People who are positively validated have an easier time accepting “morals” then those below them


Deleted member 15895

Oct 29, 2021
It’s an obvious bias that attractive people see the world as more fair then unattractive people. This is at its roots the ultimate form of hypocrisy and the painful reality is that these hypocrites set the standard on what is “moral” to keep those below them oppressed.

Obviously “morality” is a man made concept and only enforces inequality for those less fortunate. An example of this is a tall, good looking white guy that was able to live a life of degeneracy and sexual promiscuity and still look to religion as a bailout to get into a promising afterlife.

Imo Christianity offers too much leeway to repentance and allows those genetically better of to seek bailout in it then those that are genetically inferior. To clarify let’s take a highly sexual successful male as an example.

This type of male can perform all sorts of degenerate yet fulfilling acts as he wants and still be given the “out” of everyone is forgiven in the Christian faith. Is it not easier for such a person to accept “forgiveness” of sin after living a life of validation and sexually fulfillment rather then his counter part that had to endure a life of sexual frustration and is more prone to become bitter and hateful and less likely to accept the Christian tenants of forgiveness and repentance?

The game is rigged from the start. Chad is born into a world where he can “live it up” while he is young pursuing a life of complete degeneracy and adultery and still be accepted into a promising afterlife just because he “regrets his previous life choices and wants to repent now” whereas an incel that is born subjected into a hard life has a better chance of becoming “bitter and hateful” and have a higher chance of being cast into hell for his understandable “bitter hatred” then chad simply by random genetic chance. Hypocrisy at its finest and really makes one understand how “morality” can easily be marked off as a man made concept to keep those less fortunate at bay.
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Read The Origins of Virtue

It’s an obvious bias that attractive people see the world as more fair then unattractive people. This is at its roots the ultimate form of hypocrisy and the painful reality is that these hypocrites set the standard on what is “moral” to keep those below them oppressed.

Obviously “morality” is a man made concept and only enforces inequality for those less fortunate. An example of this is a tall, good looking white guy that was able to live a life of degeneracy and sexual promiscuity and still look to religion as a bailout to get into a promising afterlife.

Imo Christianity offers too much leeway to repentance and allows those genetically better of to seek bailout in it then those that are genetically inferior. To clarify let’s take a highly sexual successful male as an example.

This type of male can perform all sorts of degenerate yet fulfilling acts as he wants and still be given the “out” of everyone is forgiven in the Christian faith. Is it not easier for such a person to accept “forgiveness” of sin after living a life of validation and sexually fulfillment rather then his counter part that had to endure a life of sexual frustration and is more prone to become bitter and hateful and less likely to accept the Christian tenants of forgiveness and repentance?

The game is rigged from the start. Chad is born into a world where he can “live it up” while he is young pursuing a life of complete degeneracy and adultery and still be accepted into a promising afterlife just because he “regrets his previous life choices and wants to repent now” whereas an incel that is born subjected into a hard life has a better chance of becoming “bitter and hateful” and have a higher chance of being cast into hell for his understandable “bitter hatred” then chad simply by random genetic chance. Hypocrisy at its finest and really makes one understand how “morality” can easily be marked off as a man made concept to keep those less fortunate at bay.
No the reality you're attempting to point to here is that people who are less bitter are more apt to love the truth and not hate it. The truth is very hard, but it's the truth. What else is there to go after and love?
its over, go er
I've never taken any stock in morality myself. You're right. It's a man made concept, and full of holes. Anyways, you're kidding yourself if you don't think are people who have it extemely bad that still end up accepting the truth. Most chads go to hell, just like most incels and everybody else.
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No the reality you're attempting to point to here is that people who are less bitter are more apt to love the truth and not hate it. The truth is very hard, but it's the truth. What else is there to go after and love?
Chads are less likely to be bitter about the World.
I've never taken any stock in morality myself. You're right. It's a man made concept, and full of holes. Anyways, you're kidding yourself if you don't think are people who have it extemely bad that still end up accepting the truth. Most chads go to hell, just like most incels and everybody else.
Most people will go to hell, yes. But Chads end up having it easier since they can just repent later of their sin since they got their fill when young.
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Chads are less likely to be bitter about the World.

Most people will go to hell, yes. But Chads end up having it easier since they can just repent later of their sin since they got their fill when young.
Bro your talking about hell and make this thread. Or is this troll?
Attractive people are more likely to believe life is fair. Unattractive people are more likely to believe life is unfair.

Life is a big fucking joke tbh. The fact that being ugly makes you get treated like shit, which makes you develop undesirable personality traits, is some of the biggest bs you can imagine exists in this trash world.
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Bro your talking about hell and make this thread. Or is this troll?
This is a real thread my nigga. no troll
Attractive people are more likely to believe life is fair. Unattractive people are more likely to believe life is unfair.

Life is a big fucking joke tbh. The fact that being ugly makes you get treated like shit, which makes you develop undesirable personality traits, is some of the biggest bs you can imagine exists in this trash world.
unattractive people know life is unfair, attractive people are deluded into thinking life is fair
This is a real thread my nigga. no troll

unattractive people know life is unfair, attractive people are deluded into thinking life is fair
Your thread is legit and true af, but i dont understand the poin of 'hell'. It contradicts your thread
Chads are less likely to be bitter about the World.

Most people will go to hell, yes. But Chads end up having it easier since they can just repent later of their sin since they got their fill when young.
It could work out that way for some. But don't think a chad wouldn't have as just a difficult time making to to the promised land as an incel who found the path a different way.

1: Peter 1:7
"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:"

Everybody who truly belongs to Jesus will have their faith tested and refined as gold in fire.
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Your thread is legit and true af, but i dont understand the poin of 'hell'. It contradicts your thread
the hell part is that Chad avoids hell easier than an incel does
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A chad is nowhere near more likely to find the way than an incel.
A chad is nowhere near more likely to find the way than an incel.
why not? chads age, they cant slay forever. so they can settle down

if a chad dies young, then sure. but most chads dont die young
why not? chads age, they cant slay forever. so they can settle down

if a chad dies young, then sure. but most chads dont die young
What does following Jesus Christ have to do with slaying?
What does following Jesus Christ have to do with slaying?
Following Jesus Christ is about repenting. Everybody is a sinner. Chad gets to experience his fun when young, and then he is able to repent later because he got to experience it enough and is now past his slaying "phase". He gets married and then repents of his youth full of fornication. Meanwhile the non chads masturbate and use hookers when older because they didnt get to experience as much hot passionate sex when younger.
Following Jesus Christ is about repenting. Everybody is a sinner. Chad gets to experience his fun when young, and then he is able to repent later because he got to experience it enough and is now past his slaying "phase". He gets married and then repents of his youth full of fornication. Meanwhile the non chads masturbate and use hookers when older because they didnt get to experience as much hot passionate sex when younger.
Proverbs 27:20
“Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.”

If an incel were to get drunk off slaying and grew up having the kind of life he thought he always wanted to have he would still never be satisfied. He'd also bear different burdens than he would as an incel. The more lusts you satisfy the harder it makes it to turn away from them as well.

Luke 9:23
"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."

1 Corinthians 15:31
“I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.”

Following Jesus means to deny yourself and die daily. That could end up meaning something very different for each person, for a myriad of reasons. It's a 180 degree turn once you've recieved a certain level of knowledge of the truth. It doesn't matter who you are. It's a gift given by God.
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Proverbs 27:20
“Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.”

If an incel were to get drunk off slaying and grew up having the kind of life he thought he always wanted to have he would still never be satisfied. He'd also bear different burdens than he would as an incel. The more lusts you satisfy the harder it makes it to turn away from them as well.
platitude. what about all those former drug addicts who get sick and tired of doing drugs? eventually if you have enough of something you get tired of it and turn away. slaying will lose its appeal in the long term.
platitude. what about all those former drug addicts who get sick and tired of doing drugs? eventually if you have enough of something you get tired of it and turn away. slaying will lose its appeal in the long term.
And how many other drug addicts have unabashedly slammed their way to the grave? A lot of em just give it up for a spell as well. Many who have seemingly gotten "tired" of doing drugs have been found dead with a needle hanging out of their ams or somewhere nearby. The devil counterfeits everything of God, and repentance is no exception.

You have to be very careful. Most people who quit one thing just fill it with something else that's just as bad but more easily hidden, because of morality.
And how many other drug addicts have unabashedly slammed their way to the grave? A lot of em just give it up for a spell as well. Many who have seemingly gotten "tired" of doing drugs have been found dead with a needle hanging out of their ams or somewhere nearby. The devil counterfeits everything of God, and repentance is no exception.

You have to be very careful. Most people who quit one thing just fill it with something else that's just as bad but more easily hidden, because of morality.
i suppose that would apply to more hardcore drugs.

stuff that is more moderate, like cigarettes/marijuana wont kill you from an overdose. alcohol as well even though it can kill you, is unlikely to, compared to heroine

and sex certainly wont kill you (STD's maybe).

but Chad doesnt even need to give up sex, he just needs to get married and have sex with just his wife, which is a much smaller sacrifice than an incel not getting to even masturbate at all.
stuff that is more moderate, like cigarettes/marijuana wont kill you from an overdose. alcohol as well even though it can kill you, is unlikely to, compared to heroine
But it will kill you. A person who smokes, drinks, or revels will also be thrown into hell. Said chad wouldn't only have to give up sex withe other women.
please no philosophy until i figure this looks maxing shit out first

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