PLEASE never take fucking accutane, advice from person who used to advocate it


Deleted member 5927


Here’s my old thread about me bragging about how accutane is so great. Little did I know my hair would fall out shortly after, as it is right now.

Don’t take this fucking poisonous drug. You don’t care much about all the side effects until you get them then do a shit ton of internet research and find out exactly what happened to your body and it’s horrifying. I’ve never known more about hairloss more in my life than right now.

Essentially accutane method of hairloss is TYPICALLY telogen effluvium (what I have), your hair has its growth cycles where it grows (anagen phase) and where it rests periodically for about 4 months (telogen phase) and then it falls out after the telogen phase.

Accutane is a synthetically made version of vitamin A, vitamin A typically being found in plants as beta carotene and then in animals as retinol.

High doses of vitamin A are DANGEROUS for the exact reason accutane is dangerous. Accutane IS a high, overdone dose of vitamin A. If you look up the side effects of hypervitaminosis A (essentially Vitamin A poisoning) it’s LITERALLY the side effects and what accutane does to you. Aka dry skin, dry peeling lips, vision problems, etc.

Only thing you need to know is that high doses of vitamin A can lead to hypervitaminosis A and since accutane is taken systematically, it affects the entire body and your organs. As a result of the vitamin A toxicity, your body throws a lot of your hairs at once into its normal “telogen” resting phase instead of many of them being in different periods of growth and rest (that’s the reason why you shed around 100 hairs naturally a day, your hairs are in different stages of growth and rest so some fall out whilst many others are still growing).

But accutane causes hypervitaminosis A and your body gets shocked, puts your hair into the resting telogen phase (this hairloss is called telogen effluvium) and as a result your hair falls out about 4 months later. So even if you quit accutane, your hair is already in telogen phase, in 4 months it’s going to fall out.

This issue can either resolve itself in the next 6 months or be chronic and last for the rest of your life. It is not the same as androgenic alopecia, called male pattern balding, caused by sensitization to the male androgynous hormone DHT which contricts the growth of hairs on the top of the scalp. It’s not the same. Meaning solutions that limit DHT production (finasteride, RU, other 5ar inhibitors) do not work for accutane hair loss.

Do not take accutane. Use tretinoin topically. Note that you can still get hairloss with tretinoin, but the amount of vitamin A absorbed via the skin is FAR, FAR less than when taken orally at the doses accutane is prescribed. The risk factor when using tretinoin is INFINITELY less.

Note as well I took accutane 2 times before this with zero fucking hairloss and this is the 3rd time I took it and my hair fell out. Took it years apart but just because it didn’t happen the first or second time doesn’t mean it can’t.

Stay away from this poison. My friend no longer on the forum Gunnersup literally has permanent hairloss from accutane. It’s not even telogen effluvium, he has lichen planopilaris, a scarring, permanent form of hairloss, caused by accutane.

it’s not worth it.
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too long didn't read brb using accutane
  • JFL
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Why do you take such a stupid shit lmao
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Why do you take such a stupid shit lmao
Because I had cystic acne. Acne, balding, and erectile dysfunction are 3 things that can absolutely RUIN a mans existence. Don’t doubt it.
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Good thread
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I was going to use it, but after discovering it can cause hair loss, I gave up
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Used accutane when I was younger. GP prescribed it so it was the real deal and not some generic bs.
I had some acne, it was harsh, but not super severe like some photos I see on the internet. I had a little bit cystic acne from time to time. Acne got less, however I am not the lucky guy that lost 100% of acne and can do now whatever I want. I think its like 90% less.

Only had mood swings, beiing more down then normal, dry skin and dry lips as side effects. Took 40mg (i think) a day at 55-60 kg. For I dont know how many weeks or months.
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i just use tretinoin and my skin is nearly fully clear
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Well after the 4 months they should regrow or not?
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I've been using accutane for 6 months and I have 6 more months to go

So far no significant hairloss. I only take like 20mg a day

Just because side effects affected you doesn't mean everyone will suffer the same fate

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Well Native, I'll pray for you that this issue resolves itself in the next 6 months.
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a soldier died for us
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  • JFL
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acne is completely internal and is your bodies way of relieving toxins
So obviously a good way to stop that is to give the body a bigger problem
or just shut down it's immune system.
Thats what most medicine is based on anyway
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Just eat liver or drink carrot juice for vit a
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I've been using accutane for 6 months and I have 6 more months to go

So far no significant hairloss. I only take like 20mg a day

Just because side effects affected you doesn't mean everyone will suffer the same fate

I said the same thing and I expected responses like this. You have to understand your and my body are exactly alike. I didn’t think it could happen to me. It WILL happen to you if you take enough of accutane. Everyone can get vitamin A poisoning. It’s just a matter of how fast you get it.
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Just eat liver or drink carrot juice for vit a
Not really. Eating liver is injesting retinol and carrots have carotenoids like beta carotene in it. You would have to eat a shit load of both foods to actually get good enough vitamin A to clear your skin, but it’s literally the exact same as taking accutane at that point, just you take a pill instead of eating like fucking 12 pieces of liver a day. Accutane works because it’s an overdose of vitamin A, it’s a lot harder to overdose with foods, but you have to overdose to get the dry skin, which is what clears your skin.
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acne is completely internal and is your bodies way of relieving toxins
So obviously a good way to stop that is to give the body a bigger problem
or just shut down it's immune system.
Thats what most medicine is based on anyway
Not for me. For me personally, my acne is entirely hormonal, my skin is genetically extremely greasy and oily, and as a result my sebum production is ridiculous and I get acne as my pores clog from the amount of oil it produces for itself.
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am gonna rope if i lose my hair from taking beta carotene pills


60,000 IU's
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What norwood reaper does to a man, the wall for men starts when we start balding.
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am gonna rope if i lose my hair from taking beta carotene pills


60,000 IU's
Beta carotene will not cause hair loss it will just give you carotenosis and your face and hands will turn orange that’s about it.

I seriously don’t understand why you guys want to take beta carotene and turn orange, just use a fucking self tanner it takes like 30 minutes and you are tan as fuck by that afternoon and it looks like a real tan. I don’t get the whole turn orange shit.
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What norwood reaper does to a man, the wall for men starts when we start balding.
It’s not even norwooding. It’s just vitamin A poisoning. There’s actually a story of some explorers on wikipedia from the Middle Ages who took refuge in Antarctica and ate polar bear liver only to find their hair completely fall out, as well as their beards fell out in clumps.

Polar bear liver has an absolutely retarded amount of vitamin A in it.
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Beta carotene will not cause hair loss it will just give you carotenosis and your face and hands will turn orange that’s about it.

I seriously don’t understand why you guys want to take beta carotene and turn orange, just use a fucking self tanner it takes like 30 minutes and you are tan as fuck by that afternoon and it looks like a real tan. I don’t get the whole turn orange shit.
better coloring

I recommend this thread for a better idea on the hype.
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acne is completely internal and is your bodies way of relieving toxins
So obviously a good way to stop that is to give the body a bigger problem
or just shut down it's immune system.
Thats what most medicine is based on anyway
not true sell your raw milk somewhere else hippy
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  • JFL
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It’s not even norwooding. It’s just vitamin A poisoning. There’s actually a story of some explorers on wikipedia from the Middle Ages who took refuge in Antarctica and ate polar bear liver only to find their hair completely fall out, as well as their beards fell out in clumps.

Polar bear liver has an absolutely retarded amount of vitamin A in it.
It's a close experience to norwooding, the fact of losing your hair is a close experience to the reaper. Hair is life for a pretty boy like you, definitely difficult to deal with if you don't have the skull.
It’s not even norwooding. It’s just vitamin A poisoning. There’s actually a story of some explorers on wikipedia from the Middle Ages who took refuge in Antarctica and ate polar bear liver only to find their hair completely fall out, as well as their beards fell out in clumps.

Polar bear liver has an absolutely retarded amount of vitamin A in it.
all liver does
better coloring

I recommend this thread for a better idea on the hype.
Yeah but I’ve personally took beta carotene it just made my face orange not my entire body. I’m telling you self tanner is way better you just smother it on and in 4 hours you are dark as fuck and it looks real. Looking orange isn’t a looksmax it’s literally a medical CONDITION called carotenosis and is often mistaken for jaundice, not exactly an attractive look.
It's a close experience to norwooding, the fact of losing your hair is a close experience to the reaper. Hair is life for a pretty boy like you, definitely difficult to deal with if you don't have the skull.
Right. I’m just entirely grateful at the moment anyway, that I have the best type of hairloss (if there is such a thing...) meaning my hairloss is just temporary (supposedly...) and won’t result in total baldness.

But yes, maybe it will end? Only time will tell. I can only hope.
all liver does
Not true. Polar bear liver has much, much more vitamin A than regular liver does. You are not allowed to eat polar bear liver, whilst calf liver is sold in stores around the world.
Right. I’m just entirely grateful at the moment anyway, that I have the best type of hairloss (if there is such a thing...) meaning my hairloss is just temporary (supposedly...) and won’t result in total baldness.

But yes, maybe it will end? Only time will tell. I can only hope.
It probably effected something for it to be this aggressive even if temporary, take care of hair once you get out of military, dermaroll ASAP and hit something like RU or some shit.
Yeah but I’ve personally took beta carotene it just made my face orange not my entire body. I’m telling you self tanner is way better you just smother it on and in 4 hours you are dark as fuck and it looks real. Looking orange isn’t a looksmax it’s literally a medical CONDITION called carotenosis and is often mistaken for jaundice, not exactly an attractive look.
The goal with betacarotene to get this look.
look after tanning. maybe even worse.

can u tell the difference?
if nothing is working, taking anti-androgen drugs might be your only option ngl. I personally wouldn't but if it the pros outweigh the cons for you, do what you feel.

i had hormonal acne around my jaw and it was completely gone when i did this shit

- strict diet, avoiding any foods that are known to cause acne. no sugar or drinks other than water. occasional green tea
- hormones cause extra production of oil. oil is the main reason as to why you have acne. make sure your always washing your face. moisturize it with shit that's meant for acne prone oily skin. oil forms because your skin is dehydrated, it produces way more than needed and that excess fucks your skin up and causes the acne
- showering immediately after working out.
- sweating. this helped a lot for whatever reason. make sure ur skin isnt filthy beforehand though. i went to a sauna 4x a week alongside working out and shit and it benefited me.

this shit fucking sucks man. best of luck
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I was going to hop on accutane, but after reading all your threads I decided that I do not want to turn into a 20 year old man who makes thousands of threads on his balding hair on a forum full of faggits who just bully you anyway.
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if nothing is working, taking anti-androgen drugs might be your only option ngl. I personally wouldn't but if it the pros outweigh the cons for you, do what you feel.

i had hormonal acne around my jaw and it was completely gone when i did this shit

- strict diet, avoiding any foods that are known to cause acne. no sugar or drinks other than water. occasional green tea
- hormones cause extra production of oil. oil is the main reason as to why you have acne. make sure your always washing your face. moisturize it with shit that's meant for acne prone oily skin. oil forms because your skin is dehydrated, it produces way more than needed and that excess fucks your skin up and causes the acne
- showering immediately after working out.
- sweating. this helped a lot for whatever reason. make sure ur skin isnt filthy beforehand though. i went to a sauna 4x a week alongside working out and shit and it benefited me.

this shit fucking sucks man. best of luck
Currently my skin isn’t too bad since I’m just coming off accutane since a month ago. I just recently got tretinoin but I’m going to try and wait and see if my hairloss stops in the next few months, then continue tretinoin (since tret is also a topical vitamin A).

I found a gentler moisturizer that I use 2x a day, as well as moisturize 2x a day and I use Vaseline on my face at night as Reddit said because it really makes my skin super moisturized in the morning when I get up. It works great.

I don’t eat dairy, refined carbs, or sugary drinks since age 15, I’ve had hormonal acne since that age.

My plan in the future is follow this regime+tretinoin and maybe add benzoyl peroxide, didn’t work before but might now with tret included.

thank you bro.
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I was going to hop on accutane, but after reading all your threads I decided that I do not want to turn into a 20 year old man who makes thousands of threads on his balding hair on a forum full of faggits who just bully you anyway.
I was really freaking out about my hairloss. I’ve calmed down a ton since I understand what’s going on now. I’ve also gotten used to it so it’s not too bad. I’m back to a different state of normal now. I’m honestly more productive now than I was before all this in terms of school, workouts, finances, etc. it really showed me how much I have to lose and I need to get my life in order.
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I'd rather be an acne covered freak than be bald.
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How does tret cause hairloss?
Should I not take beta carotene? Sorry to hear about this
How does tret cause hairloss?
vit A overdose it happened to me too after I started applying 0,05% every night.The hair loss started 2 days ago when I noticed I was losing 50 hairs/ hair wash
  • Hmm...
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Because I had cystic acne. Acne, balding, and erectile dysfunction are 3 things that can absolutely RUIN a mans existence. Don’t doubt it.
fuck bro, I feel bad for you...

can moisturising the scalp, with say for example, essential oils such as squalene and jojoba oil; help to halt hair loss???
It’s not even norwooding. It’s just vitamin A poisoning. There’s actually a story of some explorers on wikipedia from the Middle Ages who took refuge in Antarctica and ate polar bear liver only to find their hair completely fall out, as well as their beards fell out in clumps.

Polar bear liver has an absolutely retarded amount of vitamin A in it.
:love:wow, found a good source!

" More serious is hypervitaminosis A, an excess of the vitamin that can be contracted from eating the liver of polar bears, seals and walrus. Affecting the central nervous system, it can cause hair loss, extreme peeling of the skin, birth defects, liver problems, vomiting, blurred vision and even death. One officer swore never again to eat bear liver, no matter how much it might tempt him, after his crew showed symptoms akin to carbon monoxide poisoning. Native peoples have long been aware of this danger, as have explorers, though some felt no worse after eating the liver."

"Research has shown that a healthy adult person can tolerate 10,000 units of vitamin A. Trouble, if it comes, comes between 25,000 and 33,000 units. One pound of polar bear liver — a fist-sized chunk and barely a meal — can contain 9 million units of vitamin A. The occasional lack of liver toxicity that some explorers reported can be explained by differences in the age, hibernation and feeding habits of the bear. "
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but you have to overdose to get the dry skin, which is what clears your skin.
but I have acne caused by dry skin...

brb getting my skin moisture levels tested
Currently my skin isn’t too bad since I’m just coming off accutane since a month ago. I just recently got tretinoin but I’m going to try and wait and see if my hairloss stops in the next few months, then continue tretinoin (since tret is also a topical vitamin A).

I found a gentler moisturizer that I use 2x a day, as well as moisturize 2x a day and I use Vaseline on my face at night as Reddit said because it really makes my skin super moisturized in the morning when I get up. It works great.

I don’t eat dairy, refined carbs, or sugary drinks since age 15, I’ve had hormonal acne since that age.

My plan in the future is follow this regime+tretinoin and maybe add benzoyl peroxide, didn’t work before but might now with tret included.

thank you bro.
yes bro, if you use tret, cover with occlusive like vaseline, im going to start it next month! I will keep you updated, probably, maybe
vit A overdose it happened to me too after I started applying 0,05% every night.The hair loss started 2 days ago when I noticed I was losing 50 hairs/ hair wash
that isn't a high enough application of tret to cause vitamin A overdose induced baldness, think again son
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Brutal, I’ve heard someone else else on this forum had the same experience too.

@Native Is is bad atm and are there any signs of return?
that isn't a high enough application of tret to cause vitamin A overdose induced baldness, think again son
might also be due to the fact that I don't lose that much hair during the day and see it when showering
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yes bro, if you use tret, cover with occlusive like vaseline, im going to start it next month! I will keep you updated, probably, maybe
Hey bro can I get you on discord? In case this website shuts down we can keep in contact
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