Orthodontists GET PAID for performing extractions, and BENEFIT from improper facial growth in patients



PhD in Moggology
Oct 1, 2018
Moderately long read about dentistry, mewing and the future. About 5-6 minutes.

It's such a fucked up system we live in right now. It's even been reported that some orthodontists pull teeth unnecessarily just because the NHS gives them a bonus for doing so. Absolutely ridiculous. What an exploitative, immoral system.

In fact, I think a better system would be that a golden standard for patients was set. A goal orthodontists would try to aim for with their patients. Take an ideally developed face, analyze the features, such as the FWHR, underbite, overbite, straightness of teeth, amount of teeth. Have a full 3d scan of the face and oral area of the ideal face. Then have such a 3d scan of the patient before, and after treatment.But why? I'll explain later.

The visits to the orthodontist would "pool" money, (a smaller amount) to a total. Basically, the treatment and process would pay fairly poorly and would not be enough to live off of. But the END RESULT should be what determines how much money they make, a "bonus". Most of the bonus the orthodontists get would be from the NHS themselves, so some of that would have to be covered by tax.

The bonus would be based on comparing the patients facial growth to the ideally developed face. It would take into account things such as straightness of teeth, AMOUNT of teeth, facial width to height ratio, bone structure, both compared to the ideal, and the development standalone in the patient. Obviously some people are genetically going to be less attractive/healthy looking and have a worse bone structure than others, which is why the standalone development measurement is important. Did the patient get an extraction? That's a cut from the bonus. Did the face develop downward, increasing the patients Facial Width to Height ratio? That's a cut from the bonus. This system would incentivize orthodontists to actually aim for the best results for each patient. In fact, any kind of appliance or surgical procedure should reduce from the cut, so they don't do anything crazy. If mewing truly works, that's what they should get them to do. Have routine checkups.

As it stands right now though, the orthodontistry industry is in a quite disgusting state. They get paid MORE money if you need braces and have extractions, than if you visited once, developed perfectly, did another checkup, and turned out perfectly developed. It's been shown that orthodontists actually PREFER their patients to have a flat, downward swung face. "Hey, their teeth are straight, I did my job, even though their facial structure collapsed and they lack 4 teeth". The ideal customer of an orthodontist requires braces and 6 extractions, because they get paid more if your face develops improperly. In fact, I would guarantee that if a failproof way to prevent crooked teeth was found (AKA mewing, but it still needs research), the orthodontistry industry would be massively against it, deem it as a public health issue, and claim it was bad for your health... Kind of exactly like what just happened to Mike Mew, who was just recently expelled from the British Orthodontic Society. After all, if your profession relies on a preventable issue to cause improper development in people's face, it would be disastrous if an easy, logical and effective prevention of this issue showed up and was accepted by the public.

The only thing the British Orthodontic Society has on their side is credibility. The average schmuck has no clue what "Mewing" is, and if they find him on youtube, he'll quickly be dismissed as a "scam artist" or "unreliable fake-doctor on youtube who just wants your money". After all, in their eyes, they'd rather trust the well established (and therefore obviously correct) modern orthodontists.

I honest to god think Mew should have his clinic do a "test period" with funding from the british government, just for 4-5 years, where he takes in 9-11 year olds with malocclusions and uses mewing techniques and regular check ups to get a result. I think his methods are decent, but there's more to be learned here. Worst case, if zero improvements happen, they could just get the kids to go to an orthodontist at age 12-13. But I doubt that would be the case. If hardmewing has an effect in adults, think of what a child can do with this information if it's used correctly. Think about this. The amount affected would be miniscule compared to all the patients the orthodontistry industry treat in the same amount of time, but the potential is absolutely massive. If it turns out Mew was right all along, the results from this test period would solve crooked teeth, downswung faces, recessed chins, and general ugliness forever. The risk far, far outweighs the reward.

In summary, fuck the orthodontic business as a whole. In an ideal world for them, mouthbreathing was deemed healthy, and needing braces and extractions was genetic. I wonder how many times they knew the patient didn't need extractions, but did it anyway just because..
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Yea man. My bitch of a dentist was trying to tell me I would need to get my wisdom teeth removed even though they are growing straight up and not crooked. I told her it’s a money making business and I’m not getting it done unless I’m in pain.
But with mewing I still think it’s genetics as well as environmental. You can’t new yourself into someone who is extremely gl unless you have the genetics.
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Yea man. My bitch of a dentist was trying to tell me I would need to get my wisdom teeth removed even though they are growing straight up and not crooked. I told her it’s a money making business and I’m not getting it done unless I’m in pain.
But with mewing I still think it’s genetics as well as environmental. You can’t new yourself into someone who is extremely gl unless you have the genetics.
Of course. Looks aren't completely environmental lol. But needing extractions, having crooked teeth and a recessed chin absolutely is. And I think it's high time the world sees that and does something about it. After all, if all the ugly dudes could have developed to become average instead of ugly, that would be amazing for them.
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Wow I didn’t know they got a bonus for extractions but it makes sense (standard in other industries too). And you’re right about Mew being written off as a scam artist by ignorants. People I know think I’m retarded for even believing such a thing but we’ll see who’s the retard when they hate their life because their looks have deteriorated and they have sleep apnea :sneaky:
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Wow I didn’t know they got a bonus for extractions but it makes sense (standard in other industries too). And you’re right about Mew being written off as a scam artist by ignorants. People I know think I’m retarded for even believing such a thing but we’ll see who’s the retard when they hate their life because their looks have deteriorated and they have sleep apnea :sneaky:
Pretty much. It's astonishing the amount of old people with extremely downswung, elongated faces that walk around with their mouth agape. Pretty sure you're picturing one right now, not hard to do since there are so many of them.

Many people actually develop properly though, thanks to things like long breastfeeding period (teaches proper oral posture), and proper hard diet (increases jaw strength making it more natural to mew and less likely to sleep with your mouth open)

It's unlucky to not be part of this group of people, especially when you find out in retrospect that it was all preventable.
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Pretty much. It's astonishing the amount of old people with extremely downswung, elongated faces that walk around with their mouth agape. Pretty sure you're picturing one right now, not hard to do since there are so many of them.

Many people actually develop properly though, thanks to things like breastfeeding (teaches proper oral posture), and proper hard diet (increases jaw strength making it more natural to mew and less likely to sleep with your mouth open)

It's unlucky to not be part of this group of people, especially when you find out in retrospect that it was all preventable.
My mum never breastfed me because she did it with my sisters and didn’t want to anymore... and all through my childhood I wasn’t fed hard foods. So fucking depressing
Yes orthodontists are scum. They totally REKT my face which they rationalize with their pseudoscience. Can't wait until someone releases a Dr. Mew manga series, this is like an anime story plot.

EDIT: Also consider that as an ignorant patient, you put a great deal of trust into the medical system. Only to be brutally taken from the behind.
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Too long didn't read because I know the point you're making and agree 100%. It's the same with food. Big companies benefit from people eating shit. Money runs the world.
Many people actually develop properly though, thanks to things like long breastfeeding period (teaches proper oral posture), and proper hard diet (increases jaw strength making it more natural to mew and less likely to sleep with your mouth open)

I NEVER mouthbreathed, NEVER wore braces (up until now, at least), always ate hard foods (3rd world country) such as meats, nuts, and fruits. But I still have a long face and a not-so-prominent chin. But I know for a fact that it is genetic - my father has the exact same side profile.
I NEVER mouthbreathed, NEVER wore braces (up until now, at least), always ate hard foods (3rd world country) such as meats, nuts, and fruits. But I still have a long face and a not-so-prominent chin. But I know for a fact that it is genetic - my father has the exact same side profile.
Clearly not everything is environmental. But you mentioned you didn't need braces or have extractions. If you have good and well aligned teeth, that probably means you reached your genetic potential facially, and that's good. Most people that reach their genetic potential facially end up looking decent. Usually around low 7 (If they're not fat or some other bullshit). Healthy people are generally pretty decent looking, you know? I guess the reason 6/10 is average is because modern life kinda fucks us up, both in terms of our physique and (for most) our facial growth.

Usually people that have longer faces genetically will still have a decent FWHR, while someone that had downward facial growth will have terrible FWHR, because their midface droops down while their eye are stays where it is.

Point is, so many people get shafted by orthodontics and fucked out of their facial health/beauty potential, and it's saddening. If mew truly is correct, so much trouble could be avoided by simple public health knowledge and preventative measures.
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I don't. Which is why I might be forced to get braces very soon
Strange. The science behind how people obtain well aligned teeth is still being figured out. Do you remember how you kept your tongue? That's a habit that starts in infancy, I think. I remember I explicitly asked my dad at one point where you should keep your tongue in your mouth, because having it at the bottom felt so strange. He told me keep it at the bottom of the mouth... And he had braces too. There's something to it man. I wish mew got funding so we could find out more about the malocclusion epidemic.
Do you remember how you kept your tongue?
Not really. But I always clenched my jaw because of stress and so the tongue was always touching the upper palate. Soft mewing I guess?

Strange. The science behind how people obtain well aligned teeth is still being figured out. Do you remember how you kept your tongue? That's a habit that starts in infancy, I think. I remember I explicitly asked my dad at one point where you should keep your tongue in your mouth, because having it at the bottom felt so strange. He told me keep it at the bottom of the mouth... And he had braces too. There's something to it man. I wish mew got funding so we could find out more about the malocclusion epidemic.
My jaw is misaligned (Shifted to the right). And my frontal teeth are crooked / ingrown. As far I know nothing will fix this apart from braces. I'm 18. What do you think, will it further elongate my face?
Not really. But I always clenched my jaw because of stress and so the tongue was always touching the upper palate. Soft mewing I guess?

My jaw is misaligned (Shifted to the right). And my frontal teeth are crooked / ingrown. As far I know nothing will fix this apart from braces. I'm 18. What do you think, will it further elongate my face?
I don't know man. It's the best option right now obviously, because everyone is suppressing mew and his research. Hey, maybe our kids will have great knowledge of what causes malocclusions, and preventative measures will be mandatory to teach kids, as will checkups.
We truly were born in the wrong timeline. JFL at not being born in 2032, 5 years after mewing had its huge public breakthrough in 2027 leading to amazing new knowledge on the facial growth subject, so you would be taught in school how to become a chad facially.
I don't know man. It's the best option right now obviously, because everyone is suppressing mew and his research. Hey, maybe our kids will have great knowledge of what causes malocclusions, and preventative measures will be mandatory to teach kids, as will checkups.
We truly were born in the wrong timeline. JFL at not being born in 2032, 5 years after mewing had its huge public breakthrough in 2027 leading to amazing new knowledge on the facial growth subject, so you would be taught in school how to become a chad facially.

I don't know man. It's the best option right now obviously, because everyone is suppressing mew and his research. Hey, maybe our kids will have great knowledge of what causes malocclusions, and preventative measures will be mandatory to teach kids, as will checkups.
We truly were born in the wrong timeline. JFL at not being born in 2032, 5 years after mewing had its huge public breakthrough in 2027 leading to amazing new knowledge on the facial growth subject, so you would be taught in school how to become a chad facially.
I did sustain a strong fall on my face as a child, frontal teeth completely obliterated, could be because of that
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