

intp, big dick tiny man
Jul 14, 2020
hello im a 18 year old boy and i am very under weight. my weight is VERY VERY VERY LOW. I am only 105lbs and stand at 5'7-5'8. i weigh less than my fucking sisters. i just dont want to be a skinny little bitch anymore. All my life i have lost fight due to my weight disadvantage. PLEASE HELP ME OUT.
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its over buddy
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it's the best 'drug' wouldnt call it a drug its like using creatine it has 0 side effects and it promotes hairgrowth
  • JFL
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View attachment 519779
it's the best 'drug' wouldnt call it a drug its like using creatine it has 0 side effects and it promotes hairgrowth
I'm fucking dead lmao promotes hair growth

Anyway to OP: Getting big is probably the easiest most mindnumbingly stupidly easy thing you could ever do in your entire life. Playing sports / doing cardio is about 5000x harder than lifting weights and eating more. You just have to actually look into it yourself instead of asking a forum like this because people will post stuff like the above (tren is DHT based and hair loss is a huge side) and you can find what works for you and finetune it. Pretty much best thing you can do rn is start training 6 days a week on a 3 day split (push, pull, legs) doing hypertrophy training (12-15 reps, 3-4 sets) and you'll be good.
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  • JFL
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eating alot is the hard part i find it difficult to consume alot of food.
Then you're going to have to change that. Sorry man. It sucks to hear but it must be done. You can try using a mass gainer supplement, those work pretty well. You still don't wanna get fat / skinnyfat though because that's worse than being skinny
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eating alot is the hard part i find it difficult to consume alot of food.
There is no way to gain muscle without eating, specially at your weight. You will have to force yourself to eat, find some foods that you like and do it.
Also at that point your body must be unhealthy, you should do it not only for the muscles but also for your healthy.
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Also the more physical activity you do (lifting weights) the easier you'll find it to consume more food
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Then you're going to have to change that. Sorry man. It sucks to hear but it must be done. You can try using a mass gainer supplement, those work pretty well. You still don't wanna get fat / skinnyfat though because that's worse than being skinny
its most likely have to eat a fuck tone too. maybe 2,000 + a day , i burn the lbs off very quick even when i do eat alot. this could be due to muscle mass or metabolism i honestly dont know. im quite strong as well so even the resistance training is going to be a problem with the equipment i have. But still im willing to do it. i will give an update in 2 weeks.
There is no way to gain muscle without eating, specially at your weight. You will have to force yourself to eat, find some foods that you like and do it.
Also at that point your body must be unhealthy, you should do it not only for the muscles but also for your healthy.
my body doesnt look unhealthy at all. i must admit i do feel unhealthy though . As in i feel tired and weak alot of the time. But when you look at me you would think im 120 lbs.
its most likely have to eat a fuck tone too. maybe 2,000 + a day , i burn the lbs off very quick even when i do eat alot. this could be due to muscle mass or metabolism i honestly dont know. im quite strong as well so even the resistance training is going to be a problem with the equipment i have. But still im willing to do it. i will give an update in 2 weeks.
I used to think I burned fat really quickly too, I was 6'1 140 lbs when I was 14 and now i'm 6'3 190 lbs at 18 at 14% bf. Make this shit happen. It is completely possible you just need to work toward it
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105lbs at 5'7.5" is deathly underweight.

Do you have a medical condition / genetic defect that prevents you from gaining weight? Have you talked to your doctor about this?
- 3 days full body / 4 days upper lower / 6 days push pull legs
Choose one of the splits above and train heavy. The goal is to do better then last time (1 rep more/extra weight/ less rest etc.)
You should be doing heavy compounds at the start of your training. If your eating enough it will be easy to increase the weight every week.

- Eat 500+ cals above your maintance, if you don't gain weight eat more calories till you do gain weight. If you don't eat enough calories you won't grow as simple as that. And don't be such a pussy saying you can't eat much. Just fucking eat 10 big spoons of peanut butter and your already +1,000kcal

- Eat enough protein 1g/per pound body mass. And be sure to eat healthy nutritious whole foods add cheat meals here and there.

- Sleep 7-9hours a day

- Supplments (optional) = Creatine, multivitamin, fish oil, protein powder)

Simple as that just follow the above and you will grow.
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105lbs at 5'7.5" is deathly underweight.

Do you have a medical condition / genetic defect that prevents you from gaining weight? Have you talked to your doctor about this?
Not that I know of. As I have stated before I LOOK completely normal in every way other than my weight and Frame (im a wristlet)I’m pretty certain that it is because I have made a habit over the year to under eat . I also remember I was working out like mad with a 35 lb kettlebell 5 days straight all I ate was crackers and cheese. And I drank some water here and there I went from 110 lbs to 105 lbs
Thank you all for the motivation and advice I’m happy I was able to receive it all. I will take all of this into consideration and will update on my progress in two weeks.
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are you guys really recommending him to train 6x times a week? that way he makes sure to gain zero muscle :d
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What type of food are you eating? and do your own research instead of just copying what others do and if you do
only listen to those who actually train
my guy you are anorexic
I weighed 95lbs at 5'5, just work out, when you are at least 8 months in run a steroid cycle
eat at a caloric surplus
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  • Hmm...
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my guy you are anorexic
I weighed 95lbs at 5'5, just work out, when you are at least 8 months in run a steroid cycle
eat at a caloric surplus
Dude I feel weak as hell when I eat a lot . I just stepped on the scale and I’m 104.4 lbs sure I feel a little weak Manly because 105 lbs isn’t my “natural” Weight it’s 108lbs but I still feel stronger than I do when I eat 2,000 + calories. I just curled 30 lbs 6 times Which take a fair bit of strength on my part. And I’m not anorexic.
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What type of food are you eating? and do your own research instead of just copying what others do and if you do
only listen to those who actually train
Any food I can get my hands on.
Any food I can get my hands on.
Have you tried checking your hormones and general thyroid function? go and talk with your doctor about that
nobody eats normally and ends up your weight because they are too lazy or anything
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hello im a 18 year old boy and i am very under weight. my weight is VERY VERY VERY LOW. I am only 105lbs and stand at 5'7-5'8. i weigh less than my fucking sisters. i just dont want to be a skinny little bitch anymore. All my life i have lost fight due to my weight disadvantage. PLEASE HELP ME OUT.
you know the answer broski, eat like a pig and lift weights. no need to over complicate it more than that for now
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Do dirty bulking for some months, that meaning to consume as much calories as possible for as little eating as possible, like pizza, burritos, peanut butter, and so on. Very underrated method imo and I've seen skinny people irl finally packing mass using this. Only disadvantage is that it's kinda unhealthy, that's why you gotta do this for a limited period of time, like a year or two.
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tren ?????? wtf does that mean ?

They are just trolling you.

Don't touch anabolic steroids untill you get a good 5 years in the gym with good diet and exercise.

Never touch tren unless you want to look like the stereotypical roid head with 10 different health problems.
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How old are you OP?
- 3 days full body / 4 days upper lower / 6 days push pull legs
Choose one of the splits above and train heavy. The goal is to do better then last time (1 rep more/extra weight/ less rest etc.)
You should be doing heavy compounds at the start of your training. If your eating enough it will be easy to increase the weight every week.

- Eat 500+ cals above your maintance, if you don't gain weight eat more calories till you do gain weight. If you don't eat enough calories you won't grow as simple as that. And don't be such a pussy saying you can't eat much. Just fucking eat 10 big spoons of peanut butter and your already +1,000kcal

- Eat enough protein 1g/per pound body mass. And be sure to eat healthy nutritious whole foods add cheat meals here and there.

- Sleep 7-9hours a day

- Supplments (optional) = Creatine, multivitamin, fish oil, protein powder)

Simple as that just follow the above and you will grow.
how do you know your maintenance?
how do you know your maintenance?
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Show us ur frame and ill tell you if it's over
Do dirty bulking for some months, that meaning to consume as much calories as possible for as little eating as possible, like pizza, burritos, peanut butter, and so on. Very underrated method imo and I've seen skinny people irl finally packing mass using this. Only disadvantage is that it's kinda unhealthy, that's why you gotta do this for a limited period of time, like a year or two.
NO! Fuck, no. OP, don't do this unless you want to fuck up your metabolism, get insulin resistance, gain 20% of muscle and 80% of fat, maybe get acne and ultimately LOOKSMIN yourself.

Do a slow, lean bulk. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Learn new things, do your research and know that you won't get fast results as a natural, you need to be patient. But don't do a dirty bulk
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NO! Fuck, no. OP, don't do this unless you want to fuck up your metabolism, get insulin resistance, gain 20% of muscle and 80% of fat, maybe get acne and ultimately LOOKSMIN yourself.

Do a slow, lean bulk. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Learn new things, do your research and know that you won't get fast results as a natural, you need to be patient. But don't do a dirty bulk
dude he's at 47kg. he needs to gain some weight before he starts proper training or he'll hurt himself.

link him some sources on how to follow a lean bulk once he's within a normal "healthy" weight range
  • Woah
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dude he's at 47kg. he needs to gain some weight before he starts proper training or he'll hurt himself.

link him some sources on how to follow a lean bulk once he's within a normal "healthy" weight range
jesus even i weigh more jfl. But my scale is autistic however it usually 52-56kg
Just eat and lift nigga
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wtf is the point of this thread??? jfl

just eat more and lift /thread
Just att and lift nigga
give him some advice indian chad. btw, are you steroids? from all I know it is common practice to give it to cancer patients after chemo to recover faster.

gay HIV-Patients get it as well, that's why @MakinItHappen is so swoll
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  • JFL
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel
This is probably the only advice u'll ever need.

Since you are so skinny probably the best thing you can do is buying a weight gainer and using it on a daily basis for at least 2 months.
If you are looking for a healthier approach you can slightly increase your caloric intake just by eating 100 grams of tuna and 50 grams of raw rice every day on top of what you usually eat.

Regarding training the simplest the best.
Pick any novice training program that is revolved around compound movements such as squat, deadlift, overheard press, bench press.
Check out these videos they cover all your nutritional and training needs :

And remember, always keep it simple
give him some advice indian chad. btw, are you steroids? from all I know it is common practice to give it to cancer patients after chemo to recover faster.

gay HIV-Patients get it as well, that's why @MakinItHappen is so swoll
Nah they never gave me any, those bastards shoudl've given me hgh because I swear I would be like 2-3cm taller man but I guess my liver wasn't having.

Im lifetime natty tbh, natty gains are underrated as fuck.
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Nah they never gave me any, those bastards shoudl've given me hgh because I swear I would be like 2-3cm taller man but I guess my liver wasn't having.

Im lifetime natty tbh, natty gains are underrated as fuck.
didn't you say you only trained for 2 years? damn good physique for that time
  • WTF
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didn't you say you only trained for 2 years? damn good physique for that time
More like 3 but the first one was mostly recovery and running because the surgery was on my leg it was only after I got into weight training so it’s not like I was completely untrained.
15 vs 18
3CDD4D54 4E3C 4849 9253 4DF832955237

21B45C22 BC64 4097 8351 BFCD01734F42
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watch this guy, was skinny and talks about the foods he eats that are calorie-dense and don't fill you up too much
good luck bro
its never over until its over
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hello im a 18 year old boy and i am very under weight. my weight is VERY VERY VERY LOW. I am only 105lbs and stand at 5'7-5'8. i weigh less than my fucking sisters. i just dont want to be a skinny little bitch anymore. All my life i have lost fight due to my weight disadvantage. PLEASE HELP ME OUT.

Aye bro, just want to let you know I was EXACTLY in your place. My natural body weight at the same height is around 109 lb. I was super skinny like a twig lol. After a year of working out though, I gained a lot of lean mass and now I'm 120 lb. Here's before and after if you curious

So as you can see, I was the same place as you, and then I worked my ass off to get here. Just follow a good workout plan, 3-4x a week (start off 3) do sets of 3 with 10 reps. Keep it consistent, and eat healthy and a lot. My meals included chicken breast with vegetables and cottage cheese, or beef stew with potatoes. No soda, no icecream (a few times ngl) no shit except for a few rare occassions. I never really liked those stuff anyways though. Gl. Ask me for anything more if u want

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