(Political redpill) Putin and russia are finished.

cold war 2.0 china vs us is my prediction, with the possibility of becoming an actual war.
sorry bro but i know for a fact that they slay, that bald old dude is the age of her father, Russians are all mmamaxxed, i had a friend that studied pharmacy in russia before moving to the west like many do he was muslim, if you get caught at night out or you act up YOU're FUCKED, manyethnic poor students are hashed up or beated up bad, Russians are low inhib af and fighting is in the culture, + those motherfuckers are all mma (sambo) maxxed, my friend was saved because he was muslim so the local caucasiens (chechen ,dagestanis...) befriended him (they gave him a knife as a gift JFL) and those chechens are even more low inhib and ma maxxed than slav russians so it was ok , FOR ETHNICS ITS HELL IN RUSSIA you may get women but the dudes will make your life a living hell you'll have to hide like a mouse and match on tinder or invite girls home and raaaaarely go out like some punk ass bitch,

FOR WHITES its a whole different story the ratio of women is high and slavs look like shit + they dont beat you up because you look local + you're rich so no leaching impression,STOP COPING WHITES SLAYYYYYY IN UKRAINE AND RUSSIA i know that for a fact.

Sorry bro it is what it is

this video is watered down 10x by the way

Can Chechens slay Slavic foids
cold war 2.0 china vs us is my prediction, with the possibility of becoming an actual war.
The cold war is already happening. Unless china does something stupid like invade another country they can just sit back and laugh at all the twitter checkmarks raging at china while they buy up houses and infrastructure of western and developing countries.

Also they are doubling up their nuclear arsenal.
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The cold war is already happening. Unless china does something stupid like invade another country they can just sit back and laugh at all the twitter checkmarks raging at china while they buy up houses and infrastructure of western countries.
because china actually does nationalism/isolationism correctly it is not like the US which does pointless foreign policy bullshit, they don't care enough about other countries to actively try to harm us and thus risk harming themselves. they don't do petty shit like when the US sold loads of its LNG at a huge loss just to drive the price down and hurt the russians , or engage in 20 year wars for no reason:lul:
Can Chechens slay Slavic foids
No idea, they seem very religious but apparently they have some dark triad mafia in moscow and I expect mafiosos to slay, it would be weird if they were some devout no sex muslim JFL
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Can Chechens slay Slavic foids
JFL i found this, they're macho AF how the fuck do you convince a russian to be your second wife damn
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Okay so @Blackout.xl What do you reckon will happen to Putin and how soon? I'm curious
Don't think that Russia isn't monitoring the situation in neighboring countries, they are playing the defensive game, Putin just consolidated his power more and he isn't going anywhere, just like Lukashenko. When he is gone Belarus will continue being in their sphere (80% of Belorussians main language is Russian) or they will be annexed if Westerners try to do something similar like in Ukraine where they overthrew their president (Crimea, Donbass).

No matter how totalitarian and corrupt Lukashenko is, the opposition is abysmal, progressive and on Western payroll just like in every EE country, it is full of clueless idealistic and impressionable young people (especially naive young women) which don't realize they are falling for another colored revolution funded by West where they will be used as cannon fodder and their country will end up used as meat shield and plunged even more by the pawns set up by Western powers just like Ukraine and Serbia were after their staged coups.

Delusional Eastern European retards refuse to look at history and geopolitics aimed towards this region for centuries, they still have this retarded thought that if they come closer to West their economical standard will magically be like theirs cause the West really wants them to prosper but only thing they will get are more NGO's, fag parades, foreign military bases and decadent laws while remaining poor.

The only real revolution that will come anywhere in world is when people's bellies aren't full anymore and when you only see angry men on the streets who have nothing to lose, not teenage girls taking selfies on streets and posting on Instagram about protesting cause they want their countries to be just like America they saw on Hollywood movies.

Also Westerners have this completely wrong thought taken from their silly media about how Russia is full of oppressed progressive people waiting to be freed from chains of fascist Putin who is in reality a simple populist. Russians, their culture and society have always held very conservative values on surface at least no matter if they were under monarchy or a communist rule. They also saw their awful weak depressive state of country in 90s when Yeltsin sold out everything to oligarchs while being cheered on by Western powers for being a democracy and that's why they will never fall again under Western influence again.
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Czechoslovakia, ok nigga
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I kinda have a different view about bellarus situation right now. The simple way to look at a country's political stand is to look at their state owned media because state media basically is a PR of the state. I watched RT for a long time, this time i see RT are taking stand with the demonstrators, why? because they are reporting a lot of violence action by bellarusian police/military force to demonstrators. Moreover some RT reporters and correspondents are among the people who are detained by the bellarusian goverment right now. I see Putin are done with Lukashenko because Lukashenko keeps distancing himself from Russia like for example Bellarusian govt were trying to lessen the use of Russian language in Bellarus and many Russian related culture in favor of Bellarusian language and culture. However, that's not the worst. The worst thing was Pompeo visit to Bellarus. Pompeo visit before the election when the relation to Russia were getting worse means that Lukashenko probably has made a deal with the west. He wants to do the deals only if he got reelected again. So in this case it might be the opposition that are pro/benefited Russia (whether they know it or not) and the incumbent goverment is the one that is pro west (in the future at least). We will see if Lukashenko can secure his seat amids whats going on right now, and we will see whether ot not my observation is correct. My opinion is Russia finished when there's no Putin anymore. There is no man as capable as Putin right now in Russia, Russia should looking for or made one ASAP i think, before it's too late (he might secure his place in the goverment but he is still a mortal that can get old).
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China is hedging it’s bets on developed or up and coming countries in Asia, South America and Africa.

Losing russia will be a big blow, but they don’t care. They probably saw this coming. Russia didn’t prepare adequately for this situation
Most of those countries have poor prospects.

eithiopia is never going to be a major player in the future.

the countries with long term prospects to be top 10 economies are all under the US umbrella.
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Don't think that Russia isn't monitoring the situation in neighboring countries, they are playing the defensive game, Putin just consolidated his power more and he isn't going anywhere, just like Lukashenko. When he is gone Belarus will continue being in their sphere (80% of Belorussians main language is Russian) or they will be annexed if Westerners try to do something similar like in Ukraine where they overthrew their president (Crimea, Donbass).

No matter how totalitarian and corrupt Lukashenko is, the opposition is abysmal, progressive and on Western payroll just like in every EE country, it is full of clueless idealistic and impressionable young people (especially naive young women) which don't realize they are falling for another colored revolution funded by West where they will be used as cannon fodder and their country will end up used as meat shield and plunged even more by the pawns set up by Western powers just like Ukraine and Serbia were after their staged coups.

Delusional Eastern European retards refuse to look at history and geopolitics aimed towards this region for centuries, they still have this retarded thought that if they come closer to West their economical standard will magically be like theirs cause the West really wants them to prosper but only thing they will get are more NGO's, fag parades, foreign military bases and decadent laws while remaining poor.

The only real revolution that will come anywhere in world is when people's bellies aren't full anymore and when you only see angry men on the streets who have nothing to lose, not teenage girls taking selfies on streets and posting on Instagram about protesting cause they want their countries to be just like America they saw on Hollywood movies.

Also Westerners have this completely wrong thought taken from their silly media about how Russia is full of oppressed progressive people waiting to be freed from chains of fascist Putin who is in reality a simple populist. Russians, their culture and society have always held very conservative values on surface at least no matter if they were under monarchy or a communist rule. They also saw their awful weak depressive state of country in 90s when Yeltsin sold out everything to oligarchs while being cheered on by Western powers for being a democracy and that's why they will never fall again under Western influence again.
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