Psl scale - normie rating


Deleted member 13626

Apr 20, 2021
I see lots of people rating someone x but they mean y so this is just a reminder. This thread is mainly for faces, i dont take into account micropp , frame , height

1/10 what the fuck?

Go fuckin hang yourself you freakin mutant, how can you even reach this stage? Are you inbred + affected by radiation in the womb, your mother drank while she was pregnant? Impossible , inrefuse to believe there are HUMANS that are 1/10

2/10 Subhuman

Speaks for itself, you are stuck in between the stage of transitioning to a human

3/10 Incel

Averge featured with a mix of bad features , bad featuree are mostly prominent and outnumber the average features,

4/10 - low tier normie

Mostly average features with 1 or 2 bad features

5/10 - mid tier normie

HOW , can you fuckin rate someone mtn then say "aka 4/10" , you dumb fuck , its MID tier normie because its in the middle from 0 to 10

6/10 - High tier normie

This may seem like a low rating but its not
A few good features mixed with average and 1 bad feature/falio

7/10 - chadlite

No bad features, maybe a few average ones, but you simply may not have the bonemass ,coloring or striking features to be chad, but some of your features still make you chadlite/close to chad

8/10 - chad

Speaks for itself

9/10 - gigachad

How? How can you be gigachad and not be edited or look uncanny because of your surgeries? Maybe 1 in a billion gigachads out there (or 1 in 5 guys on this forum)

10/10 - god

Beauty is subjective, no one is perfect, 10/10 simply doesnt exist, if you claim someone is 10/10 in your eyes, some will disagree, you may look too pretty to have any appeal (if 10/10s existed)

We started from radiation inbred alcohol syndrome fetus and worked our way out to a god, both are impossible

Imo , irl rating goes from 2 to 8

Feel free to disagree, this is my opinion
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Damn lol this is actually the exact rating scale I use/have:oops:

It's very logical and sensible, some of the beauty distributions the hardcore blackpilled autists come up with is just laughable lol
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Reactions: thecel and Deleted member 13626
I see lots of people rating someone x but they mean y so this is just a reminder. This thread is mainly for faces, i dont take into account micropp , frame , height

1/10 what the fuck?

Go fuckin hang yourself you freakin mutant, how can you even reach this stage? Are you inbred + affected by radiation in the womb, your mother drank while she was pregnant? Impossible , inrefuse to believe there are HUMANS that are 1/10

2/10 Subhuman

Speaks for itself, you are stuck in between the stage of transitioning to a human

3/10 Incel

Averge featured with a mix of bad features , bad featuree are mostly prominent and outnumber the average features,

4/10 - low tier normie

Mostly average features with 1 or 2 bad features

5/10 - mid tier normie

HOW , can you fuckin rate someone mtn then say "aka 4/10" , you dumb fuck , its MID tier normie because its in the middle from 0 to 10

6/10 - High tier normie

This may seem like a low rating but its not
A few good features mixed with average and 1 bad feature/falio

7/10 - chadlite

No bad features, maybe a few average ones, but you simply may not have the bonemass ,coloring or striking features to be chad, but some of your features still make you chadlite/close to chad

8/10 - chad

Speaks for itself

9/10 - gigachad

How? How can you be gigachad and not be edited or look uncanny because of your surgeries? Maybe 1 in a billion gigachads out there (or 1 in 5 guys on this forum)

10/10 - god

Beauty is subjective, no one is perfect, 10/10 simply doesnt exist, if you claim someone is 10/10 in your eyes, some will disagree, you may look too pretty to have any appeal (if 10/10s existed)

We started from radiation inbred alcohol syndrome fetus and worked our way out to a god, both are impossible

Imo , irl rating goes from 2 to 8

Feel free to disagree, this is my opinion
I know quite a few ones or twos. They barely look like people.
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Reactions: thecel and Deleted member 13626
I strongly agree with this, and the justifications.

Good thread dude.
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Every girl rates 7/10 cause they don’t want to be mean
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Every girl rates 7/10 cause they don’t want to be mean
Depends, girls opinion doesnt matter that much, they dont know the difference between a 12 and 15 cm dick , or 1.78 vs 1.82cm height they think its a world difference , theyre retarded, they give bad and bluepilled advice
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Unless the rater was anonymous, or if the rater was a girl, IRL rating average was ~6.25/10 IME in school. Idk if teens do like for rates on social media these days like they did back on MySpace/Facebook, but somebody handing out 5/10 was rare as fuck and ='d insult. If someone was legit average, they got a 6 or 6.5.

7 would be HTN, 8 chadlite, 9 chad. This is just the system I observed everyone around me using. Maybe zoomers are more blackpilled now.
Wrong. Chad is 10, automatically. This sub does not understand how rare a chad is. Chadlite is like 8-9, HTN is 7/8, MTN is like 5/6, LTN like 3/4, subhuman 1/2.
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Reactions: chawaje, thecel, Deleted member 16346 and 1 other person
I never really see guys uglier than low tier normies. What absolutely massacres low tier normies smv is being timid and not gymmaxxing. 4/10 face by itself isnt that Bad If you can bench 225 lbs. 4/10 face while choosing The soy spec is what dooms you
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