Pornography - unable to reach your full potential

Best greetings to all of you, dear members of the Looksmax community.

Before you close this tab in your web browser immediately, please allow me a chance to explain what this thread is about.

I am well aware that there is already a lot of information on this topic on various internet forums, blogs and video platforms, but despite everything I would like to share knowledge, if permitted, so that other people do not make the same mistakes as I did.

For all those who don't have the time, desire and/or interest to read the message in its entirety (which I fully understand), I will highlight the most important words and phrases.

A few years ago, I became aware of a video on YouTube (to be exact, "The great porn experiment" by Gary Wilson at TED) that talked about the dangers of pornographic films and overstimulation associated with mental illness (mainly depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive disorder). Today there is a worldwide movement that is getting more attention every day.

Some of you may have already heard/read the term “NoFap”. A trend in which people consciously avoid self-pleasure and all pornographic content for several weeks, months, years or even for the rest of their lives.

There are countless positive as well as negative testimonials and experiments. Increased testosterone levels, dominant, likeable voice, full, strong hair, bright eyes (prominent limbal ring), charisma, attractive to the opposite sex, pleasant body odor (pheromones), more fun and joy in life, motivation, energy, and much more.

But as so often, there are two sides of the coin. For others, nothing has changed (a placebo effect at best), so who is telling the truth now?

Many people, especially in Western countries, have come into contact with sexual arousal as early as childhood and adolescence. In my generation there was no fast internet connection or smartphones, instead there were magazines with erotic content and nudity on some TV channels.

Especially during puberty it was completely normal (for us) to get to know your body. However, the problems started with the first computer. Adult movies were everywhere to watch/download (FTP, P2P, IRC).

Someone who regularly consumes pornography needs more and more "artificial" stimulation (more hardcore, perversion, abnormal and extreme material) after a short time, because the body's dopamine receptors are exhausted. In addition, you lose large amounts of zinc, minerals and other nutrients through multiple ejaculations. The hormone prolactin is also released, which negatively affects testosterone production.

If the neurotransmitters (GABA, adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine) are depleted (and they will be, no doubt about it), undesirable effects will occur over time. To name a few examples that are common: mood swings, exhaustion, emptiness, nervousness, hair loss, unattractiveness, weakness, no motivation to meet the opposite sex, etc.

Unfortunately, this industry will never go away, because the operators behind such websites earn several millions every year and enjoy their lives in the most beautiful places. It's no secret that major providers of sports betting, casino games, adult entertainment, pornography (and more) are based in countries like Cyprus or Malta. Perfect places for corruption, anonymity and money laundering.

As these people explore the beauty of this world, much of the working-class population becomes dependent and sick.

"We know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else." - George Carlin

Thank you very much for reading my message.

I would be really happy to read answers how you feel about this topic. Have you already had your own experiences and if so, what were the results?

God bless.
the only long term escape from that is hot GF. That simple. Then you really can quit that shit.
Otherwise nowadays what is displayed on mainstream media borders with softcore porn

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Mirin dedication bro, almost 2 years from thread start and you are still contributing to it. Can I pm you?
Mirin dedication bro, almost 2 years from thread start and you are still contributing to it. Can I pm you?
brutal no reply for greycel pill
Mirin dedication bro, almost 2 years from thread start and you are still contributing to it. Can I pm you?
brutal no reply for greycel pill
Good evening, dear Roge.

Yes, of course you can write me a private message if you have any questions.

I sincerely apologize for my late reply. The delay was due to the Christmas season and not because of you or the fact that your internet pseudonym is shown in a gray color.

Ideally, you should use this website to learn new information and knowledge so that you can then apply this in a positive way in real life (physical appearance, career, social skills and relationships, new friendships, etc.).

Please understand that no one cares how many comments someone has written or what color a pseudonym appears.

This is not intended to be an insult or criticism of you, please do not misunderstand. I just felt it was important to mention that.
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Biased .
These guys would have roped long time ago if not for porn
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Bad thread, porn is ok in moderation ie couple times a month max

Also if don't you watch porn / have sex after a period of time you will turn gay or weird and worst case end up on a register.
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  • JFL
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Porn cured my depression
  • JFL
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