Proving God does not exist using 'Math, Logic & Reasoning'

Another masonic account spotted. Very subtle username choice: Gmogger. Aka the masonic "G".:redpill:
Bruh I am not a part of any religion, community, cult or secret society. The 'G' in my username refers to 'gnosis' which in greek means Knowledge
  • JFL
Reactions: BornToBeArnold
The Anti-dogmatic Gate

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The Concept of 'God' is a war on logic & rational mind, The most abstract concept the man has ever created is the concept "God" a supposed all knowing, all perfect, all powerful and all loving deity that you cannot see, touch, comprehend that somehow exists outside of space, time, matter who dictates human intervention, has a personality, hides his existence and relies on a 'beliefs' as metric that would determine whether you will end up in a pit of hell fire for eternity or an eternal state of Joy, All this with the existence of 'Free will' that supposedly grants humans the will to choose between Good & Bad, This thread is all you need to know that such being not only does not exist but also that he 'Cannot' exist fundamentally, all using logic, math and reasoning, Something that cannot be broken or subdued or agued against but can only be presented, Note that we are debunking the existence of an Theistic-Religious God to be more precise the Abrahamic/Biblical God (Abrahamic Theory) who is seen as an personal energy that is sentient, self aware and existing externally who determines human lives

Simplest Method
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A simple yet effective way to disprove any concept or idea is using the Modus Tollens methodology. This logical argument asserts that if certain conditions are necessary for a concept to be true, then disproving one or more of those conditions is sufficient to disprove the entire concept. A basic example is the definition of a human being: all human beings possess consciousness and are mortal. If someone does not have consciousness, is immortal, or possesses both or either of these characteristics, then that individual is, by definition, not human. A more precise example is a square, which requires all four sides to be of equal length and all four angles to be equal. If a quadrilateral does not have all sides equal, then it is, by definition, not a square. Extending this to the concept of God, as defined by religious adherents, God is considered a deity who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. Disproving any one or more of these conditions disproves the entire concept. Therefore, if a being possesses all other attributes but is not all-knowing, then that being is not God. Similarly, if a being is all-knowing but not all-powerful, that being is also not God. If a being is all-knowing and all-powerful but not all-loving, that being is again not God, as the very definition of God, according to believers, includes the attribute of being "all-loving."

Christianity Proves God Does Not Exist

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The whole Christian narrative is a big paradox-breeding machine when taken literally, to the extent that it seems unworthy of being presented even as a fictional story due to it's lack of logical coherency, let alone as eternal truth. It does, however, hold metaphorical meaning, which is rational and is supposed to be just that. But playing by the rules, the fact that God allows people to go to hell is proof that God cannot be "all-loving." Now, the common argument presented is that this is a consequence of "free will" granted by God, but the concept of "free will" itself is fundamentally and equally flawed when viewed with an open mind. We will delve into that later. But getting back to the point, if God cannot stop people from going to hell because of "free will"—a system he himself put in place—and somehow he cannot stop or rule against it to save his very own creations from the worst fate imaginable, eternal torment, then it would also mean God is not all-powerful. The whole Christian narrative is tied with a very thin string of "free will," a complex term that is maintained so people stop questioning. Once people break that string, it is impossible to revert back.

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Free will and God cannot coexist. The existence of one necessitates the non-existence of the other and creates another infinite paradox. The whole concept of "free will" is an impossibility with the existence of God. Free will states that God allows people to choose, and depending on their choices combined with chosen beliefs, they are either sent to suffer for eternity in hell or to enjoy in heaven. But there is a problem that can be addressed with an example. Since we believe "God is all-knowing," didn't God foresee Hitler causing mass genocides and eventually going to hell as per the rules? If God is all-knowing and did foresee Hitler's eventual sins, then he never actually had "free will"; everything was unfolding the way it was foreseen in the mind of God even before Hitler was born. So either free will is an illusion and everything is predetermined, and God is all-knowing, meaning you choose what was already foreknown and foreseen (but that would then mean God is not all-loving and all-powerful since those who will inevitably go to hell will do so, which defeats the purpose of Jesus and his own narrative, and that even God himself cannot stop the predetermined reality), or the alternative concept is that God is not all-knowing and does not know what humans will choose. Either way, it disproves the concept of God from every possible angle. Free will disproves the existence of God, and the non-existence of God disproves free will.

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Secondly, consider the flaws in the narrative: Lucifer grew in pride and rebelled against God in heaven. Again, hypocritically, God did not foresee that in the all-perfect heaven with all perfect angels. Secondly, placing a system where humans are born in a flawed world where God hides his nature and relies on beliefs as a metric of punishment or salvation—wouldn't an all-knowing God at least know that true belief comes from within? There is no reason why a human being would not choose heaven if it existed, an eternal world with no suffering. But what stops a man from even rejecting God and Heaven? The nonexistent evidence and irrational narrative surrounding it. Those who can see through the veil have no choice but to not "believe" in the narrative. True belief is not a choice; it comes from inner conviction. The only way is to deceive oneself and believe things one knows are not true, meaning to go against one's own rational mind and constantly lie in fear of a supposed hell. Is that what a God would want: compliance through fear and lies? Of course not. Such a god would perfectly describe "Satan," let alone an all-loving being. Also, let's not discuss his other immoral acts, like ordering Saul to annihilate the Amalekites, sparing no one, not even infants or livestock, or causing mass genocide with floods and killing everyone except for Noah and his family. To consider this archetype "all-loving" is a crime against the rational mind. Again, most people "believe" in God because of fear of hell or the temptation of heaven. Remove hell and heaven from the equation, and it would be ridiculed more than the flat-earth theory. The very word "belief" means that they are not convinced. You "know" the sun and the moon; you don't believe in the sun and moon. I don't believe in the non-existence of God; I know it.
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To conclude, the very own narrative of Christianity proves the non-existence of God more than anything else. God being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving creates an infinite paradox. If the Christian narrative is true, then God truly cannot be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. But if God is actually all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, then the narrative cannot be true. If the narrative cannot be true, then God cannot be real. Either way, it can be said with 100% certainty that the God described in Christianity or other Abrahamic religions does not and cannot fundamentally exist, no matter how you try to position it.

Reason & Logic Proves God Does Not Exist
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The principle of sufficient reason & Occom's razor

The principle of sufficient reason, states that everything must have a reason or cause for it be existing or unfolding. or in simple terms a creation must be a creator and reason for it to exist, If everything requires a cause or a creator, then God, as a being, must also require a cause or a creator. People often posit God as the uncaused first cause, an exception to this principle. However, asserting an exception without sufficient justification violates the principle itself. If we allow for one exception to the principle of sufficient reason, there is no logical basis for preventing further exceptions. This leads to an arbitrary and inconsistent application of causality, undermining the principle's explanatory power. Why should God be exempt from the need for a cause while everything else in the universe is subject to it? Simply declaring God as "uncaused" does not constitute a sufficient reason; it is an assertion without justification, if God a supernatural being that you cannot see, touch, comprehend can be uncaused without a creator then the Universe which is observable itself can be uncaused cause too, a simpler explanation is already present, hence there's no reason for a 'God' to exist as existence will always choose the simplest path and the existence of God introduces a significant and complex assumption, Existence itself is self-sufficient without having a conscious creator in place: a supernatural being existing outside of the natural world, possessing extraordinary powers and attributes. This assumption adds a layer of complexity to explanations of the universe that is not necessary.
As previously stated, If God desires a personal relationship with humanity, as many religions claim, then his apparent absence and lack of clear, unambiguous communication is contradictory. Why would an all-loving God hide himself, requiring faith rather than providing clear evidence of his existence? This hiddenness leads to widespread doubt, confusion, and even disbelief, ultimately resulting in the very damnation he supposedly seeks to prevent. A truly benevolent God would presumably make his existence undeniable, eliminating the ambiguity that leads so many astray. The fact that his existence is a matter of faith, not demonstrable fact, contradicts the idea of a God who actively seeks a relationship with humanity.

Jesus' Story Proves God Does Not Exist

The narrative of Jesus's birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection is interpreted allegorically as a representation of inner spiritual transformation. This interpretation posits that the story is not a literal historical account but a symbolic depiction of an internal process, connected to the concept of raising "Christ oil"—a literal brain fluid believed to awaken dormant brain cells. The descending of brain fluid from the spinal cord into the sacral plexus and its subsequent ascent back up into the brain, traveling along the 33 vertebrae, is presented as a direct, one-to-one mirroring of the literal story of Jesus. This theory equates the fluid, often referred to as "Christ oil" (derived from "Christos," meaning "anointed"), with the essence of Christ himself. The descent is likened to Jesus's birth in Bethlehem (symbolically represented by the sacral plexus, the "House of Bread" where this nourishing fluid resides), and the subsequent ascent through the 33 vertebrae is seen as a parallel to Jesus's 33-year lifespan. This journey involves various symbolic stages, including the fluid's interaction with the vagus nerve being interpreted as the crucifixion, its temporary presence in the cerebellum as Christ's time in the tomb, and its final arrival at the pineal gland/optic thalamus as the resurrection and awakening of "Christ Consciousness." Even the encounter with the Devil is reinterpreted as the temptations and distractions encountered during this internal ascent. This framework attempts to map the entire Jesus narrative onto a supposed physiological process within the human body, the 1:1 Mirroring of the Journey cannot be classified as 'Coincidental' however This thing requires separate new thread, but it fundamentally clashes with the literal reading of the Christian narrative. Taking the story literally presents numerous logical and moral contradictions.
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The most glaring contradiction arises from the idea that God impregnated himself into his own creation (Mary), then lived as Jesus to teach about himself, and finally sacrificed himself to himself for sins he himself condemned humanity for. This creates a logical loop: God is simultaneously the impregnator, the impregnated, the teacher, the sacrificed, and the recipient of the sacrifice. This self-referential act denies its necessity and purpose. If God is truly omnipotent, why would such a convoluted and self-inflicted process be required for forgiveness? A simple act of divine pardon would seem sufficient. The need for a blood sacrifice, especially a self-sacrifice, contradicts the concept of a merciful and forgiving God.

Furthermore, the literal interpretation raises questions about divine foresight and God's omniscience. If God is all-knowing, why did he not foresee the need for his own incarnation and sacrifice? The very act of sending Jesus implies a reactive measure, a response to a problem God either did not anticipate or chose not to prevent. This contradicts the notion of divine omniscience, which implies complete knowledge of all past, present, and future events. If God knew from the beginning that humanity would sin and require such a sacrifice, then the entire sequence of events, including the fall of humanity and the subsequent need for redemption, was preordained by God himself. This casts doubt on the concepts of free will and divine justice, as humans are essentially being punished for actions that God foresaw and, in a sense, orchestrated.

The idea of a blood sacrifice as a requirement for forgiveness also presents a moral problem. Why would a loving God demand such a violent and gruesome act as a condition for reconciliation with humanity? This concept seems more aligned with ancient pagan practices of appeasing wrathful deities than with the teachings of a compassionate and merciful God.


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No amount of historical accuracy or empirical evidence for the existence of Jesus or God can override a set of rationally derived contradictions within the core tenets of Christian theology. Even if historical figures resembling Jesus existed or if some phenomena could be interpreted as divine intervention, the internal inconsistencies within the narrative itself, such as the direct parallel between Jesus's life and the alleged "raising of Christ oil" (a process of internal spiritual transformation), coupled with the logical impossibility of a being possessing all traditionally ascribed divine attributes, effectively dismantle the narrative's claim to truth. The fact that Jesus's story can be so readily mapped onto an internal, physiological process suggests a symbolic or allegorical origin, not a literal historical one. This mirroring, combined with the logical impossibility of God's existence as traditionally defined, exposes the true function of the religion: not to convey objective truth, but to promote blind faith, unquestioning obedience to authority, and a sense of self-degradation and inferiority on a spiritual level, coupled with a paradoxical focus on the importance of the physical body (as the supposed vessel of this "Christ oil"). This emphasis on both spiritual inadequacy and physical importance creates a psychological tension that reinforces dependence on the religious system. This manipulation of the human psyche is demonstrably effective, as evidenced by Christianity's continued growth at a rate of 12.8% annually, demonstrating the insidious success of this deception in creating a hive-mind mentality where critical thinking is suppressed in favor of dogmatic adherence

My next thread will explore the raising of Christ oil in greater detail, real meaning of God, Mathematical God, Oneness, seeking to uncover the truth about reality and the universe's origins through methods that transcend both religious interpretations and flawed scientific theories

Summoning Intellectuals and few Ignorants

@Tabula Rasa @iwannabebreathtakin @jattlife @King Solomon @mewcel420 @kingsosa @Bliss @PARISIEN @kvn @nope @swt @nuisance @orman @übermog @BigJimsWornOutTires @Esteban1997 @RapeAllFemales @Gaygymmaxx @RomanianZaddy @abdi911 @Regressive @wishIwasSalludon
Read it all

  • JFL
Reactions: Gmogger
Bruh I am not a part of any religion, community, cult or secret society. The 'G' in my username refers to 'gnosis' which in greek means Knowledge
Don't play dumb. The basis of freemasonry overlaps heavily with gnosticism.
  • Woah
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Reactions: TiktokUser and finnished
Don't play dumb. The basis of freemasonry overlaps heavily with gnosticism.
"gnosis" is not exclusive to Gnosticism, it directly translates to 'Knowledge' in Greek, Greek on it's own is my secondary mother tongue, I don't rely heavily on Gnosticism, My understanding of God is purely, mathematical and metaphysical surpassing any religious idea of God, Jfl if you think I am freemason lol
Everyone pray for OP✝️
Everyone pray for OP✝️
I appreciate that, but I've already arrived to the conclusion, if God existed and wanted me to know about him he would make his presence undeniable, I trust my rational mind and going against it is deceiving myself, If God existed he would understand
existing both beyond and within the confines of space, time, and matter, and experiencing its own unfolding and evolving through conscious minds and unconscious matter
So... The Father (beyond), Son (within), and holy spirit ("experiencing its own unfolding and evolving through conscious minds and unconscious matter")

Please enlighten me, man :lul: you have just rephrased the Spiritual trinity unless I'm not understanding

Quick Question: Have you even read the Bible?
  • +1
Reactions: Gmogger
So... The Father (beyond), Son (within), and holy spirit ("experiencing its own unfolding and evolving through conscious minds and unconscious matter")

Please enlighten me, man :lul: you have just rephrased the Spiritual trinity unless I'm not understanding

Quick Question: Have you even read the Bible?
The Father (Mind) represents divine guidance and wisdom, while the Son (Body) embodies physical expression and experience. The Holy Spirit (Soul) animates and connects the mind and body, facilitating emotional intelligence, intuition, and spiritual growth.

Father, Son and the Holy spirit = Mind, Body and Soul

and yes, I've read both the testaments in multiple languages and versions, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Quran, Kabalistic Books, All Nag Hamadi Scriptures and several other metaphysical/Philosophical books
let me fucking cope.
This is cope JFL Gödel which one of the greatest mathematician in logician fields actually proved God in terms of logic.

JFL if you think you better at math than Gödel.
Gödel believed in Christ

@got.daim @liberiangrimreaper @Poopless One @BornToBeArnold
@solpafanima @n9wiff @blackrockjewmanlet @Aladin @PARISIEN @ItsOverLawg @the_machinist_786 @swaggyp1 @Thebuffdon @kyphoscoliosis @playxiing @mewcel420 @Pikabro @Swarthy Knight @PrinceLuenLeoncur @craven @AverageMoroccan @LTNUser @shia.jihadist

@Harold O'brien @Daddy's Home @lestoa

  • +1
Reactions: Yuki, got.daim and BornToBeArnold
This is cope JFL Gödel which one of the greatest mathematician in logician fields actually proved God in terms of logic.

JFL if you think you better at math than Gödel.
Gödel believed in Christ

@got.daim @liberiangrimreaper @Poopless One @BornToBeArnold
@solpafanima @n9wiff @blackrockjewmanlet @Aladin @PARISIEN @ItsOverLawg @the_machinist_786 @swaggyp1 @Thebuffdon @kyphoscoliosis @playxiing @mewcel420 @Pikabro @Swarthy Knight @PrinceLuenLeoncur @craven @AverageMoroccan @LTNUser @shia.jihadist

@Harold O'brien @Daddy's Home @lestoa

Too bold for you to assume I haven't looked into this or considered this, I bet you don't even know what he's talking about 😂 If you did, you wouldn't post this

The logical framework I used in this thread is universal and transcends his theory, his argument hinges on the subjective notion of "positive properties," which he defines as properties that are inherently good or better to have. but, this definition is entirely subjective. What constitutes a "positive" property is open to interpretation and varies from person to person. For instance, one might consider "wrathfulness" a positive attribute for a God who punishes evil, while others would view it as a negative trait. This subjectivity invalidates the argument's claim to objective validity. If the foundational concept of "positive properties" is not universally agreed upon, the entire logical structure built crumbles on itself

His entire argument revolves around circularity, a logical fallacy where the conclusion is assumed within the premises. By defining God as the entity possessing all positive properties, the argument essentially assumes God's existence from the very beginning. This is like saying "unicorns exist because we define unicorns as existing." The argument doesn't actually prove existence; it just defines it into existence within a specific logical framework. This "begging the question" fallacy invalidates the argument considerably, It operates entirely within the world of modal logic, dealing with possibilities and necessities. It doesn't offer any empirical evidence for God's existence in the real world. Even if the argument were logically true within its own framework, it wouldn't provide any tangible or rational proof that such a being actually exists. Existence claims generally require more than just logical deductions; they require evidence from the world around us.

Edit: Jfl at tagging your homies so they can can defend your 'Argument' that you or they know nothing of
Last edited:
This is cope JFL Gödel which one of the greatest mathematician in logician fields actually proved God in terms of logic.

JFL if you think you better at math than Gödel.
Gödel believed in Christ

@got.daim @liberiangrimreaper @Poopless One @BornToBeArnold
@solpafanima @n9wiff @blackrockjewmanlet @Aladin @PARISIEN @ItsOverLawg @the_machinist_786 @swaggyp1 @Thebuffdon @kyphoscoliosis @playxiing @mewcel420 @Pikabro @Swarthy Knight @PrinceLuenLeoncur @craven @AverageMoroccan @LTNUser @shia.jihadist

@Harold O'brien @Daddy's Home @lestoa

@BornToBeArnold Good Disconfirmation Bias there mate
JFL if you think you better at math than Gödel.
Gödel believed in Christ
You don't need to be 'better' than Gödel to spot obvious and simple logical flaws in the arguments, He isn't immune to being 'Wrong' Also Gödel believing in Christ has nothing to do with proving the existence of God, Beliefs are based on emotion not fact. You don't believe in Sun and moon, don't you? You know them
The Anti-dogmatic Gate

View attachment 3382930View attachment 3383062

The Concept of 'God' is a war on logic & rational mind, The most abstract concept the man has ever created is the concept "God" a supposed all knowing, all perfect, all powerful and all loving deity that you cannot see, touch, comprehend that somehow exists outside of space, time, matter who dictates human intervention, has a personality, hides his existence and relies on a 'beliefs' as metric that would determine whether you will end up in a pit of hell fire for eternity or an eternal state of Joy, All this with the existence of 'Free will' that supposedly grants humans the will to choose between Good & Bad, This thread is all you need to know that such being not only does not exist but also that he 'Cannot' exist fundamentally, all using logic, math and reasoning, Something that cannot be broken or subdued or agued against but can only be presented, Note that we are debunking the existence of an Theistic-Religious God to be more precise the Abrahamic/Biblical God (Abrahamic Theory) who is seen as an personal energy that is sentient, self aware and existing externally who determines human lives

Simplest Method
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A simple yet effective way to disprove any concept or idea is using the Modus Tollens methodology. This logical argument asserts that if certain conditions are necessary for a concept to be true, then disproving one or more of those conditions is sufficient to disprove the entire concept. A basic example is the definition of a human being: all human beings possess consciousness and are mortal. If someone does not have consciousness, is immortal, or possesses both or either of these characteristics, then that individual is, by definition, not human. A more precise example is a square, which requires all four sides to be of equal length and all four angles to be equal. If a quadrilateral does not have all sides equal, then it is, by definition, not a square. Extending this to the concept of God, as defined by religious adherents, God is considered a deity who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. Disproving any one or more of these conditions disproves the entire concept. Therefore, if a being possesses all other attributes but is not all-knowing, then that being is not God. Similarly, if a being is all-knowing but not all-powerful, that being is also not God. If a being is all-knowing and all-powerful but not all-loving, that being is again not God, as the very definition of God, according to believers, includes the attribute of being "all-loving."

Christianity Proves God Does Not Exist

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The whole Christian narrative is a big paradox-breeding machine when taken literally, to the extent that it seems unworthy of being presented even as a fictional story due to it's lack of logical coherency, let alone as eternal truth. It does, however, hold metaphorical meaning, which is rational and is supposed to be just that. But playing by the rules, the fact that God allows people to go to hell is proof that God cannot be "all-loving." Now, the common argument presented is that this is a consequence of "free will" granted by God, but the concept of "free will" itself is fundamentally and equally flawed when viewed with an open mind. We will delve into that later. But getting back to the point, if God cannot stop people from going to hell because of "free will"—a system he himself put in place—and somehow he cannot stop or rule against it to save his very own creations from the worst fate imaginable, eternal torment, then it would also mean God is not all-powerful. The whole Christian narrative is tied with a very thin string of "free will," a complex term that is maintained so people stop questioning. Once people break that string, it is impossible to revert back.

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Free will and God cannot coexist. The existence of one necessitates the non-existence of the other and creates another infinite paradox. The whole concept of "free will" is an impossibility with the existence of God. Free will states that God allows people to choose, and depending on their choices combined with chosen beliefs, they are either sent to suffer for eternity in hell or to enjoy in heaven. But there is a problem that can be addressed with an example. Since we believe "God is all-knowing," didn't God foresee Hitler causing mass genocides and eventually going to hell as per the rules? If God is all-knowing and did foresee Hitler's eventual sins, then he never actually had "free will"; everything was unfolding the way it was foreseen in the mind of God even before Hitler was born. So either free will is an illusion and everything is predetermined, and God is all-knowing, meaning you choose what was already foreknown and foreseen (but that would then mean God is not all-loving and all-powerful since those who will inevitably go to hell will do so, which defeats the purpose of Jesus and his own narrative, and that even God himself cannot stop the predetermined reality), or the alternative concept is that God is not all-knowing and does not know what humans will choose. Either way, it disproves the concept of God from every possible angle. Free will disproves the existence of God, and the non-existence of God disproves free will.

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Secondly, consider the flaws in the narrative: Lucifer grew in pride and rebelled against God in heaven. Again, hypocritically, God did not foresee that in the all-perfect heaven with all perfect angels. Secondly, placing a system where humans are born in a flawed world where God hides his nature and relies on beliefs as a metric of punishment or salvation—wouldn't an all-knowing God at least know that true belief comes from within? There is no reason why a human being would not choose heaven if it existed, an eternal world with no suffering. But what stops a man from even rejecting God and Heaven? The nonexistent evidence and irrational narrative surrounding it. Those who can see through the veil have no choice but to not "believe" in the narrative. True belief is not a choice; it comes from inner conviction. The only way is to deceive oneself and believe things one knows are not true, meaning to go against one's own rational mind and constantly lie in fear of a supposed hell. Is that what a God would want: compliance through fear and lies? Of course not. Such a god would perfectly describe "Satan," let alone an all-loving being. Also, let's not discuss his other immoral acts, like ordering Saul to annihilate the Amalekites, sparing no one, not even infants or livestock, or causing mass genocide with floods and killing everyone except for Noah and his family. To consider this archetype "all-loving" is a crime against the rational mind. Again, most people "believe" in God because of fear of hell or the temptation of heaven. Remove hell and heaven from the equation, and it would be ridiculed more than the flat-earth theory. The very word "belief" means that they are not convinced. You "know" the sun and the moon; you don't believe in the sun and moon. I don't believe in the non-existence of God; I know it.
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To conclude, the very own narrative of Christianity proves the non-existence of God more than anything else. God being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving creates an infinite paradox. If the Christian narrative is true, then God truly cannot be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. But if God is actually all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, then the narrative cannot be true. If the narrative cannot be true, then God cannot be real. Either way, it can be said with 100% certainty that the God described in Christianity or other Abrahamic religions does not and cannot fundamentally exist, no matter how you try to position it.

Reason & Logic Proves God Does Not Exist
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The principle of sufficient reason & Occom's razor

The principle of sufficient reason, states that everything must have a reason or cause for it be existing or unfolding. or in simple terms a creation must be a creator and reason for it to exist, If everything requires a cause or a creator, then God, as a being, must also require a cause or a creator. People often posit God as the uncaused first cause, an exception to this principle. However, asserting an exception without sufficient justification violates the principle itself. If we allow for one exception to the principle of sufficient reason, there is no logical basis for preventing further exceptions. This leads to an arbitrary and inconsistent application of causality, undermining the principle's explanatory power. Why should God be exempt from the need for a cause while everything else in the universe is subject to it? Simply declaring God as "uncaused" does not constitute a sufficient reason; it is an assertion without justification, if God a supernatural being that you cannot see, touch, comprehend can be uncaused without a creator then the Universe which is observable itself can be uncaused cause too, a simpler explanation is already present, hence there's no reason for a 'God' to exist as existence will always choose the simplest path and the existence of God introduces a significant and complex assumption, Existence itself is self-sufficient without having a conscious creator in place: a supernatural being existing outside of the natural world, possessing extraordinary powers and attributes. This assumption adds a layer of complexity to explanations of the universe that is not necessary.
As previously stated, If God desires a personal relationship with humanity, as many religions claim, then his apparent absence and lack of clear, unambiguous communication is contradictory. Why would an all-loving God hide himself, requiring faith rather than providing clear evidence of his existence? This hiddenness leads to widespread doubt, confusion, and even disbelief, ultimately resulting in the very damnation he supposedly seeks to prevent. A truly benevolent God would presumably make his existence undeniable, eliminating the ambiguity that leads so many astray. The fact that his existence is a matter of faith, not demonstrable fact, contradicts the idea of a God who actively seeks a relationship with humanity.

Jesus' Story Proves God Does Not Exist

The narrative of Jesus's birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection is interpreted allegorically as a representation of inner spiritual transformation. This interpretation posits that the story is not a literal historical account but a symbolic depiction of an internal process, connected to the concept of raising "Christ oil"—a literal brain fluid believed to awaken dormant brain cells. The descending of brain fluid from the spinal cord into the sacral plexus and its subsequent ascent back up into the brain, traveling along the 33 vertebrae, is presented as a direct, one-to-one mirroring of the literal story of Jesus. This theory equates the fluid, often referred to as "Christ oil" (derived from "Christos," meaning "anointed"), with the essence of Christ himself. The descent is likened to Jesus's birth in Bethlehem (symbolically represented by the sacral plexus, the "House of Bread" where this nourishing fluid resides), and the subsequent ascent through the 33 vertebrae is seen as a parallel to Jesus's 33-year lifespan. This journey involves various symbolic stages, including the fluid's interaction with the vagus nerve being interpreted as the crucifixion, its temporary presence in the cerebellum as Christ's time in the tomb, and its final arrival at the pineal gland/optic thalamus as the resurrection and awakening of "Christ Consciousness." Even the encounter with the Devil is reinterpreted as the temptations and distractions encountered during this internal ascent. This framework attempts to map the entire Jesus narrative onto a supposed physiological process within the human body, the 1:1 Mirroring of the Journey cannot be classified as 'Coincidental' however This thing requires separate new thread, but it fundamentally clashes with the literal reading of the Christian narrative. Taking the story literally presents numerous logical and moral contradictions.
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The most glaring contradiction arises from the idea that God impregnated himself into his own creation (Mary), then lived as Jesus to teach about himself, and finally sacrificed himself to himself for sins he himself condemned humanity for. This creates a logical loop: God is simultaneously the impregnator, the impregnated, the teacher, the sacrificed, and the recipient of the sacrifice. This self-referential act denies its necessity and purpose. If God is truly omnipotent, why would such a convoluted and self-inflicted process be required for forgiveness? A simple act of divine pardon would seem sufficient. The need for a blood sacrifice, especially a self-sacrifice, contradicts the concept of a merciful and forgiving God.

Furthermore, the literal interpretation raises questions about divine foresight and God's omniscience. If God is all-knowing, why did he not foresee the need for his own incarnation and sacrifice? The very act of sending Jesus implies a reactive measure, a response to a problem God either did not anticipate or chose not to prevent. This contradicts the notion of divine omniscience, which implies complete knowledge of all past, present, and future events. If God knew from the beginning that humanity would sin and require such a sacrifice, then the entire sequence of events, including the fall of humanity and the subsequent need for redemption, was preordained by God himself. This casts doubt on the concepts of free will and divine justice, as humans are essentially being punished for actions that God foresaw and, in a sense, orchestrated.

The idea of a blood sacrifice as a requirement for forgiveness also presents a moral problem. Why would a loving God demand such a violent and gruesome act as a condition for reconciliation with humanity? This concept seems more aligned with ancient pagan practices of appeasing wrathful deities than with the teachings of a compassionate and merciful God.


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No amount of historical accuracy or empirical evidence for the existence of Jesus or God can override a set of rationally derived contradictions within the core tenets of Christian theology. Even if historical figures resembling Jesus existed or if some phenomena could be interpreted as divine intervention, the internal inconsistencies within the narrative itself, such as the direct parallel between Jesus's life and the alleged "raising of Christ oil" (a process of internal spiritual transformation), coupled with the logical impossibility of a being possessing all traditionally ascribed divine attributes, effectively dismantle the narrative's claim to truth. The fact that Jesus's story can be so readily mapped onto an internal, physiological process suggests a symbolic or allegorical origin, not a literal historical one. This mirroring, combined with the logical impossibility of God's existence as traditionally defined, exposes the true function of the religion: not to convey objective truth, but to promote blind faith, unquestioning obedience to authority, and a sense of self-degradation and inferiority on a spiritual level, coupled with a paradoxical focus on the importance of the physical body (as the supposed vessel of this "Christ oil"). This emphasis on both spiritual inadequacy and physical importance creates a psychological tension that reinforces dependence on the religious system. This manipulation of the human psyche is demonstrably effective, as evidenced by Christianity's continued growth at a rate of 12.8% annually, demonstrating the insidious success of this deception in creating a hive-mind mentality where critical thinking is suppressed in favor of dogmatic adherence

My next thread will explore the raising of Christ oil in greater detail, real meaning of God, Mathematical God, Oneness, seeking to uncover the truth about reality and the universe's origins through methods that transcend both religious interpretations and flawed scientific theories

Summoning Intellectuals and few Ignorants

@Tabula Rasa @iwannabebreathtakin @jattlife @King Solomon @mewcel420 @kingsosa @Bliss @PARISIEN @kvn @nope @swt @nuisance @orman @übermog @BigJimsWornOutTires @Esteban1997 @RapeAllFemales @Gaygymmaxx @RomanianZaddy @abdi911 @Regressive @wishIwasSalludon

however God does hate us all :forcedsmile:
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Reactions: StarvedEpi
You don't need to be 'better' than Gödel to spot obvious and simple logical flaws in the arguments, He isn't immune to being 'Wrong' Also Gödel believing in Christ has nothing to do with proving the existence of God, Beliefs are based on emotion not fact. You don't believe in Sun and moon, don't you? You know them
If Godel has wrong stuff that imagine how much wrong logic you have JFL
If Godel has wrong stuff that imagine how much wrong logic you have JFL
An argument stands or falls based on its own merits, regardless of who proposed it. There's no reason to assume something is inherently right just because of someone' reputation, it's safe to assume that you haven't looked neither to mine or Godel's arguments, you are just favoring him because it is feeding into your delusions, it's a sheep mindset. back to me, I have not proposed any new logical framework or made any assumption or assertion of my own, I took the things as it is about the nature of God and proved why it is a logical impossibility
God cannot hate when he's all loving, if he's hateful than he's not God. Therefore he does not exist
Why do you think he's supposed to be all loving in order to exist? That's a Christian concept and I don't see how that disproves His existence. Imo you can't really prove or disprove God...
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  • +1
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You cannot apply logical reasoning to a being that is beyond human comprehension and rationality. How can logical reasoning be used in regard to an entity that transcends the fundamental rules of logic. If you are unable to accept this premise, you will never embrace God. Nonetheless, every one of your arguments has been addressed by theologians millennia ago, just look at an overview of the
Summa Theologica.
Why do you think he's supposed to be all loving in order to exist? That's a Christian concept and I don't see how that disproves His existence. Imo you can't really prove or disprove God...
My emphasis is disproving a theistic God, not an impersonal one.
  • +1
Reactions: HeavyMetalcel
entity that transcends the fundamental rules of logic.
Nothing transcends the fundamental rules of logic and math, Nothing can make 2+2=5, or make a square that has all it's sides unequal in length to each other, not even an all powerful being because it's the unmanifested universal truth. It's a flawed and illogical assertion than a rational argument, it is presented as an statement to invalidate any claims or rational arguments.

If the rules of logic do not apply to God, then there is no way to distinguish between true and false statements about God. The claim "God is loving" becomes no more or less valid than the claim "God is all hateful" or "God is a teapot orbiting Mars." Without logic, there is no way to evaluate these claims, All claims become valid and invalid at the same time, Even within theological discourse, arguments are presented using logical structures. Theologians use concepts like causality, necessity, and possibility, which are all rooted in logic. If logic is entirely inapplicable to God, then all theological discourse becomes meaningless.
just look at an overview of the
Summa Theologica.
Already read, the book is illogical, its reliance is based on premises that are not universally accepted and its use of arguments that often contain logical fallacies. Aquinas's Five Ways, for example, rely on concepts like "first cause" and "unmoved mover," which presuppose the very thing they aim to prove and fail to adequately address the possibility of infinite regress. it operates within a specific theological framework, accepting certain doctrines and interpretations of scripture as axiomatic
An argument stands or falls based on its own merits, regardless of who proposed it. There's no reason to assume something is inherently right just because of someone' reputation, it's safe to assume that you haven't looked neither to mine or Godel's arguments, you are just favoring him because it is feeding into your delusions, it's a sheep mindset. back to me, I have not proposed any new logical framework or made any assumption or assertion of my own, I took the things as it is about the nature of God and proved why it is a logical impossibility
Then refute Godel's logic JFL if you keep saying your logic is correct but you can't disprove Godel's logic.
The Anti-dogmatic Gate

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The Concept of 'God' is a war on logic & rational mind, The most abstract concept the man has ever created is the concept "God" a supposed all knowing, all perfect, all powerful and all loving deity that you cannot see, touch, comprehend that somehow exists outside of space, time, matter who dictates human intervention, has a personality, hides his existence and relies on a 'beliefs' as metric that would determine whether you will end up in a pit of hell fire for eternity or an eternal state of Joy, All this with the existence of 'Free will' that supposedly grants humans the will to choose between Good & Bad, This thread is all you need to know that such being not only does not exist but also that he 'Cannot' exist fundamentally, all using logic, math and reasoning, Something that cannot be broken or subdued or agued against but can only be presented, Note that we are debunking the existence of an Theistic-Religious God to be more precise the Abrahamic/Biblical God (Abrahamic Theory) who is seen as an personal energy that is sentient, self aware and existing externally who determines human lives

Simplest Method
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A simple yet effective way to disprove any concept or idea is using the Modus Tollens methodology. This logical argument asserts that if certain conditions are necessary for a concept to be true, then disproving one or more of those conditions is sufficient to disprove the entire concept. A basic example is the definition of a human being: all human beings possess consciousness and are mortal. If someone does not have consciousness, is immortal, or possesses both or either of these characteristics, then that individual is, by definition, not human. A more precise example is a square, which requires all four sides to be of equal length and all four angles to be equal. If a quadrilateral does not have all sides equal, then it is, by definition, not a square. Extending this to the concept of God, as defined by religious adherents, God is considered a deity who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. Disproving any one or more of these conditions disproves the entire concept. Therefore, if a being possesses all other attributes but is not all-knowing, then that being is not God. Similarly, if a being is all-knowing but not all-powerful, that being is also not God. If a being is all-knowing and all-powerful but not all-loving, that being is again not God, as the very definition of God, according to believers, includes the attribute of being "all-loving."

Christianity Proves God Does Not Exist

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The whole Christian narrative is a big paradox-breeding machine when taken literally, to the extent that it seems unworthy of being presented even as a fictional story due to it's lack of logical coherency, let alone as eternal truth. It does, however, hold metaphorical meaning, which is rational and is supposed to be just that. But playing by the rules, the fact that God allows people to go to hell is proof that God cannot be "all-loving." Now, the common argument presented is that this is a consequence of "free will" granted by God, but the concept of "free will" itself is fundamentally and equally flawed when viewed with an open mind. We will delve into that later. But getting back to the point, if God cannot stop people from going to hell because of "free will"—a system he himself put in place—and somehow he cannot stop or rule against it to save his very own creations from the worst fate imaginable, eternal torment, then it would also mean God is not all-powerful. The whole Christian narrative is tied with a very thin string of "free will," a complex term that is maintained so people stop questioning. Once people break that string, it is impossible to revert back.

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Free will and God cannot coexist. The existence of one necessitates the non-existence of the other and creates another infinite paradox. The whole concept of "free will" is an impossibility with the existence of God. Free will states that God allows people to choose, and depending on their choices combined with chosen beliefs, they are either sent to suffer for eternity in hell or to enjoy in heaven. But there is a problem that can be addressed with an example. Since we believe "God is all-knowing," didn't God foresee Hitler causing mass genocides and eventually going to hell as per the rules? If God is all-knowing and did foresee Hitler's eventual sins, then he never actually had "free will"; everything was unfolding the way it was foreseen in the mind of God even before Hitler was born. So either free will is an illusion and everything is predetermined, and God is all-knowing, meaning you choose what was already foreknown and foreseen (but that would then mean God is not all-loving and all-powerful since those who will inevitably go to hell will do so, which defeats the purpose of Jesus and his own narrative, and that even God himself cannot stop the predetermined reality), or the alternative concept is that God is not all-knowing and does not know what humans will choose. Either way, it disproves the concept of God from every possible angle. Free will disproves the existence of God, and the non-existence of God disproves free will.

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Secondly, consider the flaws in the narrative: Lucifer grew in pride and rebelled against God in heaven. Again, hypocritically, God did not foresee that in the all-perfect heaven with all perfect angels. Secondly, placing a system where humans are born in a flawed world where God hides his nature and relies on beliefs as a metric of punishment or salvation—wouldn't an all-knowing God at least know that true belief comes from within? There is no reason why a human being would not choose heaven if it existed, an eternal world with no suffering. But what stops a man from even rejecting God and Heaven? The nonexistent evidence and irrational narrative surrounding it. Those who can see through the veil have no choice but to not "believe" in the narrative. True belief is not a choice; it comes from inner conviction. The only way is to deceive oneself and believe things one knows are not true, meaning to go against one's own rational mind and constantly lie in fear of a supposed hell. Is that what a God would want: compliance through fear and lies? Of course not. Such a god would perfectly describe "Satan," let alone an all-loving being. Also, let's not discuss his other immoral acts, like ordering Saul to annihilate the Amalekites, sparing no one, not even infants or livestock, or causing mass genocide with floods and killing everyone except for Noah and his family. To consider this archetype "all-loving" is a crime against the rational mind. Again, most people "believe" in God because of fear of hell or the temptation of heaven. Remove hell and heaven from the equation, and it would be ridiculed more than the flat-earth theory. The very word "belief" means that they are not convinced. You "know" the sun and the moon; you don't believe in the sun and moon. I don't believe in the non-existence of God; I know it.
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To conclude, the very own narrative of Christianity proves the non-existence of God more than anything else. God being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving creates an infinite paradox. If the Christian narrative is true, then God truly cannot be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. But if God is actually all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, then the narrative cannot be true. If the narrative cannot be true, then God cannot be real. Either way, it can be said with 100% certainty that the God described in Christianity or other Abrahamic religions does not and cannot fundamentally exist, no matter how you try to position it.

Reason & Logic Proves God Does Not Exist
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The principle of sufficient reason & Occom's razor

The principle of sufficient reason, states that everything must have a reason or cause for it be existing or unfolding. or in simple terms a creation must be a creator and reason for it to exist, If everything requires a cause or a creator, then God, as a being, must also require a cause or a creator. People often posit God as the uncaused first cause, an exception to this principle. However, asserting an exception without sufficient justification violates the principle itself. If we allow for one exception to the principle of sufficient reason, there is no logical basis for preventing further exceptions. This leads to an arbitrary and inconsistent application of causality, undermining the principle's explanatory power. Why should God be exempt from the need for a cause while everything else in the universe is subject to it? Simply declaring God as "uncaused" does not constitute a sufficient reason; it is an assertion without justification, if God a supernatural being that you cannot see, touch, comprehend can be uncaused without a creator then the Universe which is observable itself can be uncaused cause too, a simpler explanation is already present, hence there's no reason for a 'God' to exist as existence will always choose the simplest path and the existence of God introduces a significant and complex assumption, Existence itself is self-sufficient without having a conscious creator in place: a supernatural being existing outside of the natural world, possessing extraordinary powers and attributes. This assumption adds a layer of complexity to explanations of the universe that is not necessary.
As previously stated, If God desires a personal relationship with humanity, as many religions claim, then his apparent absence and lack of clear, unambiguous communication is contradictory. Why would an all-loving God hide himself, requiring faith rather than providing clear evidence of his existence? This hiddenness leads to widespread doubt, confusion, and even disbelief, ultimately resulting in the very damnation he supposedly seeks to prevent. A truly benevolent God would presumably make his existence undeniable, eliminating the ambiguity that leads so many astray. The fact that his existence is a matter of faith, not demonstrable fact, contradicts the idea of a God who actively seeks a relationship with humanity.

Jesus' Story Proves God Does Not Exist

The narrative of Jesus's birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection is interpreted allegorically as a representation of inner spiritual transformation. This interpretation posits that the story is not a literal historical account but a symbolic depiction of an internal process, connected to the concept of raising "Christ oil"—a literal brain fluid believed to awaken dormant brain cells. The descending of brain fluid from the spinal cord into the sacral plexus and its subsequent ascent back up into the brain, traveling along the 33 vertebrae, is presented as a direct, one-to-one mirroring of the literal story of Jesus. This theory equates the fluid, often referred to as "Christ oil" (derived from "Christos," meaning "anointed"), with the essence of Christ himself. The descent is likened to Jesus's birth in Bethlehem (symbolically represented by the sacral plexus, the "House of Bread" where this nourishing fluid resides), and the subsequent ascent through the 33 vertebrae is seen as a parallel to Jesus's 33-year lifespan. This journey involves various symbolic stages, including the fluid's interaction with the vagus nerve being interpreted as the crucifixion, its temporary presence in the cerebellum as Christ's time in the tomb, and its final arrival at the pineal gland/optic thalamus as the resurrection and awakening of "Christ Consciousness." Even the encounter with the Devil is reinterpreted as the temptations and distractions encountered during this internal ascent. This framework attempts to map the entire Jesus narrative onto a supposed physiological process within the human body, the 1:1 Mirroring of the Journey cannot be classified as 'Coincidental' however This thing requires separate new thread, but it fundamentally clashes with the literal reading of the Christian narrative. Taking the story literally presents numerous logical and moral contradictions.
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The most glaring contradiction arises from the idea that God impregnated himself into his own creation (Mary), then lived as Jesus to teach about himself, and finally sacrificed himself to himself for sins he himself condemned humanity for. This creates a logical loop: God is simultaneously the impregnator, the impregnated, the teacher, the sacrificed, and the recipient of the sacrifice. This self-referential act denies its necessity and purpose. If God is truly omnipotent, why would such a convoluted and self-inflicted process be required for forgiveness? A simple act of divine pardon would seem sufficient. The need for a blood sacrifice, especially a self-sacrifice, contradicts the concept of a merciful and forgiving God.

Furthermore, the literal interpretation raises questions about divine foresight and God's omniscience. If God is all-knowing, why did he not foresee the need for his own incarnation and sacrifice? The very act of sending Jesus implies a reactive measure, a response to a problem God either did not anticipate or chose not to prevent. This contradicts the notion of divine omniscience, which implies complete knowledge of all past, present, and future events. If God knew from the beginning that humanity would sin and require such a sacrifice, then the entire sequence of events, including the fall of humanity and the subsequent need for redemption, was preordained by God himself. This casts doubt on the concepts of free will and divine justice, as humans are essentially being punished for actions that God foresaw and, in a sense, orchestrated.

The idea of a blood sacrifice as a requirement for forgiveness also presents a moral problem. Why would a loving God demand such a violent and gruesome act as a condition for reconciliation with humanity? This concept seems more aligned with ancient pagan practices of appeasing wrathful deities than with the teachings of a compassionate and merciful God.


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No amount of historical accuracy or empirical evidence for the existence of Jesus or God can override a set of rationally derived contradictions within the core tenets of Christian theology. Even if historical figures resembling Jesus existed or if some phenomena could be interpreted as divine intervention, the internal inconsistencies within the narrative itself, such as the direct parallel between Jesus's life and the alleged "raising of Christ oil" (a process of internal spiritual transformation), coupled with the logical impossibility of a being possessing all traditionally ascribed divine attributes, effectively dismantle the narrative's claim to truth. The fact that Jesus's story can be so readily mapped onto an internal, physiological process suggests a symbolic or allegorical origin, not a literal historical one. This mirroring, combined with the logical impossibility of God's existence as traditionally defined, exposes the true function of the religion: not to convey objective truth, but to promote blind faith, unquestioning obedience to authority, and a sense of self-degradation and inferiority on a spiritual level, coupled with a paradoxical focus on the importance of the physical body (as the supposed vessel of this "Christ oil"). This emphasis on both spiritual inadequacy and physical importance creates a psychological tension that reinforces dependence on the religious system. This manipulation of the human psyche is demonstrably effective, as evidenced by Christianity's continued growth at a rate of 12.8% annually, demonstrating the insidious success of this deception in creating a hive-mind mentality where critical thinking is suppressed in favor of dogmatic adherence

My next thread will explore the raising of Christ oil in greater detail, real meaning of God, Mathematical God, Oneness, seeking to uncover the truth about reality and the universe's origins through methods that transcend both religious interpretations and flawed scientific theories

Summoning Intellectuals and few Ignorants

@Tabula Rasa @iwannabebreathtakin @jattlife @King Solomon @mewcel420 @kingsosa @Bliss @PARISIEN @kvn @nope @swt @nuisance @orman @übermog @BigJimsWornOutTires @Esteban1997 @RapeAllFemales @Gaygymmaxx @RomanianZaddy @abdi911 @Regressive @wishIwasSalludon
Unironically good thread. I was forced into church as a kid and if anything it made me had the concept of God more than anything
  • +1
Reactions: Gmogger
Then refute Godel's logic JFL if you keep saying your logic is correct but you can't disprove Godel's logic.
his argument hinges on the subjective notion of "positive properties," which he defines as properties that are inherently good or better to have. but, this definition is entirely subjective. What constitutes a "positive" property is open to interpretation and varies from person to person. For instance, one might consider "wrathfulness" a positive attribute for a God who punishes evil, while others would view it as a negative trait. This subjectivity invalidates the argument's claim to objective validity. If the foundational concept of "positive properties" is not universally agreed upon, the entire logical structure built crumbles on itself

His entire argument revolves around circularity, a logical fallacy where the conclusion is assumed within the premises. By defining God as the entity possessing all positive properties, the argument essentially assumes God's existence from the very beginning. This is like saying "unicorns exist because we define unicorns as existing." The argument doesn't actually prove existence; it just defines it into existence within a specific logical framework. This "begging the question" fallacy invalidates the argument considerably, It operates entirely within the world of modal logic, dealing with possibilities and necessities. It doesn't offer any empirical evidence for God's existence in the real world. Even if the argument were logically true within its own framework, it wouldn't provide any tangible or rational proof that such a being actually exists. Existence claims generally require more than just logical deductions; they require evidence from the world around us.

Edit: Jfl at tagging your homies so they can can defend your 'Argument' that you or they know nothing of
Already did.
Nah you did not that ain't a mathematical proof but just your statement
Hell nah you just said that bro :lul: Do you understand what a mathematical proof is?
Your statment ain't logic but just bunch of yappings JFL if you think your proof is valid make a paper and publish in scholar paper publishing forums or organizations arXiv or Nature

you can't because you know your logic is just too low to say it is a mathematical proof.
Your statment ain't logic but just bunch of yappings JFL if you think your proof is valid make a paper and publish in scholar paper publishing forums or organizations arXiv or Nature

you can't because you know your logic is just too low to say it is a mathematical proof.
Nigga typing in Font size 40 isn't gonna make you right lol, The more you argue the dumber you look, You don't understand how basic principles of logic work, You can't even define Gödel's framework, You just assumed he's right because he feeds into your delusions, I didn't invent any new logical framework or asserted anything about God, Principles that I used like Occom's razor, modus tollens are well published, accepted and used to come up with conclusions, It's not "My Logic" I didn't invent the wheel, You claim the logical framework I used is "too low" yet you don't seem to refute a single thing in the thread, not even a word, If my logic is too low you should be undeniably be able to refute it using your own rational mind, but you can't because it would be like arguing 2+2 isn't 4 but 5, any attempt other than giving rational arguments will make you look dumber word for word
Your statment ain't logic but just bunch of yappings JFL if you think your proof is valid make a paper and publish in scholar paper publishing forums or organizations arXiv or Nature

you can't because you know your logic is just too low to say it is a mathematical proof.
But for your sake, this is what Godel is doing,

Imagine you're inventing a new kind of animal called a "Bragon." You decide that a Bragon must have these "awesome" qualities:

It has to be bright pink.
It has to be able to fly.

Now, you say, "Because I can imagine a creature with these awesome qualities, and because being awesome means it must exist, bragons must be real!"

But that's silly, right? Just because you defined a bragon as awesome (pink and flying) doesn't mean actual pink, flying creatures suddenly pop into existence. You just made up a definition.

Gödel's argument is similar. He has a complicated way of defining "God" as having all the "good" qualities. But just like with the bragons, just defining something doesn't make it real. He's basically saying, "Because I can imagine a being with all the best qualities, that being must exist." But that's just playing with definitions, not proving anything about the real world, it is right within it's own framework of 'assumption' but not a rational evidence
Nigga typing in Font size 40 isn't gonna make you right lol, The more you argue the dumber you look, You don't understand how basic principles of logic work, You can't even define Gödel's framework, You just assumed he's right because he feeds into your delusions, I didn't invent any new logical framework or asserted anything about God, Principles that I used like Occom's razor, modus tollens are well published, accepted and used to come up with conclusions, It's not "My Logic" I didn't invent the wheel, You claim the logical framework I used is "too low" yet you don't seem to refute a single thing in the thread, not even a word, If my logic is too low you should be undeniably be able to refute it using your own rational mind, but you can't because it would be like arguing 2+2 isn't 4 but 5, any attempt other than giving rational arguments will make you look dumber word for word
If you think your logic is right go to the scholars and post proof of non existence of Christian God in arxiv or Nature

and get logic proven by specialized mathematicians stop yapping here.
If you think your logic is right go to the scholars and post proof of non existence of Christian God in arxiv or Nature

and get logic proven by specialized mathematicians stop yapping here.
jfl coping :lul: I feel sad for you, everything i say seem to go right over your head, I don't want to clown you down every time lol, if believing in God feeds your delusions and you do not care about logic or the truth, then so be it, I don't get paid to drag you out of your religious echo chambers, You're basically refusing to use reason, so reasoning with you is pointless, my logical framework 'Occum's razor' and 'modus tollens' is widely accepted logical framework, I didn't invest those and nobody has attempt to debunk them because it's denying basic principles of math and logic, You can't prove 2+2 =5 because you feel like it
Unironically good thread. I was forced into church as a kid and if anything it made me had the concept of God more than anything
Same here, thanks for reading
jfl coping :lul: I feel sad for you, everything i say seem to go right over your head, I don't want to clown you down every time lol, if believing in God feeds your delusions and you do not care about logic or the truth, then so be it, I don't get paid to drag you out of your religious echo chambers, You're basically refusing to use reason, so reasoning with you is pointless, my logical framework 'Occum's razor' and 'modus tollens' is widely accepted logical framework, I didn't invest those and nobody has attempt to debunk them because it's denying basic principles of math and logic, You can't prove 2+2 =5 because you feel like it
You just delusional with all those bullcrap logics think you are the smartest

if you made a perfect math logic that God does not exist you would have become name one of the smartst mathematicain of all time. JFL

but all those sort of bullcrap proofs like you were all buried because they were all just nothing but opinions ain't mathematical proof.

You think all those genius mathematicians throught history they were dumb to come up with perfect logic to refute God JFL.

You are just arrogant.

I wouldn't say blame on yon not believing in God but JFL

saying your proof is perfect is just how low intelligent and arrogant thing to say when there are bunch of genius mathematicans came up with logic to refute God but none are considered perfect or considered Proof among scholars there is no such thing as "proof" on God's existence or non existence
Last edited:
Didn't read all but regardless of religion we can agree that there must be a cause to the creation of everything and anything thus making impossible for it to exist without a creator.
You just delusional with all those bullcrap logics think you are the smartest

if you made a perfect math logic that God does not exist you would have become name one of the smartst mathematicain of all time. JFL

but all those sort of bullcrap proofs like you were all buried because they were all just nothing but opinions ain't mathematical proof.

You think all those genius mathematicians throught history they were dumb to come up with perfect logic to refute God JFL.

You are just arrogant.

I wouldn't say blame on yon not believing in God but JFL

saying your proof is perfect is just how low intelligent and arrogant thing to say when there are bunch of genius mathematicans came up with logic to refute God but none are considered perfect or considered Proof among scholars there is no such thing as "proof" on God's existence or non existence
Nigga you are beyond delusional, at this point you are coping so hard that you are about to have a stroke, There's no reason to appoint me as "Greatest mathematician" for disproving existence of a magical man in the sky :lul: it is widely accepted, It's no different from proving that Dragons don't exist, you are creating your own bubble of happiness with you, your flawed statements that has no bearing on this thread, I am still waiting on you to refute at least a single sentence in my thread but you keep turning your vehicle and resorting to illogical statements "muh greatest mathematician" "Muh logic" if you saying I'm wrong but cannot say why then it's safe to assume you know nothing, don't you have a mind of your own to refute? next time you respond something make sure to address or refute at least one of my original arguments, I'll wait
Nigga you are beyond delusional, at this point you are coping so hard that you are about to have a stroke, There's no reason to appoint me as "Greatest mathematician" for disproving existence of a magical man in the sky :lul: it is widely accepted, It's no different from proving that Dragons don't exist, you are creating your own bubble of happiness with you, your flawed statements that has no bearing on this thread, I am still waiting on you to refute at least a single sentence in my thread but you keep turning your vehicle and resorting to illogical statements "muh greatest mathematician" "Muh logic" if you saying I'm wrong but cannot say why then it's safe to assume you know nothing, don't you have a mind of your own to refute? next time you respond something make sure to address or refute at least one of my original arguments, I'll wait
DNR your essays JFL another low level logic that no one cares
regardless of religion we can agree that there must be a cause to the creation of everything and anything thus making impossible for it to exist without a creator.
No we don't agree, that's a flawed argument that you cannot defend if I ask you just one question, also since you said "Didn't said" I am gonna assume you agree with me
DNR your essays JFL another low level logic that no one cares
Didn't read? so I assume you agree with me, Thanks for admitting you are wrong
Didn't read? so I assume you agree with me, Thanks for admitting you are wrong
Didn't even read a single molecule of your essays no need to read to tell its wrong
Didn't even read a single molecule of your essays no need to read to tell its wrong
Obviously no need to tell that you are wrong, it's obvious, Thanks for admitting again that you are still wrong
The Anti-dogmatic Gate

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The Concept of 'God' is a war on logic & rational mind, The most abstract concept the man has ever created is the concept "God" a supposed all knowing, all perfect, all powerful and all loving deity that you cannot see, touch, comprehend that somehow exists outside of space, time, matter who dictates human intervention, has a personality, hides his existence and relies on a 'beliefs' as metric that would determine whether you will end up in a pit of hell fire for eternity or an eternal state of Joy, All this with the existence of 'Free will' that supposedly grants humans the will to choose between Good & Bad, This thread is all you need to know that such being not only does not exist but also that he 'Cannot' exist fundamentally, all using logic, math and reasoning, Something that cannot be broken or subdued or agued against but can only be presented, Note that we are debunking the existence of an Theistic-Religious God to be more precise the Abrahamic/Biblical God (Abrahamic Theory) who is seen as an personal energy that is sentient, self aware and existing externally who determines human lives

Simplest Method
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A simple yet effective way to disprove any concept or idea is using the Modus Tollens methodology. This logical argument asserts that if certain conditions are necessary for a concept to be true, then disproving one or more of those conditions is sufficient to disprove the entire concept. A basic example is the definition of a human being: all human beings possess consciousness and are mortal. If someone does not have consciousness, is immortal, or possesses both or either of these characteristics, then that individual is, by definition, not human. A more precise example is a square, which requires all four sides to be of equal length and all four angles to be equal. If a quadrilateral does not have all sides equal, then it is, by definition, not a square. Extending this to the concept of God, as defined by religious adherents, God is considered a deity who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. Disproving any one or more of these conditions disproves the entire concept. Therefore, if a being possesses all other attributes but is not all-knowing, then that being is not God. Similarly, if a being is all-knowing but not all-powerful, that being is also not God. If a being is all-knowing and all-powerful but not all-loving, that being is again not God, as the very definition of God, according to believers, includes the attribute of being "all-loving."

Christianity Proves God Does Not Exist

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The whole Christian narrative is a big paradox-breeding machine when taken literally, to the extent that it seems unworthy of being presented even as a fictional story due to it's lack of logical coherency, let alone as eternal truth. It does, however, hold metaphorical meaning, which is rational and is supposed to be just that. But playing by the rules, the fact that God allows people to go to hell is proof that God cannot be "all-loving." Now, the common argument presented is that this is a consequence of "free will" granted by God, but the concept of "free will" itself is fundamentally and equally flawed when viewed with an open mind. We will delve into that later. But getting back to the point, if God cannot stop people from going to hell because of "free will"—a system he himself put in place—and somehow he cannot stop or rule against it to save his very own creations from the worst fate imaginable, eternal torment, then it would also mean God is not all-powerful. The whole Christian narrative is tied with a very thin string of "free will," a complex term that is maintained so people stop questioning. Once people break that string, it is impossible to revert back.

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Free will and God cannot coexist. The existence of one necessitates the non-existence of the other and creates another infinite paradox. The whole concept of "free will" is an impossibility with the existence of God. Free will states that God allows people to choose, and depending on their choices combined with chosen beliefs, they are either sent to suffer for eternity in hell or to enjoy in heaven. But there is a problem that can be addressed with an example. Since we believe "God is all-knowing," didn't God foresee Hitler causing mass genocides and eventually going to hell as per the rules? If God is all-knowing and did foresee Hitler's eventual sins, then he never actually had "free will"; everything was unfolding the way it was foreseen in the mind of God even before Hitler was born. So either free will is an illusion and everything is predetermined, and God is all-knowing, meaning you choose what was already foreknown and foreseen (but that would then mean God is not all-loving and all-powerful since those who will inevitably go to hell will do so, which defeats the purpose of Jesus and his own narrative, and that even God himself cannot stop the predetermined reality), or the alternative concept is that God is not all-knowing and does not know what humans will choose. Either way, it disproves the concept of God from every possible angle. Free will disproves the existence of God, and the non-existence of God disproves free will.

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Secondly, consider the flaws in the narrative: Lucifer grew in pride and rebelled against God in heaven. Again, hypocritically, God did not foresee that in the all-perfect heaven with all perfect angels. Secondly, placing a system where humans are born in a flawed world where God hides his nature and relies on beliefs as a metric of punishment or salvation—wouldn't an all-knowing God at least know that true belief comes from within? There is no reason why a human being would not choose heaven if it existed, an eternal world with no suffering. But what stops a man from even rejecting God and Heaven? The nonexistent evidence and irrational narrative surrounding it. Those who can see through the veil have no choice but to not "believe" in the narrative. True belief is not a choice; it comes from inner conviction. The only way is to deceive oneself and believe things one knows are not true, meaning to go against one's own rational mind and constantly lie in fear of a supposed hell. Is that what a God would want: compliance through fear and lies? Of course not. Such a god would perfectly describe "Satan," let alone an all-loving being. Also, let's not discuss his other immoral acts, like ordering Saul to annihilate the Amalekites, sparing no one, not even infants or livestock, or causing mass genocide with floods and killing everyone except for Noah and his family. To consider this archetype "all-loving" is a crime against the rational mind. Again, most people "believe" in God because of fear of hell or the temptation of heaven. Remove hell and heaven from the equation, and it would be ridiculed more than the flat-earth theory. The very word "belief" means that they are not convinced. You "know" the sun and the moon; you don't believe in the sun and moon. I don't believe in the non-existence of God; I know it.
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To conclude, the very own narrative of Christianity proves the non-existence of God more than anything else. God being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving creates an infinite paradox. If the Christian narrative is true, then God truly cannot be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. But if God is actually all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, then the narrative cannot be true. If the narrative cannot be true, then God cannot be real. Either way, it can be said with 100% certainty that the God described in Christianity or other Abrahamic religions does not and cannot fundamentally exist, no matter how you try to position it.

Reason & Logic Proves God Does Not Exist
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The principle of sufficient reason & Occom's razor

The principle of sufficient reason, states that everything must have a reason or cause for it be existing or unfolding. or in simple terms a creation must be a creator and reason for it to exist, If everything requires a cause or a creator, then God, as a being, must also require a cause or a creator. People often posit God as the uncaused first cause, an exception to this principle. However, asserting an exception without sufficient justification violates the principle itself. If we allow for one exception to the principle of sufficient reason, there is no logical basis for preventing further exceptions. This leads to an arbitrary and inconsistent application of causality, undermining the principle's explanatory power. Why should God be exempt from the need for a cause while everything else in the universe is subject to it? Simply declaring God as "uncaused" does not constitute a sufficient reason; it is an assertion without justification, if God a supernatural being that you cannot see, touch, comprehend can be uncaused without a creator then the Universe which is observable itself can be uncaused cause too, a simpler explanation is already present, hence there's no reason for a 'God' to exist as existence will always choose the simplest path and the existence of God introduces a significant and complex assumption, Existence itself is self-sufficient without having a conscious creator in place: a supernatural being existing outside of the natural world, possessing extraordinary powers and attributes. This assumption adds a layer of complexity to explanations of the universe that is not necessary.
As previously stated, If God desires a personal relationship with humanity, as many religions claim, then his apparent absence and lack of clear, unambiguous communication is contradictory. Why would an all-loving God hide himself, requiring faith rather than providing clear evidence of his existence? This hiddenness leads to widespread doubt, confusion, and even disbelief, ultimately resulting in the very damnation he supposedly seeks to prevent. A truly benevolent God would presumably make his existence undeniable, eliminating the ambiguity that leads so many astray. The fact that his existence is a matter of faith, not demonstrable fact, contradicts the idea of a God who actively seeks a relationship with humanity.

Jesus' Story Proves God Does Not Exist

The narrative of Jesus's birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection is interpreted allegorically as a representation of inner spiritual transformation. This interpretation posits that the story is not a literal historical account but a symbolic depiction of an internal process, connected to the concept of raising "Christ oil"—a literal brain fluid believed to awaken dormant brain cells. The descending of brain fluid from the spinal cord into the sacral plexus and its subsequent ascent back up into the brain, traveling along the 33 vertebrae, is presented as a direct, one-to-one mirroring of the literal story of Jesus. This theory equates the fluid, often referred to as "Christ oil" (derived from "Christos," meaning "anointed"), with the essence of Christ himself. The descent is likened to Jesus's birth in Bethlehem (symbolically represented by the sacral plexus, the "House of Bread" where this nourishing fluid resides), and the subsequent ascent through the 33 vertebrae is seen as a parallel to Jesus's 33-year lifespan. This journey involves various symbolic stages, including the fluid's interaction with the vagus nerve being interpreted as the crucifixion, its temporary presence in the cerebellum as Christ's time in the tomb, and its final arrival at the pineal gland/optic thalamus as the resurrection and awakening of "Christ Consciousness." Even the encounter with the Devil is reinterpreted as the temptations and distractions encountered during this internal ascent. This framework attempts to map the entire Jesus narrative onto a supposed physiological process within the human body, the 1:1 Mirroring of the Journey cannot be classified as 'Coincidental' however This thing requires separate new thread, but it fundamentally clashes with the literal reading of the Christian narrative. Taking the story literally presents numerous logical and moral contradictions.
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The most glaring contradiction arises from the idea that God impregnated himself into his own creation (Mary), then lived as Jesus to teach about himself, and finally sacrificed himself to himself for sins he himself condemned humanity for. This creates a logical loop: God is simultaneously the impregnator, the impregnated, the teacher, the sacrificed, and the recipient of the sacrifice. This self-referential act denies its necessity and purpose. If God is truly omnipotent, why would such a convoluted and self-inflicted process be required for forgiveness? A simple act of divine pardon would seem sufficient. The need for a blood sacrifice, especially a self-sacrifice, contradicts the concept of a merciful and forgiving God.

Furthermore, the literal interpretation raises questions about divine foresight and God's omniscience. If God is all-knowing, why did he not foresee the need for his own incarnation and sacrifice? The very act of sending Jesus implies a reactive measure, a response to a problem God either did not anticipate or chose not to prevent. This contradicts the notion of divine omniscience, which implies complete knowledge of all past, present, and future events. If God knew from the beginning that humanity would sin and require such a sacrifice, then the entire sequence of events, including the fall of humanity and the subsequent need for redemption, was preordained by God himself. This casts doubt on the concepts of free will and divine justice, as humans are essentially being punished for actions that God foresaw and, in a sense, orchestrated.

The idea of a blood sacrifice as a requirement for forgiveness also presents a moral problem. Why would a loving God demand such a violent and gruesome act as a condition for reconciliation with humanity? This concept seems more aligned with ancient pagan practices of appeasing wrathful deities than with the teachings of a compassionate and merciful God.


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No amount of historical accuracy or empirical evidence for the existence of Jesus or God can override a set of rationally derived contradictions within the core tenets of Christian theology. Even if historical figures resembling Jesus existed or if some phenomena could be interpreted as divine intervention, the internal inconsistencies within the narrative itself, such as the direct parallel between Jesus's life and the alleged "raising of Christ oil" (a process of internal spiritual transformation), coupled with the logical impossibility of a being possessing all traditionally ascribed divine attributes, effectively dismantle the narrative's claim to truth. The fact that Jesus's story can be so readily mapped onto an internal, physiological process suggests a symbolic or allegorical origin, not a literal historical one. This mirroring, combined with the logical impossibility of God's existence as traditionally defined, exposes the true function of the religion: not to convey objective truth, but to promote blind faith, unquestioning obedience to authority, and a sense of self-degradation and inferiority on a spiritual level, coupled with a paradoxical focus on the importance of the physical body (as the supposed vessel of this "Christ oil"). This emphasis on both spiritual inadequacy and physical importance creates a psychological tension that reinforces dependence on the religious system. This manipulation of the human psyche is demonstrably effective, as evidenced by Christianity's continued growth at a rate of 12.8% annually, demonstrating the insidious success of this deception in creating a hive-mind mentality where critical thinking is suppressed in favor of dogmatic adherence

My next thread will explore the raising of Christ oil in greater detail, real meaning of God, Mathematical God, Oneness, seeking to uncover the truth about reality and the universe's origins through methods that transcend both religious interpretations and flawed scientific theories

Summoning Intellectuals and few Ignorants

@Tabula Rasa @iwannabebreathtakin @jattlife @King Solomon @mewcel420 @kingsosa @Bliss @PARISIEN @kvn @nope @swt @nuisance @orman @übermog @BigJimsWornOutTires @Esteban1997 @RapeAllFemales @Gaygymmaxx @RomanianZaddy @abdi911 @Regressive @wishIwasSalludon
I was watching "Jesus ate babies" some podcast about gnosticism

I think I'll go finish it now 🤣

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