Rate me - 22M/173cm. How do I fix my face? Is it over?



Oct 4, 2023
Been on self improvement since January when I was a repulsive, fat ugly fuck. I was like 30% body fat, no jawline, no muscle anywhere, shit skin, shitty straight flat goofy ahh haircut. Granted, I accept I'm quite average looking but I want to try and optimise what I'm doing so I end up getting the best results possible on my looksmaxxing journey. This is me atm:

SmartSelect 20231025 144742 Gallery

Snapchat 240664908

Snapchat 180201229

I'm around 16-17% body fat now after losing 30lbs of fat, currently in the middle of a long bulk which is the likely cause of my jaw etc not being as defined as it could be. I think my biggest insecurities in my face atm are my entire eye area and narrow lips - I've recently started volufiline for my under eye area and nasolabial folds so hopefully some growth comes from that over the next few months. Unsure what to do about everything else, surgeries ideally I'd like to avoid.

Are there any pros about my face at all? What's the main thing I should be working on? Constructive criticism appreciated.

If you're curious, this was me last year:
SmartSelect 20220723 001656 Messenger
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  • JFL
Reactions: It'snotover, normie_joe, Krakowski and 3 others
w transformation
  • +1
Reactions: Beastchodecode, Ryldoo IS COPING, halfbloodaryanmaxxe and 1 other person
Damn bru staring into my soul, good transformation tho
  • +1
Reactions: Beastchodecode, Deleted member 29167, hardestmfintheroom and 1 other person
And that's one of the better pics during my lard era :trepidation:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Beastchodecode, LooksThinker, Deleted member 29167 and 1 other person
Lose more fat and debloat, If you want to go surgery route i would get rhino. Also maybe try and squint a bit more i know its a meme but you need it
should i pretty boy maxx given i have soft features?
I think you need to develop your physique. Not ogre tier but enough to look fit and to remove the rest of your face fat
Idk how to do it but you should try to get more forward growth on ur jaw youd literally shoot up like 2 points psl wise
Idk how to do it but you should try to get more forward growth on ur jaw youd literally shoot up like 2 points psl wise
i think thats mewing that does thst not sure
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29167
Broccoli hair

I have an unrelated question. Does your anytime fitness gym membership work anywhere? I recognize that logo jfl.
what diseases do you have?
Been on self improvement since January when I was a repulsive, fat ugly fuck. I was like 30% body fat, no jawline, no muscle anywhere, shit skin, shitty straight flat goofy ahh haircut. Granted, I accept I'm quite average looking but I want to try and optimise what I'm doing so I end up getting the best results possible on my looksmaxxing journey. This is me atm:

View attachment 2511453
View attachment 2511454
View attachment 2511459

I'm around 16-17% body fat now after losing 30lbs of fat, currently in the middle of a long bulk which is the likely cause of my jaw etc not being as defined as it could be. I think my biggest insecurities in my face atm are my entire eye area and narrow lips - I've recently started volufiline for my under eye area and nasolabial folds so hopefully some growth comes from that over the next few months. Unsure what to do about everything else, surgeries ideally I'd like to avoid.

Are there any pros about my face at all? What's the main thing I should be working on? Constructive criticism appreciated.

If you're curious, this was me last year:
View attachment 2511488
wow nice transformation
what diseases do you have?
possibly chronic low test tbh i always had a pathetically low amount of muscle before starting the gym, i started the year not being able to bench press an empty barbell (i can bench 110lbs for 10 reps now) even tho i was an obese fuck and should have fat guy strength but for every calorie i ate over the years not a single one went towards muscle, just fat in my belly neck and face. would also explain the soft features

also prey eyes disease bc of my width to height ratio unless i squint/eyelid pull
  • +1
Reactions: smashingdirty6s
possibly chronic low test tbh i always had a pathetically low amount of muscle before starting the gym, i started the year not being able to bench press an empty barbell (i can bench 110lbs for 10 reps now) even tho i was an obese fuck and should have fat guy strength but for every calorie i ate over the years not a single one went towards muscle, just fat in my belly neck and face. would also explain the soft features

also prey eyes disease bc of my width to height ratio unless i squint/eyelid pull
did your eyes become more prey like from losing weight since the skin isn’t as tight/stretched out from the fat?
I go by your own rating standards (for your rate)

if someone that looks like you posted on ratings you would give him LTN
By my standards he is below LTN, I am noticeably better looking.
@Akhi people can be subhuman aesthetically with ascencion potential, it's an objective rate. Truecel is when it's over and you can’t ascend.
  • JFL
Reactions: Akhi
@Akhi people can be subhuman aesthetically with ascencion potential, it's an objective rate. Truecel is when it's over and you can’t ascend.
those are your own arbitrary definitions

hes a greycel and most people will be offended if you call them a subhuman (imo even more than truecel)

nothing objective about it
those are your own arbitrary definitions

hes a greycel and most people will be offended if you call them a subhuman (imo even more than truecel)

nothing objective about it
Semantics. He is below the below average rating put whichever term you'd like. He has potential to improve so it's not over.
Semantics. He is below the below average rating put whichever term you'd like. He has potential to improve so it's not over.
he is by YOUR standard bro

by mine he is below average but not actually deformed tier
he is by YOUR standard bro

by mine he is below average but not actually deformed tier
Point is my face and his face are one tier apart so somewhere along your lines you have rated incorrectly since you put both faces in the LTN bracket.
Point is my face and his face are one tier apart so somewhere along your lines you have rated incorrectly since you put both faces in the LTN bracket.
jfl are you the rating police? should I apologize now or what do you expect

again, I voted you by your standard and him by my own
  • +1
Reactions: It'snotover
again, I voted you by your standard and him by my own
What does this imply exactly? That you overrate one notch?
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Reactions: SonOfDarkseid and Deleted member 29167
Cutecel(in West) and chadlite in india
Been on self improvement since January when I was a repulsive, fat ugly fuck. I was like 30% body fat, no jawline, no muscle anywhere, shit skin, shitty straight flat goofy ahh haircut. Granted, I accept I'm quite average looking but I want to try and optimise what I'm doing so I end up getting the best results possible on my looksmaxxing journey. This is me atm:

View attachment 2511453
View attachment 2511454
View attachment 2511459

I'm around 16-17% body fat now after losing 30lbs of fat, currently in the middle of a long bulk which is the likely cause of my jaw etc not being as defined as it could be. I think my biggest insecurities in my face atm are my entire eye area and narrow lips - I've recently started volufiline for my under eye area and nasolabial folds so hopefully some growth comes from that over the next few months. Unsure what to do about everything else, surgeries ideally I'd like to avoid.

Are there any pros about my face at all? What's the main thing I should be working on? Constructive criticism appreciated.

If you're curious, this was me last year:
View attachment 2511488
For the front profile can you take a picture of you with your back camera standing 5ft+ away, the one you posted has bad lens distortion
I'm not really.
you think you are an ‚objective‘ rater and that you‘re not biased whatsoever when I could tell you several instances where you rate based on your own preconceived fallacies
For the same reason I get nonstop PMs from people wanting ratings; I understand looks.
you are a harsh rater, the harsher you rate and the more edgy you are the more people will call you a ‚good rater‘ and ask for your advice


because people want to get high rates by people who rate harshly, it means they‘re genuinely gl and its not a gaslight, but you‘re still not objective because you overrate people you like

anyways, have you learned about the scientific method and ontology in uni? If you had you would cringe at yourself claiming you can be unbiased and ‚objective.‘ Even more so as PSL by its nature is extremely arbitrary. And you also won‘t know by anectodes because you don‘t go outside.
  • +1
Reactions: It'snotover, SonOfDarkseid and Deleted member 29167
you think you are an ‚objective‘ rater and that you‘re not biased whatsoever when I could tell you several instances where you rate based on your own preconceived fallacies
Then tell me.
you are a harsh rater, the harsher you rate and the more edgy you are the more people will call you a ‚good rater‘ and ask for your advice
I'm not harsh at all. Most people on PSL have such an incredibly warped worldview where they only interact with rotter incels and therefore believe that's what the average person looks like when in fact the average person looks better.
because people want to get high rates by people who rate harshly, it means they‘re genuinely gl and its not a gaslight, but you‘re still not objective because you overrate people you like
People want to get rates by people who rate realistically because they know those ratings are the most reliable.
anyways, have you learned about the scientific method and ontology in uni? If you had you would cringe at yourself claiming you can be unbiased and ‚objective.‘ Even more so as PSL by its nature is extremely arbitrary.
I haven't studied ontology, summarize it for me.
And you also won‘t know by anectodes because you don‘t go outside.
I go outside daily.
I don't think u know what a cutecel is
tbh everyone irl says i look alot younger than 22, most say i look like 16/17 and i certainly notice i get treated like it as well and i'm not taken as seriously when it comes to certain things

wonder if a stubble/thicker eyebrows/drop fade would increase my psl or would it look goofy af
Bro, normally you should not looksmax at that height because it's useless tbh, and you probably won't get great results. Looksmax only if you plan to get LL in a year or two. Not tryin to discourage you but 173 is extremely short. Even hardmaxxing won't save you.
Bro, normally you should not looksmax at that height because it's useless tbh, and you probably won't get great results. Looksmax only if you plan to get LL in a year or two. Not tryin to discourage you but 173 is extremely short. Even hardmaxxing won't save you.
Broski you can never ever lose with no height if you're white with the whole Aryan A10 package
  • +1
Reactions: Nick.Harte
Broski you can never ever lose with no height if you're white with the whole Aryan A10 package
most short foids can't tell the difference between 5'8 and 5'11 anyway tbh plus i fraud it slightly in certain shoes
  • +1
Reactions: Beastchodecode
Bro, normally you should not looksmax at that height because it's useless tbh, and you probably won't get great results. Looksmax only if you plan to get LL in a year or two. Not tryin to discourage you but 173 is extremely short. Even hardmaxxing won't save you.
My 173cm HTN friend gets attention so face is king.
  • +1
Reactions: Nick.Harte and Blackgooner
Then tell me.
you rate aspiringmogger mtn - do you actually think hes an average guy? he is not. Sometimes you rate someone LTN thats one tier above you just because he has a short medial canthus or some bullshit

you are heavily biased and overrate the importance of upper third because this is where youre ‚good base‘ is

Most people here overrate features theyre good in (im guilty of that myself) and youre not different, do some self-reflection and you‘ll see that im right

Anyways, I genuinely think not being recessed and having a jaw and chin is much more important than having an above average eye area, you actually think a girl would prefer someone like you (decent eyes, bones recessed) over a properly dimorphic male (decent jaw and zygos but average eyes) ? nope

eye area is very important in pics and can be a halo irl but an average eye area is fine for attraction, girls look more for angularity and harmony

cavill is the most thirsted over male right now (by all age groups) yet his eye area is in the average range, his bones are what make him a chad
I'm not harsh at all. Most people on PSL have such an incredibly warped worldview where they only interact with rotter incels and therefore believe that's what the average person looks like when in fact the average person looks better.
you are

most people on PSL have an incredibly warped worldview yes but its the other way around, people here look at gl guys all day and think thats what represents the reality when the average zoomer would be voted LTN by most

you think a normie that spends most of his time socializing would rate as harsh as you? never ever

if youre as smart as you think its beyond me how you can not see this

then theres the fact that you probably heavily overrate people you see IRL, most people look better IRL and you cant pinpoint flaws like on a pic or video

Next time you see a mogger take a pic of him, you‘ll see how he looks much worse in a pic than in motion (2d vs 3d, distortion etc)

Then theres the fact that scandis on this forum often have a superiority complex about how gl they are as an ethnicity, from my anectodes on tinder and spending time in stockholm and copenhagen the average guy doesnt mog at all and people look better on average where im from (the girls are rly hot tho because they have ideal coloring for females while the guys have shitty pale and sickly coloring)
People want to get rates by people who rate realistically because they know those ratings are the most reliable.
you aren‘t realistic at all tho, see my points above
I haven't studied ontology, summarize it for me.
tbh it was the wrong term, what I meant is epistomology

basically humans are heavily influenced by biases due to their upbringing, environment, teachings, knowledge, culture etc.

you‘d have to make a very sophisticated study to rate someone ‚objectively‘

its a fallacy tho because attraction can‘t be objective because there are too many differing preferences
I go outside daily.
i didn‘t mean literally going outside

I mean socializing with your peers, going to events and so on

i‘ve spent my youth and early twenties mostly being outside doing just that, so I know what works and what types of guys girls tend to find attractive (where I live)
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Reactions: It'snotover and SonOfDarkseid

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