over for forum narcissist - nibba do NOT enter



Jan 9, 2019
just came back to fill up my COPE supplement stack and it happens that in the area is at the moment the biggest filmfestival in germany - BERLINALE

ive totally forgotten about until i heard a loud noise, which turned out to jbs/women screaming

my initial thoughts that some guy is going ER or that there was a fire somewhere and people are dying...i was terrified for a few seconds before i realised what was going on.

but it were just jbs screaming in pure joy and ecstasy. i could hear them 10mins before i saw them. there were waiting at the redcarpet (probably for hours already) for celebrity chad.
just to see him for a few seconds, to get an autograph or the priviledge to suck celebrity cock at the aftershow party

i forgot to took a pic when i was directly there but just before i entered the subway station i took this one


you can see the BERLINALE sign in the background

and in that moment i realised sth. i realised what a weak narcissism supply the internet leave alone a forum is - you spend a certain amount of time here, share your stories just to get a "mirin your tinder matches, mirin your clavicle length, slayer" from some loser who lives half around the globe in a shack in slum in kalkutta.

this is the weakest supply of narcissism - thus a safe space for fallen narcissist. people who may do decent on parties on tinder, who are somehow popular in their surburbam highschool. which is impressiv on the misc and incelsphere but already nothing worth mentioning in real life.

whose time is about to end when they face the workcel lifestyle and whose biggest slaying "achievements" will be a two affairs at the office with an internship

who already getting mogged by some local hs school quarterback jocks who use the internet EXCLUSIVELY for social media. and this very short for the reason alone the opportunity costs of wasting their time on the internet is way to high to them.

who even get mogged by scrawny german actors noone even heard of.

leave alone real celebreties:

can you imagine the rush, can you imagine the validation? can you imagine that feel when 70k people scream your name?

you cant. and you never will. you will never have this.

its over for forum narcissist. might never even begun.

for every incel you mog here are 2 gigachads outthere in real life. waiting and ready to mog.

just lol when you are good looking and waste your time here with karthik and ranjeed

which brings me to the following question;

@Nibba i saw your pics, you are good looking - so what form of mentall illness do you have that you waste your time here? do you even realise how high the opportunity costs are for you?

its actually a shame bc you seem a good dude

it might be ogre for you tiggy tbh ngl
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To fucking long didn’t read
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@Arceus300 also needs to be tagged.
need to just never waste time on getting irrelevant online validation, it doesnt compare with irl
Yea I've said before that I think you have to be a little narcissistic to be on this website. ESPECIALLY if you're good looking like a lot of members here, who won't be satisfied until they mog prime Brad Pitt or something
I'm not reading this shit I just scrolled and saw one direction
He's not really a narc, though. If girls showered me with attention, I'd feel good about myself also.
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown
need to just never waste time on getting irrelevant online validation, it doesnt compare with irl

its even worse if you really good looking bc the time you waste here would be better spend in real life to work on status to get more high quality real life validation

if i were @Nibba i would be outthere sucking dicks of all gay hollywood producers to get role in a movie or whatever.
I'm not reading this shit I just scrolled and saw one direction

like i said its only relevant when you are above 4/10 psl so dont worry
like i said its only relevant when you are above 4/10 psl so dont worry
Are you saying I'm not? You don't even know what I look like you autist
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown
@Nibba i saw your pics, you are good looking - so what form of mentall illness do you have that you waste your time here? do you even realise how high the opportunity costs are for you?
Lol you just came to this forum. The guys I have from snap here are some of the coolest dudes I've met, and some of the best looking too. Anyway, I always tell people that criticize my time of this site this: I'm in a large frat at uni, I'm in pre-med/pharmacy (undergrad then med school); currently have 4.0 GPA. If u don't believe me I can link my transcript; going to school on MENSA scholarship; was a 2 time all American athlete in HS. I have the certificates to prove it if you want those too; I have a beautiful girlfriend that loves me; I have a great physique cuz I lift 2 hours a day 5 days a week and eat right; I'm nearly 6'4 with a huge frame; oh and did I mention I'm on student council for my large uni?

Well if I can kill my time here all day during the week with all that in mind and you can't? Well you're just not as good at life as I am. Simple as that. Everyone I have on snap or insta from here can vouche for me too.

I liked your comment about jocks mogging me. Funny considering I WAS AND AM one of those people. Anyway, you don't really know shit about me or the forum it seems, so good day. Gonna study for my chem exam now. Peace
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This guy is a massive faggot thinking people have to be ugly to warrant their amount of posts on here. Lol fuck off idiot.
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, Deleted member 470 and dogtown
Lol you just came to this forum. The guys I have from snap here are some of the coolest dudes I've met, and some of the best looking too. Anyway, I always tell people that criticize my time of this site this: I'm in a large frat at uni, I'm in pre-med/pharmacy (undergrad then med school); currently have 4.0 GPA. If u don't believe me I can link my transcript; going to school on MENSA scholarship; was a 2 time all American athlete in HS. I have the certificates to prove it if you want those too; I have a beautiful girlfriend that loves me; I have a great physique cuz I lift 2 hours a day 5 days a week and eat right; I'm nearly 6'4 with a huge frame; oh and did I mention I'm on student council for my large uni?

Well if I can kill my time here all day during the week with all that in mind and you can't? Well you're just not as good at life as I am. Simple as that. Everyone I have on snap or insta from here can vouche for me too.

I liked your comment about jocks mogging me. Funny considering WAS AND AM one of those people. Anyway, you don't really know shit about me or the forum it seems, so good day. Gonna study for my chem exam now. Peace

exactly the triggered reaction i expected ngl

noone of this bad but noone of this is sth i would tell my grandchildren either

like i said: for every incel you mog here there are 2 chads in real life who mogs you bro
Tags @Nibba


@rickfoley this is true for everything in life. If you cant be fucked to even try because you know you wont be the best you dont deserve it anyway
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Reactions: kobecel, Gengar and Deleted member 611
Are you saying I'm not? You don't even know what I look like you autist


imagine being so easily triggered then

i knew this thread would blow up :cool:

imagine being so easily triggered then

i knew this thread would blow up :cool:
Well people new to a forum they know nothing about shitting on the users tends to piss me off yeah
just use this forum to waste time and cope
what's the point of arguing with others
anyone can do whatever he wants
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  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, Sizzurp and Deleted member 611
Well people new to a forum they know nothing about shitting on the users tends to piss me off yeah

it was too peaceful bro anyways

i stay with my point: celebreties often surround themself with an entourage of "friends" whose only purpose is to suck the dick of the celeb and shower him in compliments

forum validation is the same just at the very end of the spectrum
You seem a bit hyped. Calm down
  • +1
Reactions: Nibba and Deleted member 611
Boyo send me a pic in PM ?
I want to see if your actually that subhuman
maybe tomorrow, im high inbif af. @battlefieldincel can confirm that i have one of worst side profiles of this forum.
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, dogtown, Deleted member 281 and 1 other person
maybe tomorrow, im high inbif af. @battlefieldincel can confirm that i have one of worst side profiles of this forum.
When are you gonna change your avi back to orb, I hate looking at that ugly face everywhere on this forum
maybe tomorrow, im high inbif af. @battlefieldincel can confirm that i have one of worst side profiles of this forum.
Yes, his side is very :ogre:
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown and androidcel
When are you gonna change your avi back to orb, I hate looking at that ugly face everywhere on this forum
This forum needs an orb poster ngl
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, Deleted member 611 and androidcel
@rickfoley how do you escape need of fake/quick dopamine validation to fuel motivation of grinding for real validation?
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, androidcel and Deleted member 611
keep raging boyos


like they say in germany: only dogs you hit start barking
  • +1
Reactions: androidcel
When im @Arceus300 maxxed
When can I expect this to be complete? Anyway since your username is androidcel you should have a nier automata avi with me
9S nier automata 40426595 578 582
  • +1
Reactions: androidcel
keep raging boyos


like they say in germany: only dogs you hit start barking

Literally nobody is worked up here. You're the narcy here.
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown
Was just fucking around, im too incel to become slayer as @Arceus300
Then change your avatar to what I suggested since you'll never amount to the greatness of arckek :)
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611 and Nibba
it was too peaceful bro anyways

i stay with my point: celebreties often surround themself with an entourage of "friends" whose only purpose is to suck the dick of the celeb and shower him in compliments

forum validation is the same just at the very end of the spectrum
Listen dude just admit you lost and realize you don't know anything about me or the others here. You just look like a dumbass at this point
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and dogtown
Literally nobody is worked up here. You're the narcy here.

that happened bro - i literally have probably the most social personality here. im not narcissistic at all. nor do i have any form of any other antisocial personality disorder.

even this thread is meant in a helpful way but the narcissism is just too strong so ofc any kind of criticism triggers the shit out of the said person

and just look how many replies this shit thread got in a few minutes on this small ass forum

keep coping

nibba and his dick sucking orbiters got triggered hard

i almost expect "brutal“ and over the top "revenge" reactions too :feelsokman:
  • +1
Reactions: androidcel
that happened bro - i literally have probably the most social personality here. im not narcissistic at all. nor do i have any form of any other antisocial personality disorder.

and just look how many replies this shit thread got in a few minutes on this small ass forum

keep coping

nibba and his dick sucking orbiters got triggered hard

i almost expect "brutal“ and over the top "revenge" reactions too :feelsokman:
I'm pretty sure I am more social than you are. And good luck trying to trigger me, you haven't done it and I doubt you will be able to.
  • +1
Reactions: Nibba
that happened bro - i literally have probably the most social personality here. im not narcissistic at all. nor do i have any form of any other antisocial personality disorder.

and just look how many replies this shit thread got in a few minutes on this small ass forum

keep coping

nibba and his dick sucking orbiters got triggered hard

i almost expect "brutal“ and over the top "revenge" reactions too :feelsokman:

Most threads get a decent amount of replies though ...
nibba and his dick sucking orbiters got triggered hard
Indeed. Disgusting nibba male orbiters on this site @dogtown @androidcel etc go suck nibbas dick more
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