People with chad physiques gtfih



200 IQ esoteric philosopher sage nevercummer
May 23, 2020
What are your secrets? Most of us gymcel but not all of us will reach an impressive physique, just a good one. Do you follow traditional lifting advice or have you figured out better advice? I’m trying to really ascend my physique for tinder
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Just train everything but never forget to focus on shoulders, neck and abs
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Reactions: Renaissance.Chad, shaugstir, Deleted member 9090 and 9 others
I do push pull split twice a week and skip legs cuz its gay
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Baldingman1998, Deleted member 3323, Deleted member 1680 and 3 others
Takes years of consistency. And progressive overload is key
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Hipcel, Joodz, highT and 2 others
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Reactions: Effortless, Deleted member 7753, Deleted member 8028 and 8 others
I do push pull split twice a week and skip legs cuz its gay
Same I skip legs too. Girls told me they like my skinny legs so I stopped hitting them a lot
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Steroids bro and good genrtics

It's really that easy
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Reactions: Britishlooksmaxxer, Deleted member 8172, Deleted member 1680 and 7 others
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Reactions: Baldingman1998 and bladeeout
I will never have a good physique because of my 1/10 frame, tough pill to swallow. What a waste of good testosterone levels. IDK why the fuck I even work out, I guess more for my mental health than anything.
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Roids to get you slightly over your max potential. Then dial back until you're off of it while maintaining your max potential.
What are your secrets? Most of us gymcel but not all of us will reach an impressive physique, just a good one. Do you follow traditional lifting advice or have you figured out better advice? I’m trying to really ascend my physique for tinder
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Reactions: Over
You have to love it and enjoy going to the gym to Mog others and receive IOI’s from stacies in leggings. Also blast high T music while you lift and mire yourself on the mirror in between sets.

Genetics required also
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Reactions: Effortless, Deleted member 1680, highT and 2 others
Be honest with yourself. If you are working out for health, stay natty. If you are working out for looks, hop on gear. People's minds have been warped by all the fake natties to the point where few people are impressed by natty physiques.
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meh, skinnyfat chads with wide frame will always mog low bodyfat gymcels with average frame or lower
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Reactions: PYT, SPFromNY914 and Deleted member 5393
Be honest with yourself. If you are working out for health, stay natty. If you are working out for looks, hop on gear. People's minds have been warped by all the fake natties to the point where few people are impressed by natty physiques.
Nort worth doing roids.
Workout and good diet

progress is on the way

Now vs then


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Reactions: Baldingman1998, Deleted member 7753, Deleted member 1680 and 3 others
See my title for the secret
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Testosterone Propionate + Nandrolone phenylpropionate 50mg/day each for 2 months.
Fast ester, in and out fast, PCT: 40m/40mg/20mg/20mg (1-4weeks) per day of Tamoxifen 2 weeks after last shot.
frame plays a big role, if u have a top frame all u need is a healthy body fat and some muscle and u already have a nice looking body

top tier frame - good size/wide shoulders and chest

when i wasnt blackpilled about body, i was confused on why some dudes with same bodyfat and muscles had different looking bodies, where one guy looked like an actual twig and the other guy still had size and looked good

then boom frame pill
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frame plays a big role, if u have a top frame all u need is a healthy body fat and some muscle and u already have a nice looking body

top tier frame - good size/wide shoulders and chest

when i wasnt blackpilled about body, i was confused on why some dudes with same bodyfat and muscles had different looking bodies, where one guy looked like an actual twig and the other guy still had size and looked good

then boom frame pill
True. The clavicle pill was one of the hardest for me to swallow
Genetics and roids, you can have one or the other or both.
Testosterone Propionate + Nandrolone phenylpropionate 50mg/day each for 2 months.
Fast ester, in and out fast, PCT: 40m/40mg/20mg/20mg (1-4weeks) per day of Tamoxifen 2 weeks after last shot.
Where can i buy Test P?
What are your secrets? Most of us gymcel but not all of us will reach an impressive physique, just a good one. Do you follow traditional lifting advice or have you figured out better advice? I’m trying to really ascend my physique for tinder
i have according to a couple of girls „the perfect body“

imo its shit, i have a chest gap and short bicep insertions but whatever, girls opinion > others

anyways its mainly genetics and testosterone tbh. my whole family had athletic genetics, we have no fatties in our family so my metabolism is super fast but i can still gain muscles while not gaining much fat at the same time while eating like a horse
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Reactions: Effortless, Gaia262 and bladeeout
What are your secrets? Most of us gymcel but not all of us will reach an impressive physique, just a good one. Do you follow traditional lifting advice or have you figured out better advice? I’m trying to really ascend my physique for tinder
I naturally have wide shoulders stg. But I recommend high intensity and do a good amount of neck and shoulder workouts including all variations of rows. Also don't skip legs especially calves
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Reactions: PYT
Thinking of hopping on a cycle soon
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Hipcel, buflek and SPFromNY914
I naturally have wide shoulders stg. But I recommend high intensity and do a good amount of neck and shoulder workouts including all variations of rows. Also don't skip legs especially calves
agree, tldr hit everything with progressive overload
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Reactions: bladeeout
When I use to be a gymcel for years, I just trained every part of my body except abs and progressively increased the weight once I could do more reps with the previous weight. I also increased the weight each set. I don't stick with the same weight for all sets. Haven't lifted since January now.
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Reactions: Hollywood, bladeeout and PYT
Nort worth doing roids.

Only manlets with elite muscle genetics can be haloed by a natty body, which is a small percentage of men. The rest have to roid to get that ideal body.

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This is me, I have been working out for over a decade now with I think 2 years of not really trying or working out hard. The reality is that you make the majority of your gains your first two years and from there it is slow progress. I started off skinny and lean and have always stayed lean but did strength training routines and have to eat a lot to put on mass but it is a process that takes a while. Also a lot of it is genetic. I haven't really ever seen big fat guys get lean and I also haven't ever seen scrawny guys ever really get big to be honest in reality.
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Only manlets with elite muscle genetics can be haloed by a natty body, which is a small percentage of men. The rest have to roid to get that ideal body.
Balding, decreased collagen, increased aging outweigh the pros.
This is me, I have been working out for over a decade now with I think 2 years of not really trying or working out hard. The reality is that you make the majority of your gains your first two years and from there it is slow progress. I started off skinny and lean and have always stayed lean but did strength training routines and have to eat a lot to put on mass but it is a process that takes a while. Also a lot of it is genetic. I haven't really ever seen big fat guys get lean and I also haven't ever seen scrawny guys ever really get big to be honest in reality.
Are you on gear/have been?
what 720 color shoes are you wearing?
I have good body i dont even go to the gym tbh ngl
Skip to the bold if u want to be practical, I am justing writing the first part for autism.

There's a genetics part: Your normal bodyfat% (bodyfat% when just living normally) , how fast and how much muscle you put, bodyfat distribution, frame, height, body proportions.
-In terms of normal bodyfat% and muscle you gain muscles it's very simple, ideally you are low% (8%-12%) and gain muscle quickly (20 to 28 bmi).

With bodyfat distribution, frame, height, and proportions it's less clear. I find that if you carry your fat in your belly it's the worst, because then it's harder to have visible abs. If your low bodyfat it will matter less but it will still matter.
First guy carries fat in his legs, this is why he is ripped but his legs aren't as defined as the second almost equally ripped guy who hasa more even bf distribution (maybe even his legs are leaner than his upper body). I guess since men tend to carry fat in their upper body there is a case to be made by saying that is the best distribution since it's dimorphic. Keep in mind this only matters once you reach below 20% bf, above that you will probably be too fat everywhere.

Height and body proportions are related. Taller height and longer limbs make it harder to gain muscle in those areas. For example, I have pretty long arms, legs, and neck but a very short torso. Because of this, my limbs look smaller and are harder to gain muscles in. My back has a lot more muscle, especially because long arms help with deadlifts.

Okay now about what you can do
Best thing to do for muscle mass is steroids, but I do not know that much about them and have never used them so I won't discuss them. What I do know is steroids with shitty genetics and shitty work ethic will not make you buff, according to Greg Doucette.

Now if you're gonna stay natural, focus on these four things: Diet, workout, sleep, posture.
If you're skinnyfat or just skinny and lean, make sure you eat enough protein. Make sure you are eating over 1.5 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight, ideally being 2 grams per kg. So if you're 65kg, eat 130 grams of protein. If you struggle to eat a lot of food try smoothies.

In terms of workouts you can do a lot of splits, a lot of exercise, you can find so much online. Here you just have to experiment and see what your body responds to best. But to be completely honest, if you're physique isn't already insane and you workout following any well known splits and using well known exercises appropriately, it's not what's holding you back.

Sleep is something that people don't talk about enough for physiques, make sure to sleep 8 hours a day (at least more than 6) and ideally sleep on your back. If you're gonna sleep on your side make sure your neck is straight, try putting your arm under the pillow.

People talk about posture for heightmaxxing, but if you don't have good posture it will hurt your muscle gains and ability to do exercises. Try to regularly workout and stretch all your muscles so that none of them get overly tight or loose. If you sit a lot for long periods of time try to take 5 minute breaks and stand up.
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ask the gymcels at your gym
Im living in a small town right now, everyone here is natty or if they are roided they will never admint to it. Im EU, give me web to buy it, i sent a couple mails to a couple webs but they never answered, and others dont have Test P, just E or out of stock.
Balding, decreased collagen, increased aging outweigh the pros.

Take fin for the balding and normies don't seem to notice the collagen/aging side effects
Which country are you from
Spain, but it doesn't matter, give some source that ships to EU. I want to buy from several sources, even got powder from China.
i need this im cardiocel and skinny fat i need to start lifting asap i wanna get ripped

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