Progress, Not Perfection

Very good thread, in fact I came to the same conclusions as you. I try to live life like that and it is super hard. Yet I know if I just push through for a few days, I will feel way better than before and stop having negative thoughts all the time.
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
More dates (even if you may fail), more experience and over time, much more success with women.

I disagree.
I had no problem with girls in my teen age, then feat and depression came when i got rejected too many times.

I had not few dates, but still
  • So Sad
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one of best posts i have read here dude, i would love to have a conversation with you.
  • +1
Reactions: Philtrumcel

your name is proof you have a biased nuanced view of the world

it’s over for turbo manlets, non NTs, uglies and a lot of deathnics
full of philosophical bullshit, where are the real tips?
That forum is EXACTLY like the social mechanics of real life JFL.
There will always be someone out there to shamelessly steal your ideas without giving you any credit for it.
  • JFL
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There will always be someone out there to shamelessly steal your ideas without giving you any credit for it.
In the absence of a chad, incels will stab one another in the back.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Philtrumcel, tallandhandsome125 and Deleted member 5189
Suffering is the key to life. The amount of joy we experience is directly tied to how difficult it was to attain it.

Anything that is worth chasing, if it wasn't difficult, we would never appreciate it. That A+ you got in a difficult class, your first car that you saved up after working a summer job, your first kiss from your first crush, everything was "new" and deeply memorable because of the pain and effort that it took to get it.

Nowadays with so much consumption at our fingertips, we lost this "fire" to the comforts of now. We watch porn instead of making real relationships and having good sex. We play video games to build a character decked out with the best gear instead of building our own lives. We watch TV of someone else's greatness instead of aspiring to our own. We stopped growing, we stopped trying, and even worse yet, we started making excuses for ourselves. The path to joy isn't about chasing happiness, or understanding its meaning. It's solving problems, welcoming the pain and breaking down whatever obstacle is in front of you to cross the bridge. It's not chasing joy, it's chasing pain.

We stopped growing and we started rotting away, spreading negativity to others to keep them down because we, ourselves, couldn't make it. "If I can't make it, why should he?" This is far from what should be though. Each one of you, by virtue of being on this forum, are looking for ascension. You're looking to improve yourself, physically, mentally, spiritually. This is your destiny, and will be your greatest asset. When you make it, and you must believe that you will, it will be the greatest moment of you life. There is no magic pill for meaning, other than challenging yourself and breaking out of your comfort zone. What are you willing to risk NOW, to get to where you want to be? Trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result is madness.

The irony of life is that the greatest pleasure is from rejecting pleasure. The greatest joy is from rejecting joy. Pain is what begets happiness.
"Food tastes better after fasting. Conversations are better without social media. Sex is better without porn. Health is better without junk." - MakinItHappen

And it's so true.

Our world, whether we realize it or not, is a mental war. It's a war against ourselves, our dignity, our self-control. It's spiritual. We are constantly inundated with garbage information, with sexual temptations, with band-aids that cover up our ego and at the end, we never truly test ourselves or know who we really are. We become slaves to this world. We are addicted to trash values and our ideas are seldom our own. We escape because we can't bear the pain.

The only thing that is stopping you isn't necessarily face, or your height, or your body. It's your mental attitude towards what you think you can't achieve. And when you say you "can't" you definitely won't. You already lost.

Many of us may indeed have some physical flaws that can be fixed by surgery, but what after? The internal won't match to your external and you will be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of your inadequacy that will inevitably project onto your outer appearance.

Break away from your comfort zone. Delete those video games. Start affirming yourself as someone who HAS the potential to be great. You may not be there yet, but damn it, if you are on this forum, you have that potential. Your greatest obstacle will be your greatest strength. Spend less time consuming, and start molding your life to something you will be proud of. Unleash the warrior spirit that was inside of you all along, and let discomfort be your greatest tool.

I do one thing a day that scares me or bothers me. Whether it's simply making your bed that you don't want to do, or those 20 pullups before eating a meal, or fasting for two days because you can, or running outside when it's cold. Do something each day, one thing that scares you. Because it scares you. Strengthen your mind and make callouses mentally as you would on your hands. Every hardship you face is experience for you to become the best self.

There is no specific "way" to make money, or become better looking, but there are tricks to help you strengthen your mind. Everything else from there will be downhill. God bless.
Greycel spittin 💯
  • +1
Reactions: tallandhandsome125
Hey thanks for your input man.

Definitely agree with you. We're all human at the end of the day, and if video games is your form of relaxation, then it's never bad.

But the important word here is relaxation. Not obsession. A lot of people use video games as a substitute for their own life. If you are using to socialize, meet up with long distant friends or just need to take a breather, then of course, it's a great tool! However, it becomes bad when it starts to enslave you. When you start losing sleep over it, or obsessing over pixels, or start using it not as a way to relax, but as a way to achieve.

Reality is, games are just that. Games. It's fun. But that's about it.

Just my two cents.
sorry, i never responded to this! thanks for your input, i completely agree with you. i think if you truly have NOTHING better to do, video games are fine, but you really are gaining nothing from it. all those people who say videogames teach teamwork are coping addicts imo
mirin good post bro
When did this forum become r/nofap
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 439
Exceptional thread, could tell you're a Goggins fan too. I am as well.

After reading this thread a particular quote from Friedrich Nietzsche comes to mind.
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.
  • +1
Reactions: tallandhandsome125
Exceptional thread, could tell you're a Goggins fan too. I am as well.

After reading this thread a particular quote from Friedrich Nietzsche comes to mind.
put it in best of the best then
  • +1
Reactions: tallandhandsome125
@tallandhandsome125 got you a spot bro just say the word.
  • +1
Reactions: tallandhandsome125
Suffering is the key to life. The amount of joy we experience is directly tied to how difficult it was to attain it.

Anything that is worth chasing, if it wasn't difficult, we would never appreciate it. That A+ you got in a difficult class, your first car that you saved up after working a summer job, your first kiss from your first crush, everything was "new" and deeply memorable because of the pain and effort that it took to get it.

Nowadays with so much consumption at our fingertips, we lost this "fire" to the comforts of now. We watch porn instead of making real relationships and having good sex. We play video games to build a character decked out with the best gear instead of building our own lives. We watch TV of someone else's greatness instead of aspiring to our own. We stopped growing, we stopped trying, and even worse yet, we started making excuses for ourselves. The path to joy isn't about chasing happiness, or understanding its meaning. It's solving problems, welcoming the pain and breaking down whatever obstacle is in front of you to cross the bridge. It's not chasing joy, it's chasing pain.

We stopped growing and we started rotting away, spreading negativity to others to keep them down because we, ourselves, couldn't make it. "If I can't make it, why should he?" This is far from what should be though. Each one of you, by virtue of being on this forum, are looking for ascension. You're looking to improve yourself, physically, mentally, spiritually. This is your destiny, and will be your greatest asset. When you make it, and you must believe that you will, it will be the greatest moment of you life. There is no magic pill for meaning, other than challenging yourself and breaking out of your comfort zone. What are you willing to risk NOW, to get to where you want to be? Trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result is madness.

The irony of life is that the greatest pleasure is from rejecting pleasure. The greatest joy is from rejecting joy. Pain is what begets happiness.
"Food tastes better after fasting. Conversations are better without social media. Sex is better without porn. Health is better without junk." - MakinItHappen

And it's so true.

Our world, whether we realize it or not, is a mental war. It's a war against ourselves, our dignity, our self-control. It's spiritual. We are constantly inundated with garbage information, with sexual temptations, with band-aids that cover up our ego and at the end, we never truly test ourselves or know who we really are. We become slaves to this world. We are addicted to trash values and our ideas are seldom our own. We escape because we can't bear the pain.

The only thing that is stopping you isn't necessarily face, or your height, or your body. It's your mental attitude towards what you think you can't achieve. And when you say you "can't" you definitely won't. You already lost.

Many of us may indeed have some physical flaws that can be fixed by surgery, but what after? The internal won't match to your external and you will be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of your inadequacy that will inevitably project onto your outer appearance.

Break away from your comfort zone. Delete those video games. Start affirming yourself as someone who HAS the potential to be great. You may not be there yet, but damn it, if you are on this forum, you have that potential. Your greatest obstacle will be your greatest strength. Spend less time consuming, and start molding your life to something you will be proud of. Unleash the warrior spirit that was inside of you all along, and let discomfort be your greatest tool.

I do one thing a day that scares me or bothers me. Whether it's simply making your bed that you don't want to do, or those 20 pullups before eating a meal, or fasting for two days because you can, or running outside when it's cold. Do something each day, one thing that scares you. Because it scares you. Strengthen your mind and make callouses mentally as you would on your hands. Every hardship you face is experience for you to become the best self.

There is no specific "way" to make money, or become better looking, but there are tricks to help you strengthen your mind. Everything else from there will be downhill. God bless.
Mirin, based. We think alike.
It's always the mostly non active members here that are the wisest. I agree with your analysis and assessment of the human experience and it's nuances. The forum needs more intellectual material such as this. Great post.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7419
just have stockholm syndrome for this sad capitalistic society
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 9003
I fucking love you greycel you have my support every thread u post will be bumped from me just tag me.
Suffering is the key to life. The amount of joy we experience is directly tied to how difficult it was to attain it.

Anything that is worth chasing, if it wasn't difficult, we would never appreciate it. That A+ you got in a difficult class, your first car that you saved up after working a summer job, your first kiss from your first crush, everything was "new" and deeply memorable because of the pain and effort that it took to get it.

Nowadays with so much consumption at our fingertips, we lost this "fire" to the comforts of now. We watch porn instead of making real relationships and having good sex. We play video games to build a character decked out with the best gear instead of building our own lives. We watch TV of someone else's greatness instead of aspiring to our own. We stopped growing, we stopped trying, and even worse yet, we started making excuses for ourselves. The path to joy isn't about chasing happiness, or understanding its meaning. It's solving problems, welcoming the pain and breaking down whatever obstacle is in front of you to cross the bridge. It's not chasing joy, it's chasing pain.

We stopped growing and we started rotting away, spreading negativity to others to keep them down because we, ourselves, couldn't make it. "If I can't make it, why should he?" This is far from what should be though. Each one of you, by virtue of being on this forum, are looking for ascension. You're looking to improve yourself, physically, mentally, spiritually. This is your destiny, and will be your greatest asset. When you make it, and you must believe that you will, it will be the greatest moment of you life. There is no magic pill for meaning, other than challenging yourself and breaking out of your comfort zone. What are you willing to risk NOW, to get to where you want to be? Trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result is madness.

The irony of life is that the greatest pleasure is from rejecting pleasure. The greatest joy is from rejecting joy. Pain is what begets happiness.
"Food tastes better after fasting. Conversations are better without social media. Sex is better without porn. Health is better without junk." - MakinItHappen

And it's so true.

Our world, whether we realize it or not, is a mental war. It's a war against ourselves, our dignity, our self-control. It's spiritual. We are constantly inundated with garbage information, with sexual temptations, with band-aids that cover up our ego and at the end, we never truly test ourselves or know who we really are. We become slaves to this world. We are addicted to trash values and our ideas are seldom our own. We escape because we can't bear the pain.

The only thing that is stopping you isn't necessarily face, or your height, or your body. It's your mental attitude towards what you think you can't achieve. And when you say you "can't" you definitely won't. You already lost.

Many of us may indeed have some physical flaws that can be fixed by surgery, but what after? The internal won't match to your external and you will be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of your inadequacy that will inevitably project onto your outer appearance.

Break away from your comfort zone. Delete those video games. Start affirming yourself as someone who HAS the potential to be great. You may not be there yet, but damn it, if you are on this forum, you have that potential. Your greatest obstacle will be your greatest strength. Spend less time consuming, and start molding your life to something you will be proud of. Unleash the warrior spirit that was inside of you all along, and let discomfort be your greatest tool.

I do one thing a day that scares me or bothers me. Whether it's simply making your bed that you don't want to do, or those 20 pullups before eating a meal, or fasting for two days because you can, or running outside when it's cold. Do something each day, one thing that scares you. Because it scares you. Strengthen your mind and make callouses mentally as you would on your hands. Every hardship you face is experience for you to become the best self.

There is no specific "way" to make money, or become better looking, but there are tricks to help you strengthen your mind. Everything else from there will be downhill. God bless.
Delete this forum, make this post the whole website. This the key to everything. Embrace discomfort.
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Many of us may indeed have some physical flaws that can be fixed by surgery, but what after? The internal won't match to your external and you will be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of your inadequacy that will inevitably project onto your outer appearance.
its so fucking true, i literally lived this
  • +1
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shiiieeet master oogway tier knowledge
1 billion iq

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