On the N word



Dec 2, 2018
@future chadlite


I do understand that you have been in this racist rabbit hole for a long time, so I'll offer you a glimmer of light.

- Throughout slavery the african people were given the worst food, the tough cuts like the oxtail, the belly, ears, and tongue, and the organs. However this was a blessing for two ways;

1- These were the most collagenous parts of the animal they helped fortify the joints throughout the inhumane working conditions
2- We seasoned these foods to such a level where it tasted very good, it is what's now known as soul food

- In modern times although we are the lowest in economic attainment we are at the forefront of music, comedy, acting, and TV hosting.

We a cultural revolutionist we took a word took off a letter and changed a vowel, and changed it from something ugly to beautiful. Like the food we were given during slavery

It's now used commonly as a term of endearment among a people still going through a struggle. However the struggle has moved from being primarily external oppression to internal angst and self sabotage.

I was just at a family's house that had been on welfare for 4 generations. We still struggle

By continuing to use the N*er word especially being non black you:
1) Diminish your divine power, as we are all divine beings
2) Lessen your empathy, and you more and more take sophomoric delights in shocking
3) Regardless of your PSL score your dating results we never compare to someone who is truly empathetic to all beings

4) According to the existential philosophers like heiddeger you are being an inauthentic being

Maybe there will come a time in like 2500 when we can joke about the N word. Just like people can joke, although most times not successfully, about the bubonic plague, but as of now it's much too soon.

It's not like I care I'm 99th percentile introversion and 2th percentile on the Big 5, but it's my belief that you hurt yourself more than your hurt me using this word.

If this behavior continues in my threads I'll either block people , or permanently leave this cesspool

My knowledge of looks theory is @ least 70 years ahead of the public corpus, and I don't really need to browse here
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What do you actually gain from empathy tho
Kek. I find it funny that some blacks always talk about slavery and muh oppression like they experienced it. It'd be like my pasty Irish ass bitching about the potato famine in Ireland like I experienced it

Quit being sensitive about a 5 letter word. Man the fuck up bro

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its ogre for 3abids :feelswow:
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we are the lowest in economic attainment
More white people are on well fare than blacks. And you are not oppressed. We all have equal opportunity to resources in this country. It's not muh oppression but your gang culture detracts from that. While you kill each other and skip school to sell crack, the whites, Asians, and indians work their asses off to get good jobs and respectable women. You simply have to exist as a black person to get in to many good colleges due to affirmative action and quotas and such bullshit @Deltoid
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Bro you do realize this thread will just make me want to say it more? Lol.

It’s only a word dude. It only has power if you allow it to.

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More white people are on well fare than blacks. And you are not oppressed. We all have equal opportunity to resources in this country. It's not muh oppression but your gang culture detracts from that. While you kill each other and skip school to sell crack, the whites, Asians, and indians work their asses off to get good jobs and respectable women. You simply have to exist as a black person to get in too many good colleges due to affirmative action and quotas and such bullshitsimply have to exist as a black person to get into many good colleges due to affirmative action and quotas and such bullshit
Blackcels on rope watch
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go back to africa u coon
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Absolutely btfo bro

@StormlitAqua our fucking people were actually oppressed when we came to this country but do you see us complaining? Now blacks have even higher social status than whites due to the jews

*looks at black IQ scores across the nation* kek I can't blame them for having liberal political views
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Absolutely btfo bro

@StormlitAqua our fucking people were actually oppressed when we came to this country but do you see us complaining? Now blacks have even higher social status than whites due to the jews
IDC man all I know is that if I was black I would not be incel that is all.
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We wuz kangs n sheit
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nigga with the hard r
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i just wanna stick my dick in a high Estrogen black queen tbh ngl, imagine reproducing with serena williams, instant tyron, wouldnt even need to stay pregnant for 9 months, 7 months is enough to produce the next muhammad ali and lebron james combined.
No one cares
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@StormlitAqua I IQ mog and income mog you to hell and back look up AWS devops engineer certification I got this in ~ 2 months with no degree in computer science. America wants me more than you

@Rice Cel You gain an appreaciation for your common man at every precpice of life, and the fact that girls throw themselves at your more is just a bonus. You'll have friends and allies, from wide array of places. Empathy is very key

@Nibba I thought we could be friendly toward each other, and no it dosen't hurt me, but I also won't tolerate blatant disrespect as I give gems of gold. Let me know how you feel , so I can know if I should put you on the ignore list or not.
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Cope u fucking nigger.
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@StormlitAqua I IQ mog and income mog you to hell and back look up AWS devops engineer certification I got this in ~ 2 months with no degree in computer science. America wants me more than you

@Rice Cel You gain an appreaciation for your common man at every precpice of life, and the fact that girls throw themselves at your more is just a bonus. You'll have friends and allies, from wide array of places. Empathy is very key

@Nibba I thought we could be friendly toward each other, and no it dosen't hurt me, but I also won't tolerate blatant disrespect as I give gems of gold. Let me know how you feel , so I can know if I should put you on the ignore list or not.
I like ur threads tbh
About the aws devops cert, im a 3rd yeard comp sci student, would adding that after i graduate have any signifcant benefit or is it jist another certificate lile the Microsoft ones?
What do you actually gain from empathy tho

Jack shit. Never make the mistake of making yourself complaisant to normscum. They'll just run roughshod over your broken body.

Kek. I find it funny that some blacks always talk about slavery and muh oppression like they experienced it. It'd be like my pasty Irish ass bitching about the potato famine in Ireland like I experienced it

Quit being sensitive about a 5 letter word. Man the fuck up bro



You also see incredible hypocrisy with woke af ethnics, nu-males, shitliberal foids - really any collection of people deluded or gullible enough to believe that "the Alt-Right" constitutes a major cultural force. White men are sad copers kidding themselves if they identify with any great figure in their cultural history ("what have y'all d:soy:ne lately, my dude?") while every blaymay, for example, is still recovering from the trauma of slavery despite being 150 years removed from it and contains in his soul the summed greatness of John Coltrane and Pushkin's Black eighth. Ancestral character and experiences are somehow heritable - until they're not.

If you're Irish, you might be interested in this: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1212328.They_Were_White_They_Were_Slaves

All of this shit is the cheapest possible manipulation tactic. I never really cared about it at all until I began my posting career a few months ago and realized that, truly, browpipo never shut the fuck up about fabricated "oppression".

We all have equal opportunity to resources in this country.

Pretty fake, pretty gay, but true enough in the context in which you said it. Maybe even an understatement. "Minorities" are routinely offered diversity sinecures for hardships they never faced (JFL "affirmative action" - typically the nouveau riche middle class and above "ethnics" - especially holes, including whitewymyn - will be the beneficiaries here, not DeShawn living on a diet of chips, beef jerky, and soda); poor Whites, the poor in general (goes double for the ugly and weird) have nothing of the sort.

IDC man all I know is that if I was black I would not be incel that is all.

Assuming you would still have Asperger's? Probably still would be tbh - imagine trying to pull as a non-NT Black. Keep in mind that the sexual kakistocracy rewards degenerated Rap-Hop behavior, nowhere more starkly than here. If you can't act like a loudmouth fag, it's a stark hit, whoever you might be.

If only the "Blackcel" copers at .is realized that it's almost exclusively their over-90 IQs and face keeping them incel, not whymay.
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fuck off with your nigger bullshit and go get a job instead of being on fucking welfare for 4 generations
  • +1
Reactions: LooksJourney, Swagwaffle and SLA
I like ur threads tbh
About the aws devops cert, im a 3rd yeard comp sci student, would adding that after i graduate have any signifcant benefit or is it jist another certificate lile the Microsoft ones?

Extremely useful , and much more useful than the microsoft POS. They may not be forever though as with anything test banks form, but Amazon has been really good in rotation questions. Pay attention in you distributed systems class and Algo's and Data strctures
Assuming you would still have Asperger's? Probably wouldn't tbh - imagine trying to pull as a non-NT Black. Keep in mind that the sexual kakistocracy rewards degenerated Rap-Hop behavior, nowhere more starkly than here. If you can't act like a dumbass fag, it's a stark hit, whoever you might be.

If only the "Blackcel" copers at .is realized that it's almost exclusively their over-90 IQs and face keeping them incel, not whymay.
I agree. Every fucking nigger in the incelopshere is incredibly whitewashed. I've heard a few on VC on the discord and they all speak clearly and without a hit of an ebonic accent. Like WTF are you doing you stupid monkeys, act like the Trayvon you are and you will get laid.

As for me, my asperger's would allow me to overanalyze society (like I do now), so I would easily recognize that chimp behavior is glorified by the media and would get me instant access to young white pussy. That said, it would aso be hard to do... Since I'm black, I'll be in prison and it's hard to slay there.
Extremely useful , and much more useful than the microsoft POS. They may not be forever though as with anything test banks form, but Amazon has been really good in rotation questions. Pay attention in you distributed systems class and Algo's and Data strctures
Im a lazy fker tbh, still working my ass off daily to catch up with where everyone is it, cruised through the first two years and stil llost on what i should focus amd do afyer i graduate,
@Mandiblecel I said I was at a family's house no one on my family has ever been on food stamps, or welfare. Learn to read you low IQcel
I agree. Every fucking nigger in the incelopshere is incredibly whitewashed. I've heard a few on VC on the discord and they all speak clearly and without a hit of an ebonic accent. Like WTF are you doing you stupid monkeys, act like the Trayvon you are and you will get laid.

As for me, my asperger's would allow me to overanalyze society (like I do now), so I would easily recognize that chimp behavior is glorified by the media and would get me instant access to young white pussy. That said, it would aso be hard to do... Since I'm black, I'll be in prison and it's hard to slay there.

Yeah, the first time I ever watched the FACEandLMS videos I imagined him as some mid-30s IT dork that looked like this:


You almost feel for all the "racepillers" - 100 IQ isn't high enough to be able to make a very convincing point when trying to LARP as a statistical autodidact, but is too high to succeed with whores as a nut-grabbing dumbass.

The bolded is critical, however. I recognize that if I had tried to make friends with people I hate and went out clubbing, had tried to chat people up in college about shit I wasn't interested in, etc., I could probably have railed on some loose 4-6/10 sluts every now and then as a fit, non-deformed 6'3" man in his early 20s. The "payoff" is not commensurate with the @nausea, though.

Things like that are easier said than done.
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Im a lazy fker tbh, still working my ass off daily to catch up with where everyone is it, cruised through the first two years and stil llost on what i should focus amd do afyer i graduate,
Entry level software dev... ez money once you get a BS in computer science

Is true, it was hard to get into software dev with no degree , esp as a black man

However, I was simply too good to not hire

@future chadlite I'm glad I was self taught tbh. I would've grown to hate computer science if I learned @ an institution or bootcamp
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You know people would stop using the word if you fucking niggers stopped making such a big deal about it.
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@Mandiblecel I said I was at a family's house no one on my family has ever been on food stamps, or welfare. Learn to read you low IQcel

not gonna read some bullshit complaints about how tough it is to be black. Every law is working in your favor and quite frankly, majority of you primitive apes should be deported back to the motherland so you can commit gang violence with boomerangs and leave civilized humans alone
@Mandiblecel record breaking low IQ detected, and if you read the post you would see that I said most of black people problems are internal, but no you read the title generated a meme/strawman and then responded to your own mental illusion
@Mandiblecel record breaking low IQ detected, and if you read the post you would see that I said most of black people problems are internal, but no you read the title generated a meme/strawman and then responded to your own mental illusion

The problem with black people is that most of you are primitive apes
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@Mandiblecel I work in the whitest , most highly paid professions, and you.. write reprehensible things on the internet that would social outcast you if people knew you were writing it. Good job dude
I also think this forum is extremely racist and something should be done or else good people from reddit won't like us.
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@Mandiblecel I work in the whitest , most highly paid professions, and you.. write reprehensible things on the internet that would social outcast you if people knew you were writing it. Good job dude

You can always find exceptions, but that doesn't invalidate averages and statistics. Even if you are the exception yourself. And everyone knew this very well, until jewllywood brainwashed the masses. People are not equal despite all the fuzzy buzzwords they throw out. Congratulations on not being an ape though
@Mandiblecel There are millions of people of every race. That means there are 1,000's of high IQ blacks, high masc asian guys, and everything inbetween. Your racist theory falls to the wayside in light of exponentially large societies. Plus we all survived millions of years every time we see each other we should just congratulate each other. We are all divine beings under god
I also think this forum is extremely racist and something should be done or else good people from reddit won't like us.
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But what if I got the N word pass from Barack Obama himself :unsure:
More white people are on well fare than blacks. And you are not oppressed. We all have equal opportunity to resources in this country. It's not muh oppression but your gang culture detracts from that. While you kill each other and skip school to sell crack, the whites, Asians, and indians work their asses off to get good jobs and respectable women. You simply have to exist as a black person to get in to many good colleges due to affirmative action and quotas and such bullshit @Deltoid
More white people are on welfare but that’s because we are still the majority. Per capita blacks and Mexicans are much more likely to leach off of social services and drain our economy. Also, equal opportunity doesn’t exist for white men anymore so if anyone is actually oppressed it would be us. Females and minorities live life on easy mode when it comes to getting jobs and getting into colleges.
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And sure there a outliers. That still doesn’t disprove the average rule which is what actually matters. I still treat people as individuals but realize the clear biological differences between the races and genders. If you deny all the scientific literature on this you’re just willingly ignorant.
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Try some of these OP
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