Pubertymaxxing Compendium/Guide: Epigenetics and DNA. (Heightcels and Dickcels GTFIH)

This is some serious best shit out there. It's like the deep web of sub section of height increase and penis enlargement forum put into one in summarized thread. I applaud the OP here.

Who would have thouvht the secret to good looks was injecting girraffe semen
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Who would have thouvht the secret to good looks was injecting girraffe semen
All chads have been injecting giraffe semen since age 10.
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As you all know heightmaxxing has evolved since the days of mk677, cjc dad and Aromasin inhibitor. We saw the rise of people getting serious with HGH, and afterwards it being followed by Strike_Poseidons dna methylation stack. I am a long time lurker and a scholar of epigenetics, and as such I am presenting you with the most effective heightmaxxing guide, maximizing your development and combining principles from aforementioned stacks. I have wasted over 100 researching and compiling all this information

Many of us have laughed off all ideas of editing your DNA, being ignorant to the fact that it’s possible to do it naturally. I do not agree with such mistreatment of serious ideas. We begin with the first step of our heightmax journey:

Injecting exogenous DNA to edit your hormonal profile without causing suppression while maximizing DNA methylation and cell reproduction.

The best way to do this is of course with the most bio available carriant of DNA and chromosomes: Semen.

There are a few ways to go about this depending on what you want to achieve. To achieve height gains I would advise you to inject semen containing DNA of tall males. Because of genetic recombination you might need to get multiple samples. Ideal way to get this would be off Aliexpress or a similar site. (DM for sources)

If you want to achieve an increase in penile length we would have to dig deeper, and use exogenous semen mix: a mix between a tall human male and a (preferably) Mongolian Brown Horse. This will achieve a penile length increase by about 1 inch a month. Around 80% of the mix should be human and 20% horse. Maintaining this ratio is important because you DO NOT want to turn into a horse or a similar animal (trust me I’ve been there)

Supplement this with Superba Butea, Zinc (don’t forget to add copper to offset depletion), Ashwhaghanda, Horny Goat Weed, and Magnesium to achieve a maximum increase in Testosterone and DHT. In you’re looking for penile length gains, I would suggest using DHT gel, and/or injecting HGH into your testicles.

If you’re looking for growth of brow ridge and overall masculinization, your best bet would be to use exogenous Neanderthal DNA extracted from Archeological sites, due to the fact this is not realistic, I would suggest using the DNA closest to it: Primate Gorilla DNA. Can be substituted with African Male DNA (no difference) so use either depending on availability.

Going to the next method, I will reccomend you try Subliminals. While this, once again, may sound ridiculous, it’s really not and the mechanics behind it are easy. - Lets take this one for example. I will suggest you listen to it during/shortly before your sleep. This subliminal will minimize your cortisol and stress levels during sleep. This, in combination with hz waves, will allow you to stay in REM for longer periods of time, increasing the secretion of Growth Hormone.

One of our last steps takes the key principles of evolution and puts them in practice. It is, of course, bonemashing and stretching. Let’s start with stretching, by stretching upwards before sleep, combined with the aforementioned subliminal, you will signal to your body the need to increase its Growth Hormone production, increasing height gains. Going on to bonemashing, breaking your femur, tibia and fibula bones (preferably with something like a bat or a hammer) will make them grow back thicker, with increased bone density. This works at any age, but we wary there is an upper limit of about 2 inch gains beyond which gains will hit a plateau. If you’re still in puberty make sure to avoid hurting your growth plates.

The final step is highly experimental and un-tested. My hypothesis is that reducing estrogen will actually be harmful in heightmaxxing, and an ideal regimen will increase BOTH Testosterone and Estrogen. Estrogen and Estradiol in particular is a regulator of multiple channels responsible for distributing Growth Hormone through out your body. Using and injecting testosterone to spots where you don’t want any further growth such as hips will prevent growth hormone reaching them and will indeed cause growth in your clavicles or other place you want to concentrate it to achieve masculinization. Getting Estrogen is quite easy, just tell your doctor you’re planning to transition. But once again, you need to maintain HIGH TESTOSTERONE, to avoid getting feminized features. You don’t want to turn into a tranny.

Well, to wrap this all up an ideal regimen would consist of:

  • DNA Methylation stack (Ask Strike_Poseidon)
  • 30ui of alibaba grade (NOT PHARMA, VERY IMPORTANT) HGH Injected into testicles and subliminal fat
  • 400mg of Testosterone injected in Hips
  • 8mg Estradiol
  • Various Mixes of Semen depending on what you want, inject at least 50ml to get serious results.
  • 1 hour of listening to subliminals before and all of the time during sleep.
  • Stretching upwards before sleep.

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Good thread bro , Injecting horse cum as we speak to fight the brutal dick pill
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Good thread bro , Injecting horse cum as we speak to fight the brutal dick pill
should be 80% human semen and 20% horse remember that

or you'll turn into a horse (you don't want that I've been there bro)
Nah bro I listened to an eye color change subliminal and now I have aryan blue eyes believe me it works it just takes dedication
Can u pm pics? Are u fucking serious or is this a larp? What subliminals specifically did u use? Pls respond
Can u pm pics? Are u fucking serious or is this a larp? What subliminals specifically did u use? Pls respond
it works honestly but the effects are slight and take time
it works honestly but the effects are slight and take time
wdym the effects are slight and it takes time? Can u provide any evidence that it's legit? Send me the subliminals u used to change ur eye color
  • JFL
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