Problem with incels is that they don't feel entitled to women.

Deleted member 275

Deleted member 275

Sep 8, 2018
It's funny how people shitting on incels tell them that they feel 'entitled' to women and that that is a bad thing. 'Nobody is entitled to women you inkwel!!'

When the opposite is actually true. When an incel sees an attractive girl on the street is he likely to think:
'She's mine, I deserve her.'
or 'She is too good for me, I will never have her.'

Ofcourse, the second one. The reason why many men are incels is because they feel that they don't deserve attractive women, that they are not entitled to them. And if you act like you have that mindset, it's not going to work.

The moment you start thinking: 'Hey that girl is hot, I deserve to fuck her and I am entitled to her. Let's have a conversation and setup a date'

That's the moment you are likely to ascend at some point. Another proof that 'do the exact opposite the average soycuck normie tells you to' is the right way of life.
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Actually I used to feel pretty entitled, I've read so much PUA material, that I became convinced I deserved women - I was the prize, and they were the ones who should have been thankful for being graced by my attention.
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Truth but I think that on this forum, lot of users are also entitled
Actually I used to feel pretty entitled, I've read so much PUA material, that I became convinced I deserved women - I was the prize, and they were the ones who should have been thankful for being graced by my attention.
So how much did you slay? girls love that attitude
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So how much did you slay? girls love that attitude
Very little, and when it happened it was mostly due to luck, or a random fluke, I had huge streaks when nothing happened and I was rejected over and over again, no matter how confident I was or how I acted. Some of my successes came pretty early, I had the beginner's luck, so I was totally convinced that stuff works, and became even more confident, but then I failed to have the same positive results no matter how I tried.
I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I learned about the blackpill, but by that time it was already too late for me.
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Cope sub8 is death
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Very little, and when it happened it was mostly due to luck, or a random fluke, I had huge streaks when nothing happened and I was rejected over and over again, no matter how confident I was or how I acted. Some of my successes came pretty early, I had the beginner's luck, so I was totally convinced that stuff works, and became even more confident, but then I failed to have the same positive results no matter how I tried.
I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I learned about the blackpill, but by that time it was already too late for me.
How is it too late for you when even @RichmondBread is ascending at 41yo. It's best to slay when you are young, next best time is now.

don't give up. Improve looks and go out there. You deserve these women.
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except 99% of this forum thinks the girl is the one that should approach them. JFL
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  • JFL
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Actually I used to feel pretty entitled, I've read so much PUA material, that I became convinced I deserved women - I was the prize, and they were the ones who should have been thankful for being graced by my attention.
yeah. common pua believes they try to install:
* "you are the prize"
* "she is waiting for you to chat her up/appraoch her"
* "women are or should be flattered by your approaching"

It's good though. To not put women on a pedestal, they already are often a bit.

It's reality disconnect. If you don't get possitive world feedback, to think you are the prize.
it's a loop, ideally. You own view and what the world gives back as treatment.
Othwerwise it's just delussional.

you are the prize, when you are an attractive option.
you are not the prize, when you are unattractive option.
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i just want my sig bro :feelsree:
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Very little, and when it happened it was mostly due to luck, or a random fluke, I had huge streaks when nothing happened and I was rejected over and over again, no matter how confident I was or how I acted. Some of my successes came pretty early, I had the beginner's luck, so I was totally convinced that stuff works, and became even more confident, but then I failed to have the same positive results no matter how I tried.
I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I learned about the blackpill, but by that time it was already too late for me.
Why too late? You had spend all your pennies in PUA coahing? JFL
  • JFL
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It's funny how people shitting on incels tell them that they feel 'entitled' to women and that that is a bad thing. 'Nobody is entitled to women you inkwel!!'

When the opposite is actually true. When an incel sees an attractive girl on the street is he likely to think:
'She's mine, I deserve her.'
or 'She is too good for me, I will never have her.'

Ofcourse, the second one. The reason why many men are incels is because they feel that they don't deserve attractive women, that they are not entitled to them. And if you act like you have that mindset, it's not going to work.

The moment you start thinking: 'Hey that girl is hot, I deserve to fuck her and I am entitled to her. Let's have a conversation and setup a date'

That's the moment you are likely to ascend at some point. Another proof that 'do the exact opposite the average soycuck normie tells you to' is the right way of life.
Nofap and gym would be the answer then

no confidence for your face bro
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meanwhile in the real world if u act like that as a sub5 male she will see u as creepy/threatening and possibly call the police.
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It's like rat chasing a dog
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meanwhile in the real world if u act like that as a sub5 male she will see u as creepy/threatening and possibly call the police.
jfl if u think the police cares about some guy cold approaching women in the mall and asking for their number
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jfl if u think the police cares about some guy cold approaching women in the mall and asking for their number

Wont work though. As sub 5 its social circle and natural flow only

over for non nts non chadlites
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  • JFL
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except 99% of this forum thinks the girl is the one that should approach them. JFL
If you have to approach it's over.

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Dumb confidence goes a long way tbh. You just have to hit on a girl with self esteem issues. I have a 3-3.5 PSL dark skin 5 8 friend who has hooked up with white blonde beckies with low self esteem lol
sounds life redpill propaganda
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Problems with incels is that they get called creepy & rapists and get cucked
The moment you start thinking: 'Hey that girl is hot, I deserve to fuck her and I am entitled to her. Let's have a conversation and setup a date'

That's the moment you are likely to ascend at some point.

jfl if you think some loser ugly incel can just a convo with an attractive girl, get her number, take her out on a date, and fuck her.

hot girls are being spammed by above average men all day long, some random below average guy has no chance unless he rapemaxxes

@Subhuman trash
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jfl if you think some loser ugly incel can just a convo with an attractive girl, get her number, take her out on a date, and fuck her.

hot girls are being spammed by above average men all day long, some random below average guy has no chance unless he rapemaxxes

@Subhuman trash
above average men are beta and cucked asf nowadays. How many times have you seen guys approach girls in public? JFL man. it doesnt even happen often in club/bar environments, let alone in public.
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The reason why many men are incels is because they feel that they don't deserve attractive women, that they are not entitled to them.
Cope. It’s face
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above average men are beta and cucked asf nowadays. How many times have you seen guys approach girls in public? JFL man. it doesnt even happen often in club/bar environments, let alone in public.
amen son.
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above average men are beta and cucked asf nowadays. How many times have you seen guys approach girls in public? JFL man. it doesnt even happen often in club/bar environments, let alone in public.
when I said "spammed", i am referring to being contacted on her smartphone/social media/dating apps.
when I said "spammed", i am referring to being contacted on her smartphone/social media/dating apps.
Yeah and girls dont care about that shit. Even amnesia is struggling to hold a girls attention on dating apps.

Real life is where men shine, online, texting, etc is beta game and for women
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Yeah and girls dont care about that shit. Even amnesia is struggling to hold a girls attention on dating apps.

Real life is where men shine, online, texting, etc is beta game and for women
Amnesia is struglling with that shit because he is relying on his face and not bulgemaxxing with his apparent 8 inch dick. Who knows, maybe he is just larping about his dick size like a bunch of other faggots on this site.


JFL if you think ^that^ is "beta"
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Amnesia is struglling with that shit because he is relying on his face and not bulgemaxxing with his apparent 8 inch dick. Who knows, maybe he is just larping about his dick size like a bunch of other faggots on this site.

View attachment 658607View attachment 658609View attachment 658610

JFL if you think ^that^ is "beta"
who are these convos even from? seems like some cherry-picked bs mate.

Every normal person knows its much easier to slay chicks IRL, esp when they're drunk and lower inhib.
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jfl if you think some loser ugly incel can just a convo with an attractive girl, get her number, take her out on a date, and fuck her.

hot girls are being spammed by above average men all day long, some random below average guy has no chance unless he rapemaxxes

@Subhuman trash
Ugly foids being spammed by high normies and chadlites
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Ugly foids being spammed by high normies and chadlites
true actually

although for some incels ugly chicks might be somewhat in reach if they are lucky, but hot girls are completely out of the question
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true actually

although for some incels ugly chicks might be somewhat in reach if they are lucky, but hot girls are completely out of the question
Keep telling yourself that while I find some hot girl with mental issues and impregnate her to make her stick with me.
  • JFL
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'do the exact opposite the average soycuck normie tells you to' is the right way of life.
Today I DIDN'T SHOWER, and DIDN'T BRUSH MY TEETH, and WASN'T CONFIDENT. Women were crazy over me tbh.
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Keep telling yourself that while I find some hot girl with mental issues and impregnate her to make her stick with me.
Lifefuel ngl
Brb omw impregnatin. Girl in my sig @ graspop
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It's funny how people shitting on incels tell them that they feel 'entitled' to women and that that is a bad thing. 'Nobody is entitled to women you inkwel!!'

When the opposite is actually true. When an incel sees an attractive girl on the street is he likely to think:
'She's mine, I deserve her.'
or 'She is too good for me, I will never have her.'

Ofcourse, the second one. The reason why many men are incels is because they feel that they don't deserve attractive women, that they are not entitled to them. And if you act like you have that mindset, it's not going to work.

The moment you start thinking: 'Hey that girl is hot, I deserve to fuck her and I am entitled to her. Let's have a conversation and setup a date'

That's the moment you are likely to ascend at some point. Another proof that 'do the exact opposite the average soycuck normie tells you to' is the right way of life.
Fuck off with the red pill bullshit hint it doesn’t work unless you’re all ready above average and s even then you could’ve fucked her without it at that level
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Fuck off with the red pill bullshit hint it doesn’t work unless you’re all ready above average and s even then you could’ve fucked her without it at that level
Yeah bro, just wait till women approach you. If they don't, you are not good-looking enough and you might aswell keep rotting in the basement.

.co cope
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Yeah bro, just wait till women approach you. If they don't, you are not good-looking enough and you might aswell keep rotting in the basement.

.co cope
Obviously women aren’t going to approach you but dread frame sociological bullshit isn’t getting you laid.

run social circle game or bars/clubs like a normal human being if she’s into your looks you’ll be able to get laid if not too bad she has access to better looking guys just like tinder.
Obviously women aren’t going to approach you but dread frame sociological bullshit isn’t getting you laid.

run social circle game or bars/clubs like a normal human being if she’s into your looks you’ll be able to get laid if not too bad she has access to better looking guys just like tinder.
Where did I ever talk about dread frame bullshit? jfl

I am saying to approach hot girls because you feel like you deserve them, and to get their number so you can date and fuck them.

idk whats so hard to understand.

If you see a hot girl and she is above the age of 20, she prob has a 20+ laycount. It's VERY likely that she has fucked atleast 1 guy that's uglier or one the same lookslevel as you.

Most times you are going to get rejected are not going to be about your looks anyways, but just that the girl is not into dating whatsoever at that time, not in the mood, has her eyes on someone else, already in a relationship, had a shit day, etc. Could just be some random bs.
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Keep telling yourself that while I find some hot girl with mental issues and impregnate her to make her stick with me.
you're high tier normie though, not an incel
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true actually

although for some incels ugly chicks might be somewhat in reach if they are lucky, but hot girls are completely out of the question
Not just ugly. But ugly gross whales. Ugly and skinny SMV moggs a chadlite
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Yeah and girls dont care about that shit. Even amnesia is struggling to hold a girls attention on dating apps.

Real life is where men shine, online, texting, etc is beta game and for women
He still gets laid far more than the average guy and he's had multiple successes on Tinder before.

If anything, all it proves is that not even Chads are attractive to all women.
I still have the attitude that every girl will reject me and it surprises me when a 4/10 chubby girl shows interest

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