Prettyboymaxxing was right

Op think he looks like a trash and angelrun and Th mogs him
I am seriously done, i just cannot dont relate with site standards at all, like of local circlejerk guys
For me its weird like i never ever saw something more strage and bizard
Like handsome men are rated looking like shit here, and so
You’re using outdated / frauded pics.

in pics that are not out of date and there isn’t tons of frauding he looks like this

BAC41418 0A6C 4D5F B69A B3B7CF2547DD F2F6E68B 84F0 4468 A5A0 E15ADDC2AC81
This is gandy at 35
This doesn’t mean he isn’t good looking in his prime
View attachment 318763
Obviously, that’s not my point. I’m saying he looks like trash NOW. I never mentioned him in the past. He might of been a mogger in the past but his face is busted now
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I Think you are right PSL rating doesn't always apply to real life.this curry gets low rating even on fucking photofeeler.Phenotype matters quite alot.
View attachment 318721
Weird. Even i with bad pheno got 8,9 on attractive scale.
i was the pioneer of name theory too, just for reference

and the theory wasnt changing your name, it was the fact your destiny is predetermined at birth
Gigacope. Angel run and tsh are not 4/10. You can’t rate for shit if you genuinely think they’re 4/10 based off of aesthetics.

I looked up the people you listed and they mostly look like shit. They probably wouldn’t get matches. Not to mention, Even if they did, it only proves my point. They all have HIGH PEDIGREE PHENOS WITH LIGHT SKIN.

Phenotype is everything. You need NON SHITSKIN NON LOW CLASS PHENO if you want to get girls on tinder as a curry.

Based on all the experiments that ArabIncel and some that I have run, it seems as if there's a significant distinction in the results that good looking curries get. Basically AngelRun and TSH (which most of Indians look like jfl) did atrociously bad. If you have that pheno, its impossible to run OLD game no matter how good looking you are. Salludon did better than I would expect for my area given it comprises of almost completely rich, white people, however Salludon's beard probably looksminned himself in the age range that I was targeting (18-24).

There were a few curries that did exceptionally well and could easily slay off of tinder. Prime Hrithik Roshan falls into this category along with any good looking people that have the HIGH PEDIGREE WITH LIGHT SKIN pheno. 2 people who look like less good looking versions of Zayn or Marlon Texeira with a kinda fuckboy appearance did extremely well. Looking low class or dark as a curry means that IT'S OVER. If you have a short face, bad eye area, or dark skin and you're curry, IT'S OVER. If you can't tell girls that you're half white and have them not have a doubt in believing you, IT'S OVER.
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hmmm legit

I have caucasoid pheno so that saved me p much
exactly, GL indians from decent families have one of the best phenos

way way higher up the pecking order than easturn euro men
I'm not too sure, because when u talk about matches you are also talking about failo. You can be decent looks and status, but if you are associated with curry failo, it's over
arab ran experiments on tsh and angel run and both flopped.
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Phenotype is EVERYTHING. You need the right pheno or else it’s ogre for u.

Arabincel did experiments with a legit 6 PSL Indian but the entire experiment flopped due to the fact that the indian he used has an obvious curry pheno. So girls rejected him on sight.

Bones don’t mean anything if you don’t have the right pheno. A white boneless Normie can do as good if not better than a hyper masculine curry. It is what it is

Some niggas wanna cope with “muh name falio”


Name falio doesn’t mean shit. If you’re curry, you’re curry. You can be named rob and foids will swipe over you when they sense that you’re a curry

meanwhile an african tyrone can be named umbuktu and foids will hop on his cock.

It’s giga over. Foids are racist as fuck. I’m running an experiment which confirmed my thoughts in this thread, more on that later.

stay strong my curry friends

Help me out, what exactly do you mean by pheno and dark skin? As in how do you tell if a pheno is curry, or caucasoid (or whatever the alternative is)?
Wasnt 6 PSL curry

IT was 4/10 curry, beside frauded pictures

I assure you, take any PSL 6 curry like Hritik Roshan, Sidhart MAlhatra or SHahid Kapoor and they will get matches

U phaggots ignore the market , and know horseshit about which faces are GL, including you OP

Tinder , or maybe even photofeeler are legit

Phenopill is brutal, but GL is GL
those aren't even 6 PSL curries, just curries with good coloring.
Sure you will get less matches than a white 6 PSL guy, but if you're at least light you will get good matches
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Good thing I’m white
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Based on all the experiments that ArabIncel and some that I have run, it seems as if there's a significant distinction in the results that good looking curries get. Basically AngelRun and TSH (which most of Indians look like jfl) did atrociously bad. If you have that pheno, its impossible to run OLD game no matter how good looking you are. Salludon did better than I would expect for my area given it comprises of almost completely rich, white people, however Salludon's beard probably looksminned himself in the age range that I was targeting (18-24).

There were a few curries that did exceptionally well and could easily slay off of tinder. Prime Hrithik Roshan falls into this category along with any good looking people that have the HIGH PEDIGREE WITH LIGHT SKIN pheno. 2 people who look like less good looking versions of Zayn or Marlon Texeira with a kinda fuckboy appearance did extremely well. Looking low class or dark as a curry means that IT'S OVER. If you have a short face, bad eye area, or dark skin and you're curry, IT'S OVER. If you can't tell girls that you're half white and have them not have a doubt in believing you, IT'S OVER.
Pheno is king even among inter race distinctions
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There are threads about it since a long time ago, "JBW" etc ... It's all old and nothing new.

And no, these threads about "bones vs phenotype" are retarded.
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