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Apr 21, 2019
Just got my first vial of test but it doesn’t say what ester it is. It says “sustonan 250” on the front but that’s about it. I googled it and found it contains the following:

  • testosterone propionate, 30 mg
  • testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg
  • testosterone isocaproate, 60 mg
  • testosterone decanoate, 100 mg
“All four compounds are esters of the natural hormone testosterone. The total amount of testosterone per ml is 176 mg.”

Wtf? Is it normal for there to be 4 different esters? Also what does it mean about 176 mg? If you add those 4 esters up it equals 250mg?

I got it from a former IFBB pro so I assumed I would get 100% ethanate or 100% cypionate and things would be easy but apparently not.

Help me pls I wanna get jacked.
I ran my first cycle with sustanon. It's known to cause a lot of pain after injections due to the short esters. I hate it tbh but test is test and maybe it has a good solvent and won't cause much pain for you.

There are different types of sustanon so what you find on the internet might not be what yours contains especially if it's UGL made. It should at least say how many mg is has in it per ml. If it says 250mg but also says 176mg then 176mg is probably the amount of pure testosterone in it without the ester weight. For example 100mg of test e has more ester weight and less pure testosterone than 100mg of test prop.
  • +1
Reactions: Wannabe6ft2
/r steroids is your Best bet not this site since jefferson left
  • +1
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/r steroids is your Best bet not this site since jefferson left
Jefferson left?? why? was hoping to get the answer from him tbh ngl
I ran my first cycle with sustanon. It's known to cause a lot of pain after injections due to the short esters. I hate it tbh but test is test and maybe it has a good solvent and won't cause much pain for you.

There are different types of sustanon so what you find on the internet might not be what yours contains especially if it's UGL made. It should at least say how many mg is has in it per ml. If it says 250mg but also says 176mg then 176mg is probably the amount of pure testosterone in it without the ester weight. For example 100mg of test e has more ester weight and less pure testosterone than 100mg of test prop.
Thanks for the informed answer. I'm getting it swapped for Test-e tomorrow.

How were your gains from your first cycle? I plan to run 500mg of test per week for 12 weeks.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3043
for what purpose the roids ? facially ?
for what purpose the roids ? facially ?
Body. I want to compete in bodybuilding shows + muscles do increase PSL despite what some people on here say.
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 3043
JFL, don't inject it if you don't even know wtf you bought. You need to do some serious research before. Also do bloodwork before even thinking of injecting you retard.
Don't buy just one vial either. You should have everything necessary for your first cycle at home before first injection. All the roids and all the pct and probably an ai in case you grow boobs.
If you don't and youre not getting you run out of stuff mid cycle youre fucked.
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  • +1
Reactions: Wannabe6ft2
JFL, don't inject it if you don't even know wtf you bought. You need to do some serious research before. Also do bloodwork before even thinking of injecting you retard.
Don't buy just one vial either. You should have everything necessary for your first cycle at home before first injection. All the roids and all the pct and probably an ai in case you grow boobs.
If you don't and youre not getting you run out of stuff mid cycle youre fucked.
I have all that shit. I was thrown cause was expecting enanthate instead of a blend. Already done bloodwork too so suck my big fat schlong.
I have all that shit. I was thrown cause was expecting enanthate instead of a blend. Already done bloodwork too so suck my big fat schlong.

Good. I think if you bought enanthate and got something else instead you should throw it in the trash and get something new, as your source is obviously not trustable.
  • +1
Reactions: Wannabe6ft2
No roid for your face.
These are 4 different esters of testosterone one long acting with a half life of almost a week one not so long acting one short acting and one not so short acting their action combined makes the testosterone levels in the blood constant and perfect
  • +1
Reactions: Wannabe6ft2
Sust is usually a mixture of esters. It is usually -p and -e.
Ester does not really matter unless it is something really long acting. If I recall correctly, cypionate is basically the same halflife as enanthate. I forget the long acting one.
If you really want to roidcel, start off low. Roids are very potent. Make sure not to turn into some fat ogre freak. It's fine to use roids when cutting, only fatasses will say you must use them only for bulking.
In fact, you should always try to stay low bf%.
Clean up your diet, by the way. Roids will give most people horrible shoulder and back acne. Since you are injecting exogenous hormones your body does not need nearly as much fat (triglycerides).
You should be eating mostly carbs and protein. You will be able to work out 7 days a week easily on steroids and the pumps will be unbelieveable, especially if you are eating lots of carbs.
However you should be focusing on just a little bit of weights. You should try to do lots of cardio since women are attracted to lean prettyboys. Not bloatmaxxed freaks.
Eventually if you get tired of testosterone you can use equipoise. Stay away from deca and tren (and anything besides test or equipoise in general) because it will be harsher on your body and much more masculinizing. tren is notorious for turning you into an aggressive insomniac sex addict. testosterone will already do that in a low dose.
/r steroids is your Best bet not this site since jefferson left
reddit is the worst place for steroid advice. OP should be going on bodybuilding forums. I know bostin loyd had his own forum a few years ago, I dont know if it's still up. He also had a youtube channel with hours of lectures about steroids but I couldnt find it.
do yourself a favor and toss that poison out the window
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sustanon is usually 3 esters, 1 short and 2 long. having a mix of esters is retarded as it just means more sides.
Just got my first vial of test but it doesn’t say what ester it is. It says “sustonan 250” on the front but that’s about it. I googled it and found it contains the following:

  • testosterone propionate, 30 mg
  • testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg
  • testosterone isocaproate, 60 mg
  • testosterone decanoate, 100 mg
“All four compounds are esters of the natural hormone testosterone. The total amount of testosterone per ml is 176 mg.”

Wtf? Is it normal for there to be 4 different esters? Also what does it mean about 176 mg? If you add those 4 esters up it equals 250mg?

I got it from a former IFBB pro so I assumed I would get 100% ethanate or 100% cypionate and things would be easy but apparently not.

Help me pls I wanna get jacked.
It means every ml is worth 176 mg of sustanon250 on a syringe. Usual dosage for first cycle is 500 mg every week on sustanon 250. So use around 2.85 ml each week. Yes it's normal for it to have 4 esters. If you have extra money toss it out and buy cyp or enathate. Make sure to run pct
  • +1
Reactions: Wannabe6ft2
It means every ml is worth 176 mg of sustanon250 on a syringe. Usual dosage for first cycle is 500 mg every week on sustanon 250. So use around 2.85 ml each week. Yes it's normal for it to have 4 esters. If you have extra money toss it out and buy cyp or enathate. Make sure to run pct
Feminine masculine morphs

brutal redpill
do yourself a favor and toss that poison out the window
this is good advice.
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Newguyaround
sustanon is usually 3 esters, 1 short and 2 long. having a mix of esters is retarded as it just means more sides.
your better off just staying away from all that stuff.

if you want to put on size, just eat more and maybe take orals here and there. Injecting just isnt worth it
your better off just staying away from all that stuff.

if you want to put on size, just eat more and maybe take orals here and there. Injecting just isnt worth it

yea i agree

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