Post mentalcel stories ITT


What is your psl?
I'm 19 now, that was back when I was 17. I was 5.10, skinny as fuck basically anorexic, deep voice, dark hair dark eye brows, pale smooth skin, wasn't chad at all, and i wore the same clothes to school everyday. High school is different than real life, psl doesn't apply to high school necessarily.
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  • WTF
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I have a ton of mentalcel stories. They are from late elementary school till early to mid college.
I look a little bit like @Dogs . I have also been compared to Elvis (jfl) and Emile Hirsch.
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mentalcels don't exist, garbage thread
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I rejected the advances of 2 girls, one in year 8 (later became friends) and the other in yr 11.

I found out later that they were genuinely interested in me.

FML. I didn't know how to interpret IOI's back then, I guess I still don't know how to.
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1. back in 9th grade there was this latina chick with prob the best ass in high school who sat 2 rows in front of me. she would always tap my desk every morning as she went to her seat. too mental to realize it meant anything. never ended up talking to her at all.

2. recently i went to an edm concert and some fat/thick chick was trying to grind on me. i didnt even know how to react. i was just worried about getting a boner in public so i just ignored her.
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Kissed my "friend" (don't really consider women friends) in a bar against her will. Thought she was giving me iois (she was not) so I just did it. Luckily we had a good enough rapport where she didn't take offense to it or else I could have been fucked.
  • JFL
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@Ruby do you have any good story to share?
hmm i have many but the first that came into my mind was this (it still hurts to think about it):
2 years ago a friend of my mother came to visit us and she had a daughter
i dont fucking know why but my mother and her friend left us alone for like 30 mins and so i was sitting there with this foid starring at me and my brain went to panick mode. me and her were 30 mins in my room saying literally not a single word just sitting and starring into the void. when my mother came back i instantly went to her, told her i forgot something and i had to go. i then went to the nearest playground to cringe and beat the shit out of myself for being such an autist :feelskek:
she couldve started a conversation too ffs maybe she was as autist as me
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Yeah bro 100s of JBs show me their tits and pussies everyday but I turn them down cause I'm sooo mental
I have a suspicion you’re a good looking guy who has severe BDD. You’ve had IOI’s before. You’ve made threads about them. And only fakecels get mad at others. Everyone else just weeps and wallows and you get mad because you subconsciously know that you could get these experiences but your conscious mind holds you back.
I had one IOI I made thread about and I'm not even sure if it was IOI.

If I was good looking mentalcel I would get approached in school or get big IOIs.
Aren't you good looking? You got multiple IOIs on your account for sure. I just look at this thread replies and that's how I know that I am not mentalcel "it's all in your head bro".

I'm terribly mad when I see others getting things I will never have, its fucking painful.
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I had one IOI I made thread about and I'm not even sure if it was IOI.

If I was good looking mentalcel I would get approached in school or get big IOIs.
Aren't you good looking? You got multiple IOIs on your account for sure. I just look at this thread replies and that's how I know that I am not mentalcel "it's all in your head bro".

I'm terribly mad when I see others getting things I will never have, its fucking painful.
Okay bro. You are right
  • So Sad
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hmm i have many but the first that came into my mind was this (it still hurts to think about it):
2 years ago a friend of my mother came to visit us and she had a daughter
i dont fucking know why but my mother and her friend left us alone for like 30 mins and so i was sitting there with this foid starring at me and my brain went to panick mode. me and her were 30 mins in my room saying literally not a single word just sitting and starring into the void. when my mother came back i instantly went to her, told her i forgot something and i had to go. i then went to the nearest playground to cringe and beat the shit out of myself for being such an autist :feelskek:
she couldve started a conversation too ffs maybe she was as autist as me
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i have a few so these are the only/main ones

around 2 years ago at around age 15 i got set into my new class in school and was seated in a table with 2 girls, one of them i already knew since she was in my form class (morning and afternoon registration classes), but the other was a girl i hadnt met before. She was pretty cute, i'd say 7-8/10, brown hair, clear skin, nice feminine features and thin, but really short (sub 5ft) anyway she started flirting with me from the first day of class. during our first conversation she asked me for my instagram and wrote hers on my palm, shed talk to me more often than the other girl even though they were both good friends, the next day she teased me for liking her instagram posts. Anyway the flirting continued but i wasnt really all that sure if she actually liked me or not and i was pretty quiet/introverted, the few times id actually try and be talkative it felt awkward for me. I remember she used to hit me a lot and laugh sometimes at things i didnt even mean as jokes, the only time when i genuinely thought she might have liked me is when she got mad at me for sitting at a table with my class friends for part of a project. But then the next day in another class we shared but where we were seated on opposite sides of the classroom i saw her being pretty flirty with another dude who was in her same form class, so i pretty much figured she either didnt like me/liked him or was someone who just likes to tease people. Though she'd often interact with me I distanced from her when she had annoyed me by recording me with her phone and putting her phone in my face, chasing after me, still recording me after class had finished which i had thought was to annoy/pick on me. She put it on instagram and a different girl in my form teased me about it and brought it up. From that point I just started always sitting with my friends, the teacher didnt really pay much attention to where people were meant to sit or not so I sat there for the rest of forever. She talked to me only a few times after that and teased me once or twice, but i never really did anything back. I didn't really realise I should have flirted back or that she could have liked me until the next year in school.

Another time i can think of is when a girl in my class who was seated next to me (i knew her since she was in my form class but we rarely ever talked) started this one conversation with me mid class. I didn't really like her because she was a show-off and liked to brag about her grades sometimes, but she had huge tits so i fapped to her once or twice. Anyway she started asking me stuff like "So VidyaCoper what kind of girls do you like?" and would lean on her arm with her breasts facing me looking into my eyes. During that conversation/the whole class I was just looking down at my lap, giving her short answers/"I dont know"s. She punched my arm once, and when some dude i didnt like made a shitty joke at my expense she started rubbing my back saying "dont listen to him Vidya". I didn't process the conversation while it was happening and I thought the back rub was to make fun of me/pick on me so I didn't talk to her for the rest of that same class.

Another time which was during that same year and the only time ive ever been approached by a girl makes me cringe. I was walking home from school and was really depressed and bored. I see these two girls from a school close to mine who are walking pretty slow with their phones in their hands ahead of me. I speed-walk past them since im trying to get home asap so i can just cope with my vidya. Im looking down at the floor lost in thought not really paying attention and then suddenly one of the girls appears infront of me and says "excuse me, my friend wanted to know if she could get your snapchat" or something along those lines, i look at her still walking not stopping and then look back down at the floor and say "no sorry". I was half too depressed to pay full attention to what she was saying and half thought she was trying to do something sketchy/pull a prank or something. Processed this only once I was in my room playing vidya, though to be fair im still not sure if she was trying to tease me or not to this day.

The next one i can think of which was pretty recent was around 2 months ago when I was taking the bus to school, i accidentally made eye contact with a cute girl with glasses as she was coming onto the bus, i quickly looked away, and then she decided to sit next to me (the bus was half empty and i was near the back) anyway once again i didnt realise the situation so i just sat there sweating and avoided looking at her at all, she got off the bus a few stops later and i only processed it minutes after.

thats about it for my mentalcel moments
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my entire life is a truecel AND mentalcel story
nice thread
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mentalceldom is cope
didnt fucking read

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