[RageFuel] Don't Wageslave with Foids



Apr 22, 2019
the black dog

Joined Jan 5, 2019 Messages 939
Saturday at 12:59 AM

I used to make good money but due to a series of shitty events I got laid off, injured, depressed, hospitalized, shock therapy, and gradually entered back into society over a span of five years. After failing to find work in my field for years (applied to over 10k jobs), I couldn't deal with the rejection anymore and started applying to wageslave jobs like retail and customer service. I managed to get a receptionist job.

The entire staff is women. Mostly blown out single mothers, psychotic middle aged women who never settled because Chad, a gradually fattening woman who clearly had a ons with tyrone and created a mixed race asian/black who will most likely post to this board in fifteen years if it's still around. She even has Tyrone's name tattooed all over her body.

I'm basically assumed to be either gay, a boy, or incredibly foolish for being the only male receptionist. Whenever I answer the phone I get petty comments like "there's a GUY working the front desk? hyuk hyuk". Sometimes they outright ask for the female receptionists because they think I don't know what I'm doing. A lot of the customers are obese middle aged women or centenarian cunts who look one breath away from death. They are all rude to me. No exception.

From the start, all the foid coworkers went out of their way to make my life hell. Every single day I get called into the office about how I fucked up this or that, which usually are minor infractions or simple mistakes that are easily resolved. None of my foid coworkers address me directly when I do something to piss them off, they immediately escalate, send out public emails to the entire company how I fucked up, anything to make me look bad. Meanwhile, these cunts barely do work and I pick up the slack. I can't take breaks and work constantly for seven-eight hours straight, only getting a 30 minute lunch (which sometimes I can't take because one of the cunts has to pick up her kid or some such shit). I sometimes have to stay two hours later after closing because I have to do the work they refused to do in the morning.

At first I started leaving notes on post-its detailing what needed to be done and explaining I have to leave at my scheduled end of shift. That's when the reporting really ramped up. I have doubts about "the wall", but this one cunt who reports me everyday may be a female mentalcel that hit the wall. Whenever she or any of the other holes get overwhelmed or stressed, they decide to unload on me and say I'm not being a team player (not to my face of course). If they're having a bad day it's guaranteed they'll find any little thing to report me on.

So today the morbidly obese half-breed woman takes me aside and says the usual how "some people" are saying I'm messing up constantly. I tell her I know who's reporting me, I talked to them directly and hope they have the courtesy to directly talk with me if they have any issues. I tell her I feel like I'm being bullied and disrespected. She ignores that statement and takes their side, saying there's much more to this job and if I can't do the basics this job may not work out.

I went from making six figures to 12/hr with no benefits and limited hours. I'm almost 35. It's all downhill from here for this oldcel. I entered a vipers den and nobody has my back. I want to scream in all of their faces. This type of shit will never end for me. I will be constantly bullied until I die because I am a low value male. These women project all their failures with men onto me and I become the whipping boy. I was getting flashes of anger today and had to calm myself down else I would hyperventilate. I know this is tldr, but I had to get it off my chest some way.

I wish I could get a job where I just did the work, I'd be left alone, and make a living wage. I've decided I cannot work with women.
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Vitruvian, BrettyBoy, Hated subhuman and 1 other person
benzos help
  • +1
Reactions: Krezo and pisslord
what about dont wageslave at all?
im not looking forward to work as an small cock incel for doctor shekelstein while chad gets his big fat cock wet everyday and is a youtuber
fuck this
  • +1
Reactions: pisslord
Dint read
  • +1
Reactions: nattycel and pisslord
most oldcels live like this
most oldcels live like this
bruh your gif from your sig, do you have a source

nvm its from indiana jones i thought its porn :feelsuhh:
  • +1
Reactions: Demir
He should go ER tbh
Dint read

not a word
  • +1
Reactions: nattycel and pisslord
Man that sux op. You should definately find a different, easy going job with guys. Today I was at a big tech company in the cafeteria and I could see all the subhumans eating alone and walking without friends while all girls had at least 2 orbiters.
Man that sux op. You should definately find a different, easy going job with guys. Today I was at a big tech company in the cafeteria and I could see all the subhumans eating alone and walking without friends while all girls had at least 2 orbiters.

the black dog

Joined Jan 5, 2019 Messages 939

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