People of colour DO NOT ENTER



Oct 15, 2021
Let us begin with a simple analogy;

  1. height : genes :: intelligence : ?
  • a) genes
  • b) income
  • c) education
The answer is a, quite obviously. Here we prescribe the biggest factor that can affect the two biological traits, height and intelligence.

It becomes simple to see the relationship between genes and intelligence when thinking about parents and their offspring. Tall parents tend to have tall kids. Smart parents tend to have smart kids. That's just hereditability for you.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
IQ, when it matters most (during adulthood), has a genetic loading of 88%.

This figure depicts the Wilson effect; the increase in hereditability of IQ with age. This could explain why some of you who were "gifted" as kids are no longer living up to expectations as adults. There is a simple height analogy to this as well. Those of you kids who used to be the tallest ones in the classroom in 8th grade but never grew an inch since then are now below average and short in height. As one becomes older, the genetic component of intelligence takes over while the environmental component fades.

Here is a prime example of SES vs IQ.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
There is a gap at every SES level.

What's the meaning of this? Equating for SES doesn't make the gap disappear??? What kind of sorcery is this? It's not sorcery! It's genetics! Yes, genes. They are responsible for the gap. As we previously saw, genes are responsible for 88% of the variance in intelligence. Therefore, this gap is mostly due to genes. It's that simple!

But what if those rich blacks were less educated than their white counterparts? Fear not! I got that one covered as well.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Same trend is observed.

Indeed, the gap is actually getting wider as the level of education is increased. Why is that? Blacks have lower IQ means and standard deviations than whites. At the extremes, the differences become more important than at the means. It's kind of the same story about why there are about 10x less women than men at IQs above 145.

Still not convinced? Then, what if the black kid had white parents?

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Same story

Adopted or not, blacks still rank lower than any other race. I'm finding it hard to believe this isn't due to genes.

Wait... What if the tests are biased against BLACK PEOPLE?

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
The tests measure the same thing for whites as they do for blacks.

Indeed, this is a culture-fair test (Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices), where there provably is no cultural bias.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
Blacks score higher on Verbal Comprehension than Perceptual Reasoning, blow the "cultural bias" narrative out of the water.

As we just saw, neither income nor education could possibly shrink the gap between asians, whites and blacks because neither factor affects IQ as much as genes do.

Let's take brain size. If one decides to plot race IQ and brain-size pairs and calculate the correlation, it is r = 0,9998.

r/cognitiveTesting - A lesson on the genetics of intelligence
The same pattern emerges.

Racial differences are primarily genetic. No one would reasonably say that differences in skin color are caused by differences in SES level. The same goes for intelligence, height and a myriad of other traits. They don't simply stop at the skin.
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I didn’t read the thread.

07162788 E650 4760 8075 B5FDBCA71E9E
  • JFL
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Niggers are dumb who knew
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That last point was misleading as brain size does not correlate with intelligence. Otherwise the whale or elephant would be wiser.

However I believe the gap difference to be related to largely cultural motivations. You will see African migrants score higher than many American blacks & whites. Surely that shouldn’t be the case unless we factor except for differing cultural motivations.

I do believe if all factors were equalized for perhaps on average their may be genetic trend towards lower or higher for each race or even ethnicity. Their are differences between muscle size, types, fibers between races. But Doesn’t mean that a race is doomed to be weak but rather that their genetics trend then that way. We can apply that to IQ. It’s a plausible theory. As to why? Who knows? This may be the may also be fault of women who select for lower IQ men as an more attractive trait.

All in all, the gap in IQ when all things are equated is largely irrelevant and may only be advantageous/disadvantageous in fringe matters.
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Either write TL;DR or kys op
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How a greycel names his thread:
People of color DO NOT ENTER

How every other user would name his thread:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19281 and volcelfatcel

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