellectuals were often the victim of significantly more scorn than their white counterparts, and often the victim of physical violence as well. BlkPilPres is currently standing as an example of what blacks can aspire to and demonstrates their potential as a people.
Where's the lie, folks?
@Vermilioncore JudgeandJury the type of guy to say "ahhh... the good old days" and smile to himself like a cunt
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@Vermilioncore JudgeandJury the type of guy to say "ahhh... the good old days" and smile to himself like a cunt
Judge and jury the type of nerd to walk into a party and the dj’s record suddenly makes a scratching sound and all the music stops and everyone looks at the nerd in dead silence
  • JFL
Reactions: Hardrada
Judge and jury the type of nerd to walk into a party and the dj’s record suddenly makes a scratching sound and all the music stops and everyone looks at the nerd in dead silence
That's literally what happened at the only house party I went to
  • JFL
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