skyscraper method

I will talk about how you can gain length in:

  1. Abdomen
  2. Femurs
  3. Shinbones
  4. Fingers
  5. Forearms
  6. Collarbone
  7. Spine

All you need for this is:
  1. Time
  2. Stationary bike with adjustable seat
  3. Resistance bands
  4. Dedication

What you need to ditch:
  1. Nicotine
  2. Alcohol
  3. Processed foods
  4. Bad sleep


Growth is influenced by multiple hormones,
environment, lifestyle and genetics.

The hormones that play the biggest role on growth such as HGH are created in the pituitary gland.
If you want to grow you need to know about hormones as they are crucial for bone formation.

What is HGH?

HGH is a hormone produced by the pituitary
gland located inside the Sphenoid bone.

It stimulates the growth of muscle,
cartilage, and bones.

HGH production reaches it’s peak in in the younger years of a person.

HGH is commonly used for children that are lacking vertical growth.
HGH is mostly produced in the first two hours of sleep and after excercising.

The most HGH is produced during the night. HGH has a lot of other functions in the body such as muscle building or skin elasticity.
HGH also increases levels of IGF-1

H.G.H is also used as anti-aging treatment Because of the importance of the H.G.H to
the biology of your body.

Injecting HGH into your body is probably not the best idea as it can have a lot of negative side effects.
Cells will grow faster so it could accelerate the growth of cancer cells too.

IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1)

Is a hormone produced in the liver and other organs
in response to HGH.

The highest rates of IGF-1 occur during puberty.

IGF-1 influences the effect HGH has on your body.
When HGH is released, it stimulates the liver to
produce IGF-1.
IGF-1 then is used by the body to heal and grow almost every cell in your body.

Protein intake is ESSENTIAL for IGF-1 levels in humans.

  • Somatostatin (Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone).
is a hormone produced in
the nervous system and the gut.

Somatostatin inhibits your HGH and IGF-1.
Somatostatin levels that are too low can cause
hormonal inbalances.


Ghrelin is a peptide that increases HGH release.
Most of the Ghrelin is produced by the gut.

Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty and release of this peptide stop fully when the stomach is full.

How to maximize HGH?


It has been proven that lifting heavy weights (5-8 reps until failure) boosts HGH very noticably in a short period.

While I also don’t recommend lifting weights because it can compress your body so your bones won’t grow.

HIIT (High intensity interval training) is a better alternative to weightlifting. HIIT exists from doing excercises without rest for something like 20 minutes to get to 85% of your maximum hearth rate.

Sleep is the most important factor when it comes to growth hormones. But a lot of people are still getting suboptimal sleep. So I am going to teach you how to optimize sleep to benefit your growth hormone levels.
During the night your pineal gland produces melatonin, a hormone and antioxidant that helps you to fall asleep and have a higher quality of sleep.
I would advise against taking melatonin as a supplement as you should optimize your lifestyle first.
Things that decrease melatonin:

• Fluoride. (brush teeth with water or coconut oil)
• Stress/Cortisol. (keep calm)
• Artificial blue light. (wear blue light blockers)
• EMF exposure (turn your wifi router off at night.
• Fasting (eat some fructose before bed)
• Folate, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies.
• Caffeine (no coffee)
• Vitamin D before Sleep (don’t take Vitamin D supplements right before bed)

Things that increase melatonin:

• Optimizing your circadian rhythm.
• Minimizing light during sleep and in the evening. (keep room dark)
• Sufficient sunlight exposure during the day.
• Sufficient exercise during the day. (tired body = tired brain)
• Sufficient protein intake (2g/kg bodyweight).
• Earthing/grounding during the day.
• Sufficient.
• Eating pineapple natural raises melatonin levels.
The circadian rhtyhm is your sleep-wake cycle, the internal clock of the body. When the circadian rhtyhm is not in check it results in suboptimal sleep, which will affect your hormones.
The circadian rhythm regulates when which hormones are released: cortisol and testosterone to wake you up in the morning, melatonin to help you sleep at night. The circadian rhythm determines when these hormones are released
This is why going to bed early or sleeping for 10+ hours won’t always mean good sleep, You have to wake up and go to sleep at times which align with your circadian rhythm
The most important influence on circadian rhythm is light.
You were designed to wake up when the sun rises and go to sleep after the sunset. Your body would know when it is day and night because of the light it is exposed to at that time of the day. If there was almost no light is was night, blue light meant it was daytime and red light meant there is a sunrise or a sunset.
Seeing the sunrise and sunset every day is one of the fastest ways to obtain a correct circadian rhythm. But you should also limit blue light exposure after sunset, because this hacks your brain into thinking it is still daytime, lowering the levels of melatonin in your body, so you will be less tired at night, resulting in you having a harder time to fall asleep.
In the modern world we are always using some kind of electronic device that emits blue light. The best would bet o stop being on your phone at night, but that isn’t really an option anymore in the modern world.
Best ways to limit blue light exposure: Blue light blocking glasses, candles or red light instead of blue light, activating the blue light filter on your phone or install a prgram like f.lux.
So for you to have an optimal circadian rhythm you have to use light to your advantage:
Limit blue light exposure after sunset, watch the sunrise and sunset daily and try to keep your room dark during sleep(not pitch black).
Temperature also influences circadian rhythm but plays a smaller role as opposed to light. It is very simple try to keep your room cold when you are sleeping.
One of the things I also like to do to help me sleep besides wearing blue light blocking glasses and go to bed early is drinking a sleep cocktail. This cocktail consists of a few ingredients:
  1. Chamomile tea made with mineral water
  2. Honey
  3. Glycine
  4. L-Theanine
  5. Magnesium Bicarbonate
This cocktail is very good and helps you to sleep like a baby.


I discussed Ghrelin earlier and how more Ghrelin results in more HGH and in result IGF-1

Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty but also when you know that you don’t have access to food.
If you have chosen to not eat food you will be less hungry as opposed to when you cannot get food.
This is probably so the HGH lowers blood sugar so you can focus better on obtaining food like an Hunter-Gatherer did.
Fasting is an amazing way to increase HGH.
Studies have indicated that fasting for 3 days can increase your HGH with 300%, and if you fast for 7 more days your HGH will increase by 1250%!

Increase protein intake.

Protein intake is essential for your hormones that make you grow.

But not just the quantity is important when it comes to protein, but also the quality.
The best quality proteins you can eat are from animal based products, such as
meat, eggs, dairy and fish.
You can’t really get good quality proteins from plant products.

That’s because plant proteins don’t contain a good amino acid profile or they have too many antinutrients.
A good example is soy, soy is one of the not many plants that contain a good amino acid profile, the problem is that soy is full of phytoestrogens and other antinutrients.

Diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to growing in height.

If your body doesn’t get the sufficient nutrients it needs to create bones it doesn’t matter how much you sleep or do these lengthening techniques.
It is also important your diet doesn’t spike insulin too much, because insulin and growth hormones are antagonists, more insulin is less growth hormones, that’s why I recommend an animal based diet containing: Meat, fish, eggs, dairy, fruits, honey and other animal products.
A diet like this doesn’t spike insulin because fructose doesn’t need insulin to go into the cell.
Ofcourse I don’t expect you to follow this precisely but atleast stay away from complex carbs then like grains, roots and seeds as they spike insulin the most.

Cow Milk
Lets start with one of the best foods you NEED to consume to increase height.
Cow milk is what a calf drinks to grow into a big cow. It holds all the essential building blocks your body needs to grow bigger. It even contains growth hormones like IGF-1.

Unfortunately a lot of people drink pasteurized milk nowadays. Which has all the amino acids, growth hormones, peptides, vitamins and minerals damaged because of the heating.
That’s why i recommend drinking RAW MILK which contains all the essential nutrients your body needs to grow.

Essential micronutrients

Micronutrients in general are a super-complex topic and I could really go in depth about it and write 20 paragraphs for each nutrient. But I will spare you guys the rant and just talk about the micronutrients you need for bone grwoth and how you to obtain them.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays many roles in your body of which bone growth is one.

There are two versions of Vitamin A: Retinol and beta-Carotene. Retinol is a more 12 times stronger form of Vitamin A as opposed to beta-Carotene. Retinol is mostly found in animal products while beta-Carotene is found in plant products. For bone growth it is best to focus on consuming Retinol instead of beta-Carotenes.

Foods high in Retinol:
Egg yolks
Any animal liver
Fish like Salmon or Mackerel

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is actually a hormone and is crucial for bone growth.
Best source by far for Vitamin D is the sun because Vitamin D in food works less effective, but it’s always good to get some Vitamin D from food when you can’t get it from the sun.

Vitamin D rich foods:
Fatty fish

Vitamin K2
One of the most forgotten but important micronutrients there is.
Vitamin K exists of K1 and K2 of which K2 is the most important. Again K2 is mostly found in animal products or fermented foods.

Foods rich in K2:
Beef Liver

You probably already know that this mineral is important for bones. Important with minerals is that you keep a good balance between all of them. If you supplement calcium it is also important to keep track of your Vitamin D, magnesium and phosphor levels.

Foods rich in Calcium:
Dairy products
Winter squash
Egg shells (Yes, you can eat those)

Zinc is a mineral almost everyone is lacking in nowadays. Vegans lack this mineral the most as this mineral is only found in big amount in animal products. Zinc is found to aid in bone growth and boosts growth hormones responsible for bone growth.

Foods high in Zinc:
Other Shellfish
Red meat

Bones are made of collagen, not calcium like everyone will tell you. Collagen is only fund in Animal products and is also synthesized by the body. Your body needs amino acids and vitamin C to create collagen.

Foods high in collagen:
Bone broth

Vitamin C
This vitamin is needed for your body to synthesize collagen in the bones so it’s neede for bone growth and growing taller.
Foods rich in vitamin C:
Bell peppers
Citrus fruits

These stretches are directed toward your spine, abdominals, chest and neck. The stretches make you taller but the height is NOT permanent. It is important to keep good posture, stay hydrated and to not stress too much.
Good posture makes sure your torso is not compressed, you avoid compression by avoiding upright sitting and slouched sitting, instead sit in a reversed slouched sitting position.

While most of the stretching height gains are NOT permanent it can help to make you have a permanent height gains since it gives tension on the bones and tension on bones will eventually make them grow.

The Cobra Stretch:
The Cobra Stretch is a stretch that resembles a Cobra rising up from the ground. It is a great way to stretch out your torso and tight abs.
How to do the Cobra stretch:
  1. Begin by lying prone (face down) on the floor with your toes pointed down.
  2. By pressing your palms into the ground, lift your chest and torso off the floor until your arms are straight.
  3. Press your feet and hips into the ground (this will prevent them from coming off the ground as you push your upper body up).

cobra stretch

Dead hangs:
Dead hangs are a very easy stretch that stretches your torso very well.
How to dead hang:
  1. Start by grabbing a bar or another high object of which you can hang like a door.
  2. Hang from this object and relax your body but try to keep straight posture while hanging.
  3. Try to hang until your wrists give up.
Afbeelding met staandAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Cat stretch:
The cat stretch is exactly like what it sounds like because it mimics how a cat would stretch. And is a great excercise for stretching and lubricating the torso.
How to do the cat stretch:
  1. Get on all fours so that your knees are under your hips and your palms are under your shoulders.
  2. Look forward, inhale, and lightly engage your core.
  3. Round/flex your back to get a good stretch while simultaneously tucking your chin into your chest and exhaling. Hold for a few seconds.
  4. Return to a neutral torso and repeat.
click to play the video

Toe touching:
Toe touching is a stretch that is performed like the name already says and is another great excercise to stretch the torso and spine.
  1. Stand straight with your feet at a shoulder-wide distance to each other.
  2. Keep your toes facing forward throughout the toe touch exercises.
  3. In the starting position, you have to keep your arms by your side, legs straight, and knees a little bent.
  4. Bend forward from the torso and try to touch your toes with your fingers.
  5. Keep your body loose as it will help you in touching the toes.
  6. Reach as low as you can and hold this pose for 20 counts.
  7. Return to the position where you started the touching toes exercise and then repeat.
Afbeelding met muur, persoon, broekAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Neck stretch:
Stretches aimed to stretch your neck

  1. Stand upright with a straight neck.
  2. Stretch your neck to the left over your left shoulder for 10 seconds.
  3. Do the same to the right side for 10 seconds.
  4. Now put your head back as far as you can and look at the ceiling for 10 seconds.
  5. Keep standing straight but now stretch the back of your neck by looking at the floor for 10 seconds
  6. Roll your head around for 10 seconds
  7. Repeat this 3 times

Chest stretch:
Stretches aimed to stretch your chest
  1. Hold the stretch like in the picture below.
  2. Stand straight while holding hands.
  3. Breathe all your air out.
  4. Look up.
  5. Feel the stretch and hold for 20 seconds

Afbeelding met vrouw, persoon, kleding, muurAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Leg lengthening
Increasing height in legs is quite tricky especially if
you’ve passed the puberty stage but it’s not
impossible because I managed to do it, there are
individuals who did it as you will read later and you
too can do it if you’re steadfast.
There are three ways you can successfully increase
your leg length.
1. Cycling with a raised seat
2. Using ankle weights or resistance bands
3. Doing plenty of jumps every day.

Cycling with raised seat
This method can increase your shinbones by 2 to 3 inches in 3 years.
Maximized HGH is crucial for this to happen.
What you need:
-Stationary bike with adjustable seat
-10 minutes a day

How to do it:

This technique is actually very simple and does not take that much time to do.
It basically consists of you cycling on a stationary bike with a raised seat so your legs are reaching fort he pedals.

You start by raising the seat by 1/4th of an inch. After you have grown 1/4th of an inch you increase the height of the seat again with 1/4th of an inch.

It’s very important that you don’t raise the seat too much, because when the seat is too high cycling is almost impossible and you won’t grow

Don’t cycle too fast or with too much power trying to have the highest speed, rather focus on the technique.
You want to fully stretch the leg down and reach for the pedal with the arch of your foot (inside the tringle on picture below) and to really feel that stretch. If the technique is done wrong you won’t grow.

Do this technique for atleast 15 minutes everyday on a stationary bike.

This technique is very easy and doesn’t take that much time.
You can expect 1 inch in shinbone length in four months!

Microfracturing method
This technique is GUARANTEED to make you grow if done correctly, but will take around 2 hours a day and you need to be very disciplined and dedicated for this method.
There really is no know maximum amount you can grow with this technique so if you are really consistent you can grow a LOT.

What you need
  • At least 2 hours a day for maximum results
  • A good quality resistance band
  • Ankle weights

How to do it
  1. Create microfractures
  2. Stretch microfractures
  3. Heal microfractures
  4. Sleep

Step 1
Create the sufficient microfractures, this is done by putting pressure and resistance on the bones, when there is sufficient pressure and resistance, your bones will get small fractures which are called microfractures.
Microfractures can be created in a lot of ways because all it really needs is force that is put on the bone.
You can create microfractures by:
  • Jumping
  • Kicking against a punching bag
  • Running or Sprinting
  • Dancing
  • Skipping rope
These excercises should be done for 40 minutes a day and try to get as much resistance on the shinbone as possible. For example: try to jump as much on one leg or kick as hard as you can.
You want to create these microfractures so you can grow taller. If you have created these microfractures, your body will heal and fill up these microfractures and this results in a thicker bone.

Step 2
The reason your bones grow thicker but not longer when these microfractures are filled up is because of gravity.
That’s why you need to eliminate gravity by using counterforce such as: heavy weight or good quality resistance bands that pull on a body part such as the ankle in the vertical direction which will stretch the bone to get longer instead of thicker.
Shinbone5 minutes after you’ve created these microfracture you want to be stretching them.
My favourite way is to stretch them by using a tight resistance band attached to my ankles.

Step 3
Keep your limb stretched like this for an entire hour, so your bones will grow in length, but make sure the resistance band or ankle weight pulls on the bone instead of the joints and ligaments.
After that hour is done you should stop for a maximum of 10 minutes to restore blood flow and continue stretching again for 40 minutes. DON’T COMPRESS YOUR LEGS IN ANY WAY. That is so important because if you walk or stand your legs will compress and gravity will hinder you from growing in length.

Step 4
You want to do all these things in the evening right before going to sleep, so you don’t have to leave your bed and compress your bones after doing these excercises and can grow overnight for optimal results.
For even more results you can stretch yourself while sleeping on the shinbone with resistance bands.

How do you know you have enough microfractures?
  • Feeling of slight pain in the shin bone or on the side.
  • will be sensitive to touch.
  • When you move or put pressure on the shinbone by jumping you feel a sharp pain on the shinbone or on the side of it.

Collarbone technique
Repeat exercise 1 and 2 as instructed over a
period of time and you should see positive results, guaranteed.

How long it takes for results to show will vary from person to person.

Overall you should notice a slight improvement in just 2/3 months, results may be harder to notice if you are exercising your shoulder muscles with weights at the same time. If you don’t, don’t panic, do not make the mistake of giving up at that point, some individuals may take a month later to achieve lift off.

Generally by the 5 – 6 months period into our program, most people should experience noticeable improvements.

If you have managed to achieve lift off within the period of the first 2‐3 months, you should be able to achieve the visible improvements of bone growth akin to the before and after pictures up on our website.

Once you achieve lift off, you should be able to maintain a steady ‘gradual’ growth rate if
you stick to the program rigidly and providing you stay sick and injury free. At that stage
your overall physique will ultimately determine how wide you can/want to be.
Because the gains are very gradual, some people are not aware of the improvements until they look back at their pictures they have of taken of themselves 6 months ago. So it’s in your interest to take some before pictures for reference later.
Our program has been tested and proven to us and to our users to effectively widen the shoulder bones over a period of time.

Excercise 1
For the starting position you need to position yourself in the middle of a room with about one and a half arms length of space in front and behind you.
You need to be standing in an upright position with both feet slightly apart. You should straighten both of your arms and have them relaxed by your sides. That is your starting position.
From the established starting position you begin ‘exercise 1’ by rotating (slow to begin with) nothing but one arm (either left or right arm) anticlockwise (keeping your arm straight) so your arm would appear to be making a windmill effect (try and make full circles with the arm).
Keep the rotations going with the same arm, as soon as you’ve got the first arm rotating like a windmill, start rotating the other arm in exactly the same way but alternating the rotations so both of your arms would appear to be mimicking a reverse backstroke in swimming (a reverse backstroke because the rotations of the arms in a back stroke are clockwise, while exercise1 requires you to rotate both of your arms anticlockwise).
Now you’ve got both arms rotating alternatively anticlockwise, gradually pick up the pace (keep it slow), keeping the rest of your body still as possible, the only parts of your body that should be in motion are your arms and nothing else, bend your knees slightly if it helps to keep you steady.

Excercise 2
Exercise 2 is more or less the same as exercise 1. The ONLY difference is, in exercise 2, the rotations of the arms are not alternated but synchronised similar to a 'breast stroke' in swimming.
Basically in exercise 2 you will need to start in the same position as ‘exercise 1’ and just like in exercise 1 you will need to windmill both of your arms in an anticlockwise direction, but instead of performing alternated arm rotations as in exercise 1, with exercise 2 you would need to be synchronising both of your arm rotations (almost mimicking a breast stroke).
Again try to make full circles with both arms.

Forearms and fingers
For the starting position you need to position yourself anywhere in a room with about
one and a half arms length of space in front of you.

You need to be standing in an upright standing position with both of your arms straightened and relaxed by your sides and with both feet slightly apart. That is your starting position.
From the starting position you will need to raise both of your arms (without bending them) about 90 degrees vertically upwards in front of you.
From this new position, you will need to shake both hands in the ‘exact’ same way as you would do if you were to shake your hands dry after washing your hands.
You will need to repeat the shaking hands dry exercise so that you become familiar with that exercise.
The shaking hands dry exercise is the exercise that is recognised to lengthen the fingers.
Make sure your fingers feel the thrust at the end of every shake of your hands.
Once you are familiar with the shaking hands dry exercise, you can then modify that exercise to transform it into the exercise that will lengthen your forearms.

To do that you will need to repeat the shaking hands dry exercise but this time with both of your hands closed into a fist shape without clenching your fists.

It’s very important you keep your hands closed and relaxed but not clenched
tightly so that it gives you the flexibility to shake your hands in that position. When you
perform the shaking hands dry exercise with your hands closed but not clenched, you will
be performing the longer forearms exercise. As basic as it is, that is the longer forearms

To get your wrist accustomed to the exercises and avoid straining and injuries, you should do
no more than 200 repeated handshakes on your very first day.

You may experience slight soreness in your wrists after the first day. If you do, you should rest for a day before your next longer arms exercise routine, if not repeat the exercise the following day and increase the number of handshakes (with your hands closed but not clenched) to 240 in your next routine.

Whether if you feel any soreness or not the day after your second routine, you should rest for a day, but if you experience excessive soreness then you should rest for 2‐3 days and do not perform anymore exercises until your wrists feel normal again.
In your next longer forearms exercise routine you should be performing 280 handshakes.
The pattern here is you should increase the number of handshakes (with your hands closed but not clenched) in increments of 40 handshakes between each exercise routine until you reach our recommended maximum amount, and if at anytime between each routine you feel any soreness in your wrists, you should rest between 1‐3 days depending on the level of soreness you’re experiencing before starting your next exercise routine.
Once you have manage to build up your wrist’s resistance to the maximum handshakes recommended for the exercise, you then should be able to sustain the maximum number of handshakes in every routine without experiencing any excessive side effects.
Accustoming your wrists to the longer arms exercise routine is very important if you are to succeed. The biggest mistake one can make is rush things in the beginning where it’s not entirely necessary, just bear in mind it’s not sprint it’s a marathon.

Succes stories

The story of Leo
When I was 23 years old, I used to cycle to
college which was about 10
miles away- so there and back is 20 miles in
total. I read somewhere about increasing
saddle height so your legs are stretched when you
cycle - so it gives a slight pull on the legs. It's
bloody sore to start off with but you get used
to it after a week.

I done this every day for 4 months (along
with plenty of protein drinks) and increased
the length of my legs by over 2.5 inches -
increasing saddle height 1/4 inch every few

I honestly believe that any one regardless of
age can achieve this and more - the legs are
literally forced to grow to accommodate all
that pulling and stretching.

But I never see anyone else singing the
praises of cycling to increase height - am I
the only one?

The story of Anonymous
“Cycling for height”
July 10 2002 at 5:31 AM

Anonymous: Well, I don't know if this is true
but I know I increased the length of my legs a
few years ago by doing the cycling exercise
whereby you have to make sure your legs are
fully stretched.

I used to cycle 15 miles a day and the growth
was really rapid - and I was 27 years old. I'm
surprised this sort of thing isn't featured more
on this forum as it really works.

Ann’s question for anonymous:

Was the height you gained in your legs permanent?
How much did you gain?

So simply cycling
should help or are there stretches/exercises
for the legs specifically that would get the
same results?

Anonymous ‘response:
Yes it was permanent.

I just made sure I cycled every day and I ate
a healthy diet supplemented with protein

I also got at least 8 hours sleep a night. I just
can't see why all you people find it so hard to
increase your height - it's easy.

If you put the effort in and stay healthy then
the growth will come.

An interesting point is that when I cycled for
just 6 to 7 miles a day not much happened but
when I cycled 15 miles every day then I really
noticed the increase.

I used to increase the
saddle height 1/4 almost every 2 weeks.

Anonymous’ other post:
“It was me who posted that”

Well I’m glad some people took some notice
of my post –I haven’t visited this site for a
while because nobody seemed interested in
this method of height increase.

Like I said, you have to do a lot of miles
almost every day to notice the effect... 5, 6, 7
miles isn’t enough.

You must do at least 15 miles of hard cycling
and make sure that your legs and feet are
stretching every time.

If you’re doing it properly – and eating
correctly – it should only take a couple of
weeks to gain 1⁄4 inch.

Obviously the younger you are the better the
results you are going to get but you can still
get good results no matter how old you are.

This is the best method of height increase I
know and more people should put the effort
in and at least give it a try.

Story of BG
I grew an inch from cycling. I joined a
serious cycling club and did about 40 kms a
I have grown from under 5’11 to 6’0, my goal
is 6’1. I was very pleased with this as I tried
100 other methods including hanging,
stretching and basketball, and I never grew a cm.

1 km = 0.621 mile... 40 km = 24.8 miles

Reply from 5ft8guy
September 11, 2003, 1:10 AM
For real? you grew by raising the saddle? I
used to ride my bike to work and I liked to
make my saddle height really high. I was

like 5'4.5 or 5'5 when I was 15 and I became
5'8 when I turned 16.
Then I got my driver's license and never bike
to work again and i never grew anymore.

Let me know if you kept on growing by
raising the saddle, I wanna know if it really
helps! keep this thread updated!

Story of Vulcrum (real name is Jeff)

Age : 15 years old.

Sex : Male

Grade : High school, will be in10th
grade this September ’06.

Ethnicity: Chinese

Before height : Under 5 feet 2

Shinbone experiment started : around
January 2006 .

Current height growth from shinbone
routine: 5 feet 4.5 inch in less than 5 months
(grown more than 2.5 inches) [as of May 12th

Mom’s height: 5’ 2”.

Dad’s height: 5’5”
Location: California (USA)
Summary: Jeff, on average, grew about 0.25 to
0.5 cm every week. His growth was very
rapid and consistent because he goes beyond
no man has ever gone before – running and
sprinting like a mad man!

What did Jeff do?
In Jeff’s own words...
“1. Run at top speed on the concrete street for about 20-30 min.
This may be difficult at first because it is hard to keep at top
speed for that long period of time.
But it's important that you run at top speed because it will
release a huge amount of GH. If you don't believe me, ask
any doctor or look it up.


week one:
I ran three miles a day without stopping in less
than 26 minutes. I was a short, slow, and I wasn't
the most athletic person in my class. On top of that
I had really short legs so it was pretty hard to for
me to run this fast.
. I didn't grow at all so I got angry and tried

week two (aka The Hell):
I ran around four miles a day in around half an
hour. The training was really killing me.
My grade dropped from all A's to 4 A's and 2 B's.
I didn't do most of my homework and I didn't
really care about school. All I wanted to do was
eat and sleep.
It was like hell to push myself to run every day.
Once I ran so hard, I felt blood come up to my
throat. I'm not even joking about this. I came home
and started spitting in the bathroom.
My spit was red and it scared me. But I just kept
on going and going.

week three:
three weeks of torture and still no progress was a
big disappointment.

I knew I was doing something wrong and I had
better change it fast. I went on the internet, read
some books, talked to a few doctors, and basically
did a little research.
I found out that the best way to increase your
hormone level is to do short and intense exercise
rather than long ones.
I also found out that if you don't stretch out the
microfractures you made, the bone will get thicker
but not longer.

week one:
Actually, it was probably the first weeks of month
two that I've notice growth.
It was around the end of the first month and the
beginning of the second month when miracle
began happening.
I went to church, prayed God, and changed my
routine to fast and intense exercises followed by a
method of stretching out microfractures.

I used to tape dumb bells to my leg which was
effective but extremely uncomfortable.
I would run for about five to seven minutes at my
maximum sprinting pace, rest for about ten to
fifteen minutes (I was so tired.
I was going to pass out, seriously) and run for
another five minutes.
The speed and intensity of the run is far more
important than the amount of time you spend
running, as I have learned the hard way.
According to doctors and experts, the intensity of
my training had enable me to produce about 400%
more growth hormone than normal jogging would
have offered.
I believe the reason most people fail to grow with
running is because they don't do it hard enough.
After the run I would go home, drink milk, stretch,
sleep with weights taped on my leg, and the
combination of 400% GH from exercise,
microfractures that's stretched out by weight, deep
quality sleep from being tired out, and the amount
of calcium.
I can absorb because of the exercise
had enable me to grow one solid cm by the end of
the week.

week two:
Now that I know how to grow taller, I kept on
running each night at a faster and faster pace for a
shorter amount of time.
I will run at super speed for about 30 seconds,
walk for a minute or two, and then run again at
super speed.
I was surprised that I can keep up with the
cars driving on the local street.
Even though I can only keep up with them for
about half a minute, it was still a good indication
that I was running at a pretty good pace.
I began enjoying this training. I was addicted to
the rush of hormone that followed each run.
I grew another .75 cm by the end of the week.
Since I always measure myself at night, I know the
height I gained is solid.

week three:
Picked up a pair of ankle weight after visiting a
sport store.

week one:
My legs are beginning to hurt.
First the muscles, then the bones. I would often
pull a few muscles each night and it really hurts.
My friends are beginning to notice my new height.
I lied to them and said that it must've been a late
growth spurt because I know they are too dumb to
understand what's really happening.
The compliments keep me going. I was more than
three inches shorter than my dad and now I am
only about an inch or so shorter.
I grew about 1 1/4 inches. in these three month and
I was on fire.

week two:
Muscle pain got better but the bone pain got
It hurts to walk and I can seriously feel the

microfractures in my leg from all that hard-
concrete pounding.

I decided to ignore the pain. Big mistake. When I
measured this weekend, I shrank a little.
I did a little research and decided that the newly
formed bone must be compressing from the
I decided to listen to my body and take time to
heal the microfractures before continuing the
week three:
Switched from high intensity running to
Swimming helps me further increase the
production of GH while stretching and healing my


Resting and healing the microfractures has given
me close two permanent inches. I know it’s
permanent because I always measure at night
when I'm the shortest.

MONTH FIVE (which is now) May 8th, 2006

I stopped swimming and now I'm back into
running, fracturing my bones, and healing my
My leg bones are now a lot thicker and longer.
I moved from a size 12 regular pant to a size 14
regular pant and from 8 to an 8.5 pair of shoes.
I now stand about the same height as my father,
which is pretty incredible because only a few
months ago.
I was considerably shorter than him.

Well, that's my story. If I keep going at this speed,
I should get to 5' 7" by the end of the year, no
The year after that I'll be like 5' 11".
The point is to keep the progress consistent.
One thing I learned is that you should learn to
listen to your heart and your body.
If your heart tells you to do whatever it takes to
make a truly special girl really happy, then you
should listen to it and die for her.
If your body tells you that you should take a few
weeks to heal your microfractures, you should do

“I stopped growing a year or two ago and my recent
growth has been very rapid – 0.25 to 0.5 cm every
week. I’ve grown a total of 2.5 inches in the legs
within 5 months. Whether it’s a growth spurt or not,
there is a very REAL connection between my
INTENSE routine and recent growth. Read my story
very carefully and then draw your conclusion.” –

Story of Evan
Good day,
Of course, I will not disclose my real name, so let's
just believe it is Evan Svensson.
I am male, just turned 23, and have been doing the
shinbone routine for approximately three months.
While I saw absolutely no results at first, I realized I
was not creating sufficient microfractures.
I was relying on my gym routine to create them and
found out that it was not enough.
In fact, cycling and such doesn't create any since
there's no impact, despite that it is good exercise for
the legs, and could even help them in the effort.
At this time, I started my own separate routine
specifically for shin bone growth.

I jog, in place, in my room with 10 pounds of ankle
weights for 30-60 minutes, between moderate and
fast pace, making sure my feet hit the ground
Then I immediately sit (lying down, actually) with
around 25 pounds strapped to my legs for 1-2 hours,
then I go to sleep, without standing until the

I don't sleep with the ankle weights on, though, I
can't get used to it.
What has me baffled is that I am 95% percent certain
that I grew 1/4 an inch in the past two weeks.
Now that I properly modified the routine, I think it is

Two weeks ago, I measured (at about 10:30 at night)
at 5'10" exactly, then the next week 5'10" and 1/8,
then today 5'10" and 1/4.
I even feel a bit taller in relation to everyone else.

What has me baffled is that I am 95% percent certain
that I grew 1/4 an inch in the past two weeks, now
that I properly modified the routine.

I think it is working, two weeks ago I measured (at
about 10:30 at night) at 5'10" exactly, then the next
week 5'10" and 1/8, then today 5'10" and 1/4.
I even feel a bit taller in relation to everyone else.

How does that happen with only a quarter inch???
And I think the routine did this because my shins
definitely look a little bit longer.
This really gives me hope because if I continue this
rate, I could theoretically gain several inches over
the next year or two.
My goal is to gain around 3", but if I could get more
than that, I will try hard to do so.
In fact, I think I could start growing at a faster rate if
I ramp up the intensity of the jogging.
I actually feel the sensation of my shin bones being
"pushed out" or stretched from the inside sometimes,
and it feels strange, did Jeff report this?
Well, I have said a lot, and the only reason I am
writing to tell you guys all this is because I am
convinced the shin bone routine works.

It doesn't mean it is a miracle technique, but again, I
am sure of it that it causes growth.

Ouch, was Jeff disappointed? I don't know, I'd be
pretty happy with a 2.5" gain, but I'm a lot taller than
However, I don't see why most people can't gain
something substantial with a combination of leg and
spine growth and a lot of work.
But to answer your questions, yes, I jog with 10
pounds on each leg, and sit with 25 pounds on each
leg afterward, then I sleep after that without
standing, to keep the microfractures from
compressing before they have 8 hours or so to heal.
I take multivitamins and drink more milk than most
people, but I don't think that alone does anything for

I think's it's necessary to keep from being
perpetually exhausted.I don't think you have
compromise your energy to the extreme (as Jeff did)
to achieve growth, but time will give me that
But I should probably try adding more weight and
sitting with the weights for longer, and jogging for
longer as well.
I think longer duration does create more
microfractures which is always a good thing in the
way of this technique.
But, again, I'll find out with time. I'll contact you
if/when I hit the 1/2" mark. Thanks.
Just letting you know, you told me to contact you
guys again when I reached the 1/2" mark, and I
measured again yesterday to find that is exactly what
has taken place.

I'm pretty sure of it because I measured in the
evening, and I was on my feet all day.
I think at this point, there's still no telling what is
causing this, but I have concluded that I am growing
about 1/8 an inch every week.
I've yet to get myself to grow faster, but I am
working on that at the moment.

My goal is to reach 6'0" by the fall, but I am hoping
I can surpass that, even. If you have any questions,
let me know.
I'll give you all the information you need, but to
answer question one,
I do not have any before pictures, but I'm not sure if
it is time to send in after pictures just yet, why don't we wait, once again until about September or October, because I am fairly convinced that I will have achieved substantial growth since then.

If I do decide to submit any pictures, it will be of the
legs only, for privacy reasons.
The legs already look significantly longer after just
1/2" so if I manage to pick up 2 or 3 inches in all, the
length of the shins as seen in the photos won't lie,

If you study the proportions of people, you'll see that
most people's lower legs are not that long, even
those above 6'.
Suggesting the shin bone might be the little-known
window for height increase.
To answer question 2, my original height is 5'10",
I'm Male, around 151lbs, I live in New Haven, Connecticut.
I'm 23 years old, and Caucasian (of
English descent to be precise).

My current height is
5'10" and a half, in light of my recent routine. My
goal is to reach 6'0" by the fall of this year, which I
think is doable, but with a combination of leg and
spine growth, I'm actually hoping to be around 6'3"
within five years, but that is a big undertaking, not
so sure that could happen. In short, I am convinced I
am growing around 1/8" every week, since around
March 3 or so, when I modified the routine to be
more effective. My mother is around 5'3", my father
is 6'1".

I must note that I am not entirely sure that my
growth plates are closed. Though I have not grown
naturally since I was around 20.

I still have the face and body of a teen; I'm actually
routinely mistaken for a 16-year-old.
The reason I mention all this, is because it suggests
my bones aren't all that mature yet, that probably
bears some significance in my case.
But one thing I can say is that I am fairly sure my
newfound growth was in the shins, they look
decidedly longer, and somehow.
I feel I can run a little bit faster on the treadmill
now, you aspiring runners might want to keep that in
After reading Jeff’s story through and through, I
decided to change the routine to ensure many
microfractures are created and that they are stretched
out while they are "fresh".
My routine is as follows:

1.) Jog for around 30-60 minutes with 5kgs of
ankle weights attached to EACH LEG. Take
a 1-2-minute break about once every 10-15

It all depends on how athletic you are.
I, being quite active, could handle it, but
please, don't hurt yourself, such action is
NOT NECESSARY to achieve growth (I'll
get to that later).

2.) Take five to ten minutes to make so your
night regimen is done.
3.) Strap 25 pounds of ankle weights to EACH
LEG, and lie down with the legs extended
over the bed front bedpost and stay that way
for 1-2 hours.

If it starts to feel a bit intolerable after about
50 minutes, I think it is a sure sign it is
But don't allow yourself to suffer extreme
pain, sometimes,
I try taking the weights off for ten minutes,
then going another hour before sleeping. It
pays to have a high bed, by the way, get one
if you can.
Mine is almost four feet off the ground.

And it helps, if your legs touch the ground at
all, it will hurt your progress because it
provides some relief from the weight.

It is imperative that you do not stand once
you start the final process, not until the next
I discovered this point from Jeff who stated
that once you step on the ground again, the
microfractures compress back down, and
thus, you're no better off than when you
started jogging.
Make sure your remotes are with you so you
can turn the TV, DVD, surround sound, etc.
off when you are ready to go to sleep.

I'll finally close with this: try not to tell
everyone you know about this routine, I've
told no one besides you guys. I mean, if
EVERYONE is tall, is height so great?

The Ideal Ankle weights program or work plan.

9 pm: Begin jogging with 5 kg ankle weights for 40
minutes to create microfractures.

9:40 pm: Finished jogging. Take a few minutes to
rest and immediately get ready to stretch out the
microfractures by sitting or lying down with ankle

9:45 pm: Begin sitting or lying down with 5kg for 1
hour non-stop.

10:45 pm: Finished sitting/lying with ankle
weights? Take an 8-minute break to restore normal
blood circulation from the legs to the body. Do NOT
walk or stand.

10:55 pm: Resume sitting or lying down with ankle
weights for 40 minutes non-stop.

11:35 pm: Finished sitting/lying with ankle
weights? Go to sleep immediately to allow the
stretched microfractures to heal and recover.
Do NOT stand or walk around because you may
compress the shinbone.
After creating so much microfractures by sitting
with ankle weights, you may experience some
“stretching” sensations in your lower legs.

The story of Jieyagsen

“Hi guys, today I want to share with you guys about
my story for growing taller.
I was so obsessed with growing taller.
I searched online all over, but all I got were bull
It was just stretching all day long... even though that
does make you grow like a cm after all the pain for
pulling your legs for a year.
That won't get me to 6'0 for Sh*t!
And they even told you something like (your height is
pre-determined by your gene from your parent and
also exercise won't going to make you taller).
It likes telling you're doomed!! you can't do anything
it at all, just embrace it. I mean screwed that man...

So, I was 5'6 when I was 17, From 14 to 17 I only
grew 4 cm, which means 1 cm annually.
And I slept very late at night at around 3am.
So, I decided to change all of my bad habit, sleep
before 11 pm, no masturbating (masturbating will
cause your bone to fuse and mature faster).
Also, I started Running and Touching Sky!
I started running for 30 mins, and "Touching Sky"
which is jump as high as possible, arm trying to
reach something beyond your reach.
(imagine like you are jumping up trying to touch the
basketball backboard) jump 100-200 times a day
(Jump with full force).
I continued this exercise for entire 2 years every
single day it was very rough, my leg and shoulder
hurt a lot.
But i grew 7 inches!!!!!!!like you just have to be
consistent, it's not like you will grow 7 inches just
overnight, it’s the fact that you have to keep doing
every day!!
I’m currently 19 standing at 6'1, I’ll push to 6'2.

How does this work? So Running is most basic and
effective exercise.
Plus, it is a full body workout and it releases human
growth hormone to boost your height, it just makes
your body fit overall.
But the most important exercise is Jumping.
Ever wonder why people who play basketball are
usually taller?
Because when you are jumping, the gravity is
pulling your entire body down, so it is a natural
Touching Sky" is even more effective and better than
playing basketball, because even when you play
basketball you won't jump as much as just pure full
burst jumping.
Think of it as concentrated exercise that you jumped
more, and much higher, so the result is also
concentrated in one spot!
Also, you can run and jump anywhere, anytime, no
money to be spent.

Be sure to sleep before 11 pm though, because it was
important, if not all your exercise will be done in
I was just inspired by one of my 21-year-old friend
who also grew taller by 6 inches.
Just be consistent and exercise every day., You will
grow taller in no time. PEACE OUT!

The power of your mind

The mind is powerful and is unlimited, it only is limited once you start to believe so.
Here is the last succes story of a girl that used only the mind to grow:

The story of Angel

Dame and Sonalee, I kept telling myself that I'll
grow taller, felt it and acted as if I was really
taller. I did these things consciously for a while
but then I forgot about it totally. I just did not
bother about it anymore and went about my life.
After around 3 months I realized I had grown
taller because people started telling me I look
taller, everywhere I went!

Hey lovely people

I grew around 5 to 6 inches tall in 3 months, all
thanks to the lovely Universe who responded so
quickly to my desire.
I am getting quite some PMs asking me how I did
it. So I thought I will share it in a post here as it
will be helpful to anyone who needs it, and anyone
can access this even when I am not online and
hence not able to respond to PMs immediately.
I am copy pasting my story, which I just shared
with one of our members in a PM.

Before telling you what and how I manifested my
I'll share a small incident with you. It makes me
smile every time I think of it.
A couple of days back, my boyfriend's mother
came home.
After talking casually for a while, she suddenly
exclaimed 'Hey you look really tall. Is it because of
your dress?' I said 'No I have grown tall really'.
She kinda made fun of me and said 'Oh ya, right!
How can you grow at this age (I am 21 years
old)?' I just smiled and said 'Its possible'.

The reason I am telling you this is, most people
have preconceived notions about everything,

EVERYTHING! Can you believe that?? They tend
to believe that there is a limitation in everything
which includes our physical growth.
They also believe that physical growth, especially
height, is by large beyond our control. When living
in the midst of such people, we also tend to absorb
those beliefs subconsciously.
Has this happened to you? It definitely happened
to me. So once upon a time, I truly believed that
after puberty girls' growth becomes slow.
And guess what, I actually stopped growing pretty
much after puberty! I was 5' 2" and the tallest in
class when I was 11 years old (thats when I
attained puberty) and by 18 years I was just 5' 3"!!
I hadn’t grown more than an inch in 7 years
because I believed that was not possible.

Then I learnt about LOA a couple of years ago
and started manifesting many things. Only a few
months back I decided to increase my height with
this knowledge. Here is what I did:

I got clear with how tall I wanted to grow. I
wanted to be 5' 9". I decided NEVER to think that I
am short. If someone commented that I am short I
would just ignore it.
I decided not to 'try' to grow tall because then I
would just keep attracting 'trying'! So, I started
acting 'as if' I am tall. I would just close my eyes
and feel nice, proud and confident because of my
new height I was about to get into.
I am not very good at visualization so I instead
focused on 'feeling' taller rather than 'imagining'
myself taller.

Then I did some stretching exercises (which was a
part of my dance warm-up sessions anyways) just
to convince my mind that I am taking rational
I didn’t spend much time exercising though.
That’s it.
After a while I totally forgot about growing tall. I
got busy with other work and stuff. Suddenly
people started telling me that I look taller.
So, I checked my height and I was 5'8"!! Just one
inch lesser than what I wanted. But now I feel this
height is good. 5'9" could have looked a little
manly for me. That’s my story. Feel free to ask me
anything more!
All the best
Lots of love

I am living the life of my dreams...NOW

Mistakes to avoid

Stretching inconsistency

Most of the height you gain in torso is not permanent. Well at least not yet. You see, when you stretch you decompress your spine, when your spine is compressed you will be less tall, but it also hinders further growth of bones.
You want tension on the bones not compression that’s why you need to be stretching so your bones are not compressed.

Lack of urgency

Lack of urgency, you don’t want it bad enough, and because you don’t want it bad enough, you end up not doing the techniques, doing them incosistent and end up not growing.
If you have a lack of urgency you will stay consistent and grow faster.

Not shutting up

When you go around and tell everyone that you are increasing height, people will think less of you, people think more of someone when it seems to come effortlessly.
Also if you talk about what you are going to do, you are less likely to actually do it.
So stop talking to everybody and tell them your plans and let the results speak for themselves.

Forgetting Growth hormones

Growth hormones are essential for bone growth. While microfracturing and raised seat cycling make sure the growth is vertical, it doesn’t matter if there is no growth at all.
Growth hormones make sure you grow so make sure you have plenty of em.

Inconsistent and bad sleep

Almost all bone is grown during sleep and almost all Growth hormones are also released during sleep. Make sure you have quantitative and high quality sleep.

Not believing
“You can’t win if you have never dreamed of winning”
It simply is impossible for you to reach a goal if you have never thought about reaching that goal.

Thanks for purchasing this ebook.
Allat to get cucked by a facially attractive short kang
I will talk about how you can gain length in:

  1. Abdomen
  2. Femurs
  3. Shinbones
  4. Fingers
  5. Forearms
  6. Collarbone
  7. Spine

All you need for this is:
  1. Time
  2. Stationary bike with adjustable seat
  3. Resistance bands
  4. Dedication

What you need to ditch:
  1. Nicotine
  2. Alcohol
  3. Processed foods
  4. Bad sleep


Growth is influenced by multiple hormones,
environment, lifestyle and genetics.

The hormones that play the biggest role on growth such as HGH are created in the pituitary gland.
If you want to grow you need to know about hormones as they are crucial for bone formation.

What is HGH?

HGH is a hormone produced by the pituitary
gland located inside the Sphenoid bone.

It stimulates the growth of muscle,
cartilage, and bones.

HGH production reaches it’s peak in in the younger years of a person.

HGH is commonly used for children that are lacking vertical growth.
HGH is mostly produced in the first two hours of sleep and after excercising.

The most HGH is produced during the night. HGH has a lot of other functions in the body such as muscle building or skin elasticity.
HGH also increases levels of IGF-1

H.G.H is also used as anti-aging treatment Because of the importance of the H.G.H to
the biology of your body.

Injecting HGH into your body is probably not the best idea as it can have a lot of negative side effects.
Cells will grow faster so it could accelerate the growth of cancer cells too.

IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1)

Is a hormone produced in the liver and other organs
in response to HGH.

The highest rates of IGF-1 occur during puberty.

IGF-1 influences the effect HGH has on your body.
When HGH is released, it stimulates the liver to
produce IGF-1.
IGF-1 then is used by the body to heal and grow almost every cell in your body.

Protein intake is ESSENTIAL for IGF-1 levels in humans.

  • Somatostatin (Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone).
is a hormone produced in
the nervous system and the gut.

Somatostatin inhibits your HGH and IGF-1.
Somatostatin levels that are too low can cause
hormonal inbalances.


Ghrelin is a peptide that increases HGH release.
Most of the Ghrelin is produced by the gut.

Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty and release of this peptide stop fully when the stomach is full.

How to maximize HGH?


It has been proven that lifting heavy weights (5-8 reps until failure) boosts HGH very noticably in a short period.

While I also don’t recommend lifting weights because it can compress your body so your bones won’t grow.

HIIT (High intensity interval training) is a better alternative to weightlifting. HIIT exists from doing excercises without rest for something like 20 minutes to get to 85% of your maximum hearth rate.

Sleep is the most important factor when it comes to growth hormones. But a lot of people are still getting suboptimal sleep. So I am going to teach you how to optimize sleep to benefit your growth hormone levels.
During the night your pineal gland produces melatonin, a hormone and antioxidant that helps you to fall asleep and have a higher quality of sleep.
I would advise against taking melatonin as a supplement as you should optimize your lifestyle first.
Things that decrease melatonin:

• Fluoride. (brush teeth with water or coconut oil)
• Stress/Cortisol. (keep calm)
• Artificial blue light. (wear blue light blockers)
• EMF exposure (turn your wifi router off at night.
• Fasting (eat some fructose before bed)
• Folate, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies.
• Caffeine (no coffee)
• Vitamin D before Sleep (don’t take Vitamin D supplements right before bed)

Things that increase melatonin:

• Optimizing your circadian rhythm.
• Minimizing light during sleep and in the evening. (keep room dark)
• Sufficient sunlight exposure during the day.
• Sufficient exercise during the day. (tired body = tired brain)
• Sufficient protein intake (2g/kg bodyweight).
• Earthing/grounding during the day.
• Sufficient.
• Eating pineapple natural raises melatonin levels.
The circadian rhtyhm is your sleep-wake cycle, the internal clock of the body. When the circadian rhtyhm is not in check it results in suboptimal sleep, which will affect your hormones.
The circadian rhythm regulates when which hormones are released: cortisol and testosterone to wake you up in the morning, melatonin to help you sleep at night. The circadian rhythm determines when these hormones are released
This is why going to bed early or sleeping for 10+ hours won’t always mean good sleep, You have to wake up and go to sleep at times which align with your circadian rhythm
The most important influence on circadian rhythm is light.
You were designed to wake up when the sun rises and go to sleep after the sunset. Your body would know when it is day and night because of the light it is exposed to at that time of the day. If there was almost no light is was night, blue light meant it was daytime and red light meant there is a sunrise or a sunset.
Seeing the sunrise and sunset every day is one of the fastest ways to obtain a correct circadian rhythm. But you should also limit blue light exposure after sunset, because this hacks your brain into thinking it is still daytime, lowering the levels of melatonin in your body, so you will be less tired at night, resulting in you having a harder time to fall asleep.
In the modern world we are always using some kind of electronic device that emits blue light. The best would bet o stop being on your phone at night, but that isn’t really an option anymore in the modern world.
Best ways to limit blue light exposure: Blue light blocking glasses, candles or red light instead of blue light, activating the blue light filter on your phone or install a prgram like f.lux.
So for you to have an optimal circadian rhythm you have to use light to your advantage:
Limit blue light exposure after sunset, watch the sunrise and sunset daily and try to keep your room dark during sleep(not pitch black).
Temperature also influences circadian rhythm but plays a smaller role as opposed to light. It is very simple try to keep your room cold when you are sleeping.
One of the things I also like to do to help me sleep besides wearing blue light blocking glasses and go to bed early is drinking a sleep cocktail. This cocktail consists of a few ingredients:
  1. Chamomile tea made with mineral water
  2. Honey
  3. Glycine
  4. L-Theanine
  5. Magnesium Bicarbonate
This cocktail is very good and helps you to sleep like a baby.


I discussed Ghrelin earlier and how more Ghrelin results in more HGH and in result IGF-1

Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty but also when you know that you don’t have access to food.
If you have chosen to not eat food you will be less hungry as opposed to when you cannot get food.
This is probably so the HGH lowers blood sugar so you can focus better on obtaining food like an Hunter-Gatherer did.
Fasting is an amazing way to increase HGH.
Studies have indicated that fasting for 3 days can increase your HGH with 300%, and if you fast for 7 more days your HGH will increase by 1250%!

Increase protein intake.

Protein intake is essential for your hormones that make you grow.

But not just the quantity is important when it comes to protein, but also the quality.
The best quality proteins you can eat are from animal based products, such as
meat, eggs, dairy and fish.
You can’t really get good quality proteins from plant products.

That’s because plant proteins don’t contain a good amino acid profile or they have too many antinutrients.
A good example is soy, soy is one of the not many plants that contain a good amino acid profile, the problem is that soy is full of phytoestrogens and other antinutrients.

Diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to growing in height.

If your body doesn’t get the sufficient nutrients it needs to create bones it doesn’t matter how much you sleep or do these lengthening techniques.
It is also important your diet doesn’t spike insulin too much, because insulin and growth hormones are antagonists, more insulin is less growth hormones, that’s why I recommend an animal based diet containing: Meat, fish, eggs, dairy, fruits, honey and other animal products.
A diet like this doesn’t spike insulin because fructose doesn’t need insulin to go into the cell.
Ofcourse I don’t expect you to follow this precisely but atleast stay away from complex carbs then like grains, roots and seeds as they spike insulin the most.

Cow Milk
Lets start with one of the best foods you NEED to consume to increase height.
Cow milk is what a calf drinks to grow into a big cow. It holds all the essential building blocks your body needs to grow bigger. It even contains growth hormones like IGF-1.

Unfortunately a lot of people drink pasteurized milk nowadays. Which has all the amino acids, growth hormones, peptides, vitamins and minerals damaged because of the heating.
That’s why i recommend drinking RAW MILK which contains all the essential nutrients your body needs to grow.

Essential micronutrients

Micronutrients in general are a super-complex topic and I could really go in depth about it and write 20 paragraphs for each nutrient. But I will spare you guys the rant and just talk about the micronutrients you need for bone grwoth and how you to obtain them.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays many roles in your body of which bone growth is one.

There are two versions of Vitamin A: Retinol and beta-Carotene. Retinol is a more 12 times stronger form of Vitamin A as opposed to beta-Carotene. Retinol is mostly found in animal products while beta-Carotene is found in plant products. For bone growth it is best to focus on consuming Retinol instead of beta-Carotenes.

Foods high in Retinol:
Egg yolks
Any animal liver
Fish like Salmon or Mackerel

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is actually a hormone and is crucial for bone growth.
Best source by far for Vitamin D is the sun because Vitamin D in food works less effective, but it’s always good to get some Vitamin D from food when you can’t get it from the sun.

Vitamin D rich foods:
Fatty fish

Vitamin K2
One of the most forgotten but important micronutrients there is.
Vitamin K exists of K1 and K2 of which K2 is the most important. Again K2 is mostly found in animal products or fermented foods.

Foods rich in K2:
Beef Liver

You probably already know that this mineral is important for bones. Important with minerals is that you keep a good balance between all of them. If you supplement calcium it is also important to keep track of your Vitamin D, magnesium and phosphor levels.

Foods rich in Calcium:
Dairy products
Winter squash
Egg shells (Yes, you can eat those)

Zinc is a mineral almost everyone is lacking in nowadays. Vegans lack this mineral the most as this mineral is only found in big amount in animal products. Zinc is found to aid in bone growth and boosts growth hormones responsible for bone growth.

Foods high in Zinc:
Other Shellfish
Red meat

Bones are made of collagen, not calcium like everyone will tell you. Collagen is only fund in Animal products and is also synthesized by the body. Your body needs amino acids and vitamin C to create collagen.

Foods high in collagen:
Bone broth

Vitamin C
This vitamin is needed for your body to synthesize collagen in the bones so it’s neede for bone growth and growing taller.
Foods rich in vitamin C:
Bell peppers
Citrus fruits

These stretches are directed toward your spine, abdominals, chest and neck. The stretches make you taller but the height is NOT permanent. It is important to keep good posture, stay hydrated and to not stress too much.
Good posture makes sure your torso is not compressed, you avoid compression by avoiding upright sitting and slouched sitting, instead sit in a reversed slouched sitting position.

While most of the stretching height gains are NOT permanent it can help to make you have a permanent height gains since it gives tension on the bones and tension on bones will eventually make them grow.

The Cobra Stretch:
The Cobra Stretch is a stretch that resembles a Cobra rising up from the ground. It is a great way to stretch out your torso and tight abs.
How to do the Cobra stretch:
  1. Begin by lying prone (face down) on the floor with your toes pointed down.
  2. By pressing your palms into the ground, lift your chest and torso off the floor until your arms are straight.
  3. Press your feet and hips into the ground (this will prevent them from coming off the ground as you push your upper body up).

cobra stretch

Dead hangs:
Dead hangs are a very easy stretch that stretches your torso very well.
How to dead hang:
  1. Start by grabbing a bar or another high object of which you can hang like a door.
  2. Hang from this object and relax your body but try to keep straight posture while hanging.
  3. Try to hang until your wrists give up.
Afbeelding met staandAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Cat stretch:
The cat stretch is exactly like what it sounds like because it mimics how a cat would stretch. And is a great excercise for stretching and lubricating the torso.
How to do the cat stretch:
  1. Get on all fours so that your knees are under your hips and your palms are under your shoulders.
  2. Look forward, inhale, and lightly engage your core.
  3. Round/flex your back to get a good stretch while simultaneously tucking your chin into your chest and exhaling. Hold for a few seconds.
  4. Return to a neutral torso and repeat.
click to play the video

Toe touching:
Toe touching is a stretch that is performed like the name already says and is another great excercise to stretch the torso and spine.
  1. Stand straight with your feet at a shoulder-wide distance to each other.
  2. Keep your toes facing forward throughout the toe touch exercises.
  3. In the starting position, you have to keep your arms by your side, legs straight, and knees a little bent.
  4. Bend forward from the torso and try to touch your toes with your fingers.
  5. Keep your body loose as it will help you in touching the toes.
  6. Reach as low as you can and hold this pose for 20 counts.
  7. Return to the position where you started the touching toes exercise and then repeat.
Afbeelding met muur, persoon, broekAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Neck stretch:
Stretches aimed to stretch your neck

  1. Stand upright with a straight neck.
  2. Stretch your neck to the left over your left shoulder for 10 seconds.
  3. Do the same to the right side for 10 seconds.
  4. Now put your head back as far as you can and look at the ceiling for 10 seconds.
  5. Keep standing straight but now stretch the back of your neck by looking at the floor for 10 seconds
  6. Roll your head around for 10 seconds
  7. Repeat this 3 times

Chest stretch:
Stretches aimed to stretch your chest
  1. Hold the stretch like in the picture below.
  2. Stand straight while holding hands.
  3. Breathe all your air out.
  4. Look up.
  5. Feel the stretch and hold for 20 seconds

Afbeelding met vrouw, persoon, kleding, muurAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Leg lengthening
Increasing height in legs is quite tricky especially if
you’ve passed the puberty stage but it’s not
impossible because I managed to do it, there are
individuals who did it as you will read later and you
too can do it if you’re steadfast.
There are three ways you can successfully increase
your leg length.
1. Cycling with a raised seat
2. Using ankle weights or resistance bands
3. Doing plenty of jumps every day.

Cycling with raised seat
This method can increase your shinbones by 2 to 3 inches in 3 years.
Maximized HGH is crucial for this to happen.
What you need:
-Stationary bike with adjustable seat
-10 minutes a day

How to do it:

This technique is actually very simple and does not take that much time to do.
It basically consists of you cycling on a stationary bike with a raised seat so your legs are reaching fort he pedals.

You start by raising the seat by 1/4th of an inch. After you have grown 1/4th of an inch you increase the height of the seat again with 1/4th of an inch.

It’s very important that you don’t raise the seat too much, because when the seat is too high cycling is almost impossible and you won’t grow

Don’t cycle too fast or with too much power trying to have the highest speed, rather focus on the technique.
You want to fully stretch the leg down and reach for the pedal with the arch of your foot (inside the tringle on picture below) and to really feel that stretch. If the technique is done wrong you won’t grow.

Do this technique for atleast 15 minutes everyday on a stationary bike.

This technique is very easy and doesn’t take that much time.
You can expect 1 inch in shinbone length in four months!

Microfracturing method
This technique is GUARANTEED to make you grow if done correctly, but will take around 2 hours a day and you need to be very disciplined and dedicated for this method.
There really is no know maximum amount you can grow with this technique so if you are really consistent you can grow a LOT.

What you need
  • At least 2 hours a day for maximum results
  • A good quality resistance band
  • Ankle weights

How to do it
  1. Create microfractures
  2. Stretch microfractures
  3. Heal microfractures
  4. Sleep

Step 1
Create the sufficient microfractures, this is done by putting pressure and resistance on the bones, when there is sufficient pressure and resistance, your bones will get small fractures which are called microfractures.
Microfractures can be created in a lot of ways because all it really needs is force that is put on the bone.
You can create microfractures by:
  • Jumping
  • Kicking against a punching bag
  • Running or Sprinting
  • Dancing
  • Skipping rope
These excercises should be done for 40 minutes a day and try to get as much resistance on the shinbone as possible. For example: try to jump as much on one leg or kick as hard as you can.
You want to create these microfractures so you can grow taller. If you have created these microfractures, your body will heal and fill up these microfractures and this results in a thicker bone.

Step 2
The reason your bones grow thicker but not longer when these microfractures are filled up is because of gravity.
That’s why you need to eliminate gravity by using counterforce such as: heavy weight or good quality resistance bands that pull on a body part such as the ankle in the vertical direction which will stretch the bone to get longer instead of thicker.
Shinbone5 minutes after you’ve created these microfracture you want to be stretching them.
My favourite way is to stretch them by using a tight resistance band attached to my ankles.

Step 3
Keep your limb stretched like this for an entire hour, so your bones will grow in length, but make sure the resistance band or ankle weight pulls on the bone instead of the joints and ligaments.
After that hour is done you should stop for a maximum of 10 minutes to restore blood flow and continue stretching again for 40 minutes. DON’T COMPRESS YOUR LEGS IN ANY WAY. That is so important because if you walk or stand your legs will compress and gravity will hinder you from growing in length.

Step 4
You want to do all these things in the evening right before going to sleep, so you don’t have to leave your bed and compress your bones after doing these excercises and can grow overnight for optimal results.
For even more results you can stretch yourself while sleeping on the shinbone with resistance bands.

How do you know you have enough microfractures?
  • Feeling of slight pain in the shin bone or on the side.
  • will be sensitive to touch.
  • When you move or put pressure on the shinbone by jumping you feel a sharp pain on the shinbone or on the side of it.

Collarbone technique
Repeat exercise 1 and 2 as instructed over a
period of time and you should see positive results, guaranteed.

How long it takes for results to show will vary from person to person.

Overall you should notice a slight improvement in just 2/3 months, results may be harder to notice if you are exercising your shoulder muscles with weights at the same time. If you don’t, don’t panic, do not make the mistake of giving up at that point, some individuals may take a month later to achieve lift off.

Generally by the 5 – 6 months period into our program, most people should experience noticeable improvements.

If you have managed to achieve lift off within the period of the first 2‐3 months, you should be able to achieve the visible improvements of bone growth akin to the before and after pictures up on our website.

Once you achieve lift off, you should be able to maintain a steady ‘gradual’ growth rate if
you stick to the program rigidly and providing you stay sick and injury free. At that stage
your overall physique will ultimately determine how wide you can/want to be.
Because the gains are very gradual, some people are not aware of the improvements until they look back at their pictures they have of taken of themselves 6 months ago. So it’s in your interest to take some before pictures for reference later.
Our program has been tested and proven to us and to our users to effectively widen the shoulder bones over a period of time.

Excercise 1
For the starting position you need to position yourself in the middle of a room with about one and a half arms length of space in front and behind you.
You need to be standing in an upright position with both feet slightly apart. You should straighten both of your arms and have them relaxed by your sides. That is your starting position.
From the established starting position you begin ‘exercise 1’ by rotating (slow to begin with) nothing but one arm (either left or right arm) anticlockwise (keeping your arm straight) so your arm would appear to be making a windmill effect (try and make full circles with the arm).
Keep the rotations going with the same arm, as soon as you’ve got the first arm rotating like a windmill, start rotating the other arm in exactly the same way but alternating the rotations so both of your arms would appear to be mimicking a reverse backstroke in swimming (a reverse backstroke because the rotations of the arms in a back stroke are clockwise, while exercise1 requires you to rotate both of your arms anticlockwise).
Now you’ve got both arms rotating alternatively anticlockwise, gradually pick up the pace (keep it slow), keeping the rest of your body still as possible, the only parts of your body that should be in motion are your arms and nothing else, bend your knees slightly if it helps to keep you steady.

Excercise 2
Exercise 2 is more or less the same as exercise 1. The ONLY difference is, in exercise 2, the rotations of the arms are not alternated but synchronised similar to a 'breast stroke' in swimming.
Basically in exercise 2 you will need to start in the same position as ‘exercise 1’ and just like in exercise 1 you will need to windmill both of your arms in an anticlockwise direction, but instead of performing alternated arm rotations as in exercise 1, with exercise 2 you would need to be synchronising both of your arm rotations (almost mimicking a breast stroke).
Again try to make full circles with both arms.

Forearms and fingers
For the starting position you need to position yourself anywhere in a room with about
one and a half arms length of space in front of you.

You need to be standing in an upright standing position with both of your arms straightened and relaxed by your sides and with both feet slightly apart. That is your starting position.
From the starting position you will need to raise both of your arms (without bending them) about 90 degrees vertically upwards in front of you.
From this new position, you will need to shake both hands in the ‘exact’ same way as you would do if you were to shake your hands dry after washing your hands.
You will need to repeat the shaking hands dry exercise so that you become familiar with that exercise.
The shaking hands dry exercise is the exercise that is recognised to lengthen the fingers.
Make sure your fingers feel the thrust at the end of every shake of your hands.
Once you are familiar with the shaking hands dry exercise, you can then modify that exercise to transform it into the exercise that will lengthen your forearms.

To do that you will need to repeat the shaking hands dry exercise but this time with both of your hands closed into a fist shape without clenching your fists.

It’s very important you keep your hands closed and relaxed but not clenched
tightly so that it gives you the flexibility to shake your hands in that position. When you
perform the shaking hands dry exercise with your hands closed but not clenched, you will
be performing the longer forearms exercise. As basic as it is, that is the longer forearms

To get your wrist accustomed to the exercises and avoid straining and injuries, you should do
no more than 200 repeated handshakes on your very first day.

You may experience slight soreness in your wrists after the first day. If you do, you should rest for a day before your next longer arms exercise routine, if not repeat the exercise the following day and increase the number of handshakes (with your hands closed but not clenched) to 240 in your next routine.

Whether if you feel any soreness or not the day after your second routine, you should rest for a day, but if you experience excessive soreness then you should rest for 2‐3 days and do not perform anymore exercises until your wrists feel normal again.
In your next longer forearms exercise routine you should be performing 280 handshakes.
The pattern here is you should increase the number of handshakes (with your hands closed but not clenched) in increments of 40 handshakes between each exercise routine until you reach our recommended maximum amount, and if at anytime between each routine you feel any soreness in your wrists, you should rest between 1‐3 days depending on the level of soreness you’re experiencing before starting your next exercise routine.
Once you have manage to build up your wrist’s resistance to the maximum handshakes recommended for the exercise, you then should be able to sustain the maximum number of handshakes in every routine without experiencing any excessive side effects.
Accustoming your wrists to the longer arms exercise routine is very important if you are to succeed. The biggest mistake one can make is rush things in the beginning where it’s not entirely necessary, just bear in mind it’s not sprint it’s a marathon.

Succes stories

The story of Leo
When I was 23 years old, I used to cycle to
college which was about 10
miles away- so there and back is 20 miles in
total. I read somewhere about increasing
saddle height so your legs are stretched when you
cycle - so it gives a slight pull on the legs. It's
bloody sore to start off with but you get used
to it after a week.

I done this every day for 4 months (along
with plenty of protein drinks) and increased
the length of my legs by over 2.5 inches -
increasing saddle height 1/4 inch every few

I honestly believe that any one regardless of
age can achieve this and more - the legs are
literally forced to grow to accommodate all
that pulling and stretching.

But I never see anyone else singing the
praises of cycling to increase height - am I
the only one?

The story of Anonymous
“Cycling for height”
July 10 2002 at 5:31 AM

Anonymous: Well, I don't know if this is true
but I know I increased the length of my legs a
few years ago by doing the cycling exercise
whereby you have to make sure your legs are
fully stretched.

I used to cycle 15 miles a day and the growth
was really rapid - and I was 27 years old. I'm
surprised this sort of thing isn't featured more
on this forum as it really works.

Ann’s question for anonymous:

Was the height you gained in your legs permanent?
How much did you gain?

So simply cycling
should help or are there stretches/exercises
for the legs specifically that would get the
same results?

Anonymous ‘response:
Yes it was permanent.

I just made sure I cycled every day and I ate
a healthy diet supplemented with protein

I also got at least 8 hours sleep a night. I just
can't see why all you people find it so hard to
increase your height - it's easy.

If you put the effort in and stay healthy then
the growth will come.

An interesting point is that when I cycled for
just 6 to 7 miles a day not much happened but
when I cycled 15 miles every day then I really
noticed the increase.

I used to increase the
saddle height 1/4 almost every 2 weeks.

Anonymous’ other post:
“It was me who posted that”

Well I’m glad some people took some notice
of my post –I haven’t visited this site for a
while because nobody seemed interested in
this method of height increase.

Like I said, you have to do a lot of miles
almost every day to notice the effect... 5, 6, 7
miles isn’t enough.

You must do at least 15 miles of hard cycling
and make sure that your legs and feet are
stretching every time.

If you’re doing it properly – and eating
correctly – it should only take a couple of
weeks to gain 1⁄4 inch.

Obviously the younger you are the better the
results you are going to get but you can still
get good results no matter how old you are.

This is the best method of height increase I
know and more people should put the effort
in and at least give it a try.

Story of BG
I grew an inch from cycling. I joined a
serious cycling club and did about 40 kms a
I have grown from under 5’11 to 6’0, my goal
is 6’1. I was very pleased with this as I tried
100 other methods including hanging,
stretching and basketball, and I never grew a cm.

1 km = 0.621 mile... 40 km = 24.8 miles

Reply from 5ft8guy
September 11, 2003, 1:10 AM
For real? you grew by raising the saddle? I
used to ride my bike to work and I liked to
make my saddle height really high. I was

like 5'4.5 or 5'5 when I was 15 and I became
5'8 when I turned 16.
Then I got my driver's license and never bike
to work again and i never grew anymore.

Let me know if you kept on growing by
raising the saddle, I wanna know if it really
helps! keep this thread updated!

Story of Vulcrum (real name is Jeff)

Age : 15 years old.

Sex : Male

Grade : High school, will be in10th
grade this September ’06.

Ethnicity: Chinese

Before height : Under 5 feet 2

Shinbone experiment started : around
January 2006 .

Current height growth from shinbone
routine: 5 feet 4.5 inch in less than 5 months
(grown more than 2.5 inches) [as of May 12th

Mom’s height: 5’ 2”.

Dad’s height: 5’5”
Location: California (USA)
Summary: Jeff, on average, grew about 0.25 to
0.5 cm every week. His growth was very
rapid and consistent because he goes beyond
no man has ever gone before – running and
sprinting like a mad man!

What did Jeff do?
In Jeff’s own words...
“1. Run at top speed on the concrete street for about 20-30 min.
This may be difficult at first because it is hard to keep at top
speed for that long period of time.
But it's important that you run at top speed because it will
release a huge amount of GH. If you don't believe me, ask
any doctor or look it up.


week one:
I ran three miles a day without stopping in less
than 26 minutes. I was a short, slow, and I wasn't
the most athletic person in my class. On top of that
I had really short legs so it was pretty hard to for
me to run this fast.
. I didn't grow at all so I got angry and tried

week two (aka The Hell):
I ran around four miles a day in around half an
hour. The training was really killing me.
My grade dropped from all A's to 4 A's and 2 B's.
I didn't do most of my homework and I didn't
really care about school. All I wanted to do was
eat and sleep.
It was like hell to push myself to run every day.
Once I ran so hard, I felt blood come up to my
throat. I'm not even joking about this. I came home
and started spitting in the bathroom.
My spit was red and it scared me. But I just kept
on going and going.

week three:
three weeks of torture and still no progress was a
big disappointment.

I knew I was doing something wrong and I had
better change it fast. I went on the internet, read
some books, talked to a few doctors, and basically
did a little research.
I found out that the best way to increase your
hormone level is to do short and intense exercise
rather than long ones.
I also found out that if you don't stretch out the
microfractures you made, the bone will get thicker
but not longer.

week one:
Actually, it was probably the first weeks of month
two that I've notice growth.
It was around the end of the first month and the
beginning of the second month when miracle
began happening.
I went to church, prayed God, and changed my
routine to fast and intense exercises followed by a
method of stretching out microfractures.

I used to tape dumb bells to my leg which was
effective but extremely uncomfortable.
I would run for about five to seven minutes at my
maximum sprinting pace, rest for about ten to
fifteen minutes (I was so tired.
I was going to pass out, seriously) and run for
another five minutes.
The speed and intensity of the run is far more
important than the amount of time you spend
running, as I have learned the hard way.
According to doctors and experts, the intensity of
my training had enable me to produce about 400%
more growth hormone than normal jogging would
have offered.
I believe the reason most people fail to grow with
running is because they don't do it hard enough.
After the run I would go home, drink milk, stretch,
sleep with weights taped on my leg, and the
combination of 400% GH from exercise,
microfractures that's stretched out by weight, deep
quality sleep from being tired out, and the amount
of calcium.
I can absorb because of the exercise
had enable me to grow one solid cm by the end of
the week.

week two:
Now that I know how to grow taller, I kept on
running each night at a faster and faster pace for a
shorter amount of time.
I will run at super speed for about 30 seconds,
walk for a minute or two, and then run again at
super speed.
I was surprised that I can keep up with the
cars driving on the local street.
Even though I can only keep up with them for
about half a minute, it was still a good indication
that I was running at a pretty good pace.
I began enjoying this training. I was addicted to
the rush of hormone that followed each run.
I grew another .75 cm by the end of the week.
Since I always measure myself at night, I know the
height I gained is solid.

week three:
Picked up a pair of ankle weight after visiting a
sport store.

week one:
My legs are beginning to hurt.
First the muscles, then the bones. I would often
pull a few muscles each night and it really hurts.
My friends are beginning to notice my new height.
I lied to them and said that it must've been a late
growth spurt because I know they are too dumb to
understand what's really happening.
The compliments keep me going. I was more than
three inches shorter than my dad and now I am
only about an inch or so shorter.
I grew about 1 1/4 inches. in these three month and
I was on fire.

week two:
Muscle pain got better but the bone pain got
It hurts to walk and I can seriously feel the

microfractures in my leg from all that hard-
concrete pounding.

I decided to ignore the pain. Big mistake. When I
measured this weekend, I shrank a little.
I did a little research and decided that the newly
formed bone must be compressing from the
I decided to listen to my body and take time to
heal the microfractures before continuing the
week three:
Switched from high intensity running to
Swimming helps me further increase the
production of GH while stretching and healing my


Resting and healing the microfractures has given
me close two permanent inches. I know it’s
permanent because I always measure at night
when I'm the shortest.

MONTH FIVE (which is now) May 8th, 2006

I stopped swimming and now I'm back into
running, fracturing my bones, and healing my
My leg bones are now a lot thicker and longer.
I moved from a size 12 regular pant to a size 14
regular pant and from 8 to an 8.5 pair of shoes.
I now stand about the same height as my father,
which is pretty incredible because only a few
months ago.
I was considerably shorter than him.

Well, that's my story. If I keep going at this speed,
I should get to 5' 7" by the end of the year, no
The year after that I'll be like 5' 11".
The point is to keep the progress consistent.
One thing I learned is that you should learn to
listen to your heart and your body.
If your heart tells you to do whatever it takes to
make a truly special girl really happy, then you
should listen to it and die for her.
If your body tells you that you should take a few
weeks to heal your microfractures, you should do

“I stopped growing a year or two ago and my recent
growth has been very rapid – 0.25 to 0.5 cm every
week. I’ve grown a total of 2.5 inches in the legs
within 5 months. Whether it’s a growth spurt or not,
there is a very REAL connection between my
INTENSE routine and recent growth. Read my story
very carefully and then draw your conclusion.” –

Story of Evan
Good day,
Of course, I will not disclose my real name, so let's
just believe it is Evan Svensson.
I am male, just turned 23, and have been doing the
shinbone routine for approximately three months.
While I saw absolutely no results at first, I realized I
was not creating sufficient microfractures.
I was relying on my gym routine to create them and
found out that it was not enough.
In fact, cycling and such doesn't create any since
there's no impact, despite that it is good exercise for
the legs, and could even help them in the effort.
At this time, I started my own separate routine
specifically for shin bone growth.

I jog, in place, in my room with 10 pounds of ankle
weights for 30-60 minutes, between moderate and
fast pace, making sure my feet hit the ground
Then I immediately sit (lying down, actually) with
around 25 pounds strapped to my legs for 1-2 hours,
then I go to sleep, without standing until the

I don't sleep with the ankle weights on, though, I
can't get used to it.
What has me baffled is that I am 95% percent certain
that I grew 1/4 an inch in the past two weeks.
Now that I properly modified the routine, I think it is

Two weeks ago, I measured (at about 10:30 at night)
at 5'10" exactly, then the next week 5'10" and 1/8,
then today 5'10" and 1/4.
I even feel a bit taller in relation to everyone else.

What has me baffled is that I am 95% percent certain
that I grew 1/4 an inch in the past two weeks, now
that I properly modified the routine.

I think it is working, two weeks ago I measured (at
about 10:30 at night) at 5'10" exactly, then the next
week 5'10" and 1/8, then today 5'10" and 1/4.
I even feel a bit taller in relation to everyone else.

How does that happen with only a quarter inch???
And I think the routine did this because my shins
definitely look a little bit longer.
This really gives me hope because if I continue this
rate, I could theoretically gain several inches over
the next year or two.
My goal is to gain around 3", but if I could get more
than that, I will try hard to do so.
In fact, I think I could start growing at a faster rate if
I ramp up the intensity of the jogging.
I actually feel the sensation of my shin bones being
"pushed out" or stretched from the inside sometimes,
and it feels strange, did Jeff report this?
Well, I have said a lot, and the only reason I am
writing to tell you guys all this is because I am
convinced the shin bone routine works.

It doesn't mean it is a miracle technique, but again, I
am sure of it that it causes growth.

Ouch, was Jeff disappointed? I don't know, I'd be
pretty happy with a 2.5" gain, but I'm a lot taller than
However, I don't see why most people can't gain
something substantial with a combination of leg and
spine growth and a lot of work.
But to answer your questions, yes, I jog with 10
pounds on each leg, and sit with 25 pounds on each
leg afterward, then I sleep after that without
standing, to keep the microfractures from
compressing before they have 8 hours or so to heal.
I take multivitamins and drink more milk than most
people, but I don't think that alone does anything for

I think's it's necessary to keep from being
perpetually exhausted.I don't think you have
compromise your energy to the extreme (as Jeff did)
to achieve growth, but time will give me that
But I should probably try adding more weight and
sitting with the weights for longer, and jogging for
longer as well.
I think longer duration does create more
microfractures which is always a good thing in the
way of this technique.
But, again, I'll find out with time. I'll contact you
if/when I hit the 1/2" mark. Thanks.
Just letting you know, you told me to contact you
guys again when I reached the 1/2" mark, and I
measured again yesterday to find that is exactly what
has taken place.

I'm pretty sure of it because I measured in the
evening, and I was on my feet all day.
I think at this point, there's still no telling what is
causing this, but I have concluded that I am growing
about 1/8 an inch every week.
I've yet to get myself to grow faster, but I am
working on that at the moment.

My goal is to reach 6'0" by the fall, but I am hoping
I can surpass that, even. If you have any questions,
let me know.
I'll give you all the information you need, but to
answer question one,
I do not have any before pictures, but I'm not sure if
it is time to send in after pictures just yet, why don't we wait, once again until about September or October, because I am fairly convinced that I will have achieved substantial growth since then.

If I do decide to submit any pictures, it will be of the
legs only, for privacy reasons.
The legs already look significantly longer after just
1/2" so if I manage to pick up 2 or 3 inches in all, the
length of the shins as seen in the photos won't lie,

If you study the proportions of people, you'll see that
most people's lower legs are not that long, even
those above 6'.
Suggesting the shin bone might be the little-known
window for height increase.
To answer question 2, my original height is 5'10",
I'm Male, around 151lbs, I live in New Haven, Connecticut.
I'm 23 years old, and Caucasian (of
English descent to be precise).

My current height is
5'10" and a half, in light of my recent routine. My
goal is to reach 6'0" by the fall of this year, which I
think is doable, but with a combination of leg and
spine growth, I'm actually hoping to be around 6'3"
within five years, but that is a big undertaking, not
so sure that could happen. In short, I am convinced I
am growing around 1/8" every week, since around
March 3 or so, when I modified the routine to be
more effective. My mother is around 5'3", my father
is 6'1".

I must note that I am not entirely sure that my
growth plates are closed. Though I have not grown
naturally since I was around 20.

I still have the face and body of a teen; I'm actually
routinely mistaken for a 16-year-old.
The reason I mention all this, is because it suggests
my bones aren't all that mature yet, that probably
bears some significance in my case.
But one thing I can say is that I am fairly sure my
newfound growth was in the shins, they look
decidedly longer, and somehow.
I feel I can run a little bit faster on the treadmill
now, you aspiring runners might want to keep that in
After reading Jeff’s story through and through, I
decided to change the routine to ensure many
microfractures are created and that they are stretched
out while they are "fresh".
My routine is as follows:

1.) Jog for around 30-60 minutes with 5kgs of
ankle weights attached to EACH LEG. Take
a 1-2-minute break about once every 10-15

It all depends on how athletic you are.
I, being quite active, could handle it, but
please, don't hurt yourself, such action is
NOT NECESSARY to achieve growth (I'll
get to that later).

2.) Take five to ten minutes to make so your
night regimen is done.
3.) Strap 25 pounds of ankle weights to EACH
LEG, and lie down with the legs extended
over the bed front bedpost and stay that way
for 1-2 hours.

If it starts to feel a bit intolerable after about
50 minutes, I think it is a sure sign it is
But don't allow yourself to suffer extreme
pain, sometimes,
I try taking the weights off for ten minutes,
then going another hour before sleeping. It
pays to have a high bed, by the way, get one
if you can.
Mine is almost four feet off the ground.

And it helps, if your legs touch the ground at
all, it will hurt your progress because it
provides some relief from the weight.

It is imperative that you do not stand once
you start the final process, not until the next
I discovered this point from Jeff who stated
that once you step on the ground again, the
microfractures compress back down, and
thus, you're no better off than when you
started jogging.
Make sure your remotes are with you so you
can turn the TV, DVD, surround sound, etc.
off when you are ready to go to sleep.

I'll finally close with this: try not to tell
everyone you know about this routine, I've
told no one besides you guys. I mean, if
EVERYONE is tall, is height so great?

The Ideal Ankle weights program or work plan.

9 pm: Begin jogging with 5 kg ankle weights for 40
minutes to create microfractures.

9:40 pm: Finished jogging. Take a few minutes to
rest and immediately get ready to stretch out the
microfractures by sitting or lying down with ankle

9:45 pm: Begin sitting or lying down with 5kg for 1
hour non-stop.

10:45 pm: Finished sitting/lying with ankle
weights? Take an 8-minute break to restore normal
blood circulation from the legs to the body. Do NOT
walk or stand.

10:55 pm: Resume sitting or lying down with ankle
weights for 40 minutes non-stop.

11:35 pm: Finished sitting/lying with ankle
weights? Go to sleep immediately to allow the
stretched microfractures to heal and recover.
Do NOT stand or walk around because you may
compress the shinbone.
After creating so much microfractures by sitting
with ankle weights, you may experience some
“stretching” sensations in your lower legs.

The story of Jieyagsen

“Hi guys, today I want to share with you guys about
my story for growing taller.
I was so obsessed with growing taller.
I searched online all over, but all I got were bull
It was just stretching all day long... even though that
does make you grow like a cm after all the pain for
pulling your legs for a year.
That won't get me to 6'0 for Sh*t!
And they even told you something like (your height is
pre-determined by your gene from your parent and
also exercise won't going to make you taller).
It likes telling you're doomed!! you can't do anything
it at all, just embrace it. I mean screwed that man...

So, I was 5'6 when I was 17, From 14 to 17 I only
grew 4 cm, which means 1 cm annually.
And I slept very late at night at around 3am.
So, I decided to change all of my bad habit, sleep
before 11 pm, no masturbating (masturbating will
cause your bone to fuse and mature faster).
Also, I started Running and Touching Sky!
I started running for 30 mins, and "Touching Sky"
which is jump as high as possible, arm trying to
reach something beyond your reach.
(imagine like you are jumping up trying to touch the
basketball backboard) jump 100-200 times a day
(Jump with full force).
I continued this exercise for entire 2 years every
single day it was very rough, my leg and shoulder
hurt a lot.
But i grew 7 inches!!!!!!!like you just have to be
consistent, it's not like you will grow 7 inches just
overnight, it’s the fact that you have to keep doing
every day!!
I’m currently 19 standing at 6'1, I’ll push to 6'2.

How does this work? So Running is most basic and
effective exercise.
Plus, it is a full body workout and it releases human
growth hormone to boost your height, it just makes
your body fit overall.
But the most important exercise is Jumping.
Ever wonder why people who play basketball are
usually taller?
Because when you are jumping, the gravity is
pulling your entire body down, so it is a natural
Touching Sky" is even more effective and better than
playing basketball, because even when you play
basketball you won't jump as much as just pure full
burst jumping.
Think of it as concentrated exercise that you jumped
more, and much higher, so the result is also
concentrated in one spot!
Also, you can run and jump anywhere, anytime, no
money to be spent.

Be sure to sleep before 11 pm though, because it was
important, if not all your exercise will be done in
I was just inspired by one of my 21-year-old friend
who also grew taller by 6 inches.
Just be consistent and exercise every day., You will
grow taller in no time. PEACE OUT!

The power of your mind

The mind is powerful and is unlimited, it only is limited once you start to believe so.
Here is the last succes story of a girl that used only the mind to grow:

The story of Angel

Dame and Sonalee, I kept telling myself that I'll
grow taller, felt it and acted as if I was really
taller. I did these things consciously for a while
but then I forgot about it totally. I just did not
bother about it anymore and went about my life.
After around 3 months I realized I had grown
taller because people started telling me I look
taller, everywhere I went!

Hey lovely people

I grew around 5 to 6 inches tall in 3 months, all
thanks to the lovely Universe who responded so
quickly to my desire.
I am getting quite some PMs asking me how I did
it. So I thought I will share it in a post here as it
will be helpful to anyone who needs it, and anyone
can access this even when I am not online and
hence not able to respond to PMs immediately.
I am copy pasting my story, which I just shared
with one of our members in a PM.

Before telling you what and how I manifested my
I'll share a small incident with you. It makes me
smile every time I think of it.
A couple of days back, my boyfriend's mother
came home.
After talking casually for a while, she suddenly
exclaimed 'Hey you look really tall. Is it because of
your dress?' I said 'No I have grown tall really'.
She kinda made fun of me and said 'Oh ya, right!
How can you grow at this age (I am 21 years
old)?' I just smiled and said 'Its possible'.

The reason I am telling you this is, most people
have preconceived notions about everything,

EVERYTHING! Can you believe that?? They tend
to believe that there is a limitation in everything
which includes our physical growth.
They also believe that physical growth, especially
height, is by large beyond our control. When living
in the midst of such people, we also tend to absorb
those beliefs subconsciously.
Has this happened to you? It definitely happened
to me. So once upon a time, I truly believed that
after puberty girls' growth becomes slow.
And guess what, I actually stopped growing pretty
much after puberty! I was 5' 2" and the tallest in
class when I was 11 years old (thats when I
attained puberty) and by 18 years I was just 5' 3"!!
I hadn’t grown more than an inch in 7 years
because I believed that was not possible.

Then I learnt about LOA a couple of years ago
and started manifesting many things. Only a few
months back I decided to increase my height with
this knowledge. Here is what I did:

I got clear with how tall I wanted to grow. I
wanted to be 5' 9". I decided NEVER to think that I
am short. If someone commented that I am short I
would just ignore it.
I decided not to 'try' to grow tall because then I
would just keep attracting 'trying'! So, I started
acting 'as if' I am tall. I would just close my eyes
and feel nice, proud and confident because of my
new height I was about to get into.
I am not very good at visualization so I instead
focused on 'feeling' taller rather than 'imagining'
myself taller.

Then I did some stretching exercises (which was a
part of my dance warm-up sessions anyways) just
to convince my mind that I am taking rational
I didn’t spend much time exercising though.
That’s it.
After a while I totally forgot about growing tall. I
got busy with other work and stuff. Suddenly
people started telling me that I look taller.
So, I checked my height and I was 5'8"!! Just one
inch lesser than what I wanted. But now I feel this
height is good. 5'9" could have looked a little
manly for me. That’s my story. Feel free to ask me
anything more!
All the best
Lots of love

I am living the life of my dreams...NOW

Mistakes to avoid

Stretching inconsistency

Most of the height you gain in torso is not permanent. Well at least not yet. You see, when you stretch you decompress your spine, when your spine is compressed you will be less tall, but it also hinders further growth of bones.
You want tension on the bones not compression that’s why you need to be stretching so your bones are not compressed.

Lack of urgency

Lack of urgency, you don’t want it bad enough, and because you don’t want it bad enough, you end up not doing the techniques, doing them incosistent and end up not growing.
If you have a lack of urgency you will stay consistent and grow faster.

Not shutting up

When you go around and tell everyone that you are increasing height, people will think less of you, people think more of someone when it seems to come effortlessly.
Also if you talk about what you are going to do, you are less likely to actually do it.
So stop talking to everybody and tell them your plans and let the results speak for themselves.

Forgetting Growth hormones

Growth hormones are essential for bone growth. While microfracturing and raised seat cycling make sure the growth is vertical, it doesn’t matter if there is no growth at all.
Growth hormones make sure you grow so make sure you have plenty of em.

Inconsistent and bad sleep

Almost all bone is grown during sleep and almost all Growth hormones are also released during sleep. Make sure you have quantitative and high quality sleep.

Not believing
“You can’t win if you have never dreamed of winning”
It simply is impossible for you to reach a goal if you have never thought about reaching that goal.

Thanks for purchasing this ebook.
Might bookmark this
I will talk about how you can gain length in:

  1. Abdomen
  2. Femurs
  3. Shinbones
  4. Fingers
  5. Forearms
  6. Collarbone
  7. Spine

All you need for this is:
  1. Time
  2. Stationary bike with adjustable seat
  3. Resistance bands
  4. Dedication

What you need to ditch:
  1. Nicotine
  2. Alcohol
  3. Processed foods
  4. Bad sleep


Growth is influenced by multiple hormones,
environment, lifestyle and genetics.

The hormones that play the biggest role on growth such as HGH are created in the pituitary gland.
If you want to grow you need to know about hormones as they are crucial for bone formation.

What is HGH?

HGH is a hormone produced by the pituitary
gland located inside the Sphenoid bone.

It stimulates the growth of muscle,
cartilage, and bones.

HGH production reaches it’s peak in in the younger years of a person.

HGH is commonly used for children that are lacking vertical growth.
HGH is mostly produced in the first two hours of sleep and after excercising.

The most HGH is produced during the night. HGH has a lot of other functions in the body such as muscle building or skin elasticity.
HGH also increases levels of IGF-1

H.G.H is also used as anti-aging treatment Because of the importance of the H.G.H to
the biology of your body.

Injecting HGH into your body is probably not the best idea as it can have a lot of negative side effects.
Cells will grow faster so it could accelerate the growth of cancer cells too.

IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1)

Is a hormone produced in the liver and other organs
in response to HGH.

The highest rates of IGF-1 occur during puberty.

IGF-1 influences the effect HGH has on your body.
When HGH is released, it stimulates the liver to
produce IGF-1.
IGF-1 then is used by the body to heal and grow almost every cell in your body.

Protein intake is ESSENTIAL for IGF-1 levels in humans.

  • Somatostatin (Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone).
is a hormone produced in
the nervous system and the gut.

Somatostatin inhibits your HGH and IGF-1.
Somatostatin levels that are too low can cause
hormonal inbalances.


Ghrelin is a peptide that increases HGH release.
Most of the Ghrelin is produced by the gut.

Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty and release of this peptide stop fully when the stomach is full.

How to maximize HGH?


It has been proven that lifting heavy weights (5-8 reps until failure) boosts HGH very noticably in a short period.

While I also don’t recommend lifting weights because it can compress your body so your bones won’t grow.

HIIT (High intensity interval training) is a better alternative to weightlifting. HIIT exists from doing excercises without rest for something like 20 minutes to get to 85% of your maximum hearth rate.

Sleep is the most important factor when it comes to growth hormones. But a lot of people are still getting suboptimal sleep. So I am going to teach you how to optimize sleep to benefit your growth hormone levels.
During the night your pineal gland produces melatonin, a hormone and antioxidant that helps you to fall asleep and have a higher quality of sleep.
I would advise against taking melatonin as a supplement as you should optimize your lifestyle first.
Things that decrease melatonin:

• Fluoride. (brush teeth with water or coconut oil)
• Stress/Cortisol. (keep calm)
• Artificial blue light. (wear blue light blockers)
• EMF exposure (turn your wifi router off at night.
• Fasting (eat some fructose before bed)
• Folate, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies.
• Caffeine (no coffee)
• Vitamin D before Sleep (don’t take Vitamin D supplements right before bed)

Things that increase melatonin:

• Optimizing your circadian rhythm.
• Minimizing light during sleep and in the evening. (keep room dark)
• Sufficient sunlight exposure during the day.
• Sufficient exercise during the day. (tired body = tired brain)
• Sufficient protein intake (2g/kg bodyweight).
• Earthing/grounding during the day.
• Sufficient.
• Eating pineapple natural raises melatonin levels.
The circadian rhtyhm is your sleep-wake cycle, the internal clock of the body. When the circadian rhtyhm is not in check it results in suboptimal sleep, which will affect your hormones.
The circadian rhythm regulates when which hormones are released: cortisol and testosterone to wake you up in the morning, melatonin to help you sleep at night. The circadian rhythm determines when these hormones are released
This is why going to bed early or sleeping for 10+ hours won’t always mean good sleep, You have to wake up and go to sleep at times which align with your circadian rhythm
The most important influence on circadian rhythm is light.
You were designed to wake up when the sun rises and go to sleep after the sunset. Your body would know when it is day and night because of the light it is exposed to at that time of the day. If there was almost no light is was night, blue light meant it was daytime and red light meant there is a sunrise or a sunset.
Seeing the sunrise and sunset every day is one of the fastest ways to obtain a correct circadian rhythm. But you should also limit blue light exposure after sunset, because this hacks your brain into thinking it is still daytime, lowering the levels of melatonin in your body, so you will be less tired at night, resulting in you having a harder time to fall asleep.
In the modern world we are always using some kind of electronic device that emits blue light. The best would bet o stop being on your phone at night, but that isn’t really an option anymore in the modern world.
Best ways to limit blue light exposure: Blue light blocking glasses, candles or red light instead of blue light, activating the blue light filter on your phone or install a prgram like f.lux.
So for you to have an optimal circadian rhythm you have to use light to your advantage:
Limit blue light exposure after sunset, watch the sunrise and sunset daily and try to keep your room dark during sleep(not pitch black).
Temperature also influences circadian rhythm but plays a smaller role as opposed to light. It is very simple try to keep your room cold when you are sleeping.
One of the things I also like to do to help me sleep besides wearing blue light blocking glasses and go to bed early is drinking a sleep cocktail. This cocktail consists of a few ingredients:
  1. Chamomile tea made with mineral water
  2. Honey
  3. Glycine
  4. L-Theanine
  5. Magnesium Bicarbonate
This cocktail is very good and helps you to sleep like a baby.


I discussed Ghrelin earlier and how more Ghrelin results in more HGH and in result IGF-1

Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty but also when you know that you don’t have access to food.
If you have chosen to not eat food you will be less hungry as opposed to when you cannot get food.
This is probably so the HGH lowers blood sugar so you can focus better on obtaining food like an Hunter-Gatherer did.
Fasting is an amazing way to increase HGH.
Studies have indicated that fasting for 3 days can increase your HGH with 300%, and if you fast for 7 more days your HGH will increase by 1250%!

Increase protein intake.

Protein intake is essential for your hormones that make you grow.

But not just the quantity is important when it comes to protein, but also the quality.
The best quality proteins you can eat are from animal based products, such as
meat, eggs, dairy and fish.
You can’t really get good quality proteins from plant products.

That’s because plant proteins don’t contain a good amino acid profile or they have too many antinutrients.
A good example is soy, soy is one of the not many plants that contain a good amino acid profile, the problem is that soy is full of phytoestrogens and other antinutrients.

Diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to growing in height.

If your body doesn’t get the sufficient nutrients it needs to create bones it doesn’t matter how much you sleep or do these lengthening techniques.
It is also important your diet doesn’t spike insulin too much, because insulin and growth hormones are antagonists, more insulin is less growth hormones, that’s why I recommend an animal based diet containing: Meat, fish, eggs, dairy, fruits, honey and other animal products.
A diet like this doesn’t spike insulin because fructose doesn’t need insulin to go into the cell.
Ofcourse I don’t expect you to follow this precisely but atleast stay away from complex carbs then like grains, roots and seeds as they spike insulin the most.

Cow Milk
Lets start with one of the best foods you NEED to consume to increase height.
Cow milk is what a calf drinks to grow into a big cow. It holds all the essential building blocks your body needs to grow bigger. It even contains growth hormones like IGF-1.

Unfortunately a lot of people drink pasteurized milk nowadays. Which has all the amino acids, growth hormones, peptides, vitamins and minerals damaged because of the heating.
That’s why i recommend drinking RAW MILK which contains all the essential nutrients your body needs to grow.

Essential micronutrients

Micronutrients in general are a super-complex topic and I could really go in depth about it and write 20 paragraphs for each nutrient. But I will spare you guys the rant and just talk about the micronutrients you need for bone grwoth and how you to obtain them.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays many roles in your body of which bone growth is one.

There are two versions of Vitamin A: Retinol and beta-Carotene. Retinol is a more 12 times stronger form of Vitamin A as opposed to beta-Carotene. Retinol is mostly found in animal products while beta-Carotene is found in plant products. For bone growth it is best to focus on consuming Retinol instead of beta-Carotenes.

Foods high in Retinol:
Egg yolks
Any animal liver
Fish like Salmon or Mackerel

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is actually a hormone and is crucial for bone growth.
Best source by far for Vitamin D is the sun because Vitamin D in food works less effective, but it’s always good to get some Vitamin D from food when you can’t get it from the sun.

Vitamin D rich foods:
Fatty fish

Vitamin K2
One of the most forgotten but important micronutrients there is.
Vitamin K exists of K1 and K2 of which K2 is the most important. Again K2 is mostly found in animal products or fermented foods.

Foods rich in K2:
Beef Liver

You probably already know that this mineral is important for bones. Important with minerals is that you keep a good balance between all of them. If you supplement calcium it is also important to keep track of your Vitamin D, magnesium and phosphor levels.

Foods rich in Calcium:
Dairy products
Winter squash
Egg shells (Yes, you can eat those)

Zinc is a mineral almost everyone is lacking in nowadays. Vegans lack this mineral the most as this mineral is only found in big amount in animal products. Zinc is found to aid in bone growth and boosts growth hormones responsible for bone growth.

Foods high in Zinc:
Other Shellfish
Red meat

Bones are made of collagen, not calcium like everyone will tell you. Collagen is only fund in Animal products and is also synthesized by the body. Your body needs amino acids and vitamin C to create collagen.

Foods high in collagen:
Bone broth

Vitamin C
This vitamin is needed for your body to synthesize collagen in the bones so it’s neede for bone growth and growing taller.
Foods rich in vitamin C:
Bell peppers
Citrus fruits

These stretches are directed toward your spine, abdominals, chest and neck. The stretches make you taller but the height is NOT permanent. It is important to keep good posture, stay hydrated and to not stress too much.
Good posture makes sure your torso is not compressed, you avoid compression by avoiding upright sitting and slouched sitting, instead sit in a reversed slouched sitting position.

While most of the stretching height gains are NOT permanent it can help to make you have a permanent height gains since it gives tension on the bones and tension on bones will eventually make them grow.

The Cobra Stretch:
The Cobra Stretch is a stretch that resembles a Cobra rising up from the ground. It is a great way to stretch out your torso and tight abs.
How to do the Cobra stretch:
  1. Begin by lying prone (face down) on the floor with your toes pointed down.
  2. By pressing your palms into the ground, lift your chest and torso off the floor until your arms are straight.
  3. Press your feet and hips into the ground (this will prevent them from coming off the ground as you push your upper body up).

cobra stretch

Dead hangs:
Dead hangs are a very easy stretch that stretches your torso very well.
How to dead hang:
  1. Start by grabbing a bar or another high object of which you can hang like a door.
  2. Hang from this object and relax your body but try to keep straight posture while hanging.
  3. Try to hang until your wrists give up.
Afbeelding met staandAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Cat stretch:
The cat stretch is exactly like what it sounds like because it mimics how a cat would stretch. And is a great excercise for stretching and lubricating the torso.
How to do the cat stretch:
  1. Get on all fours so that your knees are under your hips and your palms are under your shoulders.
  2. Look forward, inhale, and lightly engage your core.
  3. Round/flex your back to get a good stretch while simultaneously tucking your chin into your chest and exhaling. Hold for a few seconds.
  4. Return to a neutral torso and repeat.
click to play the video

Toe touching:
Toe touching is a stretch that is performed like the name already says and is another great excercise to stretch the torso and spine.
  1. Stand straight with your feet at a shoulder-wide distance to each other.
  2. Keep your toes facing forward throughout the toe touch exercises.
  3. In the starting position, you have to keep your arms by your side, legs straight, and knees a little bent.
  4. Bend forward from the torso and try to touch your toes with your fingers.
  5. Keep your body loose as it will help you in touching the toes.
  6. Reach as low as you can and hold this pose for 20 counts.
  7. Return to the position where you started the touching toes exercise and then repeat.
Afbeelding met muur, persoon, broekAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Neck stretch:
Stretches aimed to stretch your neck

  1. Stand upright with a straight neck.
  2. Stretch your neck to the left over your left shoulder for 10 seconds.
  3. Do the same to the right side for 10 seconds.
  4. Now put your head back as far as you can and look at the ceiling for 10 seconds.
  5. Keep standing straight but now stretch the back of your neck by looking at the floor for 10 seconds
  6. Roll your head around for 10 seconds
  7. Repeat this 3 times

Chest stretch:
Stretches aimed to stretch your chest
  1. Hold the stretch like in the picture below.
  2. Stand straight while holding hands.
  3. Breathe all your air out.
  4. Look up.
  5. Feel the stretch and hold for 20 seconds

Afbeelding met vrouw, persoon, kleding, muurAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Leg lengthening
Increasing height in legs is quite tricky especially if
you’ve passed the puberty stage but it’s not
impossible because I managed to do it, there are
individuals who did it as you will read later and you
too can do it if you’re steadfast.
There are three ways you can successfully increase
your leg length.
1. Cycling with a raised seat
2. Using ankle weights or resistance bands
3. Doing plenty of jumps every day.

Cycling with raised seat
This method can increase your shinbones by 2 to 3 inches in 3 years.
Maximized HGH is crucial for this to happen.
What you need:
-Stationary bike with adjustable seat
-10 minutes a day

How to do it:

This technique is actually very simple and does not take that much time to do.
It basically consists of you cycling on a stationary bike with a raised seat so your legs are reaching fort he pedals.

You start by raising the seat by 1/4th of an inch. After you have grown 1/4th of an inch you increase the height of the seat again with 1/4th of an inch.

It’s very important that you don’t raise the seat too much, because when the seat is too high cycling is almost impossible and you won’t grow

Don’t cycle too fast or with too much power trying to have the highest speed, rather focus on the technique.
You want to fully stretch the leg down and reach for the pedal with the arch of your foot (inside the tringle on picture below) and to really feel that stretch. If the technique is done wrong you won’t grow.

Do this technique for atleast 15 minutes everyday on a stationary bike.

This technique is very easy and doesn’t take that much time.
You can expect 1 inch in shinbone length in four months!

Microfracturing method
This technique is GUARANTEED to make you grow if done correctly, but will take around 2 hours a day and you need to be very disciplined and dedicated for this method.
There really is no know maximum amount you can grow with this technique so if you are really consistent you can grow a LOT.

What you need
  • At least 2 hours a day for maximum results
  • A good quality resistance band
  • Ankle weights

How to do it
  1. Create microfractures
  2. Stretch microfractures
  3. Heal microfractures
  4. Sleep

Step 1
Create the sufficient microfractures, this is done by putting pressure and resistance on the bones, when there is sufficient pressure and resistance, your bones will get small fractures which are called microfractures.
Microfractures can be created in a lot of ways because all it really needs is force that is put on the bone.
You can create microfractures by:
  • Jumping
  • Kicking against a punching bag
  • Running or Sprinting
  • Dancing
  • Skipping rope
These excercises should be done for 40 minutes a day and try to get as much resistance on the shinbone as possible. For example: try to jump as much on one leg or kick as hard as you can.
You want to create these microfractures so you can grow taller. If you have created these microfractures, your body will heal and fill up these microfractures and this results in a thicker bone.

Step 2
The reason your bones grow thicker but not longer when these microfractures are filled up is because of gravity.
That’s why you need to eliminate gravity by using counterforce such as: heavy weight or good quality resistance bands that pull on a body part such as the ankle in the vertical direction which will stretch the bone to get longer instead of thicker.
Shinbone5 minutes after you’ve created these microfracture you want to be stretching them.
My favourite way is to stretch them by using a tight resistance band attached to my ankles.

Step 3
Keep your limb stretched like this for an entire hour, so your bones will grow in length, but make sure the resistance band or ankle weight pulls on the bone instead of the joints and ligaments.
After that hour is done you should stop for a maximum of 10 minutes to restore blood flow and continue stretching again for 40 minutes. DON’T COMPRESS YOUR LEGS IN ANY WAY. That is so important because if you walk or stand your legs will compress and gravity will hinder you from growing in length.

Step 4
You want to do all these things in the evening right before going to sleep, so you don’t have to leave your bed and compress your bones after doing these excercises and can grow overnight for optimal results.
For even more results you can stretch yourself while sleeping on the shinbone with resistance bands.

How do you know you have enough microfractures?
  • Feeling of slight pain in the shin bone or on the side.
  • will be sensitive to touch.
  • When you move or put pressure on the shinbone by jumping you feel a sharp pain on the shinbone or on the side of it.

Collarbone technique
Repeat exercise 1 and 2 as instructed over a
period of time and you should see positive results, guaranteed.

How long it takes for results to show will vary from person to person.

Overall you should notice a slight improvement in just 2/3 months, results may be harder to notice if you are exercising your shoulder muscles with weights at the same time. If you don’t, don’t panic, do not make the mistake of giving up at that point, some individuals may take a month later to achieve lift off.

Generally by the 5 – 6 months period into our program, most people should experience noticeable improvements.

If you have managed to achieve lift off within the period of the first 2‐3 months, you should be able to achieve the visible improvements of bone growth akin to the before and after pictures up on our website.

Once you achieve lift off, you should be able to maintain a steady ‘gradual’ growth rate if
you stick to the program rigidly and providing you stay sick and injury free. At that stage
your overall physique will ultimately determine how wide you can/want to be.
Because the gains are very gradual, some people are not aware of the improvements until they look back at their pictures they have of taken of themselves 6 months ago. So it’s in your interest to take some before pictures for reference later.
Our program has been tested and proven to us and to our users to effectively widen the shoulder bones over a period of time.

Excercise 1
For the starting position you need to position yourself in the middle of a room with about one and a half arms length of space in front and behind you.
You need to be standing in an upright position with both feet slightly apart. You should straighten both of your arms and have them relaxed by your sides. That is your starting position.
From the established starting position you begin ‘exercise 1’ by rotating (slow to begin with) nothing but one arm (either left or right arm) anticlockwise (keeping your arm straight) so your arm would appear to be making a windmill effect (try and make full circles with the arm).
Keep the rotations going with the same arm, as soon as you’ve got the first arm rotating like a windmill, start rotating the other arm in exactly the same way but alternating the rotations so both of your arms would appear to be mimicking a reverse backstroke in swimming (a reverse backstroke because the rotations of the arms in a back stroke are clockwise, while exercise1 requires you to rotate both of your arms anticlockwise).
Now you’ve got both arms rotating alternatively anticlockwise, gradually pick up the pace (keep it slow), keeping the rest of your body still as possible, the only parts of your body that should be in motion are your arms and nothing else, bend your knees slightly if it helps to keep you steady.

Excercise 2
Exercise 2 is more or less the same as exercise 1. The ONLY difference is, in exercise 2, the rotations of the arms are not alternated but synchronised similar to a 'breast stroke' in swimming.
Basically in exercise 2 you will need to start in the same position as ‘exercise 1’ and just like in exercise 1 you will need to windmill both of your arms in an anticlockwise direction, but instead of performing alternated arm rotations as in exercise 1, with exercise 2 you would need to be synchronising both of your arm rotations (almost mimicking a breast stroke).
Again try to make full circles with both arms.

Forearms and fingers
For the starting position you need to position yourself anywhere in a room with about
one and a half arms length of space in front of you.

You need to be standing in an upright standing position with both of your arms straightened and relaxed by your sides and with both feet slightly apart. That is your starting position.
From the starting position you will need to raise both of your arms (without bending them) about 90 degrees vertically upwards in front of you.
From this new position, you will need to shake both hands in the ‘exact’ same way as you would do if you were to shake your hands dry after washing your hands.
You will need to repeat the shaking hands dry exercise so that you become familiar with that exercise.
The shaking hands dry exercise is the exercise that is recognised to lengthen the fingers.
Make sure your fingers feel the thrust at the end of every shake of your hands.
Once you are familiar with the shaking hands dry exercise, you can then modify that exercise to transform it into the exercise that will lengthen your forearms.

To do that you will need to repeat the shaking hands dry exercise but this time with both of your hands closed into a fist shape without clenching your fists.

It’s very important you keep your hands closed and relaxed but not clenched
tightly so that it gives you the flexibility to shake your hands in that position. When you
perform the shaking hands dry exercise with your hands closed but not clenched, you will
be performing the longer forearms exercise. As basic as it is, that is the longer forearms

To get your wrist accustomed to the exercises and avoid straining and injuries, you should do
no more than 200 repeated handshakes on your very first day.

You may experience slight soreness in your wrists after the first day. If you do, you should rest for a day before your next longer arms exercise routine, if not repeat the exercise the following day and increase the number of handshakes (with your hands closed but not clenched) to 240 in your next routine.

Whether if you feel any soreness or not the day after your second routine, you should rest for a day, but if you experience excessive soreness then you should rest for 2‐3 days and do not perform anymore exercises until your wrists feel normal again.
In your next longer forearms exercise routine you should be performing 280 handshakes.
The pattern here is you should increase the number of handshakes (with your hands closed but not clenched) in increments of 40 handshakes between each exercise routine until you reach our recommended maximum amount, and if at anytime between each routine you feel any soreness in your wrists, you should rest between 1‐3 days depending on the level of soreness you’re experiencing before starting your next exercise routine.
Once you have manage to build up your wrist’s resistance to the maximum handshakes recommended for the exercise, you then should be able to sustain the maximum number of handshakes in every routine without experiencing any excessive side effects.
Accustoming your wrists to the longer arms exercise routine is very important if you are to succeed. The biggest mistake one can make is rush things in the beginning where it’s not entirely necessary, just bear in mind it’s not sprint it’s a marathon.

Succes stories

The story of Leo
When I was 23 years old, I used to cycle to
college which was about 10
miles away- so there and back is 20 miles in
total. I read somewhere about increasing
saddle height so your legs are stretched when you
cycle - so it gives a slight pull on the legs. It's
bloody sore to start off with but you get used
to it after a week.

I done this every day for 4 months (along
with plenty of protein drinks) and increased
the length of my legs by over 2.5 inches -
increasing saddle height 1/4 inch every few

I honestly believe that any one regardless of
age can achieve this and more - the legs are
literally forced to grow to accommodate all
that pulling and stretching.

But I never see anyone else singing the
praises of cycling to increase height - am I
the only one?

The story of Anonymous
“Cycling for height”
July 10 2002 at 5:31 AM

Anonymous: Well, I don't know if this is true
but I know I increased the length of my legs a
few years ago by doing the cycling exercise
whereby you have to make sure your legs are
fully stretched.

I used to cycle 15 miles a day and the growth
was really rapid - and I was 27 years old. I'm
surprised this sort of thing isn't featured more
on this forum as it really works.

Ann’s question for anonymous:

Was the height you gained in your legs permanent?
How much did you gain?

So simply cycling
should help or are there stretches/exercises
for the legs specifically that would get the
same results?

Anonymous ‘response:
Yes it was permanent.

I just made sure I cycled every day and I ate
a healthy diet supplemented with protein

I also got at least 8 hours sleep a night. I just
can't see why all you people find it so hard to
increase your height - it's easy.

If you put the effort in and stay healthy then
the growth will come.

An interesting point is that when I cycled for
just 6 to 7 miles a day not much happened but
when I cycled 15 miles every day then I really
noticed the increase.

I used to increase the
saddle height 1/4 almost every 2 weeks.

Anonymous’ other post:
“It was me who posted that”

Well I’m glad some people took some notice
of my post –I haven’t visited this site for a
while because nobody seemed interested in
this method of height increase.

Like I said, you have to do a lot of miles
almost every day to notice the effect... 5, 6, 7
miles isn’t enough.

You must do at least 15 miles of hard cycling
and make sure that your legs and feet are
stretching every time.

If you’re doing it properly – and eating
correctly – it should only take a couple of
weeks to gain 1⁄4 inch.

Obviously the younger you are the better the
results you are going to get but you can still
get good results no matter how old you are.

This is the best method of height increase I
know and more people should put the effort
in and at least give it a try.

Story of BG
I grew an inch from cycling. I joined a
serious cycling club and did about 40 kms a
I have grown from under 5’11 to 6’0, my goal
is 6’1. I was very pleased with this as I tried
100 other methods including hanging,
stretching and basketball, and I never grew a cm.

1 km = 0.621 mile... 40 km = 24.8 miles

Reply from 5ft8guy
September 11, 2003, 1:10 AM
For real? you grew by raising the saddle? I
used to ride my bike to work and I liked to
make my saddle height really high. I was

like 5'4.5 or 5'5 when I was 15 and I became
5'8 when I turned 16.
Then I got my driver's license and never bike
to work again and i never grew anymore.

Let me know if you kept on growing by
raising the saddle, I wanna know if it really
helps! keep this thread updated!

Story of Vulcrum (real name is Jeff)

Age : 15 years old.

Sex : Male

Grade : High school, will be in10th
grade this September ’06.

Ethnicity: Chinese

Before height : Under 5 feet 2

Shinbone experiment started : around
January 2006 .

Current height growth from shinbone
routine: 5 feet 4.5 inch in less than 5 months
(grown more than 2.5 inches) [as of May 12th

Mom’s height: 5’ 2”.

Dad’s height: 5’5”
Location: California (USA)
Summary: Jeff, on average, grew about 0.25 to
0.5 cm every week. His growth was very
rapid and consistent because he goes beyond
no man has ever gone before – running and
sprinting like a mad man!

What did Jeff do?
In Jeff’s own words...
“1. Run at top speed on the concrete street for about 20-30 min.
This may be difficult at first because it is hard to keep at top
speed for that long period of time.
But it's important that you run at top speed because it will
release a huge amount of GH. If you don't believe me, ask
any doctor or look it up.


week one:
I ran three miles a day without stopping in less
than 26 minutes. I was a short, slow, and I wasn't
the most athletic person in my class. On top of that
I had really short legs so it was pretty hard to for
me to run this fast.
. I didn't grow at all so I got angry and tried

week two (aka The Hell):
I ran around four miles a day in around half an
hour. The training was really killing me.
My grade dropped from all A's to 4 A's and 2 B's.
I didn't do most of my homework and I didn't
really care about school. All I wanted to do was
eat and sleep.
It was like hell to push myself to run every day.
Once I ran so hard, I felt blood come up to my
throat. I'm not even joking about this. I came home
and started spitting in the bathroom.
My spit was red and it scared me. But I just kept
on going and going.

week three:
three weeks of torture and still no progress was a
big disappointment.

I knew I was doing something wrong and I had
better change it fast. I went on the internet, read
some books, talked to a few doctors, and basically
did a little research.
I found out that the best way to increase your
hormone level is to do short and intense exercise
rather than long ones.
I also found out that if you don't stretch out the
microfractures you made, the bone will get thicker
but not longer.

week one:
Actually, it was probably the first weeks of month
two that I've notice growth.
It was around the end of the first month and the
beginning of the second month when miracle
began happening.
I went to church, prayed God, and changed my
routine to fast and intense exercises followed by a
method of stretching out microfractures.

I used to tape dumb bells to my leg which was
effective but extremely uncomfortable.
I would run for about five to seven minutes at my
maximum sprinting pace, rest for about ten to
fifteen minutes (I was so tired.
I was going to pass out, seriously) and run for
another five minutes.
The speed and intensity of the run is far more
important than the amount of time you spend
running, as I have learned the hard way.
According to doctors and experts, the intensity of
my training had enable me to produce about 400%
more growth hormone than normal jogging would
have offered.
I believe the reason most people fail to grow with
running is because they don't do it hard enough.
After the run I would go home, drink milk, stretch,
sleep with weights taped on my leg, and the
combination of 400% GH from exercise,
microfractures that's stretched out by weight, deep
quality sleep from being tired out, and the amount
of calcium.
I can absorb because of the exercise
had enable me to grow one solid cm by the end of
the week.

week two:
Now that I know how to grow taller, I kept on
running each night at a faster and faster pace for a
shorter amount of time.
I will run at super speed for about 30 seconds,
walk for a minute or two, and then run again at
super speed.
I was surprised that I can keep up with the
cars driving on the local street.
Even though I can only keep up with them for
about half a minute, it was still a good indication
that I was running at a pretty good pace.
I began enjoying this training. I was addicted to
the rush of hormone that followed each run.
I grew another .75 cm by the end of the week.
Since I always measure myself at night, I know the
height I gained is solid.

week three:
Picked up a pair of ankle weight after visiting a
sport store.

week one:
My legs are beginning to hurt.
First the muscles, then the bones. I would often
pull a few muscles each night and it really hurts.
My friends are beginning to notice my new height.
I lied to them and said that it must've been a late
growth spurt because I know they are too dumb to
understand what's really happening.
The compliments keep me going. I was more than
three inches shorter than my dad and now I am
only about an inch or so shorter.
I grew about 1 1/4 inches. in these three month and
I was on fire.

week two:
Muscle pain got better but the bone pain got
It hurts to walk and I can seriously feel the

microfractures in my leg from all that hard-
concrete pounding.

I decided to ignore the pain. Big mistake. When I
measured this weekend, I shrank a little.
I did a little research and decided that the newly
formed bone must be compressing from the
I decided to listen to my body and take time to
heal the microfractures before continuing the
week three:
Switched from high intensity running to
Swimming helps me further increase the
production of GH while stretching and healing my


Resting and healing the microfractures has given
me close two permanent inches. I know it’s
permanent because I always measure at night
when I'm the shortest.

MONTH FIVE (which is now) May 8th, 2006

I stopped swimming and now I'm back into
running, fracturing my bones, and healing my
My leg bones are now a lot thicker and longer.
I moved from a size 12 regular pant to a size 14
regular pant and from 8 to an 8.5 pair of shoes.
I now stand about the same height as my father,
which is pretty incredible because only a few
months ago.
I was considerably shorter than him.

Well, that's my story. If I keep going at this speed,
I should get to 5' 7" by the end of the year, no
The year after that I'll be like 5' 11".
The point is to keep the progress consistent.
One thing I learned is that you should learn to
listen to your heart and your body.
If your heart tells you to do whatever it takes to
make a truly special girl really happy, then you
should listen to it and die for her.
If your body tells you that you should take a few
weeks to heal your microfractures, you should do

“I stopped growing a year or two ago and my recent
growth has been very rapid – 0.25 to 0.5 cm every
week. I’ve grown a total of 2.5 inches in the legs
within 5 months. Whether it’s a growth spurt or not,
there is a very REAL connection between my
INTENSE routine and recent growth. Read my story
very carefully and then draw your conclusion.” –

Story of Evan
Good day,
Of course, I will not disclose my real name, so let's
just believe it is Evan Svensson.
I am male, just turned 23, and have been doing the
shinbone routine for approximately three months.
While I saw absolutely no results at first, I realized I
was not creating sufficient microfractures.
I was relying on my gym routine to create them and
found out that it was not enough.
In fact, cycling and such doesn't create any since
there's no impact, despite that it is good exercise for
the legs, and could even help them in the effort.
At this time, I started my own separate routine
specifically for shin bone growth.

I jog, in place, in my room with 10 pounds of ankle
weights for 30-60 minutes, between moderate and
fast pace, making sure my feet hit the ground
Then I immediately sit (lying down, actually) with
around 25 pounds strapped to my legs for 1-2 hours,
then I go to sleep, without standing until the

I don't sleep with the ankle weights on, though, I
can't get used to it.
What has me baffled is that I am 95% percent certain
that I grew 1/4 an inch in the past two weeks.
Now that I properly modified the routine, I think it is

Two weeks ago, I measured (at about 10:30 at night)
at 5'10" exactly, then the next week 5'10" and 1/8,
then today 5'10" and 1/4.
I even feel a bit taller in relation to everyone else.

What has me baffled is that I am 95% percent certain
that I grew 1/4 an inch in the past two weeks, now
that I properly modified the routine.

I think it is working, two weeks ago I measured (at
about 10:30 at night) at 5'10" exactly, then the next
week 5'10" and 1/8, then today 5'10" and 1/4.
I even feel a bit taller in relation to everyone else.

How does that happen with only a quarter inch???
And I think the routine did this because my shins
definitely look a little bit longer.
This really gives me hope because if I continue this
rate, I could theoretically gain several inches over
the next year or two.
My goal is to gain around 3", but if I could get more
than that, I will try hard to do so.
In fact, I think I could start growing at a faster rate if
I ramp up the intensity of the jogging.
I actually feel the sensation of my shin bones being
"pushed out" or stretched from the inside sometimes,
and it feels strange, did Jeff report this?
Well, I have said a lot, and the only reason I am
writing to tell you guys all this is because I am
convinced the shin bone routine works.

It doesn't mean it is a miracle technique, but again, I
am sure of it that it causes growth.

Ouch, was Jeff disappointed? I don't know, I'd be
pretty happy with a 2.5" gain, but I'm a lot taller than
However, I don't see why most people can't gain
something substantial with a combination of leg and
spine growth and a lot of work.
But to answer your questions, yes, I jog with 10
pounds on each leg, and sit with 25 pounds on each
leg afterward, then I sleep after that without
standing, to keep the microfractures from
compressing before they have 8 hours or so to heal.
I take multivitamins and drink more milk than most
people, but I don't think that alone does anything for

I think's it's necessary to keep from being
perpetually exhausted.I don't think you have
compromise your energy to the extreme (as Jeff did)
to achieve growth, but time will give me that
But I should probably try adding more weight and
sitting with the weights for longer, and jogging for
longer as well.
I think longer duration does create more
microfractures which is always a good thing in the
way of this technique.
But, again, I'll find out with time. I'll contact you
if/when I hit the 1/2" mark. Thanks.
Just letting you know, you told me to contact you
guys again when I reached the 1/2" mark, and I
measured again yesterday to find that is exactly what
has taken place.

I'm pretty sure of it because I measured in the
evening, and I was on my feet all day.
I think at this point, there's still no telling what is
causing this, but I have concluded that I am growing
about 1/8 an inch every week.
I've yet to get myself to grow faster, but I am
working on that at the moment.

My goal is to reach 6'0" by the fall, but I am hoping
I can surpass that, even. If you have any questions,
let me know.
I'll give you all the information you need, but to
answer question one,
I do not have any before pictures, but I'm not sure if
it is time to send in after pictures just yet, why don't we wait, once again until about September or October, because I am fairly convinced that I will have achieved substantial growth since then.

If I do decide to submit any pictures, it will be of the
legs only, for privacy reasons.
The legs already look significantly longer after just
1/2" so if I manage to pick up 2 or 3 inches in all, the
length of the shins as seen in the photos won't lie,

If you study the proportions of people, you'll see that
most people's lower legs are not that long, even
those above 6'.
Suggesting the shin bone might be the little-known
window for height increase.
To answer question 2, my original height is 5'10",
I'm Male, around 151lbs, I live in New Haven, Connecticut.
I'm 23 years old, and Caucasian (of
English descent to be precise).

My current height is
5'10" and a half, in light of my recent routine. My
goal is to reach 6'0" by the fall of this year, which I
think is doable, but with a combination of leg and
spine growth, I'm actually hoping to be around 6'3"
within five years, but that is a big undertaking, not
so sure that could happen. In short, I am convinced I
am growing around 1/8" every week, since around
March 3 or so, when I modified the routine to be
more effective. My mother is around 5'3", my father
is 6'1".

I must note that I am not entirely sure that my
growth plates are closed. Though I have not grown
naturally since I was around 20.

I still have the face and body of a teen; I'm actually
routinely mistaken for a 16-year-old.
The reason I mention all this, is because it suggests
my bones aren't all that mature yet, that probably
bears some significance in my case.
But one thing I can say is that I am fairly sure my
newfound growth was in the shins, they look
decidedly longer, and somehow.
I feel I can run a little bit faster on the treadmill
now, you aspiring runners might want to keep that in
After reading Jeff’s story through and through, I
decided to change the routine to ensure many
microfractures are created and that they are stretched
out while they are "fresh".
My routine is as follows:

1.) Jog for around 30-60 minutes with 5kgs of
ankle weights attached to EACH LEG. Take
a 1-2-minute break about once every 10-15

It all depends on how athletic you are.
I, being quite active, could handle it, but
please, don't hurt yourself, such action is
NOT NECESSARY to achieve growth (I'll
get to that later).

2.) Take five to ten minutes to make so your
night regimen is done.
3.) Strap 25 pounds of ankle weights to EACH
LEG, and lie down with the legs extended
over the bed front bedpost and stay that way
for 1-2 hours.

If it starts to feel a bit intolerable after about
50 minutes, I think it is a sure sign it is
But don't allow yourself to suffer extreme
pain, sometimes,
I try taking the weights off for ten minutes,
then going another hour before sleeping. It
pays to have a high bed, by the way, get one
if you can.
Mine is almost four feet off the ground.

And it helps, if your legs touch the ground at
all, it will hurt your progress because it
provides some relief from the weight.

It is imperative that you do not stand once
you start the final process, not until the next
I discovered this point from Jeff who stated
that once you step on the ground again, the
microfractures compress back down, and
thus, you're no better off than when you
started jogging.
Make sure your remotes are with you so you
can turn the TV, DVD, surround sound, etc.
off when you are ready to go to sleep.

I'll finally close with this: try not to tell
everyone you know about this routine, I've
told no one besides you guys. I mean, if
EVERYONE is tall, is height so great?

The Ideal Ankle weights program or work plan.

9 pm: Begin jogging with 5 kg ankle weights for 40
minutes to create microfractures.

9:40 pm: Finished jogging. Take a few minutes to
rest and immediately get ready to stretch out the
microfractures by sitting or lying down with ankle

9:45 pm: Begin sitting or lying down with 5kg for 1
hour non-stop.

10:45 pm: Finished sitting/lying with ankle
weights? Take an 8-minute break to restore normal
blood circulation from the legs to the body. Do NOT
walk or stand.

10:55 pm: Resume sitting or lying down with ankle
weights for 40 minutes non-stop.

11:35 pm: Finished sitting/lying with ankle
weights? Go to sleep immediately to allow the
stretched microfractures to heal and recover.
Do NOT stand or walk around because you may
compress the shinbone.
After creating so much microfractures by sitting
with ankle weights, you may experience some
“stretching” sensations in your lower legs.

The story of Jieyagsen

“Hi guys, today I want to share with you guys about
my story for growing taller.
I was so obsessed with growing taller.
I searched online all over, but all I got were bull
It was just stretching all day long... even though that
does make you grow like a cm after all the pain for
pulling your legs for a year.
That won't get me to 6'0 for Sh*t!
And they even told you something like (your height is
pre-determined by your gene from your parent and
also exercise won't going to make you taller).
It likes telling you're doomed!! you can't do anything
it at all, just embrace it. I mean screwed that man...

So, I was 5'6 when I was 17, From 14 to 17 I only
grew 4 cm, which means 1 cm annually.
And I slept very late at night at around 3am.
So, I decided to change all of my bad habit, sleep
before 11 pm, no masturbating (masturbating will
cause your bone to fuse and mature faster).
Also, I started Running and Touching Sky!
I started running for 30 mins, and "Touching Sky"
which is jump as high as possible, arm trying to
reach something beyond your reach.
(imagine like you are jumping up trying to touch the
basketball backboard) jump 100-200 times a day
(Jump with full force).
I continued this exercise for entire 2 years every
single day it was very rough, my leg and shoulder
hurt a lot.
But i grew 7 inches!!!!!!!like you just have to be
consistent, it's not like you will grow 7 inches just
overnight, it’s the fact that you have to keep doing
every day!!
I’m currently 19 standing at 6'1, I’ll push to 6'2.

How does this work? So Running is most basic and
effective exercise.
Plus, it is a full body workout and it releases human
growth hormone to boost your height, it just makes
your body fit overall.
But the most important exercise is Jumping.
Ever wonder why people who play basketball are
usually taller?
Because when you are jumping, the gravity is
pulling your entire body down, so it is a natural
Touching Sky" is even more effective and better than
playing basketball, because even when you play
basketball you won't jump as much as just pure full
burst jumping.
Think of it as concentrated exercise that you jumped
more, and much higher, so the result is also
concentrated in one spot!
Also, you can run and jump anywhere, anytime, no
money to be spent.

Be sure to sleep before 11 pm though, because it was
important, if not all your exercise will be done in
I was just inspired by one of my 21-year-old friend
who also grew taller by 6 inches.
Just be consistent and exercise every day., You will
grow taller in no time. PEACE OUT!

The power of your mind

The mind is powerful and is unlimited, it only is limited once you start to believe so.
Here is the last succes story of a girl that used only the mind to grow:

The story of Angel

Dame and Sonalee, I kept telling myself that I'll
grow taller, felt it and acted as if I was really
taller. I did these things consciously for a while
but then I forgot about it totally. I just did not
bother about it anymore and went about my life.
After around 3 months I realized I had grown
taller because people started telling me I look
taller, everywhere I went!

Hey lovely people

I grew around 5 to 6 inches tall in 3 months, all
thanks to the lovely Universe who responded so
quickly to my desire.
I am getting quite some PMs asking me how I did
it. So I thought I will share it in a post here as it
will be helpful to anyone who needs it, and anyone
can access this even when I am not online and
hence not able to respond to PMs immediately.
I am copy pasting my story, which I just shared
with one of our members in a PM.

Before telling you what and how I manifested my
I'll share a small incident with you. It makes me
smile every time I think of it.
A couple of days back, my boyfriend's mother
came home.
After talking casually for a while, she suddenly
exclaimed 'Hey you look really tall. Is it because of
your dress?' I said 'No I have grown tall really'.
She kinda made fun of me and said 'Oh ya, right!
How can you grow at this age (I am 21 years
old)?' I just smiled and said 'Its possible'.

The reason I am telling you this is, most people
have preconceived notions about everything,

EVERYTHING! Can you believe that?? They tend
to believe that there is a limitation in everything
which includes our physical growth.
They also believe that physical growth, especially
height, is by large beyond our control. When living
in the midst of such people, we also tend to absorb
those beliefs subconsciously.
Has this happened to you? It definitely happened
to me. So once upon a time, I truly believed that
after puberty girls' growth becomes slow.
And guess what, I actually stopped growing pretty
much after puberty! I was 5' 2" and the tallest in
class when I was 11 years old (thats when I
attained puberty) and by 18 years I was just 5' 3"!!
I hadn’t grown more than an inch in 7 years
because I believed that was not possible.

Then I learnt about LOA a couple of years ago
and started manifesting many things. Only a few
months back I decided to increase my height with
this knowledge. Here is what I did:

I got clear with how tall I wanted to grow. I
wanted to be 5' 9". I decided NEVER to think that I
am short. If someone commented that I am short I
would just ignore it.
I decided not to 'try' to grow tall because then I
would just keep attracting 'trying'! So, I started
acting 'as if' I am tall. I would just close my eyes
and feel nice, proud and confident because of my
new height I was about to get into.
I am not very good at visualization so I instead
focused on 'feeling' taller rather than 'imagining'
myself taller.

Then I did some stretching exercises (which was a
part of my dance warm-up sessions anyways) just
to convince my mind that I am taking rational
I didn’t spend much time exercising though.
That’s it.
After a while I totally forgot about growing tall. I
got busy with other work and stuff. Suddenly
people started telling me that I look taller.
So, I checked my height and I was 5'8"!! Just one
inch lesser than what I wanted. But now I feel this
height is good. 5'9" could have looked a little
manly for me. That’s my story. Feel free to ask me
anything more!
All the best
Lots of love

I am living the life of my dreams...NOW

Mistakes to avoid

Stretching inconsistency

Most of the height you gain in torso is not permanent. Well at least not yet. You see, when you stretch you decompress your spine, when your spine is compressed you will be less tall, but it also hinders further growth of bones.
You want tension on the bones not compression that’s why you need to be stretching so your bones are not compressed.

Lack of urgency

Lack of urgency, you don’t want it bad enough, and because you don’t want it bad enough, you end up not doing the techniques, doing them incosistent and end up not growing.
If you have a lack of urgency you will stay consistent and grow faster.

Not shutting up

When you go around and tell everyone that you are increasing height, people will think less of you, people think more of someone when it seems to come effortlessly.
Also if you talk about what you are going to do, you are less likely to actually do it.
So stop talking to everybody and tell them your plans and let the results speak for themselves.

Forgetting Growth hormones

Growth hormones are essential for bone growth. While microfracturing and raised seat cycling make sure the growth is vertical, it doesn’t matter if there is no growth at all.
Growth hormones make sure you grow so make sure you have plenty of em.

Inconsistent and bad sleep

Almost all bone is grown during sleep and almost all Growth hormones are also released during sleep. Make sure you have quantitative and high quality sleep.

Not believing
“You can’t win if you have never dreamed of winning”
It simply is impossible for you to reach a goal if you have never thought about reaching that goal.

Thanks for purchasing this ebook.
no way this actually works
if formatted, this shit would be the greatest thread of all time
Not reading one fucking molecule
Pretty much gave a few methods like
Using a static bike and making it slightly out of your reach so your bones have to reach there
Sprinting and then resting for about 2 hours with ankle weights
Eating well
Sleeping well
Jumping and doing the same as sprinting

Pretty much its all bonesmashing for legs
I will talk about how you can gain length in:

  1. Abdomen
  2. Femurs
  3. Shinbones
  4. Fingers
  5. Forearms
  6. Collarbone
  7. Spine

All you need for this is:
  1. Time
  2. Stationary bike with adjustable seat
  3. Resistance bands
  4. Dedication

What you need to ditch:
  1. Nicotine
  2. Alcohol
  3. Processed foods
  4. Bad sleep


Growth is influenced by multiple hormones,
environment, lifestyle and genetics.

The hormones that play the biggest role on growth such as HGH are created in the pituitary gland.
If you want to grow you need to know about hormones as they are crucial for bone formation.

What is HGH?

HGH is a hormone produced by the pituitary
gland located inside the Sphenoid bone.

It stimulates the growth of muscle,
cartilage, and bones.

HGH production reaches it’s peak in in the younger years of a person.

HGH is commonly used for children that are lacking vertical growth.
HGH is mostly produced in the first two hours of sleep and after excercising.

The most HGH is produced during the night. HGH has a lot of other functions in the body such as muscle building or skin elasticity.
HGH also increases levels of IGF-1

H.G.H is also used as anti-aging treatment Because of the importance of the H.G.H to
the biology of your body.

Injecting HGH into your body is probably not the best idea as it can have a lot of negative side effects.
Cells will grow faster so it could accelerate the growth of cancer cells too.

IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1)

Is a hormone produced in the liver and other organs
in response to HGH.

The highest rates of IGF-1 occur during puberty.

IGF-1 influences the effect HGH has on your body.
When HGH is released, it stimulates the liver to
produce IGF-1.
IGF-1 then is used by the body to heal and grow almost every cell in your body.

Protein intake is ESSENTIAL for IGF-1 levels in humans.

  • Somatostatin (Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone).
is a hormone produced in
the nervous system and the gut.

Somatostatin inhibits your HGH and IGF-1.
Somatostatin levels that are too low can cause
hormonal inbalances.


Ghrelin is a peptide that increases HGH release.
Most of the Ghrelin is produced by the gut.

Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty and release of this peptide stop fully when the stomach is full.

How to maximize HGH?


It has been proven that lifting heavy weights (5-8 reps until failure) boosts HGH very noticably in a short period.

While I also don’t recommend lifting weights because it can compress your body so your bones won’t grow.

HIIT (High intensity interval training) is a better alternative to weightlifting. HIIT exists from doing excercises without rest for something like 20 minutes to get to 85% of your maximum hearth rate.

Sleep is the most important factor when it comes to growth hormones. But a lot of people are still getting suboptimal sleep. So I am going to teach you how to optimize sleep to benefit your growth hormone levels.
During the night your pineal gland produces melatonin, a hormone and antioxidant that helps you to fall asleep and have a higher quality of sleep.
I would advise against taking melatonin as a supplement as you should optimize your lifestyle first.
Things that decrease melatonin:

• Fluoride. (brush teeth with water or coconut oil)
• Stress/Cortisol. (keep calm)
• Artificial blue light. (wear blue light blockers)
• EMF exposure (turn your wifi router off at night.
• Fasting (eat some fructose before bed)
• Folate, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies.
• Caffeine (no coffee)
• Vitamin D before Sleep (don’t take Vitamin D supplements right before bed)

Things that increase melatonin:

• Optimizing your circadian rhythm.
• Minimizing light during sleep and in the evening. (keep room dark)
• Sufficient sunlight exposure during the day.
• Sufficient exercise during the day. (tired body = tired brain)
• Sufficient protein intake (2g/kg bodyweight).
• Earthing/grounding during the day.
• Sufficient.
• Eating pineapple natural raises melatonin levels.
The circadian rhtyhm is your sleep-wake cycle, the internal clock of the body. When the circadian rhtyhm is not in check it results in suboptimal sleep, which will affect your hormones.
The circadian rhythm regulates when which hormones are released: cortisol and testosterone to wake you up in the morning, melatonin to help you sleep at night. The circadian rhythm determines when these hormones are released
This is why going to bed early or sleeping for 10+ hours won’t always mean good sleep, You have to wake up and go to sleep at times which align with your circadian rhythm
The most important influence on circadian rhythm is light.
You were designed to wake up when the sun rises and go to sleep after the sunset. Your body would know when it is day and night because of the light it is exposed to at that time of the day. If there was almost no light is was night, blue light meant it was daytime and red light meant there is a sunrise or a sunset.
Seeing the sunrise and sunset every day is one of the fastest ways to obtain a correct circadian rhythm. But you should also limit blue light exposure after sunset, because this hacks your brain into thinking it is still daytime, lowering the levels of melatonin in your body, so you will be less tired at night, resulting in you having a harder time to fall asleep.
In the modern world we are always using some kind of electronic device that emits blue light. The best would bet o stop being on your phone at night, but that isn’t really an option anymore in the modern world.
Best ways to limit blue light exposure: Blue light blocking glasses, candles or red light instead of blue light, activating the blue light filter on your phone or install a prgram like f.lux.
So for you to have an optimal circadian rhythm you have to use light to your advantage:
Limit blue light exposure after sunset, watch the sunrise and sunset daily and try to keep your room dark during sleep(not pitch black).
Temperature also influences circadian rhythm but plays a smaller role as opposed to light. It is very simple try to keep your room cold when you are sleeping.
One of the things I also like to do to help me sleep besides wearing blue light blocking glasses and go to bed early is drinking a sleep cocktail. This cocktail consists of a few ingredients:
  1. Chamomile tea made with mineral water
  2. Honey
  3. Glycine
  4. L-Theanine
  5. Magnesium Bicarbonate
This cocktail is very good and helps you to sleep like a baby.


I discussed Ghrelin earlier and how more Ghrelin results in more HGH and in result IGF-1

Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty but also when you know that you don’t have access to food.
If you have chosen to not eat food you will be less hungry as opposed to when you cannot get food.
This is probably so the HGH lowers blood sugar so you can focus better on obtaining food like an Hunter-Gatherer did.
Fasting is an amazing way to increase HGH.
Studies have indicated that fasting for 3 days can increase your HGH with 300%, and if you fast for 7 more days your HGH will increase by 1250%!

Increase protein intake.

Protein intake is essential for your hormones that make you grow.

But not just the quantity is important when it comes to protein, but also the quality.
The best quality proteins you can eat are from animal based products, such as
meat, eggs, dairy and fish.
You can’t really get good quality proteins from plant products.

That’s because plant proteins don’t contain a good amino acid profile or they have too many antinutrients.
A good example is soy, soy is one of the not many plants that contain a good amino acid profile, the problem is that soy is full of phytoestrogens and other antinutrients.

Diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to growing in height.

If your body doesn’t get the sufficient nutrients it needs to create bones it doesn’t matter how much you sleep or do these lengthening techniques.
It is also important your diet doesn’t spike insulin too much, because insulin and growth hormones are antagonists, more insulin is less growth hormones, that’s why I recommend an animal based diet containing: Meat, fish, eggs, dairy, fruits, honey and other animal products.
A diet like this doesn’t spike insulin because fructose doesn’t need insulin to go into the cell.
Ofcourse I don’t expect you to follow this precisely but atleast stay away from complex carbs then like grains, roots and seeds as they spike insulin the most.

Cow Milk
Lets start with one of the best foods you NEED to consume to increase height.
Cow milk is what a calf drinks to grow into a big cow. It holds all the essential building blocks your body needs to grow bigger. It even contains growth hormones like IGF-1.

Unfortunately a lot of people drink pasteurized milk nowadays. Which has all the amino acids, growth hormones, peptides, vitamins and minerals damaged because of the heating.
That’s why i recommend drinking RAW MILK which contains all the essential nutrients your body needs to grow.

Essential micronutrients

Micronutrients in general are a super-complex topic and I could really go in depth about it and write 20 paragraphs for each nutrient. But I will spare you guys the rant and just talk about the micronutrients you need for bone grwoth and how you to obtain them.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays many roles in your body of which bone growth is one.

There are two versions of Vitamin A: Retinol and beta-Carotene. Retinol is a more 12 times stronger form of Vitamin A as opposed to beta-Carotene. Retinol is mostly found in animal products while beta-Carotene is found in plant products. For bone growth it is best to focus on consuming Retinol instead of beta-Carotenes.

Foods high in Retinol:
Egg yolks
Any animal liver
Fish like Salmon or Mackerel

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is actually a hormone and is crucial for bone growth.
Best source by far for Vitamin D is the sun because Vitamin D in food works less effective, but it’s always good to get some Vitamin D from food when you can’t get it from the sun.

Vitamin D rich foods:
Fatty fish

Vitamin K2
One of the most forgotten but important micronutrients there is.
Vitamin K exists of K1 and K2 of which K2 is the most important. Again K2 is mostly found in animal products or fermented foods.

Foods rich in K2:
Beef Liver

You probably already know that this mineral is important for bones. Important with minerals is that you keep a good balance between all of them. If you supplement calcium it is also important to keep track of your Vitamin D, magnesium and phosphor levels.

Foods rich in Calcium:
Dairy products
Winter squash
Egg shells (Yes, you can eat those)

Zinc is a mineral almost everyone is lacking in nowadays. Vegans lack this mineral the most as this mineral is only found in big amount in animal products. Zinc is found to aid in bone growth and boosts growth hormones responsible for bone growth.

Foods high in Zinc:
Other Shellfish
Red meat

Bones are made of collagen, not calcium like everyone will tell you. Collagen is only fund in Animal products and is also synthesized by the body. Your body needs amino acids and vitamin C to create collagen.

Foods high in collagen:
Bone broth

Vitamin C
This vitamin is needed for your body to synthesize collagen in the bones so it’s neede for bone growth and growing taller.
Foods rich in vitamin C:
Bell peppers
Citrus fruits

These stretches are directed toward your spine, abdominals, chest and neck. The stretches make you taller but the height is NOT permanent. It is important to keep good posture, stay hydrated and to not stress too much.
Good posture makes sure your torso is not compressed, you avoid compression by avoiding upright sitting and slouched sitting, instead sit in a reversed slouched sitting position.

While most of the stretching height gains are NOT permanent it can help to make you have a permanent height gains since it gives tension on the bones and tension on bones will eventually make them grow.

The Cobra Stretch:
The Cobra Stretch is a stretch that resembles a Cobra rising up from the ground. It is a great way to stretch out your torso and tight abs.
How to do the Cobra stretch:
  1. Begin by lying prone (face down) on the floor with your toes pointed down.
  2. By pressing your palms into the ground, lift your chest and torso off the floor until your arms are straight.
  3. Press your feet and hips into the ground (this will prevent them from coming off the ground as you push your upper body up).

cobra stretch

Dead hangs:
Dead hangs are a very easy stretch that stretches your torso very well.
How to dead hang:
  1. Start by grabbing a bar or another high object of which you can hang like a door.
  2. Hang from this object and relax your body but try to keep straight posture while hanging.
  3. Try to hang until your wrists give up.
Afbeelding met staandAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Cat stretch:
The cat stretch is exactly like what it sounds like because it mimics how a cat would stretch. And is a great excercise for stretching and lubricating the torso.
How to do the cat stretch:
  1. Get on all fours so that your knees are under your hips and your palms are under your shoulders.
  2. Look forward, inhale, and lightly engage your core.
  3. Round/flex your back to get a good stretch while simultaneously tucking your chin into your chest and exhaling. Hold for a few seconds.
  4. Return to a neutral torso and repeat.
click to play the video

Toe touching:
Toe touching is a stretch that is performed like the name already says and is another great excercise to stretch the torso and spine.
  1. Stand straight with your feet at a shoulder-wide distance to each other.
  2. Keep your toes facing forward throughout the toe touch exercises.
  3. In the starting position, you have to keep your arms by your side, legs straight, and knees a little bent.
  4. Bend forward from the torso and try to touch your toes with your fingers.
  5. Keep your body loose as it will help you in touching the toes.
  6. Reach as low as you can and hold this pose for 20 counts.
  7. Return to the position where you started the touching toes exercise and then repeat.
Afbeelding met muur, persoon, broekAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Neck stretch:
Stretches aimed to stretch your neck

  1. Stand upright with a straight neck.
  2. Stretch your neck to the left over your left shoulder for 10 seconds.
  3. Do the same to the right side for 10 seconds.
  4. Now put your head back as far as you can and look at the ceiling for 10 seconds.
  5. Keep standing straight but now stretch the back of your neck by looking at the floor for 10 seconds
  6. Roll your head around for 10 seconds
  7. Repeat this 3 times

Chest stretch:
Stretches aimed to stretch your chest
  1. Hold the stretch like in the picture below.
  2. Stand straight while holding hands.
  3. Breathe all your air out.
  4. Look up.
  5. Feel the stretch and hold for 20 seconds

Afbeelding met vrouw, persoon, kleding, muurAutomatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Leg lengthening
Increasing height in legs is quite tricky especially if
you’ve passed the puberty stage but it’s not
impossible because I managed to do it, there are
individuals who did it as you will read later and you
too can do it if you’re steadfast.
There are three ways you can successfully increase
your leg length.
1. Cycling with a raised seat
2. Using ankle weights or resistance bands
3. Doing plenty of jumps every day.

Cycling with raised seat
This method can increase your shinbones by 2 to 3 inches in 3 years.
Maximized HGH is crucial for this to happen.
What you need:
-Stationary bike with adjustable seat
-10 minutes a day

How to do it:

This technique is actually very simple and does not take that much time to do.
It basically consists of you cycling on a stationary bike with a raised seat so your legs are reaching fort he pedals.

You start by raising the seat by 1/4th of an inch. After you have grown 1/4th of an inch you increase the height of the seat again with 1/4th of an inch.

It’s very important that you don’t raise the seat too much, because when the seat is too high cycling is almost impossible and you won’t grow

Don’t cycle too fast or with too much power trying to have the highest speed, rather focus on the technique.
You want to fully stretch the leg down and reach for the pedal with the arch of your foot (inside the tringle on picture below) and to really feel that stretch. If the technique is done wrong you won’t grow.

Do this technique for atleast 15 minutes everyday on a stationary bike.

This technique is very easy and doesn’t take that much time.
You can expect 1 inch in shinbone length in four months!

Microfracturing method
This technique is GUARANTEED to make you grow if done correctly, but will take around 2 hours a day and you need to be very disciplined and dedicated for this method.
There really is no know maximum amount you can grow with this technique so if you are really consistent you can grow a LOT.

What you need
  • At least 2 hours a day for maximum results
  • A good quality resistance band
  • Ankle weights

How to do it
  1. Create microfractures
  2. Stretch microfractures
  3. Heal microfractures
  4. Sleep

Step 1
Create the sufficient microfractures, this is done by putting pressure and resistance on the bones, when there is sufficient pressure and resistance, your bones will get small fractures which are called microfractures.
Microfractures can be created in a lot of ways because all it really needs is force that is put on the bone.
You can create microfractures by:
  • Jumping
  • Kicking against a punching bag
  • Running or Sprinting
  • Dancing
  • Skipping rope
These excercises should be done for 40 minutes a day and try to get as much resistance on the shinbone as possible. For example: try to jump as much on one leg or kick as hard as you can.
You want to create these microfractures so you can grow taller. If you have created these microfractures, your body will heal and fill up these microfractures and this results in a thicker bone.

Step 2
The reason your bones grow thicker but not longer when these microfractures are filled up is because of gravity.
That’s why you need to eliminate gravity by using counterforce such as: heavy weight or good quality resistance bands that pull on a body part such as the ankle in the vertical direction which will stretch the bone to get longer instead of thicker.
Shinbone5 minutes after you’ve created these microfracture you want to be stretching them.
My favourite way is to stretch them by using a tight resistance band attached to my ankles.

Step 3
Keep your limb stretched like this for an entire hour, so your bones will grow in length, but make sure the resistance band or ankle weight pulls on the bone instead of the joints and ligaments.
After that hour is done you should stop for a maximum of 10 minutes to restore blood flow and continue stretching again for 40 minutes. DON’T COMPRESS YOUR LEGS IN ANY WAY. That is so important because if you walk or stand your legs will compress and gravity will hinder you from growing in length.

Step 4
You want to do all these things in the evening right before going to sleep, so you don’t have to leave your bed and compress your bones after doing these excercises and can grow overnight for optimal results.
For even more results you can stretch yourself while sleeping on the shinbone with resistance bands.

How do you know you have enough microfractures?
  • Feeling of slight pain in the shin bone or on the side.
  • will be sensitive to touch.
  • When you move or put pressure on the shinbone by jumping you feel a sharp pain on the shinbone or on the side of it.

Collarbone technique
Repeat exercise 1 and 2 as instructed over a
period of time and you should see positive results, guaranteed.

How long it takes for results to show will vary from person to person.

Overall you should notice a slight improvement in just 2/3 months, results may be harder to notice if you are exercising your shoulder muscles with weights at the same time. If you don’t, don’t panic, do not make the mistake of giving up at that point, some individuals may take a month later to achieve lift off.

Generally by the 5 – 6 months period into our program, most people should experience noticeable improvements.

If you have managed to achieve lift off within the period of the first 2‐3 months, you should be able to achieve the visible improvements of bone growth akin to the before and after pictures up on our website.

Once you achieve lift off, you should be able to maintain a steady ‘gradual’ growth rate if
you stick to the program rigidly and providing you stay sick and injury free. At that stage
your overall physique will ultimately determine how wide you can/want to be.
Because the gains are very gradual, some people are not aware of the improvements until they look back at their pictures they have of taken of themselves 6 months ago. So it’s in your interest to take some before pictures for reference later.
Our program has been tested and proven to us and to our users to effectively widen the shoulder bones over a period of time.

Excercise 1
For the starting position you need to position yourself in the middle of a room with about one and a half arms length of space in front and behind you.
You need to be standing in an upright position with both feet slightly apart. You should straighten both of your arms and have them relaxed by your sides. That is your starting position.
From the established starting position you begin ‘exercise 1’ by rotating (slow to begin with) nothing but one arm (either left or right arm) anticlockwise (keeping your arm straight) so your arm would appear to be making a windmill effect (try and make full circles with the arm).
Keep the rotations going with the same arm, as soon as you’ve got the first arm rotating like a windmill, start rotating the other arm in exactly the same way but alternating the rotations so both of your arms would appear to be mimicking a reverse backstroke in swimming (a reverse backstroke because the rotations of the arms in a back stroke are clockwise, while exercise1 requires you to rotate both of your arms anticlockwise).
Now you’ve got both arms rotating alternatively anticlockwise, gradually pick up the pace (keep it slow), keeping the rest of your body still as possible, the only parts of your body that should be in motion are your arms and nothing else, bend your knees slightly if it helps to keep you steady.

Excercise 2
Exercise 2 is more or less the same as exercise 1. The ONLY difference is, in exercise 2, the rotations of the arms are not alternated but synchronised similar to a 'breast stroke' in swimming.
Basically in exercise 2 you will need to start in the same position as ‘exercise 1’ and just like in exercise 1 you will need to windmill both of your arms in an anticlockwise direction, but instead of performing alternated arm rotations as in exercise 1, with exercise 2 you would need to be synchronising both of your arm rotations (almost mimicking a breast stroke).
Again try to make full circles with both arms.

Forearms and fingers
For the starting position you need to position yourself anywhere in a room with about
one and a half arms length of space in front of you.

You need to be standing in an upright standing position with both of your arms straightened and relaxed by your sides and with both feet slightly apart. That is your starting position.
From the starting position you will need to raise both of your arms (without bending them) about 90 degrees vertically upwards in front of you.
From this new position, you will need to shake both hands in the ‘exact’ same way as you would do if you were to shake your hands dry after washing your hands.
You will need to repeat the shaking hands dry exercise so that you become familiar with that exercise.
The shaking hands dry exercise is the exercise that is recognised to lengthen the fingers.
Make sure your fingers feel the thrust at the end of every shake of your hands.
Once you are familiar with the shaking hands dry exercise, you can then modify that exercise to transform it into the exercise that will lengthen your forearms.

To do that you will need to repeat the shaking hands dry exercise but this time with both of your hands closed into a fist shape without clenching your fists.

It’s very important you keep your hands closed and relaxed but not clenched
tightly so that it gives you the flexibility to shake your hands in that position. When you
perform the shaking hands dry exercise with your hands closed but not clenched, you will
be performing the longer forearms exercise. As basic as it is, that is the longer forearms

To get your wrist accustomed to the exercises and avoid straining and injuries, you should do
no more than 200 repeated handshakes on your very first day.

You may experience slight soreness in your wrists after the first day. If you do, you should rest for a day before your next longer arms exercise routine, if not repeat the exercise the following day and increase the number of handshakes (with your hands closed but not clenched) to 240 in your next routine.

Whether if you feel any soreness or not the day after your second routine, you should rest for a day, but if you experience excessive soreness then you should rest for 2‐3 days and do not perform anymore exercises until your wrists feel normal again.
In your next longer forearms exercise routine you should be performing 280 handshakes.
The pattern here is you should increase the number of handshakes (with your hands closed but not clenched) in increments of 40 handshakes between each exercise routine until you reach our recommended maximum amount, and if at anytime between each routine you feel any soreness in your wrists, you should rest between 1‐3 days depending on the level of soreness you’re experiencing before starting your next exercise routine.
Once you have manage to build up your wrist’s resistance to the maximum handshakes recommended for the exercise, you then should be able to sustain the maximum number of handshakes in every routine without experiencing any excessive side effects.
Accustoming your wrists to the longer arms exercise routine is very important if you are to succeed. The biggest mistake one can make is rush things in the beginning where it’s not entirely necessary, just bear in mind it’s not sprint it’s a marathon.

Succes stories

The story of Leo
When I was 23 years old, I used to cycle to
college which was about 10
miles away- so there and back is 20 miles in
total. I read somewhere about increasing
saddle height so your legs are stretched when you
cycle - so it gives a slight pull on the legs. It's
bloody sore to start off with but you get used
to it after a week.

I done this every day for 4 months (along
with plenty of protein drinks) and increased
the length of my legs by over 2.5 inches -
increasing saddle height 1/4 inch every few

I honestly believe that any one regardless of
age can achieve this and more - the legs are
literally forced to grow to accommodate all
that pulling and stretching.

But I never see anyone else singing the
praises of cycling to increase height - am I
the only one?

The story of Anonymous
“Cycling for height”
July 10 2002 at 5:31 AM

Anonymous: Well, I don't know if this is true
but I know I increased the length of my legs a
few years ago by doing the cycling exercise
whereby you have to make sure your legs are
fully stretched.

I used to cycle 15 miles a day and the growth
was really rapid - and I was 27 years old. I'm
surprised this sort of thing isn't featured more
on this forum as it really works.

Ann’s question for anonymous:

Was the height you gained in your legs permanent?
How much did you gain?

So simply cycling
should help or are there stretches/exercises
for the legs specifically that would get the
same results?

Anonymous ‘response:
Yes it was permanent.

I just made sure I cycled every day and I ate
a healthy diet supplemented with protein

I also got at least 8 hours sleep a night. I just
can't see why all you people find it so hard to
increase your height - it's easy.

If you put the effort in and stay healthy then
the growth will come.

An interesting point is that when I cycled for
just 6 to 7 miles a day not much happened but
when I cycled 15 miles every day then I really
noticed the increase.

I used to increase the
saddle height 1/4 almost every 2 weeks.

Anonymous’ other post:
“It was me who posted that”

Well I’m glad some people took some notice
of my post –I haven’t visited this site for a
while because nobody seemed interested in
this method of height increase.

Like I said, you have to do a lot of miles
almost every day to notice the effect... 5, 6, 7
miles isn’t enough.

You must do at least 15 miles of hard cycling
and make sure that your legs and feet are
stretching every time.

If you’re doing it properly – and eating
correctly – it should only take a couple of
weeks to gain 1⁄4 inch.

Obviously the younger you are the better the
results you are going to get but you can still
get good results no matter how old you are.

This is the best method of height increase I
know and more people should put the effort
in and at least give it a try.

Story of BG
I grew an inch from cycling. I joined a
serious cycling club and did about 40 kms a
I have grown from under 5’11 to 6’0, my goal
is 6’1. I was very pleased with this as I tried
100 other methods including hanging,
stretching and basketball, and I never grew a cm.

1 km = 0.621 mile... 40 km = 24.8 miles

Reply from 5ft8guy
September 11, 2003, 1:10 AM
For real? you grew by raising the saddle? I
used to ride my bike to work and I liked to
make my saddle height really high. I was

like 5'4.5 or 5'5 when I was 15 and I became
5'8 when I turned 16.
Then I got my driver's license and never bike
to work again and i never grew anymore.

Let me know if you kept on growing by
raising the saddle, I wanna know if it really
helps! keep this thread updated!

Story of Vulcrum (real name is Jeff)

Age : 15 years old.

Sex : Male

Grade : High school, will be in10th
grade this September ’06.

Ethnicity: Chinese

Before height : Under 5 feet 2

Shinbone experiment started : around
January 2006 .

Current height growth from shinbone
routine: 5 feet 4.5 inch in less than 5 months
(grown more than 2.5 inches) [as of May 12th

Mom’s height: 5’ 2”.

Dad’s height: 5’5”
Location: California (USA)
Summary: Jeff, on average, grew about 0.25 to
0.5 cm every week. His growth was very
rapid and consistent because he goes beyond
no man has ever gone before – running and
sprinting like a mad man!

What did Jeff do?
In Jeff’s own words...
“1. Run at top speed on the concrete street for about 20-30 min.
This may be difficult at first because it is hard to keep at top
speed for that long period of time.
But it's important that you run at top speed because it will
release a huge amount of GH. If you don't believe me, ask
any doctor or look it up.


week one:
I ran three miles a day without stopping in less
than 26 minutes. I was a short, slow, and I wasn't
the most athletic person in my class. On top of that
I had really short legs so it was pretty hard to for
me to run this fast.
. I didn't grow at all so I got angry and tried

week two (aka The Hell):
I ran around four miles a day in around half an
hour. The training was really killing me.
My grade dropped from all A's to 4 A's and 2 B's.
I didn't do most of my homework and I didn't
really care about school. All I wanted to do was
eat and sleep.
It was like hell to push myself to run every day.
Once I ran so hard, I felt blood come up to my
throat. I'm not even joking about this. I came home
and started spitting in the bathroom.
My spit was red and it scared me. But I just kept
on going and going.

week three:
three weeks of torture and still no progress was a
big disappointment.

I knew I was doing something wrong and I had
better change it fast. I went on the internet, read
some books, talked to a few doctors, and basically
did a little research.
I found out that the best way to increase your
hormone level is to do short and intense exercise
rather than long ones.
I also found out that if you don't stretch out the
microfractures you made, the bone will get thicker
but not longer.

week one:
Actually, it was probably the first weeks of month
two that I've notice growth.
It was around the end of the first month and the
beginning of the second month when miracle
began happening.
I went to church, prayed God, and changed my
routine to fast and intense exercises followed by a
method of stretching out microfractures.

I used to tape dumb bells to my leg which was
effective but extremely uncomfortable.
I would run for about five to seven minutes at my
maximum sprinting pace, rest for about ten to
fifteen minutes (I was so tired.
I was going to pass out, seriously) and run for
another five minutes.
The speed and intensity of the run is far more
important than the amount of time you spend
running, as I have learned the hard way.
According to doctors and experts, the intensity of
my training had enable me to produce about 400%
more growth hormone than normal jogging would
have offered.
I believe the reason most people fail to grow with
running is because they don't do it hard enough.
After the run I would go home, drink milk, stretch,
sleep with weights taped on my leg, and the
combination of 400% GH from exercise,
microfractures that's stretched out by weight, deep
quality sleep from being tired out, and the amount
of calcium.
I can absorb because of the exercise
had enable me to grow one solid cm by the end of
the week.

week two:
Now that I know how to grow taller, I kept on
running each night at a faster and faster pace for a
shorter amount of time.
I will run at super speed for about 30 seconds,
walk for a minute or two, and then run again at
super speed.
I was surprised that I can keep up with the
cars driving on the local street.
Even though I can only keep up with them for
about half a minute, it was still a good indication
that I was running at a pretty good pace.
I began enjoying this training. I was addicted to
the rush of hormone that followed each run.
I grew another .75 cm by the end of the week.
Since I always measure myself at night, I know the
height I gained is solid.

week three:
Picked up a pair of ankle weight after visiting a
sport store.

week one:
My legs are beginning to hurt.
First the muscles, then the bones. I would often
pull a few muscles each night and it really hurts.
My friends are beginning to notice my new height.
I lied to them and said that it must've been a late
growth spurt because I know they are too dumb to
understand what's really happening.
The compliments keep me going. I was more than
three inches shorter than my dad and now I am
only about an inch or so shorter.
I grew about 1 1/4 inches. in these three month and
I was on fire.

week two:
Muscle pain got better but the bone pain got
It hurts to walk and I can seriously feel the

microfractures in my leg from all that hard-
concrete pounding.

I decided to ignore the pain. Big mistake. When I
measured this weekend, I shrank a little.
I did a little research and decided that the newly
formed bone must be compressing from the
I decided to listen to my body and take time to
heal the microfractures before continuing the
week three:
Switched from high intensity running to
Swimming helps me further increase the
production of GH while stretching and healing my


Resting and healing the microfractures has given
me close two permanent inches. I know it’s
permanent because I always measure at night
when I'm the shortest.

MONTH FIVE (which is now) May 8th, 2006

I stopped swimming and now I'm back into
running, fracturing my bones, and healing my
My leg bones are now a lot thicker and longer.
I moved from a size 12 regular pant to a size 14
regular pant and from 8 to an 8.5 pair of shoes.
I now stand about the same height as my father,
which is pretty incredible because only a few
months ago.
I was considerably shorter than him.

Well, that's my story. If I keep going at this speed,
I should get to 5' 7" by the end of the year, no
The year after that I'll be like 5' 11".
The point is to keep the progress consistent.
One thing I learned is that you should learn to
listen to your heart and your body.
If your heart tells you to do whatever it takes to
make a truly special girl really happy, then you
should listen to it and die for her.
If your body tells you that you should take a few
weeks to heal your microfractures, you should do

“I stopped growing a year or two ago and my recent
growth has been very rapid – 0.25 to 0.5 cm every
week. I’ve grown a total of 2.5 inches in the legs
within 5 months. Whether it’s a growth spurt or not,
there is a very REAL connection between my
INTENSE routine and recent growth. Read my story
very carefully and then draw your conclusion.” –

Story of Evan
Good day,
Of course, I will not disclose my real name, so let's
just believe it is Evan Svensson.
I am male, just turned 23, and have been doing the
shinbone routine for approximately three months.
While I saw absolutely no results at first, I realized I
was not creating sufficient microfractures.
I was relying on my gym routine to create them and
found out that it was not enough.
In fact, cycling and such doesn't create any since
there's no impact, despite that it is good exercise for
the legs, and could even help them in the effort.
At this time, I started my own separate routine
specifically for shin bone growth.

I jog, in place, in my room with 10 pounds of ankle
weights for 30-60 minutes, between moderate and
fast pace, making sure my feet hit the ground
Then I immediately sit (lying down, actually) with
around 25 pounds strapped to my legs for 1-2 hours,
then I go to sleep, without standing until the

I don't sleep with the ankle weights on, though, I
can't get used to it.
What has me baffled is that I am 95% percent certain
that I grew 1/4 an inch in the past two weeks.
Now that I properly modified the routine, I think it is

Two weeks ago, I measured (at about 10:30 at night)
at 5'10" exactly, then the next week 5'10" and 1/8,
then today 5'10" and 1/4.
I even feel a bit taller in relation to everyone else.

What has me baffled is that I am 95% percent certain
that I grew 1/4 an inch in the past two weeks, now
that I properly modified the routine.

I think it is working, two weeks ago I measured (at
about 10:30 at night) at 5'10" exactly, then the next
week 5'10" and 1/8, then today 5'10" and 1/4.
I even feel a bit taller in relation to everyone else.

How does that happen with only a quarter inch???
And I think the routine did this because my shins
definitely look a little bit longer.
This really gives me hope because if I continue this
rate, I could theoretically gain several inches over
the next year or two.
My goal is to gain around 3", but if I could get more
than that, I will try hard to do so.
In fact, I think I could start growing at a faster rate if
I ramp up the intensity of the jogging.
I actually feel the sensation of my shin bones being
"pushed out" or stretched from the inside sometimes,
and it feels strange, did Jeff report this?
Well, I have said a lot, and the only reason I am
writing to tell you guys all this is because I am
convinced the shin bone routine works.

It doesn't mean it is a miracle technique, but again, I
am sure of it that it causes growth.

Ouch, was Jeff disappointed? I don't know, I'd be
pretty happy with a 2.5" gain, but I'm a lot taller than
However, I don't see why most people can't gain
something substantial with a combination of leg and
spine growth and a lot of work.
But to answer your questions, yes, I jog with 10
pounds on each leg, and sit with 25 pounds on each
leg afterward, then I sleep after that without
standing, to keep the microfractures from
compressing before they have 8 hours or so to heal.
I take multivitamins and drink more milk than most
people, but I don't think that alone does anything for

I think's it's necessary to keep from being
perpetually exhausted.I don't think you have
compromise your energy to the extreme (as Jeff did)
to achieve growth, but time will give me that
But I should probably try adding more weight and
sitting with the weights for longer, and jogging for
longer as well.
I think longer duration does create more
microfractures which is always a good thing in the
way of this technique.
But, again, I'll find out with time. I'll contact you
if/when I hit the 1/2" mark. Thanks.
Just letting you know, you told me to contact you
guys again when I reached the 1/2" mark, and I
measured again yesterday to find that is exactly what
has taken place.

I'm pretty sure of it because I measured in the
evening, and I was on my feet all day.
I think at this point, there's still no telling what is
causing this, but I have concluded that I am growing
about 1/8 an inch every week.
I've yet to get myself to grow faster, but I am
working on that at the moment.

My goal is to reach 6'0" by the fall, but I am hoping
I can surpass that, even. If you have any questions,
let me know.
I'll give you all the information you need, but to
answer question one,
I do not have any before pictures, but I'm not sure if
it is time to send in after pictures just yet, why don't we wait, once again until about September or October, because I am fairly convinced that I will have achieved substantial growth since then.

If I do decide to submit any pictures, it will be of the
legs only, for privacy reasons.
The legs already look significantly longer after just
1/2" so if I manage to pick up 2 or 3 inches in all, the
length of the shins as seen in the photos won't lie,

If you study the proportions of people, you'll see that
most people's lower legs are not that long, even
those above 6'.
Suggesting the shin bone might be the little-known
window for height increase.
To answer question 2, my original height is 5'10",
I'm Male, around 151lbs, I live in New Haven, Connecticut.
I'm 23 years old, and Caucasian (of
English descent to be precise).

My current height is
5'10" and a half, in light of my recent routine. My
goal is to reach 6'0" by the fall of this year, which I
think is doable, but with a combination of leg and
spine growth, I'm actually hoping to be around 6'3"
within five years, but that is a big undertaking, not
so sure that could happen. In short, I am convinced I
am growing around 1/8" every week, since around
March 3 or so, when I modified the routine to be
more effective. My mother is around 5'3", my father
is 6'1".

I must note that I am not entirely sure that my
growth plates are closed. Though I have not grown
naturally since I was around 20.

I still have the face and body of a teen; I'm actually
routinely mistaken for a 16-year-old.
The reason I mention all this, is because it suggests
my bones aren't all that mature yet, that probably
bears some significance in my case.
But one thing I can say is that I am fairly sure my
newfound growth was in the shins, they look
decidedly longer, and somehow.
I feel I can run a little bit faster on the treadmill
now, you aspiring runners might want to keep that in
After reading Jeff’s story through and through, I
decided to change the routine to ensure many
microfractures are created and that they are stretched
out while they are "fresh".
My routine is as follows:

1.) Jog for around 30-60 minutes with 5kgs of
ankle weights attached to EACH LEG. Take
a 1-2-minute break about once every 10-15

It all depends on how athletic you are.
I, being quite active, could handle it, but
please, don't hurt yourself, such action is
NOT NECESSARY to achieve growth (I'll
get to that later).

2.) Take five to ten minutes to make so your
night regimen is done.
3.) Strap 25 pounds of ankle weights to EACH
LEG, and lie down with the legs extended
over the bed front bedpost and stay that way
for 1-2 hours.

If it starts to feel a bit intolerable after about
50 minutes, I think it is a sure sign it is
But don't allow yourself to suffer extreme
pain, sometimes,
I try taking the weights off for ten minutes,
then going another hour before sleeping. It
pays to have a high bed, by the way, get one
if you can.
Mine is almost four feet off the ground.

And it helps, if your legs touch the ground at
all, it will hurt your progress because it
provides some relief from the weight.

It is imperative that you do not stand once
you start the final process, not until the next
I discovered this point from Jeff who stated
that once you step on the ground again, the
microfractures compress back down, and
thus, you're no better off than when you
started jogging.
Make sure your remotes are with you so you
can turn the TV, DVD, surround sound, etc.
off when you are ready to go to sleep.

I'll finally close with this: try not to tell
everyone you know about this routine, I've
told no one besides you guys. I mean, if
EVERYONE is tall, is height so great?

The Ideal Ankle weights program or work plan.

9 pm: Begin jogging with 5 kg ankle weights for 40
minutes to create microfractures.

9:40 pm: Finished jogging. Take a few minutes to
rest and immediately get ready to stretch out the
microfractures by sitting or lying down with ankle

9:45 pm: Begin sitting or lying down with 5kg for 1
hour non-stop.

10:45 pm: Finished sitting/lying with ankle
weights? Take an 8-minute break to restore normal
blood circulation from the legs to the body. Do NOT
walk or stand.

10:55 pm: Resume sitting or lying down with ankle
weights for 40 minutes non-stop.

11:35 pm: Finished sitting/lying with ankle
weights? Go to sleep immediately to allow the
stretched microfractures to heal and recover.
Do NOT stand or walk around because you may
compress the shinbone.
After creating so much microfractures by sitting
with ankle weights, you may experience some
“stretching” sensations in your lower legs.

The story of Jieyagsen

“Hi guys, today I want to share with you guys about
my story for growing taller.
I was so obsessed with growing taller.
I searched online all over, but all I got were bull
It was just stretching all day long... even though that
does make you grow like a cm after all the pain for
pulling your legs for a year.
That won't get me to 6'0 for Sh*t!
And they even told you something like (your height is
pre-determined by your gene from your parent and
also exercise won't going to make you taller).
It likes telling you're doomed!! you can't do anything
it at all, just embrace it. I mean screwed that man...

So, I was 5'6 when I was 17, From 14 to 17 I only
grew 4 cm, which means 1 cm annually.
And I slept very late at night at around 3am.
So, I decided to change all of my bad habit, sleep
before 11 pm, no masturbating (masturbating will
cause your bone to fuse and mature faster).
Also, I started Running and Touching Sky!
I started running for 30 mins, and "Touching Sky"
which is jump as high as possible, arm trying to
reach something beyond your reach.
(imagine like you are jumping up trying to touch the
basketball backboard) jump 100-200 times a day
(Jump with full force).
I continued this exercise for entire 2 years every
single day it was very rough, my leg and shoulder
hurt a lot.
But i grew 7 inches!!!!!!!like you just have to be
consistent, it's not like you will grow 7 inches just
overnight, it’s the fact that you have to keep doing
every day!!
I’m currently 19 standing at 6'1, I’ll push to 6'2.

How does this work? So Running is most basic and
effective exercise.
Plus, it is a full body workout and it releases human
growth hormone to boost your height, it just makes
your body fit overall.
But the most important exercise is Jumping.
Ever wonder why people who play basketball are
usually taller?
Because when you are jumping, the gravity is
pulling your entire body down, so it is a natural
Touching Sky" is even more effective and better than
playing basketball, because even when you play
basketball you won't jump as much as just pure full
burst jumping.
Think of it as concentrated exercise that you jumped
more, and much higher, so the result is also
concentrated in one spot!
Also, you can run and jump anywhere, anytime, no
money to be spent.

Be sure to sleep before 11 pm though, because it was
important, if not all your exercise will be done in
I was just inspired by one of my 21-year-old friend
who also grew taller by 6 inches.
Just be consistent and exercise every day., You will
grow taller in no time. PEACE OUT!

The power of your mind

The mind is powerful and is unlimited, it only is limited once you start to believe so.
Here is the last succes story of a girl that used only the mind to grow:

The story of Angel

Dame and Sonalee, I kept telling myself that I'll
grow taller, felt it and acted as if I was really
taller. I did these things consciously for a while
but then I forgot about it totally. I just did not
bother about it anymore and went about my life.
After around 3 months I realized I had grown
taller because people started telling me I look
taller, everywhere I went!

Hey lovely people

I grew around 5 to 6 inches tall in 3 months, all
thanks to the lovely Universe who responded so
quickly to my desire.
I am getting quite some PMs asking me how I did
it. So I thought I will share it in a post here as it
will be helpful to anyone who needs it, and anyone
can access this even when I am not online and
hence not able to respond to PMs immediately.
I am copy pasting my story, which I just shared
with one of our members in a PM.

Before telling you what and how I manifested my
I'll share a small incident with you. It makes me
smile every time I think of it.
A couple of days back, my boyfriend's mother
came home.
After talking casually for a while, she suddenly
exclaimed 'Hey you look really tall. Is it because of
your dress?' I said 'No I have grown tall really'.
She kinda made fun of me and said 'Oh ya, right!
How can you grow at this age (I am 21 years
old)?' I just smiled and said 'Its possible'.

The reason I am telling you this is, most people
have preconceived notions about everything,

EVERYTHING! Can you believe that?? They tend
to believe that there is a limitation in everything
which includes our physical growth.
They also believe that physical growth, especially
height, is by large beyond our control. When living
in the midst of such people, we also tend to absorb
those beliefs subconsciously.
Has this happened to you? It definitely happened
to me. So once upon a time, I truly believed that
after puberty girls' growth becomes slow.
And guess what, I actually stopped growing pretty
much after puberty! I was 5' 2" and the tallest in
class when I was 11 years old (thats when I
attained puberty) and by 18 years I was just 5' 3"!!
I hadn’t grown more than an inch in 7 years
because I believed that was not possible.

Then I learnt about LOA a couple of years ago
and started manifesting many things. Only a few
months back I decided to increase my height with
this knowledge. Here is what I did:

I got clear with how tall I wanted to grow. I
wanted to be 5' 9". I decided NEVER to think that I
am short. If someone commented that I am short I
would just ignore it.
I decided not to 'try' to grow tall because then I
would just keep attracting 'trying'! So, I started
acting 'as if' I am tall. I would just close my eyes
and feel nice, proud and confident because of my
new height I was about to get into.
I am not very good at visualization so I instead
focused on 'feeling' taller rather than 'imagining'
myself taller.

Then I did some stretching exercises (which was a
part of my dance warm-up sessions anyways) just
to convince my mind that I am taking rational
I didn’t spend much time exercising though.
That’s it.
After a while I totally forgot about growing tall. I
got busy with other work and stuff. Suddenly
people started telling me that I look taller.
So, I checked my height and I was 5'8"!! Just one
inch lesser than what I wanted. But now I feel this
height is good. 5'9" could have looked a little
manly for me. That’s my story. Feel free to ask me
anything more!
All the best
Lots of love

I am living the life of my dreams...NOW

Mistakes to avoid

Stretching inconsistency

Most of the height you gain in torso is not permanent. Well at least not yet. You see, when you stretch you decompress your spine, when your spine is compressed you will be less tall, but it also hinders further growth of bones.
You want tension on the bones not compression that’s why you need to be stretching so your bones are not compressed.

Lack of urgency

Lack of urgency, you don’t want it bad enough, and because you don’t want it bad enough, you end up not doing the techniques, doing them incosistent and end up not growing.
If you have a lack of urgency you will stay consistent and grow faster.

Not shutting up

When you go around and tell everyone that you are increasing height, people will think less of you, people think more of someone when it seems to come effortlessly.
Also if you talk about what you are going to do, you are less likely to actually do it.
So stop talking to everybody and tell them your plans and let the results speak for themselves.

Forgetting Growth hormones

Growth hormones are essential for bone growth. While microfracturing and raised seat cycling make sure the growth is vertical, it doesn’t matter if there is no growth at all.
Growth hormones make sure you grow so make sure you have plenty of em.

Inconsistent and bad sleep

Almost all bone is grown during sleep and almost all Growth hormones are also released during sleep. Make sure you have quantitative and high quality sleep.

Not believing
“You can’t win if you have never dreamed of winning”
It simply is impossible for you to reach a goal if you have never thought about reaching that goal.

Thanks for purchasing this ebook.
bump for high effort
im not reading all of this because i know its probably cope jfl
Do you guys still believe that any exercise increases your height in 2025? Jfl
I will talk about how you can gain length in:

  1. Abdomen
  2. Femurs
  3. Shinbones
  4. Fingers
  5. Forearms
  6. Collarbone
  7. Spine
jfl if you think any of this will work. HEIGHT IS GENETIC, UNLESS YOU ARE EXTREMELY MALNOURISHED OR SLEEP DEPREIVED YOU WILL REACH YOUR GROWTH POTENTIAL. stop scamming 5'1 pakis into thinking this will actually work, it will help you gain an inch at best.
jfl if you think any of this will work. HEIGHT IS GENETIC, UNLESS YOU ARE EXTREMELY MALNOURISHED OR SLEEP DEPREIVED YOU WILL REACH YOUR GROWTH POTENTIAL. stop scamming 5'1 pakis into thinking this will actually work, it will help you gain an inch at best.
did you even read the thread? i dont think it works i know it works
U actually need to rope if you actually spend money on this shit
"bamboo method", "spartan method", "livelifetaller method"
Vitamin optimization and cope stretches wont make you grow 6 inches; not even the slums of mumbai will believe this
"banded sleeping" "ankle weights" "cobra stretch" go fucking kill yourself:feelsgood:
This shit is so gentrified now its basically the Instagram explore page on here
We need to execute all the pajeets that promote this pseudoscience bullshit on this forum
U actually need to rope if you actually spend money on this shit
"bamboo method", "spartan method", "livelifetaller method"
Vitamin optimization and cope stretches wont make you grow 6 inches; not even the slums of mumbai will believe this
"banded sleeping" "ankle weights" "cobra stretch" go fucking kill yourself:feelsgood:
This shit is so gentrified now its basically the Instagram explore page on here
We need to execute all the pajeets that promote this pseudoscience bullshit on this forum
hmu by the end of the year im currently 5ft9 last year i was 5ft6.5
Height cannot be altered.

A long and fruitless path is ahead of those who dare to challenge one's genetic makeup.

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