Part 1 "NT GUIDE": Body Language And Abused Dog Theory

When people think about being NT, they usually cannot comprehend or even think of how to gradually become NT, they just think its some magical skill you are born with, and this is slightly true.

If you grow up with loving parents and friends you will naturally know how to talk to just about anyone, you wont feel the fear of rejection.


Another misconception with being NT is that its the subject you are talking about that matters, People think being NT is all to do about what you do (going out, drugs, hobbies, interests.) And how good you are at talking,

However studies show being NT has almost nothing to do with conversation or subjects.

( According to Albert Mehrabian at UCLA, "the total impact of a message is based only 7% on the words used" More importantly are facial expressions and other forms of body language, responsible for 55% of the total impact, and tone of voice, responsible for 38% )

Now onto the abused dog mentality.

if you've been inevitably doomed and cursed to be treated like shit in your life through childhood trauma, rejection, or just being HIGH IQ enough to be awkward around people because you know people are quick to judge, your "NERVOUS" System will project this fear throughout your body like a survival mechanism other animals have, this is to show submission and your body does this without the brain due to what its experienced in the past, you are afraid of something so acting submissive and below someone will make you be quick to get out the conversation, this is what other people see when they talk to you, a twitchy sub5cel who cant keep eye contact and Ur gradually walking away from the conversation, YOU DONT SEE THIS THOUGH BECAUSE ITS BEEN BUILT INTO YOUR BODY!

Now how do we take the first step and fix this mentality? First, we can use:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of therapy that can help you change negative thought patterns and behaviors. It’s often used for treating trauma and anxiety disorders.

However if you are a NEETCEL and you dont have money, you should do : Gradual Exposure: Slowly and safely exposing yourself to situations that make you uncomfortable can help build confidence and reduce fear. This should be done carefully, ideally with the guidance of a professional. This is because most of you rot in your room instead of going outside uncomfortable, literally just say "good morning" and make eye contact with people in public, yes you will look like a weirdo but that same person will be rotting in a casket in 30 years we all die so fast why not just treat this life like a game, (also i doubt they'll care id love if someone just randomly looked me in the eye or said good mornings its a confidence boost JFL.)

After we have supressed this "Abused Dog" mentality and we've managed to control our "nervous system" from twitching and making unconcious movements, we will now impliment this new Movement system into our body. Our face Expressions and body language will be updated into an NT one from the use of this guide,

Watch this video and please actually take into consideration what this guy is talking about, i have secret eBooks and a lot more gatekept skills i will be sharing but that short video is something I want you all to watch, I also really recommend you guys buying this book,

"how to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes"
View attachment 2820878

That's 55% of being NT COMPLETED, if you made it this far, there's just 45% left.

Tone of Voice will be a separate guide, in the mean time go and look into "voicemaxxing," Foids lust for a deep voice, its shown by corpse maintaining a huge audience from just talking, so making your voice deeper through methods like screaming and smoking will be important.

This will be Part 1 over.

My problem is my autistic gait, I walk weird af, doesn’t help that I’m tall so harder to navigate certain areas, and when I walk I walk with purpose, I hate walking slow like most people do, but I’m also quite a clumsy muthafucka I’ll bump into walls, drop stuff, hit my foot on things all that stuff idk how to fix that
When people think about being NT, they usually cannot comprehend or even think of how to gradually become NT, they just think its some magical skill you are born with, and this is slightly true.

If you grow up with loving parents and friends you will naturally know how to talk to just about anyone, you wont feel the fear of rejection.


Another misconception with being NT is that its the subject you are talking about that matters, People think being NT is all to do about what you do (going out, drugs, hobbies, interests.) And how good you are at talking,

However studies show being NT has almost nothing to do with conversation or subjects.

( According to Albert Mehrabian at UCLA, "the total impact of a message is based only 7% on the words used" More importantly are facial expressions and other forms of body language, responsible for 55% of the total impact, and tone of voice, responsible for 38% )

Now onto the abused dog mentality.

if you've been inevitably doomed and cursed to be treated like shit in your life through childhood trauma, rejection, or just being HIGH IQ enough to be awkward around people because you know people are quick to judge, your "NERVOUS" System will project this fear throughout your body like a survival mechanism other animals have, this is to show submission and your body does this without the brain due to what its experienced in the past, you are afraid of something so acting submissive and below someone will make you be quick to get out the conversation, this is what other people see when they talk to you, a twitchy sub5cel who cant keep eye contact and Ur gradually walking away from the conversation, YOU DONT SEE THIS THOUGH BECAUSE ITS BEEN BUILT INTO YOUR BODY!

Now how do we take the first step and fix this mentality? First, we can use:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of therapy that can help you change negative thought patterns and behaviors. It’s often used for treating trauma and anxiety disorders.

However if you are a NEETCEL and you dont have money, you should do : Gradual Exposure: Slowly and safely exposing yourself to situations that make you uncomfortable can help build confidence and reduce fear. This should be done carefully, ideally with the guidance of a professional. This is because most of you rot in your room instead of going outside uncomfortable, literally just say "good morning" and make eye contact with people in public, yes you will look like a weirdo but that same person will be rotting in a casket in 30 years we all die so fast why not just treat this life like a game, (also i doubt they'll care id love if someone just randomly looked me in the eye or said good mornings its a confidence boost JFL.)

After we have supressed this "Abused Dog" mentality and we've managed to control our "nervous system" from twitching and making unconcious movements, we will now impliment this new Movement system into our body. Our face Expressions and body language will be updated into an NT one from the use of this guide,

Watch this video and please actually take into consideration what this guy is talking about, i have secret eBooks and a lot more gatekept skills i will be sharing but that short video is something I want you all to watch, I also really recommend you guys buying this book,

"how to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes"
View attachment 2820878

That's 55% of being NT COMPLETED, if you made it this far, there's just 45% left.

Tone of Voice will be a separate guide, in the mean time go and look into "voicemaxxing," Foids lust for a deep voice, its shown by corpse maintaining a huge audience from just talking, so making your voice deeper through methods like screaming and smoking will be important.

This will be Part 1 over.

This helps very much, the best is to be the best in all areas, Looks, T levels, Dopamine levels, NT/Inhibition, Social Skills, Clothes etc

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