Optimizing the mental/social part of dating; Don't waste your prime, put yourself out there: Guide by Manana



High Inhibition Victim
Apr 18, 2023

This is the third high effort thread in a series of mine. I quite enjoy writing these. Hope it helps someone.

First 2 were more informational while this one is more emotional and helpfull (I hope).
First 2 you can read here:

Optimizing mental and social parts of dating are crucial moves you should make that are not talked about enough here. Most can gain way more from this than from looksmaxxing.
I will talk about what I think works the best from my experience and how you can try to implement it (and you can).

Lot of the advice is youngcells oriented because all of this is 10 times easier when your social ability isn't almost fully developed.


If you are 18+ there is no reason you shouldn't consider yourself to be at your prime right now
. Redpill copers hope our prime is around 30 :lul: It probably is for them, by that time all the used up roasties start looking for betabuxxers, which is ideal for redpillers. Same roasties just larp about having one boyfriend and the redpillers eat that shit up:lul:

Since you are not a retarded redpiller you know that your prime is now. It can only get worse. We all wait; for what? Looking older, feeling older, reading more about the blackpill? All of which just lower your dating chances. Max out as soon as possible and go out there.



Do all the softmaxxes you can. 12% bf, gym and eyebrows are a requirement. For most this would be enough for at least mtn range. Not obssessing over falios or things you can't change is very important.

Lowering expectations and not dreaming of chad life

People here are absolutely cucked by expectations. We would all love to have chad appeal and life experience but is that realistic? More importantly how does obssesing over it help you? We are no different than foids browsing instagram getting jealous of others' people lifestyle and looks.
You have your genes, your life, your cards you have been dealt so make the most of it. I know this sounds cliche af but this forum lacks a bit of naive positivity (that bluepill is built on).

Fear of missing out (and falling behind)

Fear of missing out should be your best friend. Because of this fear I changed my life for the better. Went from 30 to 15% bf, started gym, grew my hair out and am forcing myself to socialize.

But for oldcells like me (23) I can't help but get mad at my younger self for falling behind so much. My peers already have dating/sex experience I don't. Basically starting dating at 23 is brutal.

You need to feel both of these fears quite clearly to find the motivation to force yourself.

There is almost nothing that can happen out there that is worse than being alone and rotting all life.

Actively looking for social experience

You need to force yourself to socialize and put yourself in uncomfortable social situations as much as possible, especially while young.
Never reject any offer for socializing (go sick if foids are there too:lul:), remember the fear of missing out and falling behind.

All chads I met were extremely socially adapted and intelligent. Not because they have this inherited skill but on experience and confidence alone.
Have you ever wondered how are some low IQ retards so good at socializing?

Being extroverted (and good at socializing) is just about pleasant previous social experience.
Which then brings confidence and effortlessness (no overthinking or self doubt).
People unconciously learn a lot with experience (more than conciously), to the point good social behaviour becomes like a reflux.

Introverts are just insecure weirdos in the eyes of everyone. You don't need to talk all the time but your presence has to be known in some way.

Extroverted behaviour means you will get to know more people (and they will remember you more too) which will increase your status and all of this is extremely important long term.

Status and connections are absolutely crucial. Very few slay cold approaching, and it's much harder.


Chads have status because of genetic superiority (actually because most foids choose them).
But you can get status in different ways. Money, connections, stories, ex girlfriends, etc.
You all know someone who slayed above their looks level based on status alone.
Status can be random so it's hard to give advice there. But extrovertness, connections and being friendly help the most.


I have been a victim of low confidence in front of the foids (while I was looking much worse) and looking back it was a complete social suicide. Foids sense this; they are hard wired to sense every subtle sign of social incompetence.
While a friend of mine who is a complete manlet always carries himself like he is prime Gandy. .org would say he is coping but is he? He isn't doing himself any harm, he is just increasing his chances. Foids love arrogance.

Alcohol and law of attraction change your point of view on the world in a way that is beneficial and will make you more confident. I will talk about both in depth now.


Alcohol's short term advantages like losing inhibition, gaining confidence, and being more extroverted outweigh its negative long term effect by miles (for most people).

I know people who have been drinking almost daily for 35+ years and their skin is still fine. I'm not advising doing this of course; but the braindead autistic (muh alcohol bad) attitude can only make you look like a redpilled weirdo in social situations (if you refuse to drink when everyone is doing so), on top of you being less likely to socialize as required.

Alcohol has been a big helper to me when meeting new people.
The only problem here is not going overboard (acting weird) or spilling the blackpill (or any other unaccepted opinion) in front of foids or new people. I have been a victim of that but I have learned to do better. You can too. Find the sweet spot.

So why is weed a bad social drug? Because it makes you self aware, less enthuziastic, too carefull and concious of your surroundings; all terrible for socialization and a complete opposite of alcohol.

Law of attraction

Law of attraction is one of the most usefull tools I have heard of that is made a complete meme here.

Here is a Novak Djokovic quote (Djokovic is the greatest tennis player ever, renowned for his mental strength and comebacks)

"Yes, visualisation is an integral part of my preparation before every match: every season, for that matter. For something to become reality, one first has to picture it in one’s mind, to see it happening. I’ve experienced it so many times in my life: visualisation is just another confirmation of how powerful we are as human beings, but it needs to be worked on."

Djokovic saved match points on return in grand slam finals, and is by far the mentally toughest athlete ever.

And he implements law of attraction because it is a usefull tool.
Law of attraction is not listening to subliminals over night :lul::lul: That's just how the leftists interpret it because they are lazy cunts and don't want to put any effort in.

Truly believing you are/will be something is extremely powerfull because it helps you perform on the highest level you possibly can. While self doubt is complete opposite and cucks you.
I lost money few days ago because Rory Mcilroy (one of the best golfers in the world btw) is a complete choker that will get eaten by self doubt in crucial moments (while people like Djokovic never will) which of course happened (Mcilroy was leading, then missed 2 easy putts in the last 3 holes; chances of which were less than 0.1%)

I used sports refrences but this applies to dating.

My manlet friend who would be called framecell here aswell is a slayer because of this.

Back in high school he unironically claimed the biggest stacy in school is eyeing him. Later on he said that he struts through clubs like he is the best looking guy there.
And just recently he claimed everyone on the beach is looking at him when he takes of his shirt :lul::lul::lul:

Thinking like this (basically law of attraction) puts him in the best mindset possible for slaying. I respect him for implementing it so effortlessly.

Low inhibition

Absolutely mogs in dating, saying and doing things without much thought is an extremely attractive man trait but is also unfortunately hard to fake. Being low inhinition means you will act on instinct more and won't overthink anything; both of which is ideal for dating.
My best advice is to try to say/do things you usually wouldn't and try to build it up from there.

Projecting your worth to be more than it is

Lie if needed. It's all fair game in dating.
My manlet friend I mentioned above said to me years ago that he larps about being a pro athlete to strangers. I was confused at how he felt the need to do something so pathetic.
I understand now. You need to optimize everything to give yourself the best chance (of course you shouldn't lie about something like this to the people you know).
Is he really doing any harm with that lie?

He is htn facially, 5 foot 7 on a bad frame but bad boy maxxed (tattoos, gym, 10%bf) and is a complete anomaly and the reason I am making this thread.
This guy took more rejections than most of this forum combined and he is still going at it.

It's because he focuses on his success and pushes rejection and failure aside.
He slays way more than he should because he has the mental part absolutely perfected.


Don't focus on your shortcomings; it does you no good. Instead try to implement law of attraction, live the delusion until you truly believe it(and others start to aswell).
Learn to socialize early on. Get social/dating/sex experience to not end up rotting here.
Feel that fear of missing out and falling behind, and use it as fuel.
Use alcohol, lying and false projecting if needed.
Take rejection in stride, don't focus on it.
You are only getting older, falling behind your competition even further, both physically and mentally. There is no time to waste anymore.

This forum only sees things black and white, there is no in between; almost no space for discussion.
That is the biggest reason we are bound to stay in the same place, no matter the looksmaxxing ascension.
We are a forum for change but we never change mentally, we never try, we would rather complain and project; but it leads to nowhere, we come back here with same problems.

In this fucked up dating world you can only complain if you did everything you could.

You can do it anon, you can at least try.
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This is the third high effort thread in a series of mine. I quite enjoy writing these. Hope it helps someone.

First 2 were more informational while this one is more emotional and helpfull (I hope).
First 2 you can read here:

Optimizing mental and social parts of dating are crucial moves you should make that are not talked about enough here. Most can gain way more from this than from looksmaxxing.
I will talk about what I think works the best from my experience and how you can try to implement it (and you can).

Lot of the advice is youngcells oriented because all of this is 10 times easier when your social ability isn't almost fully developed.


If you are 18+ there is no reason you shouldn't consider yourself to be at your prime right now
. Redpill copers hope our prime is around 30 :lul: It probably is for them, by that time all the used up roasties start looking for betabuxxers, which is ideal for redpillers. Same roasties just larp about having one boyfriend and the redpillers eat that shit up:lul:

Since you are not a retarded redpiller you know that your prime is now. It can only get worse. We all wait; for what? Looking older, feeling older, reading more about the blackpill? All of which just lower your dating chances. Max out as soon as possible and go out there.



Do all the softmaxxes you can. 12% bf, gym and eyebrows are a requirement. For most this would be enough for at least mtn range. Not obssessing over falios or things you can't change is very important.

Lowering expectations and not dreaming of chad life

People here are absolutely cucked by expectations. We would all love to have chad appeal and life experience but is that realistic? More importantly how does obssesing over it help you? We are no different than foids browsing instagram getting jealous of others' people lifestyle and looks.
You have your genes, your life, your cards you have been dealt so make the most of it. I know this sounds cliche af but this forum lacks a bit of naive positivity (that bluepill is built on).

Fear of missing out (and falling behind)

Fear of missing out should be your best friend. Because of this fear I changed my life for the better. Went from 30 to 15% bf, started gym, grew my hair out and am forcing myself to socialize.

But for oldcells like me (23) I can't help but get mad at my younger self for falling behind so much. My peers already have dating/sex experience I don't. Basically starting dating at 23 is brutal.

You need to feel both of these fears quite clearly to find the motivation to force yourself.

There is almost nothing that can happen out there that is worse than being alone and rotting all life.

Actively looking for social experience

You need to force yourself to socialize and put yourself in uncomfortable social situations as much as possible, especially while young.
Never reject any offer for socializing (go sick if foids are there too:lul:), remember the fear of missing out and falling behind.

All chads I met were extremely socially adapted and intelligent. Not because they have this inherited skill but on experience and confidence alone.
Have you ever wondered how are some low IQ retards so good at socializing?

Being extroverted (and good at socializing) is just about pleasant previous social experience.
Which then brings confidence and effortlessness (no overthinking or self doubt).
People unconciously learn a lot with experience (more than conciously), to the point good social behaviour becomes like a reflux.

Introverts are just insecure weirdos in the eyes of everyone. You don't need to talk all the time but your presence has to be known in some way.

Extroverted behaviour means you will get to know more people (and they will remember you more too) which will increase your status and all of this is extremely important long term.

Status and connections are absolutely crucial. Very few slay cold approaching, and it's much harder.


Chads have status because of genetic superiority (actually because most foids choose them).
But you can get status in different ways. Money, connections, stories, ex girlfriends, etc.
You all know someone who slayed above their looks level based on status alone.
Status can be random so it's hard to give advice there. But extrovertness, connections and being friendly help the most.


I have been a victim of low confidence in front of the foids (while I was looking much worse) and looking back it was a complete social suicide. Foids sense this; they are hard wired to sense every subtle sign of social incompetence.
While a friend of mine who is a complete manlet always carries himself like he is prime Gandy. .org would say he is coping but is he? He isn't doing himself any harm, he is just increasing his chances. Foids love arrogance.

Alcohol and law of attraction change your point of view on the world in a way that is beneficial and will make you more confident. I will talk about both in depth now.


Alcohol's short term advantages like losing inhibition, gaining confidence, and being more extroverted outweigh its negative long term effect by miles (for most people).

I know people who have been drinking almost daily for 35+ years and their skin is still fine. I'm not advising doing this of course; but the braindead autistic (muh alcohol bad) attitude can only make you look like a redpilled weirdo in social situations (if you refuse to drink when everyone is doing so), on top of you being less likely to socialize as required.

Alcohol has been a big helper to me when meeting new people.
The only problem here is not going overboard (acting weird) or spilling the blackpill (or any other unaccepted opinion) in front of foids or new people. I have been a victim of that but I have learned to do better. You can too. Find the sweet spot.

So why is weed a bad social drug? Because it makes you self aware, less enthuziastic, too carefull and concious of your surroundings; all terrible for socialization and a complete opposite of alcohol.

Law of attraction

Law of attraction is one of the most usefull tools I have heard of that is made a complete meme here.

Here is a Novak Djokovic quote (Djokovic is the greatest tennis player ever, renowned for his mental strength and comebacks)

"Yes, visualisation is an integral part of my preparation before every match: every season, for that matter. For something to become reality, one first has to picture it in one’s mind, to see it happening. I’ve experienced it so many times in my life: visualisation is just another confirmation of how powerful we are as human beings, but it needs to be worked on."

Djokovic saved match points on return in grand slam finals, and is by far the mentally toughest athlete ever.

And he implements law of attraction because it is a usefull tool.
Law of attraction is not listening to subliminals over night :lul::lul: That's just how the leftists interpret it because they are lazy cunts and don't want to put any effort in.

Truly believing you are/will be something is extremely powerfull because it helps you perform on the highest level you possibly can. While self doubt is complete opposite and cucks you.
I lost money few days ago because Rory Mcilroy (one of the best golfers in the world btw) is a complete choker that will get eaten by self doubt in crucial moments (while people like Djokovic never will) which of course happened (Mcilroy was leading, then missed 2 easy putts in the last 3 holes; chances of which were less than 0.1%)

I used sports refrences but this applies to dating.

My manlet friend who would be called framecell here aswell is a slayer because of this.

Back in high school he unironically claimed the biggest stacy in school is eyeing him. Later on he said that he struts through clubs like he is the best looking guy there.
And just recently he claimed everyone on the beach is looking at him when he takes of his shirt :lul::lul::lul:

Thinking like this (basically law of attraction) puts him in the best mindset possible for slaying. I respect him for implementing it so effortlessly.

Low inhibition

Absolutely mogs in dating, saying and doing things without much thought is an extremely attractive man trait but is also unfortunately hard to fake. Being low inhinition means you will act on instinct more and won't overthink anything; both of which is ideal for dating.
My best advice is to try to say/do things you usually wouldn't and try to build it up from there.

Projecting your worth to be more than it is

Lie if needed. It's all fair game in dating.
My manlet friend I mentioned above said to me years ago that he larps about being a pro athlete to strangers. I was confused at how he felt the need to do something so pathetic.
I understand now. You need to optimize everything to give yourself the best chance (of course you shouldn't lie about something like this to the people you know).
Is he really doing any harm with that lie?

He is htn facially, 5 foot 7 on a bad frame but bad boy maxxed (tattoos, gym, 10%bf) and is a complete anomaly and the reason I am making this thread.
This guy took more rejections than most of this forum combined and he is still going at it.

It's because he focuses on his success and pushes rejection and failure aside.
He slays way more than he should because he has the mental part absolutely perfected.


Don't focus on your shortcomings; it does you no good. Instead try to implement law of attraction, live the delusion until you truly believe it(and others start to aswell).
Learn to socialize early on. Get social/dating/sex experience to not end up rotting here.
Feel that fear of missing out and falling behind, and use it as fuel.
Use alcohol, lying and false projecting if needed.
Take rejection in stride, don't focus on it.
You are only getting older, falling behind your competition even further, both physically and mentally. There is no time to waste anymore.

This forum only sees things black and white, there is no in between; almost no space for discussion.
That is the biggest reason we are bound to stay in the same place, no matter the looksmaxxing ascension.
We are a forum for change but we never change mentally, we never try, we would rather complain and project; but it leads to nowhere, we come back here with same problems.

In this fucked up dating world you can only complain if you did everything you could.

You can do it anon, you can at least try.
water dnrd
(jk bump(kinda kidding))
  • JFL
Reactions: ducktruck and Manana
Not a single word

Actually I've read it all and it's complete water/useless info.

Muhhh law of attraction, get you magical ass outta here nigguh
  • +1
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Reactions: innerlight, watah, Detective and 7 others
I'm 22 I wasted my life it's over
  • So Sad
Reactions: QuintBarnaJonesJr, fingoliansubhuman and Manana
Will read later but prob water
Not a single word

Actually I've read it all and it's complete water/useless info.

Muhhh law of attraction, get you magical ass outta here nigguh
Everything is water, there are a million threads.

What did you expect? A magical chad potion?

This thread clearly wasn't for you anyway so it's fine.
  • +1
Reactions: Snowskinned, fingoliansubhuman, likenesss and 1 other person
Everything is water, there are a million threads.

What did you expect? A magical chad potion?

This thread clearly wasn't for you anyway so it's fine.
Go read some Sigmund Freud and you will gain knowledge on females more than anything in this forum.

Zherka unexpectedly has some great and solid dating advice too.
  • +1
Reactions: Manana
Insane thread, deserves to be best of the best
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Reactions: fingoliansubhuman and Manana
All of this dor

This is the third high effort thread in a series of mine. I quite enjoy writing these. Hope it helps someone.

First 2 were more informational while this one is more emotional and helpfull (I hope).
First 2 you can read here:

Optimizing mental and social parts of dating are crucial moves you should make that are not talked about enough here. Most can gain way more from this than from looksmaxxing.
I will talk about what I think works the best from my experience and how you can try to implement it (and you can).

Lot of the advice is youngcells oriented because all of this is 10 times easier when your social ability isn't almost fully developed.


If you are 18+ there is no reason you shouldn't consider yourself to be at your prime right now
. Redpill copers hope our prime is around 30 :lul: It probably is for them, by that time all the used up roasties start looking for betabuxxers, which is ideal for redpillers. Same roasties just larp about having one boyfriend and the redpillers eat that shit up:lul:

Since you are not a retarded redpiller you know that your prime is now. It can only get worse. We all wait; for what? Looking older, feeling older, reading more about the blackpill? All of which just lower your dating chances. Max out as soon as possible and go out there.



Do all the softmaxxes you can. 12% bf, gym and eyebrows are a requirement. For most this would be enough for at least mtn range. Not obssessing over falios or things you can't change is very important.

Lowering expectations and not dreaming of chad life

People here are absolutely cucked by expectations. We would all love to have chad appeal and life experience but is that realistic? More importantly how does obssesing over it help you? We are no different than foids browsing instagram getting jealous of others' people lifestyle and looks.
You have your genes, your life, your cards you have been dealt so make the most of it. I know this sounds cliche af but this forum lacks a bit of naive positivity (that bluepill is built on).

Fear of missing out (and falling behind)

Fear of missing out should be your best friend. Because of this fear I changed my life for the better. Went from 30 to 15% bf, started gym, grew my hair out and am forcing myself to socialize.

But for oldcells like me (23) I can't help but get mad at my younger self for falling behind so much. My peers already have dating/sex experience I don't. Basically starting dating at 23 is brutal.

You need to feel both of these fears quite clearly to find the motivation to force yourself.

There is almost nothing that can happen out there that is worse than being alone and rotting all life.

Actively looking for social experience

You need to force yourself to socialize and put yourself in uncomfortable social situations as much as possible, especially while young.
Never reject any offer for socializing (go sick if foids are there too:lul:), remember the fear of missing out and falling behind.

All chads I met were extremely socially adapted and intelligent. Not because they have this inherited skill but on experience and confidence alone.
Have you ever wondered how are some low IQ retards so good at socializing?

Being extroverted (and good at socializing) is just about pleasant previous social experience.
Which then brings confidence and effortlessness (no overthinking or self doubt).
People unconciously learn a lot with experience (more than conciously), to the point good social behaviour becomes like a reflux.

Introverts are just insecure weirdos in the eyes of everyone. You don't need to talk all the time but your presence has to be known in some way.

Extroverted behaviour means you will get to know more people (and they will remember you more too) which will increase your status and all of this is extremely important long term.

Status and connections are absolutely crucial. Very few slay cold approaching, and it's much harder.


Chads have status because of genetic superiority (actually because most foids choose them).
But you can get status in different ways. Money, connections, stories, ex girlfriends, etc.
You all know someone who slayed above their looks level based on status alone.
Status can be random so it's hard to give advice there. But extrovertness, connections and being friendly help the most.


I have been a victim of low confidence in front of the foids (while I was looking much worse) and looking back it was a complete social suicide. Foids sense this; they are hard wired to sense every subtle sign of social incompetence.
While a friend of mine who is a complete manlet always carries himself like he is prime Gandy. .org would say he is coping but is he? He isn't doing himself any harm, he is just increasing his chances. Foids love arrogance.

Alcohol and law of attraction change your point of view on the world in a way that is beneficial and will make you more confident. I will talk about both in depth now.


Alcohol's short term advantages like losing inhibition, gaining confidence, and being more extroverted outweigh its negative long term effect by miles (for most people).

I know people who have been drinking almost daily for 35+ years and their skin is still fine. I'm not advising doing this of course; but the braindead autistic (muh alcohol bad) attitude can only make you look like a redpilled weirdo in social situations (if you refuse to drink when everyone is doing so), on top of you being less likely to socialize as required.

Alcohol has been a big helper to me when meeting new people.
The only problem here is not going overboard (acting weird) or spilling the blackpill (or any other unaccepted opinion) in front of foids or new people. I have been a victim of that but I have learned to do better. You can too. Find the sweet spot.

So why is weed a bad social drug? Because it makes you self aware, less enthuziastic, too carefull and concious of your surroundings; all terrible for socialization and a complete opposite of alcohol.

Law of attraction

Law of attraction is one of the most usefull tools I have heard of that is made a complete meme here.

Here is a Novak Djokovic quote (Djokovic is the greatest tennis player ever, renowned for his mental strength and comebacks)

"Yes, visualisation is an integral part of my preparation before every match: every season, for that matter. For something to become reality, one first has to picture it in one’s mind, to see it happening. I’ve experienced it so many times in my life: visualisation is just another confirmation of how powerful we are as human beings, but it needs to be worked on."

Djokovic saved match points on return in grand slam finals, and is by far the mentally toughest athlete ever.

And he implements law of attraction because it is a usefull tool.
Law of attraction is not listening to subliminals over night :lul::lul: That's just how the leftists interpret it because they are lazy cunts and don't want to put any effort in.

Truly believing you are/will be something is extremely powerfull because it helps you perform on the highest level you possibly can. While self doubt is complete opposite and cucks you.
I lost money few days ago because Rory Mcilroy (one of the best golfers in the world btw) is a complete choker that will get eaten by self doubt in crucial moments (while people like Djokovic never will) which of course happened (Mcilroy was leading, then missed 2 easy putts in the last 3 holes; chances of which were less than 0.1%)

I used sports refrences but this applies to dating.

My manlet friend who would be called framecell here aswell is a slayer because of this.

Back in high school he unironically claimed the biggest stacy in school is eyeing him. Later on he said that he struts through clubs like he is the best looking guy there.
And just recently he claimed everyone on the beach is looking at him when he takes of his shirt :lul::lul::lul:

Thinking like this (basically law of attraction) puts him in the best mindset possible for slaying. I respect him for implementing it so effortlessly.

Low inhibition

Absolutely mogs in dating, saying and doing things without much thought is an extremely attractive man trait but is also unfortunately hard to fake. Being low inhinition means you will act on instinct more and won't overthink anything; both of which is ideal for dating.
My best advice is to try to say/do things you usually wouldn't and try to build it up from there.

Projecting your worth to be more than it is

Lie if needed. It's all fair game in dating.
My manlet friend I mentioned above said to me years ago that he larps about being a pro athlete to strangers. I was confused at how he felt the need to do something so pathetic.
I understand now. You need to optimize everything to give yourself the best chance (of course you shouldn't lie about something like this to the people you know).
Is he really doing any harm with that lie?

He is htn facially, 5 foot 7 on a bad frame but bad boy maxxed (tattoos, gym, 10%bf) and is a complete anomaly and the reason I am making this thread.
This guy took more rejections than most of this forum combined and he is still going at it.

It's because he focuses on his success and pushes rejection and failure aside.
He slays way more than he should because he has the mental part absolutely perfected.


Don't focus on your shortcomings; it does you no good. Instead try to implement law of attraction, live the delusion until you truly believe it(and others start to aswell).
Learn to socialize early on. Get social/dating/sex experience to not end up rotting here.
Feel that fear of missing out and falling behind, and use it as fuel.
Use alcohol, lying and false projecting if needed.
Take rejection in stride, don't focus on it.
You are only getting older, falling behind your competition even further, both physically and mentally. There is no time to waste anymore.

This forum only sees things black and white, there is no in between; almost no space for discussion.
That is the biggest reason we are bound to stay in the same place, no matter the looksmaxxing ascension.
We are a forum for change but we never change mentally, we never try, we would rather complain and project; but it leads to nowhere, we come back here with same problems.

In this fucked up dating world you can only complain if you did everything you could.

You can do it anon, you can at least t
All of this for a stinky wet loose hole
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Reactions: watah, Disrupted Gene, likenesss and 1 other person
Over if you need to optimize your mind to date useless cumdumpsters
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: innerlight, watah, SubhumanEyeArea and 2 others
Over if you need to optimize your mind to date useless cumdumpsters
Not to date, but to pump and dump them. And then to mog everyone else with your sex stories.
  • +1
Reactions: innerlight, fingoliansubhuman, likenesss and 1 other person
Fear of missing out (and falling behind)

Fear of missing out should be your best friend. Because of this fear I changed my life for the better. Went from 30 to 15% bf, started gym, grew my hair out and am forcing myself to socialize.

But for oldcells like me (23) I can't help but get mad at my younger self for falling behind so much. My peers already have dating/sex experience I don't. Basically starting dating at 23 is brutal.

You need to feel both of these fears quite clearly to find the motivation to force yourself.

There is almost nothing that can happen out there that is worse than being alone and rotting all life.
It's not a fear, it's a reality that destroys me every day. As a soon to be 21yo KHHV, nothing is more demoralizing than hearing the sex stories of your friends. What's more, all you see on your instagram stories are instances of gymflation. Everything you do to self improve becomes more of a prerequisite than a way for you to stand out.
  • +1
Reactions: Must_Ascend and Manana
High IQ thread, read every molecule. Copers will say "dnr" and laugh at this
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Reactions: QuintBarnaJonesJr, Must_Ascend and Manana

This is the third high effort thread in a series of mine. I quite enjoy writing these. Hope it helps someone.

First 2 were more informational while this one is more emotional and helpfull (I hope).
First 2 you can read here:

Optimizing mental and social parts of dating are crucial moves you should make that are not talked about enough here. Most can gain way more from this than from looksmaxxing.
I will talk about what I think works the best from my experience and how you can try to implement it (and you can).

Lot of the advice is youngcells oriented because all of this is 10 times easier when your social ability isn't almost fully developed.


If you are 18+ there is no reason you shouldn't consider yourself to be at your prime right now
. Redpill copers hope our prime is around 30 :lul: It probably is for them, by that time all the used up roasties start looking for betabuxxers, which is ideal for redpillers. Same roasties just larp about having one boyfriend and the redpillers eat that shit up:lul:

Since you are not a retarded redpiller you know that your prime is now. It can only get worse. We all wait; for what? Looking older, feeling older, reading more about the blackpill? All of which just lower your dating chances. Max out as soon as possible and go out there.



Do all the softmaxxes you can. 12% bf, gym and eyebrows are a requirement. For most this would be enough for at least mtn range. Not obssessing over falios or things you can't change is very important.

Lowering expectations and not dreaming of chad life

People here are absolutely cucked by expectations. We would all love to have chad appeal and life experience but is that realistic? More importantly how does obssesing over it help you? We are no different than foids browsing instagram getting jealous of others' people lifestyle and looks.
You have your genes, your life, your cards you have been dealt so make the most of it. I know this sounds cliche af but this forum lacks a bit of naive positivity (that bluepill is built on).

Fear of missing out (and falling behind)

Fear of missing out should be your best friend. Because of this fear I changed my life for the better. Went from 30 to 15% bf, started gym, grew my hair out and am forcing myself to socialize.

But for oldcells like me (23) I can't help but get mad at my younger self for falling behind so much. My peers already have dating/sex experience I don't. Basically starting dating at 23 is brutal.

You need to feel both of these fears quite clearly to find the motivation to force yourself.

There is almost nothing that can happen out there that is worse than being alone and rotting all life.

Actively looking for social experience

You need to force yourself to socialize and put yourself in uncomfortable social situations as much as possible, especially while young.
Never reject any offer for socializing (go sick if foids are there too:lul:), remember the fear of missing out and falling behind.

All chads I met were extremely socially adapted and intelligent. Not because they have this inherited skill but on experience and confidence alone.
Have you ever wondered how are some low IQ retards so good at socializing?

Being extroverted (and good at socializing) is just about pleasant previous social experience.
Which then brings confidence and effortlessness (no overthinking or self doubt).
People unconciously learn a lot with experience (more than conciously), to the point good social behaviour becomes like a reflux.

Introverts are just insecure weirdos in the eyes of everyone. You don't need to talk all the time but your presence has to be known in some way.

Extroverted behaviour means you will get to know more people (and they will remember you more too) which will increase your status and all of this is extremely important long term.

Status and connections are absolutely crucial. Very few slay cold approaching, and it's much harder.


Chads have status because of genetic superiority (actually because most foids choose them).
But you can get status in different ways. Money, connections, stories, ex girlfriends, etc.
You all know someone who slayed above their looks level based on status alone.
Status can be random so it's hard to give advice there. But extrovertness, connections and being friendly help the most.


I have been a victim of low confidence in front of the foids (while I was looking much worse) and looking back it was a complete social suicide. Foids sense this; they are hard wired to sense every subtle sign of social incompetence.
While a friend of mine who is a complete manlet always carries himself like he is prime Gandy. .org would say he is coping but is he? He isn't doing himself any harm, he is just increasing his chances. Foids love arrogance.

Alcohol and law of attraction change your point of view on the world in a way that is beneficial and will make you more confident. I will talk about both in depth now.


Alcohol's short term advantages like losing inhibition, gaining confidence, and being more extroverted outweigh its negative long term effect by miles (for most people).

I know people who have been drinking almost daily for 35+ years and their skin is still fine. I'm not advising doing this of course; but the braindead autistic (muh alcohol bad) attitude can only make you look like a redpilled weirdo in social situations (if you refuse to drink when everyone is doing so), on top of you being less likely to socialize as required.

Alcohol has been a big helper to me when meeting new people.
The only problem here is not going overboard (acting weird) or spilling the blackpill (or any other unaccepted opinion) in front of foids or new people. I have been a victim of that but I have learned to do better. You can too. Find the sweet spot.

So why is weed a bad social drug? Because it makes you self aware, less enthuziastic, too carefull and concious of your surroundings; all terrible for socialization and a complete opposite of alcohol.

Law of attraction

Law of attraction is one of the most usefull tools I have heard of that is made a complete meme here.

Here is a Novak Djokovic quote (Djokovic is the greatest tennis player ever, renowned for his mental strength and comebacks)

"Yes, visualisation is an integral part of my preparation before every match: every season, for that matter. For something to become reality, one first has to picture it in one’s mind, to see it happening. I’ve experienced it so many times in my life: visualisation is just another confirmation of how powerful we are as human beings, but it needs to be worked on."

Djokovic saved match points on return in grand slam finals, and is by far the mentally toughest athlete ever.

And he implements law of attraction because it is a usefull tool.
Law of attraction is not listening to subliminals over night :lul::lul: That's just how the leftists interpret it because they are lazy cunts and don't want to put any effort in.

Truly believing you are/will be something is extremely powerfull because it helps you perform on the highest level you possibly can. While self doubt is complete opposite and cucks you.
I lost money few days ago because Rory Mcilroy (one of the best golfers in the world btw) is a complete choker that will get eaten by self doubt in crucial moments (while people like Djokovic never will) which of course happened (Mcilroy was leading, then missed 2 easy putts in the last 3 holes; chances of which were less than 0.1%)

I used sports refrences but this applies to dating.

My manlet friend who would be called framecell here aswell is a slayer because of this.

Back in high school he unironically claimed the biggest stacy in school is eyeing him. Later on he said that he struts through clubs like he is the best looking guy there.
And just recently he claimed everyone on the beach is looking at him when he takes of his shirt :lul::lul::lul:

Thinking like this (basically law of attraction) puts him in the best mindset possible for slaying. I respect him for implementing it so effortlessly.

Low inhibition

Absolutely mogs in dating, saying and doing things without much thought is an extremely attractive man trait but is also unfortunately hard to fake. Being low inhinition means you will act on instinct more and won't overthink anything; both of which is ideal for dating.
My best advice is to try to say/do things you usually wouldn't and try to build it up from there.

Projecting your worth to be more than it is

Lie if needed. It's all fair game in dating.
My manlet friend I mentioned above said to me years ago that he larps about being a pro athlete to strangers. I was confused at how he felt the need to do something so pathetic.
I understand now. You need to optimize everything to give yourself the best chance (of course you shouldn't lie about something like this to the people you know).
Is he really doing any harm with that lie?

He is htn facially, 5 foot 7 on a bad frame but bad boy maxxed (tattoos, gym, 10%bf) and is a complete anomaly and the reason I am making this thread.
This guy took more rejections than most of this forum combined and he is still going at it.

It's because he focuses on his success and pushes rejection and failure aside.
He slays way more than he should because he has the mental part absolutely perfected.


Don't focus on your shortcomings; it does you no good. Instead try to implement law of attraction, live the delusion until you truly believe it(and others start to aswell).
Learn to socialize early on. Get social/dating/sex experience to not end up rotting here.
Feel that fear of missing out and falling behind, and use it as fuel.
Use alcohol, lying and false projecting if needed.
Take rejection in stride, don't focus on it.
You are only getting older, falling behind your competition even further, both physically and mentally. There is no time to waste anymore.

This forum only sees things black and white, there is no in between; almost no space for discussion.
That is the biggest reason we are bound to stay in the same place, no matter the looksmaxxing ascension.
We are a forum for change but we never change mentally, we never try, we would rather complain and project; but it leads to nowhere, we come back here with same problems.

In this fucked up dating world you can only complain if you did everything you could.

You can do it anon, you can at least try.
One of best threads here
  • +1
Reactions: watah, Must_Ascend, Manana and 1 other person

This is the third high effort thread in a series of mine. I quite enjoy writing these. Hope it helps someone.

First 2 were more informational while this one is more emotional and helpfull (I hope).
First 2 you can read here:

Optimizing mental and social parts of dating are crucial moves you should make that are not talked about enough here. Most can gain way more from this than from looksmaxxing.
I will talk about what I think works the best from my experience and how you can try to implement it (and you can).

Lot of the advice is youngcells oriented because all of this is 10 times easier when your social ability isn't almost fully developed.


If you are 18+ there is no reason you shouldn't consider yourself to be at your prime right now
. Redpill copers hope our prime is around 30 :lul: It probably is for them, by that time all the used up roasties start looking for betabuxxers, which is ideal for redpillers. Same roasties just larp about having one boyfriend and the redpillers eat that shit up:lul:

Since you are not a retarded redpiller you know that your prime is now. It can only get worse. We all wait; for what? Looking older, feeling older, reading more about the blackpill? All of which just lower your dating chances. Max out as soon as possible and go out there.



Do all the softmaxxes you can. 12% bf, gym and eyebrows are a requirement. For most this would be enough for at least mtn range. Not obssessing over falios or things you can't change is very important.

Lowering expectations and not dreaming of chad life

People here are absolutely cucked by expectations. We would all love to have chad appeal and life experience but is that realistic? More importantly how does obssesing over it help you? We are no different than foids browsing instagram getting jealous of others' people lifestyle and looks.
You have your genes, your life, your cards you have been dealt so make the most of it. I know this sounds cliche af but this forum lacks a bit of naive positivity (that bluepill is built on).

Fear of missing out (and falling behind)

Fear of missing out should be your best friend. Because of this fear I changed my life for the better. Went from 30 to 15% bf, started gym, grew my hair out and am forcing myself to socialize.

But for oldcells like me (23) I can't help but get mad at my younger self for falling behind so much. My peers already have dating/sex experience I don't. Basically starting dating at 23 is brutal.

You need to feel both of these fears quite clearly to find the motivation to force yourself.

There is almost nothing that can happen out there that is worse than being alone and rotting all life.

Actively looking for social experience

You need to force yourself to socialize and put yourself in uncomfortable social situations as much as possible, especially while young.
Never reject any offer for socializing (go sick if foids are there too:lul:), remember the fear of missing out and falling behind.

All chads I met were extremely socially adapted and intelligent. Not because they have this inherited skill but on experience and confidence alone.
Have you ever wondered how are some low IQ retards so good at socializing?

Being extroverted (and good at socializing) is just about pleasant previous social experience.
Which then brings confidence and effortlessness (no overthinking or self doubt).
People unconciously learn a lot with experience (more than conciously), to the point good social behaviour becomes like a reflux.

Introverts are just insecure weirdos in the eyes of everyone. You don't need to talk all the time but your presence has to be known in some way.

Extroverted behaviour means you will get to know more people (and they will remember you more too) which will increase your status and all of this is extremely important long term.

Status and connections are absolutely crucial. Very few slay cold approaching, and it's much harder.


Chads have status because of genetic superiority (actually because most foids choose them).
But you can get status in different ways. Money, connections, stories, ex girlfriends, etc.
You all know someone who slayed above their looks level based on status alone.
Status can be random so it's hard to give advice there. But extrovertness, connections and being friendly help the most.


I have been a victim of low confidence in front of the foids (while I was looking much worse) and looking back it was a complete social suicide. Foids sense this; they are hard wired to sense every subtle sign of social incompetence.
While a friend of mine who is a complete manlet always carries himself like he is prime Gandy. .org would say he is coping but is he? He isn't doing himself any harm, he is just increasing his chances. Foids love arrogance.

Alcohol and law of attraction change your point of view on the world in a way that is beneficial and will make you more confident. I will talk about both in depth now.


Alcohol's short term advantages like losing inhibition, gaining confidence, and being more extroverted outweigh its negative long term effect by miles (for most people).

I know people who have been drinking almost daily for 35+ years and their skin is still fine. I'm not advising doing this of course; but the braindead autistic (muh alcohol bad) attitude can only make you look like a redpilled weirdo in social situations (if you refuse to drink when everyone is doing so), on top of you being less likely to socialize as required.

Alcohol has been a big helper to me when meeting new people.
The only problem here is not going overboard (acting weird) or spilling the blackpill (or any other unaccepted opinion) in front of foids or new people. I have been a victim of that but I have learned to do better. You can too. Find the sweet spot.

So why is weed a bad social drug? Because it makes you self aware, less enthuziastic, too carefull and concious of your surroundings; all terrible for socialization and a complete opposite of alcohol.

Law of attraction

Law of attraction is one of the most usefull tools I have heard of that is made a complete meme here.

Here is a Novak Djokovic quote (Djokovic is the greatest tennis player ever, renowned for his mental strength and comebacks)

"Yes, visualisation is an integral part of my preparation before every match: every season, for that matter. For something to become reality, one first has to picture it in one’s mind, to see it happening. I’ve experienced it so many times in my life: visualisation is just another confirmation of how powerful we are as human beings, but it needs to be worked on."

Djokovic saved match points on return in grand slam finals, and is by far the mentally toughest athlete ever.

And he implements law of attraction because it is a usefull tool.
Law of attraction is not listening to subliminals over night :lul::lul: That's just how the leftists interpret it because they are lazy cunts and don't want to put any effort in.

Truly believing you are/will be something is extremely powerfull because it helps you perform on the highest level you possibly can. While self doubt is complete opposite and cucks you.
I lost money few days ago because Rory Mcilroy (one of the best golfers in the world btw) is a complete choker that will get eaten by self doubt in crucial moments (while people like Djokovic never will) which of course happened (Mcilroy was leading, then missed 2 easy putts in the last 3 holes; chances of which were less than 0.1%)

I used sports refrences but this applies to dating.

My manlet friend who would be called framecell here aswell is a slayer because of this.

Back in high school he unironically claimed the biggest stacy in school is eyeing him. Later on he said that he struts through clubs like he is the best looking guy there.
And just recently he claimed everyone on the beach is looking at him when he takes of his shirt :lul::lul::lul:

Thinking like this (basically law of attraction) puts him in the best mindset possible for slaying. I respect him for implementing it so effortlessly.

Low inhibition

Absolutely mogs in dating, saying and doing things without much thought is an extremely attractive man trait but is also unfortunately hard to fake. Being low inhinition means you will act on instinct more and won't overthink anything; both of which is ideal for dating.
My best advice is to try to say/do things you usually wouldn't and try to build it up from there.

Projecting your worth to be more than it is

Lie if needed. It's all fair game in dating.
My manlet friend I mentioned above said to me years ago that he larps about being a pro athlete to strangers. I was confused at how he felt the need to do something so pathetic.
I understand now. You need to optimize everything to give yourself the best chance (of course you shouldn't lie about something like this to the people you know).
Is he really doing any harm with that lie?

He is htn facially, 5 foot 7 on a bad frame but bad boy maxxed (tattoos, gym, 10%bf) and is a complete anomaly and the reason I am making this thread.
This guy took more rejections than most of this forum combined and he is still going at it.

It's because he focuses on his success and pushes rejection and failure aside.
He slays way more than he should because he has the mental part absolutely perfected.


Don't focus on your shortcomings; it does you no good. Instead try to implement law of attraction, live the delusion until you truly believe it(and others start to aswell).
Learn to socialize early on. Get social/dating/sex experience to not end up rotting here.
Feel that fear of missing out and falling behind, and use it as fuel.
Use alcohol, lying and false projecting if needed.
Take rejection in stride, don't focus on it.
You are only getting older, falling behind your competition even further, both physically and mentally. There is no time to waste anymore.

This forum only sees things black and white, there is no in between; almost no space for discussion.
That is the biggest reason we are bound to stay in the same place, no matter the looksmaxxing ascension.
We are a forum for change but we never change mentally, we never try, we would rather complain and project; but it leads to nowhere, we come back here with same problems.

In this fucked up dating world you can only complain if you did everything you could.

You can do it anon, you can at least try.
what if i just wanna be with my girl and settle down man

I have been a victim of low confidence in front of the foids (while I was looking much worse) and looking back it was a complete social suicide. Foids sense this; they are hard wired to sense every subtle sign of social incompetence.
While a friend of mine who is a complete manlet always carries himself like he is prime Gandy. .org would say he is coping but is he? He isn't doing himself any harm, he is just increasing his chances. Foids love arrogance.
arrogance makes a guy look stupid if he isn’t able to back it up. If a foid doesn’t like short guys, no amount of arrogance will change that. Also, most foids (at least in north america) are unattractive themselves and have nothing to offer. Keep in mind that most foids have shitty social skills and lack social competence too lol
  • +1
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Reactions: watah, normie_joe, Manana and 1 other person
im 18 and dateless KHV its over
JFl so your advice is just pretend ur chad :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh: donkey
I lost money few days ago because Rory Mcilroy (one of the best golfers in the world btw) is a complete choker that will get eaten by self doubt in crucial moments (while people like Djokovic never will) which of course happened (Mcilroy was leading, then missed 2 easy putts in the last 3 holes; chances of which were less than 0.1%)
I'm down $300 alone for betting on Djokovic beating alcaraz in the last two wimbledon's
  • JFL
Reactions: fentmaxxer289

This is the third high effort thread in a series of mine. I quite enjoy writing these. Hope it helps someone.

First 2 were more informational while this one is more emotional and helpfull (I hope).
First 2 you can read here:

Optimizing mental and social parts of dating are crucial moves you should make that are not talked about enough here. Most can gain way more from this than from looksmaxxing.
I will talk about what I think works the best from my experience and how you can try to implement it (and you can).

Lot of the advice is youngcells oriented because all of this is 10 times easier when your social ability isn't almost fully developed.


If you are 18+ there is no reason you shouldn't consider yourself to be at your prime right now
. Redpill copers hope our prime is around 30 :lul: It probably is for them, by that time all the used up roasties start looking for betabuxxers, which is ideal for redpillers. Same roasties just larp about having one boyfriend and the redpillers eat that shit up:lul:

Since you are not a retarded redpiller you know that your prime is now. It can only get worse. We all wait; for what? Looking older, feeling older, reading more about the blackpill? All of which just lower your dating chances. Max out as soon as possible and go out there.



Do all the softmaxxes you can. 12% bf, gym and eyebrows are a requirement. For most this would be enough for at least mtn range. Not obssessing over falios or things you can't change is very important.

Lowering expectations and not dreaming of chad life

People here are absolutely cucked by expectations. We would all love to have chad appeal and life experience but is that realistic? More importantly how does obssesing over it help you? We are no different than foids browsing instagram getting jealous of others' people lifestyle and looks.
You have your genes, your life, your cards you have been dealt so make the most of it. I know this sounds cliche af but this forum lacks a bit of naive positivity (that bluepill is built on).

Fear of missing out (and falling behind)

Fear of missing out should be your best friend. Because of this fear I changed my life for the better. Went from 30 to 15% bf, started gym, grew my hair out and am forcing myself to socialize.

But for oldcells like me (23) I can't help but get mad at my younger self for falling behind so much. My peers already have dating/sex experience I don't. Basically starting dating at 23 is brutal.

You need to feel both of these fears quite clearly to find the motivation to force yourself.

There is almost nothing that can happen out there that is worse than being alone and rotting all life.

Actively looking for social experience

You need to force yourself to socialize and put yourself in uncomfortable social situations as much as possible, especially while young.
Never reject any offer for socializing (go sick if foids are there too:lul:), remember the fear of missing out and falling behind.

All chads I met were extremely socially adapted and intelligent. Not because they have this inherited skill but on experience and confidence alone.
Have you ever wondered how are some low IQ retards so good at socializing?

Being extroverted (and good at socializing) is just about pleasant previous social experience.
Which then brings confidence and effortlessness (no overthinking or self doubt).
People unconciously learn a lot with experience (more than conciously), to the point good social behaviour becomes like a reflux.

Introverts are just insecure weirdos in the eyes of everyone. You don't need to talk all the time but your presence has to be known in some way.

Extroverted behaviour means you will get to know more people (and they will remember you more too) which will increase your status and all of this is extremely important long term.

Status and connections are absolutely crucial. Very few slay cold approaching, and it's much harder.


Chads have status because of genetic superiority (actually because most foids choose them).
But you can get status in different ways. Money, connections, stories, ex girlfriends, etc.
You all know someone who slayed above their looks level based on status alone.
Status can be random so it's hard to give advice there. But extrovertness, connections and being friendly help the most.


I have been a victim of low confidence in front of the foids (while I was looking much worse) and looking back it was a complete social suicide. Foids sense this; they are hard wired to sense every subtle sign of social incompetence.
While a friend of mine who is a complete manlet always carries himself like he is prime Gandy. .org would say he is coping but is he? He isn't doing himself any harm, he is just increasing his chances. Foids love arrogance.

Alcohol and law of attraction change your point of view on the world in a way that is beneficial and will make you more confident. I will talk about both in depth now.


Alcohol's short term advantages like losing inhibition, gaining confidence, and being more extroverted outweigh its negative long term effect by miles (for most people).

I know people who have been drinking almost daily for 35+ years and their skin is still fine. I'm not advising doing this of course; but the braindead autistic (muh alcohol bad) attitude can only make you look like a redpilled weirdo in social situations (if you refuse to drink when everyone is doing so), on top of you being less likely to socialize as required.

Alcohol has been a big helper to me when meeting new people.
The only problem here is not going overboard (acting weird) or spilling the blackpill (or any other unaccepted opinion) in front of foids or new people. I have been a victim of that but I have learned to do better. You can too. Find the sweet spot.

So why is weed a bad social drug? Because it makes you self aware, less enthuziastic, too carefull and concious of your surroundings; all terrible for socialization and a complete opposite of alcohol.

Law of attraction

Law of attraction is one of the most usefull tools I have heard of that is made a complete meme here.

Here is a Novak Djokovic quote (Djokovic is the greatest tennis player ever, renowned for his mental strength and comebacks)

"Yes, visualisation is an integral part of my preparation before every match: every season, for that matter. For something to become reality, one first has to picture it in one’s mind, to see it happening. I’ve experienced it so many times in my life: visualisation is just another confirmation of how powerful we are as human beings, but it needs to be worked on."

Djokovic saved match points on return in grand slam finals, and is by far the mentally toughest athlete ever.

And he implements law of attraction because it is a usefull tool.
Law of attraction is not listening to subliminals over night :lul::lul: That's just how the leftists interpret it because they are lazy cunts and don't want to put any effort in.

Truly believing you are/will be something is extremely powerfull because it helps you perform on the highest level you possibly can. While self doubt is complete opposite and cucks you.
I lost money few days ago because Rory Mcilroy (one of the best golfers in the world btw) is a complete choker that will get eaten by self doubt in crucial moments (while people like Djokovic never will) which of course happened (Mcilroy was leading, then missed 2 easy putts in the last 3 holes; chances of which were less than 0.1%)

I used sports refrences but this applies to dating.

My manlet friend who would be called framecell here aswell is a slayer because of this.

Back in high school he unironically claimed the biggest stacy in school is eyeing him. Later on he said that he struts through clubs like he is the best looking guy there.
And just recently he claimed everyone on the beach is looking at him when he takes of his shirt :lul::lul::lul:

Thinking like this (basically law of attraction) puts him in the best mindset possible for slaying. I respect him for implementing it so effortlessly.

Low inhibition

Absolutely mogs in dating, saying and doing things without much thought is an extremely attractive man trait but is also unfortunately hard to fake. Being low inhinition means you will act on instinct more and won't overthink anything; both of which is ideal for dating.
My best advice is to try to say/do things you usually wouldn't and try to build it up from there.

Projecting your worth to be more than it is

Lie if needed. It's all fair game in dating.
My manlet friend I mentioned above said to me years ago that he larps about being a pro athlete to strangers. I was confused at how he felt the need to do something so pathetic.
I understand now. You need to optimize everything to give yourself the best chance (of course you shouldn't lie about something like this to the people you know).
Is he really doing any harm with that lie?

He is htn facially, 5 foot 7 on a bad frame but bad boy maxxed (tattoos, gym, 10%bf) and is a complete anomaly and the reason I am making this thread.
This guy took more rejections than most of this forum combined and he is still going at it.

It's because he focuses on his success and pushes rejection and failure aside.
He slays way more than he should because he has the mental part absolutely perfected.


Don't focus on your shortcomings; it does you no good. Instead try to implement law of attraction, live the delusion until you truly believe it(and others start to aswell).
Learn to socialize early on. Get social/dating/sex experience to not end up rotting here.
Feel that fear of missing out and falling behind, and use it as fuel.
Use alcohol, lying and false projecting if needed.
Take rejection in stride, don't focus on it.
You are only getting older, falling behind your competition even further, both physically and mentally. There is no time to waste anymore.

This forum only sees things black and white, there is no in between; almost no space for discussion.
That is the biggest reason we are bound to stay in the same place, no matter the looksmaxxing ascension.
We are a forum for change but we never change mentally, we never try, we would rather complain and project; but it leads to nowhere, we come back here with same problems.

In this fucked up dating world you can only complain if you did everything you could.

You can do it anon, you can at least try.
Read a bunch o threads like this, been feeling like missing out since I was 13 (now 20).

Agree with everything but for some reason I can't do anything about it, I'll keep lying on my bed in cummed underwear and sheets and won't do absolutely anything to change my life. My brain wants to do things but I even struggle to find the will to get up and brush my teeth.
It's so over for the state my mind is in, it deteriorates further every day.
who did u bet on for the olympics??
lmao nobody I was worried Djokovic wouldn't be able to do it but this finals showed that if he wants it he can beat alcaraz
decent thread but water

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