Random stories of my incel friend group (all 100% true btw)

Thank you @Seth Walsh for giving me inspiration to make this thread, I never realized just how funny and brutal some of this really is because I am surounded by it all the time. Also if my grammar or spelling is shit I'm sorry, english is not my first language.

To preference this and give some context, I have a big friend group irl which consists of a bunch of people a lot of who are incels and redpillers whose lives are absolutely brutal, in this thread I will cover some of them, I will tell you about their lives and the brutal things I have seen happen to them with my own eyes, but also some of it is just funny as fuck jfl so I think you will enjoy it. So with that out of the way, let's begin.

So the first friend I will cover is Pete (fake name ofc). Pete is a sub5 kissless virgin at 22yo, I have known him for the last 15 years of my life. We first met in kindergarten, and even then Pete was very lowNT, he had a tendency to fight other kids and had no friends except me. For years after that he was your stereotipical quiet kid. At the age of 18 Pete decides to go join the police and this is when he fucking lost it lol, having a bit of power for the first time in his life (he was always beta af before) his ego went trough the roof and he became super low Inhib which he never was before (he was always nonNT). He works as a policeman on the border and he almost got into a bunch of trouble in his first few months because he would beat up illegal migrants and pepper spray them for no reason jfl, this dude has some strong conections in the police because of his father so it all got swept under the rug. He started using his police conections to threaten people in our small town, he once threatened my other friend that he would send the police to his house (this guy sells weed as a side hustle) just because he wouldn't go get coffe with him instead of someone else. This dude is also a big Andrew Tate fan, he always talks about how a man should be a man, he is a gymcel (who has legit made almost 0 progress in the 3 years he has been "working out") and he always talks about pimping hoes and stuff like that.

So in out big friend group there is this 16yo HTN dude who slayed some 15yo MTB and she became part of out friend group. On valantines day she bought the HTN dude a bunch of presents and he just ghosted her lmao (CHAD move). Having heard this Pete decided he would be her white knight and took her in his car to the HTN's house, where he decided to yell and jestermax in front of this guy's whole family and home about how he is an asshole for leaving the girl and stuff like that. Ofc the guy and his father chased him off and after this he drove this girl for like 2 hours to her home (she came to our town with a bus). For a few weeks after that he went full SIMP driving this girl around and buying her stuff. She rejected him by saying her father won't let her date him because he is so much older (he was 21 at the time she was 15). So this dude decides to look her dad's police record up and he discovered that this dude has a criminal record for having drugs in the past. Being giga Low Inhib he decides to go to her father's house and he demands that he let's him date his 15yo daughter while threatening him with his police conections. AND THIS GIGACUCK SOY FATHER GIVES AWAY HIS DOUGHTER TO HIM. He legit just let's him have her lmao, he just cucked out. Now after this Pete keeps betabuxing for like 4 months and the girl doesn't even give him a kiss. One day our whole friendgroup is in a full small bar with like 50 people in it and Pete comes in acting like some kind of boss and start's ordering people around because he doesn't like the bar and we should go somewhere else. At this point this actual gymmaxed redpill guy in our friend group starts verbally attacking Pete yeling at him infornt of everyone basically caling him a soy cuck in a normie way, Pete procedes to loose his shit and tries to attack this guy phisicaly but as soon as the confrontation starts Pete legit just cucks out and runs out of the bar, while "his girl" (who legit laughed while he got insulted) and this other fatass dude who only hangs out with Pete because he pays everything for him (he legit has to betabux for his male friends too) follow him. Now this whole thing calms down and we continue out evening when all of a sudden the fattas is calling me. I pick up and he tells me Pete had a huge mental breakdown and I have to come pick him up before he does something stupid. So me and my best friend drive for like 45 minutes to get this dude and when we get there we find him laying on the floor, hands covered in blood and crying. Acording to the fattas he started punching local trees and almost drove his car into the river jfl, so we go and calm him the fuck down. My friend takes Pete's car and drives him home with it while I have to drive this girl and the fatass home now. As I am driving them home I realize the brutal truth, the fatass is cucking Pete and geting with his girlfriend, on the whole way home she didn't even mention Pete or his mental breakdown she just kept laughing at the fatass jestermaxing and huging him calling him "her tedy bear" jfl. Even after all of this Pete keeps betabuxing for this girl for a few more weeks , when she finally let's him off the hook and stops hanging out with him at all.
Even after this experience he is still chasing random JB's and betabuxing all while talking about having hoes, he told me in private he is still a kisless virgin to this day (we are 22yo).

Once when we were together on a vecation in Bosnia (big recomendations for everyone, it's super cheep and the food and towns are lovely) he started doing crazy shit while I was in his car. He would crank up the music to full volume then roll down the window of his car and drive trough the centre of the town. He also keeps yeling at women drivers jfl and calling them whores which almost resaulted in us getting beaten up in the middle of the road by some Bosnians. When ever he saw a gypsie begging for money he would threaten to beat him up with a hammer he keeps in his car. His family is super crazy as well his older sister is a crack whore and his brothers are in the millitary and they always bully him when they see him. His dad is also a super violent guy who was arested multiple times for beating people up, they are all sub5 as a family looks wise. His dad also took his car jfl, Pete bought a used BMW having saved a year for it but his dad told him he needs to give him the car or he will kick him out of the house lol. He moved out from his family once, but the fatass guy scammed him hard because they were suposed to pay the rent 50/50 but this guy didn't pay anything, he is a NEET who just begs for money from Pete and after he found out he was geting cucked by him they don't speak any more.

The second friend I have to mention is the biggest cuck you will ever see in your life, this guy is the epitome of the blackpill in a man. Let's call this guy Brad. First thing you need to know about him is that he is a LTN manlet (163cm, which is something like 5'4 in murican) in a place when the avarage man is 183cm (6') tall. Now the level of simping and cuck behaviour from this guy is on a biblical level. He is a only son who was spoiled by his parents, his dad legit just bought him a new car even tho he himself drives a 15yo toyota and his son doesn't even want to drive it because he is afraid of driving jfl. This guy legit has a friendgroup of like 30 girls (he is going to a 90% female collage) and he got rejected by every single one. He also keeps betabuxing for all these girls, he pays everything for them using his dad's money (who is just a middle class guy who loves his son and tries to give him everyting he didn't have growing up). I was once there when he was talking to a girl at a party and this was the most brutal shit ever, the guy was talking like a normal person for like an hour untill she asked him if he has a gf. At this point the guy went wild saying that he has never had a girlfriend, he started saying how he is pathetic and no girls would ever want to date him, the girl got very unconfortable and just left. The first thing this guy does when he sees me on the street is to tell me how he still doesn't have a girlfriend, how it never began for him and then he usually calls me chad and tells me I should fuck many girls jfl. He has also never had a job in his life because he is apparently afraid of geting hurt while working jfl. He is also best friends with a chadlite 6' tall guy so he is constantly being mogged and has to watch this guy fuck girls every week while he is incel.

The third incel dude is also a manlet just like the first guy, maybe even a bit shorter, but he is MTN facially. This guy has major anger issues which have coused him big problems around people. One time he was talking to the girlfriend of a friend and she told him that she is going to get coffe with some random dude from her collage. He proceeded to tell her that she is a whore and that she should get raped lmao because he belived she would cheat on his friend. Another time a mutual friend made fun of him for having super small feet and he threatened to stab him to death and they almost got into a fight.

I also have a friend who is addicted to League of legends and is NEET because of it, he legit pisses in a bottle because he is to lazy to go to the bathroom, he eats only goyslop food and he is obeese. This guy also loves to create chaos, we went to high school together and once he went to the toiled and because there are 3 toilet bawls he just randomly decided to take a shit next to one, break the second and flood the third with water, he later tried to explain this as some artistic thing (he is fucking retarded), he also used to take a piss on the sponges you use to wash the whiteboard in school, thank God the told me so I never touched it. This dude is unironicaly high IQ af tho he makes good money reselling yu-gi-oh cards and scamming people, he is just giga nonNT. The funny thing is girls (mostly JB's) actually like this guy when they get to know him because he is super funny and chill, but he rejects all of them because he says he doesn't have time for women because of leage of legends lol.

Another guy I know (this guy is just a friend of a friend I didn't hang out with him many times) is a gypsie (worse then being indian in europe) and the shit he pulls is next level. At 16yo he smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day (in the bar we go to he literally has his own private ashtray no one else uses), he is also giga poor coming from a gypsie family so he steals stuff and resells it with his father to earn money. One time he literally went into his old neighbour's back garden and stole all of his wood (which he was going to use to heat himself up over winter) and then resold it to a random dude for like 50% off just becouse he needed the money to go to a football game. Now comes the craziest sorry I know lol, and I heard this from his brother. As we live in the part of the world that had a war fairly recently (Balkans) there are still explosives, mines and other dengerous shit from the war laying around in remote areas. So he, his brother dad and mom were visiting a local nature park that has cool caves you can explore. This dude went climbed a steep hill and saw something metal stuck in the dirt and being the gypsie goblin he is he started digging for it. So when he pulled out the metal thing he realized it was a 60mm mortar round and in a panic he threw it over his head down the fucking hill. His father saw it happen and jumped off the cliff to the other side, fucking up his legs in the proces. By the grace of God the round didn't actually blow, but it was a shitshow. The police had to came along with the bomb diffusion crew and an ambulance for his father. His parents ended up going to court because of him, the experts said that if the round would have gone off it would have killed everyone who was close, including his mother brother and a few other tourists jfl.

I have more of these random stories and crazy people I know, if anyone actually find this interesting at all I might do another thread.
TLDR: tales from the Balkan villages

@ka_cnt @lurking truecel
this is good content

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