Pictures from the average bengali makes me think it really just is coloring making indians looking off those from the south villager types look good.



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019









You get the point and notice 1 trend their in the village parts it further seems to show bone structure is determined by how you grow and if you don't grow right you will not look like the bone structure posted in these pics.

You also get the issue of coloring that is what literally ethnics with coloring they would do very well literally it is hard to find non high body fat or non oldcel bengalis on here but these are the creme de la creme south indian villager types. This is what you would look like had you grown right.

Unfortunately coloring is killing them.

Reminder if your lifestyle and and diet wasn't right from the start you are no way near your full potential.
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Tbh. I can actually agree that Indians have good bones, but even if it wasnt for the bobs and vagene reputation, it's something that makes them ugly, and its not really skin color either. I think it's just like the phenotype itself thats ugly.
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why you guys always talk about indians
Tbh. I can actually agree that Indians have good bones, but even if it wasnt for the bobs and vagene reputation, it's something that makes them ugly, and its not really skin color either. I think it's just like the phenotype itself thats ugly.

I don't understand though


That mogs the average city person if you don't grow up in a village till atleast 20 it's over
No shoulder width whatsoever
Short af
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  • JFL
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Bruhhhhh this ain't even about that it's to show how most people today are reccessed actually read what i put

Your speaking out of your ass is what your doing they bone mog you to death colour is an issue but it's fixable
Short people usually have better bones when lean since their skull is more compact.
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Life as a curry is hard mode x100
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Shit orbitals, shit coloring
Shit orbitals, shit coloring

Which ones also yeah shit colouring is an issue but that's easier to fix even you have to admit they have very good bones the diet pill and lifestyle pill proves true again
Short people usually have better bones when lean since their skull is more compact.

It's more lifestyle and diet from young their faces grew right
Bruhhhhh this ain't even about that it's to show how most people today are reccessed actually read what i put

Your speaking out of your ass is what your doing they bone mog you to death colour is an issue but it's fixable
you-re right some look pretty chad
Bad bones actually lacks width
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you-re right some look pretty chad

This is how were supposed to look like notice these were all in villages the southern types are the giga moggers
This is how were supposed to look like notice these were all in villages the southern types are the giga moggers
western lifestyle cucking us hard
Bad bones actually lacks width


How so this 1 looks high body fat but very good bone structure i don't see the orbital reccession only a few have orbital reccession
western lifestyle cucking us hard

True i was doubting it for a while but then i found a study from nature showing the skull changes in europeans within the last 1000 years it makes me think the same thing happened to this place
Buy eyes , bad harmony

Harmony really is a snare word for ipd that is completly down to genetics the point in here was to prove most have very good bone structure and bone projection i don't see the orbital reccesion
No shoulder width whatsoever
Short af

What does that have in relation to this
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True i was doubting it for a while but then i found a study from nature showing the skull changes in europeans within the last 1000 years it makes me think the same thing happened to this place

Harmony really is a snare word for ipd that is completly down to genetics the point in here was to prove most have very good bone structure and bone projection i don't see the orbital reccesion

What does that have in relation to this
soft pillow, soft bad, shit food that you are tricked into eating, shit tv shows that you watch all day

why improve to fuck? watch this nigger plow this white girl and masturbate you little cuck

no more running through the village to see what village qt you are going to fuck next
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet
True i was doubting it for a while but then i found a study from nature showing the skull changes in europeans within the last 1000 years it makes me think the same thing happened to this place

Harmony really is a snare word for ipd that is completly down to genetics the point in here was to prove most have very good bone structure and bone projection i don't see the orbital reccesion

What does that have in relation to this
Harmony is more then IPD dude its also PFL, ratios, and nose aesthetics
Harmony is more then IPD dude its also PFL, ratios, and nose aesthetics

It's actually es ratio i think @PrettyBoyMaxxing convinced me of that as long as you have a good lower 3rd es should be enough to cover it nearly in all cases
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These bones...
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These bones...

Makes me convinced tbqh I mean come on they look like the stereotypical boned higher tier normies though colour is off Unforantely
True i was doubting it for a while but then i found a study from nature showing the skull changes in europeans within the last 1000 years it makes me think the same thing happened to this place
Its not about diet per se - JFL if you believe a bengali villager has a better diet than a Dutch cuck.

It's about:
1 - lack of crap (glycophosphate) in the food. Most villagers are farmers and get their food intake from their own farms.
2 - lack of processed gunk that is passed off as "food"
3 - socializing being the central part of their life - I think a lot of people don't realize how much of a social animal we are. Just ask yourself - how long have to talked to people over the past 7 days? Online chats don't count.
4 - not sitting down - most villagers (in their youth, anyway) are always active and barely sit down. Most westerners live a sedentary lifestyle and a sedentary lifestyle is the biggest killer of testosterone in young men
5 - having a family unit where you have a role and you're valued by the people around you. Most in the west worship individuality to a sociopathic extent.

Only points 1 & 2 apply to 'diet'. Otherwise most villagers are undernourished and don't take enough calories - why do you think the average Bengali male in Cuckladesh is 5'5?

It's kind of ironic that you will generally find the ugliest curries in the cities - especially the ones who were born and brought up in the city living a westernized life.
No. Coloring ij itself is valuable
coloring is valuable because coloring affects people's perception of race.
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Muh eat lots of protein for facial bones bro you'll have chad angular face bro
Muh eat lots of protein for facial bones bro you'll have chad angular face bro

Pics don't lie I see very little subhumans here can you point them out I see eye issues but lower 3rd dimorphism I can see in these faces
Told you

No. Coloring ij itself is valuable

Majir cope

Indeed the southern types truly are the Gigamogger assuming they gre right
  • +1
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Pics don't lie I see very little subhumans here can you point them out I see eye issues but lower 3rd dimorphism I can see in these faces

Indeed the southern types truly are the Gigamogger assuming they gre right
I was just saying that people who think that eating lot's of nutrient rich diet to get good facial bones are copers and everything is about genes
I was just saying that people who think that eating lot's of nutrient rich diet to get good facial bones are copers and everything is about genes

And I was just saying most people have good facial bones but are reccessed the true mogger of any race are the villager types not the gentry types they tend to mixed in with incest terrible diet usually the best looking is the poorer rural types
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or they have better bones overall
And I was just saying most people have good facial bones but are reccessed the true mogger of any race are the villager types not the gentry types they tend to mixed in with incest terrible diet usually the best looking is the poorer rural types
That's true. I've read somewhere that villagers usually have higher T levels than city dwellers and are much more likely to be loners. Is being a loner high T trait?
or they have better bones overall

So 10 pics plus are just genetics right?
That's true. I've read somewhere that villagers usually have higher T levels than city dwellers and are much more likely to be loners. Is being a loner high T trait?

It would make sense and no being a loner is not a higher T trait humans need to socialise
So 10 pics plus are just genetics right?

It would make sense and no being a loner is not a higher T trait humans need to socialise

good looking halo. gl people look whiter by default
good looking halo. gl people look whiter by default

But none of them look white they look like your typical South Asian just very good bones none of this is cause of admixture bengalis are 100 percent of the black race
But none of them look white they look like your typical South Asian just very good bones none of this is cause of admixture bengalis are 100 percent of the black race

stfu you coper
why you guys always talk about indians
because they are all indians
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You get the point and notice 1 trend their in the village parts it further seems to show bone structure is determined by how you grow and if you don't grow right you will not look like the bone structure posted in these pics.

You also get the issue of coloring that is what literally ethnics with coloring they would do very well literally it is hard to find non high body fat or non oldcel bengalis on here but these are the creme de la creme south indian villager types. This is what you would look like had you grown right.

Unfortunately coloring is killing them.

Reminder if your lifestyle and and diet wasn't right from the start you are no way near your full potential.
because indian smells armpit
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I've read somewhere that villagers usually have higher T levels than city dwellers and are much more likely to be loners.
Villagers definitely have high T although they're usually turbomanlets like @Titbot because of not consuming enough protein in childhood.

I've got a few cousins still living the farming life in the villages. Facially they mog me into oblivion - they all got top-tier bones and jawlines. Sadly for them currywhores only care about status - and a villager has the 2nd lowest status in curry society. They might mog me but they're still virgins - one is even having difficulty in finding a chick for arranged marriage.
  • So Sad
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Villagers definitely have high T although they're usually turbomanlets like @Titbot because of not consuming enough protein in childhood.

I've got a few cousins still living the farming life in the villages. Facially they mog me into oblivion - they all got top-tier bones and jawlines. Sadly for them currywhores only care about status - and a villager has the 2nd lowest status in curry society. They might mog me but they're still virgins - one is even having difficulty in finding a chick for arranged marriage.

Tbqh coloring is so important outside of the West a reccessed lower 3rd subhuman can look cuck a god tier average villager fucking brutal
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet and Deleted member 1751
Villagers definitely have high T although they're usually turbomanlets like @Titbot because of not consuming enough protein in childhood.

I've got a few cousins still living the farming life in the villages. Facially they mog me into oblivion - they all got top-tier bones and jawlines. Sadly for them currywhores only care about status - and a villager has the 2nd lowest status in curry society. They might mog me but they're still virgins - one is even having difficulty in finding a chick for arranged marriage.
Yeah I've heard that Northie chix have insane standards. Having robust bones doesn't mean anything here. If you have light skin and status you'll be considered gl
  • +1
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Tbqh coloring is so important outside of the West a reccessed lower 3rd subhuman can look cuck a god tier average villager fucking brutal
Nah, status matters more. Coloring only matters because it's a status-signal in and of itself.

Even a car-ownling normie city-dweller has 1000x the status of an average villager.

The only people who have ever complimented me on my fair skin (and I'm not even that 'fair') have been village women when I've visited the ancestral villages of my mum and dad. :lul:
Bengalis are their is no white admixture
Bengalis are different from South Indians - no Bengali calls themselves "South-Indian".

Bengalis are a mix of everything in the region because of all the different empires that ruled there.
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Nah, status matters more. Coloring only matters because it's a status-signal in and of itself.

Even a car-ownling normie city-dweller has 1000x the status of an average villager.

The only people who have ever complimented me on my fair skin (and I'm not even that 'fair') have been village women when I've visited the ancestral villages of my mum and dad. :lul:

Bengalis are different from South Indians - no Bengali calls themselves "South-Indian".

Bengalis are a mix of everything in the region because of all the different empires that rules there.

I though bengalis were blacks originally
I though bengalis were blacks originally
If by originally you meant 1.5 million years ago when everyone was a black caveman in Africa then sure.

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