Positive reaffirmations are ridiculously important for life



Nov 3, 2020
Forget all the other stuff, like LTR, friends, jobs, hobbys, you need positive reaffirmations. I think this can make or break you. I'm pretty sure there are 58 year-old, bald, obese, poor single men who are happy because they have been told they're great, lovable, etc. (either in their childhood or by their today relatives/friends), meanwhile there are 25 year-old Chads with a Stacy gf who are rich and have many friends but hate their lives because they don't get any compliments, nice words from their gf, friends or family, so they only feel resentment and pressure to perform.

I remember once that I was going to the gym and someday my father noticed and he just said "You need to go everyday to see more results, otherwise you will never see them." So instead of saying something nice, he basically just said "Be better." Even though I had bettered already by going to the gym, but this didn't matter for him. Needless to say, his comment didn't make me feel any better.

You need nice words, compliments, etc., this will give you motivation and make you able to enjoy good things you achieved. Without positive reaffirmations, you can be a Chad billionaire and remain unhappy.
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I don't know how to get these positive reaffirmations though. It's brutal, I'm starved of them.
What if u get negative reaffirmations instead brah
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Its the only thing that remotely helps my PTSD
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Forget all the other stuff, like LTR, friends, jobs, hobbys, you need positive reaffirmations. I think this can make or break you. I'm pretty sure there are 58 year-old, bald, obese, poor single men who are happy because they have been told they're great, lovable, etc. (either in their childhood or by their today relatives/friends), meanwhile there are 25 year-old Chads with a Stacy gf who are rich and have many friends but hate their lives because they don't get any compliments, nice words from their gf, friends or family, so they only feel resentment and pressure to perform.

I remember once that I was going to the gym and someday my father noticed and he just said "You need to go everyday to see more results, otherwise you will never see them." So instead of saying something nice, he basically just said "Be better." Even though I had bettered already by going to the gym, but this didn't matter for him. Needless to say, his comment didn't make me feel any better.

You need nice words, compliments, etc., this will give you motivation and make you able to enjoy good things you achieved. Without positive reaffirmations, you can be a Chad billionaire and remain unhappy.
completely true your subconscious self image has so much effect on your mental health
I don't know how to get these positive reaffirmations though. It's brutal, I'm starved of them.
this probably wont work for most people (i am a diagnosed mentalcel :lul:) but for me because i believe i am superior to everyone else and am always objectively correct and the most intelligent person to walk the earth all my positive affirmation comes from my own thoughts and nothing anyone else says has any effect on my self image (including positive things that people say) however like i said i dont think most people can reach this level of self confidence
Good post.

I need stacy JB girlfriend to give me affirmations.
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this probably wont work for most people (i am a diagnosed mentalcel :lul:) but for me because i believe i am superior to everyone else and am always objectively correct and the most intelligent person to walk the earth all my positive affirmation comes from my own thoughts and nothing anyone else says has any effect on my self image (including positive things that people say) however like i said i dont think most people can reach this level of self confidence
Mirin your mental strength
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Wrong we glance over positive affirmations and only focus on the negative ones

it doesn’t matter how many positives you’ve received you will be an abused dog because of the negative
Forget all the other stuff, like LTR, friends, jobs, hobbys, you need positive reaffirmations. I think this can make or break you. I'm pretty sure there are 58 year-old, bald, obese, poor single men who are happy because they have been told they're great, lovable, etc. (either in their childhood or by their today relatives/friends), meanwhile there are 25 year-old Chads with a Stacy gf who are rich and have many friends but hate their lives because they don't get any compliments, nice words from their gf, friends or family, so they only feel resentment and pressure to perform.

I remember once that I was going to the gym and someday my father noticed and he just said "You need to go everyday to see more results, otherwise you will never see them." So instead of saying something nice, he basically just said "Be better." Even though I had bettered already by going to the gym, but this didn't matter for him. Needless to say, his comment didn't make me feel any better.

You need nice words, compliments, etc., this will give you motivation and make you able to enjoy good things you achieved. Without positive reaffirmations, you can be a Chad billionaire and remain unhappy.
Requiring the consensus acceptance of the group think, to accept yourself, is the most foul idea I've heard all day
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Wrong we glance over positive affirmations and only focus on the negative ones

it doesn’t matter how many positives you’ve received you will be an abused dog because of the negative
But the more positive you get, the better. Also you can learn to handle negative reaffirmation better.
Requiring the consensus acceptance of the group think, to accept yourself, is the most foul idea I've heard all day
Life is about connections with other humans, you need at least some tribe that you like and that likes you back.
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Forget all the other stuff, like LTR, friends, jobs, hobbys, you need positive reaffirmations. I think this can make or break you. I'm pretty sure there are 58 year-old, bald, obese, poor single men who are happy because they have been told they're great, lovable, etc. (either in their childhood or by their today relatives/friends), meanwhile there are 25 year-old Chads with a Stacy gf who are rich and have many friends but hate their lives because they don't get any compliments, nice words from their gf, friends or family, so they only feel resentment and pressure to perform.

I remember once that I was going to the gym and someday my father noticed and he just said "You need to go everyday to see more results, otherwise you will never see them." So instead of saying something nice, he basically just said "Be better." Even though I had bettered already by going to the gym, but this didn't matter for him. Needless to say, his comment didn't make me feel any better.

You need nice words, compliments, etc., this will give you motivation and make you able to enjoy good things you achieved. Without positive reaffirmations, you can be a Chad billionaire and remain unhappy.
It matters a lot until you are actively aware of it like this

Then you start to realise you care too much about people you shouldn't really care about

Who cares if the whore in her tight skirt calls you cute in the club?
Who cares if your drunkard father says he loves you after hitting you?
Who cares if your backstabbing friend says you're chill?

Honestly I don't even hate most people
I'm absolutely neutral with them.

Like they don't exist for me

When you realise how few good people/ people truly worthy of respect there are in this world
You will understand there's no reason to command it from them either. Their opinion is useless, it shouldn't matter for you

It's great if you get positive reaffirmation from the select few in your life that are truly worthy of respect (and not just because you have an existing relation to them)...
But most people won't even have that someone.

So you should coast through life actively unbothered by lack of incoming love, because even if you do get it from low class people.. it should mean nothing to you

And it's most definitely possible. I don't believe I'm better or worse than somebody because of my income, race, experience.. it's because most people commit bad actions, think bad thoughts, have objectively bad characters

If I can do it and live at peace, then so can everyone else.

Break free from the idea that everybody deserves your respect
Break free from the idea that those with flashy cars or designer bags deserve your respect
It's those who pursue good in a world of evil that do

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Forget all the other stuff, like LTR, friends, jobs, hobbys, you need positive reaffirmations. I think this can make or break you. I'm pretty sure there are 58 year-old, bald, obese, poor single men who are happy because they have been told they're great, lovable, etc. (either in their childhood or by their today relatives/friends), meanwhile there are 25 year-old Chads with a Stacy gf who are rich and have many friends but hate their lives because they don't get any compliments, nice words from their gf, friends or family, so they only feel resentment and pressure to perform.

I remember once that I was going to the gym and someday my father noticed and he just said "You need to go everyday to see more results, otherwise you will never see them." So instead of saying something nice, he basically just said "Be better." Even though I had bettered already by going to the gym, but this didn't matter for him. Needless to say, his comment didn't make me feel any better.

You need nice words, compliments, etc., this will give you motivation and make you able to enjoy good things you achieved. Without positive reaffirmations, you can be a Chad billionaire and remain unhappy.

🤢 react, no positive reinforcement for you today.

It's tough love bro, I'm trying to toughen you up for the real world.
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"you need to go every day otherwise you'll never see results"
low IQ response from your father, someone smart would have said something along the lines of
"i can tell you've been working out, keep it up, stay consistent and you'll only get better"
But yes positive reaffirmations are crucial for any guy growing up and even as an adult.
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doesnt work as good

i mostly want affirmations from a small subset of ppll
Did you feel good when people here told you you're above average (not that this forum is good for your mind, just asking)
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Did you feel good when people here told you you're above average (not that this forum is good for your mind, just asking)
A little bit yeah.

IRL I can't find anyone to say anything positive about my looks.
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A little bit yeah.

IRL I can't find anyone to say anything positive about my looks.
Do you like receiving compliments and nice words about other things about you than looks
meanwhile there are 25 year-old Chads with a Stacy gf who are rich and have many friends but hate their lives because they don't get any compliments, nice words from their gf, friends or family, so they only feel resentment and pressure to perform.
You came up with a scenario that's so rare that it's barely worth acknowledging.
Also, I've had plenty of positive reaffirmation but still suffer from depression because I'm genetically predisposed to be depressed.
Positive feedback is important, creates a positive cycle.
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You came up with a scenario that's so rare that it's barely worth acknowledging.
Most people receive positive reaffirmation so most exaples wouldn't be relevant for the majority.

Obviously there are many well-off people who are depressed because of lack of positive feedback, middle class whites commit more suicides than lower class blacks.
Most people receive positive reaffirmation so most exaples wouldn't be relevant for the majority.
Many men receive hardly any positive reaffirmation. And some that do are effectively paying for it.

Obviously there are many well-off people who are depressed because of lack of positive feedback
There are also many people who lack positive feedback and aren't depressed. There are also many people (mostly women) who receive positive feedback and are still depressed.

middle class whites commit more suicides than lower class blacks.
That's why kids shouldn't be a regular user here
Regular compliments and nice words are crucial for happiness in life.
Yeah. People here underrate the power of delusionmaxxing. Tons of normies see a chad in the mirror. It's pretty impressive.
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Honestly most humans shouldn't be regular users here, but kids especially yeah.
They would have been blackpilled anyway. People are realizing the bluepill is BS.
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But this forum is way too negative
uh. its 50/50. If you ignore the rotters, most users on here are pretty reasonable.

Basically, if you are under a certain looks threshold, your life will kinda suck. That's what the blackpill means to me.

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