People who were scrawny and then gymmaxxed, how big of a difference did you see?


Deleted member 16607

Dec 16, 2021
I've seen a lot of posts about people who were pretty of normal in terms of muscle mass and then saw a decent difference after hitting the gym and building muscle, but I'm curious about how big the difference was for small framed people like myself who went from scrawny to having a decent amount of muscle. I'm still very much a work of progress but in the past three months after my adhd I got treated I've finally been hitting the gym consistently and have noticed some decent progress, as have many of my friends who have noted my progress. I don't have good progress photos but I've noticed a lot more increased muscle definition and my biceps have gone from 11 inches (yes I'm not kidding, those were my biceps at 6'1), and I certainly still have a lot left in me as my frame is good enough despite being T-shpaed to put on a good amount of muscle). I haven't noticed a huge difference with girls yet as most of my progress in the past couple months has been more looking less scrawny and less looking ripped. I did get laid a few times but that probably had more to do with becoming more NT with the ADHD treatment and a new social circle at university. What I'm curious about is how big the change was for people like me who have a somewhat below average (but still within the "normal" range) who had very little muscle mass and eventually built enough to be considered ripped or as your stereotypical "guy who lifts". I'm not just talking about with girls, but also stuff like respect from other guys.

Also here's some info for context:
Rating: 5.5 - 6 if we're being generous.
Height: 6'1
Weight: ~170lbs
BF Percentage: around 14
Time lifting consistently: 3 Months
Relevant failos: long and somewhat skinny neck (14.5 inches)
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Massive, complete change in body type and shape. Having round full shoulders, chest muscles and decent sized biceps changes your physical appearance to a completely different person.

Working out also thickened my neck, though not much, but it makes the face pop out more. My jawline and masseters also improved slightly.

But I trained natty and will never inject anything due to side effects like balding and collagen loss, so it took me 2-3 years to truly see any improvement and ~5 years to really be content with my physique, starting from nothing (skinnyfat).

If you inject you will probably get faster results, but at the cost of stuff like hair loss, hormonal/heart problems and skin issues.

A natty will also never be as big as a roided monster, but being a Ronny Coleman tier roided monster is not looksmaxing, it's disgusting to most prime women. You just want good (visible) musculature, width and low body fat while preserving as much hair and skin collagen as possible.
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Massive, complete change in body type and shape. Having round full shoulders, chest muscles and decent sized biceps changes your physical appearance to a completely different person.

Working out also thickened my neck, though not much, but it makes the face pop out more. My jawline and masseters also improved slightly.

But I trained natty and will never inject anything due to side effects like balding and collagen loss, so it took me 2-3 years to truly see any improvement and ~5 years to really be content with my physique, starting from nothing (skinnyfat).

If you inject you will probably get faster results, but at the cost of stuff like hair loss, hormonal/heart problems and skin issues.

A natty will also never be as big as a roided monster, but being a Ronny Coleman tier roided monster is not looksmaxing, it's disgusting to most prime women. You just want good (visible) musculature, width and low body fat while preserving as much hair and skin collagen as possible.
Yeah I know I’m in the for the long haul, but I’m willing to do it if it know the results are gonna be good. How much do you think if improved your “rating”
A night and day difference
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Yeah I know I’m in the for the long haul, but I’m willing to do it if it know the results are gonna be good. How much do you think if improved your “rating”
PSL rating? Maybe 0.5 to 1. Face is still king for dating, dating apps, everything. The body is just a bonus. Face is very difficult to alter though and may require surgery. Lifting weights is easier than fixing your face.
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You aren't gonna slay with good body it helps obviously but your face is honestly much more important. I go to the gym consistently but I'm still getting surgery.
PSL rating? Maybe 0.5 to 1. Face is still king for dating, dating apps, everything. The body is just a bonus. Face is very difficult to alter though and may require surgery. Lifting weights is easier than fixing your face.
You aren't gonna slay with good body it helps obviously but your face is honestly much more important. I go to the gym consistently but I'm still getting surgery.
Yeah I hear you. I have a decent face now but I feel like one of the big things holding me back is being super skinny so im curious if changing that factor can have a good affect.
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body is more important depending on location. in UK and US good body can make up for a weak face (if your tall) because the culture their places much more importance on it

elsewhere not so much.
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body is more important depending on location. in UK and US good body can make up for a weak face (if your tall) because the culture their places much more importance on it

elsewhere not so much.
Good thing I’m in the us then :feelsgood:
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Girls actually squirt now
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Huge difference. You get compliments and respect from people. I used to be scrawny and people would comment on it. I have gone from 66kg to 88kg.

At the bare minimum you don't get teased about your appearance anymore. Still in the DYEL territory for non lifters.
Completely life changing for me. I used to be skinny and awkward as hell (texbook ecto) but always was taller than everyone so i looked like a lanky freak. Was very insecure. Started lifting in high school and blew up quickly. Immediately girls started hitting on me and multiple girls asked me to prom and I had the pick of the litter. I remember girls in our group talking about how “hot” I was then. This was all of the motivation I ever needed for a lifetime. I have now lifted for over a decade natty and I can bench 315, overhead press 225, weighted chinups with 90 lbs etc. I’m 6’5” and jacked and everyone automatically respects me. Confidence through the roof
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Completely life changing for me. I used to be skinny and awkward as hell (texbook ecto) but always was taller than everyone so i looked like a lanky freak. Was very insecure. Started lifting in high school and blew up quickly. Immediately girls started hitting on me and multiple girls asked me to prom and I had the pick of the litter. I remember girls in our group talking about how “hot” I was then. This was all of the motivation I ever needed for a lifetime. I have now lifted for over a decade natty and I can bench 315, overhead press 225, weighted chinups with 90 lbs etc. I’m 6’5” and jacked and everyone automatically respects me. Confidence through the roof
How good is your face tho that’s important to take into consideration. Im sure it has different impacts for different levels of facial attractiveness
Curious anyone who was scrawny and bulked maybe 20 pounds/got fatter and then cut how did you cut all the fat and get shredded. I weigh 150 and feel like a big pussy no girl wants a 150 dude they want 170+ so I got to gain 20 and cut the fat I bulk
Curious anyone who was scrawny and bulked maybe 20 pounds/got fatter and then cut how did you cut all the fat and get shredded. I weigh 150 and feel like a big pussy no girl wants a 150 dude they want 170+ so I got to gain 20 and cut the fat I bulk
How tall are you though thats important to the equation here.
I've seen a lot of posts about people who were pretty of normal in terms of muscle mass and then saw a decent difference after hitting the gym and building muscle, but I'm curious about how big the difference was for small framed people like myself who went from scrawny to having a decent amount of muscle. I'm still very much a work of progress but in the past three months after my adhd I got treated I've finally been hitting the gym consistently and have noticed some decent progress, as have many of my friends who have noted my progress. I don't have good progress photos but I've noticed a lot more increased muscle definition and my biceps have gone from 11 inches (yes I'm not kidding, those were my biceps at 6'1), and I certainly still have a lot left in me as my frame is good enough despite being T-shpaed to put on a good amount of muscle). I haven't noticed a huge difference with girls yet as most of my progress in the past couple months has been more looking less scrawny and less looking ripped. I did get laid a few times but that probably had more to do with becoming more NT with the ADHD treatment and a new social circle at university. What I'm curious about is how big the change was for people like me who have a somewhat below average (but still within the "normal" range) who had very little muscle mass and eventually built enough to be considered ripped or as your stereotypical "guy who lifts". I'm not just talking about with girls, but also stuff like respect from other guys.

Also here's some info for context:
Rating: 5.5 - 6 if we're being generous.
Height: 6'1
Weight: ~170lbs
BF Percentage: around 14
Time lifting consistently: 3 Months
Relevant failos: long and somewhat skinny neck (14.5 inches)
1F708FCE D480 49EC BA8A E394C6FE81FF

It changed my whole life please start working out
6 months ago vs now
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How did y’all skinny fucks put on a shit ton of muscle?
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What does that mean?
You were talking about weight without really talking about muscle mass so I was pointing out how tall you are is relevant to the discussion and finding out how skinny you really are.
You were talking about weight without really talking about muscle mass so I was pointing out how tall you are is relevant to the discussion and finding out how skinny you really are.
So is 150 for 5’11 skinny? Ideally I want to be 165 long term(into my 30s and 40s) but I have to hit 175 to get a good cut down
So is 150 for 5’11 skinny? Ideally I want to be 165 long term(into my 30s and 40s) but I have to hit 175 to get a good cut down
I mean its a healthy weight so whether or not your skinny really depends on your frame.
PSL rating? Maybe 0.5 to 1. Face is still king for dating, dating apps, everything. The body is just a bonus. Face is very difficult to alter though and may require surgery. Lifting weights is easier than fixing your face.
Well going from skeleton to normal/fit can add like 2 PSL maybe but normal/fit to toned/muscular will only add 0.5
I agree face is important, but being overly skinny can make you look like a weak boy instead of a man
If youre already normal weight, then maybe gymming wont add too much
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Zero in terms of improvement with women. Same with going from 18% bf to shredded. Nice to look at in the mirror I guess
Completely life changing for me. I used to be skinny and awkward as hell (texbook ecto) but always was taller than everyone so i looked like a lanky freak. Was very insecure. Started lifting in high school and blew up quickly. Immediately girls started hitting on me and multiple girls asked me to prom and I had the pick of the litter. I remember girls in our group talking about how “hot” I was then. This was all of the motivation I ever needed for a lifetime. I have now lifted for over a decade natty and I can bench 315, overhead press 225, weighted chinups with 90 lbs etc. I’m 6’5” and jacked and everyone automatically respects me. Confidence through the roof
What were your starting lifts at bench, overhead, etc?
What were your starting lifts at bench, overhead, etc?
Nothing special. Pretty weak numbers when I started. I started lifting when I was 15, and I remember benching only like 75 lbs back then. After a few months of solid training I could do 135. By the end of senior year of high school I could bench 225 for a few reps.
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Being slimmer right now but when I'm pumped on gym with a tight 3/4 zip training jacket girls always stare and there were 2 girls

One was so obviously bending over at an angle towards me jfl and the other when I lunged past was moving her hands to cool herself down jfl
absolutely no difference

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