Parfum matters this much for attractiveness.



Aug 29, 2019
tl;dr: It matters: 5%; 5 / 100 ; 0.5/10. It matters more for other personality traits perceptions.
Also, good looks of person, halo's their percieved smell.
there is no proof that expensive parfum, performs better. So buy cheap(er) ones I would say. It's better to have a parfum that is congruent for men, than us a parfum for females.

some research.

"how much does smell matter"

Study 1:
[results: about 5 / 100. AKA 0.5 point out of 10.]
View attachment 809879

Study 2:
[results: about 5 / 100. AKA 0.5 point out of 10.]
The results indicated that
1) attractiveness generated a significant halo effect; [aka. how you look = how you smell. aka, looks halo your smell. aka, stinky Chad still smells good]
2) the male perfume did not significantly enhance perception of attractiveness compared to the female perfume;
3) the gender-congruent fragrance heightened attribution of “halo” characteristics [aka. other traits than attractiveness, were more affected;. As in: wealth, reliable, intelloigence, etc].

Results in pics.
1. attractivenness

Again. About 0.5 point / 10. between no parfum and congruent (good) parfum.

2. personality trait: Reliable
No significant
main effect of perfume condition was found for the “reliable” variable

3. personality trait: Outgoing
A significant main effect of perfume condition was found for the “outgoing” variable.
View attachment 809926
4. personality trait: intelligent
A significant main effect of perfume condition was also found for the “intelligent” variable.

5. personality trait: wealthy
A significant main effect of perfume condition was also found for the “ wealthy” variable.
[About 1 point / 10]

6. personality trait: wealthy
A significant main effect of perfume condition was also found for the “socially competent” variable

link research:

My overall conclusions. On parfum
* It matters little/limited but some small axtend. It matters 0.5 / 10; For attractiveness.

* Good looking man, gets halo from looks and brain tricks into beleiving he smells good. Likewise probably with ugly man,her brain will make pre-beleive he smells bad. Making that she will feel h smells bad even if he smells good. Like with people having never tasted oisters and having pre-notion that oisters are disgusting; EVEN if it tastes great. Due to this pre-notion they will already start barfing at the thought of eating it; and when eating it they will feel it tastes bad/disgusting. Even though it tatses good.

* Already get most of the postive effects, from putting on WRONG parfume. So it matters limited what kind of parfum. Therefore, just buy cheap ones, that smell decent/good. And save yourself money.

* It helps more for ather stuff than attraction. Them being, for being seen as: wealthy, outgoing, intelligent, and socially capable person
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" attractiveness generated a significant halo effect; [aka. how you look = how you smell. aka, looks halo your smell. aka, stinky Chad still smells good] "
Rdlol 1
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  • JFL
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most of you dont realize howw important smell is to women, they dont think like us nigga , yes looks is a major factor but they take alot into consideration
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most of you dont realize howw important smell is to women, they dont think like us nigga ,
research quantified it, as you can see in my opening post.

HOW important?

To add.
Smell, is not objective. But subjective.
To use an example:
If I see a really fat woman. I feel she smells bad. If I come close to her and she smells good or nromal objectively; I may still percieve the smell as bad/not good or neutral, or not that bad.
2ndly. Natural smell of a man, may not be bad smelling bad perse to a woman. I found some women natiral smell good; and assume vise versa also happens like that.

that said. I would advise men to wear parfum. BUT, no need to buy the expensive cope brands. Just buy good ones that are unbranded, or lower tier brands. I bet they do the same/equal.

A 10 USD bottle, might do the same as a brand bottle of 75 USD.
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i just wear it for myself because i like the smell
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Reactions: Subhuman Philtrum, Deleted member 6423 and eduardkoopman
High IQ post. I noticed that I like women that smell good more as well.
High IQ post. I noticed that I like women that smell good more as well.
#metoo. BUT I also know, I fool myself a bit, when it comes to smell. Because, if I see a fat woman, she can't smell good in my head. And I will say or feel she smells bad, even if she doesn't smell bad objectively. And likewise visa versa, with a really attrcative looking woman.
Don't forget, the brain also tricks our perceptions to a decent axtend. We are not objecting beings.
  • JFL
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#metoo. BUT I also know, I fool myself a bit, when it comes to smell. Because, if I see a fat woman, she can't smell good in my head. And I will say or feel she smells bad, even if she doesn't smell bad objectively. And liewise the oposite way, with a really attrcative looking woman.
Don't forget, the brain also tricks our perceptions to a decent axtend. We are not objecting beings.
No I mean that if I liked two girls and one of them smells better than the other I would 100% choose the one that smells better.
what about pheromones maxxing?
what about pheromones maxxing?
show me proofs of human pheromones existing.

i have never seen such prove.
So as long as that is not proven. I call it cope, marketing scam/trick..

In my head. up untill now. Parfum, Axe, pheromones scents, etc... Peopel that put alot of importance, effort, and money into that. It's labelled as a bluepill cope, in my head. I bought an expensive good parfum in my late teens and early 20's. I noticed zero difference irl, dating/attention wise.
My opinion as untill now. BluePill cope. Just make sure to be clean, washed, and wear some cheap(er) parfum that has good/decent smell. It will help limited/little for attractiveness. But at least you cover not getting rejected because of bad body odor. It's important to not smell bad/dirty/unshowered for many days, etc.. But I see limited or almost no upside beyond that.
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what about pheromones maxxing?
I just checked. No human pheromones found yet (as of 2017). No proof.
HAHAHAHA. Pheromones are such blupilled cope, it seems.

A new study throws more cold water on the idea, finding that two pheromones that proponents have long contended affect human attraction to each other have no such impact on the opposite sex—and indeed experts are divided about whether human pheromones even exist.

Simmons [scientist] belongs to a camp of researchers that believes human pheromones likely exist, but none has yet been identified.

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I often walk across an ugly female loaded with fancy perfume but I can distinctly smell her subhuman natural body odour. Stacies generally smell good except if they're unhygienic or having their period or something.
I suspect females experience the same thing in a much more exacerbated fashion. Attractive males smell fine and get insanely haloed by perfume, and unattractive ones cannot really camouflage their natural subhuman odor.
Natural smell is a very underrated concept here, despite being validated by many studies. No surgery can help. Maybe healthy eating and probiotics can help a little bit but not that much I'm afraid.
Odorpill is brutal.

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