Post some legit ways to lower estrogen


Deleted member 466

Oct 26, 2018
Ill list some that I know.

pills i guess - Vitamin K and Aspirin. Dont think i really need to source, but saw a study that said that women who took aspirin had lower estrogen and ratio of estradiol...

edits: Melatonin im pretty sure. in like 2mg

cruciferous vegetables... guess you shouldve listened when mommy told you to eat your greens huh.

Semen retention. doesn't decrease levels, but lowers density. (i think SR/NoF past 3 months may be non ideal). not sure if it lowers it in the body or its only just the brain.

edit user suggestions: microdose aromasin, metformin, indol 3 carbinol
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Be born male.
  • JFL
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Microdosed aromasin is legit. But unless you have some weird hormonal imbalance you shouldn't be lowering your estrogen. Your body needs it for building muscle, sex drive and many other things.
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And why do you want to do that u illiterate retard? I am so looking forward to your smart reply

what if your ratios are not ideal. low t high e. or too high t and it converts into e because aromatase and genes etc.

Microdosed aromasin is legit. But unless you have some weird hormonal imbalance you shouldn't be lowering your estrogen. Your body needs it for building muscle, sex drive and many other things.

I know how important estrogen is. Im not wanting to get rid of completely all estrogen, just want to keep them healthily and naturally low as possible without harming myself.
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indol 3 carbinol

As mentioned keeping estrogen within healthy range (not low, not very high) is critical for sex drive, sexual function, body composition and muscle gains. A reason why hypogonadal males gain abdominal fat and lose sexual function is due to lower estrogen level per se (secondary to low androgens). Body composition and sexual function critically depend on a healthy levels of estrogen.Even aggression seems to be ER driven in the brain
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As mentioned keeping estrogen within healthy range (not low, not very high) is critical for sex drive, sexual function, body composition and muscle gains. A reason why hypogonadal males gain abdominal fat and lose sexual function is due to lower estrogen level per se (secondary to low androgens). Body composition and sexual function critically depend on a healthy levels of estrogen.Even aggression seems to be ER driven in the brain

you're saying the high t low e ratio is just another meme? I have no idea what ER stands for.
you're saying the high t low e ratio is just another meme? I have no idea what ER stands for.
Estrogen receptor = ER. And yeah it's sort of a meme. I've heard stuff like drinking or smoking can throw off your hormonal balance and give you higher estrogen than is ideal and then bitchtits but I haven't really looked into that.

Also I think being obese increases aromatase and can give you too much estrogen. But if you're a normal healthy male then don't lower your estrogen.
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Estrogen receptor = ER. And yeah it's sort of a meme. I've heard stuff like drinking or smoking can throw off your hormonal balance and give you higher estrogen than is ideal and then bitchtits but I haven't really looked into that.

oh yeah forgot. i got what he meant about aggression though. i read that 1 post on lookism where it provided pretty good info about it. i still think a lower e (but ideal range) would be best, because of how it is associated with lower third and height growth. (delaying growth plates, giving more time to reach full potential, not like just in general)
oh yeah forgot. i got what he meant about aggression though. i read that 1 post on lookism where it provided pretty good info about it. i still think a lower e (but ideal range) would be best, because of how it is associated with lower third and height growth. (delaying growth plates, giving more time to reach full potential, not like just in general)

Again reductionist view of biology and phenotype. Not good. Height is determined genetically. By THOUSANDS of single nucleotide variants you inherit randomly upon conception with each SNV having a tiny but additive effect. Trying to interfere with estrogen level at puberty, while it may sound reasonable, as estrogen is part of the mediators responsible for epiphyseal closure, wont make you any taller than what your genetic blueprint dictates.
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  • JFL
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Again reductionist view of biology and phenotype. Not good. Height is determined genetically. By THOUSANDS of single nucleotide variants you inherit randomly upon conception with each SNV having a tiny but additive effect. Trying to interfere with estrogen level at puberty, while it may sound reasonable, as estrogen is part of the mediators responsible for epiphyseal closure, wont make you any taller than what your genetic blueprint dictates.
Question: clearly humans don't function like some plants where tall or short is dominant or recessive alleles combination. So what exactly causes height difference in humans? Genetic variance? SNPs? Epistasis? Thanks
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ignore this. was a double post.
Yes, absolutely. It has to do with the cumulative sum of gene variants (or SNVs) you inherited upon conception. Each of these thousands gene/SNV that have been identified more or less by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) will either have a dominant or recessive allele you inherit from each of your parents that will subsequently influence whether that gene is expressed or not. Its all in your genes. Nutrition etc has only a tiny effect, unless we are talking about severe prolonged malnutrition/energy restriction - even in that case height/development resumes to reach genetic potential when normal calories are resumed
Yes, absolutely. It has to do with the cumulative sum of gene variants (or SNVs) you inherited upon conception. Each of these thousands gene/SNV that have been identified more or less by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) will either have a dominant or recessive allele you inherit from each of your parents that will subsequently influence whether that gene is expressed or not. Its all in your genes. Nutrition etc has only a tiny effect, unless we are talking about severe prolonged malnutrition/energy restriction - even in that case height/development resumes to reach genetic potential when normal calories are resumed
Yeah that's what I figured. It's kinda interesting how organisms like fruit flies and amoebas have a longer genome or more protein coding genes but are less complex than us. Bio is pretty interesting
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even in that case height/development resumes to reach genetic potential when normal calories are resumed

edit: (deleted this invaluable paragraph)

thanks for putting this height bs into perspective DrTony. u think that lower estrogen actually does anything for jaw growth? face bones should be different right? does lower than normal estrogen even have benefits? or is it meme science BS from lookism
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Its also fascinating that we (humans) share 99.9% of the same genes but hey look at the huge variability among us. It is also immensely interesting all the levels of control we have for gene expression at the epi-genome level, transcriptional level, and post transcriptional
edit: (deleted this invaluable paragraph)

thanks for putting this height bs into perspective DrTony. u think that lower estrogen actually does anything for jaw growth? face bones should be different right? does lower than normal estrogen even have benefits?

Depends. If its diagnosed GH insufficiency due to pituitary abnormality then yes it can lead to short stature and perhaps exogenous administration can help your child reach his full adult height determined by his genes. Precocious and/or delayed puberty is also a real thing which is not *entirely* genetic but under the control of enviromental influences sometimes (e.g. if a child takes corticosteroids for some condition for extended periods of time during puberty it may affect growth)
edit: (deleted this invaluable paragraph)

thanks for putting this height bs into perspective DrTony. u think that lower estrogen actually does anything for jaw growth? face bones should be different right? does lower than normal estrogen even have benefits?

Your mandible is rich in AR usually. Thats why males tend to have heavier more robust jaws, browridge etc but the shape, angularity etc are determined genetically. If you try to draw associations between jaw and testosterone levels you ll lucky to find weak/moderate correlation (of course ZERO correlation with adult levels of circulating andorgens, referring solely to teenage years in the developmental window)
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Your mandible is rich in AR usually. Thats why males tend to have heavier more robust jaws, browridge etc but the shape, angularity etc are determined genetically. If you try to draw associations between jaw and testosterone levels you ll lucky to find weak/moderate correlation (of course ZERO correlation with adult levels of circulating andorgens, referring solely to teenage years in the developmental window)

so the only hope for jaw growth is AR density maxxing, which is probably genetics, unless desensitized, which might be a thing, unless im just thinking about the brain.(also oral posture, of course)

i guess this thread is a lil pointless unless like i said earlier you have bad aromatase like high t high e or low t high e. (guess it has some value however to those who wanna be healthy)
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Your mandible is rich in AR usually. Thats why males tend to have heavier more robust jaws, browridge etc but the shape, angularity etc are determined genetically. If you try to draw associations between jaw and testosterone levels you ll lucky to find weak/moderate correlation (of course ZERO correlation with adult levels of circulating andorgens, referring solely to teenage years in the developmental window)

So would taking steroids which boost AR density during puberty have a big effect? I knew these two guys who took steroids at my highschool when they were around 15 years old and they both got very large adams apples and the deepest voices I've ever heard. They didn't even sound human. Also they had really masculine faces.
Its also fascinating that we (humans) share 99.9% of the same genes but hey look at the huge variability among us. It is also immensely interesting all the levels of control we have for gene expression at the epi-genome level, transcriptional level, and post transcriptional
I've always been interested in the fact that we share such similar genes with other organisms that are so different from us. And one base pair can change so many things. Especially frame shift mutations that can completely destroy protein coding gene regions. And how all organisms use the same type of genetic information (DNA and RNA)

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