rate me, 27 years old male

Dude you’re actually fucking pathetic then. Just pick up the rope

I think this is the saddest shit I’ve seen on this site, I lifemog you and I’m over a decade older than you, get off this site and go talk to people instead of rotting here you’re a full grown man
you're fucking older than me, you
how the fuck do u get my girls then me when u said ur a virgin and have only had online gfs
online girls still count, also fix your grammar retard, your neurocognitive development is almost as recessed as your maxilla
you're fucking older than me, you

online girls still count, also fix your grammar retard, your neurocognitive development is almost as recessed as your maxilla
Wait whoops I meant YOUR over a decade older than me, and online girls don’t count retard, have you ever touched them??? You haven’t lost your virginity so it doesn’t matter
soft max is basically doing everything you can do to look better and looksmax with out getting surgery. hard maxing is getting surgery and fillers and shit
soft max is cope then, only way to ascend is through surgery, drugs, horomones, and bonesmashing
Dude you’re actually fucking pathetic then. Just pick up the rope

I think this is the saddest shit I’ve seen on this site, I lifemog you and I’m over a decade older than you, get off this site and go talk to people instead of rotting here you’re a full grown man
exactly bro i’m 17 and i’ve lived a 10 time better life then this guy .
you're fucking older than me, you

online girls still count, also fix your grammar retard, your neurocognitive development is almost as recessed as your maxilla
wtf are u talking about 😭😭

how the fuck does online girls count u fucking retard ur talking to girls threw a screen

i’m 17 and i have a higher body count then u ,now that’s embarrassing

but bro in all honestly get off this forum and interact w real ppl

bros really nearly 30 talkin about some recessed maxilla
Wait whoops I meant YOUR over a decade older than me, and online girls don’t count retard, have you ever touched them??? You haven’t lost your virginity so it doesn’t matter
I've touched them in vrchat, I have full body tracking with a full body haptic suit
  • JFL
Reactions: jflsnowdzz
soft max is cope then, only way to ascend is through surgery, drugs, horomones, and bonesmashing
i agree about 70% that’s right but some soft maxes are mandatory such as leanmax, hygiene and shit
holy squintmax dude:lul:
exactly bro i’m 17 and i’ve lived a 10 time better life then this guy .

wtf are u talking about 😭😭

how the fuck does online girls count u fucking retard ur talking to girls threw a screen

i’m 17 and i have a higher body count then u ,now that’s embarrassing

but bro in all honestly get off this forum and interact w real ppl

bros really nearly 30 talkin about some recessed maxilla
i am interacting with real people, you guys aren't ai and shit
also my life is definitely 100x better than yours, I have so many reddit gfs (polyamory relationships)
i am interacting with real people, you guys aren't ai and shit
also my life is definitely 100x better than yours, I have so many reddit gfs (polyamory relationships)
lmao this isn’t real
lmao this isn’t real
you wish I wasn't real, I feel bad for you, you have to compete with me for females, at this point just rope bro, you're ethnic and a faggot who gets no pussy, you're so down bad that you would fuck you granny tits mom
finally someone notices, do I ascend with squinting, hows my eye area, I've been eyelid pulling for 2+ years
idk dude but it was really noticable imo


  • dennis.gif
    1.4 MB · Views: 0
Thats not cope what he said, Dipshit.
LTN, and the first picture at most Low-MTN, not higher than that.
I'm AT LEAST low high tier normie
thanks bro, I needed that to tie your mom up with
View attachment 3091905
I'm not even gonna bother with a comeback, god fucked you up enough already, I just hope you find peace and prosperity one day and that life even though will not be nearly as good as you dreamt it would, will still be good enough for you
TheFuk leave me alone faggotcel lmao
you're the one who said you were hot, then don't back it up, again who's the faggot?? LMFAO???


  • niro.gif
    1.3 MB · Views: 0
  • JFL
Reactions: PARISIEN
you're the one who said you were hot, then don't back it up, again who's the faggot?? LMFAO???
:forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: U have so much energy, yo I’m a random on a random forum, don’t take thing that personal
Ok then, fair enough.
If you are Low HTN, I am in the high-Chadlite category.
Give him a point for personality he’s funny
  • +1
Reactions: got.daim
I'm not even gonna bother with a comeback, god fucked you up enough already, I just hope you find peace and prosperity one day and that life even though will not be nearly as good as you dreamt it would, will still be good enough for you
sounds like ur projecting, I'm doing just fine lol, take a moment to work on your own life instead of projecting it onto others, go get yourself some bitches dirty curry


  • tyson.gif
    1.9 MB · Views: 0
sounds like ur projecting, I'm doing just fine lol, take a moment to work on your own life instead of projecting it onto others, go get yourself some bitches dirty curry
Hope you find peace brother
Give him a point for personality he’s funny
I mean, he can most definitely get a Girl, thats not his problem.
But most people here overRate themselves.
I know it is good to be Fond of yourself, but people need to stay grounded with 2 feet on the soil,
and stay realistic
I mean, he can most definitely get a Girl, thats not his problem.
But most people here overRate themselves.
I know it is good to be Fond of yourself, but people need to stay grounded with 2 feet on the soil,
and stay realistic
He’s a normie
He’s a normie
Yes, but .org and other lookism video´s fried my Brain.
Before I was involved in the Blackpill rabithole in summer 2022, I would have rated this guy Normie as well.
I can be too harsh on both myself, and others.
Im aware of this.
Yes, but .org and other lookism video´s fried my Brain.
Before I was involved in the Blackpill rabithole in summer 2022, I would have rated this guy Normie as well.
I can be too harsh on both myself, and others.
Im aware of this.
Nah beautiful people are really rare ,
Low T Redditor:lul:
I have more testosterone in my penis than your entire ancestral tree
Then why is your jaw recessed and round? And your face is fat. YOU ARE A LOW T LOW DIMORPHISM REDDITOR. I mog you to death just rope already nigga. You have about the lowest T looking bitchass face I have ever seen
Then why is your jaw recessed and round? And your face is fat. YOU ARE A LOW T LOW DIMORPHISM REDDITOR. I mog you to death just rope already nigga. You have about the lowest T looking bitchass face I have ever seen
send face
also, catch a glimpse of the graph, I fall under VERY MASCULINE, STOP COPING YOU FUCKER
  • JFL
Reactions: whiteislandpill
you look like you commentate esports

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