Rate me - 22M/173cm. How do I fix my face? Is it over?

you rate aspiringmogger mtn - do you actually think hes an average guy? he is not. Sometimes you rate someone LTN thats one tier above you just because he has a short medial canthus or some bullshit
Say one person I rated LTN that was ONE tier above me.
you are heavily biased and overrate the importance of upper third because this is where youre ‚good base‘ is
No, upper third projection hardcaps your aesthetic potential (especially surgically) so that's why I put a lot of weight on it. You can be attractive with a recessed upper third but you will never be reach the upper echelons of attractiveness. For example the backbone as to why Henry Cavills face is allowed to be as forward grown as it is, is thanks to his upper third allowing the jaw and nose to extend while harmonizing with the facial convexity. If his upper third was recessed he couldn't have that jaw and forward growth, all facial forward growth is fundamentally dependant on, and reiterate back to the upper third which is dependant on your cephalic index, skull height, and cranial index.
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Henry Cavill and his greek god side profile. : r/LadyBoners
Brachy falio png

Jaw is easily fixable, it's either bimax or implants, midface is more difficult requiring lefort and implants, and upper third is basically monobloc if you want to advance it. Basically the further up the face you move, the harder it becomes to move it forward hence why upper third hardcaps aesthetic potential the most.
Most people here overrate features theyre good in (im guilty of that myself) and youre not different, do some self-reflection and you‘ll see that im right
Anyways, I genuinely think not being recessed and having a jaw and chin is much more important than having an above average eye area, you actually think a girl would prefer someone like you (decent eyes, bones recessed) over a properly dimorphic male (decent jaw and zygos but average eyes) ? nope
I think there's a discrepancy since I rate for looks not for appeal but yes girls generally prefer good jaw bad eyes over the opposite as it is. However good eyes bad jaw has an easier time to ascend. Also my zygos are fine.
eye area is very important in pics and can be a halo irl but an average eye area is fine for attraction, girls look more for angularity and harmony
Yes, I am well aware of it.
cavill is the most thirsted over male right now (by all age groups) yet his eye area is in the average range, his bones are what make him a chad
And the backbone of his bones is the frontal bone don't forget that.
most people on PSL have an incredibly warped worldview yes but its the other way around, people here look at gl guys all day and think thats what represents the reality when the average zoomer would be voted LTN by most
I disagree, no point for either of us to prove eachother wrong on this so not gonna argue about this point. I think most guys see other incels and think that's the normie.
you think a normie that spends most of his time socializing would rate as harsh as you? never ever
Midwits are notorious for overrating tbh, they don't know anything about faces and all their knowledge comes back to skin, bodyfat, hair/beard, and now canthal tilt.

if youre as smart as you think its beyond me how you can not see this
Midwits overrate because they lack knowledge. Why would I agree with midwit takes.
then theres the fact that you probably heavily overrate people you see IRL, most people look better IRL and you cant pinpoint flaws like on a pic or video
I don't heavily overrate people I see irl, some do though. Although generally most people lose looks on a camera because of how the camera interprets faces.
Next time you see a mogger take a pic of him, you‘ll see how he looks much worse in a pic than in motion (2d vs 3d, distortion etc)
Cameras are less accurate than our eyeballs at perceiving visual imagery.
Then theres the fact that scandis on this forum often have a superiority complex about how gl they are as an ethnicity, from my anectodes on tinder and spending time in stockholm and copenhagen the average guy doesnt mog at all and people look better on average where im from (the girls are rly hot tho because they have ideal coloring for females while the guys have shitty pale and sickly coloring)
Most of Europe generally looks the same, although the average guys in Stockholm are extremely softmaxxed with NT high appeal style.
you‘d have to make a very sophisticated study to rate someone ‚objectively‘
I just cba to write down each feature I broke down and how I calculate it together but it happens in my head.
I mean socializing with your peers, going to events and so on
Yeah I go out and it's quite boring. Sometimes I get IOIs or approaches and it just reinforces how badly the average girl comprehends looks if they're approaching me bc I am not attractive at all so they're blind or coping.
i‘ve spent my youth and early twenties mostly being outside doing just that, so I know what works and what types of guys girls tend to find attractive (where I live)
What guys do girls find attractive? Tall HTN gymcels? Old money prettyboys? Funny charismatic chubby guys? It's water girls can't rate properly and just take something kinda good.
Any eye area tips? Feel like thats one of my biggest failos tbh it's alot better here than it used to be but could still improve
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Been on self improvement since January when I was a repulsive, fat ugly fuck. I was like 30% body fat, no jawline, no muscle anywhere, shit skin, shitty straight flat goofy ahh haircut. Granted, I accept I'm quite average looking but I want to try and optimise what I'm doing so I end up getting the best results possible on my looksmaxxing journey. This is me atm:

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I'm around 16-17% body fat now after losing 30lbs of fat, currently in the middle of a long bulk which is the likely cause of my jaw etc not being as defined as it could be. I think my biggest insecurities in my face atm are my entire eye area and narrow lips - I've recently started volufiline for my under eye area and nasolabial folds so hopefully some growth comes from that over the next few months. Unsure what to do about everything else, surgeries ideally I'd like to avoid.

Are there any pros about my face at all? What's the main thing I should be working on? Constructive criticism appreciated.

If you're curious, this was me last year:
View attachment 2511488
Been on self improvement since January when I was a repulsive, fat ugly fuck. I was like 30% body fat, no jawline, no muscle anywhere, shit skin, shitty straight flat goofy ahh haircut. Granted, I accept I'm quite average looking but I want to try and optimise what I'm doing so I end up getting the best results possible on my looksmaxxing journey. This is me atm:

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I'm around 16-17% body fat now after losing 30lbs of fat, currently in the middle of a long bulk which is the likely cause of my jaw etc not being as defined as it could be. I think my biggest insecurities in my face atm are my entire eye area and narrow lips - I've recently started volufiline for my under eye area and nasolabial folds so hopefully some growth comes from that over the next few months. Unsure what to do about everything else, surgeries ideally I'd like to avoid.

Are there any pros about my face at all? What's the main thing I should be working on? Constructive criticism appreciated.

If you're curious, this was me last year:
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advice i can give you is skincare and rhino. Your nose is overly bulbous a tip reduction would give it a more slim and refined appearence you look slightly recessed so if your serious about looking better maybe consider a bimaxx but its nothing bad
Good improvement. Above average now.

Lower third, shit jaw width. And your eyes area (and nose also slightly), cuck your rating and looks appeal.
Softmaxxing wise. Maybe with heavy stubble, you can fraud a bit better jaw width.
To really fix these 3 flaws, I only see surgeries as a way to do that
Been on self improvement since January when I was a repulsive, fat ugly fuck. I was like 30% body fat, no jawline, no muscle anywhere, shit skin, shitty straight flat goofy ahh haircut. Granted, I accept I'm quite average looking but I want to try and optimise what I'm doing so I end up getting the best results possible on my looksmaxxing journey. This is me atm:

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View attachment 2511459

I'm around 16-17% body fat now after losing 30lbs of fat, currently in the middle of a long bulk which is the likely cause of my jaw etc not being as defined as it could be. I think my biggest insecurities in my face atm are my entire eye area and narrow lips - I've recently started volufiline for my under eye area and nasolabial folds so hopefully some growth comes from that over the next few months. Unsure what to do about everything else, surgeries ideally I'd like to avoid.

Are there any pros about my face at all? What's the main thing I should be working on? Constructive criticism appreciated.

If you're curious, this was me last year:
View attachment 2511488

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