People are taking away the wrong message from Chads ending up with Beckies

It’s better to date women that you know you mog instead of foids that are your looksmatch, since they’ll know they got a catch and will worship you far better than any Stacy could because they actually know their place
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foids settle down a lot in their view, that's why they're so demanding of their cuck betabux husbands. they think they're a 10 who had to settle for a 3/10 when in reality, they're both 4/10

she will NEVER be attracted to you unless you are 7/10 minimum. everything below that is a settling situation. there is no point to sex when mutual attraction doesn't exist, and mutual attraction is a physical impossibility unless you're 7+
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foids settle down a lot in their view, that's why they're so demanding of their cuck betabux husbands. they think they're a 10 who had to settle for a 3/10 when in reality, they're both 4/10

she will NEVER be attracted to you unless you are 7/10 minimum. everything below that is a settling situation. there is no point to sex when mutual attraction doesn't exist, and mutual attraction is a physical impossibility unless you're 7+
You can be lower than that in terms of facial aesthetics. It is about being attractive in a general sense, not about hitting a particular number.
It’s better to date women that you know you mog instead of foids that are your looksmatch, since they’ll know they got a catch and will worship you far better than any Stacy could because they actually know their place
I disagree. I think people are misconstruing how women view attractiveness. Women do rate on a scale but it is much more binary. A woman is really rating if she finds you attractive or not. It is fair to say women see you as a one or zero. Women see if you are attractive in a vacuum and then compare you to other men they find attractive. Otherwise, people like Chalamet would make no sense. Women would rate him a 9 even though objectively he is closer to a mid-6. Why, because he is attractive enough to fit a certain archetype/
You can be lower than that in terms of facial aesthetics. It is about being attractive in a general sense, not about hitting a particular number.

I disagree. I think people are misconstruing how women view attractiveness. Women do rate on a scale but it is much more binary. A woman is really rating if she finds you attractive or not. It is fair to say women see you as a one or zero. Women see if you are attractive in a vacuum and then compare you to other men they find attractive. Otherwise, people like Chalamet would make no sense. Women would rate him a 9 even though objectively he is closer to a mid-6. Why, because he is attractive enough to fit a certain archetype/
Rating Chamalet a mid-6 is wild ngl

But yes I agree, rating by the PSL scale is bullshit as looks are subject to scrutiny and subjectivity by foids, you are either that nigga to her or you’re not plain and simple, it’s all about being a bigger fish
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Rating Chamalet a mid-6 is wild ngl

But yes I agree, rating by the PSL scale is bullshit as looks are subject to scrutiny and subjectivity by foids, you are either that nigga to her or you’re not plain and simple, it’s all about being a bigger fish
I wouldn’t say that looks are subjective, but what women put a focus on is. Women may have a preference for a particular feature(jaw, eyes) or attribute(height, dick, tatoos) over being the most attractive on an objective scale.
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I wouldn’t say that looks are subjective, but what women put a focus on is. Women may have a preference for a particular feature(jaw, eyes) or attribute(height, dick, tatoos) over being the most attractive on an objective scale.
Agreed 100%

Face is just a small part of the pie, sex appeal is giga underrated here judging from the numerous amount of retards saying shit like gym is cope and that Chad slays without gym, niggas really think foids want to get fucked by some 130 pound twink instead of some 200 pound 24 inch bideltoid frame mogger
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Agreed 100%

Face is just a small part of the pie, sex appeal is giga underrated here judging from the numerous amount of retards saying shit like gym is cope and that Chad slays without gym, niggas really think foids want to get fucked by some 130 pound twink instead of some 200 pound 24 inch bideltoid frame mogger
Everything matters, but in the process of becoming blackpilled people have lost sight of the overall picture.
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Shia Labeouf Applause GIF by Tiffany
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I was thinking about this topic after seeing this thread.

I was looking around this girl's page, and I see this video.
View attachment 2433929
Now this isn't out of the ordinary. A pretty girl thinking about Chad. Seeing this, I decided to see what Theo James' wife looks like and I was surprised.
View attachment 2433805

A Becky?!?! How did this happen? Especially if he has girls like that making tiktoks about him. My answer is people are taking away the wrong message from this entire scenario. People see this and think, "Man there isn't any point to looksmaxxing even Chad ends up with becky", or even worse arrogantly assume that a wealthy famous Chad is capped to their looksmatch.

Never mind the fact that there is data showing proof of assortative mating(i.e. Chad ending up with Stacy, Becky ending up with a Normie, etc.) and that a Becky getting with a Chad is an anomaly.

The right message to take away from this scenario is that sometimes Becky wins.

Case in point Jon-Erik-Hexum. People dicksuck him so much you'd think they'd gotten their mouths surgically attached to his penis, but what did his girlfriend look like at the time of his death?

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A literal becky.

Why Chads date women below their looksmatch is irrelevant. Maybe it's because they treat them better. Maybe it's because they want to cheat and have someone to come home to. The point is that the reason why these Beckies end up with Chads is that these are the only men they are pursuing. They only want to be with high SMV men.

How do I know this? Data, historical proof, and a detailed analysis of human physiology. But for an anecdotal example, just look at who she dated after Hexum died.

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And you wonder why it is hard to get a date.

Plus women like this are not uncommon, Beckies and Low tier Beckies who orbit Chads and Tyrones hoping they slip up and LTR them. Even though they are two tiers below them in looks. I shouldn't even need to put examples but here are a few.

Are all of these women spectacular? Are they all supermodels? No, most of them are just average and slightly above average beckies. Spamming Chad and Tyrone with the hope of him responding.

My point isn't that most beckies will end up with Chad. Even Brad Pitt, my example above, wisened up and had kids with his looksmatch. The main point of this thread is that Chad can do better than a Becky. It's just that your looksmatch is so aggressively pursuing him, that sometimes she gets him. Plus Beckies use survivorship bias(the beckies who ended up with Chads), and media propaganda to convince herself that Chad is within her grasp.

I mean you can't look at all the shows like Bridgerton or Queen Charolette, and take away the idea that women want anything but Chad.

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This is who she is really attracted to.

Yes, she may settle for an Offy Doofy, or die alone and get eaten by her cats, but for every 10 beckies that don't make it, one will get the man of her dreams. Which will serve as inspiration for future beckies to pursue Chad.

Plus the average woman doesn't need a logical reason to pursue Chad. Even if every woman accepted that Chad didn't want her; Chad would still get all the women because the genetic benefits are too strong of an incentive.

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Every single one of her kids got his eye area. These kids are destined for greatness. If she had kids with her looksmatch they would be playing alone at recess.

Now it doesn't always work out for Becky,

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but by having kids with a Chad there is a higher probability that they will be attractive.

TDLR; Chad isn't capped to becky bro. It's just that sometimes Becky wins.
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Bumping this amazing thread
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Bad example. The dad destroyed his sperm with fin
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Explain? That sounds interesting.
finastride destroys your sperm quality and your future children will be dimorphism mogged by mum, aka u hav subhuman kids
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finastride destroys your sperm quality and your future children will be dimorphism mogged by mum, aka u hav subhuman kids
How does it affect the sperm?
How does it affect the sperm?
destroys biogenetic 5ar i guess. I only know about fin n steroid users have dimporphically weak children, there should be threads on it you can search
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Chads can have leverage in a relationship with a Stacy.

HOLD UP, DID THAT NIGGA JUST SAY HES 21?? AND HE LOOKS LIKE THAT? Yh this is way too brutal for me to handle
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chads run through hundreds of 10/10 sluts, when it comes to marriage they are fine with uglier girls that have superior qualities for being a mother. the compulsion to only fuck stacies is overcompensation.
chads run through hundreds of 10/10 sluts, when it comes to marriage they are fine with uglier girls that have superior qualities for being a mother. the compulsion to only fuck stacies is overcompensation.
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HOLD UP, DID THAT NIGGA JUST SAY HES 21?? AND HE LOOKS LIKE THAT? Yh this is way too brutal for me to handle
Chad’s life is brutal. Matthew effect.
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