Rate me 15, 5"11



Jun 25, 2024
took photos right after i woke up for an honest rating


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  • +1
Reactions: try2beme
High ltb-low mtb
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: watah, curryascenderr, say∅ and 3 others
easily mtn+, above average guy that wouldn't be here if not for autism.

fixing your hair would be a start
  • +1
Reactions: Tallman
easily mtn+, above average guy that wouldn't be here if not for autism.

fixing your hair would be a start
his front is sub human tho,how can you say he woudlnt be here without autism
  • +1
Reactions: Medatlantoid
his front is sub human tho,how can you say he woudlnt be here without autism
you've been online too much, his main failo is his fat nose which isn't that big a deal for guys. other than that its his moe haircut, empty eyes and pedo stache, all of which are non-surgical fixes.

also his side profile is well above average, meaning he probably looks much better in motion.
you've been online too much, his main failo is his fat nose which isn't that big a deal for guys. other than that its his moe haircut, empty eyes and pedo stache, all of which are non-surgical fixes.

also his side profile is well above average, meaning he probably looks much better in motion.
he has the most brutal eye shape/spacing known to man,wide nose very short and recessed chin,protruding upper lip this is a guinuine subhuman and only front really matters irl, even 3/4 means way more then side profile and haiving a decent side does not make your front good,i dont even underrate,but hes true sub 5
  • +1
Reactions: Zherko
he has the most brutal eye shape/spacing known to man,
what's that shape? you mad he has eyebrows like your idol?
wide nose very short and recessed chin,protruding upper lip this is a guinuine subhuman and only front really matters irl, even 3/4 means way more then side profile and haiving a decent side does not make your front good,i dont even underrate,but hes true sub 5
you just puked some hot garbage there my g. he isn't close to subhuman and we both know that. good luck trying to shit on internet randoms.
what's that shape? you mad he has eyebrows like your idol?

you just puked some hot garbage there my g. he isn't close to subhuman and we both know that. good luck trying to shit on internet randoms.
even ramirez at 48 after 30 years of gosloy has less thinned out eyebrows then this guy lol,also i wasnt talking about eyerows thats cope his eye shape (eye area nigga) is bottom 10 percent
are you open to hardmaxxes?
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
fix the eye area boyo the rest is solid
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Reactions: Sixxstar
he has the most brutal eye shape/spacing known to man,wide nose very short and recessed chin,protruding upper lip this is a guinuine subhuman and only front really matters irl, even 3/4 means way more then side profile and haiving a decent side does not make your front good,i dont even underrate,but hes true sub 5
recessed chin because of overbite, just like o pry :lul:
recessed chin because of overbite, just like o pry :lul:
This guy was actually recessed like chin too,overbite with a normal chin isn’t a big Failo
base mtn, you can try debloating, grooming ur eyebrows and thickening them, get a better haircut / take care of it and groom ur moustache

also get rid of that gay ass polyester hoodie
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
I can't fucking believe people rated this guy mtn
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
I can't fucking believe people rated this guy mtn
like so much looksmaxxing to do, first of all curry is failo, bad eyebrows, big nose, receding jawline, god knows what the hairline looks like, shave your hair and mustache its called a struggling beard its actually legit a failo, 5'11 isnt enough, and you guys rate this guy MTN?

Holy cope
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Reactions: Sixxstar
he just woke up, i'd assume he looks better when going to school and going out
Yeah he could be bloated that's true, I can look fucked up too if Im bloated asf and then really good if I sleep right, drink, no sodium take cold showers etc

But still people rating this MTN?
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
Yeah he could be bloated that's true, I can look fucked up too if Im bloated asf and then really good if I sleep right, drink, no sodium take cold showers etc

But still people rating this MTN?
i can see the appeal, hes 15 aswell so its not like he can look like prime drago considering hes basically still in early puberty, he looks like an alright chap that can definitely atleast make it to mid mtn by doing a few things
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
i can see the appeal, hes 15 aswell so its not like he can look like prime drago considering hes basically still in early puberty, he looks like an alright chap that can definitely atleast make it to mid mtn by doing a few things
This forum has to be some kind of troll, if he's mtn im johnny depp

15 isnt really an excuse i dont know what kind of change you expect him to get from 15 to 18, with all due respect not insulting him btw
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
This forum has to be some kind of troll, if he's mtn im johnny depp

15 isnt really an excuse i dont know what kind of change you expect him to get from 15 to 18, with all due respect not insulting him btw
you can think what you want bhai, but he still has a while before hes out of puberty, if he locks in he will make it
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
you can think what you want bhai, but he still has a while before hes out of puberty, if he locks in he will make it
Thats why i asked you what changes do you expect him to go through from 15-18 that will ascend him

youre the one making puberty an excuse so I wanna know how it is
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
first of all curry is failo
Im half white 😭 unfortunately my brother got the white genetics and bright green eyes not even glazing hes low htn without even trying it might be over for me :forcedsmile:
Im half white 😭 unfortunately my brother got the white genetics and bright green eyes not even glazing hes low htn without even trying it might be over for me :forcedsmile:
Do you have an overbite (misaligned teeth) or do you reckon it's a recessed jaw

because if it's an overbite you have good news, if it's a bone-related jaw recession, bad news
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
Thats why i asked you what changes do you expect him to go through from 15-18 that will ascend him

youre the one making puberty an excuse so I wanna know how it is
bhai its not an excuse, he still has a babyface and is still growing, for example if you think his height is bad i was 5'9 at 15 and 6'1 at 17, youre the one coping saying its over for him even though it just started
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
bhai its not an excuse, he still has a babyface and is still growing, for example if you think his height is bad i was 5'9 at 15 and 6'1 at 17, youre the one coping saying its over for him even though it just started
Most people finish growing at 16, meaning he is, if anything, unlikely to grow more, but that's just height not his face.

I didnt say its over for him dont put words in my mouth faggot I said what will puberty do to his face, nothing. You tell me what it will do but I just gave you the answer
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Reactions: Sixxstar

Is this a bald spot btw or just thin hair?
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Reactions: Sixxstar
Most people finish growing at 16, meaning he is, if anything, unlikely to grow more, but that's just height not his face.

I didnt say its over for him dont put words in my mouth faggot I said what will puberty do to his face, nothing. You tell me what it will do but I just gave you the answer
dont you start acting up and get mad boyo, i assume that you are above 12 and can control your emotions

yeah maybe you didnt say it but it sure seems like youre implying it, and there isnt really anything he can do except max out his nutrition and overall health, is he going to be chad? no, is he going to atleast look better and more masculine in a few years? yes
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
you've been online too much, his main failo is his fat nose which isn't that big a deal for guys. other than that its his moe haircut, empty eyes and pedo stache, all of which are non-surgical fixes.

also his side profile is well above average, meaning he probably looks much better in motion
how are his eyes fixable without surgery
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar
dont you start acting up and get mad boyo, i assume that you are above 12 and can control your emotions

yeah maybe you didnt say it but it sure seems like youre implying it, and there isnt really anything he can do except max out his nutrition and overall health, is he going to be chad? no, is he going to atleast look better and more masculine in a few years? yes
youre the one telling yourself that im angry, if anyone is angry its you since youre being condescending.

With that being said, Puberty wont change his eyebrows/jaw/hair and isnt guaranteed to change his height, let me just men stop growing in height at 16
  • +1
Reactions: Sixxstar

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