Penis Jelqing Questions



Disfigured till 6 Figures
Sep 28, 2018
Anyone tried it? Does it increase your penis size? Curious as there are a lot of forums dedicated to it. A lot claim to see results varying from 1+ years to get 0.5 - 1 inch on girth and sometimes up to 2 inches length.
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It works but there are better methods out there. Extending for length, clamping for girth.

I went from 6.75"x4.7" to 7.5"x5.1" in a couple months. I haven't done anything for a few months but I kept the dick gains.
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It works but there are better methods out there. Extending for length, clamping for girth.
True, a lot of people suggest to start with jelqing first however, or what they call a “newbie” routine.
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True, a lot of people suggest to start with jelqing first however, or what they call a “newbie” routine.
yeah clamping can be hard on your dick so it's best to work up to it with jelqing
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I went from 6.75"x4.7" to 7.5"x5.1" in a couple months. I haven't done anything for a few months but I kept the dick gains.
How long has it been now?
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People said spreading DHT gel on your dick also works
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Can't read voice, is this sarcasm?
It could work for those still in puberty. DHT creams are already used to treat micropenis in low-t males (guys with hypogonadism)
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It works but there are better methods out there. Extending for length, clamping for girth.

I went from 6.75"x4.7" to 7.5"x5.1" in a couple months. I haven't done anything for a few months but I kept the dick gains.

Penis extender?
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Jfl at talking to me like that when you're int he cope brotherhood. Slayercrew destroys you inside and outside.
We MOG them hard af
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When I could still get a boner I was around 7". 7.2" at peak. With jelqing I could probably reach 7.5".
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Get some testosterone for injecting and put yourself on trt boyo

Kek this low T is making me too high inhib to do that. It's a vicious cycle.
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mine is like 5-5.2 inces, i need to get it to 6 really badly lol.
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mine is like 5-5.2 inces, i need to get it to 6 really badly lol.
Dude get it there asap, 5" is "it's over" territory
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this is cope. You can't increase size without damaging your dick
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this is cope. You can't increase size without damaging your dick
This applies to bonesmash, can't increase hardness and size without damaging my face, life's harsh
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this is cope. You can't increase size without damaging your dick
I’d rather risk it all than be stuck with a beta dick.
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I always been interested in the jelq
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Cope overdrive
I haven't seen another man's dick outside of porn, but studies say average is 5.3 inches how do you otherwise. Do you a lot of experience handling mens dicks.
5.2 is average.
I haven't seen another man's dick outside of porn, but studies say average is 5.3 inches how do you otherwise. Do you a lot of experience handling mens dicks.
>7-8 inches is average for a white male :blackpill:
5.2 inches maybe in asia
anything below 14cm and the girl will probably never fuck you twice
I haven't seen another man's dick outside of porn, but studies say average is 5.3 inches how do you otherwise. Do you a lot of experience handling mens dicks.
Average considering micropenises and guys below 5
You need the average of your true competitors
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It works but there are better methods out there. Extending for length, clamping for girth.

I went from 6.75"x4.7" to 7.5"x5.1" in a couple months. I haven't done anything for a few months but I kept the dick gains.
You think the roids you take helped?

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