Psl scale is flawed at its core, women put men into 4 categories and this is the only thing that matters.



Jacked like larry
Apr 13, 2019
Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
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Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?
View attachment 2720622View attachment 2720623

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
yes, most of this thread is gay autism, i thought everyone knew this?
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there are 2 types of men
top 5% money and face
bottom 95% betabuxxing cuck weaklings.
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women don't rate any men they don't know much higher than a 7/10 in studies, the reason celebs get higher ratings than male models is because women develop parasocial relationships with them through their work.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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good thread
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You’re either fuckable:hot or not
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women don't rate any men they don't know much higher than a 7/10 in studies, the reason celebs get higher ratings than male models is because women develop parasocial relationships with them through their work.
Status is a very important thing on its own. My main point is, if we take status away, both 6psl guys and psl gods are so far ahead of general population that there is basically no difference.
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I find it laughable when people compare two good looking people/anything above HTN

Wtf is the point in it? Average humans that aren't into the lingo aren't gonna be able to pinpoint the stuff, but it's the 1 second decision that matters.
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  • IMG_1362.MOV
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inb4 dnrd greycels
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psl scale should start from like -5 or so. jfl if you think blackops2cel is 1psl
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PSL is taken serious by homosexuals and borderline retarded people thats it. You can usually rate looks in 3 seconds. Gl avg or not gl
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So you're back at rotting with essays?
  • JFL
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Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?
View attachment 2720622View attachment 2720623

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
Average in Krakow is pic related.
  • JFL
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PSL imo in practical terms just changes quality of girls you can get and the treatment you get as it's the aspect that your SMV is most linked to.

With no fame or money, it requires 1 to 2 psl above a given girl to get her. Past the range of MTN your psl will highly determine the quality of girls you'll get and the treatment you get from them.

One don't need to be O'pry to get chad treatment from a girl, he just needs to mog her (and be alpha, beta chads get walked over just the same), for instance.

And I see things as fame as multiipler of SMVs. O'pry might look better than Chris, but Chris is famous so it appears more to the hypergamic female brain.
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  • JFL
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You’re either fuckable:hot or not
this should be the only measure
unfortunately most men seem to think in relationship terms, like the :bluepill: losers they really are
instead of fuckin talking about SEX or SEX APPEAL, so no wonder they SUCK with foids :feelskek:
its so over lol....
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit and autistic_tendencies
Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad
thank you OG

Celebrate In Love GIF by Max
Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
also, before i forget about this its 3 things that summarize perfectly why retards here think this, which they never seem to see

1. correlation =/ causation
2. outliers
3. "too much" (such as too tall in your example, which definitely IS a big point in SMV)

funny, for a forum populated with geniuses, allegedly :ROFLMAO:
That was going in my mind a few days
Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?

ago too
Average and ugly men fall into the same category for women. You have to take into account that they literally find 80-90% of all men hideous. Aside from that though I agree with this thread.
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If Chris is 5.5 PSL what are we, 1.5 / 2 PSL?
The fact that average and ugly men are treated the same is because they lack any kind of sex appeal, specially ugly men who will always be friendzoned. Anything above 6 PSL means that your face is not bad looking and probably that you have some muscles and good height. You don't have to be a PSL God to get a Stacy, I think this is where status comes to play. Remember that men don't show boba or peach, they can't even show how large their D is. We have to compensate lack of sex appeal with beauty, status and personality (personality alone won't work tho). Now imagine if all women only had pretty or ugly faces but no hot bodies how would we rate them. Remember that Jordan Barrett who scores 9.5 PSL is not liked by women, probably because he seems like a teenager.
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  • +1
Reactions: Eriot Lodger
Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?
View attachment 2720622View attachment 2720623

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
only valid rating is
there are 2 types of men
top 5% money and face
bottom 95% betabuxxing cuck weaklings.
money doesnt matter nigger unless you want to become betabuxx cuckold

but i do admit money makes life easier :feelswat::feelswat:
Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?
View attachment 2720622View attachment 2720623

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.

He creampies my oneitis daily, like probably twice a day, and he mogs the hell out of young Chris Hemsworth. He's not that hot bro, stop worshipping average MTN to HTN hollywood normies because they play attainable chads for roasties and jbs to think they have a chance with chads irl. Dunk your brain in bleach and psl for lyfe
Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?
View attachment 2720622View attachment 2720623

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
Question is are we trying to appeal beckies or stacies
View attachment 2762527

He creampies my oneitis daily, like probably twice a day, and he mogs the hell out of young Chris Hemsworth. He's not that hot bro, stop worshipping average MTN to HTN hollywood normies because they play attainable chads for roasties and jbs to think they have a chance with chads irl. Dunk your brain in bleach and psl for lyfe
never seen a dude that looks like this irl
Good thread, i cringe hard when people spend all their freetime on here arguing which Chad has more muh appeal
Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?
View attachment 2720622View attachment 2720623

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
Uhh 6 psl is top 2.5%. Much More common than 6'8 which is More than +3 SD from the average
Uhh 6 psl is top 2.5%. Much More common than 6'8 which is More than +3 SD from the average
6 PSL Is not top 2.5% wtf?
  • +1
Reactions: smallman
Uhh yes. One psl is literally one standard deviation. Get your newfag ass outta here
U do join date mog me but I think despite ur join date ur overrating too many people and exaggerating how common 6 PSL is.
Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?
View attachment 2720622View attachment 2720623

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
I feel like op is tall and ugly
Most men are average, we all know that. Now i want you to think about dudes that you know, that really slay irl, how much better looking are they than average guy? Would they be rated as 6psl maybe?

Most likely not. At least from what i see, best looking guys irl (lets say top 10%) would be rated as 4.5-5psl, or lets say ''high tier normie''. Despite that, those guys get ltrs, casual sex and have great lives in general (don't let autists from basement tell you otherwise, they sit on tiktok whole day). Now i want you to take a look at this thread.

How many of you know a guy irl that looks as good or better than Chris Hemsworth? Propably not a single one, yet he was rated by majority as 5.5psl...

Now i want to imagine the face of best looking guy in your school/uni/work, guy that creampies your oneitis for ''goodnight'' and tell me, is he at least holding his own against chemsworth? Propably not.
So we basically have 1.5 point difference in rating between average guy and ultra rare super good looking guy that became a world class actor, and then 2.5 point difference between that and psl god?

Do you think if average girl would see those 2 guys on the street, would she look at opry and think ''omg this guy is so much better better looking than this chris guy'' or would she just put them into the same basket, basket of an ultra attractive guy that makes her pussy wet?
View attachment 2720622View attachment 2720623

Women put men into 4 categories
1.Below average/ugly
2.Average (most likely not sexually desirable but good enough for ltr)
3.Good looking (your 4.5-5psl guy, your best looking guy in class, her uni crush etc)
4.Rare top tier man, less than 1/1000 chad

Difference between someone like cavil or chemsworth and some psl gods is just plain autism. At this point, things like height, body, voice and even things like your confidence are going to be more important. Imagine saying that theres a difference in a way women view 6'8 and 7 ft tall guys. Going from 5'10 to 6'2 will be far more impactful on your life, than going from 6'8-7'2 (lets forget that being that tall is actually a drawback in daily life, for the sake of comparison).

That brings me to another point. That makes things like height, frame, physique, voice, status, being good at sex and many others, much more important than most people say. Whole argument of face being the single most important part of attraction, something that breaks or makes someones smv, is based on extreme examples. Sure you can slay as 5'7 framecel when your face is 1 in 10 000. Same goes for ugly men, if you are actually very ugly, no wonder things like height and physique are not saving you, as you are at an extreme end of spectrum.

When people say who mogs 6'3 4psl vs 5'9 6psl guy, most will say its going to be the 6psl and therefore face is more important than height... Those people fail to realize that you are more likely to find a guy that is 6'8, than a guy that would be rated as 6psl on this forum.
I'ma ask chatgpt to simplify this because there's way too many numbers and names

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