r/amiugly is so fucking useless



Nov 11, 2018
This guy has severe recession and a below average face (side mostly) and most people on there are telling him he looks great. I don't get it, isn't the site supposed to help people actually find out if they're ugly and need to improve? Lmao such retarded people we have on Earth. I feel so bad for these guys who aren't being given the truth. So sad, he'll be cucked his whole life and not know why.
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LMFAO look at the comments man all of them are textbook Reddit.

"Tihi sorry but ur handsome :) ;p tihi™"

Meanwhile the guy wonders why he never gets dates
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LMFAO look at the comments man all of them are textbook Reddit.

"Tihi sorry but ur handsome :) ;p tihi™"

Meanwhile the guy wonders why he never gets dates
I wonder how guys like this can get to mid-twenties and beyond not realizing they have a problem. I mean, DUH MOTHERFUCKER, did you really think you were good looking? Wtf. If I ever post on r/amiugly (as experiment) and someone tells me I'm "very attractive/handsome" I'll curse them and their lying useless asses. Sons of whores.
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Reddit is the most cucked piece of shit site ever created. Anyone who comments makes sure it’s the most virtue signalling bullshit possible so they can collect that karma. Fucking bunch of cucks and SJWs
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r/Amiugly users are huge copers. Everyone who posts pics there is sub5, yet nobody gets rated sub5.
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ill never understand men who do this:


from ugly to ugly gay
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The sad part is that if your ugly you'll get more replies. He already has 50 replies after 12hours which means he's ugly. A good looking guy wouldn't have the reddit squad storming in and trying to delude him into thinking that he's good looking when he already is. It will happen to below average guys and ugly guys though, the reddit squad will try to convince him that he's actually good looking when he's not. I've noticed this pattern: Ugly = many replies, better looking = less replies.
Well he isn't ugly, but not very good looking either. Average really. I think this place would be the best to get the most honest rating.

Lookism would rate him too low, r/amiugly rates him too high
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Is this forward head posture? Or just the angle


  • mCWKNkL.jpg
    292.1 KB · Views: 86
This guy has severe recession and a below average face (side mostly) and most people on there are telling him he looks great. I don't get it, isn't the site supposed to help people actually find out if they're ugly and need to improve? Lmao such retarded people we have on Earth. I feel so bad for these guys who aren't being given the truth. So sad, he'll be cucked his whole life and not know why.

Tbh the guy isn't ugly, just average, but to state that he is "handsome tihi so beautiful" is just plain delusion and retardation at it's best.
Well he isn't ugly, but not very good looking either. Average really. I think this place would be the best to get the most honest rating.

Lookism would rate him too low, r/amiugly rates him too high
So this guy is average, you said back ago that I’m also average. So in your opinion we’re similar in looks. Lol
So this guy is average, you said back ago that I’m also average. So in your opinion we’re similar in looks. Lol

I dont remember rating you, but that may be. But i think there are nuances to average as well. You can have diffrent thing bringing you upwards and downwards, that to some people would place you diffrent on the spectrum. As long as you aren't ugly i'll rate average.

On this guy tho, his front isn't bad but the profile is bringing him down by a lot.
On this guy tho, his front isn't bad but the profile is bringing him down by a lot.
His front is below average
Profile doesn’t matter too much
r/Amiugly users are huge copers. Everyone who posts pics there is sub5, yet nobody gets rated sub5.
because people dootn see 5/10 as average they se 7/10 as average and dot wann hurt theeir feelings
His front is below average
Profile doesn’t matter too much

I disagree, take into account that this pic has major lens distortion and he actully doesn't have a bad front.
I wonder how guys like this can get to mid-twenties and beyond not realizing they have a problem. I mean, DUH MOTHERFUCKER, did you really think you were good looking? Wtf. If I ever post on r/amiugly (as experiment) and someone tells me I'm "very attractive/handsome" I'll curse them and their lying useless asses. Sons of whores.
Legit. Like some fat fuckers will go on there and complain that they can't get laid it's like duh you fat motherfucker you look like a diseased blob idek why they would post that shit on there looking like they do lmfao
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Tbh the guy isn't ugly, just average, but to state that he is "handsome tihi so beautiful" is just plain delusion and retardation at it's best.
Bit below average due to badly recessed chin and no jaw definition. Looks like a twinky weakling most girls wouldn't take him seriously in dating. But "10/10 sweetheart"
Most of the people replying to him are men. lol
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An incel called GL JFL
This guy has severe recession and a below average face (side mostly) and most people on there are telling him he looks great. I don't get it, isn't the site supposed to help people actually find out if they're ugly and need to improve? Lmao such retarded people we have on Earth. I feel so bad for these guys who aren't being given the truth. So sad, he'll be cucked his whole life and not know why.

to be fair he really does not look bad enough to be considered ugly or offputting he just wouldn't be primally attractive to wmyn.
If he was good looking he wouldn't need to post there. So the fact he's posting there already proves the thing he's trying to sweep under the rug
all ratings on sites r a joke. u will only get legit ones if u r posting videos of urself and also speaking
i actually got introduced to incels and psl and everything really through /r/amiugly. My friend who i met over the net for a while told me about it and the he the bro but he showed me amiugly and wed scroll laughing at them like i saw some incredibly ugly motherfuckers on there i even called him orge by instinct cause he was fucking repugnant but as i digress yeah most of them are un-self-aware weak men and attractive people are ignored.

It was shit and boring so i lurked that incel forum and r/braincels then looksmaxxing

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