Race > Face> Height >Frame>Body>Dick is right

"Cranial base" define cranial base for me please so we can have a proper argument.also there is a difference between cacusaoid skulls and negroid skulls and mongoloid skull.
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Interracial Relationships - Somalis + Caribbean And ...

Ur race determines ur skull right? so therefore ur race DETERMINES UR LOOKS.
If race is not first, then why cant asian males attract women?
So them not having flatter faces and having basically no eyelashes is totally not factor due to their skull?

The cranial base is the angle from the top edge of the ear to the edge of your brows to the brow ridge this angle decides your fate.

Anyways raxe isnt as simple as that there is a lot of standard deviation also people of the same face shape looks more similar to each other even if there from a different race.
I'm not coping I'm white
Good looking asian males cannot compete with the average white male.It is impossible.Just because u see JBS thirsting over BTS it doesnt mean anything.They always will GO for WHITE MALES.Asian women dont even date asian men, so if asian men cant even women of their own race then how can they expect to compete with other males? It is simply scientifically impossible.I rest my case.
U have to be trolling right? U can't be SERIOUS.
WHY IS THIS dude struggling in dating?

Please explain this to me.

Typical asian sad crying face. We talk a lot about jaws and stuff,but very important is the face expression.
I've seen chads with sad repulsive expression. And there are ugly guys with a funny , masculine,or mystical(Rasputin effect) expression .
If the feeling send by a face is not right ,then the surgery don't help.
"Cranial base" define cranial base for me please so we can have a proper argument.also there is a difference between cacusaoid skulls and negroid skulls and mongoloid skull.
Race | AZL Home

Also check out this :
Interracial Relationships - Somalis + Caribbean And ...

Ur race determines ur skull right? so therefore ur race DETERMINES UR LOOKS.
If race is not first, then why cant asian males attract women?
So them not having flatter faces and having basically no eyelashes is totally not factor due to their skull?
First of all, we should make a list of advantages and disadvantages of each phenotype.
For examples.
advantages...thick bones(masculine, good teeth),prognathic jaw(masculine).
Disadvantages...rounded features ( neotenic,baby like) ,baby like forehead, recesive hairline .rubber skin texture.

Ps...by the way black skull looks funny.white skull looks scary. Asian skull looks serene.
Largely depends on location. Asians can definitely slay on the west coast of America
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confidence + showering > all

face > coloring unless ur so fucking black or extreme
In real life: Face > Height > Race > Body

Online Dating Apps: Body > Face > Height > Race
  • WTF
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U have to be trolling right? U can't be SERIOUS.
WHY IS THIS dude struggling in dating?

Please explain this to me.

Hes an attention whore tbh
People here have run tinder experiments on him he did fine.
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Replace race with PHENO. A curry with great pheno will cuck a white guy with average pheno. Also, it's way more complex than you think it is, some people have the face that doesn't let you think of height like the weeknd whereas others like tom cruise it does hurt them. Same thing with other factors like frame. All of this really is:
Face > pheno + harmony with other features.
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Dude ur race determines with your looks, ur race determines ur facial features and pretty much ur whole genetics.Thats why the whole JBW pill is so brutal.Ur race determines ur phenotype which determines ur facial features.
Dna determines face, race doesn't.
Penis only matter for her pleasure, nutting feels the same, just fuck her and ghost her, carrying about someone else's pleasure is retarded.
Women would fuck an ugly man with a huge dick
Big dick ugly guy would cuck a small dick chad
But the question is how does the ugly man get her in bed? Dic Pics?
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STOP COPING.Blacks and whites are the only races in the dating market and sometimes Indian males can be in the dating market but it's not there.
Are you like totally forgetting Latinos/Middleeasterns/Pacific Islanders? A lot of them them mog as well but I agree With mainly white,black, and mixed take up 90% of the market. But before you put curry latinos and Middleeasterns should be there
In real life: Face > Height > Race > Body

Online Dating Apps: Body > Face > Height > Race

Body is more important than height its a face multiper your bideltoid length decides your fate
U have to be trolling right? U can't be SERIOUS.
WHY IS THIS dude struggling in dating?

Please explain this to me.

Kevin Kreider looks like shit . His eye area is bad. If you have unattractive eye area, it can ruin your face.




Both are Asian eyes, but you can tell the difference.
Body is more important than height its a face multiper your bideltoid length decides your fate
Not in real life. In real life, I mog the vast majority of short muscular men as a 6 foot 4 guy.
arguably height is most important because u can get picked up by nigger ball association just for being 6'9 or sum shit dont matter if u ugly u get pussy for being. a baller u dig
Not in real life. In real life, I mog the vast majority of short muscular men as a 6 foot 4 guy.
Bro you don't mog shit don't become delusional in south italy we even have a term that makes fun of tall lankets with dumb face like yours
Bro you don't mog shit don't become delusional in south italy we even have a term that makes fun of tall lankets with dumb face like yours
Maybe in Italy, however, where I live, women value tall skinny men like me far more than muscular manlets. But I do remember that when I was in a 5 star all inclusive resort in Mexico nearly 4 years ago, a scottish woman who was around 30 years old commented on the fact that I was very skinny at the time, and that is mostly due to the fact that the men in her family are all very fat (over 20% body fat) but somewhat muscular, so in her culture in Scotland that's how a man is supposed to look like. But where I live, the vast majority of men are skinny or fat with no muscle mass, some are muscular of course but they are more rare, and for young 18-20 year old women where I live, they value height a lot more than muscle mass, though of course they still value muscle mass a lot, but they would rather be with a 6 foot 4 guy like me than a 5 foot 10 muscular guy.

I have found that it's especially the hottest girls who are like that, and in my country, the average woman's height is 5 foot 4, and most of the hot women that I meet are around that height, that is why I mog so many men. But, then again, for girls who are tall (6 feet or taller) I mog all men who are shorter than me, I know because almost every time that I meet such women, they check me out and want me to approach them, that is because even the tallest women want the tallest men.
Maybe in Italy, however, where I live, women value tall skinny men like me far more than muscular manlets. But I do remember that when I was in a 5 star all inclusive resort in Mexico nearly 4 years ago, a scottish woman who was around 30 years old commented on the fact that I was very skinny at the time, and that is mostly due to the fact that the men in her family are all very fat (over 20% body fat) but somewhat muscular, so in her culture in Scotland that's how a man is supposed to look like. But where I live, the vast majority of men are skinny or fat with no muscle mass, some are muscular of course but they are more rare, and for young 18-20 year old women where I live, they value height a lot more than muscle mass, though of course they still value muscle mass a lot, but they would rather be with a 6 foot 4 guy like me than a 5 foot 10 muscular guy.

I have found that it's especially the hottest girls who are like that, and in my country, the average woman's height is 5 foot 4, and most of the hot women that I meet are around that height, that is why I mog so many men. But, then again, for girls who are tall (6 feet or taller) I mog all men who are shorter than me, I know because almost every time that I meet such women, they check me out and want me to approach them, that is because even the tallest women want the tallest men.
Not a word if being tall was better than having good face then you wouldn't be a 22 yo virgin now stop coping you useless subhuman
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Not a word if being tall was better than having good face then you wouldn't be a 22 yo virgin now stop coping you useless subhuman
The only reason why I didn't have success is because I didn't even try, because I was lazy and shy and I don't really have friends that I see often. As a normie, it's impossible to get laid without those things because I'll never get approached, but I can still have some great success by approaching women, especially if I focus on those who already like me. For most of my life I had low self confidence because I had an underbite and I was bullied as a kid. Fear is the only reason why I am a virgin at 22.
The only reason why I didn't have success is because I didn't even try, because I was lazy and shy and I don't really have friends that I see often. As a normie, it's impossible to get laid without those things because I'll never get approached, but I can still have some great success by approaching women, especially if I focus on those who already like me. For most of my life I had low self confidence because I had an underbite and I was bullied as a kid. Fear is the only reason why I am a virgin at 22.
Keep telling yourself that jfl the amount of cope in this
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Keep telling yourself that jfl the amount of cope in this
Tbh, I value women's opinion a lot more than some stranger on the internet who won't even show his face to me.
Tbh, I value women's opinion a lot more than some stranger on the internet who won't even show his face to me.
Women opinions without P in V is cope
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Women opinions without P in V is cope
If this year had been normal, then I could prove it. However, due to the current situation especially since Montreal is in the red zone, there is nothing that I can do until COVID19 goes away or I gymmax enough to have some success on Tinder.
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@rightfulcel @Subhuman trash @Beetlejuice @Squirtoutmabooty @youngmaxxing thoughts?
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@rightfulcel @Subhuman trash @Beetlejuice @Squirtoutmabooty @youngmaxxing thoughts?
big dick is really important but its not as obvious as all the other factors until u get in bed

race matters but ethnics can run niche game, and it seems like zoomer teen girls dont care as much about race as 22+ women
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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If this year had been normal, then I could prove it. However, due to the current situation especially since Montreal is in the red zone, there is nothing that I can do until COVID19 goes away or I gymmax enough to have some success on Tinder.

@rightfulcel @Subhuman trash @Beetlejuice @Squirtoutmabooty @youngmaxxing thoughts?
I’m feeling especially ugly today so I’m gonna say face>>>>>>>>>>>>>height/dick>frame>whatever
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Because they want the clothes to fit a certain way. Ironically you can be too tall to be a model. They want a specific height range of 5'11-6'2 is the industry standard.
Imo you can't just say this is more important than that. To do that, you need to say first that this applies only within a certain frame. No matter how good your face, frame etc. is, if you are 5'2" tall, it's over. The same principle applies to most things. No matter how good everything else is, if your dick is 3 inches long, it's over. And what does race even mean? What cucks @SubhumanCurrycel? His race or his face? He has a good looking face with an ethnic looking nose, so is it his race or his face?
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Imo you can't just say this is more important than that. To do that, you need to say first that this applies only within a certain frame. No matter how good your face, frame etc. is, if you are 5'2" tall, it's over. The same principle applies to most things. No matter how good everything else is, if your dick is 3 inches long, it's over. And what does race even mean? What cucks @SubhumanCurrycel? His race or his face? He has a good looking face with an ethnic looking nose, so is it his race or his face?
No white girl wants an indian guy, so therefore race>face, race determines ur looks as different races have different skulls.
No white girl wants an indian guy, so therefore race>face, race determines ur looks as different races have different skulls.
There is literally so much variation within ethnic groups that this statement is retarded

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