Random Myths off the Top of My Head

Part-Time Chad

Part-Time Chad

Jan 5, 2022
Myth: "Just be confident, brah!"

Reality: This one is as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Confidence is not a choice. It is the result of past success. It happens naturally, once you know you can achieve something. You don't just pull "confidence" out of your ass, when it's based on nothing, and, even worse, when you've repeatedly failed with women and socializing your entire life.
Society needs to grant you permission to be 'confident'. But since you're a failure, you'll be plagued by doubt and disillusionment. These feelings are the natural result of society determining that you're genetically inferior and unworthy of participating in human interactions. Therefore, you've been marginalized, and your DNA has been quarantined to ensure that it doesn't contaminate the gene pool. If that isn't a reason to feel like shit, then you're already dead and don't even know it.

Myth: "Just drink a lot of water to get rid of facial bloat, brah"

Reality: No, dipshit. Drinking a lot of water only flushes out the fluid retention that you're currently holding. But guess what happens once that water is gone? It gets replaced by new fluid retention from the water you just drank. So, you accomplished nothing, apart from looking good for only a few brief moments (between the time after the old fluid retention in your skin is gone, and before it is replaced by the new fluid you just consumed).

Myth: "It takes females 1 to 3 seconds of direct observation to rate your SMV"

Reality: If this were true, most foids would have never survived evolution, and humanity could have died off.
Females know instantaneously whether they want to fuck a man, or run away from him. They know this even without making direct eye contact. They rely on their exceptional peripheral vision, which enables them to gauge the desirability of a man, even if their eyes are pointed 90 degrees away from him. I have personally witnessed foids avoid me (whenever I didn't look good) even when I was behind them (!!). I have no idea how they could possibly have known that I was unattractive, but it's a testament to how acute a female's ugliness detector is.

Myth: "Women will treat you like a human being, if you're polite and don't hit on them"

Reality: Wrong. Women are hardwired to protect their eggs from unattractive men. They consider these men a threat, and are very hostile and discriminatory towards them. Their aversion is so strong that they're uncomfortable even in their vicinity, let alone to interact with them.
Females are a lot like birds (hence the metaphor). Notice how paranoid they become, when you get close to them and make any bodily movements? Get too close, or move too suddenly, and they'll fly away as a safety precaution.
Foids developed these instincts over thousands of years, as a result of being raped and forced to bear unwanted children. This is why they can't have "Platonic" interactions with men-- everything is about sex to them. Filtering everything through the prism of their sexuality is a survival instinct. Based societies in the past understood this and 'oppressed' women by barring them from positions of power. They knew females were weak, emotional creatures, who had a poor sense of justice, and who mistreated and openly discriminated against men based on their appearance. They understood that this would cause instability and social upheaval. Just look at what's been happening in western society since we've granted women rights and allowed them to attain positions of power.

By the way, the only unattractive men that females are not afraid of interacting with are those that fall into these categories:

1) very old men
2) very young men
3) very weak men
4) gay men
5) men in their social circle

Myth: "Women reach their sexual peak in middle age"

Reality: This is third-wave feminist propaganda at its finest.
Now, why on earth would nature make postmenopausal women hornier than young foids in their prime reproductive years? Answer: it didn't. I've even put this theory to the test many times in the real world.
Whenever my face happens to look really good (when it gets chiseled and radiant), it's always the youngest foids (late-teens to mid-20s) that notice me the most, and who are most aggressive in showing interest in me. The middle-aged foids are either too self-absorbed, or their IOIs are very weak and/or vague (and, yes, I am in their age range). If they had a higher sex drive than young foids, wouldn't their behavior reflect this? After all, hungry people eat; thirsty people drink, and horny people fuck. If you act as if your objective in life is not to fuck, it's because you have a low libido (and, NO, it's not because you have self control. Stop flattering yourselves).
Moral of the story? You have been brainwashed your whole life by leftists, who spoon-fed you false information that is the polar opposite of the truth. The fact is, young women are hornier than old ones by far, just like young guys are much hornier than men in their 40s and 50s. Shocker, I know.

Myth: "You need to eat 5-6 small meals a day in order to absorb enough protein as a bodybuilder, because you can only process about 30 grams of protein per meal"

Reality: Now, this is just asinine. It has always been instinctively obvious to me that, if you consume 3 large meals, each containing 800 calories and 90 grams of protein, it's the same as consuming 6 small meals, each containing 400 calories and 30 grams of protein. The only difference is that the body will take 3 times as long to absorb the larger meal. According to this study, it turns out that my instincts were right all along:

Myth: "Just lose weight, brah, and you'll attract female attention"

Reality: In many (though not all) cases, the reason a guy allows himself to gain weight in the first place is because he wasn't attracting female attention! Food is a hell of a cope.

Myth: You'll look younger, if you get rid of wrinkles

Reality: This is a common misconception. Getting rid of wrinkles will only make your face look in better shape, but you'll still look your age. This is because your bone structure determines how old you look, not so much your skin quality. This is why people are able to estimate how old you are from 70 yards away. From that distance, you can't even notice wrinkles. But your general anatomy will tip people off to how old you are. You can't fool nature.

Myth: Just lower your standards, brah!

Reality: This won't help you at all, as there is absolutely no correlation between what a woman looks like and who's she's attracted to. The fact is, even the oldest, ugliest foids want young Chads. It's in their DNA. In fact, I would argue that the more subhuman a foid is, the more hostile her reaction will be toward subhuman males. It's counterintuitive, I know, but that's why so many young guys get deceived by appearances.
If you're gonna hit on any foid at all--and I suggest you don't, as they'll hit on YOU, if they think you're attractive--pick on the ones you're most attracted to. You'll likely receive a less hostile reaction from them than from some subhuman troglodyte.

Myth: Rotting on looksmax.org will turn you into a trucel.

Reality: The reason many of us rot on looksmax.org is because we are already trucels.

(Corollary: we're not incels because we have bad attitudes towards women, we have bad attitudes towards women because we're incels!)
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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High IQ post that is going to be buried by BBC worship posts
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  • JFL
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Anyone else want to chime in? The usual trolls are welcome.
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  • JFL
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High iq post
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they are so fast....
Even I don't know how they pull this off. It takes me a whole 1-2 seconds of direct eye contact to know whether a foid is ugly or hot.
  • So Sad
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Even I don't know how they pull this off. It takes me a whole 1-2 seconds of direct eye contact to know whether a foid is ugly or hot.
we cannot win against women....
kys incel, this isnt an incel forum
we cannot win against women....
You know, I've tried to develop a counterstrategy against foids, who avoid eye contact with me whenever I don't look good.
My strategy is to glance at them, and then quickly look away before they do it to me. By doing this, I am trying to dis them and make them feel like shit. But I found this to be impossible, because they always beat me to the punch. There is simply no way to eyeball a foid and quickly look away from her without her doing it to you much quicker.

I finally realized the reason for this. Avoiding eye contact with foids is an artificial action borne out of bitterness and resentment towards them, not disinterest. You're not hardwired to avoid eye contact with foids. You're hardwired to make eye contact with them, and fuck as many of them as you can get your hands on. But when a foid avoids eye contact with you, it's a natural reaction borne out of genuine fear, revulsion and disgust. That's a big difference. Natural, reflexive instincts are always much quicker than fake ones.
  • Woah
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. But I found this to be impossible, because they always beat me to the punch. There is simply no way to eyeball a foid and quickly look away from her without her doing it to you much quicke
women are the choosers

You're not hardwired to avoid eye contact with foids. You're hardwired to make eye contact with them, and fuck as many of them as you can get your hands on. But when a foid avoids eye contact with you, it's a natural reaction borne out of genuine fear, revulsion and disgust. That's a big difference. Natural, reflexive instincts are always much quicker than fake ones.
female nature is evil....
Myth: "Just be confident, brah!"

Reality: This one is as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Confidence is not a choice. It is the result of past success. It happens naturally, once you know you can achieve something. You don't just pull "confidence" out of your ass, when it's based on nothing, and, even worse, when you've repeatedly failed with women and socializing your entire life.
Society needs to grant you permission to be 'confident'. But since you're a failure, you'll be plagued by doubt and disillusionment. These feelings are the natural result of society determining that you're genetically inferior and unworthy of participating in human interactions. Therefore, you've been marginalized, and your DNA has been quarantined to ensure that it doesn't contaminate the gene pool. If that isn't a reason to feel like shit, then you're already dead and don't even know it.

Myth: "Just drink a lot of water to get rid of facial bloat, brah"

Reality: No, dipshit. Drinking a lot of water only flushes out the fluid retention that you're currently holding. But guess what happens once that water is gone? It gets replaced by new fluid retention from the water you just drank. So, you accomplished nothing, apart from looking good for only a few brief moments (between the time after the old fluid retention in your skin is gone, and before it is replaced by the new fluid you just consumed).

Myth: "It takes females 1 to 3 seconds of direct observation to rate your SMV"

Reality: If this were true, most foids would have never survived evolution, and humanity could have died off.
Females know instantaneously whether they want to fuck a man, or run away from him. They know this even without making direct eye contact. They rely on their exceptional peripheral vision, which enables them to gauge the desirability of a man, even if their eyes are pointed 90 degrees away from him. I have personally witnessed foids avoid me (whenever I didn't look good) even when I was behind them (!!). I have no idea how they could possibly have known that I was unattractive, but it's a testament to how acute a female's ugliness detector is.

Myth: "Women will treat you like a human being, if you're polite and don't hit on them"

Reality: Wrong. Women are hardwired to protect their eggs from unattractive men. They consider these men a threat, and are very hostile and discriminatory towards them. Their aversion is so strong that they're uncomfortable even in their vicinity, let alone to interact with them.
Females are a lot like birds (hence the metaphor). Notice how paranoid they become, when you get close to them and make any bodily movements? Get too close, or move too suddenly, and they'll fly away as a safety precaution.
Foids developed these instincts over thousands of years, as a result of being raped and forced to bear unwanted children. This is why they can't have "Platonic" interactions with men-- everything is about sex to them. Filtering everything through the prism of their sexuality is a survival instinct. Based societies in the past understood this and 'oppressed' women by barring them from positions of power. They knew females were weak, emotional creatures, who had a poor sense of justice, and who mistreated and openly discriminated against men based on their appearance. They understood that this would cause instability and social upheaval. Just look at what's been happening in western society since we've granted women rights and allowed them to attain positions of power.

By the way, the only unattractive men that females are not afraid of interacting with are those that fall into these categories:

1) very old men
2) very young men
3) very weak men
4) gay men
5) men in their social circle

Myth: "Women reach their sexual peak in middle age"

Reality: This is third-wave feminist propaganda at its finest.
Now, why on earth would nature make postmenopausal women hornier than young foids in their prime reproductive years? Answer: it didn't. I've even put this theory to the test many times in the real world.
Whenever my face happens to look really good (when it gets chiseled and radiant), it's always the youngest foids (late-teens to mid-20s) that notice me the most, and who are most aggressive in showing interest in me. The middle-aged foids are either too self-absorbed, or their IOIs are very weak and/or vague (and, yes, I am in their age range). If they had a higher sex drive than young foids, wouldn't their behavior reflect this? After all, hungry people eat; thirsty people drink, and horny people fuck. If you act as if your objective in life is not to fuck, it's because you have a low libido (and, NO, it's not because you have self control. Stop flattering yourselves).
Moral of the story? You have been brainwashed your whole life by leftists, who spoon-fed you false information that is the polar opposite of the truth. The fact is, young women are hornier than old ones by far, just like young guys are much hornier than men in their 40s and 50s. Shocker, I know.

Myth: "You need to eat 5-6 small meals a day in order to absorb enough protein as a bodybuilder, because you can only process about 30 grams of protein per meal"

Reality: Now, this is just asinine. It has always been instinctively obvious to me that, if you consume 3 large meals, each containing 800 calories and 90 grams of protein, it's the same as consuming 6 small meals, each containing 400 calories and 30 grams of protein. The only difference is that the body will take 3 times as long to absorb the larger meal. According to this study, it turns out that my instincts were right all along:

Myth: "Just lose weight, brah, and you'll attract female attention"

Reality: In many (though not all) cases, the reason a guy allows himself to gain weight in the first place is because he wasn't attracting female attention! Food is a hell of a cope.

Myth: You'll look younger, if you get rid of wrinkles

Reality: This is a common misconception. Getting rid of wrinkles will only make your face look in better shape, but you'll still look your age. This is because your bone structure determines how old you look, not so much your skin quality. This is why people are able to estimate how old you are from 70 yards away. From that distance, you can't even notice wrinkles. But your general anatomy will tip people off to how old you are. You can't fool nature.

Myth: Just lower your standards, brah!

Reality: This won't help you at all, as there is absolutely no correlation between what a woman looks like and who's she's attracted to. The fact is, even the oldest, ugliest foids want young Chads. It's in their DNA. In fact, I would argue that the more subhuman a foid is, the more hostile her reaction will be toward subhuman males. It's counterintuitive, I know, but that's why so many young guys get deceived by appearances.
If you're gonna hit on any foid at all--and I suggest you don't, as they'll hit on YOU, if they think you're attractive--pick on the ones you're most attracted to. You'll likely receive a less hostile reaction from them than from some subhuman troglodyte.

Myth: Rotting on looksmax.org will turn you into a trucel.

Reality: The reason many of us rot on looksmax.org is because we are already trucels.

(Corollary: we're not incels because we have bad attitudes towards women, we have bad attitudes towards women because we're incels!)
  • +1
Reactions: atlantean
When you actually make some counterarguments, I'll take your shitpost more seriously.
An insecure man is repulsive. Being confident is a bare minimum. At least acting it. You should know as a “part time chad”
  • +1
Reactions: noodlelover, dna_cel and atlantean
kys incel, this isnt an incel forum
It's a forum for guys, who want to improve their appearance because they can't get laid. Close enough.
good thread, water for people with half a brain but nonetheless good
  • +1
Reactions: Aero and Part-Time Chad
An insecure man is repulsive. Being confident is a bare minimum. At least acting it. You should know as a “part time chad”
What I know as a part-time Chad is this: I am summarily shunned by females whenever my face looks bad (regardless of my behavior), and I am universally admired by females whenever my face looks good (again, regardless of behavior).
What I know as a part-time Chad is this: I am summarily shunned by females whenever my face looks bad (regardless of my behavior), and I am universally admired by females whenever my face looks good (again, regardless of behavior).
If ur a so called chad (which ur not but anyway) ur using the top .5% as an example for indviduals in a forum designed for LOOKSMAXXING

Holy low iq. Idk why such shit threads like this get a tonne of positive reacts nowadays
  • +1
Reactions: atlantean
Amazing thread
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Reactions: Part-Time Chad
Mods sticky this thread ASAP.
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, noodlelover, Aero and 1 other person
If ur a so called chad (which ur not but anyway) ur using the top .5% as an example for indviduals in a forum designed for LOOKSMAXXING

Holy low iq. Idk why such shit threads like this get a tonne of positive reacts nowadays
I never said I was a Chad. I said I'm a part-time Chad. Big difference. If I was a Chad all the time, you're right, I wouldn't be on this forum.

I suffer from a bloating disorder that intermittently causes my face to distend, distort, and discolor throughout the day. Whenever this condition subsides temporarily, I'm either average-looking, or Chad (depending on how foids react towards me, and how I appear in the mirror).
Myth: "Women will treat you like a human being, if you're polite and don't hit on them"

Reality: Wrong. Women are hardwired to protect their eggs from unattractive men. They consider these men a threat, and are very hostile and discriminatory towards them. Their aversion is so strong that they're uncomfortable even in their vicinity, let alone to interact with them.
agree with the rest but this one is bullshit. not all men of the same looks level have the same sex life. my dad is ugly but got to reproduce with a woman better looking than him and i remember him and my mother being very affectionate when i was a small child, i mog my dad to hell and back but can't get anything not even the most garbage looking single mother
agree with the rest but this one is bullshit. not all men of the same looks level have the same sex life. my dad is ugly but got to reproduce with a woman better looking than him and i remember him and my mother being very affectionate when i was a small child, i mog my dad to hell and back but can't get anything not even the most garbage looking single mother
Your dad wasn't subhuman to begin with, or he was in your mom's social circle.
Your dad wasn't subhuman to begin with, or he was in your mom's social circle.
he is definitely subhuman looking so the second one is the answer, he was in her social circle from a young age
  • +1
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read every molecule
  • +1
Reactions: Part-Time Chad
Myth: "It takes females 1 to 3 seconds of direct observation to rate your SMV"

Reality: If this were true, most foids would have never survived evolution, and humanity could have died off.
Females know instantaneously whether they want to fuck a man, or run away from him. They know this even without making direct eye contact. They rely on their exceptional peripheral vision, which enables them to gauge the desirability of a man, even if their eyes are pointed 90 degrees away from him. I have personally witnessed foids avoid me (whenever I didn't look good) even when I was behind them (!!). I have no idea how they could possibly have known that I was unattractive, but it's a testament to how acute a female's ugliness detector is.
I disagree with this tbh
Myth: "Women reach their sexual peak in middle age"

Reality: This is third-wave feminist propaganda at its finest.
Now, why on earth would nature make postmenopausal women hornier than young foids in their prime reproductive years? Answer: it didn't. I've even put this theory to the test many times in the real world.
Whenever my face happens to look really good (when it gets chiseled and radiant), it's always the youngest foids (late-teens to mid-20s) that notice me the most, and who are most aggressive in showing interest in me. The middle-aged foids are either too self-absorbed, or their IOIs are very weak and/or vague (and, yes, I am in their age range). If they had a higher sex drive than young foids, wouldn't their behavior reflect this? After all, hungry people eat; thirsty people drink, and horny people fuck. If you act as if your objective in life is not to fuck, it's because you have a low libido (and, NO, it's not because you have self control. Stop flattering yourselves).
Moral of the story? You have been brainwashed your whole life by leftists, who spoon-fed you false information that is the polar opposite of the truth. The fact is, young women are hornier than old ones by far, just like young guys are much hornier than men in their 40s and 50s. Shocker, I know.

Myth: You'll look younger, if you get rid of wrinkles

Reality: This is a common misconception. Getting rid of wrinkles will only make your face look in better shape, but you'll still look your age. This is because your bone structure determines how old you look, not so much your skin quality. This is why people are able to estimate how old you are from 70 yards away. From that distance, you can't even notice wrinkles. But your general anatomy will tip people off to how old you are. You can't fool nature.
Good Post. 30 Years ago I frequently heard the canard about women peaking sexually at 40, I really have not heard it in years. It think it was a psyop by 40 something women to trick young guys to hook up with them.

You are wrong about wrinkles. People can usually identify the age of someone from 70 yards away because of posture, their bmi and weight distribuition, the way they move, their hair, and their clothes.
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  • +1
Reactions: noodlelover
Good Post. 30 Years ago I frequently heard the canard about women peaking sexually at 40, I really have not heard it in years. It think it was a psyop by 40 something women to trick young guys to hook up with them.

You are wrong about wrinkles. People can usually identify the age of someone from 70 yards away because of posture, their bmi and weight distribuition, the way they move, their hair, and their clothes.
Their general physiognomy and anatomical structure, and everything that would result from those.
Myth: "Just be confident, brah!"

Reality: This one is as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Confidence is not a choice. It is the result of past success. It happens naturally, once you know you can achieve something. You don't just pull "confidence" out of your ass, when it's based on nothing, and, even worse, when you've repeatedly failed with women and socializing your entire life.
Society needs to grant you permission to be 'confident'. But since you're a failure, you'll be plagued by doubt and disillusionment. These feelings are the natural result of society determining that you're genetically inferior and unworthy of participating in human interactions. Therefore, you've been marginalized, and your DNA has been quarantined to ensure that it doesn't contaminate the gene pool. If that isn't a reason to feel like shit, then you're already dead and don't even know it.

Myth: "Just drink a lot of water to get rid of facial bloat, brah"

Reality: No, dipshit. Drinking a lot of water only flushes out the fluid retention that you're currently holding. But guess what happens once that water is gone? It gets replaced by new fluid retention from the water you just drank. So, you accomplished nothing, apart from looking good for only a few brief moments (between the time after the old fluid retention in your skin is gone, and before it is replaced by the new fluid you just consumed).

Myth: "It takes females 1 to 3 seconds of direct observation to rate your SMV"

Reality: If this were true, most foids would have never survived evolution, and humanity could have died off.
Females know instantaneously whether they want to fuck a man, or run away from him. They know this even without making direct eye contact. They rely on their exceptional peripheral vision, which enables them to gauge the desirability of a man, even if their eyes are pointed 90 degrees away from him. I have personally witnessed foids avoid me (whenever I didn't look good) even when I was behind them (!!). I have no idea how they could possibly have known that I was unattractive, but it's a testament to how acute a female's ugliness detector is.

Myth: "Women will treat you like a human being, if you're polite and don't hit on them"

Reality: Wrong. Women are hardwired to protect their eggs from unattractive men. They consider these men a threat, and are very hostile and discriminatory towards them. Their aversion is so strong that they're uncomfortable even in their vicinity, let alone to interact with them.
Females are a lot like birds (hence the metaphor). Notice how paranoid they become, when you get close to them and make any bodily movements? Get too close, or move too suddenly, and they'll fly away as a safety precaution.
Foids developed these instincts over thousands of years, as a result of being raped and forced to bear unwanted children. This is why they can't have "Platonic" interactions with men-- everything is about sex to them. Filtering everything through the prism of their sexuality is a survival instinct. Based societies in the past understood this and 'oppressed' women by barring them from positions of power. They knew females were weak, emotional creatures, who had a poor sense of justice, and who mistreated and openly discriminated against men based on their appearance. They understood that this would cause instability and social upheaval. Just look at what's been happening in western society since we've granted women rights and allowed them to attain positions of power.

By the way, the only unattractive men that females are not afraid of interacting with are those that fall into these categories:

1) very old men
2) very young men
3) very weak men
4) gay men
5) men in their social circle

Myth: "Women reach their sexual peak in middle age"

Reality: This is third-wave feminist propaganda at its finest.
Now, why on earth would nature make postmenopausal women hornier than young foids in their prime reproductive years? Answer: it didn't. I've even put this theory to the test many times in the real world.
Whenever my face happens to look really good (when it gets chiseled and radiant), it's always the youngest foids (late-teens to mid-20s) that notice me the most, and who are most aggressive in showing interest in me. The middle-aged foids are either too self-absorbed, or their IOIs are very weak and/or vague (and, yes, I am in their age range). If they had a higher sex drive than young foids, wouldn't their behavior reflect this? After all, hungry people eat; thirsty people drink, and horny people fuck. If you act as if your objective in life is not to fuck, it's because you have a low libido (and, NO, it's not because you have self control. Stop flattering yourselves).
Moral of the story? You have been brainwashed your whole life by leftists, who spoon-fed you false information that is the polar opposite of the truth. The fact is, young women are hornier than old ones by far, just like young guys are much hornier than men in their 40s and 50s. Shocker, I know.

Myth: "You need to eat 5-6 small meals a day in order to absorb enough protein as a bodybuilder, because you can only process about 30 grams of protein per meal"

Reality: Now, this is just asinine. It has always been instinctively obvious to me that, if you consume 3 large meals, each containing 800 calories and 90 grams of protein, it's the same as consuming 6 small meals, each containing 400 calories and 30 grams of protein. The only difference is that the body will take 3 times as long to absorb the larger meal. According to this study, it turns out that my instincts were right all along:

Myth: "Just lose weight, brah, and you'll attract female attention"

Reality: In many (though not all) cases, the reason a guy allows himself to gain weight in the first place is because he wasn't attracting female attention! Food is a hell of a cope.

Myth: You'll look younger, if you get rid of wrinkles

Reality: This is a common misconception. Getting rid of wrinkles will only make your face look in better shape, but you'll still look your age. This is because your bone structure determines how old you look, not so much your skin quality. This is why people are able to estimate how old you are from 70 yards away. From that distance, you can't even notice wrinkles. But your general anatomy will tip people off to how old you are. You can't fool nature.

Myth: Just lower your standards, brah!

Reality: This won't help you at all, as there is absolutely no correlation between what a woman looks like and who's she's attracted to. The fact is, even the oldest, ugliest foids want young Chads. It's in their DNA. In fact, I would argue that the more subhuman a foid is, the more hostile her reaction will be toward subhuman males. It's counterintuitive, I know, but that's why so many young guys get deceived by appearances.
If you're gonna hit on any foid at all--and I suggest you don't, as they'll hit on YOU, if they think you're attractive--pick on the ones you're most attracted to. You'll likely receive a less hostile reaction from them than from some subhuman troglodyte.

Myth: Rotting on looksmax.org will turn you into a trucel.

Reality: The reason many of us rot on looksmax.org is because we are already trucels.

(Corollary: we're not incels because we have bad attitudes towards women, we have bad attitudes towards women because we're incels!)
so how to debloat
good thread bhai
  • +1
Reactions: Part-Time Chad
Congratulations for disagreeing. You mind elaborating?

Seen it happen irl many tiems

Or another case where some girls in a group find you attractive(even if you might not have top tier smv) and eventually the other girls also start seeing you that way somehow (herd mentality)
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  • +1
Reactions: noodlelover and Part-Time Chad
Myth: "It takes females 1 to 3 seconds of direct observation to rate your SMV"

Reality: If this were true, most foids would have never survived evolution, and humanity could have died off.
Females know instantaneously whether they want to fuck a man, or run away from him. They know this even without making direct eye contact. They rely on their exceptional peripheral vision, which enables them to gauge the desirability of a man, even if their eyes are pointed 90 degrees away from him. I have personally witnessed foids avoid me (whenever I didn't look good) even when I was behind them (!!). I have no idea how they could possibly have known that I was unattractive, but it's a testament to how acute a female's ugliness detector is.
This is so true jfl. I thought I was being schizo although my observation is less extreme than yours.
I've observed that foids only look at a good looking face then decides to further analyse their face, but how do they know a face is good looking without even looking at it? Jfl
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