Poll: What is your REAL looks-rating? How measure the users here objectively?

What is your REAL and objective looks-rating?

  • better than top 5%

    Votes: 7 6.6%
  • Top 5-15%

    Votes: 17 16.0%
  • Top 15-35%

    Votes: 16 15.1%
  • Normie 35-65%

    Votes: 37 34.9%
  • Bottom 35-15%

    Votes: 14 13.2%
  • Bottom 5-15%

    Votes: 6 5.7%
  • worse than Bottom 5%

    Votes: 9 8.5%

  • Total voters


Jun 23, 2020
While going through the forum,
I see some pretty good looking guys, but also a lot of very poor guys. I wonder where most people stand realistically.
Please dont bullshit :-D.
Honestly, if you are top 5% and spend all of your free time here, you are a complete looser IMO.
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
trash scale. Just go from trucel --> gigachad. People don't know what percentage is above them but they know which group they belong to.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5912, Deleted member 4416 and DutchPrettyBoy
trash scale. Just go from trucel --> gigachad. People don't know what percentage is above them but they know which group they belong to.
But isnt that completely subjective?
Who here is a Gigachad????? By gigachad I mean 1 in 10.000 people or more. So someone so stunningly goodlooking he can easily model for top tier brands.
The scale above is realistic and gives useful information for me.

For one guy, chad is 1 in 30. for the other guy, one in 1000. It is completely subjective and does not bring any new information to the table.
  • +1
Reactions: Kade and thecel
top 0.000001%
top 0.000001%
I see the serious tag has weight for you :-D.
Well, maybe Im too idealistic and while this forum has a lot of gold nuggets, the shit show is too strong hahah.
I would just really like to know what the realityis. How many are truecels, how many low tier normies etc.
  • +1
Reactions: needsolution
I see the serious tag has weight for you :-D.
Well, maybe Im too idealistic and while this forum has a lot of gold nuggets, the shit show is too strong hahah.
I would just really like to know what the realityis. How many are truecels, how many low tier normies etc.
Dont worry, didnt vote in poll.
Alright then :).
Im afraid we wont get significant number of voters, but very intersting. So I personally can understand if you are top 5-15% that you are here in this forum some time. But dont overdo it then, looks is not your main problem.
Personally, Im in the top 40% after a slight jaw surgery. So, an absolute normie.
But I want to be a chadlite pretty bad :-D.
If you are howevery in the top 5% or better and lurking in this forum all day, you might have serious issues lol.
  • +1
Reactions: Kade and thecaste
Forward grown normie :/
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel
Why not display the votes, would promote honesty
  • WTF
Reactions: thecel
But isnt forward growth good? or are you trolling lol
It’s good but I’m still a normie despite having god tier forward growth
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
Bottom 35%
  • +1
Reactions: thecel, Karstossos and PubertyMaxxer
I would say bottom 5-15% or even lower
ugly, very short, multiple disceases that had an effect on my face and skin, baldness, the list goes on, and on, and on
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
In a typical group of 10 (non curry non Latino) males aged 15 through 30, facially I would be either the worst or the second worst looking guy
However I'm taller than most people around me so that boosts me to average/below average overall
  • +1
Reactions: Warlow and Karstossos
I would say bottom 5-15% or even lower
ugly, very short, multiple disceases that had an effect on my face and skin, baldness, the list goes on, and on, and on
Fuck man! My condolences go to you. Any surgies in mind to boost you up ?
How do I do that?
Im pretty new here as you can see. but good idea!
I dont think you csn do it now cause u already posted it, when making a poll its at the bottom "display votes publicly"
  • +1
Reactions: Karstossos
Fuck man! My condolences go to you. Any surgies in mind to boost you up ?

Legs surgery = no way, i already have scoliosis meaning my leg / chest ratio would be a total disaster and i wouldn't even reach 5'9 even wearing specific shoes.
Jaw surgery = wouldn't help much as my face is swollen because of my medication
Yes it's basic, but again the list could go on.

i don't have the money for it anyway, not even to reach an actual specialist.
Legs surgery = no way, i already have scoliosis meaning my leg / chest ratio would be a total disaster and i wouldn't even reach 5'9 even wearing specific shoes.
Jaw surgery = wouldn't help much as my face is swollen because of my medication
Yes it's basic, but again the list could go on.

i don't have the money for it anyway, not even to reach an actual specialist.
Brutal! But cant you stop taking the med some day? And hair trainsplant would be possible, fillers too. Nosejob etc.
Dont know your exact weak points. But I see there are some guys who have it VERY VERY rough.
slighty below average, but i chose "normie" even though i'm incel.
So mentalcel?
Do you have plans to ascend via surgery?
i am getting surgery for acne scars (got delayed because corona)

and personally i think mentalcel is cope if you are below average. if you're a little above but not quite chad then sure, but as a 4.5 i put most on my looks. I suppose if I was gigaterrasocial i could get laid. but how can one be like that when they were treated poorly for acne their whole life?
  • +1
Reactions: Karstossos
Brutal! But cant you stop taking the med some day? And hair trainsplant would be possible, fillers too. Nosejob etc.
Dont know your exact weak points. But I see there are some guys who have it VERY VERY rough.

Yes nose too. Because of my glasses i now have a jewish nose.
Sadly my disceases will last as long as i breath. And it's the same medication for decades even before i was born, so yeah, no chance that it will change.
Hair transplant is interesting and not ultra expensive indeed. But what's the poing of putting her on a 5'3 disabled donkey? None.
I’m a spot on normie. Don’t really consider myself bad looking or good looking.
Do you see my points, though?
Or just mindless bashing?
Do you see my points, though?
Or just mindless bashing?
i have no idea wtf 15-35% means bro. dunno how much psl it is. guess like 5 psl?
@Gazzamogga can u guess which one I picked?
High bottom 35%
Normie but I I'd be in top 35% fully looksmaxxed.
50-60th percentile depending on area.
Subhuman. Bottom 35%
While going through the forum,
I see some pretty good looking guys, but also a lot of very poor guys. I wonder where most people stand realistically.
Please dont bullshit :-D.
Honestly, if you are top 5% and spend all of your free time here, you are a complete looser IMO.
6/10 at best due to my horseface and manletism and my frameletism
In a small friend group (just say 4-5 guys) my age I'm usually the second worst looking just facewise (It have been improving lately as some guys my age are already bald), but I'm not fat and I'm taller and wider frame than most of guys so maybe I'm normie (but low tier)

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