People Should Be Married By 20. Not Doing So Has Made Society Hypergamous, Depressed, and Purposeless

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Imagine being able to select on virginity in 2019 lol.

I can't get past my selection criteria of: young, slim, attractive, feminine, non-bitchy. There's already waay too much competition for girls like this and you are competing with chad at this point.
But if I could select further I would select on how kind/open/warm she is, funny and interesting to be around, ambitious and with hobbies. At this point you are competing with millionaire chads.
And after all of that I could start thinking about wishing how she was a virgin. At this point you are competing with terrachad billionaires.

Does it look like I can compete with terrachad billionaires? No. So just gimme some slim young gf that has been fucked by the football team, thanks.
  • Ugh..
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Imagine being able to select on virginity in 2019 lol.

I can't get past my selection criteria of: young, slim, attractive, feminine, non-bitchy. There's already waay too much competition for girls like this and you are competing with chad at this point.
But if I could select further I would select on how kind/open/warm she is, funny and interesting to be around, ambitious and with hobbies. At this point you are competing with millionaire chads.
And after all of that I could start thinking about wishing how she was a virgin. At this point you are competing with terrachad billionaires.

Does it look like I can compete with terrachad billionaires? No. So just gimme some slim young gf that has been fucked by the football team, thanks.
sad shit man
Brutal reality, pump and dump or be dumped out thar
She wants chad and can get chad when she wants keep coping and enjoy sloppy seconds
I hate porn Jews like Mikey Butders. He looks like a derp and he always struggles getting hard for bitches.

Of course, fucking Jews always have to hire their "friends" for this shit.
Sheryl (((Sandberg))).
She's exactly who females look up to today. Fuck a bunch of Chads, settle down with some gross fat Jew who will lavish you with riches, then #metoo him and steal his riches and go back to openly fucking Chad.
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cope, everybody is incel irl. This shit doesnt happen anywhere
yeah women are incel irl LOL, 90% of single girls have fuckbuddies

keep coping faggot
  • +1
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yeah women are incel irl LOL, 90% of single girls have fuckbuddies

keep coping faggot
Women have no libido. I know many women that dont have sex for years and dont care.
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Women have no libido. I know many women that dont have sex for years and dont care.
The vast majority of young women do. Maybe the post wall chicks dont.
The vast majority of young women do. Maybe the post wall chicks dont.
Women don't care much about sex, even young ones. If they go 6 months without they don't care at all.
Women don't care much about sex, even young ones. If they go 6 months without they don't care at all.
Sure their libido is lower than ours. Most women have periods of going sexless for months. That is why your typical 25 year old girl doesn't have a body count of a thousand men but just of "mere" 20-30.
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Conservatism is a mental illness.
  • JFL
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JFL at still buying into the "muh family" cope. The REAL reason most young people are unhappy because they found out that it's actually only Chads and Stacies that are able to live the high life that most young people want but can't get because of the 80/20 rule. They aren't unhappy because modern decadence is hollow. They are unhappy because only a minority can truly enjoy said decadence.
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  • JFL
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People should be getting married and starting families no later than age 20. Current society where people aren't getting married until mid-late 20s just lets the youth be irresponsible and "find themselves" (have a shit ton of sex without having to commit to someone). They're not finding shit.

View attachment 138832
A group of college teens putting off being adults and just living for carnal pleasure.

The youth puts off being responsible, becoming a man or woman who would make a good husband/wife because "I get to have fun first and then I'll eventually settle down 10 years down the line".

So girls "have their fun" with Chads in youth while leaving uglier boys sexually starved. These boys then get the "privilege" :)lul:) of footing the bill for this girl's life when she settles down with them 10 years down the line.

This is literally the devil speaking. "Get fucked by guys you know who won't be good husbands."
View attachment 138835

A girl won't be able to find a husband because now because he's compared to 25 other guys she's been fucked by in the bedroom. Her standards are inflated, making her more likely to cheat to experience good sex again. If she was a virgin she would have nothing to compare him to. "Ignorance is bliss".

How about this Sandberg? How about:

"Don't have sex with ANY guy you don't see as a potential husband."

If girls did this, then men would be forced to be better, more responsible people. Your advice doesn't punish good looking guys for being "bad", however you define it.

I'm not absolving men from fucking around in their youth either. They need to stop that shit too. They're just as responsible as women for this mess. Chads fucking every girl in the school needs to stop.

Family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Family is everything. This is why millennials are so depressed and purposeless. A family gives you something to love, to work for, to be a better person for. It gives purpose the current degenerate lifestyle clearly doesn't provide. Parents run into burning buildings, work hard jobs, and spend their life savings for their kid. That's what purpose looks like. You won't be bitching about your "shit job" as much if you have a kid you love and want to make money to care of them. If you're just working to come home to an empty apartment, yea the job seems pointless. Because it is.

1) "But the economy is shit. You need to get a 4 year degree just to get an entry level job that can barely sustain just yourself"

This is legit and needs to be solved somehow. People can't wait until they're 22 to get married and have sex. They're too horny.

2) "But if people get married too young, odds are they won't marry the right person"

Not sure if you knew, but under the current system, divorce rates are 50%. Clearly this "finding yourself" shit doesn't work.
Hahahah, well this is fucking real life, it is what it is. if you can't beat them, just join them.. with that mentality you will never fuck, sadly 99% of whamen are sluts, i know.. but how about dumping that "relationship, family, long term, marriage" mentality, because you are not getting it here, this is bitter than any pill to swallow, hate to be the one to break it to you, but we cannot change the situation either
Through my entire life, i have only meet with ONE female who is willing to settle for a guy, loves him, cares about him, wants kids, really great person, virgin... Brooo.. there are NO girl for such thing, just fuck it and continue living norma life
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  • +1
Reactions: Pedro Zanatta
Funny how you’re saying this and you’re a massive atheist. Can’t have your cake and eat it too
  • Hmm...
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jfl at marriege, it's over of life after marriege
Funny how you’re saying this and you’re a massive atheist. Can’t have your cake and eat it too
You can be atheist (I'm agnostic) and still have moral/social values.
Hahahah, well this is fucking real life, it is what it is. if you can't beat them, just join them.. with that mentality you will never fuck, sadly 99% of whamen are sluts, i know.. but how about dumping that "relationship, family, long term, marriage" mentality, because you are not getting it here, this is bitter than any pill to swallow, hate to be the one to break it to you, but we cannot change the situation either
Through my entire life, i have only meet with ONE female who is willing to settle for a guy, loves him, cares about him, wants kids, really great person, virgin... Brooo.. there are NO girl for such thing, just fuck it and continue living norma life
jfl at marriege, it's over of life after marriege
Agreed it's fucking over anyway the damage has been done and there's no point in marriage unless you were both raised mormon or amish or some shit.
  • +1
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You can be atheist (I'm agnostic) and still have moral/social values.

Agreed it's fucking over anyway the damage has been done and there's no point in marriage unless you were both raised mormon or amish or some shit.
The core thing that upheld traditional societal values is religion.
  • +1
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yes great thread i also just took the redpill yesterday
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what a farmer point of view OP has, marrying isn't everything, marrying at age 20 will fuck your life up for eternity, you're not even a well developed human at that age
only read title tbh
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But as a human you always value the things you don't have. Girls, career, money, family, kids, car, house. But imagine you have all those things. Now you want more money, more career success, different experiences maybe drugs. Then what, you're 50, retired and have let's say 10 million to live off. Then what? You want travel, you want donation to help your children and grandchildren. Then what? You want to interact with people cause ur lonely. Then what? Want want want . You want your children to visit you. You want the pain to go away. Then u die like you never existed.
The everlasting longing to merge with infinity
Too bad when people marry young the divorce rate is higher compared to people who marry in their mid-life. Also I think they found that people who marry young have a non-existent sex life when they reach middle-age but people who marry in their mid-life have much more active sex lives throughout their whole marriage
Too bad when people marry young the divorce rate is higher compared to people who marry in their mid-life. Also I think they found that people who marry young have a non-existent sex life when they reach middle-age but people who marry in their mid-life have much more active sex lives throughout their whole marriage
No it isn't pair bonding is higher when ur n count is low
I love the degeneracy. I wish I was a gigachad and could degrade those cum dumpsters as I wished. Fuck Family, embrace nihilism
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: OOGABOOGA, ChoSeungHui and onnysk
Give me teen love or give me death

Blackpill: you will literally never have teen love, no matter how much you improve after the age of 20 it still means you are someone who was a virgin for the first 20 years of their life due to genetics.
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men got cucked all the time

I know id rather catch the girl in the process than raise some other kid for 30 years and die without knowing like it happened in the past

all those women not working and staying at home, what do you think they did?
People should be getting married and starting families no later than age 20. Current society where people aren't getting married until mid-late 20s just lets the youth be irresponsible and "find themselves" (have a shit ton of sex without having to commit to someone). They're not finding shit.

View attachment 138832
A group of college teens putting off being adults and just living for carnal pleasure.

The youth puts off being responsible, becoming a man or woman who would make a good husband/wife because "I get to have fun first and then I'll eventually settle down 10 years down the line".

So girls "have their fun" with Chads in youth while leaving uglier boys sexually starved. These boys then get the "privilege" :)lul:) of footing the bill for this girl's life when she settles down with them 10 years down the line.

This is literally the devil speaking. "Get fucked by guys you know who won't be good husbands."
View attachment 138835

A girl won't be able to find a husband because now because he's compared to 25 other guys she's been fucked by in the bedroom. Her standards are inflated, making her more likely to cheat to experience good sex again. If she was a virgin she would have nothing to compare him to. "Ignorance is bliss".

How about this Sandberg? How about:

"Don't have sex with ANY guy you don't see as a potential husband."

If girls did this, then men would be forced to be better, more responsible people. Your advice doesn't punish good looking guys for being "bad", however you define it.

I'm not absolving men from fucking around in their youth either. They need to stop that shit too. They're just as responsible as women for this mess. Chads fucking every girl in the school needs to stop.

Family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Family is everything. This is why millennials are so depressed and purposeless. A family gives you something to love, to work for, to be a better person for. It gives purpose the current degenerate lifestyle clearly doesn't provide. Parents run into burning buildings, work hard jobs, and spend their life savings for their kid. That's what purpose looks like. You won't be bitching about your "shit job" as much if you have a kid you love and want to make money to care of them. If you're just working to come home to an empty apartment, yea the job seems pointless. Because it is.

1) "But the economy is shit. You need to get a 4 year degree just to get an entry level job that can barely sustain just yourself"

This is legit and needs to be solved somehow. People can't wait until they're 22 to get married and have sex. They're too horny.

2) "But if people get married too young, odds are they won't marry the right person"

Not sure if you knew, but under the current system, divorce rates are 50%. Clearly this "finding yourself" shit doesn't work.
I REALLY wish I could start a family now with a girl I like

nothing would make me happier then coming home from my hard day at work to see my beautiful wife and then my 2 beautiful children

nothing is better than being in the family where your wife loves you and you have to children to represent the love you and her share

having kids would make me the happiest person, I would cherish them and raise them to be the best they could be

instead I was born ugly and not tall, now I can't enjoy any of those luxuries

and to make matters worse, 3 months from now I will be 18 and will have missed out on teen love since I'm khhv

why is this world so cruel? :feelsbadman: 😓 😢
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This thread is shit and op Is a wimpy cuck

please can someone un-sticky it?
God bless, amen to this post. I see broken families everywhere in America regardless of race and class and location. Fortunately my parents were raised in traditional islamic culture and their parents underwent arranged marriages. I will disagree about the age 20 thing though, I think the cap should be closer to 24-25.
Women don't care much about sex, even young ones. If they go 6 months without they don't care at all.
Imagina coping this hard
JFL at still buying into the "muh family" cope. The REAL reason most young people are unhappy because they found out that it's actually only Chads and Stacies that are able to live the high life that most young people want but can't get because of the 80/20 rule. They aren't unhappy because modern decadence is hollow. They are unhappy because only a minority can truly enjoy said decadence.
This hit me hard
Nibba, forget family, Im 21 and slay count around 25-30 tbh. Its over. O-V-E-R. Ive lost count how many gfs/wifes/soon to get wifes hit on me lol. Its insane. And these bitches that i fucked, its disgusting. Its like me and other 4-5 guys AT LEAST that she fucks on a daily basis. ITS HORRIFYING OVER
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people should achieve about 90% of all they're meant to contribute/achieve in life by 20.
I just bookmarked this thread and OP's post.

OP deserves a reddit gold.

I completely agree with you dude.

This is why as a curry my curry parents actually agree with me getting married at 22. They would be glad to see me with a girl at 22, before 25.

I myself am planning to getting betrothed at 21 and married at 22 TBH. Parents totally support the decision.

I studied the medieval and ancient history of India. I noticed that all of the emperor's sons who were princes OT married between 13 to 20.

Legit stuff.
I seriously don't know who started this system of getting married after 25 lol.

Very impressed by your thread OP. Definitely high IQ and wise post
Women have no libido. I know many women that dont have sex for years and dont care.
Legit man.

The whole 'sweety, women love sex more than men' and 'women have a sex drive higher than men's is all bluepilled medical news by the jews to give bluepilled hope to deluded men and excite them. It excites them in a way and give attention confidence so retardedly that they start viewing every women as interested in them if they try to pick her up. Jfl at these guys.

This is why females can remain abstinent for longer than men.

Since the ancient times, it is mostly men who are advised to keep control over their desires and fantasies.
It is always men who are accused of rape.

Because us men unfortunately, have a sex drive 5 times higher than women.

I wish it was the other way around.
But it is what it is, at the end of the day.
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