people here still believe in muh autism muh texting skills

The less GL you are, the less you can get away with. Chad can sperg out, Chad can send 20 texts in a row. You can't do that. If you're subchad you NEED to learn how to text and set up dates/close the sale asap and not weird them out.
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If you're subchad you NEED to learn how to text and set up dates/close the sale asap and not weird them out.
which is compeltely subjeective
If having three degrees doesn't get a man laid, what does?

If having a gymcel body and being marathon runner doesn't get a man laid, what does?

If doing special forces doesn't get you laid, what does?

If being skilled at an instrument doesn't get you laid, what does?

To name a few
That's all @Crestfallen95 's doing lol.
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I already did, look at my old posts, i softmaxxed by lowering my bodyfat i used to be 30%+ bodyfat now i am 15ish bodyfat, still have room for improvement, also i am 6'4 white gym physic in an ethnic country (Bolivia), here i get approached daily by women, mainly bcs of my caucasian halo + size and height and of course im not bad looking but not model tier face.
holy hell

just have luck theory. literally all that matters is having luck in the universe

I have a better face than you but no tinder girl has blatantly asked for sex
holy hell

just have luck theory. literally all that matters is having luck in the universe

I have a better face than you but no tinder girl has blatantly asked for sex
Lol "just have luck"
its cuz he mogs you
He doesn’t though retard

Guaruntee I would blow up on tiktok and social media way before he ever would. In fact I’d be 1,000$ on it
its cuz he mogs you
+ I still get tons of messages like this everytime I make a tinder
D004AA30 82B2 4C94 9031 EF28F6EE1DE7

All over social media tbh

Just they have never begged for sex, the girl he posted was a MTB anyways I wouldn’t have even responded to that girl
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I legit don't get it. I managed to make women very interested in me and chasing me because of holding frame when thry acted disinterested as a shit test at the beginning. AND I managed to get interested girls managed to get disinterested in me because of failing their shit tests. It's like, people here think I'm talking hypothetically when I encountered it in real life all the fucking time. It's really unbelievable to me. Same goes for my experiences in Tinder, cold approach, social circle. Ofc I am not some 10/10 gigachad that get the interest of all the girls when I walk down the street. But social circle magnified my success. Cold approach magnified my success. Tinder was a COMPLETE waste of time. Even through Day game I could get WAY more beautiful girls, that show WAY more interest, that seemed WAY more mentally healthy, that I could have escalated WAY more easier. Im not even talking about social circle game. Where I could just go to a yoga class or a dance club where very beautiful girls approach me themselves half the time because of the imteresting vibe I can exude around. In fact it was so much that I try to nerf myself so my friends, cousins, potential acquaintances etc. wouldn't get jealous and bitter when their girlfriends (that they clearly have relationship problems with) would not begin flirting with me out of nowhere. Because when a woman is bitter or disrespectful towards their partner, they will flirt with other men to get back at them.

It is more of a "cult of personality" thing that I'm going for, since my looks deteriorated badly due to Norwooding in 20. It is more like how someone like Gandy or Kennedy attracts followers as opposed to someone like Chico, Maher or Barrett. For reference, succesful actors like Brad Pitt, Jason Momoa employ both styles. That's why actors mog "PSL" gods. Charisma+looks is better than just looks.

I'm not sure if this is another blackpill thing, because I think the Charisma stat is probably as genetic as looks, height and intelligence. So it's probably something I'm quite blessed with genetically. I did train at it hard, but maybe the average guy (read: a loser) who trained twice as much wouldn't get the results I achieved. I dunno really. It's not hard to figure things out for me, so when I figured out key concepts it flowed from there.

You might not believe me, but I don't really fucking care.

The main reason why I'm here, is because I feel lonely as fuck in real life because I can't discuss any blackpill/redpill stuff with anyone and because I have a health condition that prevents me from slaying right now. Besides I have to undergo massive preperations regarding my family and my financial life, so this forum gives me some breathing air for me. But everything on this forum is like a clown show to me. I just can't take almost anyone here seriously.

So, Crestnoob95; next time you open up your srupid mouth, maybe you should consider what I write here when I'm serious. Push your tiny little brain a little.
what's your best advice for cold approach
yo just talk to a fgirl out of the blue, how organic can that be?
That's the thing you fucking retard. You don't talk out of the blue. The entire skill with cold approach is to make it look like it just happens.

I'm like... how retarded can you be? Fuck your 3 degrees and fuck those universities you earned them from. You are an A class retard.
. You don't talk out of the blue. The entire skill with cold approach is to make it look like it just happens.
then give an example of how you do that instead of acting like you are so smart
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if you're texting anything more than faecal emojis, you're sub chad.
Give examples
Examples are kind of hard to give for me, because I don't actually pay as much attention to what I say and the exact technique, as much as being in the moment and pretty much rolling with it. Because if you can feel/create the vibe that you talking to them is ok, then what you say is not as important even if you fuck up a little.

On the other hand, if the reverse is true; that you say the perfect thing and have the best technique but feel as if you talking to them is crossing a barrier you shouldn't cross, they're gonna weird out automatically.

The main thing is to realize that what you feel is going to be reflected almost all the time. That's probably why it was easier to approach beautiful girls I'm really attracted to, as opposed to ltbs for practice. They felt the genuine attraction.

It'salso important to have a "being approachable and inviting mindset". More than half of the approach is to be draw them in with your aproachableness. Girls will pick up on it, and they will give IOIs if they're into you somewhat. The girls that don't want/need it will just do nıthing. So you go for interested women from the getgo. And your job will be way easier.

It is far more important to understand the principle, rather than a set of techniques.
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